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[Ukraine] Message to China


Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the President of the People's Republic of China: Jiang Zemin

It is with great joy that I announce that Ukraine is once again firmly in the hand of the proletariat revolution. As such we look forward to good relations with our brothers and sisters in China, and we most eagerly hope to negotiate a treaty and perhaps an arms deal with your great nation to further both of our causes. The 1980s and early 90s have been hard on Communism internationally, and have been hard on Ukraine internally, as we reorganize our government and our security forces, we must seek the friendship of like minded nations. As such, we would propose a meeting be arranged either in Kyiv or Beijing between our two governments to formalize relations and begin the process of working closely with one another.



Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019
Encrypted and Classified


People's Republic of China


To: Premier Symenenko

From: President Jiang

Subject: Diplomatic

Dear Premier Symenenko ,

I am glad to receive your contact. I must congratulate yourself and your loyal citizens in successfully bringing a return to communism to Ukraine, especially so quickly after the collapse of the USSR.

You are indeed right about the challenges facing communism; the world, particularly the West, has not been so accepting of our ideology. The struggle against capitalism and right-wing thinkers will likely continue far into the future. Thought of this only further highlights the need of our states to cooperate and form a strong relationship. In order to assist Ukraine and your struggle, I offer China's full support.

I would like to invite you to Beijing at your earliest convenience to formally establish this strong relationship between two like-minded states.


President Jiang of the People's Republic of China



Jul 1, 2018
Encrypted and Encoded

From the Office of the Premier of Ukraine: Petro Symenenko
To the President of the People's Republic of China: Jiang Zemin

We are honored to have the support of China, and we are eager to cooperate and form a strong relationship between our the Ukraine and China. I would be honored to travel to Beijing immediately to establish the opening contacts in the formation of a strong relationship to support Communism and fight reactionaries. I will travel with a small delegation, and I trust security to be provided by your state.

Premier Petro Symenenko and a small delegation from the Foreign Affairs Office would depart from Kyiv on a Private Chartered flight for Beijing, China. As they approached Chinese Air Space they would notify Chinese Air Traffic Control of their cargo and their flight paths. Requesting permission to land in Beijing as directed.



Republic of Indonesia
Jun 27, 2019
Encrypted and Classified


People's Republic of China


To: Premier Symenenko

From: President Jiang

Subject: Diplomatic

Dear Premier Symenenko ,

Wonderful. It is without a doubt that we will provide the necessary security. I shall see you in person shortly.

President Jiang of the People's Republic of China

Teams of people would immediately start preparing for the Premier's arrival. Given the average flight time from Kyiv to Beijing, there was at least 10 until the Premier arrived at Beijing International Airport.
Air Traffic Control would already be briefed to allow the plane within Chinese airspace and granted permission to land. Unless already in the air, all commercial flights between now and the arrival of the Premier would be delayed until the Premier was on the ground.
The airport would be swept for any security breaches, and security would regularly patrol; with only those authorized being able to be in the airport.
A few hours after the President was notified that the Premier had entered Chinese airspace, he would make his way to the airport with a police escort to great him and his delegation upon their arrival.
CCTV reporters where permitted to photograph the event, though not permitted to publish the story until after. For security purposes, the meeting was not publicised nor was any other media outlets were made aware.



Jul 1, 2018
As the Ukrainian Aircraft landed at Beijing International, the Premier would remain seated until the aircraft taxied to its halt. Upon halting he and his small delegation would prepare to depart the aircraft, the staircase would be lowered down, and with briefcases and paperwork in hand, Premier Petro Symenenko and his delegation would depart their aircraft and prepare to be greeted by the Chinese President.


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