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(China) -Urgent call to Sweden


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan would make a call to the Swedish Secretary of Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström. The line would be encrypted and recorded by the MSS.

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People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

People’s Republic of China
Encryption Level: Private


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

Secretary Wallström,

Greetings from the People’s Republic of China, I am contacting you on an urgent notice regarding recent statements by a verified account under the name of Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. Approximately 48 hours ago the account issued a declaration that indicated that presumably strikes would occur against enemy capitals in order to maintain the safety of the Kingdom of Sweden. Given the Nature of the statement, doubts were immediately raised regarding the validity of the Prime Minister’s post and an investigation by media outlets and our own sources have concluded that this is in fact not the account of the Prime Minister.

Given the above information I would be interested in holding a phone call in order to get a grasp of this situation and determine the source of the information along with next steps due to the overall massive panic that has gripped a number of administrations around the world.

Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China Tang Jiaxuan
Department of International Foreign Affairs
No. 2, Chaoyangmen Nandajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phone: 020-3814 5994

The Foreign Minister would make another call from his office in Beijing, the call would be marked as URGENT. The Ministry of State Security would actively monitor the call for official recording and filing within state archives. The call would be encrypted.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Secretary Margot Wallström would undoubtedly be keeping her head well below the parapet and the continued barrage of phone calls and paperwork from foreign delegations and Ambassadors stationed consistently hit her office. Without doubt the Secretary was one of the most influential senior diplomats within the Swedish government and had made close connections in every continent on the planet through her time in the Department of Foreign Affairs - and she'd dealt with her fair share of tension and conflict along the way. Margot would notice her phone flashing, prompting her to immediately lift the receiver, flick her hair from covering her ear before placing the receiver firmly against it; almost in a choreographed manoeuvre she had done thousands of times before.

"Madam Secretary, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan of China on the line for you"... a delicate voice from the buildings switchboard would utter before the call were forwarded.

The Secretary spoke with a somewhat sophisticated Swedish accent "Thank you. Minister Jiaxuan, what an unexpected surprise, how are you?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Mr. Tang (Surname is first in Chinese names, I.E. President Xi despite name being Xi Jinping)

“Very well Ms. Wallström, thank you for receiving my call so rapidly, it’s a pleasure that we can open communications between our two states after what some may regard as an extended period of isolation between China and European states such as yours. Given the urgency of my topic of conversation I need to get right to the point. Assuming you have been briefed the situation or have read my email we are currently investigating a troubling tweet that originated from your own prime minister just a few days ago in which he allegedly stated that he issued an order to “Begin immediate and strategic aerial bombardment of eight capital cities.” Understandably this raised more than a few eyebrows at home but after careful review of your PM’s twitter account we‘ve determined that this is not in fact the official account though we are reviewing further information for more evidence.

My question to you is what is the extent in which Sweden is now investigating this tweet, and is there any validity whatsoever to the remarks made on the platform? Given the tweet originated from Sweden and was verified we have yet to determine to what extent this potential hack could mean for global diplomacy, though you’ve surely seen reactions across the globe that are less than positive on this issue so any further data on this would be appreciated.”

The minister would fall back into his swivel chair and await the response of his counterpart, fidgeting with his glasses as he sat. Meanwhile the transcript of the call would be recorded and compiled so that upon it’s completion a report could be sent to President Hu for his personal evaluation of the situation.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"You may be right - Europe has long distanced itself from the harsh regimes that have found themselves governing power over eastern states, somewhat to a degree that goes against fundamental values found in the west. I trust that your government, in reaching out to us, seeks an alternate narrative to history as its written?" the Secretary pauses whilst he Minister continues his introductory comments.

"Whilst I have not yet been made privy to specific details within the Department of Defence, I do sit within the National Security Council which advises the Prime Minister of Sweden. I cannot comment on specifics, and I will not pander to the wider media outlets hoping to further degrade the reputation of this administration. For as long as I can remember the global community has been against every move made by our government. We put an end to an apartheid regime and turned South Africa into one of the largest economies in the world, yet we are dictators. We opened Antarctica to managed, environmentally conscious scientific research, yet we are land grabbing colonizers. We brought reform to international diplomacy through the Global Assembly, yet we refute fundamental human rights. We donate billions of dollars through the Nordic Council and the Gustaf Royal Trust, yet we are money grabbers."

"What I will say, Minister, is that at present there is no ongoing investigation into tweets from the Prime Minister of Sweden." she concludes.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
For a few seconds there would be no reply by the Chinese Minister, only silence as he processed the information he had just consumed from the woman, he would then sit up in his office chair and respond in a harsh tone.

“Forgive me if I’m wrong Ms. Wallström but from what I’ve heard this is an blatant admission that Sweden plans an illegal attack on various states around the world in an manner that is unprovoked and unjustified. I’m sure your administration is smart enough to understand that this is nothing short of suicide, the consequences of such an attack would be crippling to your economy and your government as I’m sure nations of the world will condemn these attacks and respond. I‘m urging your government to reconsider it’s actions before it’s too late, don’t go through with something that will destroy the great country your administration has taken almost a decade to build up.”

He would wait for a response, if any and continue.

“I’m sure you also understand that any action by Sweden to attack any state, no matter it’s relations with China will provoke our government to use force to defend the sovereignty of said nation, and if any attack whatsoever is detected we will not hesitate to arm these states and prepare measures to counter any aggression by the Swedish Armed Forces.”

MSS monitoring would pick up the information relayed by the Swedish diplomat and fax the information to the office of the president and the Central Military Commission. An emergency meeting would be called by Vice Chairman of National Defense General Xu Caihou in Beijing and heads of the various branches of the armed forces would be called from around the country to make haste to Beijing to begin emergency procedures in the next 24 hours.

A directive would be sent by the MSS to state media to prepare for a rare press conference in downtown Beijing.

All of this would be private and secure.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Minister, I would certainly discourage you from making assumptions and trying to take some form of moral high ground. Let me make it absolutely clear that we have been subject to at least two terror attacks in recent history resulting in catastrophic damage to infrastructure and the loss of senior foreign diplomats as a result; we will not tolerate the blatant violation of human rights by foreign states. In addition I'd discourage you from attempting to discredit our intellect... in fact... I would discourage you from making idle threats towards our kingdom. Suicide? Too late? Destroy? These are buzz words of a hypocrite. I have neither confirmed or denied anything, you are coming to conclusions off your own back - I simply said that at present we have no ongoing investigation to my knowledge."

She responds robustly, eager to shake this ideology that the administration be in the wrong, especially when nothing had been said to imply such a thread.

"Whilst I admire your intent to be the sole protector of the globe, you're in no position to make idle threats towards our kingdom and quite frankly I will not sit here and tolerate you doing so. A solitary tweet on a social media platform has brought your government down to a level of making threats towards a western state? I'd hoped the new China would've changed its' tune, clearly I was wrong. Let me make one thing absolutely clear to you, Minister, if your government continues its ignorant abuse towards our state we will have no choice but to seek resolution in the Global Assembly - your foreign policy has flabbergasted me. Moreover, if you so much as consider threatening our kingdom by military means we will ensure the total destruction of China beyond modern comprehension."

Secretary Wallström rapidly begins to make notes on her notepad, eager to feed this further up the food chain as China runs with a tweet as their justification for provoking war.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Minister would tighten up and sit on the edge of his seat, reacting to this attack on his homeland with great disgust.

“Secretary Wallström, evading my questions is only going to bring assumptions and what else am I to think when the Swedish government does not even attempt to investigate a social media post that has brought terror across the globe, even to Sweden’s own allies and friends. Furthermore I made no such threats, in fact I apologized before the fact in case I was incorrect but it seems as though I was correct and thus there’s reason for concern. If my president on social were to threaten to bomb the capital of the United States would you not react with the same anxiety, concern, and anger as I if my very government then stayed silent? I only stated that if Sweden were to follow through on a horrific act, no matter your position Internationally, China would act to help those affected and defend them. How is that a crime?”

The Minister would then pause and wait for a response, while this was occurring he would lean away from the phone briefly, half listening to the Swede, and an aide would approach and whisper in his ear. He would then continue his conversation.

“I also ask you how in what realm of international politics is blackmail tolerated, your threat against us regarding the Global Assembly crosses a number of boundaries, as it appears as though you think that if we were to defend an innocent state from attack that you would somehow create a resolution against us. What would you say we have done? Anything? Not to mention the Global Assembly is essentially non-functional at this moment so any attempt you make to attack us would simply be void and worthless.

And how dare you threaten to ‘destroy’ the People’s Republic of China, do you understand the legal consequences of such a statement and what that could mean for your government’s standing with the international community? I’m not going to engage in petty fighting and personal attacks, just give me the information I need and this whole conflict can be resolved easily, we can act as though this never happened.”

The Minister would sigh, clearly exasperated and annoyed.

“I’m going to put this on the record, if you tell me a straight answer then any and all suspicion is removed but in the case of any deceit what you say will be used in international court. Tell me if Sweden is preparing to attack another country in the near future and if the tweet made is factual, given it was verified, no signs of hacking occurred, and it’s username was that of the Swedish PM. A yes or no will suffice, Secretary Wallström.”



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Minister, you are an intelligent man so I will take the understanding that this is being lost in translation. You have contacted my office, without any prior relations with Sweden and expected me to divulge information on national security, internal protocol investigations and comment on the Executive Office of the Prime Minister; matters I will not, should not and can not discuss with you. I understand there is a levy of concern internationally regarding this tweet you have brought to my attention however your intonation suggests an attempt to intimidate me into disseminating information. Sweden has, for many many years, been a key figure in the international community supporting less economically developed nations; whether that be the free provision of surplus military equipment, billion dollar donations from a variety of different sectors or general political support. I will not allow you to sit here and lecture me on international diplomacy and our position on the stage. You are attempting to twist my words in order to turn this into something far greater than it actually is."

She takes a sip of water from a clear crystal glass set upon her desk before continuing to respond to the Minister.

"I fundamentally do not understand how an assurance to seek resolution through an internationally recognised independent body could be considered blackmail? You understand how a fair democracy works, right? The Global Assembly is by no means non-functional - it has been running for decades with phenomenal success. Granted it sits dormant until actually called upon, but that's the beauty of neutrality. You appear to have a warped sense of reality whereby you think threatening our state following a single unverified tweet and the defamation of the Global Assembly are entirely justified actions..." as she listened, a brief pause would come as she decided her words carefully "Minister, I understand you are new in office, but I have been doing this a long time and I have spoken to many, many politicians from a variety of different countries and a variety of different political parties within those countries. We have been to war with some of these ideologies and others we have grown a phenomenally close relationship with; and everything in-between. You need to understand that actions have consequences. If you even hesitate to threaten the integrity of our kingdom and the lives of its people, we will ensure catastrophic retaliation."

"I cannot make this any clearer for you. Any internal investigation ongoing in respect to Sweden's national security is of no concern to the People's Republic of China and I would encourage you to keep up-to-date with Regeringskansliet where the government broadcasts official statements. But for your 'record' I would like to express my grave concern for your foreign policy that appears to rely on the use of unregulated social media platforms to gauge credible threat, harm and risk. Your continued threat to our national security and use of the international court has been noted."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Minister Tang would grow a hint irritated, radiating his displeasure at Wallström’s response through the phone.

“Ms. Wallström, are you not capable of answering but a simple question? Enough of this world salad of attacks and bolstering about Swedish successes, is it not unreasonable for my government to simply know the truth behind a dangerous social media post that has caused crisis globally? You speak of how I should be ‘waiting’ for updates yet you have yet to provide a single one, nothing through official channels, nothing in the news, not even a correction on social media. You also call my foreign policy ‘concerning’ yet last time I checked your own ally in that of Great Britain called an emergency meeting regarding this very post, thus I assume just for my record that you must think your own allies’ foriegn policy is concerning as well or else you are but a hypocrite. Your threats, attacks, and maneuvering around my questions only point towards one direction, the direction of suspicion. In Europe you all might play games, act as though foreign policy is a time to chat and have fun with your allies but in China, the rest of the world, it’s no joke. I’m not here to debate you on our differences of opinion so let’s just cut to the chase for the second time now.

If your government has no guilt and truly wasn‘t behind this then tell me now, yes or no. Is Sweden going to launch any attack against any nation within the international community in the near future?



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We remain in close talks with our allies, friends and partners in relation to matters pertinent to our relationship with them. I will not comment on the specifics of our relationship with other states nor will I critique the decisions of their domestic national security advisors. In the last few days we have received a wealth of correspondence from a number of different states and to my knowledge your government is the only one eagerly inflating this situation to unjustified levels. Your continued attempts to bully me into responding to your questions will not work Minister, this is not some pre-school playground. I have told you repeatedly that I will not comment on matters of national security with a foreign power that we have no relationship with and moreover a foreign power that has made irrational threats to the kingdom. I have made our position very clear." she takes a breath, growing increasingly frustrated with the conversation.

"Minister, this conversation appears to be going nowhere productive. If you feel so strongly about this solitary social media post perhaps an open forum, such as the Global Assembly, is best suited to air your grievances. Your threats, comments and viewpoint on our foreign policy has been noted and will be forwarded to the appropriate agencies. Is there anything further you'd like to add before I terminate this call?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“A wealth of correspondence, really? I doubt it since you can’t even respond to me if a social media post is real or not that threatens the wellbeing of numerous nations around the earth. Given there’s nothing I can get out of you and this is but a waste of my time I’d rather terminate the call. Goodbye.”

With that he would put the phone and breathe a sigh of relief that the call was over. He’d have to discuss with his superiors next steps since it was all to obvious to him and hopefully to them too that the Swedish government was planning something, perhaps not an attack on eight capitals but an operation of great significance in the near future on some unsuspecting poor nation which would bring grave consequences to nations all across the globe.


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