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KOS | Reaching out to Nigeria


Jul 1, 2018
"We are most interested in these items and look forward to talks about obtaining and integrating them into the Nigerian army. As it is we must wait for further economic stablization before we continue arms purchases. We would like to hear your nations opinions on international issues. The Brazilian affair has been quite something wouldn't you agree?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"Indeed, the Brazilian government is most...temperamental, I suppose, but I don't believe their actions were at complete fault for the situation as a whole. Based on our sources, we privately believe that there were other governments who acted in a provocative manner towards them. Our public opinion is one of neutrality considering our relationship with both the French and Argentinians. Pointless feuds and faux justice as the aftermath isn't the game that my brother wishes to play. Principle aside, it's bad for business."



Jul 1, 2018
"We agree on all these points, however Brazil remains an important strategic partner to both Argentina and Nigeria and as such will receive diplomatic support when it is possible. We are however also making serious overtures to the French and see a strong relationship with France to be vital to our national security and the advancement of Africa.

We are happy to hear you have good relations with both France and Argentina and further strengthens our commitment to this bilateral relationship."


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"We can't quite say the same in terms of relations with Brazil. Between you and I, we had offered their embassy in Germany a safe haven and assistance towards the end of the debacle, but they never got back to them. We don't hold it against them, however. As for France, they are indeed an important partner towards our nation as well, and Argentina is showing its reliability as an alternative business partner to the more mainstream sources in the west."



Jul 1, 2018
"It is our general belief that the 21st century will be the century of the Southern Hemisphere. To that end, we would be interested in inviting electrical engineer and civil engineer experts from Singapore to assit in infrastructure projects to rebuild and expand our electical grid to provide power efficiently to all Nigerians."


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"Finding the individuals and arranging for them to assist your country's engineers is definitely within the means of our abilities...although i'll be honest in letting you know that infrastructure isn't my forte as much as it is the King's.

Either way, I approve of the idea and the King will most likely follow. When were you considering expanding the electrical grid if you don't mind me asking?"



Jul 1, 2018
"Not likely for three months time, at the earliest, funding and a plan must first be put into order. As it were, shall we refocus to armaments, it is my intention or order 125 Skyblade UAVs for artillery recon. Further, we were curious if Singapore provided any Rocket Artillery Units as this is a niche that France cannot fill."y


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"Three months sounds good to me. I'll leave the contact information for Grace Fu, the Secretary of Trade & Economics. She's typically the one you'd need to speak to for anything of the sort, so alerting her when you're ready to proceed forwards would be appreciated.

As for the Skyblade UAVs, I can have the order put through personally through LDI as soon as we finish our meeting, assuming that's a purchase you were looking for now? If not, i'd simply need a notice through my office or just for you to contact LDI directly at a later date. Unfortunately LDI doesn't offer any Rocket Artillery or MLRS systems as of yet. At the moment we only offer conventional artillery pieces, along with SPGs and airborne-capable artillery as well."



Jul 1, 2018
"Excellent, excellent, I will certainly contact her when the time comes.

We would like to purchase the Skyblades as soon as this meeting is finished, we believe they will prove a vital asset to our artillery units in the field. It is unfortunate that you do not have MLRS systems, it seems our search for such a system will continue, we do appreciate your willingness to work with us towards the acquisition of Future Soldier Systems and Combat UAVs however, and we believe that our relationship will prove most prosperous. Now then shall we discuss some form of strategic agreement, and perhaps a joint naval exercise to strengthen our naval coordination abilities?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"Wonderful. I'll have that order personally put in once our meeting has finished. In the meantime I would love to discuss the possibility of a strategic agreement of some kind. I will be frank with you, Mr. President. While there are elements within our society who wish to ignore the communist threat to our north, our Royal Government's main ambition is to obtain the military power necessary to both defend our interests and project them if needed. The latter in the case of a regional war, which we believe is very much possible in the case of the communists to my nation's north. I mention this in an effort to be transparent to the situation, of course, as we see ourselves as the shield to prevent their ideology from further siphoning to the west. While we do not actively seek war, there's an understanding that it is inevitable, given our desire to maintain our way of life."



Jul 1, 2018
"I am happy that we could strike a business agreement, as for the agreements of Strategic nature, Nigeria, being the longest standing active and stable government on the African continent enjoys a long standing history of a strong diplomatic corp. We are proud of our international foot print, and have are proud to represent Africa, largely on the global stage. That being said, besides our historical allies in Argentina. We have a strong working trade and civic relationship with the Irish, and a budding relationship with the French. We also carry strong diplomatic ties to both Vietnam and The People's Republic of China, while we are aware of your caution towards these states, we are confident that a strategic agreement between Nigeria and Singapore would secure Singaporean shipping and her sovereignty from any so called Red Threat."

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His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"I see. While we are much appreciative of your assurances, we believe maintaining a policy of armed neutrality is our way forwards in regards to potential threats to our freedom and sovereignty. That said, a healthy strategic alliance would be all the more assuring, so my government is on board with the idea. Would it be possible for our naval forces to be allowed access to your ports and facilities, for use of refueling our vessels en-route to Europe?"



Jul 1, 2018
"We of course agree with your stance of armed neutrality, and certainly would never advocate or suggest the disarmament of your state. We support your sovereignty, I was merely notifying you of our own relations with those you are threatened by, and ensuring you that this will only aid Singapore's independence not threaten it. We are happy to carry out such a strategic relationship and we would welcome the establishment of a refueling agreement. We would allow the use of Port Harcourt for such refueling and refreshment, and would certainly top of food and water supplies to any vessel in need."



His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"Wonderful. In return, of course, any vessels from Nigeria will be allowed the use of the various port facilities of Singapore, aside from our main naval facility at Changi base, so that's Tuas and Singapore Naval Base. I believe that does cover about all the points i've come here to discuss, unless there's anything else that you wished to bring up? If not, i'll have the order of Skyblade UAV's put up without further delay."



Jul 1, 2018
An aid would enter the room and whisper something into the President's ear. He would look up at the Singaporean.

"It seems the French government has fallen again. This essentially renders our contract with them null and void. This certainly changes the perspective of this meeting somewhat from my perspective. My army is still currently in desperate need of infantry fighting vehicles and logistics. As well as artillery given this collapse and the ending of the contract. I am most interested in the Bionix system and would like to make an offer to you that is rather unique in my opinion. We would like the Domestic Production Licenses for the entire Bionix system. In exchange I would be happy to offer you either of two things:

1. The domestic licensing of all Nigerian Ground Equipment with the rights to sell it commercially, providing a lower cost but effective ground element to your defense catalog.


2. A 2,000,000,000.00 funding guarantee for Research and Development of new arms equipment in Singapore in exchange for licensing on whatever new product is researched with these funds.

What do you think?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
Brendan turned an eye towards the President, the expression on his face momentarily faltering to something less stoic upon hearing of the official collapse of the French government. It took him a second to shift his focus back to the President, a gentle smile once more resting on his face. "I see....well I can speak for all the important parties back in my country when I say that potentially supplying the Bionix system of vehicles to your government is an option we could put forth on the table. I'm afraid I won't be able to let the system off at a bargain, though, but I can personally guarantee satisfaction in the hardware you're asking for.

I would rather the second option, in exchange for licenses for all vehicles currently in the Bionix system of vehicles. The research funding will definitely prove valuable to both our Kingdom, and your nation as well.

As for artillery, we can provide you with conventional artillery in the form of the FH-2000 155mm Howitzer, or the Helicopter-transportable Singapore Light Weight Howitzer, of the same caliber as the former. There's also the SSPH Primus, our 155mm self-propelled artillery. As much as the question comes up, unfortunately we do not currently produce any rocket artillery as of yet."



Jul 1, 2018
"We are most content with offering 2,000,000,000.00 in Research funding to your government in exchange for the Bionix DPR, further we would like to purpose a unique strategic agreement. The Singapore Naval Catalogue is one of the few in the world that can meet most of the needs of our Navy. Our Navy has been seeking an exclusive equipment provider, we were planning on opening the contract up to open bidding, however given the budding relationship between our two states, we would be willing to offer thr exclusive contract to Lion Industries, to further secure the close relationship between our two states. Further as part of the agreement, Nigerian factories that are making the Bionix under licensing will also offer to construct Bionix systems for Lion Industries to sell if your own local factories become over burdened by a large order."

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