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[Chile] Chile to close down embassies


Workers' Federation Of Chile
Feb 24, 2019
Once the American vehicles exited the embassy and parked outside, the Chilean Lieutenant silently ordered two of his men to guard the Embassy and then search it up and down after they left. After every officer entered the Hyundais, the Chilean Lieutenant gave a short-range Walkie-Talkie to his American counterpart before entering, one drived to the front of the American Vehicles while the other drived to the back of them.
"Follow the lead Vehicle, we already prepared the safest route possible to the International Airport," Shorty after his reply, the Chilean lead began driving down the streets followed by the convoy as the soft sound of a Policial Helicopter engine was heard overhead them.

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32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Government of Èire would refuse to comply due to the apparent lack of validity with regards to the actions of the new Chilean government. The Security personnel at the Irish embassy at Santiago would be ordered to bolster its defenses and stay on high alert.

Patrick Duffy maded the following statement -

"the actions of Chile are as rash and uncalled for as the actions of Germany during the Brazilian crisis, other nations might leave Chile but we as Irishmen will stay put if it means we have to fight our way out."

Deleted member 5

Since Taiwanese embassy staff already left, and already reached to Taiwan. Brazil should check it’s history that being monkeying around with other nations. Brazil has no business with Taiwan.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The Brazilian security agent listening in on the ongoing crisis taps into his ipad the following, "Mysteriously catch aflame, with a couple of frayed wires being a makeshift ignition source. Sounds like a Taiwanese ICBM."

He then goes back to listening on the crisis as it unfolds.

He would also wonder how, "Taiwanese Embassy Staff would escape the embassy discreetly, arranged a plane to board on and fly towards Taiwan."

When here are no direct flights from Santiago to Taipei.


Workers' Federation Of Chile
Feb 24, 2019
Saying that Chairman Gonzales was pissed would be the understatement of the century.
First the Swedish refusing to leave, although that situation didn't ended up badly so he was thankful for that, then the Taiwanese Embassy catching fire, and now this?! He wanted to scream. He wanted to shout as loud as possible and throw everything to hell. So far his new mandate has been Embassy Crisis after Embassy Crisis.
But he can't.
He had sworn to protect his nation from a Congress dictatorship and from the world. And he'd be dammed if he let something happen because of his emotions. He had to be impartial and diplomatic. What happened with Taiwan had been a mistake, and he couldn't allow this new Crisis to become a bloodbath from letting his emotions take hold again. Standing from his chair on his Office in the Congress building, he turned both the light and Television on. Switching to the new national news channel, the News showed a live-feed of the Irish Embassy. Behind the outer gates, armed Irish Security Personnel in combat gear stood in watch.Not taking his eyes from the screen, Gonzales grabbed his phone and called through an Encryped Line the Carabineros HQ.
"New order. Sorround the Irish Embassy with GOPE personnel. Full combat Gear. Armored vehicles allowed. Use building in front of embassy as FOB" He then proceed to cut the line and silently stare his Television.

Eleven hours after the order had been given, twelve Renault Sherpa 2s and five Hyundai H-1 parked on the sidewalk opposite to the Irish embassy. Once every vehicle stopped, eighty-eight fully armored GOPE officers armed wtih Colt M4s stepped out in clear sight for Irish Security personnel to see and entered in an ordely fashion at the building opposite of the Irish Embassy while leaving two men on the door as guards. Said building had already been vacated for the use of the Officers until further notice. An hour later after the officers entered. Lieutenant John Gutierrez walked out with a megaphone in hand.
"Under direct order of Chairman Gonzales, Irish Diplomatic Personnel has been declared as Persona Non-Grata within Chilean territory. Thus are to be placed under arrest for tresspassing into a Federal Building and Illegal stay in our country. Surrender peacefully within eight hours and no-harm will be done upon you. This offer will not be given again."
Five minutes after the Lieutenant orders, the Irish Embassy would receive an official fax with the same orders as 30 GOPE Officers left te FOB and sorrounded the Embassy.



Jul 21, 2018
All Egyptian Consulates and Embassies would close, all personnel in their respective buildings would destroy all sensitive information, and after doing the necessary things to destroy all information, they would evacuate from Chile."


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
On the rooftop of the embassy, two security guards armed with M4 Rifles would note the presence of Chilean troops making their way to the gate via radio transmission to the security detail on the ground.

From the steps of the embassy, the Irish ambassador made the following statement - "Gentlemen, any entry beyond this point will be considered a violation of Irish Sovereignty, and by consequence of this, an act of war."


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Irish Government would call up its embassy in Santiago to stand down at once. Foreign Minister Duffy, would be asked to hand in his resignation for unprofessional conduct as a result of having put the lives of Irish diplomats on the line in Chile.

Embassy Security, Staff, and The ambassador would be recalled back to Dublin. Any Preexisting relations with Chile would be cut and Irish citizens advised to avoid travelling to Chile until further notice.


Republic of Korea [South Korea]
Dec 27, 2018
After hearing of the numerous closures of embassies, and the incident regarding the Irish Embassy, the South Korean ambassador to Chile would thoroughly searched through his email and mail as he didn't notice or wasn't made aware of a notification regarding this matter. After a while, he discovered that the letter from the Chilean Government was on the bottom of a pile of unopened letters. Upon reading this, the Ambassador began to panic as he gave the order to destroy all sensitive information, wipe computers and begin making arrangements for him and his staff to leave the country.
Such actions was performed as quietly as possible as not to alert any passerby. The ambassador was paranoid of the Chilean authorities noticing that they still remained, especially after hearing the news about the Irish Embassy.
Once all information was successful destroyed, the embassy staff would load up 3 embassy-owned vehicles with any equipment of value and entered the vehicles.
They would all make their way straight to Santiago International Airport and board a direct flight back to Seoul.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Norwegian embassy destroyed all sensitive documents and drives. Non-essential personnel and citizens began the process of leaving the embassy and evacuating the country. Within the forty-eight hour period, all personnel left including the ambassador, his family, and all their personal affects. The Norwegian flag was lowered, and like that, the embassy was thus closed. A notice was given to all Norwegian citizens that a travel-advisory had been issued for the nation of Chile because of this abrupt closure of the Norwegian embassy - and the other embassies of other countries.

Furthermore, after the Norwegian embassy was closed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave official notice to the Chilean embassy that it was to be closed after forty-eight hours and that the ambassador, diplomatic personnel, and all Chilean citizens that make up the staff of the embassy are to be declared persona non grata after the forty-eight hour period expires.

"We regret that it is necessary to issue this notice," the letter read. "But the severing of diplomatic ties is a very serious action that requires a proportional political response. His Majesty's government hopes that this may be rectified in the near-future."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
All Spanish diplomatic missions across the country of Chile would close and staff would destroy any documents and hard drives which could not be returned to Spain on a flight and all Spanish diplomatic staff would take flights back to Madrid where they would be met by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to receive new postings until the situation could be rectified.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The British Embassy in Chile would confirm their exit as per the demands by the government, destroying any sensitive documents and personnel from the British Diplomatic Staff would ensure they boarded the first available methods of transport to get back to the UK for re-tasking. Travel would remain the same and the decision to close embassies was respected but marked as a 'step backwards for cooperation'; hoping the British embassy could re-open in the near future.

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