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[ETO] Parliamentary Session III


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

European Parliament


"Building a brighter future, together"

Parliamentary Session III

January 2013

Presiding Officer


President Thomas van Vreeswijk

ETO Headquarters, The Hague, The Netherlands


Member Action Plan - Norway

European Trade

European Stock Exchange

Last edited:


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Leader of the Dutch Seats Mathijs Beren along with the rest of the Dutch Members of European Parliament would arrive at the building, passing through security before taking their place in the parliamentary chamber. President van Vreeswijk of the European Treaty Organisation & European Parliament would await the arrival of the British Members of Parliament before kicking off the session.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The British Members of the European Parliament all attended the session, taking their seats and ready to begin.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
With all members of the European Parliament present Thomas van Vreeswijk would begin the session, "Honourable Members of Parliament, I welcome you all to the third parliamentary session of the European Parliament."

"Before we proceed I would like to offer all parliamentarians the chance to add a topic to the agenda," he proceeded to pause, offering them the chance to speak.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The Members of the European Parliament, representing the British Government spoke forth; "We would like to add Non-ETO Trade Tarrifs to the agenda, to discuss possibly ETO-wide tariffs for countries using our airspace to transport goods in their trade, or our waterways. This is all we'd like to add."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The President would reply, "I will add the topic of trade to the agenda, I will also add the topic of Ireland as they have expressed the wish to join. With no further additions we will proceed with the session."

"Now to proceed, the first topic of the Norwegian Membership Action Plan, my staff and I have written up the following. I now request the approval of the European Parliament to hand this over to the Norwegian government to sign. Once signed and ratified Norway will imediatlly be a full member state of the European Treaty Organisation and gain their seats at ETO insittutions. Please read it carefully." The document would be handed to all MEPs.

The parliament would go into recess, allowing the parliamentarians to go through the Membership Action Plan. After a few hours all would return, ready for the voting to begin.

Through encrypted and secure electronic voting the Dutch seats would vote: 200 Aye, 0 Nay.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The British Members of the European Parliament all took the document, departing for recess to review it all themselves. Some, discussing amongst themselves before each individually came to their own conclusion regarding the action plan for Norwegian Entry into the organisation. Following the conclusion of recess, the MEPs returned to parliament. A 100% turnout for the British Parliamentry members, and all voted in agreement with the Membership Action Plan.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
President Thomas van Vreeswijk would be pleased to see the result of an unanimous parliament in support of the addition of a new member state. He would be ready to proceed with their ascension once the weather settled. He looked back up to address the MEPs, "We will now proceed to the topic of European Trade, would the British delegate who introduced the topic be willing to take the stand to voice his opinion in regards to how such a system would work? Voice their requests to the Office of the President as he begins work on the subject?"


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
One particular MEP, Joe Wright, stood up to introduce the topic.

"The European Treaty Organisation is, primarily, a trading group with some political involvement. But, trade is the one thing we have not overly touched on. Countries across Europe have a consistent back and forth series of trade routes that often go out of Europe. The UK and Netherlands too, have their own trade. However, this is one benefit that ETO is missing out on. What appeal does ETO have, when at this moment, their is no real benefit? With that in mind, I'd like to raise the proposal of having ETO manage the trade for all members. This eliminates the need for country to country negotiation but have trade applied across ETO as a whole instead of individuals. This means, any new members joining, would share the existing trade benefits. A Trade Bloc.

To summarise..

- All existing trade routes for members will merge into ETO Trade Routes.

- A Ship Register will be created, compiling all ETO Members trade vessels and their routes; this will not include air travel.

- Any new trade proposals must be done through official ETO agencies.

- New members to ETO must agree to hand control of trade to ETO, whilst benefiting from existing ETO trade."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Dutch MEP Susanna Ceelen would rise after Joe Wright had finished speaking. After waiting a few moments to be given the floor she spoke, "I concur with my colleague, the European Treaty Organisation is a economic alliance between European nations. While I too would like to see trade routes handled by an ETO agency or department I would also like to extend the mandate of negotiating free and fair trade agreements with nations around the world to the same agency or department. I believe it would offer an added incentive to membership if the European Treaty Organisation negotiates, opens and maintains a network of trade agreements across the globe."

"Therefore I call upon the Office of the President to not only look into trade routes, but also trade agreements and bring to life a proper organisation to manage them."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
President van Vreeswijk would turn on his microphone, "Esteemed colleagues, I thank you for sharing your opinions. You have both given me ideas upon which to build a foundation. I will proceed with ensuring plans are initiated in writing up a European Fair Trade Agreement and present that to Parliament when completed. The European Treaty Organisation can then begin with building a solid and long-lasting trading network."

"I would now like to move forward to the topic of a European Stock Exchange. My office has developed a stock market in which companies situated in the territory of a member state of the European Treaty Organisation can submit to join the European Exchange. The aim of the EEX is to promote the creation of new companies, allowing them to seek capital by the expulsion of shares. I believe this would also increase the attractiveness of ETO member states in which corporations can set up their headquarters. Is this something the Parliament would be willing to agree upon?"


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The British Delegate stood to respond to the concept of a European Stock Exchange. "The concept of a Stock Exchange for Europe is something that definitely sounds interesting, it could really improve the economy between European countries specifically and encourage more competitive business. But, of course, before we can agree on it, we would need more information, perhaps an example or presentation of the developed Stock Market?"

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