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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Operation Angel

Private and Encrypted

The objective of this operation is to fully support the Interim Government of Zimbabwe, by deploying a variety of forces raging from military to logistic to emergency services, in order to stabilise and develop the Capital Region and provide better living conditions. Its primary objective would be the deployment of forces in order to create a logistical route to deploy humanitarian aid and supplies. The Spanish deployment will work in conjunction with members of the UZACOM.

It could then be expanded to include much of the territory of Zimbabwe supporting their forces in stabilising the nation. This operation is temporary and the Spanish Ministry of Defence does not plan to deploy permanent forces in the region.

Current Deployment List (Will be prone to changes as the operation continues)

Spanish Air Force
[2] C-5B Galaxy
--First C-5B Galaxy (payload 115,254 lb)

---[73] Spanish Army Personnel & Equipment
---[36] Master pallets 463L (Food, Water, Medicine, Construction Materials)
--Second C-5B Galaxy (payload 70,445 lb)
---[350] Spanish Army Personnel & Equipment

Currently being deployed to Zimbabwe
SAS Castilla (Galicia-class landing platform dock)
Armament: 4 Sippican Hycor SRBOC MK36 launchers and 2 × Oerlikon Contraves 20 mm (0.79 in) cannon
Cargo: Supplies for the Spanish Troops already stationed in Zimbabwe
Aircraft: 4 x Sikorsky SH-3G Sea Kings with its avionics and systems alongside 2× Mk 46/44 anti-submarine torpedoes and Various sonobuoys and pyrotechnic devices each

SAS Santa María ( Santa María -class landing platform dock)
Armament: 1 × single-arm Mk 13 Missile Launcher with a 40-round magazine that can handle SM-1MR anti-air/ship missiles and Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 2 × triple Mark 32 ASW torpedo tubes with Mark 46 Mod5 anti-submarine torpedoes, 1 × OTO Melara 76 mm/62 caliber naval gun and 1 × 20 mm Meroka 12 barrel AA system
Cargo: Supplies for it self and crew, alongside ammunition.
SAS Patiño (Patiño-class replenishment oiler)
Armament: 2 × Oerlikon 20 mm cannon and 2 × Izar FABA Systems Meroka 20 mm close-in weapon system
Cargo: Supplies, Fuel and Provisions for the entire Fleet, alongside ammunition
Aircraft: 2 x Sikorsky SH-3G Sea Kings with its avionics and systems alongside 2× Mk 46/44 anti-submarine torpedoes and Various sonobuoys and pyrotechnic devices each

2x Class-Catalina Del Mar Container Ship
Cargo: Food and Water in Type-11 ton Containers

1x Class-Izar Argia
Pre-Ploted Plants and Seeds

Currently Stationed in Zimbabwe, Harare Airport
[423] Spanish Army Personnel & Equipment along with supplies and a Operating Base

Operational Details

Both C-5B Galaxies will be tasked with the constant inflow of food, water, medicine and construction materials towards Zimbabwe. In future additional supplies will be brought to Zimbabwe via cargo ships being built by the Kingdom of Spain towards the Mozambique coast, and transported via helicopters stationed in Zimbabwe, towards the main Harare Airport, facilitating the constant supply chain being created by the Kingdom of Spain Armed Forces.
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


The two C-5B Galaxy would start to be loaded with troops and the needed supplies for their journey into Zimbabwe in their Air Base, they would also be fully fuelled and crewed, they would have to make sure that they had all they needed to make a safe journey to their destination, without passing over Zaire Airspace due to the current fallout in relations between the Kingdom of Spain and this nation, meaning they would have to go through the following route, IM>JL>JK>JJ>JI>KH. However before they had departed, a encrypted and private message would be forwarded towards the Provisional Zimbabwe Government ( J.Hyde ), requesting details about the Harare Airport and if they had enough accommodation to land these two planes.
Meanwhile the Spanish troops would have with them a simple load out, as it was not a active combat zone, and their task was mostly for peacekeeping for now, unless in future it would deemed necessary a stronger loadout. Most of them would have the following load out Heckler & Koch USP, Heckler & Koch G36E, 2x Instalaza Alhambra-DO hand granades, 2x Flash bangs granades. Some Troops would not have the G36E, this would mean 20 would use the Heckler & Koch MG4, 10 would use the Rheinmetall MG3 and 5 would use the Accuracy International AW50/AW308.
They would wait for the Zimbabwe answer before leaving their Air Base.


Jul 31, 2020

A message is sent in response informing the Spanish that Mugabe International was an airport with a 15,500 ft runway made of asphalt. As such, it possesses more than enough space for a C-5 Galaxy to both land and take off. In addition, Spain would be informed that the airport was currently being staffed by Argentinian military personnel, and that there was plenty of open space surrounding the airport that would be suitable for them to establish a base of operations for the purpose of quartering their soldiers separately from the other nation's detachments, and stockpiling any equipment that they would have flown in.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


With the message from Zimbabwe received by the Ministry of Defense, the operation was given the confirmation to commence. As such with all preparations done, and the aforementioned route prepared, the C-5B would lift off from their Air Base, with spacing between them and enough time to both be in the air together in a few seconds. The crew would make sure the plane was prepared and all was fine for the long journey ahead. They would give the confirmation to the tower that both planes were ready to leave the Kingdom of Spain airspace and fly towards the Harare Airport in Zimbabwe, the journey would take around 6h to make, so the crew would settle in for the journey, while the troops would get a debrief about what they were doing and how they were doing it.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


The soldiers would be receiving another round of debriefing about the objectives in the operation, their first job would be to set up a small space near the Airport for their equipment, supplies and accommodations, after that they would have to receive further information from the UZACOM regarding their next objective. The C-5B Galaxies would start to approach the Zimbabwe Airspace, the pilots would know that it was Argentina ( Naio90 ) securing the Harare Airport, as such they would open communications with the tower of the airport, detailing their arrival and requesting permission to land in the airport, by clealy saying their Nation of Origing, branch of Armed Forces and that they were part of the UZACOM defense force, which was being deployied.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
(24 Hour Rule)


Both C-5B would land separately on the runway, given time between each other to land with any issues, they would park the planes near a hangar, or far enough away from the runway to allow other planes to land without problems. After they had stopped, the Spanish troops would exit the planes, unloading their supplies, equipment and the supplies destined to the Harare Population. The C-5B would be refuelled fully to make their journey back in a few hours. They would set up a small base camp near the Airport Fire Station, securing the area first before moving in supplies. They would know that the Argentine Forces had already secured the airport, they would however make sure there were no hostiles in the area. After this, they would begin constructing the small camp, using their supplies and construction materials. Making accommodations to sleep, areas to store equipment and supplies, a small scale FOB with only the crucial needs. Confirmation would be given to the Zimbabwe Provisional Government ( J.Hyde ) that the Spanish Forces had arrived in the Airport.


Jul 31, 2020

Acknowledgement of the confirmation sent by the Spanish Contingent would be made with the following electronic message:

"Thank you for informing us of your arrival. At the present time, the chairman, Trevor Hawkins, is currently unavailable due to him being in Holland to consult with The Global Assembly. As such, the individual in charge of PEC functions in his absence will be Tapiwa Mhlanga, Chief of Administrative Affairs. If you wish to speak to him, or his colleagues, you can find the PEC's office situated within the conference room in the administrative wing of the main airport building."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


With the information given by the electronic message, which was in it self odd for the Commander in charge, he would make his way with two other troops towards the administrative wing of the airport to meet with Mr. Mhlanga, to discuss the next step for the Spanish Forces. Meanwhile the Base Camp was almost done, only a few more hours and it would be complete so that the Troops could rest for a while before continuing with their mission. Most of them could then take time to learn the land around the airport to get a general idea of the terrain for this they would form eight squads of eight troops to scout these areas, they would always have their combat equipment, and would always walk around armed encase hostile forces would attack the Airport. It would be long for the Spanish Forces to get a general idea of the area around them. So far no contact from the Argentines would be noticed, as such the Spanish Force would keep to themselfs for now.


Jul 31, 2020

Upon arriving in the administrative wing, a bespectacled black man approached them, hand outstretched in greeting.


"Welcome to Zimbabwe, Commander," He said warmly. "I apologise for The Council's absence. The chairman is lobbying for support in The Global Assembly, and the bishops and Mr. Matachaba are working in the local community. The bishops can appeal to the Methodist and Catholic sectors of the capital, while Mr. Matchaba is keeping his ear to the ground. As a former ZANU fighter, he has friends that know things."

The chief then turned towards the conference room he was occupying and made his way inside, where his colleagues in legal and financial affairs were working.

"Please, come, make yourselves at home."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you, I'm the Main Commander of the current Spanish Forces in your nations, I've come to inform you about the decision taken by the provisional government regarding your objectives, hopefully they already informed you. Our objective is the supply Zimbabwe with Food and Water. For this, the Kingdom of Spain will sent forth two Cargo Ships filled with these needs, alongside an escort of ship. They will have to park near the Mozambique Coast, in international waters. We will use our navy helicopters to transport the containers over to the airport. What do you think of this plan? I believe it to be the best course of action for our forces, this would supply you with 8 days worth of food, with the current national plan. I believe that two cargo ships now, and after 4 days another two, and then another two will be sufficient until your Officials can start to sustain themselves via another way."



Jul 31, 2020

"Are you certain that your helicopters will be capable of reaching Harare from the Mozambican coast?" Tapiwa remarked. "Zimbabwe is situated in the centre of southern Africa, so the distances involved from flying directly from the coast to the capital will be immense. I trust you have the fuel stocks necessary to ensure operations occur without mishap? There is also a secondary issue of bringing in supplies of radishes, cress, spring onions, carrots, and beans. Under the direction of the chairman, we have identified the specific cultivars of seeds that are suitable for Zimbabwe's climate and terrain. I have drafted a list stating the relevant seeds of each vegetable type that will have the highest chance of surviving in the Zimbabwean environment."

The bureaucrat retrieved the list and passed it to the Spaniard for reference.

"Some reserved space to bring in seeds for the mass planting of food crops would be most appreciated. Since, the sooner we can establish secure food production here, the sooner we can permit your ships to return to other duties."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Sorry I didn't mean Harare, my apologies. I meant near the border, in Mutare, where our helicopters could reach. However they could get better range if there were tankers available to refuel them, so they could make their journey to Harare safely. For the plant I believe our Reefers could transport them easily and without harming them. We could bring pre planted corps which would decrease the self-sustaining timeline, and bring more seeds from Spain with these to be planted in succession. What do you think?"


In the Harare Airport, the two Spanish C-5B Galaxy would return home after being fully re-fueled, and this time they would have no cargo, meaning their journey could be safely made back to their Airbase in Madrid, they would follow the same route backwards, KH>JI>JJ>JK>JL>IM without entering Zaire Airspace. In the Rota Naval Base , preparations would start to prepare a small fleet, to bring supplies to Zimbabwe. The Military would commandeer two Class-Catalina Del Mar Container Ship and one Class-Izar Argia Reefer. The Catalinas would be loaded with 11 ton Containers, the smallest available, they would be loaded with various types of food, especially non perishables, both Cargo Ships would be able to feed Zimbabwe for 2 weeks with rationing. Meanwhile the Izar would be loaded with pre-planted corps of radishes, cress, spring onions, carrots, and beans and respecting seeds to be sent to Zimbabwe, the reefer would be prepared to transport this valuable cargo safely and without harm.

For military escorts there would be the SAS Castilla and SAS Santa María alongside a support vessel the SAS Patiño. It would be a small force, meant only for logistic support and small protection. The Operation Details would be updated with these deployments.

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Jul 31, 2020

"Pre-potted plants that have already partially grown are welcome. We are mindful of the limited cargo space, which is why seeds were suggested first. You can carry more seeds in sacks than you can trays of plants, but whatever you can bring to Zimbabwe will be accepted with open arms." Tapiwa responded. "As for Mutare. That is, at the moment, unknown territory that hasn't been explored since the government collapsed. It would be necessary, as a matter of caution, to secure it militarily before it is used as a checkpoint for helicopter-borne shipments. How soon would you be able to coordinate with GAPFOR to secure the area?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

SAS Santa Maria sailing

With everything prepared on the cargo ships, they would start their journey, first they would exit the Rota Naval Base and head towards Spanish Territorial Waters where they would wait for SAS Castilla which would carry on their deck 4 Sikorsky SH-3G Sea Kings with its avionics and systems alongside 2× Mk 46/44 anti-submarine torpedoes and Various sonobuoys and pyrotechnic devices each, however instead of vehicles or troops, they would carry in their cargo more supplies for the Spanish Troops already stationed in Zimbabwe, the ship would be armed with 4 x Sippican Hycor SRBOC MK36 launchers and 2 × Oerlikon Contraves 20 mm (0.79 in) cannon. SAS Santa María which was frigate would only carry provisions, supplies for its crew-members and ammunition for it self it would be armed with 1 × single-arm Mk 13 Missile Launcher with a 40-round magazine that can handle SM-1MR anti-air/ship missiles and Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 2 × triple Mark 32 ASW torpedo tubes with Mark 46 Mod5 anti-submarine torpedoes, 1 × OTO Melara 76 mm/62 caliber naval gun and 1 × 20 mm Meroka 12 barrel AA system, it would not carry a helicopters. The support vessel SAS Patiño would also carry 2 x Sikorsky SH-3G Sea Kings with the same avionics and armaments, avionics and systems as the ones in the SAS Castilla, the ship itself would be armed with 2 × Oerlikon 20 mm cannon and 2 × Izar FABA Systems Meroka 20 mm close-in weapon system, alongside fuel and supplies for all ships in this small force. The Zimbabwe Provisional Government would be informed of this help. This was mostly a humanitarian aid force, as such they would only activate their radars and sonars to detect possible threats, but they would not arm their weapons unless necessary. They would follow the route towards international waters near Mozambique IM>JM>KM>KL>KK>LK>LJ>LI>LH>KH, they would always keep in international waters, but when deemed impossible they would fly with the Host nation Flag on their Ship to show they were not a threat according to international norms. Once they had reached the Suez Cannal, they would traversed the canal, safely, if by any case they would came across another nation ship they would communicate with the ship and detail their intention of safe and unarmed passage. They would move in a double line formation, meaning the SAS Castilla and SAS Santa Maria would be in front, and the Cargo ships and the cargo ships on the middle and the SAS Patiño would be behind. Meanwhilethe C-5B Galxies would arrive in their air-base in Spain and wait further orders, they would have landed safely and would have begun maitenence drill to ensure they were ready for a future deployment.

"I've already got information that 3 Cargo Ships have left the Kingdom of Spain towards your nation to provide you with food, seeds and pre-ploted plants, which you have informed us. I believe that this will be extremly important to sustain your population, at least the one in the Capital."

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Jul 31, 2020

"Of course, Since Harare is a dense population centre, there's no natural resources available to supply itself. So, until government influence has expanded past the capital's borders, importation of foodstuffs is required." The bureaucrat mused. "Regardless, your subordinates will be able to work with our newly trained police constables. They have been trained to a military standard, but won't be so heavily armed, for obvious reasons, but if push comes to shove, they can fight like any other soldier, if need be."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Ships would have finally arrived to their destination, staying still, remaining in the same formation as before just outside of the Mozambique Territorial waters, preparations would start on the Deck of the landing platform dock alongside the support ship, to have their helicopters carry the containers from the Cargo Ships over to Harare. This however would have to be thought thoroughly, the helicopters did have the range necessary to reach the Harare Airport, refuel and return to the SAS Castilla, each could easily carry one container. However the Spanish Command was reluctant in doing this, as there was still the threat of hostiles shooting the helicopters from the sky. They would have to think hard on this issue for the next hour, detailing possible plans and the safest routes to take. Especially with the Irish pull out of Zimbabwe.

After a short while, it was decided that the best course of action was to firstly send two unarmed Sea Kings to scout the most direct route towards the Airport, their current armament was next to useless in land, even if it was still possible to drop torpedos on land it was deemed a waste of resources, they would be assigned the following route which would be around 510 km; Square: KH. As Such they would prepare the crew and the helicopters for their journey, being fully fuelled and crewed, two would lift from the SAS Castilla, and hover for a bit above it to check that everything was working correctly, after the initial checkups were done, they would move towards their designated route, flying side by side, keeping a cautious eye on the ground, if they saw or sensed any possible hostilities they would turn back.



Jul 31, 2020

As luck would have it, the route chosen by the Sea Kings showed no sign of any hostile activity. Throughout the entirety of their journey from Zimbabwe's border with Mozambique, to the capital, Harare, there was no sign of anyone that could be considered a threat to the Spanish pilots. The settlements that they did fly over contained many Zimbabweans, who looked up at the sky, and even waved at the helicopters passing overhead, but did nothing more. As a result, they were able to complete their journey of flying from the Indian Ocean to Harare without any incidents of particular note, hostile or otherwise.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
After the scouting was done, it was deemed that the route was safe to traverse for now, the two helicopters would land in the Harare Airport, and the Spanish Personnel there would welcome their colleagues, they would refuel the helicopters fully, as they were to not stay there, after a few minutes they would fly up again from the Airport, and move towards the same route they had taken before over to the Spanish Small Fleet.

Meanwhile the go ahead was given in the Ships, all of the 4 x Sikorsky SH-3G Sea Kings would be unarmed on the SAS Castille would be able to pick one container each, from the cargo vessels, they would make sure it was safe to lift up with the cargo and carry it over safely to Harare Airport, after it was deemed safe, they would all do so and move towards the same route as the previous two had done, which they would pass each other midway. Upon arriving at the airport they would safely deploy the containers on the Spanish side to be distributed to the population and the provisional government. They would do this route until all containers were brought over to Harare, refueling either in the Airport or the Landing Dock to make their journeys safely, it was made sure that there was plenty of fuel for the operation to be successful. The Spanish Commander would inform the current head of the Provisional Government that food, water and plants were ready to be picked up by Zimbabwe and delivered, the Spanish Personnel on the ground was also ready to help in distributing this aid.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
After delivering the containers with food,water and other aid and the helicopters returning to the ship, the Spanish Forces in the nation would be informed that the Nation had fallen into anarchy and no real or any semblance of a governmental structure was in place. As such they would be removed from the nation via the same routes and ways as they had arrived previously, the fleet that was sent with the humanitarian aid would also return home via the same route and way as they had arrived before hand, they would make sure everything was on board before leaving. This would be marking the end of the Spanish Military presence in the nation and the region for the time being. After all forces and equipment had arrived in Spain, the operation even if incomplete was deemed a success in essence, it had served as the first Overseas deployment of the Spanish Military, and also its first real deployment of any kind, it had given the state and its forces a invaluable experience in a real conflict scenario, especially in the case of logistics.

Operation Terminated.

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