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Thailand to Poland | Ties


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <His Majesty King Stanislaus Grabowski of the Kingdom of Poland; Her Majesty, Queen Zofia Grabowski nee Kowalska of the Kingdom of Poland> ManBear
From: <>
Subject: Formal Invitation for the state visit from Poland to Thailand
Security Type: NSST Protocol + Maximum Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service

Your Majesty,

I have the honor to write to you today to propose concrete steps to further strengthen the longstanding and respectful bilateral relationship between Thailand and Poland. We deeply value Poland's enduring friendship and alliance, which stands as a testament to our shared commitment to mutual understanding and cooperation. In this spirit, I extend a formal invitation to Your Majesty and your family to undertake a state visit to Thailand on January 12, 2004. We believe this visit would be a significant opportunity to solidify our partnership and explore further avenues for collaboration.

I find it particularly gratifying to reflect on the personal dimension of the bilateral relationship between Thailand and Poland, one that we have both nurtured and strengthened during our respective tenures. Throughout the ever-changing global landscape, our nations have consistently approached one another with mutual understanding and respect, a foundation that I deeply cherish. Sharing part of my life experience with someone I consider a genuine friend from Poland, Your Majesty, is a privilege I hold dear. The enduring nature of our personal connection, evident in our recent video conference, undoubtedly contributes to the strength of our national partnership.

Our nations share a deep-rooted history and a strong foundation of shared values, including a deep appreciation for human rights, freedom, democracy, and justice. This common ground, transcending geographical distance, underscores the importance of building upon our shared past to create a mutually beneficial future. One notable example of our successful collaboration is the establishment of an inclusive consultation service at the highest levels of government. This mechanism fosters constructive and progressive communication, ensuring mutual understanding and addressing any potential concerns.

Your Majesty, your state visit would serve the invaluable purpose of further strengthening our bilateral relationship and exploring avenues for advancing our long-standing partnership. While our alliance has historically held symbolic significance, Thailand firmly believes that your visit presents an exceptional opportunity to elevate our cooperation across multiple areas, including trade, technology, education, and security.

Your visit to Bangkok will be marked by utmost respect and consideration for ceremonial events. Upon arrival at Don Muang Air Base, a formal welcoming ceremony will commence, featuring military honors, the exchange of national anthems, and a public greeting through the media. I would be honored to personally exchange symbolic gifts as a gesture of goodwill and to commemorate the occasion. To underscore the mutual respect and trust between our armed forces, you will be invited to inspect our Guard of Honor. A ceremonial motorcade will then escort you to the Phitsanulok Mansion, where we will participate in a symbolic tree-planting ceremony, signifying the enduring growth and strength of our bilateral relationship. Following this, we will engage in a private bilateral meeting, while our respective delegations hold concurrent discussions. Should your visit span a single day, it will culminate in a State Banquet.

Should your visit extend beyond one day, we would be honored to accommodate you at the Phitsanulok Mansion, the official residence of the Prime Minister of Thailand. This gesture serves as a symbolic token of our deep respect and warm hospitality. Your safety and security are of utmost importance. Comprehensive security arrangements will be undertaken by the Metropolitan Police Bureau, supplemented by the expertise of the Republic of Thailand Navy's special force unit, the Republic Shield, renowned for its expertise in VIP protection.

I am confident that your state visit will be a momentous occasion, further solidifying the enduring friendship and cooperation between Thailand and Poland. Bangkok eagerly awaits your arrival, and I look forward to personally extending a warm welcome to Your Majesty and your esteemed family.

Best Regards,

Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand Bossza007
Subject: State Visit
Security: Secured and Encrypted TOP SECRET by POSP
Minister Shinawatra,

Thank you for reaching out to me for such an occasion. I am surely gladdened to be invited to such a momentous occasion. I am, unfortunately, dealing with state matters at the current time. We are organizing an election for all elected officials in the Senat and the Sjem while also working towards to defusing the situation between France and Canada. The Queen consort, however, will be attending the event in my place as she has expressed interest in visiting your great nation several times before. As the Queen Consort, she has my full authority to act in a diplomatic fashion. Please consider her to be an extension of my body and soul during her state visit as I do in everyday life. I would like to stress the efforts I would go to protect the safety of my wife and would like to include five armed security personnel to assist the Thai security in protecting her, and yourself, from anyone that intends to disrupt these bilateral negotiations. I hope this is acceptable to you and your government.

She looks forward to attending this talks as she has felt she has been quite useless as of late after the trying birth of a daughter and the events during and afterwards. She is excited to finally be able to fulfil her duty to the people of Poland and to the world in fostering a peaceful existence between nations.

Stanislaus Grabowski
King of Poland
Święty Król Polski


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <His Majesty King Stanislaus Grabowski of the Kingdom of Poland; Her Majesty, Queen Zofia Grabowski nee Kowalska of the Kingdom of Poland> ManBear
From: <>
Subject: Formal Invitation for the state visit from Poland to Thailand
Security Type: NSST Protocol + Maximum Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service

Your Majesty,

On behalf of the people of Thailand, I extend our warmest welcome to Her Majesty Queen Zofia Grabowski nee Kowalska for her upcoming state visit to Bangkok on the pre-arranged date. Thailand is honored to host Her Majesty, and we have undertaken extensive preparations to ensure a visit marked by the utmost respect, security, and sensitivity.

We understand the importance of ensuring Her Majesty's safety during her visit. Thailand has been diligently reforming and implementing its nationwide security system, and her well-being remains our paramount concern.

We look forward to the opportunity for myself and the First Lady to personally welcome Her Majesty and to strengthen the bonds of friendship between our two nations. Bangkok eagerly awaits Her Majesty's arrival and will extend a warm welcome.

Best Regards,

Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Thaksin Shinawatra Bossza007
Subject: Diplomatic Ties
Security: Secured and Encrypted Top Secret by POSP
Minister Thaksin,

This is an automated messaged containing the flight plan and passenger manifest for the diplomatic trip to Bangkok. Please do not reply.

Travel Advisory
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland
1 Tupolev Tu-154(Royal Air Force, 1st Transport Aviation Base)
2 Pilots(Royal Air Force, 1st Transport Aviation Base)
4 Cabin Crew(Royal Air Force, 1st Transport Aviation Base)
Her Majesty Queen Sofia Grabowski
Four Attaches
5 Security Personnel(JW GROM, B Squadron - 1 Platoon)

Plane will depart Warsaw International Airport - January 11th at 0600
Plane will arrive at Don Muang Air Base - January 12th at 1800-1900
Plane will depart Don Muang Air Base - January 14th at 0600
Plane will arrive at Warsaw International Airport - January 14 at 1800-1900

After the itinerary was sent to the office of the Thai Prime Minister the Royal Air Force would begin maintenance checks on the required aircraft while flight crew would begin medical checkups, meteorological research for the flight, remedial training for the aircraft, as well as other basic maintenance items to prepare themselves for the flight to Thailand. The pilots would insure they were well rested for the flight.

Within the Royal Palace, the Queen would begin preparing for the trip by itemizing each requirement she would need to bring with her to insure Poland was well represented on her first foray as a dignitary of Poland. Her best outfits would be cleaned, pressed and packed. This would include dresses as well as more functional business suits and casual wear she would find herself more comfortable in. Shoes and hats would also be carefully packed to insure their safety during transit. She would also take a trip into the old town of Warsaw. She would choose a blue and white tea set from a local shop that was handcrafted as the gift for the Prime Minister of Thailand before it was carefully prepared for transit by being placed in a wooden box bearing the seal of Poland and Thailand together on the lid. Inside the ceramic tea set would be carefully packed with padding to insure its survival of the trip.[/hr]
Last edited:


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
January 12, 2004
Bangkok, Thailand
10:00 AM Local Time

The sweeping rays of sunshine bathed the megapolis at the heart of Southeast Asia's mainland. Bangkok, on this particular day, prepared itself for an extraordinary event, a spectacle of grandeur. From the towering skyscrapers to the intricate urban sprawl, Thai and Polish flags adorned streets and buildings alike. Security, both stringent and considerate of local privacy, reflected a delicate balance between paramount interests and the rights of the population. It hinted at the Thai people's active engagement in national politics, making the state visit of the Polish Queen to Thailand the town's hottest topic.

At the Don Muang Airbase, the bastion guarding Bangkok, various military officers assumed their roles on the airfield. Once a bustling airport, now a vigilant airbase, it attracted the attention of mass media, whose watchful eyes covered every corner. The stage was set for a momentous occasion.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The red and white Tupolev Tu-154 would glisten amongst the clouds as the metallic bird soared through Thai airspace upon its approach to Don Muang Airbase. Onboard the specialized transportation aircraft was the most important Polish delegates, save for the King himself. Seventeen souls on board and sixteen of them would gladly give their lives for the important VIP onboard the aircraft. Following all direction from the Thai ATC, the Pilots would safely place the aircraft on the ground with minimal turbulence, landing as softly as humanly possible. Once they had taxied to their parking spot, safely off of the runway and the taxiway, the delegation would await the arrival of the steps from the Thai groundcrew before they would begin disembarkation procedures.

First to leave the aircraft would be two men wearing basic suits wearing eyeglasses and earpieces, looking more akin to accountants or office workers than special protective agents. Clean shaven and hair that was cut short but not buzzed. One even wore eyeglasses that was reminiscent of the 70's and 80's than the early 2000's. Each one, however, carried a FB Beryl-C assault rifle and a smile on their face as they stepped down from the aircraft to be the first ones to step foot on Thai soil. Those that followed them were the pilots and flight crew who disembarked to begin working with the Thai groundcrew on the specifications and requirements of the aircraft during their downtime. They would insure that the aircraft was immediately refueled and ready to depart at a moment's notice. Finally the queen, brown hair braided elegantly and laid over her left shoulder and eyes covered by sensible yet fashionable glasses that complimented her well tailored suit and functional flats, opting for utility over looks. Her outfit was finally brought together by a scarf made of the red and white of the Polish flag signifying her devotion to the Kingdom of Poland. The only true thing to identify her as a delegate from the Kingdom of Poland would be a Polish flag lapel pin attached to her left collar. Despite this basic state of dress for a monarch, the Queen certainly held a sense of gravitas in the way she held herself and walked down the stairs without assistance. Following her were her four attaches and the remaining three security personnel would looked better the part of VIP protection agents, all three wearing suits and wielding concealed handguns and submachine guns under their suit jackets. Once on the ground the Attaches, carrying the luggage of the Queen, only a few bags and a suitcase, would form a protective back line for the Queen while the protective agents formed a larger security barrier on all sides for the Queen, with the one wearing spectacles would stand close by her, nearly touching her elbow.

With the sun beating with the pulse of renewed friendship and the promise of a new beginning between old friends, the Queen would await for their welcome party from the Thai government to begin introducing themselves before offering her own curtsy and then hand to each members, insuring she would introduce herself as Sofia Grabowski, forsaking adding her title as Queen Consort in an effort to provide a level of humbleness to her visit.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The gleaming Tupolev Tu-154, bathed in hues of dawn and purity, gracefully dipped its metallic wings against the expansive blue of Central Thailand's sky, making its descent toward Don Muang Airbase. From her vantage point, the sprawling metropolis, a vibrant tapestry of modernity and lush greenery home to 16 million souls, unfolded below. Even from this lofty altitude, beyond the reach of ordinary human experience, there seemed to be a palpable connection between the lives below, as though their dreams and aspirations were woven from the same thread.

As the aircraft made contact with the runway, a quiver of excitement coursed through the cabin, a mingling of anticipation and the warm embrace of Thailand's summer. Was it the air, buzzing with the energy of countless aircraft and stories, or something else altogether? The answer remained unspoken, yet the arrival of this distinguished visitor seamlessly wove itself into the fabric of Thailand's bustling airbase.

Through the cabin's windows, the scene below was one of respect and majesty. The airbase, a bustling hive of activity with thousands of aircraft, drones, and radars, offered a daily spectacle to tens of thousands who called it their workplace. Yet would this display catch the eye of the visiting Polish delegation? Arrayed across the vast tarmac were soldiers in the traditional attire of the Thai Royal Guard, a disciplined array of regiments amidst the hum of activity. Soldiers marched across adjacent tarmacs, and the harmonious strains of the Republic Armed Forces bands filled the air, setting the stage for a welcome that hinted at the absence of several aircraft, an omission that spoke volumes in the language of diplomacy and respect.

As the Polish aircraft gently came to rest on the tarmac, the choreography of protocol unfolded with precision and grace. A red carpet unfurled towards the aircraft as a staircase seamlessly bridged the gap between the ground and cabin door. Lining this path of honor were various senior Thai officials and high-ranking military officers, a testament to the respect and anticipation of this meeting, though none bore the nation's highest honors. Almost instantly, a ballet of technology commenced at the plane's threshold and along the ceremonial path. Technicians, each manning a sophisticated camera, took their positions with practiced ease on an automated vehicle. The air soon buzzed with the flight of civilian drones, their lenses capturing the moment from every conceivable angle, a dance of shadows and light.

In the midst of this carefully orchestrated welcome, Thai and Polish staff convened at the foot of the staircase, quickly conferring to ensure the smooth progression of the visit. A request from the Republic Special Forces, specifically the Republic Shield battalion of the Naval Special Warfare Command — experts in VIP security — set the terms of protection. With professionalism and clarity, they detailed that only two Polish armed guards would accompany the Queen, a measure balanced by the addition of two Republic Shield operatives to safeguard the Thai Prime Minister. This negotiation, delicately balancing the scales of publicity and security, was grounded in a mutual assurance: there had been no intelligence suggesting a threat from either ISOC or the NIA Internal Division.

As arrangements solidified, ensuring a select cadre of six would tread the red carpet, the Thai team communicated swiftly with their Polish counterparts. The message was clear: Her Majesty the Queen should ready herself for the grand unveiling. Amidst this anticipation, cameras veered towards a figure of authority escorted by two members of the special forces. Dressed in formal black, with hair cut short, Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra stepped onto the carpet, emerging from the main building. As he progressed, salutes from military officers punctuated his path, and greetings from officials peppered the air. Thaksin endeavored to acknowledge each gesture, a task that, despite his best efforts, proved challenging.

Midway across the carpet, the moment arrived for the Polish Queen to make her entrance. No sooner had she appeared than the lenses of various cameras and the gaze of technological apparatuses converged on her, particularly noting her impeccably styled brown hair. Military officers stood at the ready, preparing to salute as she passed. Yet, it was Thaksin, positioned at the staircase's base, who offered the first welcome, bridging the distance with a gesture of Thai greeting and a Polish word before speaking in fluent English.

"Your Majesty," Thaksin greeted, his tone warm and congenial. "Forgive my deviation from protocol by addressing you informally. Given the solemnity of this occasion, I believe it's fitting to uphold the dignity of our titles before adopting a more casual rapport, wouldn't you agree?" He chuckled lightly, extending an arm to Queen Sofia Grabowski, flanked by two Polish guards and two Thai special forces personnel. Together, they traversed the length of the carpet until they halted beside twin flagpoles, poised to witness the performance of the Thai and Polish national anthems. Immersed in the ceremonial ambiance, they observed as several Saab JAS 39 C/D Gripen aircraft streaked overhead, their flight painting the azure sky with the vibrant hues of both Thai and Polish flags.

Following the conclusion of the ceremony, the two leaders strolled side by side along the designated path leading to the main building, engaged in conversation. As they neared the building's perimeter, security measures intensified, and a multitude of observers gathered. At the end of the carpet awaited twin podiums for Thaksin and Sofia, positioned before a throng of press and media representatives. Beyond the crowd, a lineup of motorcades awaited their departure.

Amidst a hushed anticipation, the crowd fell silent, eagerly awaiting the words of their Prime Minister. With a demeanor exuding warmth and delight, Thaksin grasped the microphone, preparing to address the assembly. "Your Majesty, the Queen of the Kingdom of Poland, and esteemed members of the Polish delegation," he began, his voice carrying a tone of sincere welcome. "On behalf of Thailand, its people, and myself, I extend a profound honor and warmest greetings to you as you embark on this historic visit to the Republic of Thailand." As he spoke, an unexpected wave of applause rippled through the audience, momentarily tempting Thaksin to join in. "This visit marks a significant milestone, Your Majesty, as it signifies the first state visit of my premiership. It is a testament to the profound respect and admiration we hold for your esteemed leadership." With a pause, he acknowledged the presence of the Polish Thai community, who had gathered to witness the occasion. "But beyond the formalities, Your Majesty, this visit holds deeper significance. It symbolizes the enduring bonds of friendship between our peoples, and the opportunity before us to forge a new chapter in our nations' relationship—one that defines the partnership of the 21st century, built upon the foundations laid in the preceding century."

"While our two countries have embarked on distinct journeys to arrive at this juncture, our narrative is one of shared potential, a tale of two nations poised to flourish in tandem, yet grappling with the delicate balance between our cultural disparities. On a personal level, it unfolds as the story of two individuals hailing from disparate walks of life, navigating the realms of democracy, justice, freedom, and our existential foothold in this vast universe. Many among you present here today, including Your Majesty, might be aware of the amiable rapport I share with His Majesty, the King of Poland. His Majesty's benevolent gesture in facilitating Her Majesty's engagement in public service in Thailand is a testament to his compassionate character. There's no denying the authenticity of the deep bond that exists between the Polish King and myself." Thaksin paused momentarily, allowing the flurry of camera flashes to capture the moment, while conversations buzzed around him.

"Today, our nations stand as global leaders not driven by the desire to dominate, but by a collective vision to forge a future marked by security, prosperity, justice, sustainability, and freedom for all. Your Majesty, in our pursuit of this shared destiny, Poland holds an indispensable role. As beacons of innovation and progress, Thailand and Poland possess the potential to serve as exemplars of collaborative efforts for the greater good of humanity. Having both experienced the scourge of terrorism, we stand united, collaborating to prevent future attacks and fostering prosperity that serves as a bulwark against the seeds of violent extremism. With Poland's rising influence on the global stage, we have the opportunity to join forces to address myriad transnational challenges: from fostering clean energy partnerships and combatting climate change to tackling infectious diseases, alleviating hunger, and eradicating extreme poverty in our lifetime. This is the Poland that Thailand welcomes today–––a leader in Europe and around the world." Respectful applauses followed his pause.

"As His Majesty, the King of Poland, aptly remarked regarding Her Majesty, the Queen of Poland, it is indeed my honor to extend a warm welcome to such a revered leader, now poised to fulfill her duties to the people of Poland and to the global community in nurturing harmonious relations between nations. Your Majesty, with that profound sentiment in mind, I extend to you a heartfelt welcome to the Republic of Thailand." Thaksin's words resonated through the room, punctuated by applause, as he reached out for a handshake with Sofia, signaling her to address the audience.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The man who would respond to the Thai special warfare operators would be the man wearing the large classes that many would consider nerd like. He would detail that such changes to a sovereigns security detail should have been stated before the arrival of the monarch. Not afterwards and in the middle of an open airport where all it would take is a single asshole with a large caliber rifle or mortars sitting outside the protective perimeter to end both of their jobs. This was all said with the same soft smile he wore when exiting the plan. It would probably remind his Thai counterparts of someone who was just happy to be brought along. What they would notice however was that the safety of his rifle, and the rifle of his similarly dressed counterpart were off and set to automatic fire, leaving on their fingers resting along the side of the rifle, fully outside of the trigger guard, preventing the weapon from firing. The same glasses wearing man would also mention the terrorist attacks that had occurred on Thai soil and the death of the Egyptian diplomat that occurred during their protective duties. Regardless of the Thai Naval Special Operations soldier, the men would only proceed should the Queen assent to the change in protocol, which was unlikely to happen. They all know that if something were to happen to the Queen, Thailand would most likely be reduced to rubble and rendered uninhabitable for centuries. Scorched earth was mentioned in the briefing from their commander should something happen to the Queen during her trip, but they wouldn't mention either of those things to their Thai counterparts.

As the Queen descended the stairs, Glasses would inform her of the change in protocol and she would merely shake her head slightly showing her disagreement in the change in plans. Glasses would merely shrug to the Naval Special Warfare Operator and indicate he would need to take it up with his own boss with a tilt of his head.

"I certainly agree, Prime Minister. Despite the length of time I have been Queen Consort of Poland, I am still uncertain as to whether or not I deserve the title of Your Majesty. At heart I am the simple wife of a first year member of the Sejm putting a Band-Aid on a split eyebrow after a particularly nasty protest." The Polish Queen would take the man's hand as another man would. Full, firm grip that showed strength but did not overuse it to cause pain. It was best to make a strong first impression than attempt to make a strong second or third.

The Queen would walk in step with the Thai Prime Minister, the two underdressed protective agents following close behind, while the remaining followed at a greater distance. The only orders they would follow were Glasses and the Queens, and in certain circumstances not even the Queen would get them to disobey the accountant look-a-like.

The Queen would listen to the Prime Minister's speech along with the rest of the crowd and clap when appropriate. She would wear a soft smile that extended to her eyes, creating wrinkles around the edge that showed that it appeared genuine. Once the man was finished speaking, her Majesty would step to the microphone to offer her own input on the situation, shaking his hand once again with same firm style as she had done the first time.

"Thank you for such a warm welcome, citizens of Thailand and you, Prime Minister Thaksin. It is with immense pleasure and gratitude to your people that I stand before you today. On this historic occasion, as the Queen of Poland, I find myself on my first visit to Thailand and my first attempt at fulfilling my royal duties as Queen. I am profoundly honored to be standing here. Thailand truly holds a special place in the hearts of many across the world, renowned for its rich cultural heritage, gorgeous landscapes, and the truly enduring spirit of its people. Your nation's remarkable journey of progress and prosperity is an inspiration for nations far and wide.

It is here, at this podium at Don Muang Airbase, we find ourselves standing at the dawn of a new era, characterized by unprecedented global challenges and opportunities. It is in this era that the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Poland and Thailand have become increasingly vital. What Prime Minister Thaksin said regarding the friendship he shares with my husband is true. Throughout the years, his Majesty the king has offered advise to the Prime Minister when applicable and though they may have butted heads regarding various world events, the perseverance of their friendship testifies to the ties between Poland and Thailand. It is in this spirit of solidarity between our leaders and our citizens that I come before you today. Our two nations have a public statement that they share a commitment to upholding the values of democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. Through dialogue, understanding, and collaboration between Prime Minister Thaksin and myself, I hope we ca address the pressing issues facing our societies and contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous world for future generations.

I am eager to deepen the ties between our peoples. I hope to accomplish these goals by fostering exchanges in culture, education, trade, and even beyond those. It is by embracing our shared heritage and embracing the diversity that enriches our societies that we can build these bridges of friendship that transcend borders and nationalities, uniting us in a common purpose. As we embark on this journey together, let us remember the words of wisdom passed down through the ages: "Unity in Diversity." In celebrating our differences and embracing our shared humanity, we can start to create a brighter tomorrow for our children.

In closing, I extend my sincerest thanks to you, the people of Thailand, for your gracious hospitality and warm welcome. May our friendship endure and flourish. And as we embark on this journey together, let us remember the words of wisdom passed down through the ages: "Unity in diversity." In celebrating our differences and embracing our shared humanity, we can create a brighter tomorrow for all.

In closing, I extend my sincerest thanks to the people of Thailand for your gracious hospitality and warm welcome. May our friendship endure and flourish, bringing prosperity and happiness to both our nations. Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Kiedy my żyjemy. Kop khun kha."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra applauded as the Queen of Poland concluded her address. In a seamless display of coordination, the Thai special forces, proficient in Polish after months of intensive linguistic training, signaled the Polish security detail. They provided specialized earpieces to ensure that all communications could be conducted in Polish, enhancing the collaboration between the two teams. Each member of the Polish team was also given a clearance card—expensive to produce and hence, to be returned, a detail oddly emphasized over national security concerns.

As the dignitaries were led to the armed convoy, the streets of Bangkok burst into life. Crowds waving both Thai and Polish flags lined the route, their signs bearing messages of unity and cheeky humor in both languages. One sign, particularly notable and destined for the evening news, read: “Make love, even my wife is Polish.” Another proudly declared, “I was there at the coronation.” As they reached the convoy, the Polish guards were given a choice: a ride in a separate car or the thrill of escorting on sleek, fast motorcycles.

As Thaksin and Queen Sofia settled into the armored vehicle chosen by Thaksin’s driver, the car hummed to life, gliding smoothly into motion. Thaksin broke the silence first, his voice imbued with genuine gratitude. “I want to thank you again for accommodating such a sudden adjustment in protocol, Mrs. Sofia. We hadn't anticipated such a large media turnout, but given their keen interest in highlighting the bilateral ties between our nations, your flexibility has been invaluable. Truly, I am grateful,” he said, his humility unexpected in a figure of his global stature.

Outside, the streets of Bangkok flowed with disciplined ease, the city's pulse carried mostly by an efficient public transport system, buses dominating the highways. Thaksin gestured towards the window, inviting Sofia to observe. “We are particularly proud of our mass rapid transit system here—it serves over 11.2 million passengers daily, surpassing even China’s in scope.”

After a brief pause, Thaksin’s tone lightened as curiosity colored his next words. “How did you and your husband find each other, if I may ask? You share such striking similarities. It reminds me of my eldest son—he's currently seeing a staff member from our family estate. Despite their different backgrounds, there’s a wonderful harmony between them. We place no stock in social divisions, only in the genuine connection between people. It makes me eager to hear about the love story that has shaped my friend’s life,” he chuckled, a hint of shyness in his laughter.

As their discussion flowed, the ceaseless rhythm of traffic outside mirrored the steady cadence of their exchange. Thaksin, seizing a moment as they passed a distinctive junction, pointed out the Polish Embassy. “There it is—a fusion of modernity and tradition,” he remarked, a tinge of somber reflection creeping into his voice. “It serves as a stark reminder of past failures, particularly my own during my first term's conclusion in December 2002.” His sigh carried a weight of remorse, speaking volumes without the need for further words. “Back then, ideologies clashed, failing to recognize the need for each society to chart its own path. Whether it was the imperialism in Congo in 1999 or the ongoing Syrian Civil War, humanity stands at a crossroads,” he continued, gesturing towards their surroundings.

“But look at Poland,” he continued, his tone shifting to one of admiration. “Your nation has struck a delicate balance between tradition and progress, responsibility and freedom of choice. Similarly, in Thailand, our commitment to egalitarian values doesn't necessitate rejection of monarchy or disdain for alternative governance systems. It's this delicate equilibrium we strive for that propels humanity forward.” Pausing, he delved deeper into his thoughts. “'Unity in Diversity'—a powerful ethos in Thailand. Your decision to engage with us, amidst a world often marred by prejudice and division, is significant. We claim intelligence yet perpetuate discrimination based on skin tone or accents. Such an environment stifles human potential. What we need is unity, an acknowledgment that diversity is the bedrock of our shared humanity,” he concluded, fixing Sofia with a gaze brimming with conviction, his passion undeniable.

As the convoy neared the Government House, Thaksin's hand rose once more, drawing attention to a solemn landmark. “That gate marks the site where the Egyptian Foreign Minister met his end,” he remarked, his tone tinged with gravity. “A stark reminder of how unchecked nationalism can impede humanity's progress. It took Thailand over two years to rein in the excesses of the NIA. Now, they function as an independent investigative body, mandated by our constitution to uphold peace, justice, democracy, and security,” he explained, a sigh punctuating his words.

“But our time for reflection and informal conversation draws to a close, Mrs. Sofia,” Thaksin continued as the convoy slowed to a halt. “The main meeting room awaits us within. Thai and Polish delegations will convene there. Let us endeavor to ensure the continued prosperity of our nations, and indeed, of humanity as a whole,” he urged, his words imbued with a sense of purpose. With that, the convoy came to a stop, positioning itself before the grand entrance of the Government House.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish contingent, as well trained as they were, were lock in step with the delegation even without the requirement of the Thai forces to signal them they were moving. Having received the earpieces, and the clearance cards, the Polish special forces would follow the lead of the Thai guards until they felt the need to take over. After arriving at the convoy, and given the choice of a enclosed vehicle or a motorcycle, the Polish forces would choose to take a separate car. While a motorcycle would allow them access to slightly more maneuverability, it was at the expense of hard cover and durability of a vehicle that would allow them to utilize the vehicle as both cover and a weapon in case of an attack. Thus they opted to get into a separate vehicle, weapons kept on their person and ready to engage threats when required.

In the primary care, the Queen would listen to the humble Prime Minister and then answer his questions in turn. "We met in primary school. There were always jokes that we would end up being married but we didn't officially start dating until liceum ogólnokształcące. Comprehensive secondary school. We have been inseparable since. We both attended University of Warsaw, him for political science and international relations and I got my duel master's degree in education and history with a minor in art. While there is a history of social division within Poland, we never let it effect our personal relationship. While my family owned their own corporation and owned two homes, my husbands father was a laborer in the railyards and his mother is a nurse at a hospital in Warsaw."

As they passed the destroyed premises of the Polish Embassy within Bangkok, Sofia made the sign of the cross as she took a moment to pray for the souls of the embassy personnel who lost their lives to the bombing of their embassy. "Yes, Poland has attempted to stay true to our roots while also embracing modernity. The monarchy was the choice of the people and they seem satisfied enough with our tenure as reigning monarchs. I just hope our daughter can live up to their expectations and the example set forth by her father. In regards to prejudices and discrimination, Poland has always set an example for not following stereotypes. Even in ancient history by allowing those of the Jewish faith and Muslims to settle within our borders. Because of this we have overcome great adversity with their help. Tartars against the Ottoman invasion of Europe and the Jewish people helps create the society we see in Poland today."

Once more Sofia would make the sign of the cross across her chest as she said a silent prayer for the dead Egyptian Foreign Minister who had, believed by many, been murdered at this spot by Thai NIA agents. "It is a good thing you have been able to reign in the excess of the NIA after such troubling events that have been perpetuated by them. With the death of the Egyptian Foreign Minister and being caught committing espionage on Polish soil, we can only hope the reigns you have attached to their organizational body will be enough to keep them in check in the future."

Sofia nodded to the Prime Minister. "I do hope these talks prove fruitful for our two nations but be warned, I can prove to be a harsh negotiator. I believe, once we settle into the negotiations we should adopt a more professional way of addressing each other."

As the convoy stopped outside of the Government House, the Polish guards would carefully remove themselves from their vehicles and take up positions outside of the queens vehicle. Once they felt the area was secure, one of the guards wearing suits would open the door while Glasses would take the lead in escorting her Majesty to the building.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As the convoy pulled into the Government House perimeter, Thaksin tuned in to every word the Polish Queen spoke. Just moments before they came to a stop, he responded in his usual composed manner. "I appreciate your honesty, Your Majesty. However, the definition of a 'tough' negotiator varies across cultures. Our perspectives are shaped by our backgrounds. But it's time to proceed, Your Majesty," Thaksin said before the doors swung open. Outside, the media buzzed with the arrival of both leaders, and Thai officials eagerly awaited the Polish Queen.

Inside, Thai and Polish officials intermingled, escorting their leaders to the dining room. Security personnel stood ready outside, ensuring confidentiality. The dining table boasted a spread of lunch and various dishes, with Thai and Polish flags at each corner. The room exuded a cozy ambiance, bathed in the soft glow of fluorescent lights reminiscent of springtime. Traditional dishes from both cultures were on offer, with the option for delegates to request other items within reasonable cost limits.

Each side seated nine delegation members. The Thai contingent included Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai, Defense Minister Sutin Klungsang, and six other senior diplomats and officials. With professionalism and warmth, both sides introduced themselves, and the heads of each delegation were invited to make opening remarks. Translator devices stood ready if needed. Thaksin, seated opposite the queen, began as the host.

“On behalf of Thailand, I extend a warm welcome to Her Majesty the Queen of Poland and the Polish delegation to Bangkok. We appreciate Poland's willingness to engage in these negotiations, which reaffirm the strong ties between our nations,” Thaksin began. “Today, we'll explore the feasibility of a Strategic Partnership Treaty between Thailand and Poland, aiming to provide a comprehensive framework for our collaboration. Additionally, we'll address the volatile situation in the Middle East, a crucial issue for both our countries. We approach these discussions with optimism, seeing them as an opportunity to showcase principled leadership on the global stage.” He smiled.

As Thaksin concluded, the Thai delegation raised their glasses in a toast, wishing for a prosperous future for both Thailand and Poland. Once the Polish delegation completed their formalities, lunch was served. This provided an opportunity for informal conversation, a crucial aspect of diplomatic relations aimed at fostering understanding and camaraderie between negotiators. During this relaxed period, the Thai delegation mentioned the opening of the Thai Global Innovation Hub, inquiring if the Polish Government would be interested in establishing an office there.

After approximately two hours, as the clock struck three in the afternoon, the formal ceremony concluded. Acknowledging the start of the negotiation process, Thai Foreign Minister Surakiart addressed the room. “Thailand and Poland have a longstanding relationship, often described as an alliance,” he began. “However, there's no official framework defining this alliance, leading to misunderstandings. For instance, Australia once considered aligning with Poland, whom they saw as our adversary, against our humanitarian efforts in New Caledonia, where Poland also contributes. It's crucial to clarify our relationship to avoid such misunderstandings.” He paused, letting his words sink in.

“Thailand and Poland have demonstrated, on numerous occasions, a shared commitment to key principles of international relations,” Surakiart began, his tone firm yet measured. “Our foundation rests on the bedrock of sovereign equality, unwavering in our respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, despite external pressures.” He adjusted his glasses, ensuring clarity as he continued. “Moreover, following the historic video conference between our Prime Minister and the King of Poland, our nations have reached unprecedented levels of mutual respect, acknowledging each other's national interests, values, and cultural diversity.” Nods of agreement rippled through the Thai delegation.

“Our actions have consistently reflected good faith,” Surakiart emphasized. “Evidence of this lies in our progress towards realizing a non-interference policy in each other's affairs, as seen in our recent bilateral discussions. But it doesn't end there. We've exercised restraint to foster peaceful coexistence amidst cultural differences, all while upholding international law and pursuing sustainable development.” Pausing for effect, he drove his point home. “These tangible indicators underscore that Thailand and Poland are not merely compatible partners; we are natural allies.”

After a brief pause, Surakiart resumed. “The principles I've outlined lay the groundwork for the envisioned Strategic Partnership between Thailand and Poland. With that said, I'll conclude my remarks and extend the floor to the Polish delegation, or Her Majesty, for a reciprocal speech. Thank you.” He nodded, signaling the end of his turn.


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