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[EOI] Call to the US


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Prime Minister of India, H. D. Deve Gowda, would use an encrypted phone to contact Vice President Albert Gore as he was certain that with the current international events that Bill Clinton would be too busy to answer any calls. The call would be made to begin basic bilateral relations between the two nations along with discussing current events that are happening in Asia.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Al Gore would pick up his encrypted phone line, speaking into the mouthpiece.

"Vice President Gore speaking, how can I help?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Good day, Your Excellency. My name is Deve Gowda, I'm the current Prime Minister of India. I am calling you in the hopes of beginning bilateral relations between our two nations and hopefully acquire the United States thoughts on some of the nations on the global stage, specifically Russia and China."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Nice to hear from you Mister Prime Minister. And I am glad you have decided to contact us in order to create relations between our two nations. What did you have in mind to start this off?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I thought that it may be a good start for Indo-American relations by asking what opinions your government holds about China and what is currently happening in Russia. As for India's government, we fear that war will break out somewhere in Asia in the short future, but we do hope that we are wrong."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We have no officialy communication lines with China, however we have historicall disagreed with the Communisty party on many occations. And the situation in Russia is rather.. worrying. President Clinton has already been in contact with the new President of Russia and it was a little.. frosty"


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Prime Minister could be heard exhaling in frustration. "We feared as much. In our brief contacts with China, they have demanded for all Indo-Sino disputed territories without even trying to be civil. We will be holding a meeting with China in Tibet soon to discuss about the territories, but I fear that the meeting will only end with more Indo-Chinese friction. We also tried to establish communications with North Korea, but I'm certain you can guess how that ended. And now Russia has decided to have a military coup d'etat to establish a communist regime. Asia is a red mess, I'm afraid. The only nations aside from India that seem to have the basics of stability and proper diplomacy are Japan and Myanmar.

India's goal is to keep Asia as stable and in one piece for as long as possible but with nations such as China and Russia already on the war path, I'm afraid that will not be possible. With that being said, I called to see if it would be possible for you to come meet me in a public meeting here in India. Or if you're not available, the United States' Secretary of State. This way we can strengthen our relations and potentially make China hesitate from declaring war.

Now, I don't expect the United States to come to India's defense if anything were to happen. But if China were to think that a possibility, it would surely help keep the peace."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That is concerning, I will make plans to come to India as soon as possible so this can be discussed properly. However, speaking of the US coming to India's aid. It is possible for this to happen if we have forces in the area. That is a discussion for the future though, right now we must focus on relations"


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I don't see that being out of the realms of possibilities. But yes, you're right, let's keep this for the future. Let me know when your earliest convenience is and I will prepare everything for your arrival to India, Your Excellency."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Al Gore would depart for India, sending a message to the Prime Minister that he was on his way to New Delhi.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
As the Prime Minister of India was currently on a political trip in the People's Republic of China, the High King of India Udayanraje Bhosale, would take it upon himself to hold a meeting with the Vice President of the United States of America. The Vice President would be notified to land at the Indira Gandhi International Airport and a hangar would be blocked off just for the Vice President's plane.

The High King would be waiting by the hanger for Al Gore's arrival.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Al Gores aircraft would touch down in Indira Gandhi International Airport, he'd step down onto the Tarmac in the hanger with his Security Service detail. Approaching the high king, he would bow in respect before waiting for the king to offer his hand to shake or to begin speaking.


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