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Invitation to Bangkok


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019



Seal of Her Royal Majesty, Crown Princess Sirivannavari


To: President Shankar Dayal Sharma, Republic of India (Drivindeath). President Nejat Khara, Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Sham). President and Secretary General Nejat Khara, People's Republic of China (Dutchy). Party General Secretary & President Lê Khả Phiêu, Vietnam (J.Hyde). Prime Minister Andrew Evans, United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Jamie). President Viktor Yushchenko, Republic of Ukraine (GingeOrCringe). Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Kingdom of Sweden (Connor). President Rafael Cortés, Republic of Spain (Bruno). Prime Minister Loeka Heerkens, Kingdom of the Netherlands (JamieA). Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Federal Republic of Germany (Vaka). President Albert Arnold Gore Jr., United States of America (Odinson). Prime Minister Danny Hamilton, Commonwealth of Australia (Danny). President of the Republic Lt. Gen. Adolfo Cambiasso, Argentina (Naio90). Prime Minister João Cardoso Filho, Empire of Brazil (JakeDorent).
From: Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya.
CC: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pongpol Adireksarn.

Dearest Heads of States and Governments,

I am sending all of you this message as a form of invitation for either yourselves or a representative of your governments and/or a member of your royal families (if one exists within your respective nations) in the hopes that you would come to Bangkok to attend the funeral of late Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn, my father, alongside my coronation as the new head of state and Queen of the Rattanakosin Kingdom.

Once the funeral and coronation have concluded a feast and various other Thai festivities shall be waiting for us at the Grand Palace. Various rooms within the palace will also be set aside for yourselves alongside any guest that you bring alongside you (hotels can also be notified of VIP arrivals if you would rather stay at one of Bangkok's luxurious hotels or resorts). During these events and the festivities at the Grand Palace, it is my hopes that we will all be able to begin relations not only with ourselves but with our nations and begin various journeys towards assuring peace and cooperation between us all.

The Royal Guard will be prepared to assure the safety of any and all guests coming to and from Bangkok, however, if you would feel safer by bringing your own guards then please let us know and we will be able to make the proper arrangements. But let it be known that the following characteristics of fire-arms and devices are banned in the Rattankosin Kingdom: Semi-auto rifle center-fire; manual-action rifle center-fire with caliber larger than .460 Styer; semi-auto handgun, revolver with caliber larger than .44 magnum; any fully automatic firearms, and suppressors. We of course expect your entourage to not take advantage of these lenient laws and keep their defensive firearms realistic for high value protection.

Lastly, the date of the funeral and coronation will be the 14th of August 1997 (OOC: November 29th).

If you or someone of your government will be attending then please provide me and my Minister of Foreign Affairs via response to this e-mail the following information: attendee(s) (full name, age/DOB, and profession/rank/position), date of arrival, declaration of all self-defense items, residency during stay (Grand Palace or name of hotel/resort).

Kindest Regards,
Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva
Crown Princess
Rattanakosin Kingdom


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020




To: Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva, Crown Princess Alex

Cc: Helmut Kohl, Roman Herzog

Subject: Arrangements for Arrival and Stay in The Rattanakosin Kingdom.

Security Level: Private and Encrypted

Hello Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva, Crown Princess,

We are saddened to learn about the passing of Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn. Our Chancellor and President will be attending the funeral and coronation. They will be traveling with 5 security personnel.

Helmut Kohl
DOB: 3 April 1930
Federal Chancellor
Federal Republic of Germany
Date of Arrival: 13th of August, 1997.
Grand Palace Rooms

Roman Herzog
DOB: 5 April 1934
President of Germany
Federal Republic of Germany
Date of Arrival: 13th of August, 1997.
Grand Palace Rooms

5 Security Staff
DOB: various
Heckler & Koch P30
Chancellor's Security Staff
Federal Republic of Germany
Date of Arrival: 13th of August, 1997.
Grand Palace Rooms

If there is anything else required before departure please contact my office and I will provide any information you might need.

Klaus Kinkel
Vice Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Federal Republic of Germany


GA Member
Nov 23, 2020

Encrypted and Encoded

The People of Islamic Republic of Pakistan would like to offer their heartfelt condolences to the recently deceased and belated head of state in Thailand may the blessings and peace of Allah (SWT) be with him and his family on this most somber occassion. The Government in Islamabad is planning on sending a 4 man security team alongside myself Prime Minister Sayyid and President Khara as well as Foreign Minister Qazi.

Prime Minister Muhammad Sayyid


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020




To: Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva, Crown Princess, Rattanakosin Kingdom (Alex)

From: President Shankar Dayal Sharma, Republic of India

Subject: Invitation

Security: Top Secret/Encrypted


Dearest Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva,

I am deeply sorrowed by the passing of your father. I will of course attend his funeral and wish to bring my Wife Vimala Sharma. We would love to stay for your coronation. We have no preference on where we stay, and would be happy wherever accommodations can be made. As for security we trust that your security detail is more than capable at keeping us safe and will not be brining any security of our own. If it is alright with you, we will depart 2 days prior to the funeral leave 2 days after the festivities. I look forward to meeting you.

Shankar Daval Sharma
President, Republic of India


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to:
Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva, Crown Princess, Rattanakosin Kingdom
Message from: Lt. Gen. Adolfo Cambiasso, President of the Republic of Argentina

The present message has been encrypted and encoded. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Your Highness,
On behalf of the argentine people, I extend to you our warmest condoleces. Of course I will be attending in person to the funeral proceedings to honor crown prince Vajiralongkorn and to also attend your coronation.

We will be arricing on a private flight the day before the events.

Sincerely yours,

Adolfo Cambiasso
President of the
Republic of Argentina

In an additional private message to the Rattanakosin Kingdom, logistical details would eb provided. The president of Argentina would arrive in one of the Argentine Air Force 767-300ER, he will be accompanied by a team of 6 bodyguards, carrying 4x Glock 17 and rounds of ammunition and a kevlar vests each.

The president would be accompanied by 2 aides and his Press Secretary.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya of the Rattanakosin Kingdom ( Alex )
FROM: Albert Arnold Gore Jr., President of the United States of America

Your Royal Highness,

On behalf of the American people, and the First Family, I offer my greatest condolences to you and your family for the loss of your father. A few months ago, I also lost my father and was unable to be there with him right before he died. The guilt of that still lingers with me, as I was trying to balance my duties between that of Vice President and that of a son. In the end, when it is all said and done, I think our commitment to family and close friends is what we will cherish over any other accomplishments in our lives.

I would prefer to give my condolences in person, however, I will unfortunately not be able to make it to the funeral of your father, or your coronation, as I am presently hosting the British Prime Minister at the White House. In my stead, I will be sending the United States Secretary of State, Jackson Fitzgerald. I can only wish you the best in your coronation, and I will keep you, your father, and your family in my prayers.


Al Gore
President of the United States

A second secure message was sent from the State Department to the Thai Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pongpol Adireksarn. It would detail that seven Diplomatic Security Service protective agents, along with a government drive, would be sent in addition to the Secretary of State and his wife. The message also detailed that the Secretary of State and his wife would stay at the Palace, if they could be accommodated. The message also stated that, if there was no objection, DSS agents and the driver would be discretely armed with 9mm Glock pistols. The requested information about each person attending would be provided to the Foreign Minister in this second message.[/TD][/TR]


Apr 5, 2020

To: Her Royal Highness, Queen Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya Alex

From: Konstyantyn Hryshchenko

Subject: Coronation RSVP

CC: Viktor Yushchenko, Viktor Yanukovych, Andrii Savenko

Security: encrypted and private
The Republic of Ukraine would like to express its sincere condolences. We recognize that in addition to the political loss of a sovereign ruler, Your Royal Highness has been bereaved of a parent. The loss of a father is never easy. We hope the love of your family, friends, and your people is felt. We have no doubt that Your Highness will bring honor to your father's memory through your own governance.

We will of course be sending representative to attend the funeral and coronation. Unfortunately, the suddenness of this unforeseen tragedy means President Yushchenko will be unable to attend--he is currently engaged in a meeting with Boris Yeltsin. Still, these events require representatives of the highest caliber. Our Prime Minister, Viktor Yanukovych, and Ambassador Andrii Savenko shall both be in attendance. Their information is attached below.

Guest 1

Full name

Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych

Date of birth

9 July 1950


Prime Minister of the Republic of Ukraine

Date of arrival

13 August

Declaration of all self-defense items


Residency during stay

Grand Palace Rooms
Guest 2

Full name

Andrii Orestovych Savenko

Date of birth

23rd March 1962


Ambassador of the Republic of Ukraine to the Rattanakosin Kingdom

Date of arrival

Present, arrival at Grand Palace 2:30pm 13 August

Declaration of all self-defense items


Residency during stay

Grand Palace rooms


Konstyantyn Hryshchenko
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Ukraine

Within an hour of receiving the Email, Minister Hryshchenko would contact Prime Minister Yanukovych and Ambassador Savenko. The Ukrainians would begin making arrangements for the trip. After a tedious verbal battle--what Hryshchenko would privately describe to his personal secretary, and later First Deputy Secretary Kharchenko, as 'a bitch fit'--Prime Minister Yanukovych conceded to flying commercial. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in turn, would agree to pay for a first-class ticket rather than economy. Trusting Thai security, they would send none of their own.

On his own initiative, Ambassador Savenko would order for a modest floral arrangement to be sent to the Royal Family at the Grand Palace. The flowers, in accordance with Buddhist funeral custom, were cream white and pale yellow. A small sympathy card would accompany the bouquet.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Security Clarification: Secured & Private
To: Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva (CP)
Cc: Loeka Heerkens (PM)
Subject: Funeral
Attachments: Documents

Dear Crown Prince Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva (Alex),

I'd like to offer my condolences regarding the death of the Crown Prince, and within the attachment attached to this email would be the information you requested regarding the information of the people who would be attending. The delegation will be setting off shortly, aboard the ACJ330-200 from the Royal Netherlands Air Force. As stated in the the attachment, the delegation requires 3 SUVs for the duration of the visit.

With regards,
Ms Charelle Hesseling
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Copyrighted @ Kingdom of the Netherlands​

With the email being sent, preparations were made for the ACJ330-200 to depart from the Netherlands, the 15 man security would arrange their weapons and clothing for the duration of the visit then escort the 3 members of the delegation to the airbase where the ACJ330 would be waiting to take them to Thailand. Once aboard the aircraft, the aircraft would depart towards Thailand.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Office of the President
People's Republic of China

Recipient: Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva, Crown Princess of the Rattanakosin Kingdom
Cc: Shi Kuang, Vice President of the People's Republic of China
Subject: Funeral
Attachment: -

Your Royal Highness,

On behalf of the People's Republic of China, we offer you our condolences on the passing of His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince. I have personally dispatched Vice President Shi to attend the funeral alongside Ambassador Lei in order to pay our respects to the late Crown Prince.

The Vice President will be arriving on an Airbus A319, escorted by four members of the People's Liberation Army.

Full Name

Shi Kuang

Date of Birth



Vice President of the People's Republic of China

Date of Arrival

13th August

Security Detail

4x Personnel (QSZ-92 semi-automatic pistol)


Grand Palace

Full Name

Lei Yu

Date of Birth




Date of Arrival


Security Detail




Yours Sincerely,

Zhou Tan


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Private & Encrypted


To: Her Royal Highness, Queen Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya Alex
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anthony McCormack
CC: Prime Minister of Australia, Danny Hamilton
Subject: Funeral

Your Royal Highness,

On behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia, we would to offer our condolences on the passing of the Crown Prince. I myself will depart Canberra as soon as possible to attend the funeral alongside two officers from the Australian Federal Police.

Kindest Regards,

Anthony McCormack
Minister of Foreign Affairs

As soon as the email was sent, Anthony would board a hired private jet alongside two officers from the Australian Federal Police. Both officers were dressed in suits and carried Glock 17 handguns.


The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019

Office of the Imperial House of Orléans-Braganza

Recipient: Rattanakosin Kingdom (Alex)
Subject: Funeral
Classification: Secure

On behalf of the Brazilian People, I offer my sincere condolences to you and all the people of your nation and family for the passing of his Royal Highness.

I'd like to formally inform that I, alongside my brother, the Imperial Crown Prince of Brazil, Dom Bertrand of Orléans-Braganza, shall be attending the Funeral and Coronation to mourn the passing of Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn.

Along with us, five security personnel shall accompany us.

Luiz Gastão Maria José Pio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Orléans e Bragança e Wittelsbach.

DOB: 6th of June 1938
Emperor of Brazil
Empire of Brazil
Date of Arrival:
12th of August, 1997.
Grand Palace Rooms

Dom Bertrand of Orléans-Braganza
DOB: 2nd of February 1941
Imperial Crown Prince of Brazil
Empire of Brazil
Date of Arrival:
12th of August, 1997.
Grand Palace Rooms

Luiz Gastão Maria José Pio Miguel Gabriel Rafael Gonzaga de Orléans e Bragança e Wittelsbach.
Office of the Imperial House of Orléans-Braganza

With the Message sent, the Two members of the Imperial Family would prepare for the trip, boarding one of the government-owned aircraft to reach the destination, the two royals were dressed in rather simple suits, with a badge on the left side of their chest of the Imperial Coat of Arms of the Empire, the four security personnel would be dressed similarly as to not attract attention, The flight was long but calm, Allowing the group some moments of peace before their arrival in Bangkok.


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
An invitation to the coronation and funeral would also be forward to the royal family of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Dutchy), Republic of Korea (Jay), and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (J.Hyde).

Another message would be sent to all previously invited nations who had accepted the invitation:



Ministry of Foreign Affairs


To: Empire of Brazil (JakeDorent), Commonwealth of Australia (Danny), Kingdom of the Netherlands (JamieA), Republic of Ukraine (GingeOrCringe), United States of America (Odinson), Republic of Argentina (Naio90), Republic of India (Drivindeath), Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Sham), Federal Republic of Germany (Vaka)
From: Minister Pongdol Adireksarn

Dearest Colleagues,

I would like to deeply apologize about the unsuspected delay that you have experienced from the end of the Rattanakosin Kingdom, preparations proved to be more difficult and time consuming than we first believed.

The Kingdom is now ready to host all of you and your personal security operators. Please let me know of the dates and times of your arrivals and I will try to greet each of you in person with the Queen's Guard before escorting you to the Grand Palace of Bangkok to prepare for the funeral.

It would also be preferable (if possible) for your transportation to land at the Don Mueang International Airport.

Kindest Regards,
Pongdol Adireksarn
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Rattanakosin Kingdom

A private message written by the Crown Princess herself would be sent to Ambassador Savenko. GingeOrCringe



Seal of Her Royal Majesty, Crown Princess Sirivannavari


To: Ambassador Andrii Orestovych Savenko
From: Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanya.

Dearest Ambassador Savenko,

I hope you are well. Things have become quite rushed here in Bangkok but I wanted to thank you personally for the flowers that you have sent to me and my family, they are very well appreciated.

It means a lot to me that you would assure that the flowers sent are white in color. I have already brought them as offering to the altar. I hope that my father's spirit will appreciate them as much as I do.

Thank you again and I hope to see you in person soon.

Kindest Regards,
Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva
Crown Princess
Rattanakosin Kingdom

In the mean time, the Don Mueang International Airport would prepare for the arrival of various world leaders. Air traffic control would be increased, various hangars would be prepared for the storage of other nations' aircraft, and a runway would be cleared for the landing of these aircraft. Security throughout the airport and from the airport to the Grand Palace would be strictly increased with the aid of the Queen's Guard to assure the safety of everyone involved. Various Queen's Guard would be stationed at the air port and the Minister of Foreign Affairs would be prepared to leave his office in Bangkok at a moment's notice to greet any arrivals.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Thailand Foreign Ministry < Alex >
CC: Korean Foreign Ministry, KoreanEmbassyBangkok

From: Korean Foreign Ministry < >

Subject: re: Invitiation

Security: Private and encrypted | Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
To her esteemed majesty, Crown Princess Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva,

The Republic of Korea is deeply sadden by the passing of His Majesty the late Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn. I apologize for not being able to attend the funeral of his majesty or your majesties coronation. I apologize. Please accept in my place, a delegation led by my Foreign Minister Baek Jeonghee will be in attendance. I hope your government will find our security arrangement acceptable, and does not reflect any lack of confidence in the security arrangements complementary by the Royal Security Forces. Foreign Minister Baek has been instructed to meet with Her Majesty if requested in putting the groundwork towards a stable ROK-Rattanakosin relationship. Once again, I hope the Royal Family may accept my apology for lack of attendance and my condolences for the passing of His Majesty the Late Crown Prince.

Full Name

English: Baek Jeong Hee
Korean: 백정희

Date of Birth



Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea

Date of Arrival

12th August 1997
Departure: Incheon International Airport
Arrival: Don Mueang International Airport.

Security Detail

10x security detail from the
Korean Diplomatic Protection Unit
arriving with Foreign Minister
4x drivers from the
Korean Diplomatic Protection Unit
taken from Korean Embassy Bangkok
Weapons & Vehicle Declaration Form

Bretta Px4 Storm


Heckler & Koch MP7


Heckler & Koch UMP


Chevrolet Tahoe {Armored Vehicle}


Mercedes-Benz S-Class {Principle Vehicle}



Grand Palace
Kind Regards,

Kim Daejung
President of the Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea

Delivered by Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Signed with sincerity,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Baek Jeonghee
Republic of Korea


Seoul, South Korea
1997 August 10
Baek Jeonghee Residence

Foreign Minister Baek Jeonghee was in her bedroom with her Husband Justice Minister Baek Jaeeun. Her government phone rang as she picked it up, the President was calling her. She signed, looking at the time...3 am. She got out of bed and picked up the phone in the living room to not disturb her husband. She walked into the living room, closing the window shutters as she sat on the couch in her sleepwear. The phone line took a while as the Presidential Security Service confirmed her identity before encrypting the line and transferring it to the President's residence in the Blue House. As she waited, she turned on the news. The forecast was rainy the next couple of days with a possible heavy storm on the weekend. The President's voice came out, promptly turning off the sound for her TV as she answered.

Kim Daejung [President of Korea]: "Minister Baek, I hope I am not disturbing you and your Husband."
Baek Jeonghee [Foreign Minister]: "No Sir. My Husband passes his regards, he is working hard on the language for a text on reforms on international human rights. Is there something you need me to do sir?"
Kim Daejung [President of Korea]: "You have heard of the passing of His Majesty the Crown Prince in Rattanakosin from our Embassy, we've gotten an invitation to attend the funeral and coronation. I have to prepare for the healthcare reforms and government budget meetings over overspending concerns. I really want to attend. I hate missing this opportunity. You know how its delicate with the National Assembly here. If they see me taking a trip abroad now...the news agencies will be reporting on it for days and it'll overshadow the reforms we have planned and not to mention the accusations of the opposition I am neglecting my duties. I don't want to give the Prime Minister any distractions either, he is busy with the Ukrainian Prime Minister’s visit and the entire reform agenda to put into place this week. Including the arms exporting licensing and domestic judicial reforms....and he has enough popularity as is. I hope you can go instead of us both and attend the funeral and coronation. The Kingdom is an old friend and I want them to be engaged with fully. Developing a friendship is crucial Minister."
Baek Jeonghee [Foreign Minister]: The Foreign Minister mentally sighed...wishing the President would just take the visit instead of dumping it on her, as was the case with so much of his foreign policy initiatives... "Yes sir. I'd be honored to attend. I'll make preparations immediately. Thank you for the opportunity sir."
Kim Daejung [President of Korea]: "Thank you Minister Baek. Tell Minister Baek [Husband] I look forward to those reform outlines this week."
Baek Jeonghee [Foreign Minister]: "Yes sir."...The line was cut

The Foreign Minister went into her bedroom, opening her closet as she called the South Asia Director Kim Seongrhee to update her on local customs and traditions as she picked out dresses and hanboks (Korean traditional clothes) to wear. She picked out a modern black dress to attend the funeral with, the Director informed her that Black and White were both acceptable colors to be wearing, while for the coronation based on the past, a colorful assortment was alright. In the previous coronation of His Majesty, Yellow had been used. She picked out a white and purple hanbok her grandmother had sent her but she hadn't gotten the chance to wear. As she packed her bag, her husband poked jokes at her having to leave. Reminding her that last time the Korean sent a high delegation to visit the Kingdom, the North assassinated the Vice Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Finance Minister, and 10 other high level officials. She picking up a pear and throwing it at him shutting him up, reminding him that was Myanmar...not the Kingdom. She finished packing, placing some work files and documents into the bag and leaving space for other items. She began calling the Director of Protocol, the Deputy Foreign Minister, the Chief of Diplomatic Gifts, Trips, and Assortments, and the Korean Air - MOFA liaison office in preparations for her trip the next day. It was almost 7 am by the time she had finished...still exhausted from not sleeping, she had to get ready for the NSC briefing on North Korea, Romania, and Ukraine at 9. She left the house in her government Mercedes and left for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Seoul, South Korea
1997 August 12
Incheon International Airport

The Foreign Minister and her delegation, including her 10 man security detail arrived at the Airport in Korea. Entering as other Koreans would, she passed through security and customs expedited by her Government Pass. Her belongings were placed onto a Government chartered Korean Air flight from Seoul to Bangkok. Inside the cargo was two P.S.S. Armored Mercedes, at the Kingdom's airport, four Korean Tahoes would be waiting alongside the security provided by the Royal Guard. The Korean delegation would include the Korean Ambassador to the Kingdom, a translator, two protocol agents, the twelve-strong security detail, the Deputy Ministers of Economy and Finance, National Defense, and the Deputy Director of the National Intelligence Service. The Deputy Ministers and Deputy Director were brought for a possible official meeting with the Government and H.M. the Crown Princess. As the Plane took off from Korea, the cabinet and intelligence officials were briefed on important regional customs and items. The Ministers went over the President's briefing and objectives as well. When they would arrive, they would declare their customs including official gifts from the Republic of Korea, a hanbok tailored for Her Majesty the Crown Princess, ginseng plants, aged kimchi in traditional pots, and other traditional Korean medicinal foods for the royal family. The Foreign Minister would also be carrying an official letter from the President of the Republic of Korea. As they taxied into Don Mueang International Airport, the Korean security team prepared themselves as they were in contact with the Royal Guard. After they arrived and departed the plane, the Foreign Minister was received by the Kingdom's Foreign Minister. She greeted the Foreign Minister, shaking hands as she introduced her deputy ministers, and deputy director of intelligence, she passed her condolences for the passing of the Crown Prince, informing him as well that His Excellency the President had a letter for Her Majesty as well as gifts for her majesty.

Last edited:


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Private Secretary's Office to the Sovereign
United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Recipient: Sirivannavari Nariratana Rajakanva, Crown Princess of the Rattanakosin Kingdom (Alex)
Cc: -
Subject: State Funeral
Attachment: Attendee Information

Your Royal Highness,

It is with great sadness that Her Majesty The Queen was made aware of the passing of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. On behalf of The Queen and the Royal Family, we wish to offer you and your nation our sincerest condolences.

Her Majesty has asked the Duke of York to attend the funeral on her behalf. Prince Andrew shall be making his way to Bangkok immediately on a Royal Air Force flight, accompanied by a small security detail provided by the Special Air Service. Upon arrival in Bangkok he shall be received by the UK's Ambassador to the Rattanakosin Kingdom and shall find accommodations in the Ambassador's Residence for the duration of his stay.

Yours Sincerely,

Sir Robert Fellowes
Private Secretary

Prince Andrew, was informed by the Private Secretary of The Queen's wishes for him to attend the funeral on behalf of the Royal Family. He prepared his luggage, keeping in mind the attire that would be required during the funeral and subsequent gatherings. Once prepared, he and his own Private Secretary stepped into a waiting vehicle which would take them to the airport where a Lockheed TriStar was waiting for their arrival. Alongside the waiting aircraft stood the ten operators from Echo Troop of the Special Air Service, all armed with Glock 17s and MP5s and wearing protective gear beneath their suits.

With everybody aboard and the luggage stowed, COYOTE023 took off safely and navigated its first leg of the route to RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus where the aircraft would land and refuel prior to making the second leg to Bangkok. Upon nearing Thai airspace, the captain of the flight made contact with air traffic control to request permission to enter their airspace. Once nearing the airfield the pilots prepared for final approach and proceeded to safely touch down and taxi to their assigned stand.

With the engines powered down and a stairway provided for disembarkation, Echo 3 to 8 made their way down the stairway to secure the immediate area. Once secured they radioed an all clear to the troop commander. Echo 1 and 2 accompanied the Royal delegation out of the aircraft where the UK ambassador would be waiting alongside any Thai representative.


Apr 5, 2020
Viktor Yanukovych would board a commercial flight from Boryspil to Don Mueang International, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had arranged. It had obviously been a slight against him. He had made sure they at least booked him in first class. As Prime Minister that seemed like a bare-minimum request, but it had been one Gryshchenko had quite begrudgingly obliged.

Yanukovych took full advantage of the complementary drinks and bonded over wine connoisseurship with the couple sitting across the aisle from him. When that conversation grew stale (like the mediocre food they served), he eavesdropped on the group of Businessmen sitting behind him. Apparently it was supposed to be something of a boys weekend for them. Yanukovych didn’t understand why anyone would dump money on a trip from one brothel of a country to another, but that really wasn’t a conversation for a politician to be striking up.

He would spend the last leg of the journey paging through a file the MFA had given him. Buddhist funeral customs, who’s who in the Royal Family, and any cultural taboos to avoid, all conveniently assembled in one packet. The bio-page on Princess-now-Queen Sirivannavari caught his eye. At eighteen she wasn’t much older than he had been. For one beat of his heart he felt sympathy for her. Then he closed the file and flagged down the flight-attendant for one last round of drinks before they’d make their landing. He would have his passport stashed in an inner pocket of his blazer.

For his part, Ambassador Savenko would be packed and ready to meet the PM at the airport. He unfortunately would not see the Sirivannavari’s email before departing from the embassy, but on the drive a staffer would call his cellphone to inform him. He’d wait patiently for his countryman, trying not to smile too much.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The majority of the Don Mueang International Airport had been cleared from civilian activity and had been replaced by Queen's Guard who would assure the safety of all those who would be arriving. Of course, another section of the airport was put aside to assure that the airport could still serve its purpose as the main airport of Bangkok. On the runways and near the hangars themselves, various Queen's Guard and G-Wagens had been brought for proper escorting to either the Grand Palace or wherever it was they requested to be brought.

For the arrival of the Koreans, a dozen Queen’s Guards armed with H&K USP pistols and Tavor-21 assault rifles alongside a few G-Wagens to assure safe and easy transfit of everyone involved. Considering the people that the Korean government had sent, the Kingdom felt it wise to send Minister Chuan Leekpai to meet with them upon touch down - being the Minister of Defense. It was believed that the Koreans likely planned to discuss defense topics and Chuan Leekpai would be the best person qualified to discuss these things with.

Upon the Korean airplane reaching the Kingdom’s airspace, they would be signaled to the international airport and then guided to their respective hangar. The Queen’s Guard alongside various airport aides would help with taking the armored vehicles out of the plane. The Queen’s Guard would also take the gifts that they had for the Crown Princess, despite not believing the Koreans were a threat or had any intent to hurt the Crown Princess, they still had to verify the safety of the items - especially the food.

The Minister of Defense would shake everyone's hands. ”It is good to meet you all,” he would say, ”this is quite the entourage for a funeral and coronation, Minister. I hope you don’t mind but my government sent me instead of our Foreign Minister, it was our belief that with everyone that you brought that you also intended to discuss things before and after the events?” He would beacon to the vehicles that the Koreans had brought with them. ”Perhaps we could discuss these potential things on our way to the Grand Palace? The Crown Princess is there currently to greet all of the arrivals in the common room, I am certain she wouldn’t mind discussing things with you all as well.”


The Rattanakosin Kingdom took great pride in knowing that the British royal family had sent to them a Prince to attend the funeral of late Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn and the coronation of Crown Princess Sirivannavari. Many of the Queen’s Guard were sent to the international airport to assure the safe passage of the Prince from the airport to the British embassy. With them were various G-Wagens and VBTP V-200s (armored vehicles), Bangkok was a safe city but it only took one person to ruin that and the Kingdom wasn’t going to take any chances.

To greet Prince Andrew upon his landing was Princess Sirindhorn, sister to late Vajiralongkorn and daughter of King Father Rama IX. She had taken upon herself to live a life of diplomacy and commerce and was well versed in these fields, with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense both busy, the royal family believed Sirindhorn to be the best candidate for such an important figure.

Upon the British plane reaching the Kingdom’s airspace, it would be signaled and guided to its hanger in the airport. From there, the Queen’s Guards would offer any assistance the British required. Meanwhile, Princess Sirindhorn would greet the Duke of York.

”Welcome to the city of Bangkok, Your Royal Highness. I have been sent to make sure that your arrival went smoothly and to accompany you to the British Embassy, if you wish.” The Princess would show him to the Queen’s Guards G-Wagens. ”We could use these vehicles, unless you have already rented some to drive you and your security personnel?”


The Ukrainian arrival was slightly more complicated, unlike the other two arrivals, the Ukrainian was arriving via commercial flight instead of a private aircraft. A full protection service wasn’t something that could be done like the others, instead only half a dozen Queen’s Guard would accompany the Minister of Foreign Affairs to greet the Ukrainian Prime Minister’s arrival. The Minister would stand beside the Ukrainian Ambassador.

”Good morning, Ambassador. I hope you are well.” The civilians at the Airport would look at them funny, wondering what all this was about. ”The Crown Princess is quite eager to meet you and your Prime Minister in person.”

With that said they would wait for the Prime Minister to arrive. One he had, Minister Pongdol would extend his hand to greet him. ”Welcome to Bangkok, Mr. Yanukovych. I hope your flight was comfortable. I have been tasked with escorting you and Ambassador Savenko to the Grand Palace and to meet with the Crown Princess. Unless you have scheduled your stay at the Ukrainian embassy?”



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
A protocol agent would follow the Queen's Guard with the gifts to ensure their proper condition and final destination. Going into the G-wagon with them helping them carry the gifts including the foods. As well as ensuring the sensitive casing of of the ginseng and Kimchi pots weren't dropped or opened prematurely. As they moved the gifts the Foreign Minister was the first to accept the Minister's greetings.

Baek Jeonghee [Minister of Foreign Affairs]: The Foreign Minister was wearing a beige business jacket and pants with a loose white shirt underneath as she greeted the Minister of Defense from the Kingdom. She shook his hand introducing herself, the Korean translator providing simultaneous translations to the Ministers. "Hello Minister, it's a pleasure to meet you as well."..."Please allow me to introduce Vice Minister Park Jaemin from the Ministry of National Defense pointing to the man with the grey suit with a purple tie, Vice Minister Kim Syekyung from the Ministry of Economy and Finance the man with a black suit with a green tie, and Deputy Director of the NIS Kim Hayoon in a black suit with a black tie."..."We hope that we can express our Presidents personal disappointment in not being able to attend both the unfortunate event of the passing of His Majesty and the joyful coronation to help the somber mood." As the Koreans and Minister began walking towards the vehicle, the Korean detail moved accordingly. The Korean security detail wearing suits, covering their armor underneath set a perimeter alongside their portion of the detail. Not overstretching or seeming imposing on the already set security perimeter by the Queen's Guard. They watched as the vehicles were unloaded, joined by the Korean detail from the Embassy escorting the Ambassador. The Head of the Korean detail as the Ministers talked had a quick conversation with her counterpart with the Queen's Guard. As the Vice Minister of Defense would join the Rattanakosin Minister of Defense and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Korean vehicle and the Vice Minister of Economy and Finance, Deputy Director of Intelligence, and Ambassador would be in the second Korean Benz-S class. Getting up to date on the route and other necessary information. The Korean detail was briefed by the Head of the detail quickly.

Park Jaemin [Vice Minister of National Defense]: "Hello Minister. Our delegation hopes to restart the strong Kingdom-Korea arms sales in the past. As you are aware, The Royal Thai Army had participated in the Korean War, and Korea would like to both provide assistance in regards with arms sales including naval ships, aircrafts, and ground systems. We hope that The Kingdom is still interested to remain a partner of the KDIA and overlooking the shortcomings of previous administrations."..."The Foreign Minister and Vice Minister would sit on the same side as the Minister took another seat, in the front two Korean diplomatic security drivers already inside confirmed with the Head of the detail and the convo began to move forward alongside the Queen's Guard. Allowing for the Ministers to have a conversation before they arrived at the royal palace.



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
After descending down the stairway, the Prince strode forward towards the waiting Princess. On the flight he had taken the time to read through the briefing folder which brought him up to speed on the itinerary of his stay and the backstory of some of the major figures he could come across.

Stopping in front of the Princess he gave her a slow nod of the head, "Your Royal Highness, I am so sorry for your loss. On behalf of the British people I offer you our condolences."

"I would be honoured by your presence, perhaps you could teach me some of the history of the sights we might come across on the journey,"
the Prince said with a smile. "I don't believe we have any vehicles waiting on us, so I kindly accept your offer, will there be enough room for my security personnel in the convoy?" If so, then Prince Andrew would take his place in the convoy and the SAS security personnel would disperse among the remaining vehicles. The Prince was eager to see some of the beautiful sights the city had to offer.



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019

After receiving permission to land from the Airport's ATC, the Brazilian Aircraft was...notably older than other aircraft present for the funeral, Named KC-137, it was a Boeing 707, one of the many owned by the Brazilian Government for Official Long Distance trips.

Nevertheless, once taxed and stopped at the proper location with all protocols followed, the first to step out was 2 of the security guards, followed by the Emperor and his brother, who looked around at the Airport, before being led by the 2 security guards down the staircase, behind them, were the other 3 security guards.

The two Royals of Brazil would await to meet the Rattanakosin Representative sent to greet them.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020

President Roman Herzog and Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl sat across from one another aboard an Airbus A340-313X VIP. The flight was going to incredibly long and the two men took time to catch up on diplomatic situation in the southeast pacific. Chancellor Kohl has requested that a information package on the Rattanakosin Kingdom be put together for him so to better understand the customs and ceremony he would be dealing with once they landed. Embarrassingly though, his foreign relations department could find very little regarding anything about the culture of the Rattanakosin Kingdom other than its royal family. "It looks like we will be flying in blind on this one." President Herzog joked. They figured with so many people from other nations attending the funeral there was bound to be enough confusion to distract from their ignorance. During the flight, Chancellor Kohl received an email confirmation about the closing of trade deal with South Korea. "Looks like we might have to travel to Seoul on the way back for an official signing with the Korean Government." explained the Chancellor. "Will that leave us time to see any of the military exercise that should be about to start? Elements of the 1st Panzer divison are set to undertake mountain and jungle training with the Rattanakosin army this week." asked the President. "I doubt it Roman." replied the Chancellor in a condescending tone, "Plus the idea of spending time in the jungle doesn't sound like the best use of our time." They still had two hours to kill before they touched down in Bangkok. President Herzog looked over field testing reports for the the new model of Leopard, The 2A6. Chancellor Kohl poured himself another glass of scotch and opened the copy of The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka he brought with him. Maybe he could finally understand what this novel was about or why his son Walter had bought it for him.

They touched down on the runway and prepared to leave the plane. The head officer of the security team made ground contact with the Rattanakosin officials on the ground about where to proceed next. The Chancellor and President walked off the planes stairs and onto the tarmac flanked by the 5 man security detail that would accompany them for the duration of the trip. They waited to be greed by Rattanakosin officals just inside the terminal.

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