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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Sveriges Television NYHETER
Sweden Television NEWS


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


'Expedite growth and unite for a stronger Sweden'

Stefan Löfven will take centre stage tonight as he takes the seat of the latest Swedish Prime Minister after winning a strong victory over the opposition in the leadership race. The career political figure, who has long cherished an ambition to lead his country, won a majority of the votes with a turnout of over 92%.

In a very short statement to Sveriges Television Nyheter, Löfven said "The voice of the Swedish public has been heard, a majority has been reached and now is my opportunity to show the public what my government and I can do to develop Sweden into centre-stage within the international circuit. This is our chance to change and I'm not going to waste it."

He claimed the win for his party had historically demonstrated a huge "step forward for the country".

"Sweden is the mother for some of the biggest and most technologically advanced organisations and global exports, something I believe we need to focus on. There is a real desire from the Swedish people to work hard, play hard and fight harder for the rights, freedoms and luxuries we all deserve. The job of the government from this step onwards is to listen to the public, the people that keep the cogs of our well-oiled country turning and churning out the reputation we so very much deserve."

A clear and specific message was reiterated - "Unite Sweden and show the world what we can do".

Margot Wallström, the now Secretary for Foreign Affairs, introduced a new stronger strategy to encompass Swedish morals and beliefs into their relationship with countries across the globe. The results of the contest for the top spot in Swedish politics came with much admiration for the work and dedication put in by campaign staff and Wallström is "very much looking forward to the future of this great country". She also mentioned "there are many, many programs and initiatives that we're looking to push forwards as soon as the green lights are given by the powers that be, we will not be wasting time. It's time for change."​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Strömberg International Legal Consultants, an independent Swedish organisation housed in the nationals capital of Stockholm, officially announced today that they will begin
trading. The legal firm is the first of its kind internationally offiering a variety of legal services from civil disputes to international respresentation in the form of private and state

A brief statement from the Chairman Mattis Olsson said "Our business is new to the international forum and certainly new to global foundations such as the Global Assembly and the International Court of Justice; our movement into this arena is likely to cause some issues and there will be some strong-arming required to ensure that the community worldwide recognise and make use of the huge advantage that independent legal representation offers. Whilst states often have their own small legal teams that sit within government they're often seen within the judicial process as naturally bias, after all they sit on the same team as the people they're actively defending. Our business is independent and whilst we'll work with our clients to build a strong and effective legal case, we will not be blinkered with bias. It's fundamentally important that we see all evidence that can benefit a case."

He continued stating "I encourage any person suffering from the unbelievable stress of the judicial process to contact our office immediately, we can provide support over the telephone as well as in person, our services can range from letters to parties involved to court representation. I would say if you're unsure about the legal system that you contact us and see what we can do for you... we will never turn down a client."

The Global Assembly has been contacted for a statement on the emergence of legal consultancy but as yet we await their response.​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


The current national border between Denmark and Sweden dates to 1658 and is entirely a maritime border along Kattegat and Øresund, and in the Baltic Sea between Bornholm and Scania. The territorial waters of the two countries meet exclusively along the Øresund, extending to about 115 kilometres (71 mi), approximately between Höganäs and Falsterbo. The two countries remain tied together by the Øresund Bridge-Tunnel which runs for nearly five miles slashing the national border in two and providing the longest combined road and rail bridge in Europe and connecting two major metropolitan areas.

But the question remains to be said; with the Danish Government crumbling at the seams, does Sweden have a duty to ensure the safety and security of Nordic citizens abroad? and more to the point, is it time Sweden made steps to begin fundamental centralised power within Denmark?

Both the Kingdom of Denmark and the Kingdom of Sweden sit upon the board of founding members within the Nordic Council, but our reporters have found there's some tension on the line between these two nations. It's no secret that the Swedish and Norwegian brotherly bond almost outcasts Denmark as the ugly duckling of the council which would explain why we are yet to see any movement or global step by the Nordic Council, especially with a clear desire to make a stamp on the world stage.

Despite approaching both the Secretary General of the Nordic Council and the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs we are yet to receive any form of comment regarding the Swedish-Danish relationship or the potential for future Swedish control over the region; our researchers have found that the Swedish Armed Forces, across all branches, have begun strengthening processed within billions of dollars being pumped into the Department of Defence to ensure border security. Naturally the Swedish-Finland land border has seen almost a 300% increase in military defences, equally the northern end of Sweden has seen a similar increase presumably to reinforce the closest Russian border. We have been following this story for some time and the Swedish Armed Forces do appear to be following a similar concept in the south, securing the one tie between Denmark and Sweden.

The Danish Government has been stagnant for some time and the Nordic Council will only poke the stick so many times before they confirm death, of course this is all speculative but if history repeats, we may see this situation develop significantly.

Is it a matter of time? Will we soon see a Swedish takeover of Denmark?​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


"There shall be no capital punishment. Six words that changed the course of criminal justice in Sweden in early 1973 when the Swedish Constitution was introduced giving us four basic acts namely the Instrument of Government, the Freedom of the Press Act, the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression and the Act of Succession. These four principle laws have provided governments ever since with a framework that stands above other laws and regulation; essentially governing the ways in which we develop our kingdom into the thriving nation we've all dreamt of. I am unbelievably proud to say my administration has not only walked through this challenge, but we've ran and we've ran, and we've ran. Today the Kingdom of Sweden stands as one of the strongest economies in the world, leaders in innovation, brothers with our neighbours and a founding state in the Nordic Council; working to not only better ourselves but our region of which we are so very proud to be apart of.

Justice is a broad word; what is justice when those pleading for it are murderers, terrorists or traitors of the realm? what is justice when those pleading for it are the victims family that've lost a loved one, experienced unbearable trauma or had life lives and property destroyed forever? Which of the two should we be supporting? It's a challenge that every nation on the globe follows to meet and you know as well as I do history has tried every possible means of justice - from torture to fixed penalty notices.

In 1921 we abolished capital punishment for all crimes committed during peacetime followed some fifty years later by the abolishment for all crimes, including those committed in time of war in early 1973. Twenty two years have passed and serious crime rates including robbery, murder, manslaughter, assault with death, rape and other sex crimes have continued to sky rocket without. It's time for a change. I cannot sleep at night as the Prime Minister of this Kingdom knowing that the people I serve are being killed, raped and having the products of their hard work snatched from them with little to no repercussions for the offenders.

As an example the United States of America has legally permitted capital punishment since the beginning of the American colonies. It is currently the only developed western nation that applies the penalty regularly and during the same time period has seen a reduction in violent crime.

Our nation is free, our nation is strong, our nation is Sweden. The Swedish Constitution at the moment prevents justice, it does not aid it. Every man, woman and child deserves to walk our streets knowing the systems in place are here to serve them, not serve the criminals that remove their liberties. Today, I will be visiting the chambers of the Riksdag where I will present my bill for the reintroduction of capital punishment for the most serious of crime in the Kingdom of Sweden. This punishment is reintroduced with the view to give familes and victims justice. The justice they deserve. Not the justice that keeps Europe happy or the justice that keeps the rest of the globe happy. The justice that makes SWEDEN happy. We are independent and capable of making our own decisions. I will not fool you all into thinking this process will be quick or simple and the vision of a better Sweden will come way before my own ideologies however I firmly believe giving the sixteen Justices of our Supreme Court the power to proactively lower our crime rates is a smart and forward-thinking decision. One we so desperately need.

Let's change Sweden. One step at a time.

Thank you."​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


In a first for the Swedish Air Force, a total of six fighter jets were scrambled recently in order to intercept Russian aircraft spotted heading towards Norwegian airspace. As part of the commitment to the safety and security of the Nordic region and the reinforcement of Sweden's dedication to the upcoming Nordic Council, the aircraft were deployed as part of the Rapid Reaction National Project which encompasses all areas of the Swedish Armed Forces to ensure territory and people are adequately safeguarded from aerial, maritime and ground threats.

Aircraft from the Norrbotten Air Force Wing, 1st Rapid Reaction Squadron, 1st Rapid Reaction Flight based at Luleå Air Base were deployed in order to intercept the aircraft and obtain details in relation to their intentions.

Swedish Air Force spokesperson Major General Mats Helgesson spoke to Sveriges Television Nyheter saying "The Swedish Air Force has grown substantially over the last year and as part of that growth was our focus from purely domestic defence to the defence of the Nordic region as a whole; this includes the deployment of our Rapid Reaction Squadrons to ensure the security of our friends and allies abroad. Norway has always been one of Sweden's closest allies and a historical brother to the nation, the Russian deployment was a clear and blatant perversion of international law regarding airspace, it became very evident that the Russian Federation were provoking a reaction from both Norwegian and Swedish forces either to gather intelligence or to bully themselves onto the international arena. We will not tolerate it."

He went on to elaborate "In response to the Norwegian and Swedish deployment to intercept intelligence-based Russian aircraft, the Russian Federation deployed thirty... yes, thirty... fighter jets towards Norwegian and Swedish mainland. This was an assault. This was a clear and undisputed abuse of power for an otherwise civilised and routine procedure used globally for unresponsive foreign aircraft."

The Swedish Department of Defence are rumoured to be working closely with their allies in the Norwegian Ministry of Defence and the Nordic Council in order to better stabilise the region for interception, deployment and resolution of unidentified threats in Nordic airspace. In a brief comment they stated they will be "working extensively to find and challenge Russian violations of international laws, civil rights and freedoms".​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Swedish Secretary of Finance, Magdalena Andersson, has been dismissed from the cabinet in what is likely to be one of the most out-of-the-blue reshuffles by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven in the history of his administration, albeit one with the potential to cause controversy. Now former Secretary Andersson had been part of the Prime Minister's cabinet since it's election at the start of 1997 and under her control the Department of Finance had seen Swedish reserves grow from millions to billions, with the nation now being the wealthiest investor and majorly economically developed country on the globe.

The dismissal is not all that it seems however. Given her success in office it was undoubtedly a shock when the Prime Minister announced, in a somewhat brief and sly post on his daily report, that Secretary Andersson had been relieved of her duties as one of the most senior cabinet members in the country despite her undoubted success in her role. There was not reasoning provided by the Prime Minister however he did comment on the undying commitment to regional and domestic development displayed by Andersson when he said "Secretary Andersson has served our country well, displaying a commitment to ensuring the Swedish flag flew with pride, wealth, security and prosperity - I wish her all the very best in her future endeavours and have no doubt she will continue, in whichever future career-path she chooses, to serve our kingdom."

The shock announcement follows a report leaked by a Norwegian journalist, working on behalf of Aftenposten, in which it was claimed the Kingdom of Sweden had signed part on an eight billion dollar deal with Norway, alongside the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It was stated the Dutch had provided approximately two billion dollars in a loan to the Norwegians, leaving it undisputed that the remaining six billion dollars is likely to have been paid out by the Swedish government. This is allegedly to assist with the growing Norwegian debt and serving part of an investment and development portfolio to assist with their economy.

We contacted the Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden for statement regarding the dismissal, considering the growing confusion on why such a successful cabinet member would lose their seat, from which we received no response whatsoever.​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Following the recent dismissal of former Secretary of Finance, Megdalena Andersson, the seat within the department as remained empty without anybody at the helm. Her dismissal came in a shock announcement by the Prime Minister during which he avoided any details or specifics on her removal from office however did credit her service to the nation after being single-handed responsible for Sweden's explosion in wealth.

Deputy Secretary of Finance Per Bolund has been promoted from his deputy position to fill the shoes of the former Secretary, now assuming overall responsibility for the department after a meeting with the Prime Minister earlier this morning. Secretary Bolund will move from his current role immediately and deputise Jennie Nilsson into his former position. In a very brief statement to Sveriges Television Nyheter Secretary Bolund stated he was "delighted to have been asked to become to new Secretary of Finance, the department has a hugely important agenda with responsibility to keep our country on a stable fiscal platform. I am looking forward to working with the regular staff of the department to support the nation at this critical time in our development. At the same time I am also very much looking forward to working with my new Deputy Secretary Jennie Nilsson who is a perfect fit for my former role, she is an exceptional public servant who embodies the very best that the government has to offer. With extensive experience in the diplomatic service and a strong record of delivering His Majesty's government priorities, she will provide inspirational leadership to the Department of Finance."

No further comment has been made on the dismissal of the former secretary and advisers close to the Prime Minister have stated they would not expect any more information surrounding her removal to be released.​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


"Heads have turned over the last few days, at the very forefront of the political agenda across two hemispheres stands a single sensitive subject; the legalisation of prostitution. Ask yourself the question now, 'what should we do about prostitution?' and ponder upon the answer you concoct in your mind. I suspect like governments around the world that you came up with a small handful of options, there will be a collective that simply say 'legalise it', there will be a collective that to put it bluntly have absolutely no idea and there is a group that says positive action and strategic policing to combat it.

Those in favour of decriminalisation have been pulled close to the recent announcements by the government of close European neighbour Belgium and equally the state of Queensland in Australia. These nations have approached the subject with a single subject in mind... profit, work and benefit. Surprisingly these are the same three subjects that sit at the forefront of the minds of those that sit at the head of organised crime groups whether on a national or international scale that make use of the selling of sex in order to establish human trafficking rings, money launder and ultimately expand their criminal empire using, in most cases, women as their pawns. It goes without saying that it is unbelievably common for these women to be abused, raped and held against their will in order to make these criminal groups money. Is this really what we want to support?

Do we want governments worldwide to legalise closed-door abuse, rape and imprisonment?

I have been vocal in the opinion of me and my government in that we will not support the legalisation of prostitution, in any form, across the world and I absolutely hold the belief that as a human being I reserve the right to voice that opinion. We should challenge these governments, we should challenge their decisions and we should not be detered by the false promise of regional development and a reduction of crime as a result of the legalisation and taxation. These are false promises and a blatant manipulation of statistics. Simply making this stream of 'work' legal will not mean brothels and sex workers will register themselves, it will drive the problem underground making it more difficult to police.

Let's change Sweden. One step at a time.
...and on this occasion, let's change the world. One brave step at a time."

Thank you.​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Swedish Secretary of Defence, Peter Hultqvist, has announced today that the Swedish Home Guard will be dissolved effective immediately following an ongoing defence review known as the Defence White Paper 1996. At present the content of such review is classified and inaccessible to those outside the Department of Defence however the recent shuffles within the cabinet office and the movement of equipment and personnel sparks interest into the ongoing changes across the nation. Early indications suggest that the strengthening of the Swedish Army should be able to encompass deployment abroad and at home with specialised roles being adapted to ensure domestic capability, this also couples with a recent huge investment in the Swedish Royal Navy and Swedish Air Force.

A short statement was released by Secretary Peter Hultqvist this morning in which he stated "I, along with my team of advisers, military professionals and high ranking officers, members of defence staff and the government as a whole have been for some time reviewing the Swedish capability both in a domestic and international capacity. Part of this review also focuses on the cost of deployment. We have determined that the cost implications of developing the Swedish Home Guard to a level in-which it would be effective in ensuring our interests and national security is protected far outweighs our recent investments in other branches of our armed forces. For this reason I have authorised the dissolution of the Swedish Home Guard."

He continued by announcing "part of this will also see Under Secretary of Defence for the Home Guard, Frode Samuelsson moved to an alternate role within the Department of Defence and will also see the retirement of Chief of Home Guard, Major General Stefan Sandborg. Both of these essential staff have worked tirelessly for years in order to develop suitable guarding of our homeland however advancement in technology and strategic organisation has seen their role completed. This is a huge step forward for Sweden and I am overtly excited to see how we further continue to adapt and overcome challenges that fast approach."

Sources from within the Department of Defence suggest there are a whole host of changes due to come to the organisation of the Swedish Armed Forces however these have yet to come to the spotlight. We will update you when there's more.​
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


"The safety and economic security of the Kingdom of Sweden depends upon the security of her borders whether at home or abroad, whether in the form of diplomatic mission, territorial waters or land borders. For some time Sweden has been at the very forefront of not only our own national security but also that of third world countries, and more recently uninhabited continents such as Antarctica. Since the government has began the development of Antarctica we have reviewed and strengthened our strategies to combat the evolving threat of war in the region, particularly since outcry by nations such as Australia and Argentina. Various departments in the Prime Minister's Administration have each carried our security startegies which have provided an effective layer of collaboration since 1995, when Sweden began the process for sovereignty in the region. This has been undisturbed for over two years.

We now find ourselves at the very cusp of an environmental war which may, in turn, destroy the very environment we are all so determined to ensure remains a beacon for scientific research and development. Ongoing aggression has stemmed from jealousy and greed rather than for the good of the continent - we now find ourselves in a position where we have no choice but to hit the pause button. The new national strategy for Antarctic security aligns all government programs and initiatives into a comprehensive and cohesive national effort involving nations from around the world, under one roof, the Global Assembly.

I, with the support of the Prime Minister, would like to express to the world our utter dismay and shock at the sheer reluctance by the Global Assembly Secretariat which almost saw a war develop as a result of their ignorance to very real and credible threat to life and property. The Global Assembly was founded with the view to promote human rights and equality, prevent warfare and violence from bringing destruction and pillage to nations and its citizens, promote social change and standards of living, promote and protect international law across the globe, work together globally to promote real social and economic change and to promote tolerance and peace. The Secretariat has failed in their duty to ensure any of these factors. The human rights and equality of the Swedish Royal Navy has very much been put under threat on the uprising of aggression from foreign entities in the region. Warfare is very much on a knife edge, Sweden is no longer the only nation in the South Atlantic with military assets pushing for their national interests; unfortunately these nationals are not seeking peaceful resolution, violence and carnage is on their darkened mind which will undoubtedly result in the destruction of the untouched environment. Today we find ourselves seeking a resolution for a situation that has catapulted out of control, has seen countless violations of international law, social norms and tested the mantra of 'tolerance and peace'. Catastrophic economic collateral damage has struck Sweden despite our very best to invest carefully, wisely and strategically throughout our governance of Antarctica, yet we now find ourselves investing more in ensuring our sovereign territory is protected from illegal invasion than the development of the continent.

The delay by the Global Assembly Secretariat has allowed this conflict to snowball and as such should be held accountable.

Whilst the Global Assembly Antarctic Summit takes shape our Royal Navy is face-to-face with ongoing Argentine threats, yet we are still seen as the 'bad guy'. Sweden has, throughout our control of the region, supported an open-door policy to negotiation, research and development in the region not only by the Swedish but also by the economic community. Thusfar we are proud to have been in discussion with the Norwegian, Spanish, British and Portuguese governments, all of whom have benefit or will benefit from our willingness to surround the region with global interest. We have a solemn obligation -- we have a solemn obligation to ensure that Antarctica is treated with the respect it deserves and is managed in the most dignified and mature manner possible as to defend our borders against terrorism, to defend our territory against unlawful invasion and to defend the very environment we are all so desperate to be apart of. We will refute the dark and twisted vision of Argentina.

To finalise, I want to make one thing absolutely abundantly clear to the international community, and I speak to you directly; the Kingdom of Sweden is devoted to ensuring Antarctica receives the attention it deserves. If you, or your government, has an interest in the continent then I encourage you to contact the Department of Antarctic Affairs directly so we can begin discussions into what the future of the region will look like. Do not be a passenger and believe the media guff that floats across your desks. The only place you can receive comprehensive and truthful information about Sweden's position in Antarctica is from Sweden directly.

The government of the Kingdom of Sweden will seek and independent enquiry into the failings of the Global Assembly when the conflict in Antarctica is resolved.

Thank you."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Since its establishment little over a year ago, the Antarctic Defence Force has yet to see much more than strategic relocation. The fleet of over one thousand pieces of land equipment and a number of aging surface and sub-surface naval assets, has seen more time in Swedish mainland territorial waters than it has of anywhere close to the Antarctic region. The force, created by the incumbent Secretary of Defence Peter Hultqvist was developed with the intention to repel the then intense Australian and Argentine interests in Swedish territory overseas and provide the necessary protections to a region that could not be any further from Sweden itself. The branch however, has been plagued with failures since its establishment and has been branded an 'oversight' and a 'logistical nightmare' by many sources within the Department of Defence.

Under Secretary of Defence for the Antarctic Nima Ivarsson released a statement in behalf of the department in-which she has announced the dissolution of the Antarctic Defence Force which will now see operations merged into and spread amongst the regular operation of the Swedish Army, Royal Navy and Air Force. An extract from this statement reads "...the Department of Defence in conjunction with a number of ongoing and developing reports have identified key flaws in the success of the Antarctic Defence force..." and "...we will see material assets of the former Antarctic Defence Force merge into the normal running of key branches within the military headed by the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters with the vision to reduce expenditure and better the security provided to the region with investment in key strategic decisions...". Needless to say the Under Secretary kept her own feelings on the decision to herself and appeared almost robotic as the bright light of innovation slowly began to dim under the pressure of seemingly obvious issues with the four-branch system.

At present it appears the Department of Defence intend to retain the office for the focus on Antarctic defence. SVT did reach out to the Secretary of Defence for comment from which we were told "the Department of Defence has no intention to dissolve military operation for the necessary and appropriate defence of Swedish overseas territory. The personnel within the department responsible for focus on the Antarctic region remain key figures in strategic decision making".

Research into the specifics of the merger, including the movement of material assets, appear to remain classified and the Department of Defence has refused comment on the grounds of national security.​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


Breaking news reaches us from the capital city of Stockholm where moments ago we began to receive reports of an explosion at Stockholm Arlanda International Airport which has seen much of the city engulfed in an oppressive black cloud of smoke - many have reported their houses and the ground beneath them rocking as if it were an earthquake just seconds after the explosion was heard. At present there have been no confirmed reports from official sources whilst emergency services swarm the area.​

More updates to follow:

17:30 Witnesses report having heard an bang like no other that erupted the airport terminal causing light fittings, ceiling tiles, pictures and signs to fall from their placements and onto the ground. A number of whom report it feeling as though they were in a Hollywood cinematic as the fire alarms and announcements ordered them to evacuate from the airport immediately.

17:39 A huge number of emergency vehicle from the police, fire and ambulance service descend on Stockholm Arlanda International Airport.

18:02 Major incident declared by the Swedish National Police.

18:15 Mass casualty assessment centre established in one of the carparks at the passenger entrance to the airport with countless armed police officers patrolling the area, removing suspicious or unattendance bags and guiding people towards the assembly points away from the main airport infrastructure.

19:00 Police have established a cordon with police tape surrounding the immediate perimeter of the airport and patrols continue to deter civilians from coming close to the buildings. The facade of the building lit only by the flashing blue beacons atop of police vehicles and the voices of those at the assembly points dampened by distant sirens and generators powering a line of flood lights.
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


In the years since their landslide victory in 1995 upon election to the Executive Office for Prime Minister, the Löfven Administration have steered the ship through a host of both international and domestic issues and crisis. Through the tenure of Prime Minister Stefan Löfven he has stood at the helm as the government delicately navigated extremely controvertial conflict in Antarctica, South Africa and Turkey. The scope of the government alongside its foreign policy has shifted dramatically over the past six years with the nation shifting from a European counter-part to an international world power, now boasting one of the largest economies on the planet. Prime Minister Löfven often repeated the slogan "Let's change Sweden. One step at a time." - but has he now reached the end of the road?

Sources within the Riksdag suggest there is growing pressure from a number of opposing parties in the house pushing for a formal vote of no confidence to oust the current Prime Minister, which would see opening to a new government. There is no doubt that this leadership has seen a dramatic shift in support, especially after a widely reported 'hacking' incident from which a tweet from the Swedish Prime Minister's supposed account suggested an international and unprovoked attack on eight capital cities worldwide. As yet, the office still stays silent, and the world plays the waiting game. Whilst we wait, however, it seems Sweden loses its hope in the capabilities of this government... Löfven has seen criticism in the house for his radical approached to modern politics, on many occasions he has been called a 'bully'. There is no doubt that he is clinging on to his premiership. We took a simple question to the Swedish public: 'Prime Minister Löfven, should he say or should he go?'.

"I've had enough of him now, he's been the Prime Minister for too long, we need some fresh meat if you know what I mean!"
"I don't know to be honest, think he's been alright but... you know... it's a complicated situation."
"I've seen the news and stuff, I get why people don't like him, but we need someone to show the Swedish strength."
"Oh, I've always had a soft spot for the Prime Minister... but I do think it's time he puts his feet up, he's done a good job."
"He's an utterly useless, dangerous man and we need to get rid of him as soon as possible before we get dragged into another pointless war!"
"I f**king hate the man. Waste of oxygen."
"Oh the Prime Minister? I don't really care to be honest, as long as I have food on the table..."

Clearly opinions are divided throughout Sweden, but the suggestion we get from the Riksdag is clear. Get out, or we'll get you out. Could this spell the end of one of the longest serving Prime Minister's in recent history? and if it does, what and who is next?​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


'Woefully inadequate leader with ministers running riot across the globe'

In the past few hours we have received confirmation from the Social Democratic Party that the incumbent Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, is to stand down from his executive office following extensive negotiations in the shadow of an impending motion of no confidence. The specific details of how the currently seated Administration is to dissolve and make way for a new government is unclear as yet, and those involved are reluctant to make any comment. The new steps require the party to keep their significant majority in the Riksdag, as without it they will pave the way for a snap election with the Moderate Party being key contenders for the final step into office. The alternative will see a new leader of the Social Democratic Party, rumoured to be Magdalena Andersson.

In a very brief statement to Sveriges Television Nyheter, Leader of the Opposition Fredrik Reinfeldt said "Sweden is tired of this government. That much is clear. It is clear the Prime Minister has completely lost control of his party and it's about time we see a stable leader in that office. One that won't see us at war week upon week." - as negotiations continue, the country waits with anticipation."​


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018


The Swedish Air Force reportedly executed a successful incursion into Spanish airspace without encountering any response from the Spanish authorities. The incident, which occurred yesterday, has left both military experts and government officials scratching their heads and demanding answers. According to sources close to the situation, a squadron of Swedish fighter jets managed to breach Spanish airspace undetected and flew unimpeded for a considerable distance before returning to international airspace unscathed. The operation, shrouded in secrecy, was apparently a part of a routine military exercise, though the lack of any Spanish response has raised serious questions about the effectiveness of Spain's air defense system.

The Spanish Ministry of Defense has remained tight-lipped about the incident, and are yet to provide any official statement or explanation. Analysts speculate that the Spanish government may be attempting to downplay the situation to avoid international embarrassment, especially considering the nation's reputation after the Puerto Rico fiasco which bulldozed their relationship with the United States of America.

The Swedish Air Force, on the other hand, has neither confirmed nor denied the reported incursion. Swedish officials have been similarly tight-lipped, fueling speculation that the operation may have been part of a covert testing program to assess the capabilities of both their own aircraft and Spain's air defense systems.

Military experts have expressed astonishment at the audacity and success of the Swedish incursion. Europe is known for its manufacturing of advanced radar and surveillance systems, making it highly improbable for an aircraft to infiltrate its airspace undetected. The incident has sparked concerns about potential vulnerabilities in the Spanish air defense infrastructure, with some experts calling for an urgent review of their systems and protocols, others addressing the alleged success of the operation as an 'utter embarrassment'.

International aviation regulations dictate that any intrusion into another country's airspace must be met with an appropriate response, ranging from diplomatic protests to intercepting the unauthorized aircraft. The lack of such a response from Spain has raised concerns about potential security breaches and the need for increased vigilance. The incident is likely to strain diplomatic relations between Sweden and Spain, with Spanish officials expected to demand an explanation from their Swedish counterparts. Furthermore, neighbouring countries and TASA allies will closely monitor the situation, seeking reassurances about the security of their own airspace.

As both governments remain tight-lipped, the questions surrounding this remarkable incident persist. The Swedish Air Force's successful penetration of Spanish airspace without encountering any response remains a mystery, leaving military and aviation experts eager for an official explanation that may shed light on the vulnerabilities of air defense systems and the effectiveness of current security protocols.​
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