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[Argentina] Call to France


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Ambassador Daniel Osvaldo, would call his french counterpart on a private line.


Deleted member 5

Ministry of Europe & Foreign Affairs

French Republic, Honorable Jean-Yves Le Drian, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, would receive a phone call from Argentine counterpart. The call is encrypted and Secret Call. French Foreign Minister would check the room to make sure that no one is snooping in. He would place in two armed guard. Upon getting green signal from Directorate-General for External Security, the call is full encrypted and top secret.

"Hello Minister Osvaldo, How are you doing this morning!! What do I owe you a pleasure?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Minister Le Drian, thank you very much for taking my call. First of all I want to congratulate your Government on your electoral success in the name of President Herrero and the argentine people.

French-Argentine bilateral relations go way back, enough to make the recent misscommunications seems very insignificant. We want to establish a firm and solid relationship with France and proceed with discussing several areas of mutual interest in roder to create benefits for our people."


Deleted member 5

"Minister Osvaldo, I agree Franco-Argentine relationship must prosper. How would you like to start the relationship. Our policy is open and friendly with all. Also, I would like to be friendly with Brazil and Argentina first. Let's start with trades."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Expanding bilateral great is a perfect way to cement this relation. What goods does France currently export? Argentina would like to open the french market for our Lithium, grain, meat, vehicles and fossil fuels."


Deleted member 5

"Vehicle, Plastic, Electronic Machinary, Computers and Pharmaceuticals would be best serve to Argentina. We would like import all of them. Let's discuss trades and where in ports will we use."

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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"From the listed products, we would like to import Pharmaceuticals and Computers.

As for the ports involved, we usually ship everything through Buenos Aires. I think a monthly shippment should be enough to begin with, what do you think?"


Deleted member 5

"That's a great idea. Please let us know how we can serve best our Latin American Friends."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Where should we be shipping our goods? If we can botain that information, we will be able to set up the routes and begin the commercial exchange.

On more political issues, in this current glboal scenario of alliances being set up, between CIS, ISAF and this "Iron Ring", where does France currently stands?"


Deleted member 5

"You can ship goods to Port of Le Havre. On a political issues, France is currently in the middle of this all stated alliance. What's your view about India? India suddenly closed embassy in Paris. Since we have not done anything to them."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We have recently established a line of communication with India, which we see as a very interesting partner in Asia, which could be framework within our strategy of South-South cooperation. However, we also value traditional and old partners such as France. I hear something about the closing of the Embassy, but I was not briefed about the details behind this.

Could you enlighten me?"


Deleted member 5

"I know Indian leadership gone stray in my view. They suddenly closed the embassy. I believe they are not the member of Global Assembly. Luckily, our diplomats left from India. India warned us 24 hours to leave the India. The GA policy states that all embassy personnel must be recall within 48 hour period. So, once they closed the embassy, they are not allowed to return in Paris. I must say, the diplomatic climate must go on. what do you say? Also, our president has reached out to Brazil to open a diplomatic channel. Can I have your word for this?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I see. I hope France can rebuild its ties with India. A good bilateral diplomatic talk might solve one or two things here. Its to no use to confront so easily.

Regarding the brazilian reach out, President Romero and the Federative Republic of Brazil are not only Argentina's main ally but also a influencing nation in south american and world politics. Your government does good in establishing a bilateral relationship with them."


Deleted member 5

"They just abruptly all on a sudden, closed the embassy. Indians commented on the French 24 believing that our President Macron is Zombie, or French Republic done witchcraft so and so forth. So, we can't trust them and I found Brazil is trustworthy country who is ready to promote peace with France."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Well... It seems that the Indian Government collapsed... Once again... So, that will not be a problem I think. On a more broad politicla approach, where does France stand today in terms of their foreign agenda?"


Deleted member 5

"Yea, Indian government were short sighted. But Anyways, French Foreign Policy is to be friend with All nations that includes South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Our first goal is to fix the South America First. Because previous government burned the bridges, and a lot of relationship collasped due to a frick incident."


Deleted member 5

"Since the previous french government caused a damage to Brazilian and Argentenian, so I would like to apologize on behalf of French Republic. I hope our trade relationships prospers. What do you have goals for Trade? Do you wish to sign Free and Fair Trade Agreement with French Republic?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Argentina looks to further increase our exports by finding new markets for argentina products, both commodities and manufactures goods. Usually we do not sign Free Trade Agreements unless its through very clsoe allies or other members of economic blocks, such as the CIS, given we prefer to protect certain industries from predatory foreign goods."


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