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[Germany] The End & the Beginning: The Prussian House of Lords


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

Upon the conclusion of the coronation ceremony at the Reichstagsgebäude, the newly–anointed Kaiser Friedrich IV was escorted to the Prussian House of Lords by motorcade. The Chancellor, his family, and the former–President Kästner would all be in attendance for the banquet. The Kaiser had also invited several personal guests: the Party Leaders of the 1st Reichstag, the members of the 1st Volksrat, and the fellow Royals that had come to observe the proceedings at the Reichstagsgebäude. Every room of the Prussian House of Lords had been updated and revamped for the Kaiser, with a wing currently being refurbished for the Volksrat and its proceedings. The Kaiser had also arranged for rooms to be furnished and decorated for those who would want to spend the night after the festivities had ended. The Kaiser waited for his guests at the entrance to the dining hall, which had been stocked with plenty of traditional European treats and cuisine, primarily German, of course.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The Sultan, accompanied by his wife, Sultana Yasemin, and his three children, Mustafa, Elanur and Cemre, filed into the building, each congratulating and greeting the new Kaiser while doing so.


(Sultan Süleyman III, and his wife, Yasemin)


(Crown Prince Mustafa, and Princesses Elanur and Cemre)
"Excuse me for interrupting your duties as a host," The Sultan said, once the rest of his family had wandered further into the room to engage in the festivities. "But I was wondering if it would be possible to have a quiet word with you. If you have the time, naturally. If not I am more than happy to wait until a more appropriate time has arisen."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"No one else has shown up yet, so I do not see why not, your Majesty," Georg stated kindly. He turned to a member of the Wachtbattalion and ordered him to go and find his wife. The man nodded and stepped off to find Sophie, Queen of Prussia. The Kaiser then turned to the Sultan and extended a hand.

"I do not believe that we have had the pleasure of actually having a conversation, in person or in email. Could I get a name to pin to the face of the man who brought down Erdogan's regime?" the Kaiser asked politely.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I did nothing of the sort," The Sultan corrected, while reaching out and firmly shaking The Kaiser's hand. "Erdogan's regime was toppled by a group of brave officers, lead by a man, who is no monarchist. That general, now Ottoman Turkey's first Marshal is busying himself with the defence of Turkey, as Chief of The Defence Staff."

Letting go of The Kaiser's hand, Süleyman stumbled over to a chair and sat down with a relieved sigh.

"I apologise, Your Majesty," He murmured. "I am in my twilight years. Even with the assistance of a cane, I find walking to be a chore, sometimes torture. However, that's beside the point. I, dear sir, am Süleyman. The third Ottoman sultan to be named as such. The first was nicknamed 'The Magnificent', and made the original Ottoman empire stretch across three continents. The second is less notable. As for myself, I am just a man, crippled by age, and blessed with the accident of birth."

Süleyman let his withered hand reach into his pocket to retrieve a gold pocket watch.

"My father, Abdulmejid II, was the final Ottoman to hold the position of head of The Osman Dynasty, and Caliph of Islam, before Turkey became a fully-fledged republic under Ataturk. He gave me this pocket watch, while he was on his death bed. It's served me well for keeping the time, naturally, but... Well... He told me to give it to someone that I believed would become something truly great. Now, you'd think that'd mean The Crown Prince, my son, but I don't believe so... This isn't the age of absolutism, where The Sultan's word is law. The position I hold, and Mustafa will hold, is not going to be one that can achieve dizzying heights of notability. You, on the other hand, I am confident that Germany will see another Frederick The Great in you."

The Sultan, his monologue complete, presented the watch to The Kaiser.

"I'd like you to have it."


(Abdulmejid II's double hunter, mechanical pocket watch, accompanied by a golden chain.)​
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His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
The Kaiser took a look at the golden watch, taking it softly in his hand before popping open the lid to take a look at it. The internal mechanisms of the watch, visible from inside, certainly made the watch look far more interesting than any regular pocket watch, and the legacy that the little timekeeper had with it made it a huge honor for Georg to even consider accepting. He almost couldn't...but hearing how the Sultan saw that he could become another Frederick the filled him with boundless optimism for the life ahead of him, and such a precious object would do well for keeping track of the time. Looking back to the Sultan he smiled and gave a chuckle.

"I...honestly have no words for such a gift. It may seem small, inconsequential to would rather entrust me with your father's wish than any of your children? That means the world to me to know that I have your trust, as a fellow monarch, and as an ally."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The Sultan smiled and gave The Kaiser's shoulder a firm pat.

"Call it an old man's intuition," He remarked. "Possibly skewed by becoming senile."

A hearty chuckle emanated from the ageing head of state at the attack on his own mental health.

"I jest. My mind is sharp, but the body it controls is past its prime," He reassured The Kaiser. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I do believe I'm going to see if there's any liverwurst. I remember when I was just a little boy during The Nazi Occupation Of France, I lived with my father in Paris. He died in 1944. I was able to sample some delicious German cuisine, which had been brought to sell to the troops. Some were a little bit naughty and sold it to the residents they were keeping watch over, one of whom was me. I was able to try liverwurst, bovine variety, mind you! Back then, I was a devout Muslim of The Sunni School of Thought. Now, I am The Caliph of a different view on the texts, which is more accepting of those who wish to eat the meat of the pig. Indeed, I am tempted to try some pork myself, just to see what it's like!"


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"I would be honored. If you follow this gentleman over here, he will take you to the banquet hall. You should also be able to find other members of the new government there to chat with as well, and potentially even any of my children. It's a shame that the other monarchs and their entourages have yet to show." The Kaiser then directed the gentleman standing at the door to come forwards. He was dressed in similar uniform to the secretaries of the Reichstag, but instead having a simplified coat of arms of the Royal Household emblazoned upon a pin sitting on his coat. This was to distinguish him as an aide of the Royal House instead of as an aide of the Federal Government. The Kaiser then proceeded to walk back over to his wife and start talking with her as he waited for the other monarchs to arrive, the aide taking you to the grand banquet hall.

The hall was rather massive, with space having been made for what looked like a potluck table, filled to the brim with delicacies and delights from across Europe. While there were royal aides to assist in bringing food to the large banquet table that took the center–most space, the majority of members were more content with going and claiming the food themselves. Though a Royal Aide, upon noticing you, walked over to welcome you in.

"Welcome, your majesty. Would you care for an appetizer before the banquet begins?" he asked, another aide coming forwards with a plate of what appeared to be kebabs of grapes & cheese, set up like a hedgehog's quills upon a half of a watermelon. Upon the Sultan's entrance into the room, several members of the Reichstag took a moment to turn their attention to him, one in particular whose eyes seemed to bore right into the Sultan's soul: Wolfgang Shröder.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"I'd be delighted!" The Sultan replied jovially. "If you would be so kind, I'd like a plate to be brought with a variety of appetisers of your choosing. Surprise me! I'm feeling particularly adventurous tonight!"

With his request made, he hobbled over to a chair and sat back down again, his fist visibly tensing as he gripped his walking cane tightly, a small hint that the pains from his arthritic legs were more severe than he made them appear.


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
The aide smiled and bowed courteously before turning towards the table full of food to gather a plate for his Majesty. Wolfgang watched the display of the Sultan attempting to sit down from afar, his glare like that of a cat stalking its prey. While it was hard to tell what the NPD Leader's motivations or goals were, it could be told that he was very interested in the royalty of Turkey. He turned to a Royal Aide for a moment and asked for a glass of water to be brought to him before he turned back and began to walk over towards the Sultan, his gaze on the feeble old man never faltering, never ceasing.

"Excuse me, your Majesty," he started, tapping the Sultan on the shoulder with a calm, collected hand as his piercing blue eyes stared down from above. "I thought I saw you at the coronation, but I wasn't too terribly certain. I have heard a lot about you; do you mind if I take a seat here? I would like to have a word, if you wouldn't mind." He then patted the seat to the sultan's left, giving off a seemingly friendly smile and charismatic charm to his approach.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Not at all," The Sultan replied. "And who am I currently talking to? A minister? An aide to His Majesty? Unfortunately, I have been unable to get myself acquainted with the current composition of the German cabinet, and their identities."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Neither. My name is Wolfgang Shröder. I am one of the party leaders for the National Democratic Party...92 seats in the Reichstag," he stated with a hint of pride in his voice.

"So, I suppose that I could be considered an aide to His Imperial & Royal Majesty, considering the work we MPs accomplish."


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

From Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport, the Spanish Royal Family would take a chartered flight to Berlin Schönefeld Airport. The flight consisted of King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia of Spain, Leonor, Princess of Asturias, Infanta Sofía of Spain, Juan Carlos I of Spain and Queen Sofía of Spain. They would be accompanied by around thirty guards from the Spanish Royal Guard.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"National Democratic Party," The Sultan repeated thoughtfully. "What part of the spectrum would this party call home? I hear that political movements are now all on a line, which sounds rather oversimplified for me. Politics and the variety of beliefs that are possible with humanity can't possibly be sorted into just left, right and centre."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
The man's genuine smile turned serious as the grave within a second as he listed off matters that his party supported, counting them off on his fingers.

"The National Democratic Party primarily follows euroskepticism, pan–Germanism, nationalistic & military pride, and a respect for the history of the country...even the more 'unsavory' aspects. I remember simpler times, as do many of our members...and we join because we want those simpler times back. I know you can at least understand the importance of national pride and looking towards the past with pride, correct?" His smile then returned, a little colder than it first looked...almost a smirk, yet not. It was somewhere in between a ghastly, insidious smirk and a charismatic smile. And the way he stared; it was catlike, or perhaps even lizardlike, in the way that he just stared into the Sultan's own, unblinking and unmoving.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Pan-Germanism, you say?" The Sultan mused. "Sort of a moot point now, don't you think? With the amount of moving around people do these days, it's hard to tell who's what and where. Ah, but citizenship! Citizenship is blind to ethnicity and religion, if the ones in control of the rules allow it. Oh, where are my manners? Would you like one of these delicious nibbles?"

The aging monarch presents the plate for the MP to inspect.

"Regardless, there's nothing wrong with celebrating a country's martial achievements. Prussia grew from a tiny monastic order to the kingdom that united the former states of The Holy Roman Empire into Germany! My ancestors conquered vast swathes of north Africa, south-east Europe and The Middle East. As for the unsavoury aspects, you and I both have our black marks. My country was responsible for two genocides! The first was the Armenian genocide of The Great War, while the more recent one ended before it truly got going, but people died none-the-less."

The Sultan reached out and gave Shröder's shoulder a firm pat.

"Remembering the bad things is a necessary evil. We'd rather not acknowledge the bad things our fellow countrymen have done, but if we ignore and forget, then it's certain to happen again. That's why we should never forget the genocides, including The Holocaust. An event I am sure, as a German, you know very well."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
Shröder cocked his head at the offer, and smiled, giving his thanks to the Sultan for a delightfully made kebab. After taking a bite and swallowing, he continued on with his discussion with the Sultan; he had proven to be wiser and less senile than he let on.

"I live for the study of the past, your Majesty, in all of its aspects. Primarily, my area of expertise is in the 2nd World War, but that is not to say that Adolf Hitler's Third Reich was the only black spot of Germany's past. Wilhelm II, for example, was a coward who left Germany to rot, and prior to that, his failures in diplomacy led to the Great War and the Treaty of Versailles. Yet, here we are...celebrating the coward's legacy in the form of his great, great grandson, who is arguably just as bad. His naivety will be the end of Germany, and his kindness will only bring the nation down to its knees against others."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"It's hardly a celebration of Kaiser Wilhelm when you're the first to mention him, my boy," The Sultan remarked. "As for your harsh remarks regarding your new emperor, don't you think it's premature to make such a judgement when he's not even been in the position for 24 hours! No, sir, I think you should give Friedrich a fair chance. He is not his great, great grandfather, he is his own man, with his own dreams, ambitions and opinions. As for kindness, that is hardly a weakness. It is a virtue that is seen less and less in this world. Indeed, you may think me a sentimental old fool, but I agreed to be the head of state of Turkey not for the chance to taste the power my ancestors had, but to be in a position to make the lives of my fellow countrymen better. After all, a country can hardly be called 'great', if its people are miserable, can it?"


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"I suppose," Wolfgang replied, his gaze now fixated on the Spanish monarch and his family that had arrived. They were quite late, and, from what he could see, didn't even bother to show up to the coronation.

"Well, I do thank you for the lovely conversation, your Majesty. Now, off the topic of the past and on the present, I would suggest the Schweinshaxe as a well–crafted item. I have already had the pleasure of having a sample, and I can say that it may be the best dish here for those looking for a little more meat on the bones. Enjoy your meal, your Majesty, and tell Her Highness I give my regards." Wolfgang proceeded to then step away from the seat and blend back into the crowd, his attention fixated on King Felipe as he mingled with other members of parliament and the new Volksrat.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The Sultan watched as Wolfgang melted into the crowd.

"Which Highness?" He murmured to himself. "I have two daughters."

After a few moments of consideration, he opted to say nothing. He could not tell whether the MP may have been mistaken, and was meant to say "Her Majesty", as a reference to his wife, The Sultana, or his two daughters, who were princess and, as such, would be referred to as Her Highness. Shrugging off the impossible task, he happily continued to savour the appetisers he had been provided with.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The Spanish Royal Family touch down in Berlin and pass through German customs before catching a ride to the Spanish Embassy where they would relax for a few hours as the King met with the Ambassador to finalise preparations to head to the ceremony and that was exactly what they did. They took a motorcade to the ceremony and entered the building as King Felipe VI greeted the Germans and handed over two bottles of Sierra Cantabria Teso La Monja Toro which had a retail value of over $1,000.

"Hello there! I don't know if you enjoy wine but I thought I would bring some of Spain's finest." He chuckles, adjusting his tie as he made contact with the Ottoman delegation.

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