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Brazil Meeting With Argentina


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The Zircon is indeed a fine piece of equipment. We have the possibility to employ it from the 50 Gorshkov-Class Frigates the Argentine Navy currently operates. Do you have any platform capable of launching it currently active?

I agree with your assesment of the potential dangers of having a too "crowded" base. The small size and the proximity of each asset stationed there would be a tempting target for any enemy strike. We should keep the base as it was destined to be, an advanced strategic point of operations, not a major permanent naval base.

As for trade, boviously we welcome brazilian goods. We can open our market to ethanol fuel, poultry and raw sugar. The problem with beef and oil seeds is that Argentina is a major exporter of those goods as well, and we do not want to overfill the local market. As for the other three exports, you cand irectly export them over land or sea (Port of Buenos Aires).

Finally, regarding the CIS, currently we are debating the inclussion of two new Members, which shouldn't take long. Afterwards, the Republic of Argentina would be more than happy to intervene as sponsor in case Brazil should put forward a formal expression of interest to join the Confederation."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The Gorshkov-Class Frigates, is on our list to add to a possible Carrier Striker Force, as are other Destroyers from other countries.

I must say that I am a bit dis-heartened to hear there will be two new members of CIS before I am even invited, but I guess I shot my mouth off too much since taking office. I guess the fault is my own.

The Taiwan name-calling and the European Diplomatic Crises has taught me to better just leave things alone when you see a government acting stupidly, especially since the governments of Taiwan, France and Germany have already faded away into the pages of history.

Im terms of patrol boats, pick your island, St. Paul or Amapa.

Both are open to you.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The CIS does not extend formal invitations to any new country, but the interested nations are the ones contacting one of the Core Partners and eventually submitting their expression of itnerest for the political board to discuss. I encourage your Government to do so with Brazil! Argentina will gladly sponsort you."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Victor, I have been informed of the completion of the R&D project of the Clemenceau-Carrier modernization. Now, before we sign the final documents and do the final payments... Shoudln't we first talk with the current french Government in order toa void potential problems with them, such as them blocking the work due to legal issues?"



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"Well, with the work already done, I believe that there is little they can block. However, we have two more Clemenceau-Carrier hulls that we would like to modernize into either helicopter carriers, our aircraft carrying heavy-cruiser, similar to that of the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, heavy on missiles and can be used in conjunction with the carriers, but are more heavy on missiles that can be used to soften up enemy targets before actual airstrikes carried out by fighters on the carriers.

In fact, maybe we could even include them on such a project, in hopes that would be on board for both the current project and any further projects using the Clemenceau-Carriers. So, I agree that it is a great idea to include the French in some sort of negotiation.

Also, by the way, I have appointed a Permanent Observer to the CIS, a retired Major General named Cândido Rondon, who also has diplomatic experience serving as our Ambassador to the former Government of Vietnam from 2011-2013."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"I have heard the news about the events off the coast of Nigeria. I want to let you know we will help in anyway. We have a Destroyer currently active in the JJ sector. We obviously cannot launch missiles at it, but he has a Goalkeeper CIWS, which has a range of 2000 meters and could provide defensive support for any operations you which to pursue, and just its presence alone could help persuade the Terrorists that their effort is futile. As always, let me know what you need."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, this was an unexpected incident. The argentine ship is currently being held captive at aroun 1,100km southwest of Lagos. We have already contacted nigerian authorities, which are the closest country with whom we have ties.

Its very interesting to hear that you currently have a ship operating in the vicinity, do you have its exact position? Perhaps we could inform of this to the nigerians and coordinate with them further actions. Any argentine asset would take too long to intervene..."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"It is unfortunately only 10km off the coast of Lagos. But, yes, we are assisting Nigeria with an operation against the Boko Haram, so a destroyer was used as an escort for our other ships in the operation.

However, we are as close as the Nigerians, so we will be able to assist in any operation. I will have them contacted immediately. Excuse me for a second."

President Romero whips out his encrypted cellphone and quickly texts a message.

"My defense and foreign ministers will be making the appropriate calls. Hopefully the Nigerians have a Visit, Board, Search and Seizure team. Well, hopefully it won't come to that. Have you been in contact with the terrorists?

And with this situation, I totally understand if we need to cut my visit short."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"It is good to hear the news of more applications to the CIS. My rep to the GA has already expressed our support for both countries. It seems Thailand is a lock. Some members have already expressed condemnation of the Irish government's decision to sever diplomatic ties with the UK.

On one hand, I can understand their point, with the previous Brazilian government having sold states of Brazil to you, and when my administration took power, many governments worldwide were supporting I start a war to take them back.

But I looked at the other side, and found us to have so much in common, that I just accepted the situation, which I would think all would agree, has worked out well.

What do you think of the Irish governments position? I like that the government is proactive and willing to shake things up, much like I have done. And I also think it gives CIS its first opportunity to put its footprint into Europe.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Argentina supports Thailand's application. As for Ireland, we supported it in the past, however, their recent actions vis a vis the situation of Northern Ireland has made us review our backing to join CIS at this moment.

Bilaterally speaking, we support their claim and intention of reuniting the irish island, however, we see that the issue sparked tension with other, more long-term and firm allies of Argentina, such as Nigeria. Also, this conflcit would bring a rise in tensions with the UK, something that is not of our interest at this point, and i'm not event alking of dragging the "alliances" into this, which would result in a large scale conflict."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"Yes, it is too bad. There definitely was some promise, but I find the Irish government too unstable or rash in its decisions. Our defense minister went to Ireland with a big defense package set up, anti-tank missiles, drones and APC's, equipment Ireland could definitely use, but they strangely only bought the DPR rights for our small arms industry. Really not sure what they are up to."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Hows your current relation with France? I was wondering yesterday how things changed so fast from the near war in Guyana to these compelte silence about it.

As for Ireland, i don't know up to which point the leadership in Dublin is willing to push. Argentina certainly, and privately, sees with good eyes any trouble that could be sparked in the neighborhood of our anglo friends."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"Ah, with France. Yes, a shocking number of events, from, as you mentioned the situation in Guiana to now just a half of a year later, the President and several CEO's from Puegot and Citroen amongst others are in Brasilia to discuss trade, investment and military purchases. So all things are going well on that front.

Well, with Ireland, we were very surprised by their sudden change in attitude, it was so swift in fact. One minute were on the verge of selling them APC's, MLRS's, Uparmored HUMVEE's, as well as naval vessels. Not to mention we were going to gift them 100's drones and 1000's ATGM's. But in the end, all they wanted was DPR for our smalls arms. Very strange, indeed. Oh, well. Their loss.

President Romero would take a sip of his Johnny Walker Blue and then continue.

"Before we get to the big issue of Kosovo, the GA and CIS involvement's in that situation, I understand you may be meeting with a delegation from the Thai government. If you are I wish for to express our intention of meeting with them at some time. Our governments have spoken briefly, but we have not received much feedback. As you know, we all get busy from time to time.

No as for the GA and the Balkans and Kosovo. My question is not brining it up as CIS members. As our rep to the CIS has already mentioned, what does CIS do if we pressure the GA, and the US and Germany still ignore international law.

My personal feeling is that the US will not be really into this fight. The US has nothing to prove.

It is Germany that wants to stretch its political muscles and can see what it can do on the world stage.

What is your assessment?.....Ah, and before you answer I would like to know how your preparations are going for the St. Peter Base. With tensions rising worldwide I believe it best we have the base fully operational."

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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"There is indeed a small thai Delegation currently in Argentina. They are reviewing some military equipment we are transfering to them, free of cost, as a boost to their armed forces. We will comment them from your itnerest in having a meeting.

Regarding the Kosovo issue. If we manage to pass a Resolution, condemning any intervention from the US and Germany, even without mentioning them, we will win leverage in future negotiations, as we oculd simply rise the fact the "some" nations ignore the GA laws, potentially using that in our favor. We would put Serbia in that pack too, and even propose a Resolution granting Kosovo back to Serbia if it passes."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"Thank you for getting us in touch with the Thai's, we had been in touch with them, but it may have all been lost in the diplomatic shuffle.

As far as the GA is concerned, we are going to kick and scream until we get that resolution. And we may have a surprise for some in the coming weeks."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We just tried to have a polite call with France and they acted very rudely and showing clear animosity agains Argentina.

I'm worried what they are up to. I strongly recommend you proceed with caution if you deal with them, and even look to other suppliers..."

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