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Independent States Allied Forces | The Canadian Situation

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The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Independent States Allied Forces

The Canadian Situation​


[P] Great Britain
[P] Portugal
[A] Netherlands
[P] United States

The Hub, London


Sharing of intelligence regarding the situation in Canada
Agreeing to a joint position on the Canadian Civil War
Discussion of possible humanitarian/military operations


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Menno van Wegberg Dutch ISAF Adviser would be present at the meeting.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
A second delegate for the UK, outside of the Trade Meeting, attended.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
A delegate from the United States would arrive at the meeting


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
An aide from the Ambassadors office would walk into the room and hand Adviser Menno van Wegberg a document while whispering something in his ear.

He would look back up before addressing the room "Ladies and Gentlemen, I convened this meeting due to a unprecedented situation having occurred in Canada. Nationalist, Islamist and Communists are wreaking havoc in Canada, a nation bordering one of our most important allies, the United States. I have also just received intelligence from a verified source that Chinese elements are arming communist parties in the Canadian Civil War." He would say while handing over copies of the intercepted message. "Furthermore, the planned Chinese deployment of special forces to protect their embassies could be a possible ruse to partake in communist operations." Once again handing over copies of the intercepted message.

"I believe that action needs to be taken to ensure the security and stability of the North American region as a proxy war being fought in Canada could lead to a humanitarian crisis."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe that to, the democratic institutions in Canada need to have our support, furthermore a communist Canada could pose a serious threat to the security of the US. And we cannot allow Islamic or Nationalists rise up in Canada, which as history as told us, they are quite dangerous. But how would we do this? Having boots on the ground could pose to the world that ISAF is willing to intervene in proxy Civil Wars and violating Canadian Sovereignty"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well, we have currently forces across the border in an attempt to prevent the violence from entering the US. And we currently have special forces being transported to Toronto and Quebec city to evacuate embassy staff. Obviously this is a great matter of national security and we hope that a solution can come soon"


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"At this moment in time, my biggest recommendation of focus is the protection and securing of America's Borders. Over the last few days, we've only seen the situation in Canada escalating, multiple parties involved and yes, I foresee a proxy war. Putting boots of the ground isn't yet an option for Britain, not in Canada itself. Whilst I understand the situation is progressing negatively, the Canadian Government has still got the ability to de-escalate it. Time must be given, and a democratic voice offered. However, given the proximity it has to America, an ISAF member, at this point I believe what we should be asking is.." the delegate turned to the American "Is there anything you need from ISAF? The involvement from China is disturbing, but, in response, what do you all propose? We respond and support the Liberal forces through supplies?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Whilst we don't necessarily NEED anything, this could pose a perfect opportunity for ISAF to show the world that we are still active. And it is also an opportunity for our forces to work closely together, especially under the tense situation, which is why we request an ISAF battlegroup to be sent to the US border with Canada."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We must make a decision and soon, we must either decide to become militarily involved with a deployment or we must remain neutral. If we decide to become a beliggerent then I suggest an ISAF flagged mission led by the United States to stabilize the region. We would also suggest a blockade of the Canadian coast to prevent third-parties becoming involved which could make the conflict bloodier and create a northern threat to our American ally."

"If we decide to remain neutral, I advise we contact both the liberal and nationalist parties and arrange the deployment of unarmed observers who will ensure the rights of the Canadian people are preserved and protected, as well as act as peacekeepers and attempt to bring both parties to the table for peace talks."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The Canadian government has requested that we get involved on their behalf, What are you opinions guys?"


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I've been informed the British Prime Minister, and American President are involved in a conference with the Nationalist and Liberal Party leaders from Canada. Jericho Bourne has opted to try to encourage a cease fire and to open diplomatic negotiations.

Britain would be happy to support an ISAF Battlegroup on the American Border too, although we want to be careful as to not cause a mess with command and structuring. I believe the American Commanding Forces should lead the ISAF Involvement, but I also don't want Britain, Netherlands and Portugal essentially sending hundreds or thousands of men freely otherwise it'll spark confusion. I think we need to establish what makings the ISAF Battlegroup would consist of. If the Dutch or Portuguese want to commit any forces to it?

At the moment, Britain is strongly in support of the Liberal Party as they were elected through the Democratic process, but we have not made this aware yet as Mr Bourne is hoping to establish a democratic solution. But if that fails, I suggest supporting the Liberal Party due to their election. We're ultimately all democratic countries here. As for preventing Third Parties, we agree to such movement but hope we can get support from the Liberals in doing this."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I agree with the British that seeking a peaceful solution must be a priority. However, we must remain prepared to protect the American border and cannot allow the situation escalating by every nation trying to gain an advantage by sending troops. Thereby we would support an American naval blockade of the Canadian coast to prevent the deployment of foreign 'volunteer' forces. We are concerned about the Singaporean operation currently active, while we agree the need for observers guaranteeing the right of innocent civilians, it seems they have also taken the side of the Nationalists as they have armed forces patrolling the frontline." He would say handing out the pictures revealed in the montage shown by Singapore to the world. "Had it been an unarmed deployment, then we wouldn't question their intentions, however the deployment of armed combat personnel is worrying and could shift the tide of the war."

"We hope to see the current legitimate government call for an election to let the Canadian people peacefully decide what course their nation should take."


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Agreed. Britain is willing to volunteer a Battlegroup of 600 infantrymen. This would include a series of ground vehicles to help the border. If the US Delegate could please confirm where our Battlegroup could be stationed and the area it should be focused?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"As far as I'm aware, the best place for deployment would be on the west coast, around the States of Washington, Idaho and Montana. But I will confirm once plans are drawn up"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We can volunteer a small contingency of 100 Paratroopers and 40 Special forces along side Aircraft for more clean cut operations where more secrecy and low profile are needed."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The Canadian Situation is getting out of control, I believe we should act as fast as possible to not allow the Canadian Government to fall, currently more than 80% of the country as fallen. We need to move quickly otherwise it could fall to the nationalists."


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The transcript of the phone including the British Prime Minister was sent to the ISAF Meeting in private; ( )

"As you can see from the transcript, the Liberals are holding back an election due to fears of Nationalists winning, and then the Islamic Group still brewing. I can understand the concern for the Islamic Group, but, admittingly, I am unsure of the Liberals if they're simply holding back an election due to lack of support? Especially given this is a democracy. What are all of your thoughts?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Perhaps they see that nationalists are an actual threat to the internal security of Canada, especially their people. For example they could be using fake propaganda in order to entice people to their side without them knowing their true intentions or meanings. We have seen nationalism rise before in Europe and is never good, I'm mean when is it good? People often forget that Nationalism hides beneath the facade of Patriotism. So they could be very well being mislead. Hence why I believe the Liberals need more Political Support and funds in order to fight this issue. The Islamic group I'm unaware of their intentions, however if they are on the side of the religion cleansing and destroying western culture, it could also be bad."
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