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[Norway] State Visit in The United States of America


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"That's very kind of you, Mister President. I'd be happy to have Ms. Jonassen flown to Washington perhaps before we even leave. I was able to meet her and her family at the funeral, I think they were grateful that the government covered the funeral costs," Enoch said. Dr. Holt made a note to have a Royal Police Officer deliver the invitation to Ms. Jonassen. Later that day Ms. Jonassen would agree to come to Washington, along with a few members of the Jonassen family, to receive the Medal of Freedom on behalf of her late husband.

Something crossed Enoch's mind, so he spoke up, "Mister President, the Ministry of Defense would lambast me if I returned home without asking something on their behalf... The High Command feels that the Royal Navy needs a class of amphibious assault ships, replenishment vessels, and a ship between the abilities of our destroyers and frigates. It was asked of me to ask you if the United States would consider selling us a number of Wasp-class amphibious assault ships, Ticonderoga-class cruisers, and a number of Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ships?"

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm glad Ms. Jonassen can come to Washington." There would be a small pause, before the President continues. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement, but it will take some time for me and the Secretary of Defence to figure out prices. Are you happy to wait whilst we do this?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I'm happy that you would be willing to arrange this between our militaries," King Enoch said before he continued by answering the President's question. "Yes, we can wait while you arrange these prices," Enoch replied.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That is good." The President would smile, however his face would go straight soon after. "Your majesty, Prime Minister. These days are difficult, the threat from Argentina is great. We have already moved our military from DEFCON Four, to DEFCON Two. Can I ask both your positions on this conflict?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Dr. Holt straightened his tie and looked at Enoch. "His Majesty's government stands by the The Netherlands, the United States, and the United Kingdom. The Norwegian Royal Navy has deployed most of its assets to the Caribbean, specifically the French- er, 'Dutch' island of Guadeloupe. We currently have a little over 400 Royal Marines stationed on the island, along with some military equipment. The mission was to secure Guadeloupe in the event that Argentina attempted to invade the Caribbean so that we would at least have one foothold. However, since this territory is now Dutch, our forces are holding there until the status of these territories is resolved.

"The Kingdom of Norway has been trying to acquire a Caribbean holding for the past year or so, but we wouldn't want to take one by means of violence...." Dr. Holt said as he thought for a moment.

"Our biggest fear is that Argentina will consume dozens of French holdings and offer these places as military facilities for itself and CIS members, which would pose an incredible threat to us and ISAF. I imagine that the United States sees this is a strategic threat as well," he concluded.

Enoch only stated, "Norwegian domestic forces will be at a higher state of alert soon."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We currently have a Carrier Strike Group tasked towards the Falkland Islands to help the British protect them if war does come. We are also willing to deploy forces to Norway and any Norwegian holdings to help if you need us to."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Enoch, who was responsible for the kingdom's defense according to the new constitution thought for a moment and said, "With the exception of our corvettes and two submarines, the entire Royal Navy and 400 of our Royal Marines are deployed in the Caribbean. If the United States could spare it, I would welcome any presence by the United States Navy."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Enoch, who has been holding his tongue for quite some time, finally spoke his mind. The President could probably see that he looked stress.

"Mister President, I need to get something off my chest," the king said. The Prime Minister looked up at Enoch, and shook his head, "Your Majesty, perhaps-" he stopped because he was cut off by Enoch.
"No, Dr. Holt. I need to say this," Enoch said. He looked at President Obama, and continued.

"Argentina is launching a tactical invasion of mainland Europe via France. Their territorial ambitions were originally contained to the New World, except for Gotland and Alexandria. Now, however, after a minor conflict, Argentina wants to invade the entire Republic of France… in fact I've heard that they've taken the island of Corsica. This is not acceptable, Mister President. I don't see why they'll stop with France. I understand that I'm much younger than you, and Norway's armed forces are smaller compared to the United States, but I have served in the Norwegian special forces and I've killed men with my own hands before. I know the costs of war...

"I don't know what the rest of ISAF thinks," he continued, "but I see no choice but to ask my government to declare that a state of war exists between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Argentina. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is the right thing to do - we will not accept peace until Argentina withdraws all troops from French territory around the world and either returns Alexandria to Egypt, or grants it true independence.

"As I said before, Norway's armed forces are inferior to the United States, and one could argue they are also inferior to Argentina's. If we go to war alone, we will likely be outmatched... But if a free Europe - and a free Scandinavia by extension - is to be preserved, I have no choice." Enoch said in momentary contemplation. The Prime Minister was sweating now, and Queen Sophia was paying close attention.

"The United States has been the leader of the Free World since 1945, and has helped liberate Europe twice this century. I ask that you come and join forces with us for nothing less than a righteous cause... Every moment we delay this inevitable war, Mister President, a thousand more men will die," the King concluded.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
A solemn would fall on Obama's face as he hears what the King had to say, a long audible sigh would leave his lips before he begins to respond. "Your majesty, I have a lot of powers in my position as President of the United States, however there is one power I do not hold, and that is the power to declare war. This is something congress have to do, I will put forward the proposal to them and it will be down to them, I know this isn't the response you wanted to hear and I'm sorry. "



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I understand that your Congress will have to declare war, Mister President. Just as I'm going to ask the Storting to declare war. I trust that you will make the best possible case you can," he concluded. He thought for a few moments and said, "Mister President, I think that we need to return to Norway to prepare. Thank you very much for hosting the three of us... If you do decide to deploy troops to Norway, I ask that you send navy assets and anti-aircraft and anti-missile assets... Thank you again," he said. If President Obama had nothing else to add, the three of them would leave and take a chartered flight back to Norway. It would be on a chartered 747 with a North Pole route. The aircraft would be fully fueled and all other necessary things for it to actually get to Norway - if a problem would arise, they would return to Washington D.C.

A request was made for the American Air Force to provide an escort. Regrettably, Enoch and Sophia had to cancel their plans for a vacation in New York City. They wouldn't leave until he could confirm the President had nothing else to say.

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Now, the deployment of forces abroad is something that is in my power, we can deployed a number of units to Norway, from all branches of the military, is there any specific number you'd want deploying?" The President would pause for a moment, before continuing on.

"I have one last thing before you leave. A while back the United States was tendering for a new Frigate and the Norwegian Navy approached us with the Fridtjof Nansen class. Now, we went with the Dutch design in the beginning but their frigate is more of an Air Defence frigate, and we were wondering if the option to purchase some Norwegian frigates was still on the table, because we have also been looking at the Skjold class corvette."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I'm not sure if you have one to spare, but we would welcome a carrier group," Enoch said. "We would also be happy to host a division (10,000) in mainland Norway. I imagine our entire expeditionary forces will have to be deployed soon, so I'm sure it would be comforting to the government and the people to have Americans in the homeland," Enoch said.

He listened for a moment to the President's second question and said, "We would be happy to sell our frigates and the Skjold-class to the United States. We actually just constructed twenty Skjold-class for ourselves, and I was able to inspect one. They are quite outstanding," the king noted.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Excellent, I know the prices are not for you to decide so I will ask the Secretary of Defence to get in touch soon. And we will make plans to deploy forces to Norway soon"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Good," he noted. "While they are on the phone, they can discuss the pricing of the American ships I mentioned previously as well," he said with a slight smile.

Enoch stood up and offered to shake the President's hand, "Thank you again, Mister President. I hope that you keep Dr. Holt and I informed."
Dr. Holt offered to shake the President's hand as well, and Sophia simply offered a friendly smile.

If there was nothing else to be said, they would take the same ride they were given back to Andrews, where they took a privately chartered 747 back to Norway. Their departure time was kept secret, as well as their arrival time back to Oslo, with the exception of members of both governments.



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