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[GA] ICJ Case #005

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His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

"Unfortunately, and much to my displeasure, they are not within our custody," the Chancellor admitted, "His Majesty gave them clearance to leave after a meeting with the Volksrat, but made it a point that it was to avoid a war, which, at that moment, seemed inevitable, and went against the prerogative of the actions against the Embassy. That being said, Georg Friedrich did not wish for these diplomats to get away unpunished. That is why we attempted to settle with the Brazilian government; we did not want a war, only an apology and a payment for the damages caused to Germany."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
@Odinson @Dutchy @HeadlessSeeker @JJSmithJr @Naio90 @Moe

As the Reich Chancellor waited for a response from the judges, the Federal Minister of Defence felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and he slid it out from his pocket to see that it was a message from the Royal Household Minister. He politely excused himself from the court room and looked at the message. It was a declaration that the Kaiser had negotiated reparation payments himself. After reading the new terms, he returned to the court room and directed Sonja over to him to tell of the "good" news. Afterwards, Sonja turned back to the judges and cleared her throat.

"Your honors, I apologize for the interruption, but I have received word from the Prosecution that there are new terms. His Majesty, the Kaiser, has just negotiated a reparations payment of 1.5 billion US dollars from the Defendant to the Prosecution. Furthermore, he has stated that all of the diplomatic personnel that were guilty of such charges as presented by the Prosecution are to be sent to Germany for Trial, and the reparation total reduced significantly to 1.5 billion dollars. However...this requires President Victor Romero to plead guilty to the charges, and for a public apology from the Defendant's Government to Germany and Taiwan. If he does not, then the currently-stipulated demands from the Prosecution still stand."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Ambassador, you can either continue to press charges, or drop your case. We don't have time to wait and see how the court case in Germany goes," Olhouser said.



His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
@Odinson @Moe

After a brief discussion, and seeing as how the group was committed to the case, Sonja cleared her throat.

"We will continue to press our charges against Brazil until President Romero arrives. If he arrives and pleads not guilty, we will continue to press charges. In which case, if he does plead guilty, you may pass along your judgement."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The President of Brazil, Victor arrives, at the court. He immediately stands at his podium and addresses the court.

"Your honor, I have a statement to make. Yes, it is true, my government has been in contact with the German government and I would like to address the issue at hand once and for all, so that both nations can move forward.

I am not to argue the events preceding up to the siege nor I am here to debate as to whom is to blame.

I am here to plead guilty to all charges.

I am here to apologize, to the German people, and most especially to the German employees held hostage during the crisis.

My Ambassador acted abhorrently, as did the embassy guards who cow-towed to his ridiculous and inhumane orders..

Some may say both the Amassador and the embassy guards were just following protocol; protect the embassy at all costs.

Protecting the embassy is one thing, holding innocents hostage is another, as my own citizens have learned in France.

The Ambassador, a career diplomat, should have known he would have had more leverage to end the siege if he had just simply let the German employees leave as a sign of good faith. The embassy guards although much younger and less worldly than their Ambassador, were armed, and could have just refused his orders. Those chose not to. And this is why they should be punished.

But in a German court under German law. Especially since both sides agree to this proposition. There is no longer a need to use the resources of the rest of the world to mediate a dispute between two countries that have come to an understanding.

Be that as it may, I am obligated to once again, with deep regret and sorrow in my heart, offer the most sincere apology both, I and the people of Brazil can offer to the victims of the siege."

With that, Victor Romero takes one step back from the podium, turns and solemnly bows his head in the direction of the German delegation.

@NagandEmerald @Naio90 @Odinson @HeadlessSeeker @JJSmithJr


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine judge would speak:

"Considering the recent events and latest presentations at this court, I suggest that we close this case on the basis of having the involved parties agree on a bilateral settlement."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"No, While I support both nations finding a bilateral solution, I cannot rule this case as a mistrial since possible wrongdoing has occurred."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"No. I agree with my Dutch counterpart. We do need to find if any wrongdoing has occurred before passing any judgement on a mistrial etcetera"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I vote no as well. It's clear that some international laws may have been violated here. The motion fails... Now, after the statement by the President of Brazil, I believe we have nothing left to do but vote," Olhouser said.

Instead of having the justices leave the chamber, Olhouser had the chamber cleared except for the Justices.

Once it was only the justices inside, Olhouser spoke. "Okay everyone. There is a myriad of claims against Brazil, as well as the profession of guilt to consider. What charges do you all think we should possibly vote on and consider them guilty of?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Brazil's only accountable crime here is the potential taking of hostages. However, Germany is also accountable Of commiting a crime by storming the embassy building. Which is prohibited by the GAs Res. on international relations.

Considering that both sides are at fault at some point, but also recognizing that they have settled the issue bilateraly, I think with a written notificacion and public first and last warning to both, we have enough. If we do more, we risk re-sparking the issue."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"If I understand correctly, the embassy was only stormed after the 48-hour grace period had elapsed. This means that it was no longer an embassy, and the people within it were then persona-non-grata and no longer diplomats, correct?"


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The Brazilian lawyer would stand up and address the judges.

"As the German government and the Brazilian government have already resolved this issue on our own, belaboring the point of whether there was a 48 hour notice or not, or whether the Brazilian government was verifiably notified of this 48 hour notice is just causing more enmity, in which no one gains. If this issue has been resolved by the two governments involved in the matter, I do not see why the ICJ needs to push things."

@Odinson @HeadlessSeeker @JJSmithJr @Dutchy @John @Naio90
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