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[GA] Resolution for the Irish Situation

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His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

(EST 2010)
Mr. Gregory Figueroa​
London, United Kingdom​
[ASSEMBLY MEMBER]: Mr. Harald Braun
[DATE]: 20/01/2019
[SUBJECT]: Actions to be taken due to the rapidly escalating situation in the State of Ireland regarding the Free Anarchist State & the Irish government
(Short Name — The Irish Situation)


To the Members of the General Assembly,

It has come to the attention of the German Reich, and no doubt the rest of the European continent that, in the winter of 2012–2013, a group of Irish nationals established a "free, anarchist society" within the legally-recognized boundaries of Ireland. While thought to originally be an experiment by the local populace, it has become clear that this is less of an experiment and more a complete and total degradation of the Irish government's authority within the boundaries of the State of Ireland. In recent months, the situation has escalated further, as the government gives up on its own country likely due to a combination of the stress of the 2012–2013 winter storm and their own inaction regarding the anarchist state. It is, and should be in the best interests of the Global Assembly to investigate the anarchist state itself, and, with all due respect to the citizens involved, reintegrate it back into Irish society as a whole before Ireland's authority as a sovereign nation is degraded to a point of non-importance.

As it stands, anarchism is not a workable paradigm of human society, and the fact that it clashes so heavily with the Irish government — in the form of car-bombings by anarchist supporters and supposed "smear campaigns" imposed by the Irish government — only adds fuel to the fire. However, regarding that these are Ireland's citizens, it should be noted that we (the Global Assembly) should not act without the consent of Ireland's own ambassador/delegate/representative to the Global Assembly. At this juncture, however, it should also be noted that Ireland's own sovereignty and the strength of its government is at stake. A compromise needs to be achieved and, if it is found to be uncompromising, the anarchist society will need to be quelled and the Irish government required to reign its citizens into check.​


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
The German delegation, once again led by Harald Braun, arrived to the Global Assembly to take their seats and begin talking amongst themselves on the proposal at hand, reviewing what information they had regarding Ireland and its anarchist "experiment".


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
Hakim Usta entered the chamber and offered a handshake to the German delegation before taking his seat.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Norwegian delegate entered the chamber and took his seat among the other two diplomats who had arrived. He quietly read over the draft and then checked his phone to read an update about the Republic of Ireland.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Dutch Deputy Representative to the Global Assembly Loes Meeuwsen would be tasked with representing the Netherlands in this session, she would take her seat and await the remaining delegates to arrive.


Jan 27, 2019
The South African delegate would arrive and take her seat, "I suppose the first question should be why the Irish government didn't bring this matter to the Global Assembly themselves. If their authority is truly in jeopardy then why does Germany bring the case to this assembly and not Ireland themselves?" Does this proposal not further undermine Irish sovereignty?"


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"I was going to wait until we had more delegations present to start the discussion," Harald began, his tone disappointed and rather tired since the past two meetings of the GA, "But if you must know, I have invited Ireland to discuss on the matter with them as a body. I would say that the Assembly's interference at this point is a necessity, since the Anarchist society in Ireland already has threatened the very sovereignty of not only the Irish government, but has, in part, threatened the sovereignty of European nations with inspiration towards the Yellow Vests. Regarding the Irish government and them not bringing the matter to the Assembly in the first place, it is clear that they would prefer a non-confrontational route, even though the anarchists have chosen otherwise through their directed terror attacks and the inspiration that they, as a group, provide to the Yellow Vests and their own tactics."


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Mexican Representative would arrive from the dusty, cobwebbed office of his apologizing for being late.


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Irish representative cleared his throat and rose to speak after his German counterpart finished offering his opinions on said matter of importance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Assembly, while we do appreciate the concerns expressed for the welfare of the Irish people raised in these guilded halls, I don't see any reason as to why other nations should interfere in the domestic affairs of a sovereign state such as È government has been attempting to provide our men in uniform with arms and the knowledge need to combat this existential threat, much to our dismay our request for arms specifically that which was sent to The German Reich was rejected..the German Reich has raise these concerns in this assembly but have done nothing to help us deal with these anarchist rabble rousers! I'm disappointed by the sheer hypocrisy coming from our counterparts and shall leave these halls as such."

The Irish representative grabbed his briefcase and left the room in a most furious mood.


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Well..." the German representative started; he was unable to continue for a second, however, shocked that the Irish delegation would just leave, instead of hearing out the discussion. Harald wasn't going to let this go to waste, however.

"I would like to go on the record for, firstly, stating that my government contracted German arms companies to resupply the German Armed Forces before moving to a foreign market again, given the destitute situation of our military, and secondly, was only representing what were independent companies with their own interests in mind at the much as I would like to say, 'Well, this has been a waste of time', I am afraid that we cannot simply stand by. This is an extrajudicial body, after all, that is required to keep the interests of preserving the sovereignty of countries alongside the duties of preventing war and conflict. I am certain that the German government would be more than fine with opening a new deal with the Irish government now that the companies have been nationalized, and if that does not work, they can ask another country for assistance in the matter." Harald would stand up before looking over the crowd, which he knew, at this point, probably didn't respect him enough to give him the time of day anymore after his outburst on the Financial practices draft.

"I do not only believe in the cause of, but have thought long and hard about this decision that I've brought to the Assembly; it should be in the interests of the nations we represent to put down what is essentially a treasonous rebellion within one of our member-state's borders, whether that be due to a temporary Global Assembly intervention force being set up, or the efforts of a close ally to the country. Furthermore, I believe the same should be said for the Macron government and their 'Yellow Vests', who have done nothing but vandalize government property and threaten murder on their elected representatives!"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Fellow representatives, I thank those who are currently present for attending. It seems this meeting was called without the support or knowledge of the Irish government, while that in itself is not mistake, the fact that they have now specifically stated they do not seek international intervention forces us to proceed carefully."

"At this time I could not support any notion of a Global Assembly led intervention force, simply due to the fact it is not supported by the current Irish government. I would like to put forward the idea that the Global Assemblysend a observer team to ensure that human rights and international law is being upheld. At this time we do not have the mandate of the Irish people to intervene in any military capacity and therefore we shouldn't."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Well, I suppose that would be fine as of the moment, but I implore you all to consider the fact that they have inspired what could be considered a continent-wide movement against current governments, which is dangerous in and of itself"


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Forgive me for taking a position contrary to that of the German delegation," Hakim began cautiously. "But, if I recall correctly, the anarchists planted their flag before The Yellow Vests. Regardless, it is not a matter of whether one inspired the other, it is the simple fact that the nations affected by civil unrest were ones who did not execute their duties to protect their citizens in the manner expected of them. Indeed, it is the case that Germany has seen its own yellow vest movement. Perhaps Herr Braun would permit everyone to station troops within his borders to protect him from the whirlwind his government's sown?"

With an almost satanic smirk, he raised a gloved hand and wagged his index finger.

"No, ladies and gentlemen," He continued confidently. "Either we attempt to stamp out a movement with genuine grievances against governments with varying degrees of fault, be it the utter incompetence of The Irish, who did literally nothing during the storms just passed, or the Germans, who tried, but were overwhelmed by the freak weather conditions. Suffice to say, it would be hypocritical of us to act in such an authoritarian manner. In fact, such an action would be a direct parallel to The Holy Alliance, a reactionary cabal created between the Kingdom of Prussia, Austria and The Russian Empire, which was the basis of a campaign of oppression against their peoples. All dissent was to be crushed, and if a movement was too much for one to cope with, they had two allies happy to assist in the suppression of political movements. Should we really put our country's names to such an archaic idea?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Chinese Delegation would arrive, late, but would read all the Transcripts.

And would speak.

"It is worrisome that the GA should intrevene in Ireland, but I don't view this as the best solution to this problem, Ireland until now as not created any problem towards the stablity of Europe or the World, I feel that an intrevention might do worse than anything the radicals could do. The GA should not be used as a intervention force, it defeats it whole purpose. So I am in agreement with the Ottomans that a intervention should not occur in any way, shape or form. Especially since the Irish Rep as left the building. If any Human Rights are violated, and proven violated, in Ireland then we can discuss this again."

Deleted member 5

The Taiwanese delegation would arrive, late, would read all transcripts that missed. She silently take her seat.


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Canadian Ambassador to the General Assembly would take a seat, arriving late however would read all the transcripts regarding the situation and take a seat, making notes ready to speak when needed.
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