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Recent content by IrgunRevisionist

  1. IrgunRevisionist

    The Herald News

    This morning all flags throughout Salisbury were placed at half staff as the prime minister was laid to rest in state. Parliament has agreed to dissolve itself temporarily to hold new elections for seats, a prime minister, and a president. The Armed Forces are preparing to avenge his death by...
  2. IrgunRevisionist

    The Herald News

    This morning prime minister Kawari boarded an Air Rhodesia flight to a base not from the border with Mozambique only for the plain to be struck by an terrorist stinger missile killing everyone on board including the prime minister himself. Zimbabwe Rhodesia is currently in a state of mourning.
  3. IrgunRevisionist

    [MN]: Twitter

    Stanley Kawari Due to visit the troops on the border with Mozambique before they go off to kill some Terrs in the bush soon @Stanley Kawari
  4. IrgunRevisionist

    The Herald News

    This morning in Salisbury five bombs were detonated in the business district of the city as well as a local police station nearby killing 57 people and wounding 200. The Prime Minister released a statement saying that his thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. The...
  5. IrgunRevisionist

    Rhodesia Message to Nigeria

    "Fair Enough, I will see to it that such a way is found. My governments plan is to combat terrorism on our border with Mozambique and flush them out."
  6. IrgunRevisionist

    Zimbabwe Rhodesia message to ISAF

    Encrypted and Encoded From - The Foreign Office of Zimbabwe Rhodesia To - The ISAF The Republic of Zimbabwe Rhodesia hereby requests membership within The Independent States Allied Forces and therefore aknowledges the legitimacy of its founding principles seeking to abide by them in good faith...
  7. IrgunRevisionist

    The Herald News

    This morning Her Majesty's colours were taken down from the flag staff of the house of parliament in Salisbury as Zimbabwe Rhodesia finally proclaimed herself a republic. The National Anthem has ceased to be "God Save the Queen" and the former prefix of 'Royal' is hereby rendered null and void...
  8. IrgunRevisionist

    [Japan] Yomiuri Group

    Zimbabwe Rhodesia would recognize Japan's decision to revert back to its governance as an absolute monarchy and a great power.
  9. IrgunRevisionist

    [MN] Major Heatwave in The Netherlands

    As you wish. The people of Zimbabwe Rhodesia currently enjoy a fairly pleasant lifestyle including in their shops and such.
  10. IrgunRevisionist

    [Portugal] Message to Rhodesia

    "So....I see. Well, seeing as its going to be a while before the market corrects itself as it should why not. Parliament is currently in the process of finding the necessary time for such things. We recently voted to proclaim ourselves a republic however we might remain apart of the commonwealth."
  11. IrgunRevisionist

    Rhodesia Message to Nigeria

    "My country will contribute the following to exports to Nigeria: - Tobacco - Mangoes - Tea and Coffee - Copper - Diamonds - Asbestos Zimbabwe Rhodesia is commited to liberal democracy and habours no such desire to support let alone recognize the new regime of South Africa even if said regime...
  12. IrgunRevisionist

    [MN] Major Heatwave in The Netherlands

    Though we have little in the way of resources to send Zimbabwe Rhodesia is willing to fly in a shipment of Castle Lager, Tobacco, Mangoes, and Antelope biltong along with six containers packed with water.
  13. IrgunRevisionist

    Rhodesia Abandons Monarchism opting for a Republic

    Two days ago the people of Rhodesia flocked to the polling stations to determine the fate of their country and whether or not said country would maintain the constitutional continuity as embodied by the reigning monarch or opt for a parliamentary republic. This morning came with great...
  14. IrgunRevisionist

    The Herald News

    This morning the last polling stations closed throughout the entirety of Zimbabwe Rhodesia with 53% of the nation supporting the proclaimation of a constitutional republic as opposed to 47% advocating for the continued existence of the monarchy in Zimbabwe Rhodesia. Parliament shall meet...
  15. IrgunRevisionist

    [MN] Riots in Portugal

    The Zimbabwe Rhodesian Embassy in Lisbon has been placed on high alert due to the nature of the current political climate. Guards have been authorized to use live ammunition to prevent a breach of the embassy gates. If situations do not improve within a week the embassy will reluctantly close...