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[Germany]: Message to France


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Official Correspondence of the Chancellor of the Kingdom of Germany
To: Empire of France
Re: Bilateral Relations
Security Classification: Private
Dear to whom it may concern,

I would like to introduce myself as the newly elected Chancellor of Germany, Hannah Becker. I am contacting yourself today as a way of opening dialogue between our nations, with our rather distinctive history, Germany seeks to move on from the past and move forward and we seek it is best to begin with our neighbour France.

With the unfortunate war between France and Canada which we hope soon comes to an end, Germany would still like to seek to enhance relations between our nations and assist in any investigations or procedures to peacefully resolve this conflict from going any further alongside the discussion of how as neighbours we can benefit for a strong and stable Europe.

I look forward to your reply.

Kindest Regards,
Hannah Becker
Chancellor of Germany



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Empire de France
Palais de l'Élysée

From: Marquis Marie Lefebvre, Premier ministre français, Marquis de Nord
To: Hannah Becker, Chancellor, Germany Danny
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Bilateral Relations

Your Excellency,

First of all, let me congratulate you on your recent electoral success.

I am glad to read from your letter a desire to begin writing a new chapter on Franco-German relationships. While both our recent and lengthier relationship has been characterized by opposing interests and outright hostility, we too would like to see a sustainable and strong friendship between Berlin and Paris like has also existed in our shared history.

We too wish for the Canadian invasion to come to an end as soon as possible, and we will do everything we can to bring the liberation of French territory about diplomatically or through other means, nothing going on in the New World should render it impossible for us to reach new understandings in the old world. I believe there is much France and Germany can mean to each other in a wide range of domains from military cooperation to European unity to all other kinds of cooperation that has brought us together in the past..

Marie Lefebvre,
Premier ministre français.
Marquis de Nord


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Official Correspondence of Chancellor of Germany
To: Marie Lefebvre, Premier Ministre
Re: Bilateral Relations
Security Classification: Private

Dear Premier Ministre Lefebvre,

I thank you for your reply and feel warmed that you recognise Germany and France can move forward with our vibrant history.

To initiate relations with one another, I would like to propose to opening of diplomatic missions in both of our nations with Germany opening a Embassy in Paris and consulates in Lyon, Marseille and Strasbourg. I would like to invite France to do the same here in Germany.
Next, I would like to suggest a meeting when it is safe to do so in to discuss pressing issues and ways we can move forward. I believe this will help and begin our a strong and prosperous future as neighbours.

I am also aware that my predecessors were involved in a active investigation of with what happened in Canada. I would like to propose to resume that investigation from where they left of, with your permission of course.

I look forward to your reply.

Hannah Becker,
Chancellor of Germany




GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Empire de France
Palais de l'Élysée

From: Marquis Marie Lefebvre, Premier ministre français, Marquis de Nord
To: Hannah Becker, Chancellor, Germany Danny
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Bilateral Relations

Your Excellency,

Re-opening diplomatic missions in each other countries sounds excellent, I will inform my Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs to prepare staff for each of the locations. The Empire of France remains committed to its innocence and trust in the international community to prove said innocence, as such we would be more than happy to allow German investigators to continue their investigation inside France.

Concerning a meeting, hostilities are currently entirely contained to our western overseas territories and based on both external commitments and other factors French security services do not believe there is any increased risk of attack on Metropolitan France by Canadian forces. As a result i would like to propose a meeting to be held between our two government as soon as possible to resume the process of achieving European cooperation.

Marie Lefebvre,
Premier ministre français.
Marquis de Nord


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Official Correspondence of Chancellor of Germany
To: Marie Lefebvre, Premier Ministre
Re: Bilateral Relations
Security Classification: Private

Dear Premier Ministre Lefebvre,

I am more then happy to proceed with a meeting. I can leave that choice up to yourself of either Berlin or Paris, but if it is Berlin. Please allow us time to set up the official state visit and as well inform His Majesty the Kaiser as I am sure the Royal Family will be more then happy to meet with yourselves and any other French delegation.

Hannah Becker
Chancellor of Germany



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023

Empire de France
Palais de l'Élysée

From: Marquis Marie Lefebvre, Premier ministre français, Marquis de Nord
To: Hannah Becker, Chancellor, Germany Danny
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Bilateral Relations

Your Excellency,

Considering the nature of the deterioration in Franco-German relations last year and to send a proper message that the French and German states are equal I believe it would be best for myself to visit Berlin. A future summit could always be organized in Paris, however for now I believe meeting in Germany would send a more appropriate message to the German and French people as well as Europe at large. My team is ready to travel as soon as possible so please do let us know when you are ready to receive us and we shall travel by train.

Marie Lefebvre,
Premier ministre français.
Marquis de Nord


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Official Correspondence of Chancellor of Germany
To: Marie Lefebvre, Premier Ministre
Re: Bilateral Relations
Security Classification: Private

Dear Premier Ministre Lefebvre,

We are more then happy to host yourself and your delegation here in Berlin. However, please allow us some time to set up for your visit which should take at least a few days. If you so wish, you can send your own security to Berlin in preparation for your state visit.
I will send a further message upon completion of the preparation and what you can expect upon your visit.

Hannah Becker,


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
In preparation for the visit, diplomatic, transport and security officials have been meeting on arrangements for the French arrival. Berlin Alexanderplatz Train Station was to be secured by armed Polizei officers who would be armed with MP5s and sidearms, whilst . Trains would be running on a limited time schedule whilst one of the Platforms was to be fully secured for the incoming French train. On the day of the supposed arrival, tracks that would operate on business as usual to Berlin would be reoperated for the French train. The delegation would be taken outside where they would await a large convoy of Polizei vehicles and several unmarked Mercedes Vitos and BMWs, some of the unmarked vehicles would only have a driver to allow how many the French Prime Minister brings to Berlin. The delegation would be strictly protected by the SG of the Federal Criminal Police Office who would be armed with sidearms and MP5s as well, they would all be wearing suits and ear pieces which would linked back to the main Tactical Operations center. Roads would be closed by Motorcycle Polizei who would be following the convoy. In private, the newly trained KSK and the GSG9 would be on standby if required and if anything was to occur, German officials knew this visit could be a risk especially with the Canadian-Franco war.

Flags of the French would be hoisted at the Residence and Berlin City Palace. Residents of Berlin were well aware of the impending visit, with many prepared to welcome the French arrival.


Official Correspondence of Chancellor of Germany
To: Marie Lefebvre, Premier Ministre
Re: Bilateral Relations
Security Classification: Private

Dear Premier Ministre Lefebvre, Alexander
We have now prepared security arrangements here in Berlin. Please let myself know when you are expected to depart and officials can begin further.

You will be transported to the office of the Chancellor for discussions, upon conclusion of this. Yourself and the Chancellor have been invited to the Berlin Palace by the Kaiser for dinner and meeting the royal family.
We hope your visit to Germany is a warm one.
Sarah van der Kirk
Secretary to the Chancellor


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
A reply would be sent informing the Germans that the Prime Minister would travel immediately following confirmation of the arrangements. Furthermore, they would be notified that the Prime Minister would be accompanied by a handful of staffers from different Ministries as well as two Azure Guard. As a sign to the Germans of both the trust the French placed in their security apparatus and the friendly intent of the visit the two guards would be unarmed aside from their rapiers and wear their ceremonial Azure uniforms rather than the more practical suit or full combat armour they usually wore, and the number of two would be significantly lower than the usual 6 Guard minimum. There would be several dozen public servants from the Ministry of General Affairs to do research and administrative work but these would never leave the train.

The train itself was one of two modified AGV Alstom high speed trains. For one the modifications included a paintjob in the French tricolore but one carriage was equipped as a luxury suite for the principal on board with a second outfitted to provide comfort to the guards and senior officials, and the final 10 consisted of space for the other staff to work and rest. The train itself had satellite dishes and encrypted communication equipment to guarantee secured communications and data entirely over French controlled networks, compared to the regular passenger train it was also armoured to withstand high calibre bullets and even smaller artillery shells. With a topspeed of 360 KM/h it would even be able to complete the trip from Paris to Berlin in less than three hours provided it would also have access to the same 25 kV 50 Hz AC on the German segment, but even restricted to as low as 200 KM/h at 1.5 kV DC for that part it would still complete the total trip in under 5 hours. This, as well as sustainability was why the French tended to prefer rail for state visits to countries inside Western or Central Continental Europe or within Metropolitan France. While operated by SNCF (The French government owned railway provider) when carrying either the Empress or the Prime Minister it would fall under the command of the French Army and thus be known as respectively Terre Un or Terre Deux and use those callsigns also for any interaction within France and nations the train travels through beyond French borders. Because of this as the train approached the German border the radio operator would communicate to German authorities using Terre Deux. The train would follow any instructions provided by the Germans.


After the train arrived in Berlin the Prime Minister would step out accompanied by the small delegation and her two bodyguards and greet the German welcoming party as well as follow any instructions by the Germans. On the drive through Berlin Marie would make sure to take in the sights. She had studied in Berlin herself but that had been just over a decade ago so it felt quite nostalgic while she also recognized how much the city had changed. Especially in the former Eastern part



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
With the arrival of the French, the Polizei would set up their positions around the train station as instructed. The SG Protection Detail would move into position as one of them, a tall bald stocky man walked over to one of the Azure guards and the Prime Minister to introduce himself. "Greetings, welcome to Berlin." He paused. He was dressed in a fancy new Hugo Boss suit, with a white shirt and black tie. His MP5 was hidden with the suit as it was latched on to a strap. "My name is Polizeihauptkommisar Koch. I will be leading your protection for the entire visit. Please if you have any questions, do let me know. We have a number of vehicles ranging from high standard Mercedes Vitos to BMWs outside which are all unmarked and ready for yourselves. The convoy will be led by the Bundespolizei, followed by ourselves. I hope you enjoy your visit." He smiles as he gestures for them to go first behind two of his colleagues.

Once they were moving through the Train Station, large amount of crowds behind barriers would cheer for the French Prime Minister, waving French flags. However, there was the small amount of crowds outside who were easily kept at bay by Polizei officers and away from the convoy chanting obscenities about the French and protesting of the French arrival. As they all entered the large convoy, Koch would speak through his ear piece as he entered the vehicle with the Prime Minister. "Lets go."

As they moved through the streets of Berlin, there was crowds who at the same as inside of the train station greeting the French Prime Minister. The Motorcycles at the front of the motorcade would be closing down any moving traffic before the motorcade even passed through.

Within 15 minutes, they would soon arrive at the Chancellery. The SG would secure the surrounding area alongside other Bundespolizei officials. Whilst Chancellor Hannah Becker was waiting at the door alongside number of photographers.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
As Marie stepped out of the car and saw the Chancellor she would approach the freshly minted German leader. "Madam Chancellor, once again my thanks for your invitation. And additionally my thanks for the excellent care your authorities have given to our comfort and security" She spoke, her bodyguards stayed well behind so they would not raise any attention. When meeting with their German counterparts they had made sure to attune their communications equipment to be in sync with the Germans but unless something happened they had strict orders to remain unseen and unheard.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Madam Premier Minister, it is a honour to have you in Berlin." She'd smile allowing the photographers to take a few photos of the two leaders. "Please, follow me inside." As they walked through the building, Hannah would speak. “I hope your travel was not too busy?”
They finally reached the office of the Chancellor. The office was decorated in a maroon type colour and was quite large. Old fashioned wooden furniture lay across the office. Though the office desk, chair and sofa was the only thing modern. Hannah took a seat at her chair, behind her was a large German flag on a pole on the other side was the Hohenzollern flag. “Would you like anything to drink? Please do make yourself comfortable.”

Outside the SG would secure the inside and outside of the building whilst the Berlin Landespolizei would patrol the area as normal. They too had radios and earpieces that all fitted back to the centres in case of any problems.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"It was amazing, there are not many international destinations in our offices where we get to take the train, but whenever one presents itself it really shows itself as the superior transportation platform" Marie said with a smile before taking the invitation to sit. "A glass of water would be splendid, thank you very much. I must say it is nice to be in Germany again, in the decade since I studied here a lot has happened but it really does still feel like a second home"

The guards would stay outside the office leaving the Prime Minister to talk to the Chancellor in private.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I see, where did you study may I ask?" Hannah would make herself comfortable before calling for a aide. One of the aides would appear with a jug of fresh cold water and two glasses and place one each down next to each leader. Hannah would continue as the aide disappeared. "I would like to offer my sincere condolences of what has happened in Paris as well as a congratulations for yourself in becoming the next Prime Minister of France." She'd smile.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"Of course you may, I promoted at the Technische Universität in Civil Engineering" She replied, revealing her German was accentless when she used it while pronouncing the name for Berlin's technical university. As she was offered the glass she would nod her head in appreciation and take a few sips. "Thank you, the pain of losing so many of our fellow citizens will remain for a long time, but especially that these animals targeted the youngest of ours, the future of our country without any blame for any of the policies they cited to justify their attacks. Just a few days ago I read a reconstruction of one Jewish girl who was found among the rubble. By all appearances she was beaten and stabbed savagely dozens of times befor succumbing to her injuries. All because she was Jewish and in the wrong place at the wrong time. I regret they took their own life so even justice is something her parents and all the others' loved ones will be denied" As she spoke about the attack it was clearly she still carried a lot of emotion over it. The deaths of the Civil War were much more numerous and even the Canadian War was set to have a higher deathtoll. But there was just something about the senselessness of the terrorist attack. Marie was not alone in the sentiment. The Empress and much of French society had the same sentiment.

"Though I believe condolences are also appropriate for the lives lost in your own recent elections. If France was in any way responsible for empowering these extremists by proving them right about their fearmongering of foreign influence I am truly sorry for that role, and I highly respect you for having brought back you country from the brink of such a formative event. Both Germany and France have too often felt the spectre of totalitarian states, I am glad to see that we both resisted the forces that would have taken us there. And I have been allowed to say that the Empress looks forward to meeting the Kaiser once the Canadians have agreed to peace and she can once again leave the war room longer than a few minutes for lunch and the 4 hours she sleeps since the war started"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Hannah would smile at Marie's attempt at German. "I see, how many years did you do?" She'd pause take a sip. "It is a barbaric act of what happened in Paris, committed actual savagery. If in any way Germany can support you during this troubling time, please do let me know. France has gone through a lot over the years, but I am sure the Empress and yourself can bring it back to a strong willed nation." Hannah paused once more. "I wouldn't say you are at fault in any way. It's rather far right extremism. I would still say it is prominent within Germany for sure. Far left was a big problem years ago, especially with terrorist groups such as Red Army Faction and so on.. But now there was a rise of far right and with the previous administration taking power, it did leave old wounds being reopened. I know since me taking charge, it hasn't been favorable by them. But my focus is rebuilding the country and of course the World Cup." She'd smile. "How is the Empress? The Kaiser is more the to welcome the Empress when she is available. He has invited myself and yourself for dinner after our meeting. He is eager to assist in rebuilding relations with our countries as there is much history." Alexander


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"Four years, all of which I made sure to spend in the city to gain as much from not just the program but also the experience as I could. Due to my mother being Vietnamese there has always been a fascination with learning foreign languages and cultures whenever the opportunity presented itself." She listened carefully and nodded along as Hannah spoke. "I understand entirely; terrorism, extremism, all the 'isms are fundamental threats to civilized nations. It is kind of getting ahead of business but later on during the meeting I actually wanted to raise the idea of possibly setting up some kind of judicial cooperation akin to Europol of the old European Union between us and all other European countries who would want to join up to pool resources and information as terrorism and the organized crime that often it enables it travels as freely through our borders as before we lsot the Schengen agreement. But again that is getting ahead of business." She thought for a moment to best describe the Empress' state. "Her Imperial Majesty has always felt incredibly deeply so to say. During the civil war she spent every waking moment with the generals making sure they won as fast as possible but without risking civilian lives, during the Paris Massacre she wanted to go to the site and help dig out the survivors herself, and now she spend every waking moment with either her diplomats or generals to bring a quick and hopefully minimally bloody conclusion. The French people have always been known about feeling passionately, and she truly is the Empress of the French" Marie said, somewhat jokingly on the final sentence. "I am honoured by the Kaiser's invitation and his desire to rebuild the relation. Indeed the Franco-German history is a long one. We started as brothers and while we inflicted unimaginable cruelty on each other we also returned to being brothers. The Empress too would like to see our people live as brothers and sisters, like we managed to do for so many decades in the second half of the past century."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I see, I would hope you would've enjoyed your time here in Berlin. It is a lovely city and for one of the best capital cities in Europe." She'd smile. As she listened along. "I don't see no issues with a Europol kind of thing. I think it would benefit the safety of citizens in Europe, alongside promote cooperation between us all of those who decide to join." She'd continue to listen along. "She sounds like somebody who definitely places France before herself in terms of showing strength and dedication for France and that is what I believe in my opinion France needs during these troubling times. I hope I mean no offence, but I hope what you mean." She'd pause. "Indeed, it is a long history and I think a change is needed and I know the Kaiser feels the same."


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