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KOS | UK Outreach


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018



We believe there is much to discuss between the United Kingdom and Singapore. Our King wished to reach out to your government personally after his coronation, but politics and a Kingdom have kept him extremely busy. I am Yusef bin Ahmad, Secretary of Foreign Affairs for our King, and I have been bestowed the authority to speak with your government in an effort to be transparent regarding our involvement in the Canadian issue. There are other things my King wished to discuss with you as well, but first we will wait for a response, be it through email or over the phone. Contact information in either case will be left in the attachments.

With regards,
Yusef bin Ahmad
Secretary of Foreign Affairs



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The British First Secretary of State, Kyle Chamberlain MP, had requested the attendance of the Singapore Delegate via a private and encrypted video call. Allowing the pair to meet and discuss their concerns; and a first for relationship building between the two governments. Kyle waited patiently, the video feed showing him in his chair with a glass of water on his desk.


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
Yusef would appear on the video feed with his usual soft smile as he sits down a set of manila folders. "Good evening. It's a pleasure to speak with you and your government...we believe a conversation has been long overdue."


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Good Evening, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule. And I agree, nonetheless, at least we got around to it eventually." the British delegate smiled. "I'm interested in maintaining a level of communication following this call, as I would very much like the opportunity for both Britain and Singapore to be cooperative in.. well, many fields actually. How is everything going since your government entered office?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
Yusef smiled. "Our government has worked tirelessly since its inception, and I don't see that trend stopping anytime soon, Secretary Chamberlain. That being said, as a nation we understand our King has a vision in regards to Singapore's position on the world stage. In an effort to be open, our involvement in Canada is a... 'trial-run', per-se, as to our country's ability to project its humanitarian efforts outside of our backyard." Yusef smiled, then paused for a moment as he poured a quick glass of water.

"We do believe that the Kingdom of Singapore has been rather...transparent about our involvement, to say the least. In fact, files and press on 'Operation Safeguard' were made public on the Ministry of Defense website before and after the operation launched. I mention this simply due to unconfirmed reports of American posturing on the west, which our Kingdom has worked hard to maintain security on behalf of both governments call to aid. The city itself has maintained almost a normal way of life since our involvement, if I might add." Yusef appeared stoic as he spoke, but a hint of worry did slip out from his tone. "As a signed member of the Commonwealth organization, we are not looking forwards to having American forces intercept a humanitarian mission that is carrying costly amounts of supplies and personnel across the Pacific. It is troubling to think that a humanitarian mission could be in danger, without good reason, if you understand our position on things."

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GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"It's definitely a pleasant change. We often see new... um, players, in the Asian Region enter power but have usually fallen at the first hurdle. Excuse me, it's in fact the same for any continent these days. Perhaps stability is something a lot of governments are struggling to offer." he chuckled in jest. Clearing his throat and falling silent as the Singapore Representative explained Operation Safeguard. "Admittingly, the British Government hasn't had a bit hand in the problems in Canada. Our only involvement has been in consultation with the US and Canadian government for a peaceful resolve but also reassurance to America; a member of the Independent States Allied Force.

I imagine the American Government offers no ill will, but with the war on their border, they're bound to be more involved and prepared. It is not unusual for other governments to aim to gain from such events, especially when ISAF Members are nearby. If your mission is truly only humanitarian, then it will likely go unhindered. I hope this reassures you, have you expressed these concerns to the American Government?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"We have admittedly not been in communication with the American government, be it regarding our Operation or otherwise. Unfortunately I do not hold the authority to authorize such an action unless it is the will of our King, but I will provide counsel to King Wei regarding the idea nonetheless." Yusef proceeded to review the files on his desk, the conversation regarding the Canadian situation seemingly coming to an appropriate close for Yusef.

"As to more pressing concerns for my King, we did wish to discuss a few more potential subjects. To start, we wish to offer a free trade agreement to the United Kingdom, much like we have with our fellow nation Australia. We hope for it to be the start of both a mutually-beneficial and equally prosperous arrangement. We are also open to the idea of specific trade treaties as well. Second, we wished to inquire about the availability of acquiring either Harrier GR5, GR7, GR9's, or Sea Harriers, from your government as well. We recently purchased an Invincible-class Carrier through Ziron Defense, although the lack of an indigenous fighter, or V/STOL fighter, prevents that. Considering the hostility of certain powers in Asia, we wish to increase our capabilities of defending our own waters in case a 'dispute of borders' threatens what little territory we currently reign over."

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GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"In that case, I would definitely recommend consulting with the American Government. They can be relatively understanding.. compared to some past administrations anyway" spoke the British delegate in jest. "But yes, I am sure it will help iron our any problems.", pausing to allow Yusef to continue. "We are happy to accomodate for a Free Trade Agreement, the UK currently applies a 25% VAT Charge to all exports from the United Kingdom, an FTA would exclude those charges. I presume Singapore has a rate of it's own? I do not suppose you have an FTA draft available at present time?

Regarding the Harrier series, Ziron Defence also offers the Harrier GR9 with a price of 24,300,000 per unit. Although I'm aware this is the only variant they sell at present but I do believe this should be able to help with a form of V/STOL fleet to cover operations for your Invincible Class Carriers."


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"That is good to hear, in any case." Yusef would add in regarding the Americans. "Pertaining to the suggested free trade, we have sent an attached copy to your email just a few moments ago. It should contain all the provisions necessary for a fair and free trade agreement, as it's quite standard with most of our neighbors. Also...yes, we current do have a VAT, with a going rate of 10% from the previous republican administration. Granted, we have froze the tax as of recent months while sorting out trade agreements with our partners in Asia and abroad, we hope to reintroduce it at a slightly higher rate in the future."

Yusef would sigh a breath of relief upon hearing further good news regarding the second question asked. "That is great to hear! We will certainly speak with them soon in regards to placing an order. Acquiring capable planes, as well as potentially developing our own in the future are of top priority. "


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GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
For the first few moments, the proposed Free Trade Agreement was reviewed, a little humming from the opposite end of the phone as he worked his way through the points. "Uh huh.. mmmm, yes, okay" he murmured to himself. Clearing his throat, "I see no problem with this agreement, and are happy to push ahead for it. Of course, with the FTA in mind, the 25% tariff would be excluded from any sales, including that of any new Ziron sales after the signing of this." there was a short pause, a copy signed and faxed to the Singapore Delegate. "There we go, if you're happy to proceed?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
Yusef smiled after the signing was completed. "We are indeed happy to proceed. We are glad to have established a relation once again with the UK, and hope from here on out it remains productive and beneficial to all parties involved."


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"It's a pleasure to be doing business with yourself. No doubt it will offer some great opportunities and cooperation for both in the near future. I've heard the sale for Harriers has also gone ahead so it will be a nice addition to your force, we look forward to see Singapore Harriers airborne soon!" he smiled. "Is there any specific agenda you'd like to go to next?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"We are eager to christen them above the skies of Singapore." Yusef would reply before moving on to the Secretary of State's next question. "We were curious as to the United Kingdom's policy on joint-research programs, or it's policy of research agreements in general. It is a priority goal for Singapore to have it's first official Kingdom-funded institute up and running as soon as possible. An indigenous fighter for our nation, although specific one with S/VTOL capabilities, is a primary goal that we hold your industries in admiration over. Considering the relationship our two countries have held over the years, we would be delighted if, when the time comes, the United Kingdom could assist our program in that specific development."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"We are open to the negotiation of any and all joint research programs. Of course, the parameters of the joint coordination would impact our end decision depending whether it's in line with our own goals and directions we're aiming for. Each project is reviewed by officials from a variety of departments within our government and assessed. Supporting an indigenous fighter of Singapore could be something we could work with; as you know, Britain is at the forefront of S/VTOL Fighter Aircraft, initially the harrier and then the F-35B, with full control of that program under the British Government. Before we discuss anymore, is the F-35B something you would consider if the export variant was open? Or are you specifically looking for something a little more.. specific to Singapore?"

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