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Current Year: 2004

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Administrator: Jamie
Administrator: Hollie

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Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.

Moderator: Connor
Moderator: Odinson
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Pale Orchid

GA Member
Mar 22, 2024
Howdy! I'm Pale Orchid, She/Her, 25 now. I saw this place on google, and I really love the nation of Congo Kinshasa. I'm excited to potentially bring an alternate universe that remains incredibly grounded and realistic, but is more idealistic as well. I'd love to focus on creating a booming economy for the DRC!

Nice to meet everyone!


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Hey, Pale Orchid

First, welcome to MN! I can't convey how delighted I am to see such an enthusiastic role player like you partake and contribute to our community! We are a haven for all people to come here and chill; we are all friendly and wish to befriend. I bet not much time is needed until you feel like this is a home to you.

Our players, which are all people with different lives, are very diverse. For example, we have Jamie, the typical British person, Odinson, an exemplary American, and I, a Thai person from the Land of Smiles. We also have people who grew up in Spain like Zak. And oh, did I mention John who works in the RFA? Not sure if I remember it right, but he's a cool dude! ManBear is responsible for your hunger, he is the world's best chef!

I didn't realize you are female! Many of us here assume that players are male by default. But, the world is changing, ain't it? Everyone deserves to be happy with what they are passionate about. Maybe you might want to chat with Jay, she is a playful and knowledgeable one!

I have selected three threads for you to get a glimpse of our community dedication, which we all have fun!
  1. The Encyclopedia of the Republic of Thailand contains over 21,000 words of worldbuilding at the moment.
  2. The Government page of the Kingdom of Sweden with various documents being signed since three years ago.
  3. The military page of the Royal Canadian Navy is a typical example of how we can show our Armed Forces in an organized, beautiful way. Alex
Take your time while you are getting used to the forum mechanics and feel free to ask anything in Discord! I will be around the nightly time of the Western Hemisphere, so you will have your answer during the slumbering time!

Happy Roleplaying!


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Hi Pale Orchid,

Welcome to the forum. I see our resident greeter has gotten here first. While I appreciate Bossza007's claims that I am the world's best chef, I am far from that. I do work as a chef professionally, though. All the people that were mentioned by Bossza are top people and you will find that your staff team were mentioned here as well. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Jamie Odinson Connor for answers, or you could reach out via the support ticket forum which would be the best option to insure the highest quality answer possible from the entirety of the staff team.

Another female player on the forum is certainly good to see. Seeing games such as this expand to the female gender certainly warms the heart and offers a different perspective and writing style a majority of us are probably accustomed to.

Additionally, I have roleplayed as the RoC as an NPC for a player who was the DRC player(Formerly the Empire of the Congo). If you choose to continue where Kelly the Mad left off with the DRC(He played them as the Empire of the Congo) I'm sure you can reach out to him to continue or finish any unfinished plots he may have created but you are under no obligation to do so. As the DRC player you have pretty much full creative control for the nation, within the rules and guidelines of the forum of course.

For any questions do not hesitate to reach out to me via Discord or the Forum!


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