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[GA] Resolution for Minority Languages

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Jan 16, 2019
Joanna listened intently to the German, her smile widening as he went on and on with different examples. He made very good points and articulated each very well. She had to stop herself from clapping her hands together in applause when he had finished and instead resigned herself to simply leaning forward to her microphone, raising her rear end off the chair a few inches and stating, "The Polish delegation agrees with the German delegate and wishes that we can all stop wasting the Global Assembly's time with these nonsensical resolutions."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Chinese Delegation would arrive, and would read all the Transcripts for the discussion they have missed so far.


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Canadian Ambassador to the General Assembly would arrive, taking a seat reading the transcripts regarding the resolution moved by the Italian Government. Waiting for the rest of the nations to speak, before speaking up and voicing the Canadian opinion.


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
Harald waited desperately for someone to say something, anything to alleviate the tension that he felt the Italian delegation was purposefully imposing on everyone to further their own political gains while boring everyone to death at the same time. He had to say something, anything, in order to

"I say that we discard the pleasantries and nonsense at this point and put this bill to a vote. Since the Italian delegation, who — need I remind everyone — called this meeting, is insistent on wasting our time, I suggest we speak now or forever hold our peace. The delegation for the German Reich cannot and will not support this bill, as it encroaches on a country's sovereign right to decide which languages in its own nation require the most attention in preservation efforts. For the most part, countries that are members of this organization already protect many of these regional or minority languages, like Austro-Bavarian for the German Reich. I implore all of you to decide wisely."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Well, I do believe that everyone can easily surmise that I and Germany will be voting AGAINST this resolution, since we have nothing but criticism for this idea."


Jul 1, 2018
"The two great nations with a history of persecuting minorities do not wish to codify minority rights with international law? We are shocked. Nigeria rises in SUPPORT of the resolution."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
Now Braun's attention was turned to Nigeria. Regardless of the past, the past was indeed the past, and minorities were treated with the utmost respect in Germany. He had to put the Nigerian delegation in its place.

"Right, because we would take the opinion of a nation that violates the human rights of women, allows child marriages and labour, and ultimately has just as sickening a reputation for the persecution of minorities. Unlike the Nigerian state, we have laws that were made after the 2nd World War in Germany that allow minority groups to live and cooperate peacefully. I'm willing to bet that, by the history you assume, you mean our fascistic governments under the Third Reich? Typical...every nation attempts to guilt-trip us into being subservient little nothings with war guilt. You should truly be ashamed. This has nothing to do with protecting minorities. It has to do with forcing governments that, in reality, already do protect these languages from persecution on their own, to do so regardless of their own sovereignty. You should be ashamed for even supporting this idea!"


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I demand that the delegation from Nigeria be censured for their slanderous remarks! The current constitution enacted under the current Ottoman regime is the most liberal ever seen in that part of the world! Not only have we cast aside the assertion by the former republican government that homosexuality is a disease, we also protect freedom of speech and the people from any form of discrimination, as a constitutional right! The highest form of law known to humanity!

Meanwhile, the aforementioned delegate's homeland is a place where being gay is illegal, and gets you killed by the locals, or beaten and arrested by the police. 31% of Nigerian children engage in forced labour, minority groups have been struggling tirelessly since 1960 to gain some form of recognition, and there is a history of journalists receiving 'chats' from the security services, which usually involve threats of imprisonment. If the delegates from Nigeria wish to stand up and criticise Turkey and Germany, I would advise them, for their own credibility's sake, to have actually taken steps to protect those who are most vulnerable within their own borders, before throwing stones at countries that have both recognised their historical travesties against humanity... And have done much to atone for them."


Jul 1, 2018
"These statistics are all lies, and I find it interesting that both the German and Ottoman Imperialists now pretend to be experts on the plight of Africa. There have been no chats with journalists by the Jonathan government, no intimidation of minority groups by the Jonathan government. Lies of the highest standing at the highest assembly. So much bravado for such ineptitude. This resolution does not take sovereignty away from any government, it merely supplants and secures international respect for minority rights."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Now, where is the proof that you haven't done any of these things?" Harald inquired, knowing full well that the Nigerian government had not passed laws under the Jonathan government stopping these kinds of things from still happening "Prior to the Jonathan government, these statistics stood, and still stand today, because we have not seen child labor laws enacted, homosexuality made legal, or even giving women the same rights as men. Your country is still just as backwater as it was prior to the Jonathan Government, even if your government has not done these actions specifically, because it has made no effort to fix those problems via Federal legislation. But, that is not the point. We are not here to decry you any further. We are making corrections in your statements. Firstly, it does take the sovereignty away from a government by taking away the decision-making for bills like this from its own lawmakers."


Jul 1, 2018
"Where is the proof any of it is happening? I'm sure the General Assembly would love to see this proof of current violations of the Universal Declaration of International Rights, a Document Nigeria proudly signed and abides by. Do you have proof we have violated this convention or are you merely exercising bravado? There are child labor laws enacted in Nigeria. Homosexuality is not a topic of this international debate and there are many nations in this chamber that hold to a traditional view of family and marriage. Women were granted rights under the Universal Declaration of International Rights. Perhaps you should be more careful before you stand here and call fellow international nations backwaters.

This resolution does not take away the right of nations to protect minority languages through their own legislation, it does however prevent them from abusing those languages. Such simple notions if one would simply do anything other than be a constant obstruction on the international stage."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I'll just quickly say that all of my claims exist as a matter of historical record. Unlike Nigeria, Turkey refuses to adopt historical revisionism and selective amnesia. The government I represents is happy to admit that the former republican government attempted genocide against Turkish-Bosniaks, and the military government during WW1 performed a genocide that called millions of Armenians, solely because they didn't want to admit they were inept at soldiering. I and Germany have no qualms with admitting our countries have done wrong in the past, it is Nigeria that refuses to admit that they are just as guilty of abusing their fellow man, and stripping them of the rights and dignity we all deserve.

You ask us to quote a part of the charter that you're breaking? How about Chapter 1, Article 12 of The Global Assembly's Declaration of Human Rights: No person shall be subjected to ARBITRARY INTERFERENCE with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor attacks upon his honor and reputation. I dare say, that prohibiting homosexuals from falling in love with those they want it is both interference AND arbitrary.

Follow that up with Article 17, 18 and 19, when you take into account that a piece of legislation, still in force, outright prohibits Nigerians from associating with political movements that seek to provide homosexuals with equal rights. I must, therefore, ask the gentleman from Nigeria whether he really is, or is just totally ignorant of the state his citizens have to reside in?"


Jul 1, 2018
"Clearly the Ottoman dignitary is not aware that upon passing of the Universal Declaration of International Rights, Nigerian government officials began cooperating in full with the document. Once again we ask for evidence of CURRENT violations of the document and we again showcase the childishness of the leadership of Turkey and Germany, incapable of focusing and instead slandering an international nation in good standing with a history of providing support to the causes of peace and prosperity. Again all outdated Nigerian legislation is simply that, outdated when you consider that Nigeria recognizes the international laws of the Global Assembly. In full accordance with the charter.

We grow tired of the insults and obstruction on display in these hallowed halls. Do the delegates from Germany or Turkey have anything constructive to the international community to contribute? Or do they only offer slander and half truths?"


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I'd like to ask why the Nigerians seem to think that when they slander Turkey and Germany with historical claims, they don't get criticised, but when we throw back parallels, we're dubbed 'unreasonable'. You are a hypocrite, because of your double standards."


Jul 1, 2018
"I would ask again, if there is any constructive use of the Turkish delegate or if he is only capable of obstructionism."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I, and Germany, provided our constructive criticism before you arrived. Perhaps if you were a bit more punctual, you would have heard it."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Stating that we have not contributed here is rather nonconstructive, as we have poked holes in what is clearly a rather silly bill that was proposed and accepted by the Global Assembly's secretaries by who I can only assume is someone with the brain the size of a walnut. You can read the minutes of our constructiveness to this bill debate, and decide for yourself whether we were constructive or not. Regardless, we were not talking about your government, but of historical records of Nigerian abuse to its populace; this is something we can only assume are still occurring, as no proof has been provided; on the contrary, you seem to continue to deflect and attempt to defend yourself when you have not provided any proof to disprove that your country's government has not violated rights under both the United Nations and Global Assembly."


Jul 1, 2018
"I read it, no offered amendments, just promises that the great states of Ottoman Turkey and the Germany Empire would protect their own minorities, this does nothing to strengthen the international protections for such minorities, and shows only a lack of interest in building an International Community from the aforementioned nations.

I read the transcripts, nothing of use has been brought forward by either of your delegations.

We do not answer to the German delegates on our own history of human rights, and our government remains committed to the charter of the General Assembly and our government is in full harmony with all international law. We speak only for our current government, which is committed to human rights, a fact that is unquestionable. If the Secretary General of the Assembly has any questions on that we will answer to them, not to some foolish German government that thinks it can play at Empire."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I am sure I can speak for the Germans too, when I say that we do not adhere to the idea that the 'international community' should be a world government that strips away the rights of sovereign nation states. Now, if you've finished your silly diatribe about how we are acting like it's 1870, I think we should move swiftly to the vote... And allow us all to enjoy what precious life we have left, instead of discussing this nonsensical suggestion."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"There you go again with the assumptions." Harald slammed his fist on his desk, shaking his head in frustration. This delegation from Nigeria was acting childish, and had no business talking about matters like the Holocaust when they refused to fix their own problems and educate their citizens.

"Understand this. Not only have we have participated in asking questions of a bill we're skeptical of, but we have also ensured that others question such bills as well thanks to the lack of thought that goes into them. Blindly accepting a bill because 'it strengthens international protections and relations', when it is clear that, prior to this, you have had no interest of fixing your own problems with minority groups, shows that you do not know even your own history, whereas the majority of people that go to the Concentration Camps now are Germans, who're still ashamed of what their country had done. I grew up in East Germany, my mother was a member of the Hitler Youth, and many of us still remember the horrors and, despite us trying to atone for them, we are still treated like pondscum, like the dirtiest, most unclean human beings alive for a war that was started by genocidal maniacs, for genocidal maniacs." Harald stood from his seat and stalked over to the Nigerian delegation, getting in their faces with a face scrunched in pure, unadulterated disgust for the hypocritical nation.

"We, the Germans, take responsibility for both the 1st and 2nd World War and have paid our dues; we still continue to pay them, and remember and still take responsibility for the atrocities that come with them, and you still have the audacity to question us on 'playing empire', even though we seek to ensure that a war with Germany as its cause doesn't happen again, and that we treat our people with the same kind of dignity, respect, and humanity that's required of all nations? You should be ashamed to call yourself a diplomat, and you should be ashamed of your nation for its own misdoings." The man would then turn to the General Secretary with a glint of disgust, gesturing to the man before him as he orated on the matter.

"And if you continue to allow this man to slander our nations names, even though we have proven ourselves to be advocates of democracy and the sovereignty of nations to decide their own fate within the bounds of what is currently international law, then we are delayed further from coming to a decision on this bill that, frankly, is a waste of our time, gas money, and breath. We already know our positions, so let's just get it over with." With that, he returned to his seat, a fuming mess as he collected his papers.
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