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[Netherlands] Message to France


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Office of the Vice-Premier

Kingdom of the Netherlands


Secret and Encrypted

To: Louis XX, King of Francia

Subject: Foreign Relations and future cooperation

Your Majesty,

it is with great honour that I have been tasked with establishing positive relations between our two great nations. France is without doubt a European superpower, while until recently dormant, we are full of confidence that your administration will revitalise Francia. Ensuring her return to the spot she deserves on the international stage.

If possible I would like to discuss a range of topics from Dutch-French cooperation on military, diplomatic and economic affairs, the European Treaty Organisation, the Global Assembly and of course any topic you wish to bring up.

I patiently await your response.

Yours Sincerely,
Mark Rutte
Kingdom of the Netherlands



Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
To: Mark Rutte, Vice-Premier - Kingdom of the Netherlands
From: Pascal Dupont
Subject: Foreign Relations and future cooperation

Dear Mr Rutte,

The King has told me to thank you for your kind words about our country and is most delighted to hear from a representitive from the Netherlands. We are committed to promoting peace and prosperity in Europe, it is only natural that we begin with establishing a close bond with our neighbours.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss matters of Dutch-French relations. As well as matters of the European Treaty Organisation and the Global Assembly. I look forward to hearing from you.

Highest regards,

Pascal Dupont


Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Francia


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Office of the Vice-Premier

Kingdom of the Netherlands


Secret and Encrypted

To: Pascal Dupont, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Francia
Subject: Foreign Relations and future cooperation

Mr Dupont,

I would like to invite you to the Netherlands to hold talks regarding the before mentioned topics, however if you are short on time we can always engage in a phone call.

Yours Sincerely,
Mark Rutte
Kingdom of the Netherlands


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
To: Mark Rutte, Vice-Premier - Kingdom of the Netherlands
From: Pascal Dupont
Subject: Foreign Relations and future cooperation

Dear Mr Rutte,

It would be a pleasure to visit the Netherlands, I look forward to meeting you and beginning discussions. Once I know the date, time and location - I shall make my travel arrangements and fly to you.

Many thanks,

Pascal Dupont


Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Francia


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Office of the Vice-Premier

Kingdom of the Netherlands


Secret and Encrypted

To: Pascal Dupont, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Francia
Subject: Foreign Relations and future cooperation

Mr Dupont,

My schedule has been cleared for the coming days, so as soon as possible for you. Security arrangements shall be provided for by the Royal Netherlands Constabulary for your arrival at Rotterdam The Hague airport. Our talks will be held at the Ministry of Social Affairs & Welfare in the Hague.

Please inform me of your scheduled arrival time so that your security detail is prepared for your arrival.

Yours Sincerely,
Mark Rutte
Kingdom of the Netherlands


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
To: Mark Rutte, Vice-Premier - Kingdom of the Netherlands
From: Pascal Dupont
Subject: Foreign Relations and future cooperation

Dear Mr Rutte,

I shall arrive on Tuesday on a flight that gets me to Rotterdam The Hague for 10.00AM. Let me know if that time is inconvenient for you to arrange security.

Many regards,

Pascal Dupont


Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Francia


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
Pascal Dupont and a small team touched down at Rotterdam the Hague in the morning. He and a small team arrived at the airport, complete with a crate of the finest French wine as a diplomatic gift.
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The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The French delegation would be met by a security detail from the Royal Netherlands Constabulary, 20 man team from the 1 BSB Peleton of the Brigade Speciale Beveiligingsopdrachten would be tasked with the security operation. With the gate secured Pascal Dupont would be met by Lieutenant Timon Klerks. The delegation would be seated in Mercedes Benz G-class vehicles and escorted to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Welfare.

Upon arrival at the Vice-Premier Mark Rutte would open the door for Dupont, as a greeting he would shake his hand "Mr Dupont, welcome to the Netherlands."


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
After witnessing an impressive welcoming party, French Minister Pascal Dupont would shake the hand of Vice-Premier Mark Rutte. "Thank you, Mr.Rutte, it is a pleasure to visit your beautiful country!" Looking up towards the sunny skies, Dupont continued, "It would appear that even the skies are looking forward to our meeting!" He chuckled, getting into the Mercedes Benz G-Class.
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The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Vice-Premier would walk the French delegation inside, where they would be required to show valid identification, go through a security gate and have their bags x-rayed. If no contraband was found on the group they would be allowed through, where Mark Rutte would lead them to a private conference room. In the corners of the room would be both a Dutch and French flag, refreshments would also be available.

Once everyone had got what they wanted, the Vice-Premier would gesture them to take a seat, he would sit opposite them on the long table. "I am pleased that you could make it here on such a short notice, I find it essential that France and the Netherlands establish friendly and cooperative relations due to our rich shared history and culture."


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
Pascal Dupont would take a seat at the table along with a few of his team. Individuals would place folders and papers onto the surface for their own benefits, whilst a secretary would sit next to Dupont to take notes. The Minister smiled at the Vice-Premier. "We will always find time to make appointments with our close friends, the Netherlands has a historic bond with France - naturally that is something we wish to continue."

Whilst talking, Dupont would open a bottle of water and pour it into a glass before him. "This is our first official international trip since the change in government, hopefully a gesture of our willingness to keep up our relations. I am looking forward to what we will discuss today."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We have the utmost respect for your government, especially as you have shown your dedication to improving our bilateral relationship" the Vice-Premier would say.

"I hope I can set a prime example of a positive meeting between two representatives, and that we can conclude our talks having successfully negotiated treaties and have spoken about the most important topics. What I am interested in hearing is your governments plans for both internal and foreign policy matters, would you be willing to share those with me?"


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
Pascal Dupont nods in agreement, "Our plans are to promote peace, unity and collaboration within central Europe. It is important, for many neighbouring countries that we maintain a solid bond, both diplomatically and defensively. In our eyes, we want to be able to show that France is open minded in creating deals and opportunities with all types of nation, regardless of their size. We do however think it's important to grant citizenship to only those who can offer something to Francia, in actual fact, we are currently reviewing several options in how we tackle this issue. In terms of internal affairs, we are working to reduce unemployment by introducing new work schemes and apprenticeships. We are also considering the option of compulsory national service, whether that is militaristic service or in areas of health, well-being, charity or emergency services. We want to give everybody an opportunity to not only learn new skills but gain experience in areas that they would perhaps not have pursued otherwise."

"France has had a turbulent history but now feels that it is on the right course to be a positive force throughout the world. I hope that our vision for a united Europe is something you believe in as well?"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"It pleases us to see how our nations are moving forward with similar goals, the prevention of conflict and the continued prosperity on the European continent. We hope to see that the increased cooperation between European nations in the fields of trade, science and economy will bring our people closer together, creating a bond which will prevent unnecessary loss of life through armed conflict."

"Could I ask your nations position towards the European Treaty Organisation, the Independent States Allied Forces and the Global Assembly?"


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
"Organisations such as those seem to be logical step forward in creating stability, security and unity within the European continent, as well as the Global Assembly being a strong force in preserving the rights and protocol that are expected of all countries." He takes a sip of his water. "As I expect you will agree, with so many of our European countries sharing borders with one another, we should be striving to maintain and secure strong and positive relations, not just internally but also projected externally towards the wider world. We already commend you on your active role within those groups too and hope that one day we will be able to contribute in some way."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We cannot thank you enough for your praise and the recognition of our actions to securing peace of our continent, we truly hope to see the Kingdom of Francia become an active partner in European politics, as one of the larger economies and militaries your nation has the power to influence the prosperity of all our people. As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility, and we believe that that responsibility has been placed into the right hands, we have much faith in your administration to improve the lives of all Europeans."


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
"Your words fill us with great confidence and pride! With so much trouble in the world, I think it is important for nations with reasonable influence to use that influence wisely, especially with given Europe's past when it comes to conflict. Naturally, we shall be looking into the possibility of joining the ETO and the ISAF, should they wish our participation. Not only that but given that we both seem to be on the same page as one another, how would you consider the possibility of a free trade agreement between both our nations? It would be seen as a strong, symbolic bond that our governments stand firmly with one another."


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Both organisations seem eager to expand their membership base, and your nation has certainly made it's name for standing by European values and traditions."

"As for a trade agreement, the Netherlands has a Fair-Trade Agreement rather than a Free-Trade Agreement. The difference being that is manages fair trade which can also be free with tariffs at 0%. So I would like to offer you our version of the document. Please read through it and tell me your thoughts if you think changes are required. We must also agree upon a mutual tariff level, which I suggest putting at 0%" Vice-Premier Rutte would say as he handed out the Fair-Trade Agreement.


Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018
"We hope to be able to communicate with the group soon and thank you for your kind words and confidence in the addition of our nation."

Mr.Dupont put on his reading glasses and inspect the document. After passing it to another member of his team, he gives a nod of approval and hands the document back to Mr.Rutte.

"Very well, we would be happy to sign such an agreement with a 0% mutual tariff level. This would most certainly be a great first step in continuing the relationship between our countries!"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Making the necessary changes to the document he would take out his pen and sign two versions of the document. With his signature he would hand over the two copies of the documents to the French.

Once they had placed their signature in the allocated space the document would be officially ratified and the Fair-Trade Agreement would be active. "Please keep a copy for your own archives," Mark Rutte would say to the delegation.

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