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[Bangladesh]: A Electrifying Day


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Shapla Square
A red mist bewildered on the streets of Bangladesh. The sun rose down onto the country, leaving a rather strong heat followed by cool winds. Currently It was a very callous time for the country once more. Election Day. Bangladesh was still a young country, still fighting for its identity. For many years the country had suffered after the Bangladesh Liberation War. It had gone through a number of military coups, assassinations, poverty and more...But slowly and steadily, hopefully it would be time for Bangladesh to start coming out on the world map. But maybe, it wasn't ready yet. Shapla Square is a huge sculpture at the heart of the Motijheel area of the capital. The sculpture is a huge water lily, the national symbol of Bangladesh. It also marked the location of a mass grave that was found after the Liberation War of 1971.

"Death to Hasina!"

A number of loud cheers would follow.

"Death to the Awami League!"

More louder cheers would follow.

Many men, elderly and young laid siege to the Square. A counter protest was currently ongoing to a Awami League election rally that was happening a few miles away at Shimanto Square. All of them clad in traditional Islamic clothing, they continued to chant which followed by very large cheers. But some were relentless. As they continued through the square many normal citizens would be watching as it currently unfolded. The whole section of the counter protesters had one purpose and that was to disrupt the rally. The Awami League were one of the two major political parties in Bangladesh and they were gaining far much support then their counterparts the Bangladesh National Party, who many hardcore right winger Islamists favourited. The Awami League were the main force that had created Bangladesh and what it was today. However, many still live by the past. The past that haunted many of the Awami Leagues corruption. But, their new supposed leader Hassan Alvarenga wanted to change that. But they did not believe it.

It was expected a counter rally was going to happen. The estimated numbers of this counter rally was smaller, but still it was too large then expected. The chants further continued as they moved through Shapla Square, wanting to march towards where the Awami League rally currently was. However, they had a big obstacle. The Police.


The Police in Bangladesh were known to be corrupt. To the many people of the country, they were seen as bullies, feral rats and people in uniform that abused their power for their own gain. Dhaka Metropolitan Police were nothing different, they were seen as the worst. However, the force was pretty under trained in their roles and they were not prepared for this big day. They stood in a line waiting. All of them were dressed in their light blue coloured shirt and light khaki trousers. They all wore WW1 British Army Helmets whilst others worse Crash Helmets.
A line of riot police would be waiting at the end of the road and it wasn't long till the clashes began.
Rocks, makeshift petrol bombs and other items would be thrown at the Police. In return, the Police would fire back tear gas and rubber bullets. Some even picked up the rocks/bricks that were originally thrown and threw them back. DMP Riot Officers were going to avoid face-to-face confrontation at all possibility. However they had very strong wodden sticks and metal poles in case that was to happen. Some rioters, in fact tried to start fighting with the officers. But in return they received several hits from the Police lines. It was back and forth between both lines, however the Police continued to make sure the counter rally did not arrive at the main Awami League Rally at Shimanto Square.
Shimanto Square
A few miles away, Shimanto Square was bustling with life. The Awami League Rally had over thousands of people at the Square. Chants and Bangladesh Flags waved through the sky. The Awami League were expecting to win this election and a a pre-emptive rally to gather the supporters is what many thought that was needed to get the votes going. The Square mainly used for the purpose of a shopping center, instantly changed straight away with the thousands of people outside.

"We are here for you Hasina!" One man shouted.

Followed by several chants of the same line.

The Awami League was one of the two main political parties in Bangladesh, in fact the founding father of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was apart of the Awami League. However, corruption got the best of the country and he was assassinated in 1975. His only living child, Sheikh Hasina Rahman was the new leader of the Awami League and she wanted to change Bangladesh, for what it use to be. Her recent work in Parliament and as the opposition was getting noticed and was rather quickly gaining popularity. The current government was led by Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, she was the leader of the rather right wing Bangladesh Nationalist Party. The BNP was losing support by many of the country, however it still had a strong force behind it. But the Awami Leagues promises caught the eye of a normal citizen and that was going to be the ultimate downfall for the BNP.

As chants continued through Shimanto Square. A combined force of Border Guards Bangladesh, Dhaka Metropolitan Police & the Rapid Action Battalion were out in force around the square. They were warned, however they came very unprepared for the numbers that was going to arrive at the square. RAB and BGB officials wielded their usual long arm rifles as they patrolled through the thousands of people who were at the square. Everyone lay, waiting for the speech from Sheikh Hasina.
A large stage had also been constructed, it bared the Bangladeshi flag alongside the Awami League livery. Everyone soon turned their focus towards the stage as a man walked on stage. He was dressed in a black suit with a blue shirt and black and red patterned tie. He held a microphone.

"Bangladesh, here is your one and only...Sheikh Hasina!"

Loud cheers erupted through the square as Sheikh Hasina made her way on stage. She was beautifully dressed in her traditional Islamic garms. A green saree which also was bore around her head, as she fixed her glasses whilst making way on stage. She raised her hand in support for her supporters. As she was passed the microphone. She waited, for the cheers to die down. Which it eventually did.

Hasina took a deep breath, as she was about to speak. In a very far distance a loud explosion ricocheted through the square. Everybody turned their attention to what just happened. Hasina looked far down, then suddenly a second large explosion banged through the square. This was one much more closer. Followed by a third...

It wasn't long until people realised what was going on. The screaming and a scramble began...
Gulshan, Dhaka
A loud cough echoed through a dusty minivan as it turned onto Madani Avenue. Inside were five males. Each male had one purpose and that was to cause chaos. Whilst everything was going on in Shimanto Square, most of the Law Enforcement were going to be responding to what was going on. They watched as several Police vehicles sped past them. They laughed.
One of them cocked their firearm. All four of them were armed with a AK47 rifle alongside Type 92 handgun. They had at least several magazines between them for both firearms, enough for their mission. Each of them were equipped with hand grenades as well as bulletproof vests, they were laced with explosives.. One of them wore a bag that contained C4 explosive devices if needs be. They all wore civilian clothing and balaclavas.

As they turned into an alleyway on the Avenue. The four males got out, gearing up. The Avenue was large street and one area had a large amount of Embassies. That it was they were going to target.

The driver of the mini van drove down the road, away from the embassies. He himself was armed and the mini van was laced with explosives if needs be. He was setting up a C4 explosive device near some motorcycles at the entrance of the Police Station that was up the road from the embassies.

As the four stepped out of the alleyway, they turned their attention swiftly to the embassies around them. The first Embassy was the South Korean Embassy Jay.
They'd spread around into cover and take aim as they fired towards anyone that stood outside, One of them pulled the pin of a hand grenade launching it towards the grounds of the Embassy. Due to how close each Embassy was it wasn't long till their next target beckoned upon them.
Before they could, any Bangladeshi Law Enforcement that attempted to stop them were swiftly gunned down. They were poorly trained and lightly armed. But these four mysterious gunmen were very well trained. Anyone who resisted were instantly gunned down.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
A few hours before the incidents began...
Cigarette smoke laid across the room. Four males were sat around a table, they were no ordinary males. Each male wore a distinctive military uniform. Three were apart of the military and bore medals and of rank. The other was from the Border Guards.

The main male at the table, his chubby cheeks moved as he spoke and his horseshoe moustache bristled as he took a whiff of his cigarette. Before he began to speak.

"Today is the day. Inshallah we bring calm and order to our streets. Is our men ready to carry out the plan?"

"Yes." One of them remarked.

All four of them were are of high rank.

"Good...May Allah grant us the highest place in paradise. Bangladesh has long seen calm, but we cannot let the Awami League win. Make sure the equipment is ready..."

All three would nod as they left their seats.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Republic of Korea Embassy, Dhaka, People's Republic of Bangladesh
It was not an ordinary day at the Korean Embassy in Dhaka. Even if the sun had risen the same as it had for years, the busy and clustered streets roaring as people travelled across the densely populated city, today was Election Day. The elections in Bangladesh were being closely monitored as the Korean Government anticipated the results of who would be their next partner. The Election Day was quite tense and the atmosphere reflected that as rallies by different parties took place and cars and people chanted on the streets and waved the national flag and party emblems. The Korean Embassy itself had been closed that day to visitors in coordination with the Public Holiday in Bangladesh over the elections. As a result, the Embassy was also relatively lightly staffed, the local liaison and translators were not at the office and only two senior diplomatic officers were present instead of the usual five. The remaining diplomatic officers and support assistants were all in the Embassy however. With the Foreign Ministry back at Seoul hoping to kick start Korean-Bangladesh relations after the election through a series of mid-tier delegations traveling to the capital.

The Embassy's gates were closed as the Bangladeshi Security Guards outside kept watch. Right next door to the Korean Embassy was the German Embassy and right in front of it would be the American Embassy. Often exchanging gifts and having a close relationship, this section of the diplomatic missions was relatively peaceful and quiet. Compared to the Korean Embassy in New Delhi where a number of security additions were taken, including the deployment of Korean Special Forces, the Embassy in Dhaka observed security arrangements that were much more milder. The Korean Army Embassy Security & Protection Group deployed 20 personnel to the mission to support the Diplomatic Security Unit covering 20 Korean civil servants and 10 local assistants. Bangladesh had been a quiet country and no active threats had targeted the Korean Embassy prior. Still, being next to the American and German Embassies required accounting for their threats but also benefiting from their security measures.

Inside the Embassy, the political bureau was busy collecting data and samples of the election results. Trying to see what was happening from official results and public news as they collected and waited for the results. By 10:00 it became somewhat clear the opposition Awami League would win the election and beat the nationalist party. At 10:10 the Korean Embassy would transmit their predictions back to Seoul to assist with the South Asia Bureau Team's portfolio building. Civil servants inside the Embassy stapled papers, sent their younger staffers to photocopy and prepare the documents. Some trying to catch a break by hanging out near a water cooler as they stayed hydrated in the very humid country. They were thankful the Air con upgrades were very effective and battled the humid temperature from outside. The front of the Embassy was largely empty, the only cars inside were for the Ambassador, two security vehicles, and a larger vehicle for the Embassy staff. The Korean Embassy guard at the front gate monitored the cameras and looked out onto the street, and it was simply another day. The sound of firecrackers and other celebratory items was expected and anticipated as the election results were set to be announced. The pre-result celebration by the League was a surprising move as the Ambassador watched it from his office inside the Embassy.

The sound of what appeared to be firecrackers and celebratory items possibly by passing crowds while unexpected was not worrying. However, the Korean Guards at the front of the Embassy realized that those were gunshots. Byeongjang Kim Youngmin acted quickly and hit the alarm button inside the front desk. Inside the Security Room at the Embassy, the guards would react and automatically lock down the Embassy. The ricochet of bullets and snapping sound pierced through the Embassy as a spray of bullets came from outside. Within seconds, silent alarms wailed inside the Embassy as the diplomatic security unit rushed inside to grab the Ambassador while the other units rushed to gather the other staff at the main building. An explosion would shake the building. Dust flying up and water coolers shaking violently. The grenade tossed into the premise sent fragmentation across the front premise. A diplomatic car in the parking lot belonging to one of the staff would explode in a fireball, extending the explosion and breaking the glass in one of the lower floor windows as debris and shockwaves crashed into it.

The explosion could be heard by nearby Embassies. The Korean Embassy Guards would rush to their armory and put on their combat gear, putting on helmets, body armor, taking out their K1 assault rifles. The units commander, Wonsa Kim Jinho would assembly his forces. Assuming the attackers were armed with at least small arms and some hand-held explosives, the best thing would be to secure the staff, relocate them to the Ambassador's complex behind the main building and secure the front entrance if the diplomatic mission was stormed. The Korean Ambassador was secured in his complex with his bodyguards armed with K5/DP51 sidearms. The Ambassador would try and call the Police Office responsible for the Embassies from his secure room. The alarms and lock down would cause an automated message to be sent to Seoul about the Embassy coming under attack. The precautionary measures taken after the incident in Iraq, all Embassies were equipped with automated messages to inform Seoul of an incident while also informing the host nation.

Privates Park Kangdae and Muk Donghyeon would rush out of the main building as the staff were evacuated by others. The front gate had suffered minor damages in terms of structural matters, the walls were still standing and the front gate which was reinforced steel was unscratched. However, the front gate area was shattered and glasses had pierced through the uniform of Byeongjang Kim. The soldier positioned himself against the wall behind him with his sidearm trained at the door in the event the premise was stormed. Privates Park and Muk would knock and open the door to let their superior know they were friendly as they grabbed him and Private Park using a fireman carry as they picked him up and under the cover of Privates Kim Younghee and Lee Minjoon who were the expert marksmen of the bunch above the main building. They joined the evacuating diplomats as they headed to the Ambassador's complex behind the main building which was more secure and not near the walls. At the main building, ten of the army guards would be using the windows and top of the building as hard cover as they trained their rifles to the front gate.

Outside, the Bangladeshi security would be quickly be overwhelmed and either killed or routed. The firefight outside however gave the Embassy amble time as the diplomats were hurried out and the guards able to arm themselves and take defensive positions.




To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Information and Emergency Command (MOFIEC) & Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Police Agency of Bangladesh Danny

From: ROK Embassy Dhaka

Subject: [URGENT] [EMERGENCY] [BLACK] Embassy Security Alert

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dhaka under security threat and assault

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd

Ambassador Lee Jangkeun would still try and get into contact with the police officers nearby and the Bangladeshi Foreign Ministry to get support. At the main complex, the Korean Army personnel would be ordered to shoot anyone firing on the complex or attempting to enter the premises. Meanwhile, the personnel guarding Ambassador's complex would be preparing the interior stoppers, locking doors, blocking off windows and open spaces, and moving the diplomats into an underground area inside the complex. The diplomats would mostly be unharmed, two diplomatic officers suffered from ringing in their ears while only one security office was injured and required medical attention. The Embassy would lock down and wait for reinforcements from the Bangladeshi Government, but, it was unknown what would be happening at other Embassies. The Korean Ambassador would try warn their neighbors Odinson Vaka, but, the Ambassador had no doubt the grenade explosion and subsequent shooting had alerted them. Any attackers trying to enter the Embassy would have to get through the reinforced steel gate or the thick concrete wall surrounding the Embassy. Under fire from Korean soldiers trained and equipped with K2 rifles with extra magazines and sidearms if they attempted crossed into the premises.

Last edited:


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020

Two German Security Personnel sat just outside the embassy gate at a small check point. The heat from the Bangladeshi sun pounded the pavement below and radiated up in simmering haze as they conversed. The taller of the two men named Felix was sitting in a folding chair. He had propped up an old five gallon bucket upside down in front of him as a make shift work bench. He was disassembling his mobile phone which would not turn on for some reason. Irritated that the screw driver he had wasn't quite small enough to loosen the tiny screws that held the battery to the main circuit board, he sighed and replied to other German Security Agent after a long awkward pause..

"I think you should go for it Ben, if you don't your gonna hate yourself."

The other German Security Agent was a pudgy young man named Ben. He was young and clean shaven. The heat was obviously getting to this man as his face was already covered with sweat and his white shirt was already starting to show some perspiration stains in the more sensitive areas. He was pacing back and forth stopping every couple of seconds to take a glance over at the South Korean Embassy. He had recently bumped into a young Korean woman whilst accompanying a few German mission staff for a small meeting at the Korean embassy the day before. She was clearly in a hurry to attend another meeting and wasn't looking at where she was going. She had almost knocked him over in her haste and in the process dropped all the files she was carrying. They both kneeled down and started to clean up the mess of papers when they for just a moment locked eyes. For Ben it was as if time stopped. This woman was mesmerizing. He felt a pang of butterflies build in his stomach. She smiled at him as she stood back up with her stack of government files. She had said something in English when shortly after they stood up. Ben nervously smiled and shook his head no, as honestly couldn't speak the language. She said something again, this time in Korean. Again smiled and shook his head no. He felt dumb for just being a Security Agent, she was probably a diplomatic agent who spoke 9 languages. The young lady bit her lip whilst clearly thinking of someway of communicating with the man she had just almost knocked over. Then it came to her, she gave the man a small bow, looked directly in his eyes and blurted out "Guten Tag!". She then rushed off to where ever it was she was going, but Ben was completely smitten.


"How on earth am I supposed to ask someone to lunch when I can't speak their language." asked Ben, still back looking over at the Korean Embassy. "She knew Guten Tag right? Maybe she speaks German." proclaimed Felix as he realized he had just stripped the treads of one of the screw heads. "Plus Emma and I practically never speak and we have two kids! Communication is overrated anyway." It was clear now that some of the sweat on Ben's brow wasn't from the heat. "Ok, So lets say I do want to ask her to lunch and I find a language to do it in, what am I supposed to do? Just stand outside the Korean Embassy and wait?" explained Ben. Felix realized his phone was probably broken beyond his ability and he might have just made it worse. He sat his phone down in defeat and stood up to stretch. "Ben, if it's meant to be I'm sure the Universe will send you a sign." Just then some kids nearby sat off some fireworks that made Ben almost jump out of his skin. His ears were ringing. Wow that was loud. It must have been close. "Holy crap that scared the crap out of me." Laughed Ben. "They almost sounded like gunshots! I wish we had stuff that loud back home." Felix didn't respond.


Ben turned in horror to see his friend Felix missing most of his face. He froze. For Ben it was as if time stopped. He had never seen any real combat before. There was so much blood.

"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" cried Ben.

An explosion snapped Ben out of his trance. It knocked him to the ground. He turned up to look and see where it had came from. Smoke and fire was billowing up from the front of the one place he had been staring out at all morning. The South Korean Embassy.

He fumbled around the floor of the check point, tears streaming from his eyes. He was looking for his hand radio. He couldn't find it. There was blood everywhere. He couldn't focus. His world was falling apart all around him. Finally, in a moment of triumph he found the radio near the bucket where his friend was just trying to fix his phone so he could call his wife back in Germany. As he hit the call button on the radio, anger filled his chest as the full realty of the situation sank in. He screamed into the radio...

"Man Down, Man Down, We are under attack, I repeat, We are under attack!"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
By now what was going on had hit the top branch of the Government. It was becoming a very critical time right now in the Capital and the Prime Minister Khaleda Zia had to act. She quickly spoke to the President followed by a telephone call to the General. Two companies from the 46th Independent Infantry Brigade were to be mobilized. They were to be driving around large pickup trucks, alongside being reinforced by two BTR 80s. If things were to go south, the whole Brigade was further be mobilised. Dhaka Cantonment were the Brigade was from was put on high alert.

The ParaCommando Brigade were also mobilised, with reports coming in of gunfire at the Embassy. They were called upon, if the Police failed to tackle what was going on at Madani Avenue.

The PM herself was put under armed guard. Guards were armed with Type 56 assault rifles.
Shapla Square,
It wasn't very long until what had happened at Shimanto Square reached Shapla Square. Several cheers came from the crowds of rioters, whilst some were in obvious disgust of what had just happened. By now Shapla Square was in a absolute mess caused by the mayhem of the rioters. DMP Officers couldn't very much careless what had happened, however they still attempted to do their job. They were very casual about it. Most of them were armed with large metal poles or strong wood sticks. Majority had riot shields, but the others had shotguns that were filled with either pellets or rubber bullets. A few however wielded a baton gun, ready to fire tear gas canisters.
Another clash began as rioters once more began n to throw countless of items towards Police lines. Anything they could find was thrown, however the Police began to return their own fire by firing off their shotguns and firing tear gas canisters. The only thing that could be heard currently in Shapla Square was the large amount of Police whistles, sirens and shouting.

Smoke billowed through the square as some rioters had took to looting nearby closed stores. A lone vehicle had been set on fire whilst others had their windows smashed. Rioters continued to cheer and chant as they continously threw things at Police once the shooting had stopped. But once it began, they made almighty dash in different directions.

The Police lines would make a casual charge into the rioters, the rioters knowing that Bangladeshi Law Enforcement were very harsh and would beat rioters would make a run to ensure they were not caught. Anyone that was caught, they were swifly arrested. However the majority did bear the brunt of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police as some were beaten with whatever pole or stick the officer had.


Shimanto Square
Screams, anguish and blood covered the Square. Only a couple minutes earlier on it was filled with joy, laughter and cheers. Many on the square were looking for loved ones that were caught in the simultaneous blasts, whilst others rushed to help those in need. The incident was very quickly called a critical, which meant all Bangladeshi Emergency Services needed to attend the Square as soon as possible. Casualty rates were too early to tell, but it reached over the 100 mark.
Private Muhammad Ashraq of the Border Guards started walking around the square. He started sweating whilst he wiedled his BD-08 assault rifle, he looked around the square. Sirens blared around the scene. Blood and body parts covered the floor completely.

Ashraq looked around, until a Constable from the Dhaka Metropolitan Police dragged him by the arm to assist in rendering first aid to a wounded person. "Come." The Constable beckoned the Private hastily who was frozen to where he stood.

Ashraq followed, still sweating and feeling vomit. He looked down to what he had been dragged upon.

A young male was on the floor, blood covering his entire face. He was screaming in anguish and pain. "Help me please!" He screamed. Ashraq took one look below further down and the main had little left of both of his legs. He quickly turned away, as he felt further vomit pour up through his throat. He looked around. The young man was not the only one who was getting aid. Four others who were injured were around and in close proximity of the young male. There was also people around them trying to render aid. There was also a few bodies.

Ashraq turned around, staring blankily at the young man. The Constable at this was screaming at Ashraq to help him with giving aid. But Ashraq stood still. He breathed heavily further and further as he dropped his rifle to the ground.

The Constable turned once more to the BGB Private. His eyes widened on what he was about to do.

Ashraq pulled out a mobile device and held it in the air. At this point he was shaking with fear.

"God... god is great."
Madani Avenue,
As the explosion went off. The four males knew it was going to alert whoever was going to be around them. They needed to be quick. At this point it was long for them to know that the Koreans were going to be ready to go and to protect their embassy with their lives. One of the four pulled out his first grenade. All four of them have had a total of five grenades each. Two of them now had four. The man pulled the pin of the grenade, leaving it too cook for a certain few seconds before throwing it over the wall near to the Koreans who were setting up guard around their embassy. Unknown to them they didn't know were the Koreans were due to the ongoing gunfire that had occurred and the smoke from the Korean vehicle that billowed through the air. The terrorist who had threw the grenade had cooked it long enough for the grenade to go over and land wherever and explode straight away, not giving anybody near a chance to duck for cover.

Once the grenade exploded, the four males made another drastic run to another cover. They were clearly trained, but mysteriously it was not known what. One of them spotted the German who was at the gates of their embassy. He shouted in very broken English. "YOU... HERE!" He indicated to him to put his hands up and to move towards them. The man however remained strictly in cover as all four knew they needed to at this point make sure they were not surrounded.

The minivan driver remained outside the Police Station. The message from the Korean Embassy was received, hence the mobilisation of Bangladesh's elite special forces in case the Police could not reclaim control. The message was forwaded to Vatara Police Station which literally was up the road.
The Police Station had light amount of Officers inside, only because majority had left to respond to the incident in Central Dhaka. Many would infact hear the gunfire and the first explosion and began to arm themselves with their usual sidearms and shotguns. As the officers made their way outside, the mini van driver began drive down towards the Embassy. He dialled a number which then let off a large explosion at the front of the Police Station...
Vaka Jay


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Seeing one of the figures of one of the attackers, Private Lee Minjoon fired his rifle at their direction to pin them down. As they were already in cover, the best his fire would do would buy the unseen German sometime to rush inside or away from the sight of the attackers. Private Kim would fire another burst in the same direction, seeking to pin down the attackers and let the diplomats get out of harms way. Under them private Kim Jooyoung would fire his rifle into the same area from inside the top window of the Embassy. Privates Park and Muk would be able to hand over Sergeant Kim to Corporal Park Minhee who carried him to his section of nine other soldiers at the Ambassador Complex where they tried to stop the bleeding. Using the shirt of one of the diplomats and the tie of another they worked to stop the excessive bleeding the multiple cuts had made. One of the female diplomats was a trained nurse and the Ambassador's bodyguard brought out an emergency medical kit. While not equipped to deal with this sort of injury, they were able to use some of its equipment. They tried their best to help him, but with the number of cuts across his body, the blood began to pour excessively. They would do their best to save the soldier as the other soldiers inside the Ambassador Complex manned the perimeter and deployed four of the ten outside the building if someone ran in.

Back at the main complex a firefight would erupt between the Korean Embassy and the attackers outside. If it was not clear an attack was ongoing before, it was now. The black smoke bellowing from the burning vehicle provided a natural cover for marksmen Kim and Lee on the rooftop, but would blind the soldiers inside the Embassy from the windows. Privates Lee Kyungmin and Hodong would bolt out from their windows down to the parking lot to take over behind the front area of the Ambassadors vehicle and an armored truck. With a ground-level view, they would be able to retaliate with fire if the attackers moved. As they rushed out however, a number of grenades would fall and explode. Two would explode overhead and send shrapnel all around them. The Main Annex would have a hole ripped in the front of it where Private Kim Jooyoung was firing his rifle and below him Private Lee Kyungmin would have shrapnel pierce him from the back. Private Lee would be saved from any life threatening injuries from his ballistic vest and helmet, but would have debris piercing his leg. The adrenaline rushing through him would make him not feel anything. The temporary deafening sound lost all sense of stability and he just bolted behind the Ambassadors car. Private Lee Hodong would roll out of the larger vehicle are where another grenade fell blowing up the larger vehicle sending flames and shrapnel across the front of the Embassy. Privates Park and Muk would see the explosion and quickly rush backwards. Inside the building, the screams of private Kim would be heard as Corporal Jo Shinhee and Sergeant Park Kyesang rushed to grab the screaming private who had injures across his arm and his hand appeared broken. Some of the bricks had crushed his hand as they collapsed around him. Dragging him out and into the hallway where Corporal Jo stabilized his wounds tightening his arm with some rope while he applied pressure to the wound while Private Kim from above brought a small medical kit with gauze to cover the wound. There was nothing he could do for the hand and Private Kim would have to bear with it.

Private Lee Minjoon would fire his rifle to suppress the moving assaulters. The smoke from now another exploding vehicle would not help him as the vision slowly narrowed. Still, his vantage position gave him an advantage over the assaulters who were below. The soldiers on on the right side of the building, Sergeant Park Kyesang, Kim Hoyoung, and Son Yejeong would be able to see the moving insurgents and fired their rifles in bursts at the moving insurgents. The rumble of grenades exploding would mean they could not stay in their location too long or be at risk of grenades being tossed to hit them. Private Lee Kyungmin would feel a large jab in his left foot, as he laid behind cover behind a vehicle. The pressure slowly built up and he looked down to see his entire left leg to be bleeding as a piece of shrapnel had ripped through him. He looked around in a daze, and began to slowly lose consciousness. Private Lee Hodong would crawl across the ground to protect himself from any other grenades as he moved to his friend to check on him. As he crawled he saw Private Lee's head slam into the ground, picking up the pace he grabbed his friend and moved him away and crawled backwards. Privates Park and Muk would be thrown back and forced to remain on the wall of the Main Building as they hugged it. They couldn't see if any more grenades would be thrown. The front of the Embassy was now ravaged, as the green decor and brown soil was launched into the air. The smell of burning metal and vehicles obscured the senses of the troops. Screams of Korean soldiers injured could be heard from inside the building and across the parking lot...the battle raged across the Embassy as the small game of cat and mouse continued. Firing at anything that moved outside and sometimes blindly into the smoke hoping to suppress and if lucky kill the attackers. Sergeant Park would peak his head across the right side of the Embassy into the German Embassy, he could not see much if ay all anything. The trees covered the German Embassy, but, he could hear a faint yell...unknowing what it was.

His gaze would come to an end as a large explosion could was heard. His first reaction was to duck down, thinking it was another grenade tossed near him. He then called out to see who was hurt, no one responded. Private Kim on the roof top could see smoke bellowing out from another area up ahead...his eyes widened as he realized it was the police force. The only advantage for the Koreans would be that the police nearby would be able to encircle the assaulters while the security at the German & American Embassies would be able to retaliate. However, for now it would only be the Koreans fighting back. With the police force unable to reach them and the other Embassies assumingly under the same level of fire, the Private began to worry. Private Lee would throw a small rock at the helmet of Private Kim telling him to focus. The two of them had a vantage point and they used it to the best of their ability. The attackers if attempting to storm the Embassy would find themselves exposed and shot at from two different points, the rooftop and the right side of the building. The left side of the building had a hole in it and the smoke from the Embassy vehicles obscured it. The front wall was unscalable without external equipment as it had a number of metal pikes. Any physical crossing would leave them exposed to Privates Park and Muk hiding behind a small wall on the left side and Private Lee who although distracted treating his friend, could still fire his weapon albeit delayed. Without any reinforcements in the foreseeable future, they would do their best to keep their ammunition topped and access to water. Private Jo Sooyeon would rush around carrying wounded soldiers with her hands dragging them in the center of the Main Complex away from the engagement. Private Kim Jooyoung, Private Lee Kyungmin, and Corporal Park Taewon would be injured at the front of the defenses. Corporal and Private Jo would do their best to treat the two in front of them. Meanwhile Private Lee would try and move Private Lee Kyungmin to Privates Park and Muk so they could

Still fighting would be Privates Kim Younghee, Lee Minjoon, Park Kangdae, Muk Donghyeon Park Kangdae, Kim Hoyoung, Lee Hodong, Son Yejeong, and Sergeant Park Kyesang were still fighting. Corporal Jo from the Ambassador Complex team would rush over with Private Son Yejeong bringing the total number of troops at the front of the Embassy to 12 with 9 still fighting, 2 injured, and 1 who status was unknown as Private Lee could still hold his weapon. Back at the Ambassador Complex the 10 diplomats who had completed their military service were given sidearms in case the complex was stormed ordered to defend the underground storage facilities. The three diplomatic bodyguards flanked the Ambassador with two armed with K2 rifles and one with a handgun trained at the door while the 5 soldiers remained upstairs. One of them was inside tending to Sergeant Kim's injuries while Sergeant Major Kim Jinho was upstairs monitoring the fighting and waiting to hear from his Bangladeshi counterparts.




To: Bangladesh Prime Minister

From: Ministry of National Defensee

Subject: [Urgent] Embassy Situation

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear H.E. Prime Minister Zia

The Republic of Korea would like to deploy 12 ROK Special Forces operators from New Delhi to insert via Blackhawk Helicopter to the ROK Embassy in Dhaka. The Special Forces would land in Dhaka first before moving to the Embassy in support of the Bangladeshi Security Forces or be able to launch a rescue operation earlier. The situation remains volatile and we would like to ensure the support of the ROK Armed Forces during with the Bangladeshi Security Forces. The last report that from our Embassy indicates the situation is dire. President Kim hopes you can provide an update on the current situation in the area and what is the time-line for a response for to rescue the Embassy. We would to request permission to deploy a special forces company to the area to assist a rescue mission. This would be a minimally force of 12-men from the UDT Seal Force to evacuate our Ambassador and staff at the Embassy and secure the premise. As the closest force in the area, we hope that their acceptance can expedite the rescue mission.

Republic of Korea Armed Forces
Special Operations Command
Security Classification: TOP SECRET

File Information:
Name: OLAN ECR001
Original Classification: Top Secret
Current Classification: Confidential (May be shared with relevant agencies)
File Number: MOND #0891

The Assault of the ROK Embassy in Dhaka resulted in authorization of forces to be deployed by the National Security Council. President Kim ordered all the necessary troops to be deployed and readied to assist.

Friendly Forces:

Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea Army
  • Dhaka Army Embassy Security & Protection Group
    • x 20 personnel
    • K2 Rifle, K5 sidearm,
    • Equipment: Standard Uniform (Granite B), PAGST Headgear, Body-armor, Gloves, Uniforms, Radio, Googles,
    • Training Qualifications: Passed ROK Army Basic Training, Diplomatic Security Training, and individual specialization
Republic of Korea Navy Special Warfare Flotilla
  • 4th Rescue Operations, 1st Battalion
    • x 12 personnel
    • K2 Rifle, K5 sidearm, Squad Assault Weapon K3, K7 Submachine Gun, K4 AGL, K2C1 Panzerfaust-3,
    • Equipment: Standard Uniform (Granite B), PAGST Headgear, Body-armor, Gloves, Uniforms, Radio, Googles, Water-based insertion equipment, air rappelling gear, other items necessary for operational capacity
    • Training Qualifications: Passed ROKN Special Warfare training, personnel with experience and graduate of US Navy Seal Program, special operational skills and capacity
Republic of Korea Air Force
  • x 2 UH-60V Blackhawks
    • x 8 personnel
    • K5 sidearm,
    • Equipment: Aviation Gear and Equipment, Special Visors, Miniguns necessary equipment for operations
    • Training Qualifications: Passed ROK Air Force training and Blackhawk specialization training
Bangladesh Security Forces
  • Force Size Unknown

Hostile Forces
  • Anti-League Insurgents
    • x 4 attackers & 1 driver
    • AK47 assault rifles , hand-thrown grenades, C4 and other explosives
    • Training Qualifications: Trained

Force Strength

[20] ROK Army Diplomatic Security Forces
[12] ROK Navy Special Operators
[2] Blackhawk UH-60V

Staging Location




ROK Embassy New Delhi

New Delhi, Republic of India

Operational Plan




Phase I

Deployment from India to Bangladesh. Time line 2:40 minutes. Helicopters will not leave Embassy without air space permission by India or enter Bangladesh Air Space without permission. Helicopters are fueled and airborne with permission carrying 6 special operators each.


Phase II

Forces will arrive in Dhaka at staging area, one Blackhawk will provide oversight and reconnaissance as ROK Special Forces before alternating as they deploy forces via helicopter


Phase III a)

Once at Embassy, ROK Special Forces will insert via fast rope and insert to provide assistance, recover the Ambassador, and evacuate wounded personnel to a nearby military facility. Orders to capture alive if possible attackers


Phase III b)

Embassy premise will be secured and ensure the confidentiality and safety of all documents and items within premise. All attackers will be neutralized.


4 Embassy Guards critically injured
6 Embassy Guards with injuries
3 Embassy Guards with minor wounds

3 Insurgents captured alive
1 Critically Injured (but captured alive)
1 Insurgent killed

Last edited:


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
After seeing the news, the Ministry of Defence would shut down the borders with Bangladesh. Western Command would be placed on high alert. The 14th Infantry Division (RAPID) would be tasked with India-Bangladesh border security. All border crossings are to be placed on lockdown, only those with valid Indian Passports may re-enter India. Any trespassers are to be detained, processed and extradited.



All Indian Diplomatic Embassies and Missions in Bangladesh are to be evacuated and closed immediately. All staff are to return to India immediately. Staff are expected to take the first flight home to India and report no later than 24 hours after this notification. The Indian Government will reach out to the Bangladesh Government for further updates.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


The Director-General for the Asia & Oceania region Ms Doris A. Lee has announced that Bangladesh Travel Advisory has been moved from Exercise normal safety precautions to reconsider your needs to travel. With the recent update, it is advised that any/all Australian Citizens should return home at their earliest convenience.

A text message would be sent out to all Australian citizens within Bangladesh advising them of this. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade have also stated that any citizens from the Commonwealth and/or the following nations: South Korea, United States of America, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Norway may seek refugee in the Australian Embassy if so needed where the Australian government will do everything in its power to help get all affected citizens out of the country.


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Japanese Embassy which would be behind the South Korean one, across a small street named Road No. 3, would hear the gunfire coming from the South Korean complex.

"Fuck was that?" The Ambassador would exclaim. The Japanese Embassy was a little higher than the Korean embassy so on the top floor they looked out the window and got a good view of the complex and saw the gunfire.

"Koreans are under attack.... and this time, it's not by us." The Ambassador would order the Embassy to go into lockdown. Lights would be switched off, the blinds would be closed and all doors and windows would be locked. The complex was officially crashed and no one would be allowed in or out. Thankfully for the Japanese there was quite a high wall and maximum security around their complex which they shared with the Chinese and British. The Koreans were not so fortunate.

The Ambassador would don a Hachimaki as would many others of the Japanese embassy staff. The Ambassador would reach for his Katana near his desk. He and a few other Embassy staff would head to the roof. They would stay low as they walked on the roof top, getting a good view of the Korean complex. They were vulnerable to fire from here but they maintained their crouched position to not make themselves noticeable. He would have his Katana at the ready in case anything went wrong. Inside, the staff would huddle up in the dark rooms away from the windows awaiting further orders.


GA Member
May 22, 2020

It was election day in Bangladesh and the Polish Embassy was buzzing with activity. Despite being placed on standby during the election, the Polish embassy was fully staffed. They did not expect many visitors or visa applicants from the Bangladeshi citizens but reports needed to be written, filed, and sent back to the main hub at the Chancellery in Poland. Slow days were perfect to catch up on any work that had been placed on backlog and this one was especially slow. The security personnel, however, were not slow. The twenty armed security were busy going through security threat assessments sent to them from home office. They knew that, even though it was election day, security threats never took a day off and election days were especially threatening to the diplomatic staff. Despite all this activity within the embassy and on the streets, it was relatively quiet.


Even being nearly half a mile from the Korean Embassy, the gunshots and explosions could be heard from the Polish Security detail patrolling the courtyard. From the distance, however, it sounded merely like fireworks.

"Seems the locals are setting off fireworks." The radio earpiece came alive with the voice of a young Polish security agent.

"Must be celebrating the election."

"Break. Break. Break. There is a situation on Madani Avenue near the South Korean Embassy. Local sources report gunfire and explosions. Lockdown the perimeter, allow Bangladeshi guards to leave the perimeter, someone will bring security personnel heavy firearms."

As soon as the order came through the headpiece, the security personnel sprang into action. The two diplomatic vehicles were moved to the front gate in a blockade fashion before the personnel retreated further down the drive to establish a defensive position watching the gate. The rest of the security personnel would distribute themselves throughout the compound, with the best marksman placing themselves on the roof to allow for a higher sight line to return fire if they are fired upon. The Polish head of the mission would enter the location to emergency lockdown. Nonessential personnel, mainly those hired from the local population would be relieved of duty and escorted out of the compound by security personnel. Polish essential personnel would begin collecting sensitive data to be destroyed in case the situation becomes more volatile.

To: Bogdan Borusewicz; Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland

CC: Antoni Macierewicz; Royal Ministry of National Defense, Poland

Subject: Security Lockdown - Dhaka - Automated

Security: Secured and Encrypted

Diplomatic Mission Dhaka, Bangladesh has initiated emergency lockdown due to volatile situation in host country. This automated message has been sent using authorization of the Head of Mission. This is not a drill.

Foreign Affairs Automated System

As soon as the emergency lockdown was initiated an automated message was dispatched to home office and the Ministry of National Defense. All non-essential equipment would enter into standby phase until the lockdown was lifted to allow the easy removal of hard drives from state computers. It also allowed the personnel to gather all confidential files and hard drives within the mission and situate them near the burn room to allow them to be destroyed faster.

Agent Igor Marcowicz would wipe the sweat from his brow as he aimed his FB-Beryl rifle towards the front gate. He had served in the Polish army for five years before leaving to join the Diplomatic Security Services. Still, he had not seen actual combat before this day. Never even heard a gunshot fired in anger. Just in practice.

"Break. Break. Break. Situation on Madani Avenue has been confirmed. Explosions have been verified to have occurred within the South Korean and German Embassy. Another location was been verified at the Vatara Police station that is not far from the South Korean embassy. Embassy staff will begin burn orders, security personnel are to hold the perimeter. Anyone who displays a weapon and attempts to enter the compound are to be given a warning shot. If persistent, a wounding shot. If personnel take direct fire, you are authorized to return fire while attempting to limit damage to local infrastructure."

Silence within the compound was quickly interrupted by the muted sounds of the rifles carried by the Security personnel chambering a round. The automatic 5.56mm rifles should be enough to halt anyone attempted to enter the compound. For a time at least.

To: South Korean Mission, Dhaka; German Mission, Dhaka

Subject: Security Situation - Dhaka

Security: Secured and Encrypted

The Polish Mission has been placed in lockdown after received word of shots fired at your location. As of right now, Polish Mission - Dhaka is secure and have no visual on hostiles within our area. We are ready to assist in whatever way we can. We have issued a burn order and will move to exit the country once that order has been completed. If you require assistance until then, send a reply with codeword Black.

Polish Mission Dhaka
Ambassador Anastazy Borucki


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Shapla Square,
Shapla Square lay in a mess. The rioting had ended swiftly with a number of arrests followed. Their was quite a number of injuries on both sides, but more with the rioters. They were quickly taken to Hospital, but they were told swiftly to keep quiet on how they received their injuries or face further retribution.
It wasn't a lie that many of the rioters had actually been beaten by DMP riot officers. To the rioters it was seen as serious Police brutaility, to any other Bengali it was seen as what was needed to teach those that cause disruption and destruction.

Fires currently burnt on the square as the square lay quiet. The only life that was left was a small section of DMP officers who walked around inspecting the damage. They knew they were going to be there for quite amount of time as all the focus went onto Shimanto Square and Madani Avenue.
Shimanto Square,
It was a life or death situation that laid across the Square. Word very quickly got around that the bombing that just happened was a suicide bombing that was committed by a member of the Border Guards. By this time two trucks filled with the Army arrived and they assisted where and whenever they could. However, by now most the of the Ambulance around Dhaka was at the scene attending to whoever was injured or who died. Hospitals very slowly began to fill up with the injured as things looked very dim.

Around the Square, Infantry troops began to set up ensuring that no one could get in and no one could get out. Their was a large amount of activity on the Square now of combined Law Enforcement and the Army. Soon after the troops arriving, it wasn't long for a BTR-80 to arrive, to now reinforce the Square. The other BTR-80 was sent to Madani Avenue.
Madani Avenue,
The four males by now were massively suppressed by the Korean gunfire. They had not fired towards the Koreans, other then throw at least three grenades. Due to the Koreans mass firing around where they were. One of them would be shot in the shoulder whilst another would be shot in the left leg and the hip. However, they both seemingly wanted to continue with the strength they had that was slowly dwindling.
One of the four grabbed his second grenade out of his pocket, under the cover of the smoke that filled around the embassy he cooked the grenade and threw it over once more aiming for wherever the Koreans were firing from near the walls.

As they did and once the grenade exploded, the Minivan driver was speeding down the road, his Minivan aiming towards the Korean Embassy. However, as he neared the embassy assumingly the Koreans would shoot at it. If not, several shots would be fired at it from a group of Dhaka Metropolitan Police officers that had rushed across the bridge from other embassies. As the minivan came to a sudden halt, it crashed into some nearby vehicles. The minivan had crashed between the German & the South Korean Embassy.

The four males were bewildered that one of their own was killed. They quickly turned the anger and their aim towards the group of DMP officers on the bridge and began to fire towards them. The group which totaled only four were quite rather quickly cut down. More and more sirens were now coming closer and closer to the street. However inside the minivan, even though the driver was riddled with bullets. He began to recite a verse from the Quran, before he pulled out his mobile phone underneath him. He was slumped over the van as he coughed blood.

He continued to recite the Quran as he dialled a number.

In the very next moment, the minivan quickly turned into a large ball of flame. The explosion was much more powerful then grenade explosions. The four terrorists were just about out of radius as they used their cover to maintain their position. However one of them would be knocked to the ground, taken aback how fierce the explosion was.

By now, the Government were informed the local Police Station had been bombed by whoever was attacking the Embassies. Followed by a further vehicle explosion. Things were now becoming more and more out of hand. The order was given and one of the two BTR-80s that were on the way to Shimanto Square was directed to go towards Madani Avenue, which was not too far away. A large pickup containing Infantry troops were also on their way towards. Four Toyota Hilux vehicles containing 6 ParaCommando soldiers in each vehicle would leave Dhaka Cantonment in quick succession. They were all armed either with BD-08s or Type 56 assault rifles.
As the Army made their response towards Madani Avenue, so did Law Enforcement. Even though it was very slow, most of the Law Enforcement were directed to the rioting or the bombings that had just occurred. Vehicles containing DMP or Rapid Action Battalion Officers were nearby and as they heard the explosion, they quickly radioed it through to their control room. Jay Vaka


Office of the Prime Minister



Ministry of National Defence


Office of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Khaleda Zia


RE: URGENT: Embassy Situation

Security Level

Encrypted and Private

Dear the Ministry of National Defence of South Korea.

I authorise the use of your Special Forces and have sent the order out that you will be arriving.

Please be aware, we are trying our best to respond to this incident. We are unaware what has happened as we've had to deal with two serious incidents, followed by the third.

We have number of Law Enforcement and Army on their way. However, I will leave the choice if you still wish for your Special Forces to move in. However, by that time it maybe possible the DMP may retake control of the situation.

Outskirts of Jamalpur,

North Bangladesh

The chubby Army officer sat in his seat, fiddling with his horseshoe moustache as he watched what unfolding on television. He was receiving constant updates over the phone. He sat in his living room in a patterned shirt and his khaki pants as Bangladesh news beamed on his television. He smiled more and more as news of the further bombing at Shimanto Square and then the further news of another explosion occurred. He sighed, but he received another further phone call.

"Colonel." The voice beckoned over the phone. "It seems, the plan is working."

"Hmph." A small deep breath out as he watched the television, their was a small pause that followed. "The plan to halt this election has worked indeed. But for how long?"


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Embassy force would continue to fire down on the attackers, not letting them get any time to be able to aim another grenade at the Embassy. Corporal Jo would rush out of the embassy to help drag Private Lee inside as they tended to his wounds. Out of the three, he was in the most critical conditions as they wrapped the gauze around his leg and tightened a small cloth around his leg to stop the excessive bleeding. Corporal Jo would check her medical equipment, trying to save it for any major injuries. The ringing of rifles echoed across the annex building as the right side of the building continued to fire to provide indirect cover to the troops maneuvering across the front of the building. On the rooftops, privates Kim and Lee would be able to provide direct fire to neutralize the insurgents that moved out of cover. However, the game of cat and mouse between firing, a grenade would explode near privates Park and Muk near the wall next to the left side of the complex. The explosion would send dirt and fragmentation across the front area of the Embassy. Private Lee Hodong would keep his head down as the dirt and grass flew over him. After the explosion rushing to join his friends on the left side being given cover fire. They would manage to hit the insurgents a number of times, hearing an occasional grunt through the fury of bullets.

On the rooftop, private Kim spotted a white van rushing forward, trying to identify it he would not be able to tell if it was a police vehicle or something else. As he trained his rifle at the driver, he would be able to make out a single driver...and when what looked like police officers from the other side began firing at the vehicle he realized his error. The white van would continue to pick up the pace. Private Kim fired his rifle at the driver, putting half his magazine into the driver who crashed his vehicle into the wall between the German and Korean Embassy. The crash would send the vehicle backwards as it flipped over. He fired the remainder of his magazine into the driver area to make sure whoever was inside was neutralized.

Sergeant Major Kim would be manning the communications, relaying updates to the front force and from the Bangladeshi Army which were moving across the street. As he was updated on the arriving police and army units, an ROK Navy Captain, Na Shiwon would let the Sergeant Major know they were three minutes away. As the South Korean special operations unit seeing the traffic and road blockages as they flew overhead opted to continue with an aerial approach. The situation looked like it was coming to an end as the Bangladeshis and Korean reinforcements moved towards the scene. The Bangladeshi Police would be the first to get there, but the sound of helicopter blades whirling began to grow closer and closer. The sounds of gunfire would be replaced by the whirling echo of the calvary as the Americans would've called it. As all seemingly came to an end, a massive fireball would explode outside the Embassy thrusting the Korean soldiers in the courtyard backwards

Madani Avenue, Dhaka, Bangladesh
South Korean special forces would enter Bangladeshi Air Space as they headed to the capitol. The special operators would check their weapons, gear, and make final check as they finished refueling and headed towards the Embassy. A large explosion would erupt as they moved towards the Embassy, unknown what it was they could continue with caution. The helicopter pilots would use their GPS as they flew above the city. From a overhead view, the pilots and special operators could see the bellowing smoke from across the city and wailing sounds of sirens penetrating even their protected ears and radio chatter. The two ROK Army Blackhawks would continue their approach, slightly spread apart and not keeping a straight vector. Their biggest fear being an anti-air missile fired at them, and not knowing how many attackers and their armaments, the operators would be concerned. They would make it to their destination without any difficulties. As they flew behind the Embassy, they could make out some diplomatic missions with personnel on their rooftop, unable to identify the different embassies however. They continued to the Korean Embassy where one of the Blackhawks made its approach and flew directly above the lawn behind the main annex of the Embassy while the other Blackhawk patrolled overhead to neutralize any hostiles. From their vantage point, the operators would quickly fire their weapons at the insurgents to neutralize them.

Across the city, the black smoke of explosions and fires engulfed the air and the skies. The passengers coming in could all but look in awe at the smoke bellowing from different parts of the city where explosives had detonated. The Blackhawks would be able examine the extent of damage from the blast. It had left two smaller utility sections, maybe a German guard house, completed blown away, with only a broken structure remaining. The entire section of the wall within a feet or two of the blast would be destroyed. The extent of the damage would see some damage done to the US Embassy, but, it appeared the American Embassy only suffered superficial damages to its wall which would have a portion broken but otherwise in-tact. The front building of the Korean Embassy was ravaged, holes were punctured across the front and some offices damaged inside. The Special Operators would disembark once they were close enough to the ground and rushed into the Embassy to secure the Ambassador and diplomats. They would take stock of the injured soldier quickly losing blood, as Sergeant Major Kim briefed them on the other three wounded. They would load the four wounded soldiers, one requiring a stretcher as they fastened him and secured his wounds and gave additional medical attention. Ten diplomats would be loaded onto the helicopter with the wounded soldiers and be MEDEVACED to a Bangladeshi Army Base for medical attention. One operator from the six would remain with the helicopter while two operators checked on the Ambassador. The remaining three operators rushed to the front gate of the Embassy.

The Operators would rush out onto the street outside, maintaining their distant as they aimed their weapons at the incapacitated attackers. They anticipated that they could have explosives strapped to their chests and so they aimed their rifles at their heads ready to shoot if they even moved a muscle. Corporal Lee Jaeshin would grab the first insurgent nearest to him. Kicking his rifle away from him, the blast appeared to have disoriented them and have affects on their hearing. He would use a plastic zip ties to restraint the insurgents. The others aimed their weapons and did not flinch as they looked for any reason to kill the other insurgents. If they moved they would die, if they did not move the Koreans would hand-cuff them and bring them inside the Embassy after patting them down for explosives. The sound of sirens wailed as the Bangladeshi's arrived closer and closer, perhaps they could only get another, but it was certain that the Bangladeshi's would demand their hand over...a sign the battle would continue. The first man would be dragged into the Korean Embassy where Corporal Jo now not preoccupied with the injured Koreans attended to his wounds. Two Korean soldiers were suffering from hearing issues, and one had blood seeping from his head where a rock had hit him. Luckily the helmet took the brunt of the blow, but the other debris left a big cut. The cut was covered and cleaned before the Corporal tended to the insurgent.

The Embassy was reinforced and fortified. Four more Seal operators would rappel from the second Helicopter onto the Embassy front building where they encountered the two Korean sharpshooters. They would leave two of their own at the top while the other two joined their fellow operators securing the prisoners. The Embassy unit would take a head count, both mentally exhausted and some reeling with what they had seen, the special operators and NCO's were very much accustomed to this incident. The attacks against South Koreans on the DMZ where they had served prior readied them. However, some of the privates were visibly shaken. The Ambassador and nine other diplomats were still in the complex and their guard could not be let down as they waited for the Blackhawk to return. Two soldiers would rush over to the German Embassy to check in and offer to evacuate their wounded. The same done to any Americans injured. The Blackhawk would continue to circle above the Embassy with two operators onboard with their rifles pointed outward and aiming at different angles if other attackers joined.

The Ambassador was updated on the situation, while he would take some of this staff to the main building under the protection of the UDT operators with him and his bodyguards as they checked on the servers and building infrastructure. They walked in, blood on some people's desk, the windows shattered, glass and rocks scattered like dust particles across the area. The staircase was stained with blood as if dragged across it. The Ambassadors office was not damaged, and he would be able to access his work files and classified documents. The staff would grab the classified files and move them to a secure safe. Anything deemed dangerous such as confidential files on political candidates and financial transactions would be destroyed by the Embassy. The Embassy would be secured and no one be able to enter. The hole in the wall would be guarded by Privates Park and Muk with their weapons unslung and ready to fire. The special forces would check the burning van, it was clear to have been a VBIED.

Captain Na and Sergeant Major Kwon analyzed the scene...four insurgents, a driver, explosives grenades and C4, and AK-47 rifles. It was clear they did not intend to realistically storm the embassy so they thought...where they after publicity? They observed no major damage to the Americans...which they found to be odd. They checked the dead Bangladeshi police officers who guarded the Embassy squares, all deceased...nothing could be done for them. They even wondered if the other attacks were connected to the Embassy many questions, hopefully their captured insurgent would talk. They were concerned with follow up attacks and the special operators would crouch at different points using hard cover available with their weapons trained in either direction as they waited for the reinforcements or possible attackers...Captain Na more worried if this was done with the help of the police or by a growing insurgency group capable of such devastating attacks. Any news agency capturing this would be able to see the carnage across the diplomatic missions where flames and smoke raged. If four insurgents did this much damage, imagine what ten...a hundred...or even a thousand of them could do to the country. His eyes analyzing the scene before turning his attention upward. The Bangladeshi's would arrive to see two handcuffed insurgents on the ground under the guard of the South Korean special forces, only two would be brought into the Embassy and would be guarded by the Embassy Guards.

Danny Vaka


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


Within minutes of the shooting an explosions outside, embassy security issued a "Red Alert" which indicated that the embassy was under attack or at significant risk of being attacked. The Marine Embassy Guards at the American Embassy were mobilized and ordered to their muster stations. The Ambassador and his family were taken to a safe room in the basement while all of the doors and windows were locked and closed. Any American anywhere on the premises, or any person who had made it through security, was escorted into the confines of the embassy, and then inside one of the buildings itself. Having heard explosions and gunshots, and then later getting some confirmation from the Koreans, the Marines were armed with lethal weapons including M16A4s and 1911 sidearms. The Marines took defensive positions on the roof of the embassy, as well as at the main gates and entrances to the compound. They were fully armed, in their combat gear, and ready to fight if anyone tried to scale the embassy. They were under orders to shoot dead any armed person that entered the embassy.

While the embassy was being turned into the fortress, the American Ambassador first securely informed the State Department that an incident was ongoing. The Deputy Secretary of State, Charlie Price, had this information securely forwarded to Jackson Fitzgerald who was in Canada. State Department officials that work alongside the Defense Department further spread the information in a secure way. In the event that the American Embassy was going to be attacked, elements of the Third Fleet at Pearl Harbor were put on alert for a possible operational deployment.

Once it was unequivocally certain that the American Embassy was secure, the American Ambassador informed the highest-ranking Korean official he could reach at their embassy that they would be sending over medics to assist with anyone that was injured. Three Marine Embassy Guards - two of which were unarmed combat medics that had the red cross clearly visible - exited the U.S. Embassy. While no armed personnel were being sent out of the embassy, the armed Marines on the roof of the American embassy kept a watchful eye on the street below, and were ready to protect their brothers in the event that there was any further incident. The Americans also of course had the American flag embroidered on the left shoulder of their uniform, and would be impossible to mistake for any other country. It so happened that one of the medics, Lieutenant Jim Lee, was a Korean-American who could decently speak his family's native language.

The Marines left the confines of the American Embassy and, if it appeared safe, would cautiously approach the Korean soldiers and embassy guards who were in the street.

"United States Marines!" Lieutenant Lee shouted in Korean to the Koreans over the noise of the helicopters and whatever other chaos was going on outside. "We're medics," Lee continued, if the Koreans seemed to be entertained in listening to him. "Is there anyone we can help?" he asked.

All three of the men, including Lee, were clearly unarmed and had a small amount of medical supplies with them, as a combat medic would. Lieutenant Lee waited for a Korean response before he advanced any further onto the road.
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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Captain Na had observed the bodies of the insurgents and their equipment as well as the blast. His manpower was limited, and if they launched a second attack he would have to fall back inside the Embassy and abandon the street as it left him too exposed. As he contemplated these things, he would hear a gate beginning to lower and saw a group of three exiting the American Embassy.

The American embassy marine medical personnel would walk out onto the street where the South Korean UDT Seal would have secured the road while in the background some sirens could be heard as the Bangladeshi's began to arrive with their army and police. Captain Na would turn around as he saw the Americans arriving from the Embassy. They would also be able to easily identify the Korean soldiers who bore a Multicam combat uniform with gear and special equipment and flags of the ROK on their right shoulders and name tags with ROK Navy in English on their left breast. The two Embassy Guards in standard ROK Army uniforms (Digital Granite B) with the ROK Flag on their right shoulders and name tag with the ROK Army on their left breast could be seen guarding what looked like a huge hole in what was once a wall. A burnt out vehicle was seen next to them. Captain Na would approach the Americans, hearing the Americans shout out American Marines. Figuring the man from his uniform and coming from the Embassy was an American either way, he was surprised to be seeing a Korean-speaking American out here in Dhaka.

Waving to the Americans, Captain Na shouted back in English
"Korean Seals!" although his English was good enough for operations and he had taken courses at the US Navy Seal Academy in the past, it was always difficult speaking with native speakers. The two men got closer where they didn't need to shout, Captain Na noticed the man's medical patch. Thankfully the man was able to converse in Korean and he understood they were offering medical assistance. responding back in Korean, Captain Na let the Marine know "There are some inside with some injuries." Guiding the three Marines into the Embassy where they were invited in. Captain Na left them in the hands of Private Muk, informing him to get them to Private Jo. Private Muk led them inside and to a make shift care area. Once inside, they would see carnage as the Korean Embassy building had holes across the front of the building. The parking lot was now just broken concrete and blown up vehicles with a single armored vehicle still standing although battered. The damage to the Korean Embassy was extensive. While limited to the front gate and main building where diplomatic functions were conducted. The auxiliary buildings such as generators, water purifiers, and data storage were untouched as was the Ambassador's annex which house the Ambassador and meeting rooms for high level officials. There was also a lot of blood spread across the courtyard, indicating some serious injuries were sustained with a blood trail leading further into the Embassy.

A female Korean Army medical officer also with a Red Cross armband strapped on her left sleeve, above the elbow. She could be seen treating two Korean soldiers with cuts on their arms where glass had cut through their uniform. Another Korean soldier seemed to be in pain with a bruise across his left leg from a portion of the right of the building that had collapsed from the explosion on him. The Korean medic was overwhelmed with treating people, and the arrival of the three Americans was a big help. Liet. Lee would be able to see her name on her right breast where Jo Sooyeon was written in both Hangul and English. The female medic looked at the American and not knowing he spoke Korean and greeted them in English. Inside the Embassy a female diplomat accidentally cut her hand with some glass as she cleared a desk and a male diplomat stepped on some glass which pierced his foot, both would require medical attention. Between the four medical personnel, the now mostly if not completely depleted Korean supplies meant they would rely on the Americans. Medic Jo was simply happy to be getting assistance. With five people, three soldiers with injuries suffered from the blast and two diplomats with injuries suffered from the damage to the building, it would not be heavy, but required time. The American Medics would be able to treat the three embassy guards who were brought outside and on a makeshift triage care area left of the main building.

Odinson Danny


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bangladesh was in a complex shared with the Brazilian Embassy, Swedish Embassy and the Danish Embassy and security was high in the Norwegian side of the complex with the upcoming election in Bangladesh, the Ambassador and various other staffers had been watching the news closely with the hopes of continuing to grow a potential Norwegian-Bangladeshi relationship. Security protocols had been introduced by Lieutenant Patrick Hovden of the Norwegian Police Security Service.

He heard the explosions on the street which was accompanied by gunfire, he pushed the red button on his radio and in response sent the multiple officers into overdrive as they made their way towards the armoury and they equipped their bulletproof vests and equipped their loaded MP5 sub-machineguns and carried three extra magazines. Each officer was already equipped with a loaded Glock 17 and four extra magazines which later on, they took up defensive positions around the embassy as they listened out for any activity. The ambassador was taken to a secure part of the embassy with all doors being locked down and shutters coming down on all windows for a layer of extra protection.

Lieutenant Patrick Hovden was quick to alert neighbouring embassies based in the same complex and issued an alert to the Brazilian Embassy, Swedish Embassy and Danish Embassy; "Code Red, Code Red, this is Lieutenant Hovden from the Norwegian Embassy, explosions reported alongside gunfire, activate emergency protocols and begin locking down your embassies and await further instructions from your government."

JakeDorent Connor Nathan


GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
With troubling news in Bangladesh reaching the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a stay put order has been issued. Non essential staff would be told to stay home, all staff already on site have been locked down by the Embassy security guards. Doors would be locked and window blinds shut and all staff told to stay away from the windows. Embassy security guards would be stationed at all entrances and exits, entry gates to the compound locked and secured. No visitors are permitted and the MOFA website updated to inform the embassy status as temporarily closed. Telephone lines have been set up for nationals stuck inside Bangladesh for advise and support in getting home.


Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
The Dutch embassy was located across the river but within 700 meters from all the action, meaning they heard the sound of gunfire and the grenade. After this the security team immediately took everyone inside and placed the embassy in full lockdown, placing the ambassador and other important staff in a safe room until they had more information about the situation at hand. The head of security called the Bangladesh police, requesting any information about the situation. With the large buildings surrounding them, and the gunfire at quite a distance they had no idea how bad it was outside.



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
The Brazilian Embassy was monitoring the situation closely, Hearing the first explosions coming from the Korean Embassies alarmed everyone in the Embassy...Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

The Security protocol was activated, the Security personnel within the Embassy would rush to the Armory, the Security Personnel would be equipped with Imbel GC Pistols and the Imbel M964 Battle Rifles from the Armory.

Brazil's protocols would be similar to the Norwegian Embassy's, locking doors and lowering the shutters onto the windows, some security guards peaking through them at the street every so often for any sights of terrorists threatening the building, being on a lower floor to the Nordic Embassies.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Shimanto Square,
The Square was now fully closed to the public. By now, cordons were in place as medical and rescue staff went through the entire part were the rally speech was to comb the area for anyone injured, or even worse dead. Hospitals were slowly getting packed with the wounded and slowly was becoming overwhelmed the amount that were injured in the bombings or the rioting at Shapla Square.
Madani Avenue,
As the incident slowly became to an end, the four males were now separated. Two of them went into the embassy, whilst the other two lay outside trying to regain their hearing back after being captured by the Koreans. All four were wearing civilian clothing, one wearing a Manchester United football top which beared Cantona 7 at the back. They wore bulletproof vests that were laced with explosives enough and belts that contained extra magazines for their firearms, grenades and leg strap which contained their sidearms. In their pockets, they each had a Nokia mobile phone ready to dial to blow them apart.
Assumingly, they were all confiscated. One of the two laid outside injured, he was shot in his right leg and and upper arm which were actively bleeding. Whilst the other that was taken into the embassy was shot in the upper shoulder and the GSW had exited through the back. He was the worse as this was actively bleeding.

As the two were sat down, they'd laugh through their balaclavas. The one heavily bleeding would spit blood at one of the Koreans, swearing in Bengali about his mother.

Outside, several Dhaka Metropolitan Police vehicles screeched to a halt. Multiple officers were running towards the blown up Police station, whilst the rest surrounded the Korean SF operators with the two terrorists that were outside. The inexperienced Constables had their sidearms out or their shotguns. They didn't aim at anyone, but stared blankly at the Koreans and then looked around. Dressed in their light blue shirts and khaki pants, they were all equipped with bulletproof vests. Some of the Constables went towards the dead bodies of their colleagues, finding three of them injured. Whilst they went to clear the burning minivan.
Four Rapid Action Battalion vehicles also followed the DMP response vehicles. These officers were dressed in all black and all wore crash helmets which bore the word RAB on the helmets. Each of them wore sunglasses. They all wielded a mixture of firearms from BD-08 rifles to normal shotguns to MP5s/ They also wore a bulletproof vest which also bore the word RAB. The RAB officers began to separate and went in different directions as they were given tasks such as clearing nearby buildings excluding the Embassies. One of them stood out of the group and walked towards the Korean SFs, he was backed up by four of the RAB officers. His name was Senior Assistant Director Ali, he wore a beret instead of the crash helmets like the other RAB officers wore. His beard was rather long and was orange, a fashion sense that older men in Bangladesh tended to go to.

"Good morning." He spoke in near perfect English. He'd assume the Koreans spoke English, if they didn't there'd be a massive language barrier. He looked in disgust towards the two restrained terrorists on the floor. He sighed as he knew this incident has most likely caused a international catastrophe. "Is there any injured you have? Is there also anymore then these two?"

Whilst waiting for a response, three large pickup trucks the Bangladeshi Army followed by three Toyota Hilux which contained members of the 1st Para Commando Regiment would arrive. They'd join in clearing the buildings around the Madani Avenue. In case of any further reprisals, which was highly unlikely the BTR-80 would also arrive.

To ensure further security for other embassies and the Capital. The full 46th Independent Infantry Brigade were now mobilized and left Dhaka Cantonment in civilian vehicles. They were to be sent towards other embassies and known areas which had a high civilian population. However, the first on scene were the three Toyota Hiluxs that contained the ParaCommando soldiers who began to patrol the nearby embassies.

Jay Vaka Odinson
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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Statement by the Blue House on the Attack in Dhaka

The Republic of Korea strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Dhaka, which resulted in the bodily harm of 12 diplomatic & security personnel The Korean people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They represented with dignity and admiration the partnership of the Korean Republic with nations and people around the globe. I have been directed by H.E. President Kim to provide cooperate with all relevant agencies to ensure all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Bangladesh, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. While the motives of these attackers are unknown, the Republic of Korea will stand firm in its principles. We unequivocally oppose all kind of senseless violence. The incident yesterday that took lives of these Korean public servants is nothing but condemnable.

The Republic of Korea strongly condemn the series of attacks that occurred in Dhaka which alongside targeting our Embassy targeted the democratic process of the Bangladeshi people. Bangladesh's transition to democracy has been one long in the main. Throughout its history the people of Bangladesh have struggled to maintain their right to self-determination and self-rule. Their legacy shall not perish in the attack yesterday. In response to the incident, the Republic of Korea will take necessary security measures to secure our diplomatic posts around the world and ensure a timely response to the attackers. In cooperation with our partners in Bangladesh, we take the necessary steps to improve the security situation and combat hostile entities.

H.E. President Kim strongly condemned the attack and has expressed his admiration for the selflessly service of the diplomats of the Republic of Korea to our country and the global community.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

After removing their equipment, piling their rifles, moving their grenades and explosives away from anyone, the men would be hauled around into different areas. The ones suffering major injuries would be treated inside the Embassy temporarily while the remainder would be lined up around the Embassy and placed with their backs up straight and their arms behind their backs. Without being able to communicate with them, it would be futile to try and interrogate them. Captain An examined the men, he did not think the their civilian clothes matched up with the scale of their attack. They had been clearly trained somewhere, even if they weren't looking the part.

The Special Forces would examine their gear and take pictures and document it as they used this intelligence for later. One of the Koreans would smile and say something in Korean to the men as he took their pictures as well for record. The South Koreans would otherwise do their best to detain these four men until something could be done. The Ambassador and diplomats would be inside and not allowed out. Even if they had linguistic skills to interrogate them, it was too risky at this stage. Corporal Kim Jihu would secure the fourth man who say something in some obscure language to him, just ignoring it as he grabbed whatever other items they had and patted all of them before lining him up with a safe distance away from his fellow insurgent. Captain An would ask the men something in English.
"What are your names?" However, before he could ask anything else the Bangladeshi's arrived.

The South Koreans would raise their weapons to quickly respond to the DMP as they had been unsure of their affiliation. It did not help that the constables also had their weapons out when they arrived. However, after they began checking on their comrades the Koreans would lower their weapons a little. It would not be long before another unit arrived, clearly these were the better trained and perhaps Bangladeshi Army units. The Koreans would not budge as they eyed the new soldiers. Captain An and Sergeant Kim would walk towards them as another officer forms heir end walked forward. Captain An let his weapon be slung around his neck as he walked towards the other man. Sergeant Kim's hand steady on his weapon as he simply looked around. The Sergeant didn't like talking in the open like this.

Captain An looked at the Sen. Ass. Director and responded after he greeted them. The Seal would respond in English.
" would be hard to say good morning on this occasion. No, we don't have any injured. But, the helicopter took some people to a hospital for the Embassy. There are some inside who need a doctor." He looked down at the insurgents restrained. Noticing the increased presence of the other military units arriving as they spread out and secured the entire avenue. Smoke still bellowing out across the diplomatic quarters as the impact of the attack still remained. The sound of sirens wailing, knowing the destruction across the city during his fly over. "These two, and two inside getting medical attention."


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