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Thailand | Ministry of Foreign Affair Statement


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Cautious on Israel's One State Policy​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand expresses its profound concern about the recent developments of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has been ongoing since 14 May 1948. With the Israeli Government's decision to abolish the recognition of the State of Palestine, the Foreign Ministry of Thailand observes a change in regional dynamics. Such an action has a potential severe backlash to the regional stability and security which Thailand has been devoting itself to sustain an already shattered region of post-war Middle East.

The Republic of Thailand warned the State of Israel Government a devastated repercussion from such action to alter the regional balance. There will be a direct consequence and hinderance to the ongoing democratic and human rights stimulation and promotion by the international community and the Thai Government. The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs earnestly urges the Israeli Government to reconsider its decision on such a sensitive and extremist subject that could harm the international stability and security.

In a case of drastic escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the regional stability and security of the Middle East, the Thai Armed Forces Middle East Command will be in a swift readiness to protect the civilian population and deter any threat to stability and security of our nation and the international community.

The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirms our government devotion to ensure a transition of the Middle East region into a democratic regime under the principle of human rights. We are open to facilitating a regional dialogue to discuss the solution to the current situation.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Official Statement on 2003 Israel-Palestine Crisis​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand and the State of Israel have been participating in a series of diplomatic communications to discuss the implication of the Israeli’s legislation to forsake the two-state solution and abandon the recognition of the State of Palestine. After the failure of the Thai Government to remind the Israeli Government of the devastated repercussion of such action, we have deemed that Israel is currently the destabilizing forces in the Middle East, and possible the worst the world has ever seen.

Thailand has been issuing diplomatic warning and pressures to the State of Israel, all of which has failed to convince the Israeli Government of its unilateral action. The Israeli Foreign Minister has outright rejected and dismissed Thailand’s offer for mediation between the two countries. Moreover, they have expressed an enormous rejection to our financial and technological aids with the only condition is to ensure a democratic governance and human rights promotion in their country.

Such action from the State of Israel has effectively demolished its claim to be the only democratic nation in the Middle East. At the moment, the democratic development in Israel has been declined in the worst degree compared to other countries in the same region, and Thailand is not contented to see a democratic country transformed into undemocratic one.

We are condemning the State of Israel in the uttermost degree for its action to destabilize the region of Middle East and for its disregard of potential devastating backlash on international peace, stability, and security, and the safety of million lives. We are imposing a total sanction on Israel and issuing a full trade embargo for not just government-to-government trade but also private enterprises operating in Israel. In the same time, we are calling back our ambassador to Israel as a form of diplomatic protest against the unilateral action of Israeli Government. We are calling back all Thai residents and workers in Israel back to Thailand, all of which will be compensated by the Thai Government. Furthermore, we have firmly encouraged our corporations and international partners to divest from Israeli companies. Thailand is selling all assets in Israeli new shekel currency as well.
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Note on Recent Israeli President Statement​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand has taken note of the recent statement issued by the President of the State of Israel. We find it necessary to address several points to clarify our stance and to shed light on the inconsistencies and contradictions in Israel's position.

1. Contradictions in Democratic Values: Israel claims to be a democratic state, yet it is planning a unilateral action that would effectively silence the voice of the Palestinian people. Democracy is not merely a system of governance for one's own citizens but a commitment to the principles of self-determination and respect for the rights of others.

2. International Law: Israel's planned actions are in flagrant violation of international law, including numerous resolutions of the already-dissolved United Nations. The international community has long recognized the two-state solution as the basis for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ignoring this consensus undermines not just Israel's position but the very fabric of international relations.

3. Humanitarian Concerns: While Israel argues that Palestinians would have better lives under its governance, it fails to address the immediate humanitarian crisis that an invasion would cause. The loss of life, displacement, and social upheaval would be catastrophic, contradicting any claim to a humanitarian motive.

4. Economic Repercussions: Israel should be aware that Thailand's economic influence is not limited to bilateral relations. Our decisions resonate globally, and we have encouraged our international partners to reconsider their economic engagements with Israel. The global community is increasingly unwilling to conduct business with a state that violates international law and human rights.

5. Moral Responsibility: Thailand's alliances are built on shared values, including respect for human rights and the rule of law. Our coalition with Poland and Turkey is not merely strategic but moral. Our military presence in Turkey is a testament to our commitment to peace and stability in the Middle East.

6. Long-Term Strategy: We question Israel's endgame. Even if Israel were to succeed in the short term, the long-term consequences could be dire. Ignoring the rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people will not lead to lasting peace. It will only perpetuate a cycle of conflict and instability, affecting not just Israel and Palestine but the entire region and potentially the world.

7. Diplomatic Tone: Lastly, we find it regrettable that Israel's statement resorted to ad hominem attacks against Thailand's leadership. Such language is unbecoming of a state that claims to be democratic and undermines the credibility of its arguments.

In light of the above, Thailand remains steadfast in its decision to impose sanctions, recall our ambassador, and advise our citizens and businesses to disengage from Israel. We are not acting unilaterally but are part of a growing international consensus that believes in justice, democracy, and the rule of law. We urge Israel to reconsider its actions and recommit to a path of peace, dialogue, and respect for international law.

We came to the table in the spirit of peace and dialogue. It is unfortunate that Israel did not reciprocate. Our commitment to justice and human rights remains unwavering, and we will not shy away from our responsibilities on the global stage.

End of Statement


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Note on the Egyptian Interdiction Zone Policy​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand has taken note of the recent announcement of the Egyptian policy called the Egyptian Interdiction Zone or EIZ, which has encompassed a large area of Middle East, Northen Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa. The EIZ policy appears to be an indication of no-interference zone issued by the Egyptian Government to ensure no interventionism within the specific zone, which will be in effect from 15th March 2003.

The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Thailand is currently reviewing the EIZ policy, which has been largely a concern due to the already volatile nature of Middle East and the Israel-Palestine Crisis. The areas were divided into two zones, Core and Peripheral, the former are more comprehensive and stringent then the latter.

The current two main concerns other than what has been mentioned are that the British military installment in Cyprus is directly in the Core zone and the Thai Armed Forces Middle East Command is also directly in the Peripheral zone. This indication has raised concerns due to the nature of the EIZ policy, which is to prohibit any military and intelligence actions in those areas. It has raised a question if the Egyptian Government has authority to prohibit the military activity from an already arranged military base in those areas between the bilateral agreement.

Thailand will continue to observe the situation closely and will update on the development of such policy implementation and implication.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Grave Violation of International and Thai Law by the Egyptian Delegation​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand wishes to bring to the international community's immediate attention a severe breach of international law and Thai law by the Egyptian delegation led by Chief of International Affairs Moustafa Asker, during their diplomatic visit on 20 March 2003

Upon arrival at the Thai Government House, a high-security zone, Mr. Asker and his delegation were informed of the standard security protocols, which include the relinquishment of all firearms. Contrary to these established norms and in blatant violation of both Thai and international law, Mr. Asker not only refused to surrender his firearm but also drew it in a threatening manner against Thai personnel.

Given the immediate and explicit threat to the safety of individuals present, including the Prime Minister of Thailand, the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) was compelled to act swiftly. Acting within its legal rights and duties, the NIA neutralized the threat posed by Mr. Asker, resulting in his regrettable loss of life.

The remaining members of the Egyptian delegation and their security personnel, who were also found to be in possession of firearms contrary to protocol, have been detained in accordance with Thai law. An investigation is currently underway, and the Egyptian government has been informed through appropriate diplomatic channels.

It is crucial to emphasize that Mr. Asker's actions were not only a violation of Thai law but also a breach of international diplomatic norms and conventions. His aggressive posture and the drawing of a firearm within a high-security diplomatic setting can only be interpreted as an attempt to threaten, if not to carry out an attack on, Thai soil.

Thailand remains steadfast in its commitment to the principles of international law, diplomacy, and peaceful dialogue. While we deeply regret that this incident occurred, we extend our condolences to the family of Mr. Moustafa Asker and to the people of Egypt. However, we must also affirm that the actions taken by the NIA were both legal and necessary given the immediate threat posed.

We urge the international community to view this incident in its proper context: as a response to a grave and immediate security threat instigated by the Egyptian delegation, and not as an act that reflects upon the Egyptian people or the ongoing diplomatic relations between our two nations.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Note on the Ottoman Empire Maritime Exclusion Zone Policy​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand has taken note of the recent announcement of the Ottoman Empire Maritime Exclusion Zone Policy or the OEMZ. We express our grave concern over the unilateral establishment of the OEMZ, especially the recent Egyptian interdiction Zone, which in the same way, has violated international laws.

The OEMZ is a direct affront to the international laws from the Freedom of Navigation to the Montreux Convention signed in 1936. The Thai Government urgently urges the Ottoman Government to reconsider such a blatant violation of international law and to cease its unilateral action.

In recent months, the Ottoman nation has undergone a rapid transformation from the Republic of Turkey to the Ottoman Empire. Such unstable and delicate nature of the Ottoman nation has given concern to the Thai citizens regarding the status of the bilateral relationship between Thailand and the Ottoman.

The Thai Government has planned to host 3 joint special forces exercises before the third quarter of this year. It has been confirmed that the Ottoman has been degraded from the list.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand will continue to closely observe the unfolding situation. At the same time, we are going to reassess our relationship with the Ottoman Empire.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

The Revocation of Sanction against Israel​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thaila d wishes to bring to the attention of the general public that the Thai Government has decided to revoke all sanctions put on the State of Israel. After more than a quarter of a year has passed since the last escalation, we have deemed that the situation has cooled down and there is no need for the Thai Government to put any diplomatic measures to deter any hostilities.

The revocation of all sanctions would be in effect immediately upon the publication of this statement. All business and international partners of Thailand are strongly encouraged to invest in the Israeli growing economy, especially the Defense Sector which has been on a rapid rise. At the same time, the Thai Foreign Ministry would seek the return of a cordial relationship between Thailand and Israel, continuing the close cooperation and special ties that existed between our countries from 1998 to 2001.

We are eager to facilitate the high-level talks between the Thai and Israeli Governments. This includes but is not limited to cooperation on global humanitarian and peacekeeping efforts, cultural exchange, economic cooperation, and defense cooperation.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Call for Increased Transparency of the Polish Government​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Thailand, with unquestionable commitment to transparency and the right of the general population to know the truth, strongly calls for an increase in transparency from the Government of the Kingdom of Poland. Thailand has sent 5 NIA agents to Warsaw to participate in the Polish-led intelligence operation against the State of Isreal. Per this correspondence, in which the Defense Minister of Thailand communicated with the Director of the Polish Office of State Protection, the idea of intelligence operation was initially and entirely initiated by the Polish Government.

The Thai NIA Agents were innocent, royal public servants to the Thai Government and the cause of peace, democracy, and human rights. They had not nor did anything per the claim made by the Polish Government regarding their espionage activity. They were sent to Poland because the Polish Government requested so. They were full-time employees of the Thai Embassy in Warsaw and held legal documentation to work in Poland. Their role is to ensure seamless data transfer between the Thai and Polish Governments, such as encryption and decryption, ensuring no breach of security for both the Thai and Polish governments.

We strongly support the increased transparency of the Polish government regarding its intelligence operation against Israel. The unlawful nature of this mission has been protected by the absurd use of International Law to cover their intention. We call for the disclosure of all funding and operational information to the Israeli government, whose security and privacy are being threatened by the Polish Government.

Thailand remains committed to the Pax Thailandia policy and we will continue to support an unquestionably transparent and peaceful world.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Adoption of the Thai Declaration of Human Rights as the Cornerstone of its Foreign Policy​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand wishes to bring the attention of the international community to the change in Thailand's foreign policy. Thailand, as the Beacon of Democracy and Human Rights in Asia, has been championing its Pax Thailandia policy as the flagship of our foreign affairs. In the recent proclamation of the Thai Declaration of Human Rights, consisting of 3,000 words, 19 pages, and 43 articles, Thailand will substitute the existing flagship policy with this document.

We wish to reiterate our commitment, as a nation and government representing the will of people who give us the authority, to the inherent dignity and equal, unalienable rights of all members of the human community. Thailand believes that through empathy, respect, and the spirit of solitude, the international community could unite under shared humanity interests and bridge the differences of race, color, gender, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, disability, birth, or other status. We dream and aspire to create a world where discrimination shall be made based on the political, jurisdictional, or international status of a person's country or territory, and where all nations have equal power and representation on the international stage.

Thailand is proud to be the home of an egalitarian society based on the principle of participation in democracy. Our citizens are not limited to their perceived social status or hierarchy but are welcomed by the recognition that they are human with unique thoughts, consciences, religions, personalities, and talents. We believe in inclusivity and every individual's inherent rights to social security and other public benefits.

Amidst the rise of international tension and geopolitics craving for influence, Thailand stands as a nation committed to its citizens and common human interests. We do not believe that the national interest and security should be placed above as more important or prioritized than the shared human will and dream. Our nation will remain robust and firm through the tumultuous seas of short-termism and shine our light on all human communities.

Lastly, in the symphony of nations, Thailand's melody shall resonate with the harmonious chords of justice and empathy, echoing the profound belief that the true strength of a nation lies not in the might of its arms, but in the unwavering commitment to uplift the dignity and rights of every soul within the global tapestry. This declaration is our pledge, our guiding star, lighting the path toward a future where every voice is heard, every life is cherished, and every action is imbued with the spirit of shared humanity and enduring peace.​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

The Continuation of the Bilateral Relationship between Thailand and the United States​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

Earlier this month, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra, and the President of the United States, Al Gore, has engaged in a direct phone conversation through a secure line to discuss the relationship of the two countries. While the topics discussed are classified, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be addressing the continuation of the Thai American bilateral relationship.

As previously stated by the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok, the United States would be conducting its diplomatic mission in Thailand through the Canadia Embassy for the time being. During this period, we encourage the American citizens to openly engage with the Canadian embassy. Thailand will still maintain the area of the destroyed American embassy as the sovereignty of the United States while the two nations discuss on their approach to rebuild trust and address security and terrorism concerns in Thailand. The Republic Thai Embassy and consulates in the United States would remain operational, which have been agreed by the two nations. Thailand will continue to engage diplomatically with the United States as well as serving our citizens in the United States.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand's Note on the Canadian-French War​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand expresses its formal concern over the rapid escalation of tension between the Kingdom of Canada and the Empire of France. We are profoundly troubled to witness the deterioration of international peace and stability, the order in which justice and human rights serve as its foundation. Thailand has always been a peace-loving and humanitarian nation, in which we have spearheaded various aids in times of conflict. We are concerned by the profound implications brings to the international community as a whole.

Thailand believes that our world should be guided by the idea and implementation of equitable power distribution, regional sovereignty, and non-interference unless explicitly invited. Thailand's policy and position on the ongoing Canadian-French War are that both sides should prioritize a peaceful resolution and seek respectful dialogue using diplomacy.

Thailand sincerely urges the international community to advocate for the meditation between Canada and France. In our belief that the peaceful resolution to conflict is the most ideal path, we advocate for the utilization of the Global Assembly as a platform to resolve any issue. Thailand stands ready to provide any assistance to areas affected by conflict zones. We are prepared to uphold and prove our reputation as the peacekeeping and humanitarian leadership again for the greater good of common human interests.

Thailand reaffirms its unweaving commitment to global peace, justice, and well-being of all nations. We believe in the power of diplomacy and support for peaceful resolution to any conflict.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand’s Note on the Democratic Transition in China​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand, a nation that has journeyed through its own transformative history from the Kingdom of Thailand to a dynamic republic, extends a warm welcome to the newly established Republic of China, under the leadership of Ming Yi. This transition signifies a profound shift in the political landscape of East Asia, resonating deeply with Thailand’s own evolution and our steadfast commitment to democratic values and regional sovereignty.

In our recent history, we have seen significant changes, from the challenging dissolution of the United Nations and the expansion and later retraction of our own borders to our emergence as one of the major players on the global stage. Just as we have navigated these tides with a focus on participatory democracy, human rights, and regional stability, we recognize and support the efforts of the Republic of China in their journey towards these same ideals.

We understand the complexities and challenges that accompany such a significant political transition. Our own history is a testament to the intricate balance of upholding democratic principles while navigating internal and external political dynamics. As the Republic of China embarks on this path, we offer our support and collaboration in fostering a stable, prosperous, and harmonious East Asian region.

We also recognize the Republic of China’s stance on the One China Policy and its approach to Taiwan. Thailand, respecting the principle of regional sovereignty and non-interference, supports peaceful and diplomatic resolutions to cross-strait relations and regional disputes.

The Republic of Thailand stands ready to engage with the Republic of China as a partner in fostering regional stability, economic growth, and the advancement of democratic values. We look forward to a future of mutual respect, cooperation, and shared prosperity.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand’s Note on the New Year Terrorist Attack in Baghdad​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand extends its deepest condolences to the victims and families affected by the recent devastating incident in Baghdad, Iraq. We stand in firm solidarity with the Republic of Iraq during this difficult time and condemn this heinous act against humanity in the strongest possible terms. Iraq has faced significant challenges in recent years due to the rise of extremism, which has been further fueled by the historical presence of various terrorist organizations. The current escalation in attacks reflects the dire circumstances in Iraq, where economic hardship and rising inequality have created fertile ground for extremist elements to exploit.

Thailand acknowledges the fundamental human desire for peace and stability. We commend the bravery and competence demonstrated by relevant Iraqi authorities in their swift and effective actions, which have ensured the safety of foreign diplomatic missions. However, achieving a lasting solution requires addressing the root causes of extremism, including income inequality and shortcomings within the welfare system.

Thailand condemns the unconscionable acts of terrorism in Baghdad. We, however, reiterate, based on our experience confronting global terrorism, that addressing the root causes of radicalization, including ideological, religious, and political grievances, as well as prejudice against specific groups, is crucial. The recent attack in Baghdad, coming shortly after the anniversary of the Bangkok incident, serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for the international community to take concrete action to prevent further violence.

The Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials of Thailand have conveyed condolences, solidarity, and support to Iraq following the recent tragedy in Baghdad. Reaffirming our commitment to non-interference, any assistance offered by Thailand will strictly respect Iraqi sovereignty and be provided with full consent. As a leader in global humanitarian efforts, we believe open and constructive dialogue is key to fostering partnerships that support Iraq's fight against terrorism.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand's Note on the Dominican Coup​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand has been closely monitoring the developments in the Dominican Republic, following the recent change in government. We acknowledge the mixed reactions within the Dominican Republic and among the international community regarding the events led by General Bautista de La Cruz.

The Republic of Thailand remains hopeful for the peaceful transition towards democracy in the Dominican Republic and the establishment of a government that reflects the will of its people. However, we also express our concern regarding the potential for misuse of authority during this transitional period.

It is our sincere hope that the people of the Dominican Republic will exercise vigilant oversight over their interim government, which has emerged in the wake of the longstanding challenges faced under the previous administration. Thailand upholds the principle of democratic governance and supports the aspiration of the Dominican people towards the restoration and strengthening of their democratic institutions.

In anticipation of a return to democratic order, Her Excellency Phinsuda Chainam, Director-General of the Department of Americas Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expresses her intention to visit the Dominican Republic. This visit aims to reaffirm the cordial relations between our two nations and to explore avenues for supporting the Dominican Republic on its path to democratization. The Republic of Thailand looks forward to the swift and fair conduct of elections in the Dominican Republic, leading to the establishment of a democratically elected government.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Minister Surakiart's Hopeful For the Russo-Thai Relationship Normalization​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

His Excellency Surakiart Sathirathai, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand, has offered remarks on the recent developments in Russo-Thai relations. He commended his Russian counterpart for handling the issue with measured diplomacy, also expressing appreciation for the Russian administration's respect for the Thai Judiciary. Minister Surakiart acknowledged the constructive role played by Russian President Boris Nemstov in fostering successful dialogues between Thailand and Russia. He expressed optimism that the Russian administration would utilize the $4 billion compensation package not only to stimulate its economy but also to enhance its public services.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand reiterates its dedication to the Three Pillars of Thailand's Foreign Policy, focusing on the enhancement of bilateral relations with the Russian Federation. We are keen to welcome Russia into our expanding network of multilateral partnerships, encompassing nations worldwide. Minister Surakiart has provided valuable insights into the current geopolitical landscape, highlighting Russia's significant role and potential contribution to Thailand's aspiration for a just, free, and democratic global community.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Advocates for Asian and Global Cooperation and Unity​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the foundational principles of its foreign policy, organized around three main pillars. In light of evolving geopolitical dynamics characterized by a reduction in isolationist policies across Asia,

Thailand strongly encourages all countries on the continent, irrespective of their size or status, to engage in constructive and equitable dialogue that serves the collective interests of humanity. Thailand envisions a unified Asia, collaborating under a common banner, and remains steadfast in its belief in the importance of inclusivity within the Asian community. Moreover, we acknowledge the increasing interest among nations in Asia and beyond in acquiring advanced strategic weaponry and sophisticated anti-air defense systems.

While respecting the sovereign right of each state to determine its own security and policy directions, Thailand calls for prudence and restraint in the accumulation of military capabilities, which could potentially lead to significant collateral damage. In promoting peace and stability, Thailand advocates for responsible and measured approaches to defense enhancements, emphasizing the need for a balanced and peaceful regional order.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand holds the conviction that formal diplomatic frameworks, such as friendship treaties, non-aggression pacts, and strategic cooperation agreements, are essential foundations for global peace and security, even when established at the bilateral level. Additionally, Thailand advocates for a transition away from the protectionist policies that have been prevalent since 1995, towards a more globalized and market-oriented economy. This shift is seen as crucial for enhancing trade relationships, which are vital pathways through which nations can collaboratively advance their collective well-being.

In the months ahead, Thailand is committed to intensifying its engagement with a diverse array of partner nations around the world. Our objective is to foster world peace, security, stability, and prosperity. Moreover, Thailand is dedicated to contributing to a global movement aimed at improving the conditions of the human community worldwide. Through these efforts, Thailand reaffirms its dedication to promoting international cooperation and understanding.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Urges Restraint to the Singaporean Government and Protesters​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand expresses profound concern over the escalating situation in Singapore following the recent enactment of legislation promoting Singaporean Mandarin as the official language. Thailand extends sympathies to all affected parties, including those injured and their families. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs underscores the shared commitment to democratic principles held by both Thailand and Singapore, emphasizing the importance of respecting freedom of expression and assembly. However, Thailand emphasizes that the exercise of such rights must prioritize peaceful protest, a fundamental tenet of democratic societies.

Thailand urges all involved parties, including governmental authorities and protesters, to exercise restraint and engage in constructive dialogue to peacefully resolve differences. Thailand advocates for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, and the Republic's Embassy in Singapore stands ready to provide assistance, including facilitating communication between relevant authorities and supporting diplomatic initiatives aimed at de-escalating tensions. Thailand and Singapore share a rich history of multiculturalism, and Thailand emphasizes the significance of respecting diverse ethnicities, languages, and cultures within their borders.​

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Support Peaceful Resolution to the New Caledonian Resistance Movement​
Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand​

The Republic of Thailand expresses its profound concern over the significant escalation in New Caledonia concerning the local population's independence movement and their call for self-determination against the neo-colonial rule of the French Empire. As a major contributor of humanitarian aid to New Caledonia, Thailand is deeply troubled that this escalation will further deteriorate the humanitarian crisis in the region. We firmly believe in the right to self-determination and advocate for democratic and diplomatic means to resolve conflicts peacefully. Thailand urges both the resistance movement and the stationed Polish forces in New Caledonia to exercise maximum restraint. Any use of violence will only worsen the humanitarian situation and hinder the broader independence movement.

The economic turmoil within the French Empire further complicates the situation in New Caledonia. With the French government struggling to maintain control over its Pacific territory, the economic collapse exacerbates the crisis. As Thailand continues to import essential goods and supplies for the New Caledonian population, we stand ready to facilitate peace talks between all parties. We call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and urge both sides to consider a referendum on New Caledonia's independence, to be decided by its citizens.

Thailand demands that all parties allow Thai vessels, which deliver over 33,750 TEUs of supplies biweekly, access to New Caledonia's ports to provide essential needs to the local population. We unequivocally assert that this situation is an internal matter of the French Empire, aggravated by its economic collapse. As the guarantor of French independence, Thailand will not permit any external interference in the domestic affairs of the French Empire. We stress the importance of respecting the sovereignty of the French Empire and the self-determination of the New Caledonian people.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Thailand​

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