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[IND] Closure of the Indian Embassy in Paris


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018
With the recent French 'election' which brought the clear tyrant and idiot of France, Macron, back into power, India could not support a government which has clearly usurped the government of the people to rule over people who clearly did not want him. Thus, the Indian government would secretly contact their embassy in Paris of its closure. The people within the embassy would copy all the information on their computers to USB sticks and would destroy the computers themselves using hammers until they were dozens of pieces and would then toss them into small barrels of ink. All papers would be shredded and then tossed into the barrels of ink. Once all of this was done and no information was left to be discovered, the Indian diplomats would head to the Paris International Airport and return home to New Delhi.

Once the Indian diplomats arrived safely back to New Delhi, the Indian government would send law enforcement to the French embassy in New Delhi.

Ten armored vehicles would arrive in front of the embassy, four armed officers would exit from each of the vehicles, a total of forty armed police officers. The leading officer would use his megaphone to talk to those within the embassy. "Good day, to whomever it may concern!" He would begin. "My men and I have been sent here on behalf of the Indian government to inform you that India no longer wishes to keep diplomatic relations with the tyrannical government of France. You have all been declared persona non grata and have been given 24 hours to leave the country. This includes all of the members within the embassy and the consulates across India. Have a nice day and I hope that you do not force us to return here to your embassy."


Deleted member 5

French Republic would close the Indian Embassy at New Delhi. Before closing the Embassy at New Delhi, all embassy staff and ambassador would destroy all secret documents and copied all information from their computers to USB sticks and destroy all the computers and hard drives.

All documents are successfully shreaded. French Republic embassy staff and ambassador arranged a plane to board on and fly towards France.


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018
As per the Forum Ruleset, rule 2 of the General rules: 'Responses under "The Global Assembly, Worldwide Journalism, Diplomatic Proceedings, International Events and Personal Development" are to exceed 70 words.' As post #2 is only 66 words, it is voided.

As the 24 hours given by the Indian government to the French diplomats have passed and they remained in the embassy, the Indian government did their next move. The commander of the police force outside of the embassy would once again take up his megaphone. "Hello, diplomats. It has now been twenty-four hours yet you remain within the embassy. India cannot allow that. My men will be coming within the embassy and will be seizing everything within it. Now, I must say that the Indian government will give you a second chance, while everything within the building will be seized, all personnel within the building are free to leave and return home. However, if any attempts are made to harm my men, destroy evidence, or any other provoking actions other than simply walking out of the building, you will be arrested. All of you, then placed before the Supreme Court of India."

The commander would remain outside with three of his men while the other thirty-seven would storm the building armed with Pistol Auto 9mm 1A, SPAS-15, MP5, and Excaliburs. Officers would storm through every door and into the embassy, each room would be cleared and each of the personnel would be asked to lay on the ground with their hands on their head until the embassy was secure.

Once the okay was given and everything within the embassy was secure, the diplomats would be let go and the NSG officers would block off the embassy.


Deleted member 5

French Republic would close the Indian Embassy at New Delhi. Before closing the Embassy at New Delhi, all embassy staff and ambassador would destroy all secret documents and copied all information from their computers to USB sticks and destroy all the computers and hard drives. After all destruction completed, French Embassy staff and ambassador would close the embassy.

All documents are successfully shreaded. French Republic embassy staff and ambassador arranged a plane to board on and fly towards France.

All Indian Citizens in France were offered asylum, with the forewarning that the refusal of said offer would lead to their removal from the country. France government would announce, "Indian people are the backstabbing people in the world."


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018
As the Indian government clearly stated that the personnel would be able to leave UNLESS they tried to destroy evidence, everyone within the embassy would be placed under arrest and brought into the armored police vehicles outside. The Indian government has given the French two chance to leave peacefully but they refused to do so, instead, they provoked the Indian government twice.

Of course, since all the personnel in the embassy were already on the ground and detained, none of the evidence that they tried to destroy would be destroyed, instead seized by the Indian government. All the personnel would be arrested under the assumption of espionage and potential terrorism/sabotage on the Indian government. All papers would be seized and computer hardware taken. The embassy would then be blocked off.


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