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\\ Central Bank of Argentina - Commercial Services //

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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
International Commercial Services

The International Commercial Services Department of the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina is the area in charge of offering a variety of commercial services to national and international, public and private clients at the best available conditions in the open market.

Among its leading products and services are:

Corporate credit ratings
The ICSD provides a constantly updated and free international corporate credit rating for most of the active international players. This tool is meant to be used internally and externally to determine the credit worthiness of the included institutions and nations. The rate reflects a debtor's ability to pay back debt by making timely interest payments and the likelihood of default. Several different variables are taken into account at the momento fo deermining the exact credit rating that include but are not limited to political stability, public financial behaviour, activity levels on international stage, financial history amog others.

International Loans
The ICSD offers a line of loans destined to provide solvency solutions to international clients, both public and private.

Financial consultancy services
Specialists in the financial, economic and development fields provide an exhaustive consultancy services to international clients, helping to get through financial complications or providing assitance in elaborating a long term economic development plant.

The rate reflects a debtor's ability to pay back debt by making timely interest payments and the likelihood of default. Several different variables are taken into account at the momento fo deermining the exact credit rating that include but are not limited to political stability, public financial behaviour, activity levels on international stage, financial history amog others.


Prime category. Demonstrated long term stability and secure financial behaviour.


High grade. Demonstrated medium term stability and correct financial behaviour.


Upper medium grade. Evidence of stability, regular presence in international markets.


Medium grade. Demonstrated long term activity.


Average grade.


Speculative grade.


Non-investment grade speculative.


Substantial risks.


In default.





Bosnia Herzegovina




























North Korea












South Korea


South Africa








United Kingdom


United States




The following line of Loans is offered to international public and private clients. Funds are only transfered after the formal subscription of the corresponding contracts. Please contact us privately through the following form in order to begin the process of obtaining one of the loans.

[B][SIZE=4][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=rgb(204, 204, 204)]ICSD Loan Request[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[B][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Private and Encrypted[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma][B]Requesting Client/Nation: -[/B] NAME HERE -
[B]Person of Contact: [/B]- NAME HERE -
[B]Account to de deposited to:[/B] - NAME HERE -

[B]Type of Loant: [/B] - TYPE ID HERE -
[B]Requested Amount: [/B] - NAME HERE -
[B]Repayment in how many monthly installments:[/B] - NAME HERE -[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]Signed by: - NAME HERE -[/FONT][/SIZE]


Class A Loan
- Up to $20,000,000,000.00 USD
- Repayment in up to 18 monthly installments
- Interest rate of 20%

Class B Loan
- Up to $12,000,000,000.00 USD
- Repayment in up to 12 monthly installments
- Interest rate of 22%

Class C Loan
- Up to $6,000,000,000.00 USD
- Repayment in up to 8 monthly installments
- Interest rate of 24%

To request an assesment of your situation and to obtain a budget, please contact us directly.


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018

ICSD Loan Request

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client/Nation: Kingdom of Singapore
Person of Contact: Vivian Lai
Account to be deposited to: Kingdom of Singapore

Type of Loan: Class A Loan
Requested Amount: $14,000,000,000.00
Repayment in how many monthly installments: 18 months

Signed by: Vivian Lai, Secretary of Trade & Economics, VP of Lion Defense Industries



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

ICSD Loan Proposal
Terms and Conditions

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client: Kingdom of Singapore
Requested Type: A
Requested amount: $14,000,000,000.00
Repayment period: 18 monthly installments
Applicable rate: 20%

Amount to be paid back: $16,800,000,000.00
In 18 monthly installments of $933,333,333.00 USD

If the above stated terms are accepted, please sign the following contract in order to receive the indicated finds. Signature implies agreement with the stated conditions of the loan.

Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Kingdom of Singapore

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Kingdom of Singapore, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $14,000,000,000.00, to be transfered after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 20%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment of be paid back, divided through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees therefore to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $933,333,333.00 to the Bank.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transfered and recived by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediatly reclaim the totality of the remaining installments, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Kingdom of Singapore: _______________________________


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Kingdom of Singapore

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Kingdom of Singapore, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $14,000,000,000.00, to be transfered after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 20%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment of be paid back, divided through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees therefore to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $933,333,333.00 to the Bank.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transfered and recived by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediatly reclaim the totality of the remaining installments, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Kingdom of Singapore: Vivian Lai



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The Kingdom of Singapore would privately be informed that the funds have been transfered.

Deleted member 5

ICSD Loan Request

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client/Nation: Republic of Taiwan
Person of Contact: Tsai Ing-wen
Account to de deposited to: Republic of Taiwan

Type of Loant: Class C Loan
Requested Amount: $2,000,000,000.00
Repayment in how many monthly installments: 18 months

Signed by: Tsai Ing-wen, President, Republic of Taiwan



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Taiwan would privately contacted and informed that the maximum payback term for Class C loans is 8 months.

Class C Loan
- Up to $6,000,000,000.00 USD
- Repayment in up to 8 monthly installments
- Interest rate of 24%

Deleted member 5

Taiwan would privately notified and contacted Central Bank of Argentina that they would like to borrow $9 Billion for 18 month installments.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

ICSD Loan Proposal
Terms and Conditions

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client: Republic of Taiwan
Requested Type: A
Requested amount: $9,000,000,000.00
Repayment period: 18 monthly installments
Applicable rate: 20%

Amount to be paid back: $10,800,000,000.00
In 18 monthly installments of $600,000,000 USD

If the above stated terms are accepted, please sign the following contract in order to receive the indicated finds. Signature implies agreement with the stated conditions of the loan.

Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Republic of Taiwan

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Republic of Taiwan, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $9,000,000,000.00, to be transfered after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 20%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment of be paid back, divided through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees therefore to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $600,000,000.00 to the Bank.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transfered and recived by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediatly reclaim the totality of the remaining installments, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Republic of Taiwan: _______________________________


Deleted member 5

Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Republic of Taiwan


The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Republic of Taiwan, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $9,000,000,000.00, to be transfered after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 20%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment of be paid back, divided through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees therefore to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $600,000,000.00 to the Bank.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transfered and recived by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediatly reclaim the totality of the remaining installments, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Republic of Taiwan: Tsai Ing-wen, President, Republic of Taiwan


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Tsai Ing-wen, President, of the Republic of Taiwan would privately be informed that the funds have been wired.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

ICSD Loan Request

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client/Nation: Kingdom of Spain
Person of Contact: Pablo Hernández de Cos
Account to de deposited to: Kingdom of Spain

Type of Loan: A
Requested Amount: $20,000,000,000
Repayment in how many monthly installments: 18

Signed by: Pablo Hernández de Cos



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

ICSD Loan Proposal
Terms and Conditions

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client: Kingdom of Spain
Requested Type: A
Requested amount: $20,000,000,000.00
Repayment period: 18 monthly installments
Applicable rate: 20%

Amount to be paid back: $24,000,000,000.00
In 18 monthly installments of $1,333,333,333.00 USD

If the above stated terms are accepted, please sign the following contract in order to receive the indicated finds. Signature implies agreement with the stated conditions of the loan.

Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Kingdom of Spain

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Kingdom of Spain, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $20,000,000,000.00, to be transfered after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 20%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment to be paid back, divided equally through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees therefore to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $1,333,333,333.00 to the Bank.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transfered and recived by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. The monthly installments funds will be deducted on each tax period, as it is common practice in the international creditor business.

6. If necesary, the Bank can manually transfer the corresponding sum on behalf of the Client.

6. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediatly reclaim the totality of the remaining installments, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms and enforcements.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Kingdom of Spain: _______________________________

Last edited:


Jul 8, 2018

ICSD Loan Request

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client/Nation: - Russian Federation -
Person of Contact: - President of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, -
Account to de deposited to: - The Central Bank of the Russian Federation -
Type of Loan: - Class A Loan -
Requested Amount: - $15,000,000,000 -
Repayment in how many monthly installments: - 18 Months -

Signed by: - President of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina, -



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

ICSD Loan Proposal
Terms and Conditions

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client: Russian Federation
Requested Type: A
Requested amount: $15,000,000,000.00
Repayment period: 18 monthly installments
Applicable rate: 10%* Special discount.

Amount to be paid back: $16,500,000,000.00
In 18 monthly installments of $916,666,666.66 USD

If the above stated terms are accepted, please sign the following contract in order to receive the indicated finds. Signature implies agreement with the stated conditions of the loan.

Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Russian Federation

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Russian Federation, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $15,000,000,000.00, to be transfered after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 10%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment to be paid back, divided equally through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees therefore to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $916,666,666.66 to the Bank.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transfered and recived by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. The monthly installments funds will be deducted on each tax period, as it is common practice in the international creditor business.

6. If necesary, the Bank can manually transfer the corresponding sum on behalf of the Client.

6. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediatly reclaim the totality of the remaining installments, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms and enforcements.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Russian Federation: _______________________________



Jul 8, 2018

ICSD Loan Proposal and Terms and Conditions

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client: Russian Federation
Requested Type: A
Requested amount: $15,000,000,000.00
Repayment period: 18 monthly installments
Applicable rate: 10%* Special discount.

Amount to be paid back: $16,500,000,000.00
In 18 monthly installments of
$916,666,666.66 USD

If the above stated terms are accepted, please sign the following contract in order to receive the indicated finds. Signature implies agreement with the stated conditions of the loan.

Loan Agreement between the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina and the Russian Federation​

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Russian Federation, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $15,000,000,000.00, to be transfered after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 10%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment to be paid back, divided equally through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees therefore to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $916,666,666.66 to the Bank.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transfered and recived by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. The monthly installments funds will be deducted on each tax period, as it is common practice in the international creditor business.

6. If necesary, the Bank can manually transfer the corresponding sum on behalf of the Client.

7. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediatly reclaim the totality of the remaining installments, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms and enforcements.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Russian Federation: President of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Elvira Nabiullina,




Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018

ICSD Loan Request

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client/Nation: - France -
Person of Contact: - Minister Mohamed Ahmed, Dr. -
Account to de deposited to: - Bank of France (France) -

Type of Loant: - B -
Requested Amount: - 10,000,000,000.00$ -
Repayment in how many monthly installments: - 12 Months -

Signed by: - Mohamed Ahmed, Dr. -



Workers' Federation Of Chile
Feb 24, 2019

ICSD Loan Request

Private and Encrypted


Requesting Client/Nation: - Workers' Federation Of Chile-
Person of Contact: - Chairman Mark Gonzales -
Account to de deposited to: - BancoEstado (Chile)-

Type of Loant: - Class A -
Requested Amount: - $14,000,000,000.00 -
Repayment in how many monthly installments: - 18 monthly installments -

Signed by: - Congress Of Trade Unions of The Workers' Federation of Chile -



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

ICSD Loan Proposal
Terms and Conditions

Private and Encrypted

Requesting Client: Workers' Federation Of Chile
Requested Type: A
Requested amount: $14,000,000,000.00
Repayment period: 18 monthly installments
Applicable rate: 20%

Amount to be paid back: $16,800,000,000.00
In 18 monthly installments of $933,333,333.33 USD

If the above stated terms are accepted, please sign the following contract in order to receive the indicated finds. Signature implies agreement with the stated conditions of the loan.

Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Workers' Federation Of Chile

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Workers' Federation Of Chile, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $14,000,000,000.00, to be transferred after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 20%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment to be paid back, divided equally through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees, therefore, to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $933,333,333.33 USD to the Bank, with the first installment to be paid the month after the signature of the present contract.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transferred and received by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. The monthly installments funds can be automatically deducted on each tax period, as it is common practice in the international creditor business.

6. If necessary, the Bank can manually transfer the corresponding sum on behalf of the Client.

7. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or failing to respond to a contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediately reclaim the totality of the remaining installments by own means, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms and enforcement. This recovery mechanism cannot be overruled by any means by the Client. The present contract is signed by the State of the Client, therefore, any Government changes do not affect its validity.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Workers' Federation Of Chile: _________________________________

Please copy&paste the contract with your signature


Workers' Federation Of Chile
Feb 24, 2019
Loan Agreement between
the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina
and the Workers' Federation Of Chile

The Central Bank of the Republic of the Republic of Argentina, hereinafter The Bank, accepts the request to loan the Workers' Federation Of Chile, hereinafter The Client, the total amount of $14,000,000,000.00, to be transferred after the signature of the present contract, according to the following conditions:

1. The loaned amount has an interest rate of 20%, to be added to the loaned sum at the moment to be paid back, divided equally through all indicated installments (18).

2. The Client agrees, therefore, to pay 18 monthly (ICly) installments of $933,333,333.33 USD to the Bank, with the first installment to be paid the month after the signature of the present contract.

3. Once the 18th installment has been transferred and received by the Bank, this contract is considered extinguished.

4. Should the Client be interested in accelerating the payback, the Bank should be contacted for further information.

5. The monthly installments funds can be automatically deducted on each tax period, as it is common practice in the international creditor business.

6. If necessary, the Bank can manually transfer the corresponding sum on behalf of the Client.

7. In case of the Client failing to pay one installment within the corresponding term without proper justification and/or failing to respond to a contact, the Bank is in condition to deem the contract "breached" and can immediately reclaim the totality of the remaining installments by own means, including interests, through national and/or international mechanisms and enforcement. This recovery mechanism cannot be overruled by any means by the Client. The present contract is signed by the State of the Client, therefore, any Government changes do not affect its validity.

For the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina: Sebastian Villa, President.
For the Workers' Federation Of Chile: Chairman Mark Gonzales on behalf of the Congress

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