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[MN]: The Prelude to Terror


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The Emir would sigh, clearly stressed on the situation that has unfolded. Kuwait, while armed with state-of-the-art equipment, was hopelessly outnumbered by their Iraqi adversaries. The situation on the ground so far has been indecisive, but without proper help, it was sure to fall within a few weeks. The Emir would then find his seat and reply to the Saudi King.

"My Generals have told me that fierce fighting has started at Abdali, and both sides have suffered immense casualties. Although we do have insight on preventing another defeat, I believe my forces are insufficient to hold back Saddam's Horde. Nonetheless, my Generals are working hard to keep the enemy at bay, well until help arrives. By then, we could amass a full-scale assault unto their lands. We are not planning to utilize our civilians as a guerilla force against them, although we would consider it when most of our forces have been destroyed. Currently, we have refugees accompanied by the Police force that are seeking safety within Saudi lands, I would apologize for them. I would assure you that they would return to Kuwait immediately after the war."

He would bury his face under his hands as he grows more worried on the state of his nation. He recalled the death of his brother during the siege of the Palace back in 1991, and was determined to hold unto Kuwait for the sake of his brother and his people.

Somewhere in the Sabah Al-Ahmad Natural Reserve, Kuwait

Kuwaiti forces would immediately turn the region back into a warzone, establishing long convoluted defensive lines and tunnels, designed to conceal Kuwaiti forces. The area would essentially turn into an underground fortress, with openings scattered along the area. The area would be lovingly named 'hufrat althaeban' or snake's pit, in reference to the convoluted lines of trenches and tunnels. Certain openings would be heavily fortified, with a few areas designed to fire at the enemy while being concealed along the landscape at the same time. Some areas would be designated for the artillery to support friendly forces in the area. Mines would be laid down on the general area, basically forcing enemy forces to wander into the reserve.

The 6th brigade would be informed of the entrenchment and was ordered to retreat there when Iraqi forces were inflicting significant casualties.

Homs, Syria

The General Populace, while alarmed of the Kuwaiti announcement and the call for Jihad, would be relatively ignorant of the situation unfolding at Syria's borders. Some people were skeptical of another Iraqi war, stating that they know better than to mess with the allied powers once more. Nonetheless, they would soon be proven wrong. Business would go as usual, as the Syrian government tries to quell any superstition that an invasion might come, in hopes to save face.

Somewhere near the Syrian-Iraqi border

In the meantime, Syrian forces stationed at the border would cheer on as American missiles fly overhead, seemingly excited for another conflict. Soldiers would be ordered to rest for the night, with a few men staying up for watch duty. It was unlikely that an assault was to come during the night and no news of an actual war has been declared, but Syrian army officers had to follow strict rules in case of an attack. Vehicles would be left unoccupied as men start to prepare for their last daily prayer. A few men would watch over their comrades as the sun hides behind the mountains.

While coalition forces were openly welcomed into the country, they were anxious about when they would arrive. By then, they weren't even sure if their new allies could ensure that there would be minimal damage to the country. Nonetheless, they had to put their faith unto them, in hopes that the terrorizing aggressor would be put down, once and for all.



Jul 1, 2018

Luwai el-Nasrallah had been gathering his things thinking up ways he could escape. He could if he needed simply drive home, as silly as that sounded it was not out of the question. That was the long way back, and he would have to drive through Spain, France, Italy, the remnants of Yugoslavia, Greece, and then Turkey. Probably would need to take a ferry at Turkey however when trying to cross there. however, these thoughts and cleanup were interrupted by a sudden bang. The jar of chemical components he had been handling feel from his and as a flash bang went off and smashed onto the ground. The smell of chemicals thick in the air as he stumbled about his vision blinded and luckily what he dropped didn't seem to explode, but rather just splash. Or rather, unluckily for him.

Taariq al-Sulaiman had decided to not bother cleaning up or checking out. Instead he simply grabbed his keys and began to leave the hotel. Flying was out of the question, so that only left going via a land route. He had to move fast before the entire country was on lock down. He made sure to go out the back way to avoid the receptionist and get to is car rental. Once there, he was going to drive north for France. It would require a lot of pit stops, but if he stayed here he was sure to be found.




The Republican Guard having successfully rounded up the US Embassy staff and Marine guards would bring them and the Belgium security and Staff to the Republican palace. There they would see that the British Embassy staff and guards were already here having been gathered. Things were quiet for a few minutes as then suddenly Saddam Hussein walked under escort from his guards. He stood from afar looking over the US and Belgian Embassy Staff. Looking over the Marines, and then he walked over. He took a few strong steps before resorting to a sort of hobble. He could not walk without effort for very long.

He looked at the US Marine, the one who had been doing to negotiations. Saddam stood at a somewhat impressive height of six feet two inches, meaning he stood a little taller then the average Marine who typically and statistically had a range of 5′6″ (66") to 5′8″ (68″). He made sure to stand up extra straight for this encounter."I see the Americans can see when they are out matched at the very least. I am going to be doing a broadcast, and you are all going to be my special guests." he said and did not give them a chance to reply before turning, his guards keeping an eye on the hostages. They were all then prodded into following along into a room set up for a very special broadcast. Also, the shortest of the Marines was picked out of a special appearance.

Stood to the side, and with enough distance that should anyone make a run for Saddam that they could be gunned down before reaching him. He got up on his podium, adjusted his uniform and gave the all clear to get started. For this he had just before had his hair re dyed t ensure no grey hairs were showing. He made sure to get his appearance and makeup just right for the camera. He had to appear strong before the people. From where they stood the hostages could see the speech he had written was in massive letters so that he could read it without the use of his glasses.

"People of Iraq, and People of the world. I speak to you now to tell you this. Iraq has had war declared against it, and that we have had to preemptively defend ourselves. We have saw fit to challenge the dying, decaying, and thoroughly corrupt empire that is the United States and her Coalition allies. When we took just action against Kuwait six years ago for stealing our oil, and undercutting us. Refusing to listen to reason, they waged economic warfare against us, they took the first shot. Who did the apparent keepers of peace and and order side with? Kuwait who had been the ones to cause so many problems. All to keep some status quo written on a map without care or reason.

So that is why today, I lead Iraq to become the new leader in the middle east and to become the premier power in the world. In their efforts to destroy us, they unwisely fell from power within. Countries like the United States and United Kingdom are shadows of their former power. Just as they struck us while we needed help, we have decided to do so in return. An eye for an eye, as just retribution. We shall take our just dos and undo this status quo they have created. Brick by brick it shall all come tumbling down."

He said with a pause as he discreetly flipped a page.

"Many countries have come to defend them. Like vultures seeking to eat the left overs of what ever prey they have. But like vultures, they are craven and weak. They shall be struck down as well. Which is why I say this now. We declare war against Saudi Arabia. This puppet raised up by the United Kingdom, and propped up by the United States has stood too long. We shall crush them beneath our boots. I call for you! The people to stand with me. They are puppets of the western world, and must fall or else they shall drag all of us with them as they crumble."

He said before one of the Guards would take one of the shortest of the Marines and bring him within the Camera view. The guard being kept just off camera.

"I am not without mercy, and neither is Iraq. Should those countries which oppose us stand down, and accept what is happening there shall be no further need for violence against them. All those that we capture, shall be treated in a civilized manner of course. Tell me young man. What is your name and rank? I am sure your family back home will be ecstatic that you are safe and sound."

Saddam said looking to the young man. There was a four second delay should he try and say anything uncouth or rude.

@Flying Damascas @John @Jamie

Netherlands Embassy

The Republican Guard Officer nodded."You have our permission. You will be joined by the American Civilians and Belgian Civilians we have sent to the airport. I just got the message over the radio. So it may be a little crowded." the Republican Guard officer stated as he would turn. He and a contingent of his troops would mount up and prepared to escort the Netherlands Embassy staff and security to the airport. They were going to keep a close eye on them.

The Civilians from the US and Belgian Embassy would find themselves not exactly in the best position as they were allowed into the airport. Soldiers immediately began to search them one person at a time, and stealing their valuables and any money they had.

@Dutchy @John



The 15 MiG-23 having been held back while the MiG-29s went in on the offensive moved in to meet the 9th squadron head on. With the Kuwait missiles having been launched at apparent max range at 75 KM, that gave the MiG-29s plenty of time to maneuver, however this forced them to break off pursuit of the aircraft they had just fired upon. Peeling off they began evasive maneuvers to break lock. They began to perform rapid maneuvers while launching chaff. From that range, it would be easy to break lock. However, one pilot was having issues. His chaff launcher wasn't working. He had not choice but to break off completely to try and get out of range of the missile.

The 15 MiG-23 at a range of 80 km began to lock their R-27R missiles onto the Kuwait fighter jets. But did not yet fire. They were approaching, wanting to get to at least 70 km before firing. With the MiG-29s having exhausted their supply of long range missiles, they would have to wait for the MiG-23s to do their job before they could go in for closer fighting.


In the intense fighting for Abdali had resulted in the destruction and loss of 158 armored vehicles for the 51st Mechanized Division. 44 T-72A, 28 T-55 Enigma, and 86 BTR-60. They had also lost 4 2S3 Akatsiya in the Kuwait counter barrage. Their weapons and equipment only capable of dealing mobility kills against the Abrams present. But they were more then capable of dislodging and killing the Kuwaiti M-84AB MBTs present. In the heavy street fighting they had suffered 1357 casualties. Regardless of this heavy street fighting, they persisted. Their tactics switched up, when ever they encountered Abrams now they would reroute to go around, and encircle the vehicles so tey could hit them from behind, or at least leave them immobile for artillery to take care of.


The 6th Division would send forth the (Baghdad Eagles) Commando brigade to deal with the 6th Mechanized Brigade. Leaving the highway to avoid the mines they would travel to 29.945906, 47.982274 before then moving to flank the 6th Mechanized Brigade at the intersection. Meanwhile the (Cobras) Motorised brigade moved forward having dismounted and would move south towards either side of the highway. However, they would break off two Companies of 250 men each to flank while the main force both pinned down the Kuwaitis at the intersection and advanced on them. The two groups of 250 men would assault from the east and west while the main force would attack from the front and the Baghdad Eagles got ready to encircle them completely. The idea was simple, the armored unit would cut off the Kuwait retreat and they would destroy the Mechanized Brigade completely.



Following the US missile strike Iraq knew that the United States was closing in, and something had to be done about the fleet they had dispatched. So, they decided that discretion would be the best counter tactic. Wheeling out the Suzanne Dassault Falcon 50 at Baghdad International Airport she would be fitted with two Exocet missiles. Fueled, armed, and crewed she would be launched under complete silence. In fact, her launch would coincide with the departure of the released Civilians from the US/Belgian embassy. That was their cover.

Ascending to an altitude of 31,000 ft she began to head towards the Syrian coast under the guise of a civilian flight. If the Syrians asked, it was the Civilians from the US and Beglian Embassy. At a speed of 561 mph they were heading for one target in particular, the US Aircraft carrier. With two Exocets at the ready. They just needed to get close enough.



Iraqi Saudi Border
Following the hostilities declared by Saudi Arabia it was decided that they could not be allowed to be used as a staging point for a new coalition again. Plans for Syria, were dropped for the moment as the 2nd Corps and 4th Corps were deployed to the Saudi Border.

The 4th Corps head quartered at Al Salman for the moment deployed the 34th Infantry Division, 14th Infantry Division, and 18th Infantry Division along the border. The 34th Infantry Division forming at around 29.846757, 43.893222 to create an armored convoy so they could flood the Saudi roads.

The 14th Infantry Division would deploy along a stretch of 29.775327, 43.953139 to 29.134397, 46.535106 along a 171 distance of border. Their troop density was was about 31 soldiers per square mile. About a platoons worth of troops every mile.

The 18th Infantry Division did much the same deploying from 29.905627, 43.816694 to 31.388278, 41.461953. Once more with 31 soldiers per square mile.

The 2nd Corps deployed the 3rd Division at 31.374974, 41.440892 to form a convoy going down Saudi roads so they could spread out via them. Meanwhile the 34th Infantry Division got deployed from 31.413633, 41.395602 to 32.167459, 39.252010 with 31 soldiers per square mile.

This amassing of troops would take some time, but once they were ready they would move in. Infantry marching forward while the Motorized 3rd Division would drive to take Arar and the Mechanized 34th Infantry Division would travel to take Rafha.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Luwai el-Nasrallah would be swiftly arrested by the Civil Guard and would be taken outside to an awaiting ambulance under armed guard where he'd be checked over for any chemical burns or other things which may pose a risk to the prisoner. He would then be transferred to a Civil Guard facility where he was to be interviewed by officers - whilst in his cell, he'd be under armed guard where two officers remained outside the locked door. The cell had been checked over beforehand so that nothing could pose a risk to the prisoner.

An unmarked police car turned onto the Autovía A-2 and with the lockdown still in place, the two officers, namely Sergeant Rodrigo Castillero and Officer Pol Castellano spotted a car infront of them and decided to make a vehicle stop on the vehicle and attempted to pull the vehicle over by the means of lights and sirens. Both officers had their protective bulletproof vests on and were each carrying a loaded Beretta 92 with three extra magazines and the Sergeant had a loaded Heckler & Koch G36 with three extra magazines next to him. @HeadlessSeeker

With no resistance from the Iraqi Embassy personnel, they would swiftly be arrested and taken to Aluche Immigration Detention Centre where they would be processed and placed into detention ready to be interviewed by Spanish officials at a later date, for now - it was just a waiting game.

The deployed forces from the 4th Spanish Legion Tercio "Alejandro Farnesio" took it upon themselves to mingle in with their British counterparts and conducted small scale training exercises as they tested out their weapons and tactics as they were now battle ready and awaited news from their Commander as well as their British counterparts, it was a waiting game but remained patient as these things took time.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
As soon as the Dassault Falcon 50 came within a range of 500km, it would be picked up by the AN/APS-145 radar on the E-2 Hawkeye that was flying around the fleet. Using it's Link 16 (JTIDS)/CEC that was already connected to the ships, the information would be relayed to all of the ships. The Hawkeye kepts tracking the Dassault as it came closer to the fleet, they weren't the only aircraft being tracked however. The AN/APS-145 was capable of tracking 2,000 targets at a single time, which it would be doing. However, it would only be as the Dassault got closer that interest in it would peak. It was only as it got about 185 kilometers from the CSG, when it began to become an issue.

The SPY-1 Operator on the USS Mason would speak into his headset to the rest of the CIC. "TAO, Air. New air contact 80234. I have a single aircraft approaching, range 100 nautical miles, approximately 490 knots."

"Deploy scat. CIWS to AAW Auto."

The TAO of the USS Mason would attempt to establish radio contact with the Dassault.

"This is United States Naval Warship Eight-Seven. Identify yourself and alter your course, or you will be subject to defensive actions. Over."

Whilst all of this was happening, the two F-18s patrolling the airspace would turn to the heading to intercept the aircraft. Transferring the fuel from the drop tanks to their main tanks, they would eject the tanks for them to drop into the ocean, before pushing their throttles forward all of the way. The Afterburners would appear as they speed up, reaching about 1000mph - they would catch up with the Dassault in no time. The lead F-18 would fly across the cockpit of the Dassault, to let them know they were being intercepted. Whilst the second would come up to the left hand wingtip, once again attempting to establish communication with the aircraft.

"Unidentified aircraft from intercepting aircraft Q-2. Respond, over."

"William Martinez. Lance Corporal, United States Marine Corps. 33305594"

The Marine would answer, looking to the camera. What the Iraqi's wouldn't know however, is that because the Marines and staff weren't blindfolded upon their entrance to the Republican Palace - they saw exactly where they were. He knew roughly what their location in terms of what latitude they were on. He just hoped that one of the other marines, if given the chance to be on camera, would be able to give the longitude - which he had given inplace of his service number.


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019

The Squadron would immediately engage in air combat maneuvers towards the enemy aircraft. Attempting to get a lock as close as possible before engaging their missiles. As the pilots witness their missiles being countered by chaff they would attempt to get in close for their AIM-9 sidewinders. They would attempt to get to around 30km to their target, tailing them, getting a lock, and deploying another AIM-120 AMRAAM before subsequently firing off a sidewinder.

The lone Iraqi aircraft whose chaffs have malfunctioned would be forced to try and attempt to shake off the incoming missile speeding up to MACH-4. Due to the nature of the missile's systems, they would have to break off from the general vicinity entirely.

In the meantime, the 9th Squadron, with their RADAR systems currently configured to search for hostile aircraft, would be surprised on the incoming Iraqi MiG-23s. They would activate their targeting systems, waiting for an effective firing range of around 70km before firing 2 AIM-120 AMRAAMs to compensate for their fewer numbers. After which, they would proceed to climb, seemingly trying to gain an altitude advantage. They would appropriately deploy chaffs once their systems detect missiles incoming, hopefully countering them.

The 61st Squadron, after losing 2 of their aircraft, would head for Saudi Arabia. The Kuwaiti Airforce feared that the Iraqis would eventually gain aerial superiority over Kuwait, due to their numbers. The 61st would head for King Khalid MC airbase, the Kuwaiti military officials already contacting the Saudi Arabians (@SM99) of their intent. A news broadcast of the fallen pilots would be aired a few hours later, to fuel the propaganda Warmachine.

Abdali, Kuwait

The heavy fighting within the insignificant town had been a toll on Kuwaiti Logistics, with numerous injured due to the combination of artillery barrages and enemy gunfire. In the chaos of the battle, artillery from both sides would be indiscriminate, killing anyone who wasn't in good cover. Soon they would be forced to start falling back. In roughly two hours, Kuwaiti Artillery pieces at the first defensive line would begin a heavy barrage on the area, deterring Iraqi forces from advancing over the retreating Kuwaiti forces. The BM-30s would arm themselves with a mixture of Thermobaric missiles and cluster munitions.

Both Brigades would slowly pull back, with infantry squads slowly retreating from building to building. Any remaining APCs would be filled with the injured first and would be ordered to retreat to the defensive line. The Abrams tanks would likewise reverse, firing their machineguns towards incoming enemy infantry and destroying buildings to kick up dust and rubble to cover themselves. Infantry behind would make sure that they would not be out-flanked, pinning down any infantry squads that attempted to hit their precious armor.

However, due to the confusion fo the battle, a lone Abrams tank would essentially be caught behind enemy lines. Her tracks were busted, and scorch marks from multiple RPGs would scar the body paint. Infantry squads that were supposed to cover the tank would withdraw early, with a few men killed by Iraqi troops. Within the tank, they had no clue on what had happened. Their radio was effectively destroyed due to a lucky RPG-hit. Their commander, Shadi El-Hashem, would encourage his crew to stand their ground, as no news of a retreat has been issued. And even then, an attempt on leaving the vehicle would be suicide as the crossfire would likely kill them.

Essentially, they were left to die by their superior officers, although to them, it was a last-ditch effort to protect their homeland. They only had 18 AP rounds left, 12 HE, and 2 rounds of WP. Their Machine guns were slowly eating away their ammunition, but they were determined to hold off what seems to be a never-ending wave of Iraqi forces. They had to rest for the final prayer of the day, and together, the crew of the lone Abrams would gather round in silence, sounds of gunfire and artillery in the background. While they might not know it yet, it was their last.

The dust around them would make it seem the tank was abandoned by her crew with her gun lowered as her crew faced Mecca. Once Iraqi forces were closing in, the gunner, Jawad Hakim, would tend to his machine guns, roaring the beast into action one last time.

Roughly 5km east of Abdali, Kuwait

The 6th Mechanized Battalion would yet again open fire once Iraqi forces were closing in, sending a fury of tank shells and machinegun fire unto the assault. The officers had noticed the movement patterns of the Iraqi forces, seemingly trying to flank them. Officers would reposition tanks in the heat of battle to strengthen weak spots, and Infantry would attempt to knock out enemy vehicles with their stationary ATGMs. Due to the nature of their entrenchments, Iraqi forces would have a hard time hitting Kuwaiti infantry, as the contours of the trenches and ditches followed the landscape.

Soon, air support was to be requested, and the 20th Attack Squadron, which was based at the defensive line, would immediately head for the 6th Brigade to assist. 8 Apache Helicopters would make their way to the 6th Brigade. All Helicopters would be outfitted with Hydra 70 rockets for area saturation, and AGM-114 Hellfires for the armor. They would remain low and close to the ground for optimal speeds, with their targeting systems engaged.

The arrival of the 20th Attack Squadron would remain unknown to their enemies until Missiles from the air quickly made its way to the unsuspecting Iraqi forces. Gunfire would then saturate the area as pilots target Iraqi squads bunching up together, mowing them down with their M230 Chain guns. Due to the infrared technology fielded with the aircraft, the silhouettes of the infantry would stand out on the desert sands.

As the Iraqis have not sent out forward reconnaissance units, They would have a hard time pinning down the concealed defenders. The 6th brigade would aim to hold off the Iraqi assault until air support arrives, in which they would methodically start to retreat to the defensive positions at the Sabah Al-Ahmad Natural Reserve. The sun was beggining to set as the fight for the sovereignity of Kuwait rages on.

The Syrians, unaware of the situation on the Saudi Arabian border, would continue on with their light mobilization. Only a few units were positioned along the border, being forward observers for any Iraqi attempt in assaulting their lands. The Media pertaining to the active combat zones in Kuwait would be censored, ensuring that the populace would remain complacent. There were only 7 syrian outposts that weren't near the roads, each containing roughly a platoon of infantry, 5 tanks, and 10 APCs. They would observe any suspicous behavior beyond their borders.

Nonetheless, The Syrians would await for their allies. The British (@Jamie), Americans (@John), and the Spanish (@Zak) would be informed that Al Qusayr, Minakh, Tabqa, and Deir ez-Zor would be open for any tranportation of troops into Syria, whenever they want to. And likewise, security within these areas would be heightened if confirmation of the Coalition Force's arrival was to arrive.



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The vehicles would begin following their Iraqi escort as they made their way to the airport. Upon arrival they would continue to follow the instructions of their Iraqi chaperon as they were most likely grouped up with the civilians from the other nations. The Chief of Security and another officer remained close to the ambassador to provide personal protection, as they hoped to soon be on a plane to either the Netherlands or an allied or neutral nation from which they could proceed with their journey home.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

The Ministry of Defence have been compiling information and deployments in relation to Operation Achilles, identifying four individual aspects that the UK will be prioritising followed by confirming a deployment list to those involved. The list and operations themselves would be private.

Operation Achilles I
The primary operation and mission which relies on deployments related to Special Forces Operators to locate and rescue the diplomatic staff. Currently standing by at Cyprus pending American Command.

Operation Achilles II
In planning, Achilles II is the official air war on Iraq with the intention of using air assets to strike on Iraqi targets.

Operation Achilles III
The formal desgination for the ground war for UK and Coalition Troops to move up the Euphrates River, clearing it as a method of transport to Baghdad.

Operation Achilles IV
Reinforcing the Northern Flank of Syria in support of Norwegian & America Forces.

The deployments begun as follows:

Transport via Ferry Flight, destination: Cyprus
[2] Boeing E-3D Sentry [KNIGHT006, KNIGHT007]
[24] Panavia Tornado GR-4 [LANCER001-LANCER024]
[12] Panavia Tornado ADV F3 [CHAOS001-CHAOS012]
[2] Lockheed TriStar KC1 for Refuel Missions [COYOTE021,COYOTE022]

Transport via HMS Ocean, destination: Cyprus which will be flown over to Syria as and when needed.
[6] Puma HC Mk1 [PEGASUS081-PEAGSUS086]
[4] Chinook HC2 [PEGASUS010-PEGASUS013]

Transport via TriStar Aircraft (back-to-back flights), destination: Cyprus. Troops will be delivered as and when needed via C-130 or C17.
1st Battalion, Parachute Regiment (1PARA)
2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment (2PARA)
3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment (3PARA)
Army Reserve 4th Battalion, Parachute Regiment (4PARA)
23 Airborne Engineers (Air Assault)
7 Parachute Regiment, Royal Artillery (7PARA)
1 Air Assault Support Regiment, Royal Logistics
216 Parachute Squadron, Royal Signals
1 Battalion, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (Air Assault)
616 Tactical Air Control Party
67 Medical Regiment
Pathfinder Group
1st Regiment Army Air Corp
1st Royal Tank Regiment

Transport via RFA Thames, destination: Cyprus and to hold off for refuel before preparing its delivery into Syria.
[200] Saxon Protected Patrol Vehicles
[600] Land Rover Snatch
[50] LAnd Rover WMIK
[50] L118 LightGuns

Transported via RFA Holden, destination: Cyprus and to hold off for refuel before preparing its delivery into Syria.
[5] Westland Apache Helicopters
[12] Westland Lynx Helicopters
[10] Battlefield Ambulances
[300] Leyland DAF T45 4x4
[25] Oshkosh Wheeled Support Tanker
[15] CRARRV Recovery Vehicles
[15] FV180 Engineer Tractors
[5] Chieftain Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers
[75] Challenger 2 Main BAttle Tanks
[150] Bulldog FV432 Armoured Personnel Carriers

The transport runs would be done back to back, with crews refueling/resupplying as and when needed. Ensuring safe arrivals took place with soldiers already at RAF Akrotiri working consistently to home those arriving. Meanwhile, the C-130 crews at Cyprus would be the main point of deliverance of troops into Syria.


Jan 18, 2020












10,000 x Marines

200 x Type 74 Truck
10 x Type 92 Mine Clearance Vehicle
50 x ATs-12-63221 Fuel Tanker
40 x Type 82 Recon & Patrol Vehicle
16 x Type 75 MLRS
5 x Type 90 Armored Recovery Vehicle
50 x ATsTV-10 Water Tanker
60 x Type 73 Ambulance
600 x SIMBAS AFSV-90
80 x EE-T1 Osório


4556 x Sailors

DDH-143 JS Shirane
DDH-144 JS Kurama
DDG-173 JS Kongo
DDG-174 JS Kirishima
DD-101 JS Murasame (Village Rain)
DD-102 JS Harusame (Spring Rain)
DD-103 JS Yudachi (Evening Downpour)
DD-120 JS Hatsuyuki
DD-121 JS Shirayuki
DD-122 JS Mineyuki
MSO-301 JS Yaeyama
MSO-302 JS Iriomote
LST-4001 JS Osumi
LST-4002 JS Shimokita
LHA-4021 JS Isonade
AOE-422 JS Towada
AOE-423 JS Tokiwa
AOE-424 JS Hamana
OE-425 JS Tōya
AOE-426 JS Daikon
TT-1001 JS Yama
TT-1002 JS Sangaku
TT-1003 JS Take
8-Seater Scout Boat x 26


112 x Air Superiority Pilots
122 x Military Support Pilots
24 x Aircrew
2000 x Air Force Support Personnel

F-5A (Shenyang J-11) x 24
F-5B (Sukhoi Su-27) x16
F-16 Block 50/52+ x 72
Tu-22M3 x 12
Mitsubishi F-1 x 24
F-2B (Su-25) x 50
F-2T (Su-25T) x 24

1st Division
1st Mechanized Brigade

4,290 Standard Infantry

29x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle
206x Type 96 APC
40x Type 87 Reconnaissance & Warning Vehicle
50x Type 89 IFV
60x Toyota Type 73 Ambulance Variant
8x Type 75 Self-propelled Howitzer
8x Type 74 105mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
16x Type 75 MLR
10x Type 60 Self Propelled Recoilless Gun
8x Type 87 SPAAG
5x Type 90 Armored Recovery Vehicle
5x Type 91 Armored vehicle-launched bridge
5x Type 92 Mine Clearance Vehicle
50x ATsTV-10 Water Tanker
200x 230 KrAZ-6322 Soldier Cargo Truck
50x ATs-12-63221 Fuel Tanker

2nd Motorized Brigade

5,392 Standard Infantry

22x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle
36x Toyota HMV
10x Type 73 100mm Anti-Tank Gun
20x Soltam M-71
40x Type 87 Reconnaissance & Warning Vehicle
100x Honda XLR250R Reconnaissance Motorcycles
30x Hitachi Artillery Tractors
60x Toyota Type 73 Ambulance Variant
8x Type 87 SPAAG
5x Type 92 Mine Clearance Vehicle
138x KrAZ-6322 AF1 KUNG Armored Transport
50x ATsTV-10 Water Tanker
200/200 KrAZ-6322 Soldier Cargo Truck
50x ATs-12-63221 Fuel Tanker

3rd Armored Brigade

2,116 Standard Infantry

23x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle
10x Type 89 IFV
10x Type 60 Self Propelled Recoilless Gun
8x Type 87 SPAAG
30x Toyota Type 73 Ambulance Variant
46x Type 96 APC
40x Type 87 Reconnaissance & Warning Vehicle
80x Type 90 Kyu-Maru MBT
10x Type-99 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
5x Type-90 Armored Recovery Vehicle
5x Type 91 Armored vehicle-launched bridge
5x Type 92 Mine Clearance Vehicle
50x ATsTV-10 Water Tanker
2000/200 KrAZ-6322 Soldier Cargo Truck
50x ATs-12-63221 Fuel Tanker

4th Motorized Brigade

5,040 Standard Infantry

23x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle
6x Toyota HMV
40x Type 87 Reconnaissance & Warning Vehicle
10x Type-99 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
60x Toyota Type 73 Ambulance Variant
8x Type 87 SPAAG
5x Type 92 Mine Clearance Vehicle
153x KrAZ-6322 AF1 KUNG Armored Transport
50x ATsTV-10 Water Tanker
200/200 KrAZ-6322 Soldier Cargo Truck
50x ATs-12-63221 Fuel Tanker

1st Air Defense Regiment

94 Standard Infantry

12x Type 87 SPAAG
4x Type 81 SAM
12X Type 93 SAM
1x Buk Air Defense Missile System
3X Nebo SVU Radar
1xType 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

1st Attack-Reconnaissance Battalion

12 Standard Infantry

6x Kawasaki OH-1

1st Tank Destroyer Regiment

208 Standard Infantry

50x NM 142 Anti-Tank Missile Carrier
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

1st Artillery Brigade

108 Standard Infantry

25x Type 99 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

1st Logistical Support Brigade

2,148 Standard Infantry

100x ATs-12-63221 Fuel Tanker
100x ATsTV-10 Water Tanker
10x KrAZ-6322 AF1 KUNG Armored Transport (To Transport members of this unit)
600x KrAZ-6322 AF1 KUNG Armored Transport (Empty except for driver)
200x Type 74 Heavy-Duty Carrier
100x KrAZ-6322 Soldier Cargo Truck
200x Type 73 Heavy Duty Truck
100x M-240 Storm, Armored (Drivers only)
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

1st Engineering Brigade

248 Standard Infantry

10x KrAZ-6322 AF1 KUNG Armored Transport
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

1st Reconnaissance Brigade


25x Elbit Hermes 450 UAV
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

Brigade HQ

64 Standard Infantry

4x Toyota HMV
3x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

7th Armored Brigade (2nd Division, Attached)

2,116 Standard Infantry

23x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle
10x Type 89 IFV
10x Type 60 Self Propelled Recoilless Gun
8x Type 87 SPAAG
30x Toyota Type 73 Ambulance Variant
46x Type 96 APC
40x Type 87 Reconnaissance & Warning Vehicle
80x Type 90 Kyu-Maru MBT
10x Type-99 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
5x Type-90 Armored Recovery Vehicle
5x Type 92 Mine Clearance Vehicle
50x ATsTV-10 Water Tanker
200x KrAZ-6322 Soldier Cargo Truck
50x ATs-12-63221 Fuel Tanker

2nd Air Defense Regiment (2nd Division, Attached)

94 Standard Infantry

12x Type 87 SPAAG
4x Type 81 SAM
12X Type 93 SAM
1x Buk Air Defense Missile System
2X Nebo SVU Radar
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

2nd Attack-Reconnaissance Battalion (2nd Division, Attached)

12 Standard Infantry

6x Kawasaki OH-1

2nd Tank Destroyer Regiment (2nd Division, Attached)

208 Standard Infantry

50x NM 142 Anti-Tank Missile Carrier
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

2nd Artillery Brigade (2nd Division, Attached)

108 Standard Infantry

25x Type 99 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

2nd Reconnaissance Brigade (2nd Division, Attached)

108 Standard Infantry

25x Elbit Hermes 450 UAV
1x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle

11th Independent Artillery Brigade (Attached)

682 Standard Infantry

80 x Soltam M-71
14 x Type 75 MLRS
80 x Type 73 Heavy Duty Truck
1 x Type 82 Command & Communications Vehicle


LHA-4021 JS Isonade (Tarawa-Class)

2nd Armored Marine Regiment
1st Marine Regiment (1,000/2800 Marines)

80 x EE-T1 Osório

LST-4001 JS Osumi

1st Marine Regiment (280/2800 Marines)


LST-4002 JS Shimokita

1st Marine Regiment (280/2800 Marines)


Remaining Soldiers would be transported in the following ships
JS Shachi Maru - (5,000 Soldiers) [Reserve Ship to transport any remaining soldiers]
JS Sake Maru - (5,000 Soldiers) [JASDF]
JS Same Maru - (10,000 Soldiers) [JAMSDF 1st Marine Task Force]
JS Koi Maru - (10,000 Soldiers) [JSDF 1st Division (1/2)]
JS Goma Soba Maru - (10,000 Soldiers) [JSDF 1st Division (1/2)]

Equipment Transport Logistics
TT-1001 JS Yama [Aircraft Loaded onto this ship along with 100 Type 74 Heavy Duty Carriers]
TT-1002 JS Sangaku [Vehicles (1/2)]
TT-1003 JS Take [Vehicles (2/2)]


The goal of this mission is to land safely in Kuwait and secure the country against Iraqi invasion while reinforcements are eventually brought to bear in Kuwait. The JS Yama and the JS Sake Maru would stop first in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, those ships would be fitted with Saudi Arabian travel paperwork and would be sent far ahead of the fleet. Both of those vessels are civilian in design and original purpose. They would bear no mark of Japanese military. Their mission was ostensibly to trade Japanese vehicles and machinery with Saudi Arabia. Their true mission was to land in Saudi Arabia and allow the planes to take off and land in Kuwait. The main force would attempt to land in the port of Kuwait. Prior to the main landing, the Assault Force would land. Additionally, medical personnel who started their training in Japan would continue their training onboard the ships.

The military would transport out from Port Chirba, Japan, to Dammam, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait City, Kuwait. The five replenishment ships were fully loaded with all logistical, mechanical, fuel, and other support supplies necessary for the troops, vehicles, and ships being transported to operate at full functionality. Supply levels would be constantly monitored and weighed against the amount necessary to make an emergency trip home versus successfully landing at the destinations. If at any point during the monitoring of supply levels versus remaining distance, if it was determined that the fleet could not successfully land at their destinations, the fleet would divide itself to a level capable of reaching its destination and the remainder would return home with the necessary supplies.

Throughout the journey, as supply levels were being monitored, supplies would be consumed as necessary to ensure the functionality of all crew, passengers, ships, and vehicles. Ships and vehicles would be maintained by their crews and monitored regularly. Any mechanical issues would be immediately addressed. If an issue was deemed dangerous enough, the ship would immediate seek safe harbor at the nearest port (Friendly or neutral NPC even). Any logistical, mechanical, etc need would be consumed and/or addressed as needed.

If for any reason, equipment or manpower could not fit in any of the configurations given, the equipment and men placed on each ship would be reduced so that the ships can travel at maximum load.

$1 Billion would be spent to secure a large stockpile of supplies to support this initial mission and the remaining waves.




Shirane-Class Destroyers

Sea Sparrow SAM launcher
ASROC Mk 112 octuple launcher
2 × FMC 5"/54 caliber Mark 42 guns
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes (Mk-46 torpedoes)

Kongo-Class Destroyers

1 × 127 mm (5 in)/54 caliber Oto Melara Compact Gun
2 × missile canister up to 8 Harpoon SSM
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × HOS-302 triple torpedo tubes (6 × Mk-46 or Type 73 torpedoes) [1 set MK-46, other Type 73]
90-cell Mk-41 VLS:
(29 at the bow / 61 cells at the stern aft) for a mix of:
SM-2MR SAM (x20 Bow | x50 stern)
SM-3 ABM (5x Bow | 5x Stern)
Vertical Launch ASROC (4x Bow | 6x stern)

Murasame-Class Destroyers

1 × OTO Melara 76 mm gun
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × SSM-1B quad canisters
2 × triple 324 mm torpedo tubes
VLS Mk 48 (16 cells)
• Evolved Sea Sparrow SAM
VLS Mk 41 (16 cells)

Hatsuyuki-Class Destroyers

1 × OTO Melara 76 mm gun
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Harpoon SSM quad canisters
1 × Sea Sparrow SAM octuple launcher
1 × ASROC octuple launcher
2 × triple 324 mm torpedo tubes

Yaeyama-Class Minesweepers

1 JM-61 Sea Vulcan
Mine-hunting and sweeping equipment

Osumi-Class Landing Ships

2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × 12.7mm machine gun M2

Tarawa-Class Landing Ship

Mark 49 RAM missile system
2 × Vulcan Phalanx
6 × 25 mm automatic cannons
8 × 12.7 mm machine guns
6 x Kawasaki OH-1 Helicopters
- Type 79 Missiles x 4
6 x Kawasaki OH-1 Helicopters
- Type 91 Missiles x 2
- Type 70 Missiles x 2


12.7mm/50 MG

Each Destroyer, Osumi, and Tarawa are equipped with 2 RHIBs on board.

Forces have been deployed from Port Chiba. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the Coalition would be informed that Japan has deployed in accordance with its deployment order. Supplies are sufficient aboard the replenishment ships to go straight to Kuwait. As the fleet approaches Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, deployment orders may be reassessed to send some soldiers to the Saudi border.

EDIT: All assets were fully fueled, inspected, and maintained. Reserve supplies and equipment would be on hand as necessary. All soldiers would be rested and ready, fully equipped. Any logistical or maintenance needs would be consumed and/or addressed as needed while ships were underway. The $1 Billion in military surplus supplies were being carried along with the Japanese Deployment.

@Jamie @SM99 @Strix[/COLOR]



Official Communique of the State of Japan

Office of the Prime Minister


Recipient: Sadam Hussein (@HeadlessSeeker)
Deescalation Talks
Classification: Secure

Dear President Hussein,

We apologize in our delay in returning your acceptance of our invitation to talk. We ask that you correspond with us immediately as to how best we may attempt to mediate. In the meantime, we must insist that Iraq cease military actions along its borders so that we can have the affected countries agree to talks. Please know that Japan has committed itself to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to protect the international status quo until talks can try to bring peace.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

橋本 龍太郎

Ryutaro Hashimoto
Prime Minister of Japan
Last edited:


Feb 10, 2020
Iraqi-Saudi Border
Classified and Encrypted

The mobilization of Iraqi forces would begin to be noticed by citizens and government officials in bordering towns. The border crossing at Ar'ar is manned by officials of Ministry of Interior who are in charge of border control at this port of entry. The amassing of Iraqi forces would be noticed and panic would ensue. Exact numbers or details about the forces wouldnt be known, however the message would be relayed to Ministry of Interior headquarters in Riyadh that an invasion is imminent and Highway 80 is likely to be used.

In all bordering cities of Arar, Al Uwayqilah, Rafha,and Hafar Al Batin air sirens would be turned on. Local law enforcement personnel would begin ensuring that civilians seek shelter or evacuate. These law enforcement officers would be underequipped in terms of weaponry, and at most some would carry AK-47's with a maximum of 1-2 extra magazines. Morale seemed to low among-st the law enforcement personnel in this region as Military support would have to come out of Riyadh and it may be too late once they arrive.


Back at the Border-Crossing on Highway 80, all but one border agent would desert their positions. A border patrol agent named Ahmed Al-Saleem. His colleagues would brand him crazy but Ahmed Al-Saleem was ready to die for his country. Al-Saleem would tell his colleagues to make it known he was martyred. The call for Jihad by the Saudi Clergy earlier in the conflict had reached the ears of some. He would stand at his outpost, with nothing but an AK-47 loaded with one magazine waiting for the Iraqis forces to arrive. He would have his prayer bead in one hand and anxiously wait.

Classified and Encrypted

Back at the Palace the King would console the Kuwaiti Emir. He would ensure the Emir that the Kingdom and its allies will do all it can to defend Kuwait. It was during this meeting that the King would be informed of Saddams declaration of war. The Crown Prince would also enter the scene after just finishing a phone call with another Head of State.

The Crown Prince, who was the Minister of Defence would speak urgently. "The Iraqis have declared war. It is no secret that both us and Kuwait are outnumbered. However I am confident we can hold them off until we get further allied support. Emir are you comfortable evacuating the city with the King? We can get you to Medina as soon as possible, there you will be safe from any threat posed to the capital. Inshallah it will not come to that but your safety is of utmost importance. I will inform the coalition forces of the exact assistance we need."

The Crown Prince would usher the Council of Ministers and the commanders of the Armed Forces. It would be decided that the Armed Forces mobilize immediately from Riyadh and that a State of Emergency is declared. Civilians would be instructed to seek shelter and evacuate if they live in cities bordering Iraq.

Japan would be privately informed that their assistance is urgently needed. Japanese forces are approved to dock at the port of Dammam. @Suvorov

Spain and United States would be privately informed that they are approved to use Al-Jawf Airbase (in Sakaka) and King Khalid Military City Airbase (In King Khalid Military City). @Zak @John




Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله

Classified and Encrypted

  • Secure the Airspace
  • Conduct reconnaissance on Iraqi positions and strike accordingly
  • Establish temporary bases in Hail and King Khalid Military City
  • Attempt the secure highway 85 and use it to hold off the invasion
  • In the event of a failed defense, launch DF-21 Missiles towards Iraqi cities

  • Combat Pilots: 100
  • Reconnaissance and surveillance: 100
  • Logistical Pilots: 100
  • Communications Personnel: 2,000
  • Senior Officers: 50
  • Engineering Personnel: 500
  • Logistical Personnel: 500
  • F-15C: 5
  • Super King Air 350iER

  • Combat Troops: 3,000
  • Border Patrol Personnel: 2,500
  • Surveillance Personnel: 100
  • Logistical Personnel: 1,500
  • Aviation Personnel: 150
  • Mechanized Infantry: 3,100
  • Rocket & Artillery: 500
  • Engineers: 100
  • Senior Officers: 150
  • M109 Howitzer: 100
  • M198 Howitzer: 100
  • M270: 50
  • M1A1: 20
  • M1A2: 100
  • LAV III: 10
  • Armored Humvee: 250
  • FMTV: 250
  • AH-64 Apache: 5
  • CH-47F Chinook: 5

  • Missile Operators: 100
  • Logistical Personnel: 50
  • Senior Officers: 50
  • DF-21 Missiles: 25
  • Taian 5680: 25

  • Air Defense Operators: 100
  • Engineers: 100
  • Radar Surveillance Personnel: 100
  • Senior Officers: 50

Currently all Armed Forces units and equipment would ALL be stationed in Riyadh. The Mobilization process aims to move units to the cities of Hail and King Khalid Military City. Air Force units aim to secure the airspace. All future equipment that is entered into service after mobilization will be stationed and moved out of the capital city, Riyadh.

From Riyadh, all 5 F-15C's of the Royal Saudi Air Force would prepare for deployment. All 5 would we fueled and prepared for take off. Sensors and Avionics would be activated for each, which includes the Raytheon AN/APG-63. Counter measure systems would be activated as well for each that includes the AN/ALQ-131 electronic countermeasures pod, Raytheon AN/APX-119 Identify Friend/Foe (IFF) interrogator, AN/ALQ-128 Electronic Warfare Warning Set (EWWS), AN/ALR-56 Radar warning receivers, ALQ-135 Internal Countermeasures System and the AN/ALE-45 Chaff/Flares dispenser system. The F-15Cs would be fully armed with 1× 20 mm M61A1 Vulcan 6-barrel rotary cannon (940 Rounds), 4× AIM-7 Sparrow and 4× AIM-120 AMRAAM. Once prepared, fuelled and crewed, one by one each F-15C would depart from Riyadh. They would reach an altitude of 35,000 feet and a speed of Mach 2. The take off would be from within LL in Riyadh and they would first head towards sector LM and begin to secure the Saudi Airspace.

In a similar fashion, 5 Super King Air 350iER would be fueled and crewed. Each would be piloted by 2 and have an additional crew of 5 for aerial reconnaissance. They would bring communication devices in order to keep in contact with ground personnel of the Air Force. They would take off one by one from and maintain a height of 20,000 ft and a speed of 500 KM per hour. They would head north towards the Iraqi border and would begin reconnaissance along the border.

The Royal Saudi Land Forces would begin preparations for defense. The plan was to head to King Khalid Military City and the city of Hail.

Land Forces deployed to HAIL

50 M109 Howitzers, 25 M270s, 20 M1A1s, 50 M1A2s, 125 Armored Humvees, and 125 FMTV Trucks would be armed, fueled, crewed and prepared for deployment. All secondary and primary armaments for the vehicles would be prepared and loaded in. The FMTVs would carry additional fuel supplies, food supplies, armament for the vehicles and small arms including M4 Carbines, M2 Brownings, RPG-7s, FGM-148s and M30 Mortars plus ammunition. The M109s, M270s, M1A1s, M1A2s would be crewed by a total of 705 Mechanized infantry. The 125 Armored Humvees would be crewed by 500 Combat personnel who were carrying communication devices, food supplies and loaded M4 Carbines. Around 200 of these Combat Personnel would be dedicated Anti-Armor troops having access to RPG-7s and FGM-148 Javelins. Half of the 125 FMTVS would be used for carrying supplies and cargo mentioned above, whereas the other half would carry an additional 10 Combat troops each totaling around 625 additional Combat personnel equipped with the same communication and field supplies/equipment along with M4 Carbines and RPG-7s.

Land Forces deployed to KING KHALID MILITARY CITY

50 M109 Howitzers, 25 M270s, 10 LAV-III, 50 M1A2s, 125 Armored Humvees, and 125 FMTV Trucks would be armed, fueled, crewed and prepared for deployment. All secondary and primary armaments for the vehicles would be prepared and loaded in. The FMTVs would carry additional fuel supplies, food supplies, armament for the vehicles and small arms including M4 Carbines, M2 Brownings, RPG-7s, FGM-148s and M30 Mortars plus ammunition. The M109s, M270s, LAV-III, M1A2s would be crewed by a total of 750 Mechanized infantry. The 125 Armored Humvees would be crewed by 500 Combat personnel who were carrying communication devices, food supplies and loaded M4 Carbines. Around 200 of these Combat Personnel would be dedicated Anti-Armor troops having access to RPG-7s and FGM-148 Javelins. Half of the 125 FMTVS would be used for carrying supplies and cargo mentioned above, whereas the other half would carry an additional 10 Combat troops each totaling around 625 additional Combat personnel equipped with the same communication and field supplies/equipment along with M4 Carbines and RPG-7s.

5 AH-64 Apaches would be fueled and prepared for deployment alongside the forces headed to King Khalid Military City. They would be armed with 1× 30 mm (1.18 in) M230 Chain Gun with 1,200 rounds, 2 x AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles and 2 x Spike Missiles. Avionic systems would be activated which includes the AN/APG-78 Longbow fire-control radar. Once fueled and crewed, they would follow the forces headed to King Khalid Military City.

Overall, the forces headed to the city of Hail would depart from Riyadh, they would take highway 65 and refuel along the way if necessary. The forces headed to King Khalid Military City would take highway 65 as well, but would turn on right on highway 50 and would refuel and resupply in similar fashion.

Back in Riyadh all remaining forces would remain in the city. The 5 Chinooks of the Royal Saudi Land Forces would be prepared in the meantime and kept on standby for any supply needs. The Royal Strategic Missile Forces in Riyadh would begin preparing their DF-21 Missiles by attaching them onto their Taian 5680 transporter erector launchers. These Missiles for the time being would be kept on standby.



Jul 1, 2018

Saddam looked upon the shortest of the Marines. The Cameras doing their best to exaggerate their height difference."A well disciplined Marine. No hesitation on remembering their service number. Now please take a seat young man. As further proof of our mercy, and the good treatment of these fine men the officer in charge of this unit shall speak on their behalf."

William Martinez would be brought off camera after the camera cut back to Saddam to hide the Republic Guard obviously forcing him off stage and then the leader of the group being brought on stage. While this was happening Saddam would once more speak."Iraq merely wishes to undo the injustices brought about by imperialists who use their people to do their dirty deeds. Unlike those barbarians we here is Iraq are hospitable. Everyone in Iraq knows that our people are most virtuous. To attest to the treatment of these men we have their commanding officer to speak."

The Commanding Officer of the Americans would of been brought forward off camera. In front of him and off camera was two republic guard. One holding a rifle, the other holding large cardboard pieces with script on them. The first reading as name, rank, branch, and service number. The next was more script. 'President Saddam has shown us kindness, respect, and dignity. He has treated humanly. More so then we would of expected after our military slaughtered Iraq's retreating soldiers on the highways and made them martyrs for the cause of Iraq. Even after our government tried to have him killed by deceitful rebels and agents. Truly, Saddam is a forgiving man and Iraq is a truly modern state that has been misjudged and bullied by the United States and all of the former coalition members.' the cards read. The Republican Guard next to the teleprompter staring at the Commanding Officer with a cold uncompassionate glare.

Meanwhile the cameras being used were at such an angle to make Saddam look like even from this distance he towered over the Marines. The other cameras used for when they moved someone off stage were for close ups of Saddam.

@John @Strix @Jamie



By the time the 'Suzanne' Dassault Falcon 50 reached a distance of '185 kilometers' or '114 miles' from the carrier strike group the aircraft would of traveled for 41 minutes due to it flying at it's cruise speed of 561 mph. The standard altitude of a combat air patrol is anywhere from 30,000 ft to 50,000 ft. Afterburners are used for take off and climb performance, the F/A-18 Hornets would of likely used them to climb to 30,000 ft to start their air combat patrol which started prior to the launch of the Suzanne. It would of taken them half a minute (27 seconds) to reach 30,000 ft. Then doing their air combat patrol over the Carrier Strike Group for 41 minutes before they were sent to deal with the Suzanne. This would consume 12,367 lbs of fuel. The fuel consumption of two General Electric F404-GE-402turbofan engines is 298 lb/m. On afterburner, it is 1,026.60 lb/m. Of which the two would need to burn an additional 6156 lbs of fuel. Which means, the two F/A-18C Hornets would not be able to intercept the Suzanne. They both only carry 11190 lbs of fuel with the drop tanks included. Which means, they would either need to glide in and land on the air craft carrier with no fuel, or they would uselessly ditc into the ocean or over land in Syria. It takes 10 minutes for pilots to be suited up and ready. It takes 5 minutes to bring new jets deck side. About 5 minutes to be brought up, fitted, and lined up. All in all it should take ten minutes if the new aircraft and pilots are being made ready at the same time. Then an additional two minutes per catapult used. To launch an air craft carriers entire capacity of aircraft usually takes anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes. It will take the Suzanne 12 minutes to be over the aircraft carrier. In reality however, it would only take 5 minutes for them to get within firing range.

"This is Iraqi Airways flight IA437. We are carrying Embassy Staff and civilians from Baghdad International Airport to Ajaccio Napoleon Bonaparte Airport. We will chart an alternative route and report it to you. Over." the Suzanne would respond as they began to lower altitude during the 5 minutes of travel time they needed. They were still not over international waters, nor any water.

"This is Iraqi Airways flight IA437 to United States Naval Warship Eight-Seven. We have plotted a new route. We will reroute over Turkey and land at Athens International Airport. Over."

Suzanne had a lock on the aircraft carrier, and did not waste the chance. It launched one, and then two AM39 Exocet missiles at the US aircraft carrier in sea skim mode. The two missiles flying towards the same point on the air craft carrier. The 'Suzanne' Dassault Falcon 50 then, turned around to return back to the airport from which it came.



Three of the fifteen MiG-29 including the one with the malfunctioning chaff would be hit by Kuwaiti missiles, becomming fireballs in the sky that impacted the ground bellow. The remaining MiG-29s would climb for about 1,000 ft on afterburn before then turning once more to face the Kuwaiti aircraft. The Kuwaiti aircraft had an advantage with the the side winders with a longer range then their own R-60 missiles. However, instead of trying to get in close with their own missiles right away, they broke and began to launch flares and make tight turns to break lock. Making sure to launch flares as they did the tight turns. Some even flying to put themselves between the missiles and the sun to further confuse the heat seekers as they launched flares. In the end, an additional two MiG-29s would be lost. However, now the remaining ten would launch a single R-60 at each of the Kuwaiti aircraft they were engaging.

The MiG-23s at almost the same time as their Kuwaiti counterparts launched a single R-27R per aircraft at each of the Kuwaiti jets during the head on. The missile locks blaring as they exchanged missiles. The MiG-23s began rapid maneuvers to break lock, having to slow down to prevent their pilots going unconcious. Using afterburner to quicken their movements in key points as they sharply tried to avoid te missiles and break their locks. In the end, two would be shot down.



The Iraqi advance in Abdali would be temporarily halted, however they soon countered to try and relieve the pressure by counter barraging the artillery with a degree of inaccuracy. This however gave the Kuwaitis enough time to pull back under the cover of artillery fire, preventing them from being overun.

Sergeant Aarif al-Samra peered through the rubble of a collapsed building with a pair of binoculars. Smoke permiated the area as he looked down the street, and in the distance he saw a lone Abrams tank. It had been tracked and remained immobile. The Infantry support having retreated without the crew of the tank.

He had watched as the seemingly dead tank had roared to life and gunned down an entire advancing section. Their bodies still warm in the street. Normally, they would just go around. But as it turns out, this was a pretty good route through the city. They ad little time to waste. The Sergeant knew if he just threw men at it, they would die. If he called in for tank support, it would take time and the tanks would almost certainly be destroyed. His long range had also been taken out in the heavy fighting, and these buildings made communicating with his short range difficult.

The good news was that the tank was already immobile. The bad news was that it could see them coming from any direction."I want the
NSV machine gun team at my position. I want two people with smoke grenades flanking that tank. Position our RPG with a PG-7VR to it's rear. I dont care how long it takes go go around. Just do it. I want our runner to be given a Jerry can, lighter, and a rag. Give him a team mate with a frag grenade." Anyone within ear shot he would gather and begin explaining the plan and where he wanted them to go. He would give the signal in the form of a flare. He also instructed a runner to go and get a anti tank mine just in case.

They tied a jerry can to a hand grenade and gave it to one of the infantry. The rest of them needed no modification to what they were given. With that, he sent them off.

The NSV machine gun team sat deep within the ruined building exactly where the Sergeant had been. They were instructed with aim for te vision slits on the tank. As well as two other Infantry who were armed with AKM type assault rifles. He made sure to pick out the best marksmen for this portion of the job.

Meanwhile to either side of the tank two men climbed through the ruble and side streets to be on either side of the tank. All they would have to do is throw a smoke grenade into the street next to the tank. With them was the man with the jerry can and grenade. As well as another man with a grenade.

Meanwhile the Infantryman with the RPG and his loader were crawling through the rubble. This took them longer and they wouldnt likely be in position until after the fighting had started.

Once the Sergeant had been told the majority of his men were in position, he raised up a flare pistol and fired. Suddenly, the air erupted with fire. The NSV heavy machine gun opening fire trying to hit the main vision slits in conjunction with the two riflemen. This was only meant to distract the tank. At the same time, the two with smoke grenades peaked out and threw their moke grenades out which started to bellow out smoke.

After that one man with a hand grenade would try to run around the tank to throw a grenade into the tank cannon. Meanwhile, from the other side the man with a jerry can and grenade would run out and attempt to throw the jerry can and grenade onto the rear hull of the Abrams.



The (Cobras) Motorised brigade was to be a sacrificial lamb to take up the majority of the Kuwaiti attention and to take it away from the two flanking units. The hydra rockets raked them completely and surprised them unaware of where the majority of the rockets were coming from. The Cobras would try and solve the issue by simply throwing more men at the problem. They would be relentless. Only stumbling by the morale of their own men. Despite not being effective, they were doing their job simply by occupying the time of te Kuwaiti defenders and with the missiles and rockets of the helicopters being concentrated on them instead of the (Baghdad Eagles) Commando brigade.

Regardless, a trail of burning armor would be left as the (Baghdad Eagles) Commando brigade continued their advance. Firing on the move at ATGM positions and raking them with heavy machine gun fire. They were not approaching them directly, no they were looking for a spot to get around them. They seemingly had enough tanks to do it as well. The 5 T-72with ERA and 83 T-72M1 were the only T-72s able to fire on the move due to their gun stabilization. Loading and firing HE rounds at Infantry they spotted, and 3VBK-10 at any dug in armor they saw due to the 3VBK-10 having 500mm of RHA penetration. The 44 Lion of Babylon Main Battle Tanks were no doubt the first to go. Without any ERA and their poor performance all over they would sit exploded out without any survivors. The BMP-2s suppressing any flashes from the Kuwaiti trenches. As well as turning their guns to the Kuwaiti helicopters.

It wasn't the BMP-2s that the helicopters would have to worry about however, it was instead the appearance of 44 ZSU-57-2 which began to fill the air with flag fire and black smoke as they concentrated fire of the Kuwaiti attack helicopters while being supported against infantry by the BMP-2s. It was this air defence that would let them break through to get around and beind the defenders. 22 EE-9 with 20 mm guns also joined in on the action.



34th Infantry Division would take Rafhawith the 14th infantry ivision and 18th infantry Division. After that they would outpace the on foot infantry and take route 70. They made sure to take the cities of Linah, Trubah, Al-Mayyah, and Baqaa as they made their way to Hail. Leaving behind 44 men and two BTR-50 at each of these cities. Making sure to fuel when ever they could as they wanted to outpace the positioning of the Saudi defenders.

The 14th Infantry Division which was deployed along a 171 mile stretch with a troop density of 31 soldiers per square mile would have 31 soldiers take Rafha, 31 Soldiers take Rawdat Habbas, and 31 Soldiers take Haffar Al Batin. Any city they found with resistance of those three would be quickly surrounded using their superior numbers to cut off the defenders, and then the 14th Infantry division would move in under the cover of a barrage of D-30A with 4 assigned to each city to provide artillery support for the infantry.

The 18th Infantry Division did much the same but taking Al Uwaqila, Alduwait, and Rafha. Using the exact same tactics as the 14th Infantry division and helping to secure Rafha

The 3rd Division convoy which started at 31.374974, 41.440892 would blitz down 80 towards Al-Jawf Air Base and upon encountering the lone Border Security guard would send forward a single T-72 "Ural" to first lob a high explosive shell into where the gun fire was coming from, and then run over the outpost. After he was thoroughly dead, the convoy would of been free to take the city of Arar. To secure the city they left behind 44 men with two IFA W50 from the 17th Mechanized Brigade. From there they did the same thing at Zalom leaving behind another 44 men with 2 IFA W50 . From there, they would b line right for Al-Jawf Air Base. Where they they would form an armored spear head to take the airport which they were unaware the Spanish would soon be landing. They made sure to keep their vehicles completely fueld all along the way.

The 34th Infantry Division (its a different one) would take Arar, Hazem Alijalmid, and Turaif Eac of these cities they places two ZU-23-2 for air defense. They secured each with 31 troops to hold the rear as they moved on. Any that resisted would get the previous tactic of encirclement and then bombardment.

Due to the infantry having to move by foot or by limited vehicle support it meant the two convoys would be the head of the spear. The 34th Infantry Division would be the most likely to first encounter Saudi military forces at Hail. But they were unaware of that.

At this point the 1st Republican Guard Corps and 2nd Republican Guard Corps would be deployed to Saudi Arabia. 1st Republican Guard Corps going to 29.846757, 43.893222 while the 2nd Republican Guard Corps went to 31.374974, 41.440892. The idea was simple. Reinforce the Iraqi infantry with elite units that could go where it was needed. Getting them into position would be easier however as they were entirely mechanized and motorized. (For the most part)



Spain, Madrid

Taariq al-Sulaiman would pull the vehicle over thinking he might be able to talk his way out of this. With the vehicle pulled over on the side of the road he practiced in his head his alibi, fake identity, and what to say. If he didnt act suspicious and just told the officers he was heading home for the lock down they might just let him go. So he waited for them to approach.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018




Encrypted/private operation

Operation Desert Fire


United States



United Kingdom



Saudi Arabia


The Netherlands






Bill Clinton

Sadam Hussein

Pedro Sánchez

Andrew Evans

Ryutaro Hashimoto

Hafez al-Assad

Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

Elco Brinkman

Felix Frost


Stefan Löfven

Bruno von Brandenburg

Paul John Keating

Operation Desert Fire I
Operation Specifications:Status
Establish Air Control over IraqOn-going
Knock out Iraqi Air Defence SystemsOn-going

Operation Desert Fire II
Operation Specifications:Status
Land troops in Allied Kuwait and SyriaPlanned
Begin Missile attacks on strategic Iraqi positionsOn-going

Operation Desert Fire III
Operation Specifications:Status
Begin advancing into IraqPlanned
Commit to a rescue of Allied POWsPlanned

Operation Desert Fire IV
Insert when needed

201st Airlift Squadron, x22 Boeing 747-100
- 66 Pilots
101st Airborne Division;
Division Headquarters
Headquarters and Support Company - 150 Troops
Alpha Company - 200 troops
Bravo Company - 200 troops
Charlie Company - 200 troops

1st Infantry Brigade Combat Team
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 70 troops
1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment - 300 troops
2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment- 300 troops
1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment- 300 troops
1st Squadron, 32nd Cavalry Regiment- 300 troops
326th Brigade Engineer Battalion - 200 troops
426th Brigade Support Battalion - 150 troops

2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 70 troops
1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment - 300 troops
2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment - 300 troops
1st Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment - 300 troops
1st Squadron, 75th Cavalry Regiment - 300 troops
39th Brigade Engineer Battalion - 200 troops
526th Brigade Support Battalion - 150 troops

3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 70 troops
1st Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment- 300 troops
3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment- 300 troops
2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment- 300 troops
1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment- 300 troops
21st Engineer Battalion - 200 troops
626th Brigade Support Battalion - 150 troops

101st Airborne Division Artillery
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Battery - 70 troops
2nd Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery Regiment - 125 troops
1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment - 125 troops
3rd Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment - 125 troops

101st Combat Aviation Regiment
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 100 troops
2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment - 150 troops
1st Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment - 150 troops
5th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment - 150 troops
6th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment - 150 troops
96th Aviation Support Battalion - 150 troops

101st Sustainment Brigade
129th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion - 400 troops
716th Military Police Battalion - 300 troops
Headquarters Company - 100 troops

100 Ground Crew

Ship(s):Personnel:Attached Units &(or)Equipment:Weapons, Defences and Processing systems:
USS Abraham Lincoln - Nimitz classShip's company: 3,200
Air wing: 2,480
Strike Fighter Squadron 143 - x10 F/A-18C
Fighter Squadron 103 - x12 F-14D
Strike Fighter Squadron 86 - x11 F/A-18D
Strike Fighter Squadron 25 - x11 F-14D
Electronic Attack Squadron 140 - x5 EA-6B
Airborne Early Warning Squadron 121 - x4 E-2D
Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 5 - x4 MH-60S
Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 79 - x7 MH-60R
Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 40 Det. 4 - x2 C-2
Sensors and processing systems:
AN/SPS-48E 3-D air search radar
AN/SPS-49(V)5 2-D air search radar
AN/SPQ-9B target acquisition radar
AN/SPN-46 air traffic control radar
AN/SPN-43C air traffic control radar
AN/SPN-41 landing aid radar
4 × Mk 91 NSSM guidance systems
4 × Mk 95 radars
Electronic warfare & decoys:
SLQ-32A(V)4 Countermeasures suite
SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo countermeasures
2 × Mk 57 Mod 3 Sea Sparrow
2 × RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile
2 × Phalanx CIWS
USS Essex - Wasp ClassShip's company: 908
7th Marine Regiment
1st Battalion, 7th Marines
Animal Company - 129 Troops
Baker Company - 129 Troops
Charlie Company - 229 Troops
Weapons Company - 229 Troops
1st Tank Battalion
Alpha Company
1st Platoon - 91 Troops
3rd Platoon - 91 Troops
Weapons Platoon - 91 Troops
3rd Amphibian Assault Battalion
Alpha Company
1st Platoon - 114 Troops
11th Marine Regiment
[/b]1st Battalion, 11th Marines[/b]
Battery A - 200 troops
1st Marine Aircraft Wing
Marine Aircraft Group 24
Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 463 - x 313
x22 CH-46 Sea Knight
x5 M1A1 Abrams
x25 AAV-P7/A1
x8 M198 Howitzer
x50 FMTV - M1078A1P2 2.5-ton LMTV cargo
x30 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
Sensors and processing systems:
1 AN/SPS-49 2-D Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-48 3-D Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-67 Surface Search Radar
1 Mk23 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
1 AN/SPN-43 Marshalling Air Traffic Control Radar
1 AN/SPN-35 Air Traffic Control Radar
1 AN/URN-25 TACAN system
1 AN/UPX-24 Identification Friend Foe
Two RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launchers
Two RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missile launchers
Three 20 mm Phalanx CIWS systems
Four 25 mm Mk 38 chain guns
USS Boxer - Wasp ClassShip's company: 908
1st Marine Regiment
1st Battalion, 1st Marines
Company A - 129 troops
Company B - 129 troops
Company C - 129 troops
Weapons Company - 129 troops
1st Tank Battalion
Bravo Company
1st Platoon - 91 Troops
3rd Platoon - 91 Troops
Weapons Platoon - 91 Troops
]u]3rd Amphibian Assault Battalion[/u]
Alpha Company
2nd Platoon - 114 Troops
1st Battalion, 11th Marines
Battery B - 200 troops
1st Marine Aircraft Wing
Marine Aircraft Group 36
Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 - x313
x22 CH-46 Sea Knight
x5 M1A1 Abrams
x25 AAV-P7/A1
x8 M198 Howitzer
x50 FMTV - M1078A1P2 2.5-ton LMTV cargo
x30 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
Sensors and processing systems:
1 AN/SPS-49 2-D Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-48 3-D Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-67 Surface Search Radar
1 Mk23 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
1 AN/SPN-43 Marshalling Air Traffic Control Radar
1 AN/SPN-35 Air Traffic Control Radar
1 AN/URN-25 TACAN system
1 AN/UPX-24 Identification Friend Foe
Two RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launchers
Two RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missile launchers
Three 20 mm Phalanx CIWS systems
Four 25 mm Mk 38 chain guns
USS Bonhomme Richard - Wasp ClassShip's company: 908
1st Marine Regiment
2nd Battalion, 1st Marines
Echo Company - 129 troops
Foxtrot Company - 129 troops
Golf Company - 129 troops
Weapons Company - 129 troops
1st Tank Battalion
Charlie Company
1st Platoon - 91 Troops
3rd Platoon - 91 Troops
Weapons Platoon - 91 Troops
3rd Amphibian Assault Battalion
Alpha Company
3rd Platoon - 114 Troops
1st Marine Aircraft Wing
Marine Aircraft Group 36
Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 - x313
x22 CH-46 Sea Knight
x5 M1A1 Abrams
x25 AAV-P7/A1
x8 M198 Howitzer
x50 FMTV - M1078A1P2 2.5-ton LMTV cargo
x30 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
Sensors and processing systems:
1 AN/SPS-49 2-D Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-48 3-D Air Search Radar
1 AN/SPS-67 Surface Search Radar
1 Mk23 Target Acquisition System (TAS)
1 AN/SPN-43 Marshalling Air Traffic Control Radar
1 AN/SPN-35 Air Traffic Control Radar
1 AN/URN-25 TACAN system
1 AN/UPX-24 Identification Friend Foe
Two RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile launchers
Two RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missile launchers
Three 20 mm Phalanx CIWS systems
Four 25 mm Mk 38 chain guns
USS Ogden - Austin ClassShip's company: 4205th Marine Regiment
3rd Battalion, 5th Marines
India Company - 150 troops
Kilo Company - 150 troops
Lima Company - 150 troops
Weapons Company - 150 troops
1st Combat Engineer Battalion
Bravo Company
1st Platoon - 100 Troops
Mobile Assault Company
1st Platoon - 100 Troops
1st Marine Raider Battalion
Alpha Company
1st Platoon - 50 troops
Marine Aircraft Group 36
Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 - x50
x6 CH-46 Sea Knight
x4 LCM-8
Two 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
Two 25 mm Mk 38 guns
Eight .50-calibre machine guns
USS Duluth - Austin ClassShip's company: 4207th Marine Regiment
3rd Battalion, 7th Marines
India Company - 150 troops
Kilo Company - 150 troops
Lima Company - 150 troops
Weapons Company - 150 troops
1st Combat Engineer Battalion
Bravo Company
2nd Platoon - 100 Troops
Mobile Assault Company
2nd Platoon - 100 Troops
1st Marine Raider Battalion
Alpha Company
2nd Platoon - 50 troops
Marine Aircraft Group 36
Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 - x50
x6 CH-46 Sea Knight
x4 LCM-8
Two 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
Two 25 mm Mk 38 guns
Eight .50-calibre machine guns
USS Manitowoc - Newport ClassShip's company: 2133rd Infantry Division
1st Armoured Brigade Combat Team
1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment - 413 troops
2 × twin 3"/50 caliber guns
USS Fresno - Newport ClassShip's company: 2133rd Infantry Division
1st Armoured Brigade Combat Team
1st Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment - 413 troops
x9 M1A2SEP Abrams
2 × twin 3"/50 caliber guns
USS Peoria - Newport ClassShip's company: 2133rd Infantry Division
1st Armoured Brigade Combat Team
3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment - 413 troops
x9 M1A2SEP Abrams
2 × twin 3"/50 caliber guns
USS Schenectady - Newport Class
Ship's company: 2133rd Infantry Division
1st Armoured Brigade Combat Team
3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment - 413 troops
x9 M1A2SEP Abrams
2 × twin 3"/50 caliber guns
USS Frederick - Newport ClassShip's company: 2133rd Infantry Division
1st Armoured Brigade Combat Team
2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment - 413 troops
x9 M1A2SEP Abrams
2 × twin 3"/50 caliber guns
USS Lake Champlain - Ticonderoga ClassShip's company: 330
Air Wing: 40
HSL-46 Det 3 - x2 SH-60BSensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1A/B multi-function radar
AN/SPS-49 air search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire control radar
AN/SPS-73 surface search radar
AN/SPQ-9 gun fire control radar
AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare Suite
AN/SQQ-89(V)1/3 - A(V)15 Sonar suite, consisting of:
AN/SQS-53B/C/D active sonar
AN/SQR-19 TACTAS, AN/SQR-19B ITASS, & MFTA passive sonar
AN/SQQ-28 light airborne multi-purpose system
2 × 61 cell Mk 41 vertical launch systems containing
122 × mix of:
RIM-66M-5 Standard SM-2MR Block IIIB
RIM-156A SM-2ER Block IV
BGM-109 Tomahawk
8 × RGM-84 Harpoon missiles
2 × 5 in (127 mm)/62 caliber Mark 45 Mod 4 lightweight gun
2 × 25 mm (0.98 in) Mk 38 gun
2–4 × .50 in (12.7 mm) cal. machine gun
2 × Phalanx CIWS Block 1B
2 × Mk 32 12.75 in (324 mm) triple torpedo tubes
USS Valley Forge - Ticonderoga ClassShip's company: 330N/ASensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1A/B multi-function radar
AN/SPS-49 air search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire control radar
AN/SPS-73 surface search radar
AN/SPQ-9 gun fire control radar
AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare Suite
AN/SQQ-89(V)1/3 - A(V)15 Sonar suite, consisting of:
AN/SQS-53B/C/D active sonar
AN/SQR-19 TACTAS, AN/SQR-19B ITASS, & MFTA passive sonar
AN/SQQ-28 light airborne multi-purpose system
2 × Mk 26 missile launchers
68 × RIM-66 SM-2
20 × RUR-5 ASROC
8 × RGM-84 Harpoon missiles
2 × 5 in (127 mm)/54 caliber Mark 45 lightweight gun
2–4 × .50 in (12.7 mm) cal. machine gun
2 × Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mk 32 12.75 in (324 mm) triple torpedo tubes
USS O'Kane - Arleigh Burke ClassShip's company: 281N/ASensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1D 3D radar (Flight I,II,IIa)
AN/SPY-6 AESA 3D radar (Flight III)
AN/SPS-67(V)2 surface-search radar
AN/SPS-73(V)12 surface-search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire-control radar
AN/SQS-53C sonar array
AN/SQR-19 tactical towed array sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS III shipboard system
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures
MK 36 MOD 12 Decoy Launching System
90 cell Mk 41 Vertical Launching System
BGM-109 Tomahawk
RIM-66M Standard
RIM-156 SM-2
RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC
2 × Mk 141 Harpoon Missile Launcher SSM
1 × 5-inch (127 mm)/54 Mk-45 Mod 1/2
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes
USS Higgins - Arleigh Burke ClassShip's company: 281N/ASensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1D 3D radar (Flight I,II,IIa)
AN/SPY-6 AESA 3D radar (Flight III)
AN/SPS-67(V)2 surface-search radar
AN/SPS-73(V)12 surface-search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire-control radar
AN/SQS-53C sonar array
AN/SQR-19 tactical towed array sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS III shipboard system
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures
MK 36 MOD 12 Decoy Launching System
90 cell Mk 41 Vertical Launching System
BGM-109 Tomahawk
RIM-66M Standard
RIM-156 SM-2
RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC
2 × Mk 141 Harpoon Missile Launcher SSM
1 × 5-inch (127 mm)/54 Mk-45 Mod 1/2
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes
USS Howard - Arleigh Burke ClassShip's company: 281N/ASensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1D 3D radar (Flight I,II,IIa)
AN/SPY-6 AESA 3D radar (Flight III)
AN/SPS-67(V)2 surface-search radar
AN/SPS-73(V)12 surface-search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire-control radar
AN/SQS-53C sonar array
AN/SQR-19 tactical towed array sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS III shipboard system
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures
MK 36 MOD 12 Decoy Launching System
96 cell Mk 41 VLS
BGM-109 Tomahawk
RIM-66M Standard
RIM-156 SM-2
RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC
1 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes
USS Michael Murphy - Arleigh Burke ClassShip's company: 281N/ASensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1D 3D radar (Flight I,II,IIa)
AN/SPY-6 AESA 3D radar (Flight III)
AN/SPS-67(V)2 surface-search radar
AN/SPS-73(V)12 surface-search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire-control radar
AN/SQS-53C sonar array
AN/SQR-19 tactical towed array sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS III shipboard system
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures
MK 36 MOD 12 Decoy Launching System
96 cell Mk 41 VLS
BGM-109 Tomahawk
RIM-66M Standard
RIM-156 SM-2
RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC
1 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes
USS Wadsworth - Oliver Hazard Perry ClassShip's company: 176N/ASensors and processing systems:
Radar: AN/SPS-49, AN/SPS-55, Mk 92 fire control system
Sonar: SQS-56, SQR-19 Towed Array
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

SLQ-32(V)2, Flight III with sidekick,
Mark 36 SRBOC
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie
One single-arm Mk 13 Missile Launcher with a 40-missile magazine that contains SM-1MR anti-aircraft guided missiles and Harpoon anti-ship missiles
Two triple Mark 32 Anti-submarine warfare torpedo tubes with Mark 46 or Mark 50 anti-submarine warfare torpedoes
One OTO Melara 76 mm/62 caliber naval gun
One 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
USNS Henry J. Kaiser - Henry J. Kaiser ClassShip's company: 103 (18 civilian officers, 1 U.S. Navy officer, 64 merchant seamen, 20 U.S. Navy enlisted personnel)N/A2 x 20-mm Phalanx CIWS
Various small arms
USNS Mars - Mars ClassShip's company: 486N/A4 × 3"/50 caliber guns (2x2)
Chaff launchers
4 × M240G 7.62×51 mm medium machine guns
1 x M2 12.7×99 mm heavy machine gun
USNS Seay - Bob Hope ClassShip's company: 45 Civilian, 50 NavyM113 armored personnel carrier – x100
M113A2 Fire Support Vehicle – x100
M113 AMEV – x50
M93 Fox – x12
M3 Bradley – x120
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle – x300
M88 Recovery Vehicle – x12
M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle – x12
M9 Armoured Combat Earthmover – x15
FMTV - M1083A1P2 5-ton MTV cargo – x150
Oshkosh M1070 - x50
M104 Wolverine – x4
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System – x10
M198 howitzer – x15
MIM-104C (PAC-2) - x35
AN/TPS-70 Surveillance radar – x15
USNS Pililaau - Bob Hope Class
Ship's company: 45 Civilian, 50 NavyBoeing AH-64C Apache – x15
Boeing CH-47D Chinook – x20
Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk – x75
USS Ohio - Ohio Class SSGNShip's company: 155N/A4 × 21 inch (533 mm) bow torpedo tubes
22 VLS tubes, each with 7 Tomahawk cruise missiles.
USS Cincinnati - Los Angeles ClassShip's company: 110N/A4 × 21 in (533 mm) bow torpedo tubes

50th Air Refueling Squadron - x8 KC-135T
- 24 Pilots and Crew
11th Bomb Squadron - x26 B-52
- 130 Pilots and crew
54th Airlift Squadron - x40 Boeing 747-100
- 120 Pilots
201st Airlift Squadron - x2 Boeing 747-100
- 6 Pilots
1st Armored Division;
Division Headquarters
Headquarters and Support Company - 150 Troops
Operations Company - 200 troops
Intelligence and Sustainment Company - 400 troops
Division Signal Company - 100 troops
1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 70 troops
6th Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment - 400 troops
4th Battalion 17th Infantry Regiment - 400 troops
1st Battalion 36th Infantry Regiment - 400 troops
3rd Battalion, 41st Infantry Regiment - 400 troops
2nd Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment - 400 troops
16th Brigade Engineer Battalion - 200 troops
501st Brigade Support Battalion - 150 troops
2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 70 troops
1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment - 400 troops
1st Battalion, 35th Armored Regiment - 400 troops
1st Battalion, 37th Armor Regiment - 400 troops
1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment - 400 troops
4th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery Regiment - 400 troops
40th Brigade Engineer Battalion - 200 troops
47th Brigade Support Battalion - 150 troops
3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team
Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 70
2nd Squadron, 13th Cavalry Regiment - 400 troops
1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment - 400 troops
1st Battalion, 77th Armor Regiment - 400 troops
4th Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment - 400 troops
4th Battalion, 1st Field Artillery Regiment - 400 troops
2nd Brigade Engineer Battalion - 200 troops
123rd Brigade Support Battalion - 150 troops
1st Armored Division Artillery
Headquarters & Headquarters Battery & 24th Press Camp Headquarters - 90 Troops
B Battery, 26th Field Artillery Regiment - 400 troops
Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Armored
Headquarters and Headquarters Company - 80 troops
3rd Squadron (Heavy Attack-Reconnaissance), 6th Cavalry Regiment "Heavy Cav" - 150 troops
1st Battalion (Attack), 501st Aviation Regiment "Iron Dragons" - 150 troops
2nd Battalion (General Support), 501st Aviation Regiment "Desert Knights" - 150 troops
3rd Battalion (Assault), 501st Aviation Regiment "Apocalypse" - 150 troops
127th Aviation Support Battalion "Work Horse" - 150 troops

6th Marine Regiment
1st Battalion, 6th Marines
Apache Company - 280 troops
Blackfoot Company - 280 troops
Cherokee Company - 280 troops
Weapons Company - 280 troops
2nd Battalion, 6th Marines
Echo Company- 280 troops
Fox Company- 280 troops
Golf Company- 280 troops
Weapons Company- 280 troops
3rd Battalion, 6th Marines
Mike Company - 224 troops
India Company - 224 troops
Kilo Company - 224 troops
Lima Company - 224 troops
Weapons Company - 224 troops

307th Fighter Squadron - 25 pilots, 150 ground crew
336th Fighter Squadron - 25 Pilots, 150 ground crew
67th Fighter Squadron - 40 pilots, 170 ground crew
55th Fighter Squadron - 40 Pilots, 170 ground crew
14th Fighter Squadron - 40 pilots, 170 ground crew
19th Fighter Squadron - 40 pilots, 170 ground crew
18th Security Forces Squadron - 500 troops

Ground Crew - x220

Ship(s):Personnel:Attached Units &(or)Equipment:Weapons, Defences and Processing systems:
USNS Bob Hope - Bob Hope classShip's company: 45 Civilian, 50 NavyM1A2 Abrams SEP- x 96
M551A1 TTS – x54
M113 armored personnel carrier – x100
M113A2 Fire Support Vehicle – x100
M113 AMEV – x50
M93 Fox – x12
M3 Bradley – x120
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle – x150
M88 Recovery Vehicle – x12
M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle – x12
M9 Armoured Combat Earthmover – x15
FMTV - M1083A1P2 5-ton MTV cargo – x150
Oshkosh M1070 - x50
M104 Wolverine – x4
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System – x10
M198 howitzer – x15
MIM-104C (PAC-2) - x35
AN/TPS-70 Surveillance radar – x15
USNS Brittin - Bob Hope classShip's company: 45 Civilian, 50 NavyLAV-25 - x50
LAV-AT - x30
LAV-C2 - x10
M113 armored personnel carrier – x100
M113A2 Fire Support Vehicle – x100
M113 AMEV – x50
M93 Fox – x12
M3 Bradley – x120
High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle – x200
M88 Recovery Vehicle – x12
M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle – x12
M9 Armoured Combat Earthmover – x15
FMTV - M1083A1P2 5-ton MTV cargo – x150
Oshkosh M1070 - x50
M104 Wolverine – x4
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System – x10
M198 howitzer – x15
MIM-104C (PAC-2) - x35
AN/TPS-70 Surveillance radar – x15
USNS Mendonca - Bob Hope classShip's company: 45 Civilian, 50 NavyBoeing AH-64C Apache – x15
Boeing CH-47D Chinook – x20
Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk – x75
McDonnell Douglas F-15C – x25
General Dynamics F-16C Block 52 Fighting Falcon – x25
Fairchild Republic A-10C Thunderbolt II – x20
McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle – x30
USS Stout - Arleigh Burke ClassShip's company: 281
N/ASensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1D 3D radar (Flight I,II,IIa)
AN/SPY-6 AESA 3D radar (Flight III)
AN/SPS-67(V)2 surface-search radar
AN/SPS-73(V)12 surface-search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire-control radar
AN/SQS-53C sonar array
AN/SQR-19 tactical towed array sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS III shipboard system
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures
MK 36 MOD 12 Decoy Launching System
90 cell Mk 41 Vertical Launching System
BGM-109 Tomahawk
RIM-66M Standard
RIM-156 SM-2
RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC
2 × Mk 141 Harpoon Missile Launcher SSM
1 × 5-inch (127 mm)/54 Mk-45 Mod 1/2
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes
USS Laboon - Arleigh Burke ClassShip's company: 281
N/ASensors and processing systems:
AN/SPY-1D 3D radar (Flight I,II,IIa)
AN/SPY-6 AESA 3D radar (Flight III)
AN/SPS-67(V)2 surface-search radar
AN/SPS-73(V)12 surface-search radar
AN/SPG-62 fire-control radar
AN/SQS-53C sonar array
AN/SQR-19 tactical towed array sonar
AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS III shipboard system
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

AN/SLQ-32(V)2 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures
MK 36 MOD 12 Decoy Launching System
90 cell Mk 41 Vertical Launching System
BGM-109 Tomahawk
RIM-66M Standard
RIM-156 SM-2
RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC
2 × Mk 141 Harpoon Missile Launcher SSM
1 × 5-inch (127 mm)/54 Mk-45 Mod 1/2
2 × 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes
USS Arthur W. Radford - Spruance ClassShip's company: 334N/Ab]Sensors and
processing systems:[/b]
AN/SPS-40 air search radar
AN/SPG-60 fire control radar
AN/SPS-55 surface search radar
AN/SPQ-9 gun fire control radar
Mk 23 TAS automatic detection and tracking radar
AN/SPS-65 Missile fire control radar
AN/SQS-53 bow mounted Active sonar
AN/SQR-19 TACTAS towed array Passive sonar
Naval Tactical Data System
Electronic warfare
& decoys:

AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Torpedo Countermeasures
Mark 36 SRBOC Decoy Launching System
AN/SLQ-49 Inflatable Decoys
2 x 5 in (127 mm) 54 calibre Mark 45 dual purpose guns
2 x 20 mm Phalanx CIWS Mark 15 guns
1 x 8 cell NATO Sea Sparrow Mark 29 missile launcher
2 x quadruple Harpoon missile canisters
2 x Mark 32 triple 12.75 in (324 mm) torpedo tubes (Mk 46 torpedoes)
1 x 61 cell Mk 41 VLS launcher for Tomahawk missiles

All crews, soldiers and equipment would be given twenty four hours to arrive at their bases in order to deploy. Once the 24 hours were up, the Syrian Task Force would travel by FM>GM>HM>IM>JM>KM whilst the Kuwait Task Force would travel by CM>BM>AL>RL>QK>PJ>PI>PH>OH>NI>NJ>MK>LL.

”Thomas Fitzroy. Lieutenant. 4424185” The Marine would say, looking to the camera. He had realised what Lance Corporal Martinez had done and tried his best to correspond. However, this was all he said – it was his right as a P.O.W to say nothing else. He stared at the camera, waiting for Sadam and the other Iraqi’s to realise that he was not going to say anything else.

”Vampire, Vampire, Vampire!” was shouted out across the CIC of the USS San Jacinto as the two Exocets were launched. ”Fox one and two inbound for the Eisenhower, bearing two-five-six.”

”WCS, Calculate target to intercept.”

”Calculating, sir”

”Fire SM-2s to intercept. Batteries release on both targets, now”

”Yes sir, Batteries release on all tracks. Birds away, kill track 2-5-6-1, 2-5-6-2"
This would go on until the WCS got to ”2-5-6-6". Whilst he was saying this, six doors on the forward VLS would have opened up and launched six RIM-67D – which with the ‘New Threat Upgrade’ in the 80s – had been fitted with Active radar seekers to lock onto the radar homing of Anti-Ship missiles.

Usually the Exocet would be hard to track due to its sea-skimming capability, however the E-2 Hawkeye, who’s systems would be linked to that of the Strike Group with the Link 16 (JTIDS)/CEC, would be able to track and identify the missiles at their altitude, which would also allow the ships to keep a track on them. If the SM-2s (RIM-67Ds) were in anyway incapable of intercepting their targets, which was highly unlikely, the AN/SPS-48 onboard the Eisenhower would also be tracking the missiles and sending the information to the AN/SLQ-32 electronic warfare suite and the AN/SWY-2 Ship Defense Surface Missile System. If needed, the RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile would begin to fire on the Exocets, although primarily designed for aircraft and cruise missiles, they are also very capable of intercepting regular anti-ship missiles. Once again, if they failed to stop the missiles, the Mark 36 SRBOC would be initiated from the Slick-32 to deploy Chaff. The Chaff itself would be launched under JAFF mode. This would mean that the chaff is further illuminated by an additional signal from the Eisenhower, so that all chance of the Exocets being able to differentiate the difference between the Chaff and the ship would be completely gone – as the illumination would remove the ‘Doppler Shift’

This would all happen quickly, what happened first was quicker though. The two F-18s with the Dassault would break from the wings and dump their flares as soon as the missiles were launched. After regaining their composure, they would form up behind the aircraft. The lead F-18, Cobalt 1-1, would begin locking onto the Dassault. After a few seconds, the lock would be successful, if the aircraft was to attempt to move, the F-18s would follow to keep lock. ”I have a lock” The pilots would say over the radio. ”Fox three” He would say again, as he presses the button on his centre stick. The AIM-120 AMRAAM on the left wing would be unlocked and fired towards the Dassault. Since the aircraft had new defensive measures, the missile would explode on impact with the tail. Ripping it apart as the flames rush through it.
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Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019

The Kuwaiti Hornets would try their best in evading the Iraqi missiles. As the pilots had noticed them firing missiles without any indication of a missile lock, they would immediately break away and attempt to dissuade the incoming missiles by engaging their flares. Not all of them were as attentive, however; due to the heat of the fight as of the first combat situations that Kuwait has ever faced since then, one of the pilots would make a fatal mistake by releasing chaff, which the incoming missile promptly responded by destroying one of its engines and a part of the aircraft's tail.

The damaged aircraft, which was originally gaining altitude, would eventually stall, as the aircraft's sophisticated systems repeatedly warn the knocked out pilot. Eventually, the young man would regain his senses, trying his best to pull the aircraft out from a spin. As the ground gets closer and closer, he says his prayers as he activates the aircraft's automatic ejection system. he would roughly pop his canopy off at around 10,000 feet, the rocket-assisted chair quickly giving him distance from the downed aircraft. Eventually, the parachute would deploy, giving him the silent but chaotic mess of managing his parachute.

The lines would be tangled and following standard procedure, he would straighten them up, the adrenaline giving him sheer undivided focus. While he had no idea where he was landing, He starts thinking about plans on roughly every situation he could think of. He was going to land around 3km northeast of Al-Basrah, Iraq, deep within enemy lines. The Aircraft would crash without its pilot in the nearby lake, instilling shock or perhaps curiosity on the nearby civilian populace.

The Squadron above would continue on engaging their MiG-29 match-ups, getting missile locks whenever they can, and once again firing their AIM-120 AMRAAMS. They had to save their remaining Sidewinder when they were certain for a hit. Two aircraft would fire their final sidewinder to their nearest MiG, as they close in with the enemy aircraft. The remaining fighters would cautiously fire their AIM-120 AMRAAMs to attempt to outmaneuver their adversaries. Nonetheless, the dogfight has taken a toll on their munitions, and they had to return soon.

The 27th Squadron, engaging the MiG-23s, would likewise engage in air-combat maneuvers, along with deploying chaff to counter the incoming Iraqi missiles. Almost seemingly coordinated with their Iraqi aircraft, they would break away from the formation and proceed to try and decrease distance with the MiGs, the sight clearly showing a sophisticated yet graceful choreography of two squadrons engaging head-on. The dance for survival had begun, the water vapors leaving a trail on all aircraft. They would close in and each would deploy an AIM-6 sidewinder to their chosen targets.

Meanwhile, on the ground, 3 more F/A-18 Hornets kept as a last resort and as reserves would be mobilized to help the distressed 6th Brigade, quickly deploying with a ground attack configuration of 2 AGM-154 JSOWs, 2 AGM-65 Mavericks, and armed with Pave-way laser-guided bombs. They would rush to the battlefield, hoping to catch up with the brigade and fire their AGM-154 JSOWs to the AAA vehicles well beyond their visual firing range. They would then prepare their AGM-65s for enemy targets, following the priority of AA>Tanks>APCs. Once their Mavericks were out, they would ready their Paveways, following a similar strike hierarchy. They would not attempt to fire danger-close, although the chaos on the ground made that statement insignificant.

Abdali, Kuwait

As the sun sets in the east, darkness begins to envelop the land. The remaining elements of the two brigades defending Abdali had effectively reunited with their comrades at the defensive line, the injured quickly tended and sent to field hospitals within the tunnels. Cries of agony would be heard throughout the night as soldiers wince in pain as their limbs get amputated. Some with less severe injuries were sent to the hospitals at the main City. Transport Helicopters would be sent in to accommodate and evacuate the wounded. Most of the 16th Tank Battalion remained on guard as the remaining APCs and Tanks move in into their positions. It was unlikely for another assault to occur, although Kuwaiti Artillery would continue shelling all throughout the night.

The lone Abrams crew had begun its final moments, the gunner quickly mowing down any incoming soldier. As the stillness of the town quickly returns, Shadi El-Hashem no stranger to the battlefield would think about what the Iraqis were planning. Jawad would move away from the Turret's machine gun, clearly desensitized to the tens of men that he had slaughtered. He would laugh nervously, as the Iraqis seemingly fade away from his sights.

"Shadi! They're fucking retreating, those cowards... Kess Ommak! They can't stand the sight of US engineering paired with Kuwaiti resolve..."

His laugh would fill the cramped space within the Tank's turret. Shadi would remain silent, as he keeps a watch on the situation outside. He would notice a couple of figures move around in the dust and darkness, but not enough to get a solid conclusion. Jawad would slowly stop, his glee turning into anger as his comrades remain silent.

"Jawad, ready the main gun... Those Iraqis are planning something and I'm not too fond of them scheming. They may be dumber than a rock, but given enough time they'll do something smart eventually. Nishat, load WP, and Jawad, get ready to fire at the main road ahead. Mus'ad, how are you doing?"

Nishat, the tank's loader, would find a WP round and load it to the main gun, with Jawad readying his sights like clockwork. Jawad would keep his eyes trained at the crosshairs, ready to fire when Shadi needs it. He was young, roughly 24, and had a lot of his life ahead of him. He had someone he loved back in Kuwait City, her brazen face flashing before him as the green tint of the screen lands on his face. He was about to take her on a date until the military called him to defend the country, he promised he'll come back, although he knew he might break it. Nonetheless, he remained focused on the task at hand.


Mus'ad, the tank's driver, was significantly younger at around 21. He was essentially cut off from the rest of his crewmates and remained silent ever since the vehicle was immobilized. He looks behind him to reply.

"Of course Shadi, although I am getting bored... Hey, how do you suppose we get off this thing?"

"Too dangerous."

"Well, I don't have much of a choice don't I?"

"Keep your ass seated Mus'ad, maybe the Engineers would come back to help us."

"And risk their lives? They abandoned us Shadi! I saw them retreat without a thought of us."

"Don't give up hope. Just focus on killing these Iraqi bastards."

As the silent grows on, it was cut short as a hail of bullets suddenly hit like rain. Of course, disorienting most of them, Jawad was as steady as ever, firing the WP at the street now covered in smoke. He calls for an HE round as Nishat frantically loads the main gun.


Jawad yet again tending to his machine guns firing blindly into the smoke. As Nishat shouted the signal, he aims north-east, kicking up the building's rubble high up into the air. He yet again calls for HE. Shadi would flinch at the gunfire but had just enough time to notice something moving behind them. He quickly tries to get his bearings as the gunfire renders their viewports unusable for a time. He eventually takes a sight of two figures on either side of the tank.

"Fuck, they're coming around."

"What do we do?"

"We bring them with us."

Shadi would immediately attempt to open up the turret hatch to get a hold of the machine gun, eventually managing to pop open the turret. As smoke had engulfed the landscape, it had given ample cover for him, yet a few stray bullets would graze his left hand. He would find the infantryman carrying a jerry can, and using his pistol, shoots 3 bullets at his direction. He would then slump down as he grasps his left hand, and tries to alleviate the pain.


An explosion would rip where Nishat was standing, his body sprayed across the interior of the tank. Jawad would be hit on his leg by shrapnel, the coaxial machinegun firing upwards into the sky. Jawad would immediately fall down, and hold his leg.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts... Shadi! Shadi!"

"They got Nishat."

"I can't feel my leg Shadi, what's happening?"

"Calm yourself down, Allah would help us... They had sent Nishat above, it wouldn't be long before we'll follow."

Shadi would make his way to Jawad. He would hold the young man's face and make him look in the eyes, smearing blood on his right cheek in the process. He would try his best to calm him down.

"No matter what you do, don't close your eyes alright? I'll make sure someone would get back for us."

"Akilah... Akilah, I'm sorry."

"No not yet, don't you ever-"

"It's alright Shadi, Allahu Akbar"

"Allahu Akbar Jawad, may Allah guide you to Jannah."

With tears in his eyes, Shadi would let go as Jawad rests his head on the walls of the tank's turret. He would look to Mus'ad, seemingly shocked at what had happened. Shadi would attempt to get near him, the turret guard denying any further.

"Mus'ad, it's only the two of us now, and it's more likely you'll survive. Stay put, and don't ever move."

"Wh-Where are you going?"

"To the first gate."

Shadi would yet again open up the hatch, and use the machine gun on top. He would blindly fire into the smoke before he would eventually be fatally shot. His body would slump down into the tank, joining his compatriots into paradise. With his last dying breaths, he would go near Mus'ad, covering the opening with his body, before eventually passing out. Mus'ad would rush to his dying commander.

"Shadi! We have to stand and fight!"

"Only you, Mus'ad... Only.. you.."

And with that, the tank within would fall silent, as with their last prayer. It would take a while before the Iraqis would eventually stop firing at the tank, as it seems its final crew member had perished with great bravery. Mus'ad slumps back into his seat, staring at the road ahead of him.

Roughly 5km east of Abdali, Kuwait

The 6th Brigade would be effectively overrun, as they fight their way to retreat. Officers were quick to devise a plan to breach Iraqi forces by going south, and as the order was given, soldiers immediately began to fight their way forward. As the sun had set at this point, the sky would be dark, although filled with stray tracer rounds. The incoming Apache Helicopters would attempt to evade incoming flak as they moved forward. As the ZSU-57-2's crews would have difficulty finding their targets due to the light conditions, paired with the fact that the vehicle does not have modern fire control systems, solely relying upon the gunner's vision, they would have a rough time shooting down the incoming helicopters, although it was enough to deter them from moving in. Some, however, would be caught in the sheer amount of flak in the air, the Iraqis downing 3 of them.

3 Apache Gunships would focus on carving a way for the Brigade to retreat, moving towards the south end of the defenses. They would begin picking off targets marked by on-the-ground spotters, making sure friendly fire was at the minimum. They would fire upon the moving Iraqi troops, trying to deter an encirclement as much as possible. The remaining Gunships would do strafing runs at the enemy forces, prioritizing their armament on enemy Anti-Aircraft. Incoming F-18s would hopefully incite an Iraqi withdrawal as they would eventually drop their payload.

Despite their best efforts the Brigade was essentially torn down to about 60% of their combat effectiveness, as injured men had to be carried away from the front lines. The Kuwaiti Brigade would fight longer and harder for a breach to happen, as some tanks rolled off their defensive positions to counter-attack on the rear. While quite different from the massacre that was Abdali, it was still a living nightmare for everyone involved. Machinegun fire would spread death to however wasn't in cover, and shells and missiles alike swarm the battlefield, hitting their marks.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Over the course of a few days, the arrival of TriStar Aircraft was something everyone was becoming accustomed too, conducting back to back trips to deliver soldiers from the British Armed Forces to the staging point for any operation in Iraq. Across the branches involved, all forces worked together to erect tends if required for additional accommodation or generally did their bit around the base. RAF Controllers in the region had classified that due to the dangers of Iraqi air to air, any deployments done would need to be done through a process they were naming 'Deployment Transit'. This consists of three parts: (1) the deployment from the UK to Cyprus, using the most viable vehicle to transport the most troops or equipment. (2) troops needing to deploy for Iraq would then be transported via C-17 or C-130 to Syria, using these due to the safety features on-board. (3) when at a staging base in Syria, personnel and equipment would then be distributed to other Forward Operating Bases via helicopter insertion or ground insertion. Together, this forms the deployment transit to maximize the safety of all soldiers in theatre.

RFA Holden and Thames were expected to arrive in the next few days, holding a large amount of equipment that would put the UK to maximum readiness for their operation. HMS Ocean would be joining these. Meanwhile, the RAF Flights of Tornado's, Tri-Stars for A2A refueling and Sentry Aircraft had made themselves at home. This officially marked the beginning of Operation Achilles II, the RAF Involvement in the conflict with Iraq. Under that pretense, splitting into two shifts it was a requirement for the E-3D Sentry to be airborne at all times. Entering a sentry position over Western Syria, this would give support to other RAF Assets that were to be operating. The 12 Tornado ADV F3's remained armed at all times with air crews prepared to launch for an air defence. Meanwhile, the Tornado GR-4 Crews begun their briefings to identify the fact they were going to be first to deploy and make their attacks. If any aircraft needed to refuel, they'd be able to get air to air refueling from COYOTE021 or COYOTE022, or return to base if sufficient.


Jan 18, 2020
Dammam, Saudi Arabia

The Japanese fleet pulled into Dammam. The destroyers stayed in front while the transport fleet was behind them. Once in the gulf, the minesweepers would take point while the destroyers trailed slightly behind them. As the destroyers and the minesweepers were clearing the gulf, the JS Yama would dock at Dammam. The Type 74 Heavy Duty Carriers would use their loading beds to ferry aircraft from the JS Yama to the airport in Dammam (King Fahd Airport). The planes were tightly, and safely secured to the Type 74s and caution was taken while driving so that no accidents occurred on the road. The 40 Shenyang J-11s and Sukhoi-27s were unloaded first, followed by 60 F-16 C/D Block 52s. Then the remaining F-16s and the remaining aircraft afterwards. If the Topolev Tu-22M3s required it, two Type 74s would drive side-by-side to transport the aircraft, traveling slowly to ensure the safety of the aircraft. Full supplies for all aircraft were unloaded from the Towada-Class replenishment ships. This included armaments, fuel, spare parts, various fluids and lubricants, and all other material necessary to successfully operate these aircraft. The 2nd Air Defense Regiment was also unloaded with all their supplies and sent to the King Fahd Air Port. All planes and equipment deployed would be inspected, maintained, and resupplied. Personnel deployed would also be resupplied. All JASDF pilots and aircrew were also deployed. Air Traffic controllers from the JASDF took over the Dammam airport and began directing any remaining civilian aircraft in the skies to divert away from Dammam as this was now a potential military target.

The Air Defense regiment deployed around the airfield in a northward "V" with the vertex of the "V" at the end of the main runway and facing northward, thereby opening the "V" southward. The Type 82 Command vehicle established a secure and encrypted connection to the air traffic controllers in King Fahd airport. Once the fighters were inspected, resupplied, they were scrambled and began patrolling Saudi skies until the strike aircraft were deployed. With jets in the skies, 50 F-16s, 16 Sukhoi Su-27, 24 Mitsubishi F-1s, 25 Su-25s, and 24 Su-25Ts would be deployed to the mission area. @SM99

Their mission priorities: 1) Defend the approaching fleet, 2) Defend Kuwait City, 3) Establish Air Superiority, 4) Eliminate enemy AA positions, 5) Provide Air Support to the Kuwaitis via air strikes.

With the strike force en route to Kuwait, Lt. Gen. Keizō Hayashi 林 敬三, commander of the JGSDF Central Army and appointed Mission Command for this operation, contacted the Kuwaiti government through their prior established secured channels. "This is Gen. Hayashi to Kuwait Command. I have air assets en route to establish air superiority over Kuwait. Identify targets as possible and remember we are friendlies on approach. Our fleet will arrive in one day to Kuwait City. Our Air Force will provide as much cover as possible to keep the port open." @Strix

The deployment would be as follows:the 16 Su-27s would fly 50 miles ahead of the formation, along with 12 F-16s. 50 miles behind that formation would be another 8 F-16s and the 24 Shenyang J-11s. Finally, 10 F-16s would be assigned to protect the three sets of strike aircraft. The initial wave of fighters would seek to establish air superiority as well as to scout enemy air power and positions. The following formations would receive communications from the initial Su-27s. The Su-27s would fly high, at 18,000 m for their initial pass. Other planes would fly at that height or their maximum ceiling, whichever was lower. The F-16 and their escorts would adjust their alitude so that they were both flying at their combined maximum altitudes or as close to 18,000m as possible.

Upon encountering the enemy, the second wave of fighters would receive information from the first wave and attempt to provide support as quickly as possible, seeking to outflank and maneuver against the already engaged enemy planes.

Protocol for encountering AA positions would be to maintain altitude and break off, until the AA position could be hit from multiple position simultaneously at maximum range. This was to ensure the safety of the air craft and to maximum kill potential by hitting the target from multiple angles.

All planes would operate until they had either spent all their ammunition, became damaged, or were reduced to 30% fuel capacity.

The remaining fleet would follow behind the destroyers and the minesweepers. All hands were set to battle stations and made ready to receive enemy combatants. Special care was placed on AA and anti-missile stations. The fleet, the air force, and the King Fadh air port would be in constant communication.

All aircraft equipped with their standard defense mechanisms.

Sukhoi Su-27

Guns: 1 × 30 mmGryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1autocannonwith 150 rounds

Shenyang J-11s

Guns: 1 × 30 mm Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 autocannon with 150 rounds

F-16 Block 52

Guns: 1 × 20 mm (0.787 in)M61A1 Vulcan6-barrel rotary cannon, 511 rounds


Guns: 1 × 23-mm GSh-23cannon in remotely controlled tail turret
Hardpoints: 6 × Kh-15 missiles on a MKU-6-1 rotary launcher in its bomb bay, plus 4 × Raduga Kh-15 missiles on two underwing pylons

Mitsubishi F-1

Guns:20 mm (0.787 in)JM61A1 Vulcan6-barreled Gatling cannon
  • 2 x Mitsubishi AAM-1 (wingtips)
  • 4 x Mk-82 500 lb (Centerline)
  • 4 x JLAU-3A 70 mm rocket pods (Underwing)


  • ASO-2V decoy dispensers (chaff and flare): Su-25s in Syria have been pictured with four rows of ASO-2V decoy dispensers (chaff and flare) along the tailcone's upper surface aft of the vertical stabiliser


  • ASO-2V decoy dispensers (chaff and flare): Su-25s in Syria have been pictured with four rows of ASO-2V decoy dispensers (chaff and flare) along the tailcone's upper surface aft of the vertical stabiliser

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Feb 10, 2020
Iraqi-Saudi Border

At the border crossing on highway 80, Ahmed Al-Saleem nervously waited for the oncoming Iraqi military. His post was deserted and he was on his own. As soon as the Iraqis were visible, from his outposts tower he would begin firing his AK-47 towards Iraqi positions. However he would swiftly be taken out by the T-72's round.

The bordering cities would have fallen to the Iraqi forces. Local law enforcement agencies and armed civilians did all they could to resist however they would be overrun. Messages would be relayed to Riyadh that the bordering cities are about to fall.

The Airforce F-15s would have reached the area by now. They would stay within Saudi Airspace and use onboard avionics to ensure that the airspace was secure from any Iraqi airforce squadrons. The F-15s would be used in a reconnaissance role as well, tryng to pinpoint exact locations of oncoming Iraqi forces.

The Super King Airs would have similarly reached their desired location. They would patrol alongside the Iraqi border. The KingAirs would spot the Iraqi movements and the bordering cities. On Highways 85, 70 and 80 they would notice the Iraqi Movements towards Sakaka (Where Al-Jawf Airbase is) and Hail. The message would relayed back to Riyadh that both Hail and King Khalid Military city are extremely vulnerable as nearby cities have fallen.

Both the KingAirs and F-15Cs would monitor their fuel tanks. They would refuel from King Khalid Military City Airbase.

The Spanish would be notified of Iraqi movements towards Sakaka, which leaves Al-Jawf airbase at risk. @Zak Similarly the Japanese would be informed of Iraqi movements and assistance would be requested. @Suvorov


The 50 M109 Howitzers, 25 M270s, 20 M1A1s, 50 M1A2s, 125 Armored Humvees, and 125 FMTV Trucks with complementing armament and troops would have reached the city by now. They would have been made aware of Iraqi Movements on both Highway 80 and 70. They would immediately resupply and ensure equipment is ready for use.

Around 50 of the Humvees that were carrying troops would begin to head out of Hail. 25 would head to Al Qaid, the other 25 would move towards Baqaa, however they were offroad, going parrallel to Highway 70. They would stop at this position 27.65094, 41.89138 and await the oncoming Iraqi forces. The Anti-Armor troops would be armed with their Javelins and RPG-7s, soon as Iraqi vehicles became within range they would engage. Similarly other combat troops accompanying them armed with their M4 Carbines, would take defensive positions behind the Humvees and engage with any Iraqi Troops. The same would be done at Al Qaid, where they would barricade and await.

20 M1A1s and 10 of the M1A2s would head directly towards Baqaa on High way 70. They would go in a lined formation up until 27.88183, 42.01773 and would await oncoming Iraqi movements. As soon as Iraqi Vehicles were within range they would engage.

The tanks would be accompanied by 10 M270s that would follow behind. The M270s had an effective firing range of 50KM. They would stop 2km behind the tanks and immedietly start shelling towards oncoming Iraqi infantry divisions with their rockets.

All other equipment for the time being would remain in Hail.


The 50 M109 Howitzers, 25 M270s, 10 LAV-III, 50 M1A2s, 125 Armored Humvees, and 125 FMTV Trucks. All equipment would be maintained and refuelled.

The 10 LAV-III, 25 M1A2s, 10 M270S, 50 FMTV Trucks and 50 Humvees with troop complement would head up Highway 50 towards Hafar Al Batin. They would aim to secure this highway and secure the city of Hafar Al Batin. From their they would then plan to move down Highway 85 towards Rafha. Any Iraqi troop movements within site would be immediately engaged.

Similarly another 50 Humvees with troop complement, 25 M1A2s, 10 M270s and 50 FMTV Trucks would move towards route 6262 towards Linah. They would secure towns and villages on the way, and keep a look out for any oncoming Iraqi forces that they had been warned about from aerial reconnaissance. When within range they would engage.

In both cases, the M1A2S would lead the line followed by the Humvees, the FMTVs and the M270s following behind.


25 F-15E, 10 MIM-104 PAC 2, 5 MIM-104 PAC 3, 8 AN/FPS-117 and 40 MIM-23 HAWK would have entered into service in Riyadh. For the time being these would stay in Riyadh and made operational. The Air defense systems would be made active.

5 of these F-15E would be fueled and crewed. They would be armed with 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M61A1 Vulcan 6-barreled Gatling cannon, 6x AGM-Mavericks and avionics.

Avionics would include:

  • Radar:
    • Raytheon AN/APG-70 or AN/APG-82
    • AN/ASQ-236 Radar Pod
  • Targeting pods:
    • LANTIRN or Lockheed Martin Sniper XR or LITENING targeting pods
  • Countermeasures:
    • Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems AN/ALQ-131 electronic countermeasures pod
    • Hazeltine AN/APX-76 or Raytheon AN/APX-119 Identify Friend/Foe (IFF) interrogator
    • Magnavox AN/ALQ-128 Electronic Warfare Warning Set (EWWS) – part of Tactical Electronic Warfare Systems (TEWS)
    • Loral AN/ALR-56 Radar warning receivers (RWR) – part of TEWS
    • Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems ALQ-135 Internal Countermeasures System (ICS) – part of TEWS
    • Marconi AN/ALE-45 Chaff/Flares dispenser system – part of TEWS
After preparations were made, one by one the F-15E's would take off from Riyadh Airbase, they would head towards Hail, and from there would aim to provide close air support for ground units. They would reach a ceiling of 30,000 ft.

Also in Riyadh, the DF-21s would have been been made operational on their Taian erector launcher trucks. One of these would be privately aimed towards Baghdad, awaiting further instructions.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018


_____________OPERATIONAL COMMANDERS_____________


Codename: Lightning-Actual

Codename: Viking-Actual

Codename: Raven-Actual


Codename: Thunder-Actual

*Lead commanding officer

DEPLOYMENT LIST__________________
The following ships have the compliments as listed HERE which includes officers and enlisted sailors, unless otherwise stated.
Soldier Designations are listed

Amphibious Assault Ship: Fully fueled, all armaments equipped and standard amounts of additional torpedoes on hand, food/water to feed compliment and passengers for 3 weeks
Vehicles: x19 CH-53E Super Stallion
Compliment: Uniformed, fed, and well-rested
Passengers: 38 RAF pilots; 57 1st Auxiliary Regiment sailors (to act as 3-man combat crew/gunners per helicopter); 200 King's Guard (4th Rifle Company), 1503 Army soldiers (30th Mechanized Regiment, 503 soldiers from the 31st Mechanized Regiment) uniformed, fed, and well-rested


Guided Missile Cruiser: Fully fueled, all armaments equipped and standard amounts of additional torpedoes on hand, food/water to feed compliment and passengers for 3 weeks
Armament: x15 RGM-84 Harpoon Missiles, x2 5in/62 caliber Mar 45 Mod 4 lightweight gun, x2 25mm Mk38, x4 .50 caliber machine gun, x2 Phalanx CIWS Block 1b, x2 Mk 32 12.75in triple torpedo tubes; VLS missiles; x20 RIM-156A SM-2ER Block IV, x2 RUM-139A VL-ASROC, x85 BGM-109 Block II TLAM-C Tomahawk, x15 RIM-66M-5 SM-2MR Block IIIB
Vehicles: None
Compliment: Uniformed, fed, and well-rested

Passengers: None

Guided Missile Destroyer: Fully fueled, all armaments equipped and standard amounts of additional torpedoes on hand, food/water to feed compliment and passengers for 3 weeks
Armament: x1 5-inch (127mm)/54 Mk-45 Mod 1/2; x2 25mm M242 Bushmaster cannons; x2 Mk 32 triple torpedo tubes (6 Mk-46 torpedoes); VLS missiles: x65 BGM-109 Block III TLAM-C Tomahawk, x15 RIM-156A SM-2ER Block IV, x5 RUM-139A VL-ASROC, x5 RIM-66M-5 SM-2MR Block IIIB
Vehicles: None
Compliment: Uniformed, fed, and well-rested
Passengers: None

Destroyer: Fully fueled, all armaments equipped and standard amounts of additional torpedoes on hand, food/water to feed compliment and passengers for 3 weeks
Armament: x2 5-inch 54 calibre Mk 45 dual purpose guns, x1 8 cell ARSCO launcher, x1 8 cell NATO Sea Sparrow Mk 29 missile launcher, x2 Mk 32 triple 12.75 torpedo tubes
Vehicles: None
Compliment: Uniformed, fed, and well-rested
Passengers: None


Frigate: x2 3 in cannon, x1 Bofors 40mm/70 anti-aircraft gun, x2 20mm Rheinmetall anti-aircraft guns, x2 12.7mm anti-aircraft guns, x6 Penguin SSMs, x1 8 cell Raytheon RIM-7M Sea Sparrow Mk 29 SAM system, x6 Krongsberg Terne ASW rocket-thrown depth charges, x2 triple 324 mm Mark 32 torpedo tubes (Sting Ray torpedoes)


Replenishment Vessel: Fully fueled with full capacity of fuel and all proper equipment and enough food/water to feed compliment and passengers for 3 weeks
Armament: None
Vehicles: None

Compliment: 140 from 2nd Auxiliary Regiment Sailors; Uniformed, fed, and well-rested

30th Mechanized Regiment - 1000 Soldiers
Designations: 640 Light Infantrymen, 160 Heavy Infantrymen, 40 Explosives Specialists, 80 Snipers, 80 Combat Medics
M113A2 - 31
M106A2 - 9
M270 - 13
Combat Vehicle 90 - 45

31st Mechanized Regiment - 1000 Soldiers
Designations: 640 Light Infantrymen, 160 Heavy Infantrymen, 40 Explosives Specialists, 80 Snipers, 80 Combat Medics

M113A2 - 31
M106A2 - 9
M270 - 13
Combat Vehicle 90 - 45

32nd Mechanized Regiment - 1000 Soldiers
Designations: 640 Light Infantrymen, 160 Heavy Infantrymen, 40 Explosives Specialists, 80 Snipers, 80 Combat Medics
M113A2 - 31
M106A2 - 9
M270 - 13
Combat Vehicle 90 - 45

40th Armored Regiment - 1015 Soldiers
Designations: 640 Light Infantrymen, 160 Heavy Infantrymen, 40 Explosives Specialists, 80 Snipers, 95 Combat Medics
Combat Vehicle 90 - 200
Leopard 2A2 - 100

x10 C-130J-30
: Fully
fueled, properly pressurized, brought to correct temperature
Crew: 2 pilots, 1 loadmaster, 1 navigator
Passengers: 128 troops

x50 C-54 Skymaster
Crew: 2 pilots, 2 crew

Passengers: 50 troops

x5 C-5B Galaxy
: Fully fueled, properly pressurized, brought to correct temperature
Crew: 1 aircraft commander, 1 pilot, 2 flight engineers, 3 loadmasters, all taken from Royal Air Force pilots

Cargo: Any and all vehicles will be appropriately carried under normal safety procedures as to not exceed weight limits and to be properly fastened/tied down within the aircraft.

4th Rifle Company - 200 Soldiers
Designations: 180 Light Infantrymen, 20 Combat Medics
Mission: Serve as military police for Norwegian ground forces and as personal security for operational commanders

________________DEPLOYMENT STAGING________________

Information: Mobilization and then departure as described

Information: Mobilization and then departure as described

____________________DESTINATION #1____________________

34.906893, 35.865710 (Approximate)
Information: The amphibious assault ship will dock at the port to disembark all of the passengers

The amphibious strike group would depart from Haakonsvern naval facility in Norway as described above. All of the ships would be actively looking for threats with their various instrumentation and equipment. They would be travelling at the maximum speed to allow all of the ships to travel together. While travelling, they would avoid entering the national waters of other countries, except for Syria. Before entering Syrian national waters, the Syrian government would be securely informed that they have arrived and permission would be requested. If permission wasn't denied, then they would continue for docking. The replenishment vessels would replenish the ships throughout the voyage with fuel and other necessary supplies as necessary. Once the troops were dropped off from the amphibious assault ship, it would return to the rest of the fleet which would remain stationary about 5 miles off the coast of Syria. Throughout all of this, the ships would keep a safe distance and normal formation. For the time being, the troops would remain here with their firearms and equipment while more arrived to Syria.

Back in Norway all of the remaining troops were deployed, with their vehicles and supplies, to Oslo International Airport. Civilian flights were temporarily diverted, cancelled, or delayed. The military was given the exclusive use of runway 19R and effectively that half of the airport. The 50 C-54 Skymasters, 5 C-130-J-30s, and 5 C-5B Galaxies were flown to the airport to be loaded.


Composition: 3 C-130-J-30s, 25 C-54 Skymasters
Origin: Oslo International Airport
Refueling: RAF Odiham, England, United Kingdom
Refueling: Gibraltar International Airport, Gibraltar, United Kingdom (C-130-J-30s only)
Destination: Kuweires Air Base, Syria
Speed: 190mph at 10,000 Feet

Gold Team was the first team to deploy, and would be fully loaded with some of the remaining troops, and their personnel equipment. Gold Team would take the path inscribed above, and then come back the same way with a stop at Gibraltar International Airport and RAF Odiham to refuel. On the way to Syria, all of the aircraft would leave with enough fuel to make it to Spain, however they would refuel to their full capacity at RAF Odiham. From there, they would take the quickest route possible, without passing through sovereign airspace (except for the United Kingdom and Syria) so that they could make it to the Mediterranean. Once on this route, the C-130-J-30s quickly accelerated ahead of the C-54s so that they had enough time to land at Gibraltar International Airport, refuel, and meet them in the skies again. The C-54 pilots were equipped with detailed land maps, compasses, pencils, star maps, and the proper archaic equipment to make sure they were staying on course, as well as weather data for their flight path. Their mission was to stay as straight as possible while the C-130-J-30s refueled, so that they could easily be found once the C-130s left Gibraltar. If everything went according to plan, the C-130s would be taking off just as the C-54s were passing Gibraltar. Once they were fully refueled, the C-130s would rejoin with the rest of Gold Team and take the most direct, non-national path to Kuweires Air Base in Syria. Here, all of the troops would unload with their equipment and gear, and wait at the base for further orders. Gold Team, minus their passengers, would fly home in the same way they got to there. The C-130s would again refuel at Gibraltar, and all of the aircraft would refuel again at RAF Odiham if necessary, so that they could make it back to Oslo International Airport. This process would be repeated until all of the listed troops were in Syria, at Kuweires Air Base. Pilots and crew would be switched out after every round of flying in order to avoid fatigue. All of the aircraft, when room could be made, would also bring supplies including food and water, as well as the appropriate ammunition.

Composition: 3 C-130-J-30s, 25 C-54 Skymasters
Origin: Oslo International Airport
Refueling: RAF Odiham, England, United Kingdom
Refueling: Gibraltar International Airport, Gibraltar, United Kingdom (C-130-J-30s only)
Destination: Kuweires Air Base, Syria
Speed: 190mph at 10,000 Feet

Silver Team was the second team to deploy, and would be fully loaded with some of the remaining troops, and their personnel equipment. Silver Team would take the path inscribed above, and then come back the same way with a stop at Gibraltar International Airport and RAF Odiham to refuel. On the way to Syria, all of the aircraft would leave with enough fuel to make it to Spain, however they would refuel to their full capacity at RAF Odiham. From there, they would take the quickest route possible, without passing through sovereign airspace (except for the United Kingdom and Syria) so that they could make it to the Mediterranean. Once on this route, the C-130-J-30s quickly accelerated ahead of the C-54s so that they had enough time to land at Gibraltar International Airport, refuel, and meet them in the skies again. The C-54 pilots were equipped with detailed land maps, compasses, pencils, star maps, and the proper archaic equipment to make sure they were staying on course, as well as weather data for their flight path. Their mission was to stay as straight as possible while the C-130-J-30s refueled, so that they could easily be found once the C-130s left Gibraltar. If everything went according to plan, the C-130s would be taking off just as the C-54s were passing Gibraltar. Once they were fully refueled, the C-130s would rejoin with the rest of Silver Team and take the most direct, non-national path to Kuweires Air Base in Syria. Here, all of the troops would unload with their equipment and gear, and wait at the base for further orders. Silver Team, minus their passengers, would fly home in the same way they got to there. The C-130s would again refuel at Gibraltar, and all of the aircraft would refuel again at RAF Odiham if necessary, so that they could make it back to Oslo International Airport. This process would be repeated until all of the listed troops were in Syria, at Kuweires Air Base. Note that Silver Team would leave at a period of time so that they wouldn't interfere with the refueling of Gold Team, and they would of course go around Gold Team if their flight paths were to intersect. Pilots and crew would be switched out after every round of flying in order to avoid fatigue. All of the aircraft, when room could be made, would also bring supplies including food and water, as well as the appropriate ammunition.

Composition: 5 C-5B Galaxies
Origin: Oslo International Airport
Destination: Kuweires Air Base, Syria
Speed: 520mph at cruising altitude

Crimson Team would be the third team to deploy. Instead of transporting troops, the C-5Bs were transporting the aforementioned vehicles for the armored and mechanized regiments. They would take the same flight path as the other teams, minus the refueling stops. Like the other teams, however, they would refuel in Syria before taking their return flight home. Crimson Team would continue to make these flights until all of the vehicles for the teams were brought to Kuweires Air Base in Syria. Pilots and crew would be switched out after every round of flying in order to avoid fatigue. The C-5Bs would not take off with more weight then what they could carry in one trip to Syria, in order to avoid having to refuel. After having brought over all of the vehicles, Crimson Team would begin making regular flights under the same conditions in order to bring food, water, ammunition, and supplies.


This would be the largest airlift by any Scandinavian country in history. The Royal Air Force was dedicated to its success, and had all necessary hands working to ensure that it went smoothly. The British were securely informed with plenty of time in advance to make RAF Odiham and Gibraltar International Airport available for use by the Norwegian Royal Air Force, specifically for refueling. If any errors were made in calculating the flight plans/distances for the airlift, pilots were given the liberty to take land their aircraft at any British or coalition airport or airbase or, if necessary, attempt to land at a non-aligned civilian airport; under no circumstances were they to just simply fly at cruising altitude until they ran out of fuel and fell out of the sky. The British, Americans, and the Syrians would be securely informed of these plans, and that Norway's temporary forward-operating-base would be Kuweires Air Base. The 200 King's Guard would be in the first wave to arrive at the airbase. If the Syrians did not object, they would form a perimeter around the airbase and set up security checkpoints. While on this mission, they were to act as both military police for Norwegian troops as well as personal guards fro the Operational Commanders. The Operational Commanders, except for the Navy Forces Command who would remain aboard KMS Heimdal, would all set up a secure command center together at Kuweires Air Base.

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Jul 1, 2018


Saddam waited a moment for Thomas Fitzroy to say the prompts he was being given. However, when he said nothing he signaled for the Camera to return to him. After this happened Thomas Fitzroy was at gunpoint taken off the stage. Away from the sight of his fellow soldiers and the other hostages. A Republic Guard Officer would say to him."I cannot tell if you are brave or stupid American. I am inclined to believe you will think you silent protest will have been stupid after Saddam finishes his speech."

'In conclusion, I make this demand. All former coalition forces issue an official apology to the people of Iraq, and those they have ave been tyrants over! We will drive these imperialists who started this war and their ambitions from these lands. This acceptance of the Iraqi century will be penance enough for all the war they have caused."

@Jamie @John @Strix

Meanwhile the civilians at the airport were forced to leave behind all of their possessions as they were being forced onto an airplane. Those that did not comply were beaten terribly, including embassy staff.



Unfortunately due to the previous mentioned reasons, the F-18s would not be present to perform an intercept on the 'Suzanne' Dassault Falcon 50. They were in the process of being refueled and it would take time to launch fresh F-18s to perform a chase.

"Waiting on impact..." the weapons officer stated as he closely watched his systems."Negative on first missile impact. Waiting on second..."

He said waiting with a concentrated look."Negative on second. Both missiles are dead."

Due to the use of the E-2 Hawkeye and various weapon systems, the two Exocets had been shot down in black fiery puffs over the sea. However the second one had come uncomfortably close.

The Suzanne was now returning to Iraqi airspace and heading for Baghdad.



Of the twelve remaining MiG-29 four would end up being hit, leaving eight up in the air. After the Kuwaiti aircraft had gotten off their longer range missiles the eight MiG-29 would pair off in groups of two seperating. Each two aircraft having a mile apart while every group of two had about four miles apart. It was at this range they got locks with their R-60s as they used after burner to close in. Having taken the hits from the longer ranged side winders they each fired off a single R-60 at their opposing aircraft.

The MiG-23s cut off their after burners and made quick turns to break missile lock wanting to shake the heat seekers. However another three of them would go down. Following this, they would engage after burners to try and get a head on with the enemy aircraft. Each of the remaining MiG-23s locking a R-60 onto a opposing aircraft and then launching it. They would take this moment while they were maneuvering to get away from their missiles to engage after burner and try to close within gun distance.



Sergeant Aarif al-Samra peered through the rubble of a collapsed building through his binoculars. He smirked, having taken out an Abrams with no armor or artillery support. He would wait some time for movement before he and two of his marksmen left the rubble to inspect the battered tank. Approaching it from the front he looked at the apparently slain beast with a look of satisfaction.



For now in Abdali the Iraqi army's advance would halt as night set in. Periodic skirmishes would occur, but the main offensive would be halted. This was due to a lack of night vision equipment and an unwillingness to engage in night fighting. Plus, they would take the night to ferry the wounded and dead away from the front lines. Forming a sort of line through the city with 61 men per square mile of the city were they stopped supported by the remaining tanks and artillery they dug in.

Supply trucks came in to resupply the soldiers and get fuel to vehicles. The army could not move without food, water, bullets, or fuel afterall.



Things were a different story 6km east of the city however as Iraqi commanders were intent on securing this portion of the high way so they could put Kuiwait city under direct fire. The (Cobras) Motorised brigade occupying the abandoned positions of the Kuiwait troops in retreat after having had to fight for every inch on foot. Their part in this was effectively over however as they now needed reifnorcements from the rear after sustaining such terrible causalities. The numbers of which would be known in the morning.

T-72M1s from the Commando brigade would stay on the move firing HEAT shells at Kuiwaiti armor that left positions to engage them. However they did not have many of these shells and their efforts were best left to trying to mobility kills any Abrams they saw. But even more then that, the T-72M1s would use something that the other Iraqi tanks did not. They began to use their IR spotlights to locate the positions of Kuiwaiti helicopters and then radio the supporting ZSU-57-2 in order to better direct their fire. This however left the tanks with a split focus.

While the tanks did their thing the BMP-2s tried to pin Kuwaiti troops moving to the southern defenses with their auto cannons. Te Iraqi troops were trying their damnedest to prevent the Kuwaiti troops from retreating, but due to the fact that most of the Iraqis did not have IR equipment this task was difficult in the dark. They could make the task more difficult, but the likelyhood of stopping a retreat was very low. Especially while being bombarded by Kuwaiti helicopters.




Upon being ambushed the 34th Infantry Division would take a number of losses from the Saudi troops from the 25 Humvees opened fire. The around 100 Saudi soldiers gave the Iraqis a nasty surprise. Ten T-72 "Ural", four BTR-50 (and their crew), and 11 BTR-60 were destroyed in the ambush. Disembarking troops from the on fire vehicles gunned down by M4s by Saudi sharpshooters. However, the trouble began when the T-72 "Ural"s tat had survived at the front of the column began to turn their turrets towards the unkered down ambusers and began to lob HE shells and machine gun fire towards them. Slowly honing in their fire based off of enemy tracers and fire. Using their IR sensors to sport enemies. About twenty tanks, and thirty BTR-50 would move to engage the ambushers. On both accounts really. The BTR-50s under the cover of tank fire moving closer and closer in the direction of the fire as to get their troops close enough to disembark.

Meanwhile, the rest of the column began to go around the wreckage so they could continue to Hail. They seemed rather intent on not allowing them dig in.


The other 34th Infantry Division take Baqaa and begin setting up defenses in three layers on the outside, edge, and inside of the city unaware tat the Saudis had positioned a tank ambush for them just down the road. They were stopping for the night so that they could refuel and let supplies catch up to them and would move again the next morning.

A 9M133 Kornet, DShK, and squad of twelve men would be placed at the positions of.

27.918309, 42.354043

27.920367, 42.353381

27.902130, 42.363023

To keep watch for the night and were given mortars with illumination rounds.

They were in for a rough night however as soon the city began to get shelled. They would after some time begin counter battery with their 12 D-30A artillery pieces. The enemy MLSR was just within range, though due to poor training it took some time to get the calculations for counter battery in. But once it happened the Saudi MLSR would see a creeping barage exploding towards them in the night.

Iraqi troops ducked and covered, and they would not be moving until the break of dawn.

Al-Jawf Airbase

The 3rd Division wouldafter suffering no resistance take Al-Jawf Air Base. Setting it up as their HQ for the night and settling in. The advance for the moment had halted and they had denied unknowing a point of entry for the Spanish.

The rest of the Iraqi army in Saudi Arabia would do much the same sticking halting for the night. THe night would be filled with trucks running supply runs to troops on the front line. Those platoons on this front line began to dig in. Creating fox holes in the sand or simply finding a good spot to defend from in a city.

Any resistance from the civilian population was met harshly. For every Iraqi death the Iraqis would line up twenty Saudi Civilians and shoot them dead.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Both Iraqi suspects had now been detained by the Civil Guard and would be transported to Madrid III Penitentiary Center where they were to await trial. All evidence from what they had would be examined and prepared for court to ensure that law enforcement officials could push for the highest sentence possible.

Correspondence would be made to the Prime Minister informing them that the suspects had been detained and that preparations for the easing of the Madrid lock down could be made to ease people back into work.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Lieutenant Fitzroy would stare down the Republican Guard Officer. He would be standing at ease, infact, all of the Marines were - as they were attempting to maintain some sort of discipline.

On every ship throughout the Strike Group, the intercoms would be going - along with alarms. "General Quarters, General Quarters. All hands man your battle stations. The route of travel is forward and up to starboard, down and aft to port. Set material condition 'Zebra' throughout the ship. Reason for General Quarters: Hostile Aircraft" although the attack had already happened, it was thought that a second attack could come soon and the sailors wanted to be prepared. A fifty mile no fly zone would now begin to be enforced around the group, to prevent aircraft from getting too close.

The E-2 Hawkeye would come into land on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, whilst it was landing, a second would be getting prepared to launch to replace it in the sky, like it's predecessor - it's Link 16 (JTIDS)/CEC would be connected to all ships and aircraft. Meaning anything that the E-2 picks up, the information would automatically be sent to them.

Meanwhile four pilots and four Radar Intercept Officers from Fighter Squadron 105 would climb into their F-14D Tomcats, red shirts would be fleeing around the aircraft, pushing and driving trolleys. Checks were being made by green shirts whilst the red shirts began loading the aircraft. Each aircraft would be fitted with two AIM-9 Sidewinders, two AIM-7 Sparrows, four AIM-54 Phoenix, two 267 US gal drop tanks, a M61A1 Vulcan with with 675 rounds and a SUU-42A/A Flares/Infrared decoys dispenser pod and chaff pod.

Each of the aircraft would taxi individually. The E-2 Hawkeye would take position on Catapult One. Whilst the F-14s take their positions on Catapults two, three and four - with the fourth F-14 waiting back until a catapult was free. After all of the checks had went through and it was given the all clear - the E-2 would be the first to launch. After launch it would vector left before beginning to climb rapidly, to get over the fleet fast. After it was launched, the three F-14s would launch one after the other, vectoring away from each other to start before forming up in the air, the fourth F-14 would take position on Catapult two, more checks would be made before it is launch, joining the other four in the air.

The 747s had been travelling over the Atlantic Ocean, on their way to the UK to refuel as they didn't have the fuel capacity to reach RAF Akrotiri in one go. As they began to get closer to RAF Brize Norton, they began to request clearence to land. (@Jamie)


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
Out of the 7 remaining Kuwaiti Aircraft of the 25th Squadron, 4 would break off to the east, with the other 3 left with dealing with the 6 Iraqi MiGs. The three F-18 hornets would approach each pair as they came closer and closer. They would each fire their remaining sidewinder, as close as roughly 10km, to one of the aircraft in each pair, cautiously dodging two incoming R-60 Infrared missiles with timed flares. They would then attempt to fire another AIM-120 to the remaining aircraft before promptly breaking off before gun distance. They would attempt to catch the attention of the pairs for as much time as their remaining squadron members need.

The other four were tasked with dealing with the rightmost Iraqi pair, each firing a single AIM-120 to both aircraft once they reached a range of roughly 60km or less. Deploying Flares once necessary, and attempting to outmaneuver their adversaries. Once they had been taken care with they would meet up with the 3rd leftmost Hornet to deal with the remaining pairs. Along the way, one out of four would be damaged with a close hit near the tail, prompting a premature break away from the fight. The pilot would turn back to the Ali Al Salem Airbase for repairs.

Meanwhile, the 9th Squadron engaging the MiG-23s would fire their remaining AIM-9 Sidewinders to the remaining Iraqi Aircraft, at roughly 10km away. 4 would also fire an AIM-120 at roughly the same distance. Since the two forces were heading for each other, it wouldn't be long before they would reach it. They would promptly break away and climb, engaging afterburners and attempt to gain energy and try to circle around to engage their opponents. Utilizing displacement rolls and air combat maneuvers to achieve a lower turning radius if the two groups are gun distance away.

The 61st Fighter Squadron, having refueled and rearmed with 4 AIM-9 Sidewinders, and 6 AIM-120 AMRAAMS would make their way to Kuwaiti Airspace, trying to intercept or at the very least, establish Aerial Superiority over Kuwait. The 6 F/A-18 Hornets would take-off at roughly 5:00 PM, giving them roughly at least an hour to reach the two squadrons.

Roughly 12km south of Abdali, Kuwait

BM-30 Smerch and other Artillery pieces began routinely shelling Abdali, trying to deny Iraqi forces from recuperating or resting for the night. A shell would land roughly every 5 minutes, with random heavy barrages every now and then. The goal was to startle Iraqi forces trying to reorganize, and actively deny them the promise of safety as the very place they were sleeping at could erupt in a ball of thermobaric flame. It was also psychological, as each hour denies them a good night's sleep, with the sound of the ever creeping barrage waking them up and putting them on their feet.

Inside of the hastily made field hospitals, the situation was gruesome to look at. While not as frightening as stray bullets hitting you square in the head, the sounds of men screaming and groaning as the pools of blood soak the yellow sand below was truly a place you wouldn't want to be in. At least on the battlefield, the dying songs of agony were muffled by the orchestra of gunfire and artillery shells. Surgeons rush to conduct amputations on men whose limbs were blown off, while nurses tend to those who were lucky to have only bullet wounds. Logistical officers rush to take into account of every soldier who was either wounded, dead, or missing.

A lone officer was tasked with the responsibility of checking lost equipment belonging to the 16th Tank Battalion. While they only lost 7 tanks in total, only 6 were accounted for as he had gone around for eye witness accounts for the squads accompanying them. He walked near the support trench dug in earlier by Kuwaiti engineers, asking for where the tank had gone. While the effort made was baffling, the M1A1 Abrams is one of the most advanced pieces of weaponry the Kuwaitis had at the time, and having one captured by the Iraqis could be detrimental to the war effort. After a few minutes of walking around asking for who had seen the missing tank, he spotted a lone man near the far side of the trench, the orange incandescent lamp lighting up his dirty helmet.

"You there, were you with the 12th Tank Platoon?"

The lone private leaning on the trench wall was half-asleep, only jolting to the officer's sudden question.

"Y-Yes sir, my platoon was tasked on assisting the 4 tanks laid only a block away from each other. Reports had come in saying that the western flank was compromised, and we had a significant danger of our position being overrun. Our leader had radioed the Abrams to pull out, but heavy Iraqi artillery had just zeroed us in and we had to retreat."

"Do you recall the tank being destroyed?"

"No sir, all I saw was dust and smoke."

"Very well."

Meanwhile, the 35th Armored Brigade would go north to meet up with the remaining forces of both the 15th Armoured Brigade and the 26th Mechanized Brigade set up in a defensive line 12km south of Abdali. The plan was to start a counter-attack early in the morning to try and discourage future Iraqi assaults. The 94th Mechanized Brigade would send in the 26th Mechanized Battalion to reinforce the newly formed defensive position at the Sabah Al-Ahmad Natural Reserve.

Battle of the Intersection

With tense hours of fighting, most of the forward defenses have been deserted by the defenders, as only a few remain on the northernmost positions to cover their comrades' retreat. The brunt of the 6th Brigade has been trying to breakthrough and avoid total encirclement. As the deafening sounds of the three Hornets roar across the battlefield, an opportunity has arisen. The Hornets would overshoot the area, providing confusion and distraction for the Kuwaitis to make their move, while at the same time calculating the best attack vector for maximum casualties. They circled around the area, and the hornets made quick work of Iraqi vehicles stopping the Kuwaitis from retreating, with their guns piercing men and lightly armored vehicles alike.

It wasn't long before Kuwaiti forces had effectively stopped the encirclement, with forces north of the entrenchment slowly pulling out. Kuwaiti Apache helicopters would circle around the area as well, to deny enemy AA the satisfaction of quickly gunning them down. They would hunt for enemy AA, deploying their guided Hellfires to their targets, while their autocannons fired upon APCs and infantry. The tail rotor of one Apache would be heavily damaged by flak, and consequently, causing it to crash down on the sands below. Slowly but surely, the brigade started pulling out of the intersection, with fully loaded APCs filled with wounded soldiers starting the armored column, heading for the hufrat althaeban in the Sabah Al-Ahmad Natural Reserve.

Tartus Naval Base, Syria

The Norwegians (@Odinson) would be allowed to dock in the base as Syrian vessels meet the Norwegian Fleet. Officers aboard these vessels would request to meet with their Norwegian counterparts to brief them on the current situation in Syria and in neighboring countries. As Syria is not a belligerent to the current Iraqi conflict, these officers would request to keep coalition movements as hidden as possible. The would also be warned of the missile capabilities of their Iraqi adversaries, as well as the danger of enemy aircraft.

Kuweires Air Base, Syria

The Norwegians would be allowed to land on the airbase and would be offered the base to use as their own. Offering them full control over the premises.

Syrian ground crews were eager to guide the landing Norwegian planes to the runway, as Syrian Army Officers await for their disembarkment. Similar to the situation in Tartus, officers would request to keep coalition movements as invisible as possible and would request meetings to discuss the situation on the ground. Some of the Syrian Soldiers stationed in Kuweires, with a minimal understanding of English, would start chatting up with their Norwegian Counterparts, ranging from questions regarding the cold Norwegian weather to simple eagerness in learning Norsk.

Lisbon, Portugal

A letter from the Lusophonic Organization of free states would be sent to the Iraqi Government, hoping for a response. While it was 3 pm in Lisbon, LOFS officials were made aware of the situation in Iraq, as encrypted reports from the Brazilian and Portuguese Embassies were still flowing in.

Lusophonic Organization of Free States
Organização Lusofônica de Estados Livres


I come to inform you that we, the Lusophonic Organization of Free States (LOFS), are offering your people humanitarian services. We will not be showing hostility to any Iraqi force, and we only come to help the Arab people recover from the effects of the war. We will be wearing white helmets and will be sporting our signature insignia in our vehicles to show that we are neutral. We will not fight in any battles, nor support one side or the other.

I am writing this letter to ask for the safety of our LOFS forces in helping the populace cope with the ever-changing landscape of war. We will be willing to enter negotiations if possible.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Cesário Santana,
Chairman of the Lusophonce Council
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