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Recent content by František

  1. František

    [Czechia] Phonecall with Ethiopia

    From the headquarters of the foreign ministry's home office in Prague, Tomas Luidicek Czechia's recently appointed foreign minister would through a secure line of communication contact his Ethiopian counterpart Workneh Gebeyehu. "Mr. Gebeyehu, my name is Tomas Luidicek, Czechia's Foreign...
  2. František

    [Czechia] Phonecall to Sweden

    From the foreign ministry's headquarters in Prague, Tomas Luidicek would place a call to his Swedish counterpart foreign minister Wallström via a secured and encrypted line of communication. "Hello, I am calling you in order to discuss the possibility of cordinating an economic boycott of...
  3. František

    1995 Rugby World Cup

    The Republic of Czechia would announce its refusal to participate in The Rugby World Cup and would request that all nations with a conscience boycott the Rugby World Cup especially those on the continent of Africa in protest against South Africa's policies of racial discrimination...
  4. František

    [Czechia] Phonecall to South Africa

    A copy of recent legislation recently enacted by The Parliament of Czechia would be sent to various offices and entity's affiliated with Government of South Africa especially the country's foreign ministry CZ01: Status of Relations with South Africa Act @Owen
  5. František

    [Czechia] Phonecall to South Africa

    With the call having reached a rather sudden and uneventful end, Tomas Luidicek would hang up accordingly.
  6. František

    [Czechia] Phonecall to South Africa

    "Mr. Botha, I'm calling you on behalf of my country's government in order to announce our decision to break off diplomatic relations with The Republic of South Africa in firm opposition to the current administration's stringent adherence to the unjust and discriminatory policy of Apartheid which...
  7. František

    [Czechia] Phonecall to South Africa

    From his office in Prague, the 57 year old native of Silesia turned foreign minister of Czechia named Tomas Luidicek would contact via an encrypted and secured line of communication his counterpart in South Africa, Pik Botha with whom it was his intention to discuss diplomatic bilateral...
  8. František


    To whom are you refering to, this Sumit? Is he an actual mountain, if so he must be high as a kite.
  9. František


    Thanks, I'll try to keep that in mind.
  10. František

    [MN]: Czech Republic Registration

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>REQUESTED COUNTRY</td><td>Czech Republic</td></tr><tr><td>GOVERNMENT NAME</td><td>The Republic of Czechia</td></tr><tr><td>TAX RATE</td><td>$100</td></tr><tr><td>RUNNING COSTS</td><td>Ministry of Regional Development: 10% Ministry of Environment: 5% Ministry...
  11. František


    Hello, my name is Frantisek! I guess you could say I had a bit of time to kill so I figured I'd give this a go. Regardless, I'm looking forward to my experience here and with that in mind hope for the best.