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[ICJ] First Choice Intl v. French Sales Incorporated


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Olhouser felt that he was missing something, but could feel that a good point was trying to be made. He looked over to the Plaintiff. "Ms. Åkesson have you to say anything about this.. accusation?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Your Honour, I thought youd never ask! I've been sat here biting my lip at the confusion within the court... all this time you have all been arguing my point. The only reason we mentioned the use of the US Dollar was to represent the fact the defendant in this case trades internationally and without exclusion, much like my own firm and our client First Choice International. As you have all said, it is the recognised global currency.

My point was made to reference the courts jurisdiction, in this case it is clear the defence operated globally, including Sweden, and as we all know when you trade on an international scale you are subject to domestic law of each and every country. The defence in this case have at no point refuted their international trade policy or argued that Sweden was at any stage excluded from trade.

To make it clear - the defence have not argued or denied being subject to Swedish law as a result of trading internationally... infact they have agreed and argued in our stand!"


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The defense counselor rises and says with as much visible indignation as can possibly made. Throwing his hands in the air Counselor DuPont. "Mister Justice, We must object."
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Overruled. There is nothing to object to counsellor DuPont. Just because you disagree with a statement, does not give you place to object."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Einar rolls her eyes and let's out an audible under-the-breath laugh as the French have spent the entire proceeding arguing the Swedish point, she makes note of the fact no counter allegations have been made despite being given numerous opportunities to and the fact none of the Swedish allegations have been countered... She stands from here seat, noting how disrespectful it is to speak from your seat in a courtroom, and addresses the bench.

"Objection, your honour... this subject matter has been asked and answered."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Sustained... Alright, I think think that's quite enough. I'm ending the questioning period right now. We will now move on to closing statements. The Plaintiff will give their closing statements, followed by the Defense. After that, the other judges and I will decide on a verdict and punishment if necessary... Counselor Åkesson, your closing remarks please," Olhouser said as he sat back in his chair.



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Counselor DuPont would scribble on a legal pad and show it to his cousin, Ambassador DuPont, and in a way only they can see, and circle the following words:

Obvious US Judge Bias
Love the $
Ikea Defense?
Et tu Brute?

The Ambassador looks at the acrostic and whispers to his cousin. "Waste of time on these gents."

He then gently tears the paper from the legal pad, folds it and then places inside his coat pocket.
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
In the silent courtroom the sound of tearing paper echos from the bare walls and wooden furniture, immediately diverting the glaze of Einar to the defence... yet more unprofessional behaviour before some of the most senior judges in the world. After a brief sigh she stands form her seat for what's hopefully the final time in order to provide her closing statement.

"Your Honour, Justices, thank you.

This is a case of foundation, principle and wilful neglect for not only business law but also the unmistakable rights we all possess as human beings.

As I said at the beginning of this trial we are pursuing French Military Sales Incorporated for a number of charges namely various violations of consumer trade, abuse/perversion of judicial process, false/manipulative advertisement, defamation, witness intimidation and international law violations. We could not have made our opening statement any more clear - this is word-for-word how we presented our case here today however not one of these claims have been challenged by the defence. The defence have not once provided any form of counter-allegation, justification or answer for these claims and have instead attempted to manipulate the court by focusing on a nonsense point surrounding the use of international trade currency. I'll save the court the burden of hearing a repetition of our opening statement and make this very brief.

French Military Sales Incorporated trade internationally and without exception, as a result are subject to domestic law of each and every country they trade within. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated falsely advertised the sale of products on their website. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated unlawfully sold products owned and manufactured by the victim, without their permission. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated, as a result of unlawful trade, made a profit from these products with the victim receiving no named amount. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated damage the reputation of the victim as a result of their trade method which consisted of blatant violations of consumer trade law. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated accepted their wilful infringement of consumer trade law and the damages to the victim by accepting the terms of the cease and desist. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated accepted their responsibility to compensate the amount due to the victim. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated, on behalf of the Republic of France Government, lied about their membership within the Global Assembly in order to prevent judicial action. This remains undisputed.
French Military Sales Incorporated denied us the right to a fair trial. This remains undisputed.

The theme? All of our claims remain undisputed. In this case, despite being in court for violations of human rights, the defence have focused on their use of the US Dollar as their international trade currency? Absurd. The defence has not once challenged the grounds of our claims, requested evidence or even counter-claimed. From start to finish it appears as if the defence agree with us...? Unquestionably the defence have attempted to deceive, manipulate and abuse the judicial system from start to finish and I have no doubt that without sanction they will continue to do so.

Your Honour, we would like to continue by requesting a Compensation Order issued by the courts to the sum of $2,690,000,000.00, this includes court fees and legal costs to the victim alongside the aforementioned agreed amount between the victim and the defence to re-compensate the reputation and revenue damages already incurred. Subject to the manipulative financial processes already attempted by the French we request a singular payment in order to prevent further costs incurred by the victim which are inevitable for the monitoring and processing of payment plans.

Now I'm not sure, in the eyes of the French, that we have pounded this table enough."​

A smile bestows the face of Einar as she continues to make digs at the French metaphors.

"Your Honour, I'm pounding this table to ensure that the victim gets the justice they deserve despite being denied their human rights. Despite having their business ripped apart from the ankles by the French. First Choice International built their business from the ground up - is it right to allow a small-business to appear from nowhere and sell their products unlawfully? Then use their state-ownership to strong-arm a private organisation into submission?

This isn't just about business law. This is setting a dangerous precedent.

Thank you for your time."​

Einar returns to her seat, ready to make notes from the French closing statement.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Thank you, counselor. Now for the French closing statement," Olhouser said.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"Thank you Mister Chief Justice. I will be brief as enough noise had been made in this courtroom today. And a lot of confusion, both for the defense and the esteemed court, which as Stromberg, just mentioned, if you would like to look at #42 of the transcript, and I quote, "I've been sat here biting my lip at the confusion within the court... all this time you have all been arguing my point."

Counselor DuPont continues.

"Showing glee that a court case is confusing, one, denies the court the ability to preside over a clear case, and two, my client the right to a fair defense of the charges brought against it. I will move onto to Stromberg's closing remarks."

"Let's start with this statement, and I quote, 'Military Sales Incorporated, on behalf of the Republic of France Government, lied about their membership within the Global Assembly in order to prevent judicial action. This remains undisputed.
"Let's start with this statement,'

"To the esteemed court, closing arguments seems a rather strange time to bring up such a charge since it was not included in either the opening complaint, nor opening arguments, and lastly they have never even entered into evidence anything to prove such a charge."

Counselor DuPont continues and says, "My apologies to the court, I will wrap this up in just a minute."

"Now let's look at the charge in the original complaint that FMSI, Violated Article 8 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (International) and Article 10 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (International). Which Stromberg also brought up in their closing arguments so I will address it again."

"Again no evidence was produced by the complainant that we violated as these rights do not exist. As the Court surely knows, no resolutions on Human Rights or anything else have been passed up to this point in history. They simply do not exist. FMSI cannot be charged violating a right that does not exist.

And, even though Chief Justice
Olhouser reminded Stromberg that eight of the first ten complaints, must be disregarded as they do not fall into the court's purview, Stromberg still has mentioned them throughout the trial. And the other two do not even exist."

"And to my final point, Stromberg is really here because they did not like the method of payment they received. But, if you look at the transcript and look at Section#10 of that transcript. FMSO clearly showed that Stromberg agreed to the original amount of 2 Billion dollars, explicitly said the word "Payments", only they failed to dismally to explicitly state how they wanted the payments. And even had the gall to accept a payment."

"That is all. We thank the court for their time and fair and unbiased deliberation over these proceedings."

With that counselor Dupont sits down.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Thank you all very much. We will now break for a recess while the other judges and I deliberate. Bailiff, please clear the courtroom," Olhouser sound before smacking his gavel on the desk before him. Olhouser waited for security to clear the entire courtroom and secure the doors before they would start deliberating. The only ones in the room were the three justices.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Following the judges orders the French "defense" team of DuPont and Dupont made their way outside the courtroom. Once there, they saw what they thought to be the Stromberg team cowering and running away rom the court.

"Look at those cowards, all this for a 2 Billion dollar case and when they could have had a larger one against the US. And we already settled."

"I heard in the US there is now a Twinkie Defense, for serial-killers that have eaten too much sugary sweets and it makes them crazy."

"Can the Dollar-Defense make someone mentally-ill?"

"Well, look at the judge that constantly backed Stromberg's asinine accustaions."


"The US judge."

"Yes, it was obvious the US judge was clearly against us all along. Objected in the favor of Stromberg. Overruled in the favor of Stromberg, and more stupidly threatened to charge us with contempt, then, for once, did something wise said and said nothing for the rest of the trial when Judge Olhauser overruled them," Pierre said to his cousin.

"Exactly how does a court case cost more than four times more than 24 helicopters do you think?"

"Well, cousin. For starters they were throwing spit balls at the wall the whole time so might as well, invent a number like they were inventing criminal codes in the whatever-called "Humans Rights declaration they were whining about."

"Time for a few Remy-Martins,"

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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Einars jaw drops with sheer amazement as the French deny even having knowledge of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights despite it being listed first in Charter of the Global Assembly. She glances directly to the bench as these words leave the defence's mouth, with nothing other than sheer amazement on her face as they practically admit to violating rights. She attempts to make notes however simply circles the words 'defence requested no evidence... no challenge' - she leans back in her leather chair, noticing that the defence did no homework prior to this case. The charges clearly being within the courts jurisdiction following the Chief Justice enabling the complainants counsel to argue the jurisdiction of the court.

As the courtroom is cleared she walks through the halls of the International Court of Justice to the front of the house where she is able to make a private telephone call to the Swedish Ambassador to the Global Assembly Marc Kvet. She ensures the telephone call isn't being overheard however really isn't intimidated by the prospect of French listening.

"Mark? It's Einar.... mhm.... The French just denied the existence of Human Rights, I thought you should know.... yes.... outright.... I will go via your office on my way back to Sweden after this case with a transcript.... bye bye."
She sighs, breathing in the fresh air after putting a substantial amount of work into this case and it being the turning point as to whether the business continues or grinds to a halt. Especially with FCI being such a substantial client.

As Einar stares into the distance she audibly makes herself chuckle as she recalls the trial in which the French only challenged the use of the US dollar however disputed none of the charges of accusations against them. She awaits a announcement to return to the courtroom.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
An hour later, Ambassador walks down the corridors of power of the GA and walks to the Swedish diplomatic office. He would address himself as the Ambassador of France and introduce his cousin, Pierre DuPont.

"We were wondering if the Ambassador had time for a late lunch. And we would certainly like to invite Ms. Einar out as well. If you could please, inform her we are here and let her know our intensions. It is just an off-the book chat between colleagues."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The French and Swedish counselors would be informed that due to sudden illness, another justice would be taking the place of Spain's justice. Extra time would be needed for the recess to allow him to catch up on the details of the case. The court would of course contact both of them once this period was over.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Once hearing the news the French Ambassador and Counselor DuPont would dash over to Judge Olhauser's office. They would ask to see the judge. They would implore the people in the office that they see the judge, immediately.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Counselor DuPont would be informed that the justices are in deliberation and have sealed the courtroom under orders not to be disturbed. Whatever the French representatives needed to say needed to wait.



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The Swedes already had one third of the justices in their pocket and now this? Ambassador Dupont thinks to himself.

"What do you think, cousin?"

"Well, this should be cause for a mistrial. Then again half of Stromberg's closing arguments were nothing but nonsense anyway."

"Is there anyway we can found out who has left?"

"Looks like closed doors for now, cousin. Let's head back to the Swedish office and see what they say. if we head out to that Irish Pub, O'Malley's we are guaranteed of one thing."

"What's that?"

"They'll leave a dollar for a tip."

The two cousins both laugh and head back to the Swedish ambassador's office. Once there, they announce who they are and ask to speak to the Swedish Ambassador.

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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Whilst it's not a secret that the Swedish Ambassador to the Global Assembly is eager to meet with his Frebch counterparts, members of staff within his office are fully aware of the ongoing legal proceedings - with the Global Assembly housing the International Court of Justice and the Ambassador having facilitated this, it by default makes him a witness in the case thus making it a criminal offence for the French to have any contact prior to the ruling being made.

The receptionist offers an appointment for the French to meet on more appropriate, lawful circumstances.

CCTV footage is rolling at a constant rate within the office. The cameras are not covert.

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