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Operation Leviathan | Taiwan


Deleted member 5


Republic of Taiwan Air Defense & Missile Command
Operation Leviathan


Republic of Taiwan Ballistic Missile Defense Company:
[1] Sky Horse Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
[2] Army Ballistic Missile Defense Operators
[5] Taiwan Air Defense Operators

Republic of Taiwan Air Force "Blue Flight"
[2] 2x Sukhoi Su-27 (2 pilots)

Armed with:

Guns: 1 × 30 mm Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 autocannon with 150 rounds
Hardpoints: 10 external pylons[100][104] with a capacity of up to 4,430 kg (9,770 lb)[100][104] and provisions to carry combinations of:
6 × R-27R/ER/T/ET/P/EP air-to-air missiles
4 × R-73E AAMs
RBK-250 cluster bomb
RBK-500 cluster bomb



[Taipei Missile Command]

[Taipei, Taiwan]

[Main Operating Base]

[Taipei Radar Installation]

[Taipei, Taiwan]

[Main Operating Base]



Test Sky Horse ICBM

Tyrrhenian Sea, West Coast of Italy

Simulated ICBM and Ballistic Missile Defense & Prevention



NCSIST 3D Phased Array Rotating Radar System | 4 units

Argentine Primary 3D Radar | 1 unit

Voronezh Phased Array Early-Warning Radar | 1 unit

After getting command from Taiwanese Government, The Operation Leviathan forces would be ready. All Trained Forces including Radar operators and Ballistic Missile operations are planning to initiate operations to save the humanity. All Activities are TOP SECRET & SHARED WITH ROYAL ITALIAN MILITARY.

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Deleted member 5


Republic of Taiwan Air Defense & Missile Command
Operation Leviathan
Time: 0100 Local Time
Location: Taipei Missile Command, Taipei Air Base

After the confirmation of Taiwanese Government, Joint Chief of Staff and other military strategists, Taiwan Air Defense & Missile Command would go through checklist before they needed to launch missile. After all procedures are complete, the radar operators would use Voronezh Phased Array Early-Warning Radar,
NCSIST 3D Phased Array Rotating Radar System, and Argentine Primary 3D Radars to monitor if there is any problem before launching Sky Horse Intercontinental Ballistic Missile. They would monitor very cautiously and if they find anything suspicious, they would be ready to report to Taiwanese Government and Ministry of Defense.

Since there is no problem, Taipei Missile Command would start countdown from backwards from 10 to 1. After the countdown is complete, The Sky Horse Intercontinental Ballistic Missile would launch from Silo and the missile would fly by using following routes and trajectory: PL<OL<NN<MM<LM<KM<KN<JN. The Target is Tyrrhenian Sea. This would take 30 minutes to drop the ICBM at Tyrrhenian Sea.

The first missile would've been launched. It did so, and quickly gained speed. The missile, before long, was pointed down at Earth. The photo-taking 2 of Sukhoi Su-27 were also airborne, and flew at 9,000 feet, ready to take photos of the massive explosion.



Jul 1, 2018


The Objectives, as laid out by High Command:
  • Test the Extended Range Air Defense System (ERADS)
  • Miss the Target Warhead by more than 1 meter but less than 3 meters
  • Jettison Kill Vehicle into the Tyrrhenian Sea
  • Recover Kill Vehicle to analyze telemetry, avionics, and engineering results.


Deployment List

  • Air Defense Unit - Venice 1x Selex RAT-31DL Radar, 1x ERADS Battery, 100 Personnel
  • Air Defense Unit - Rome 1x Selex RAT-31DL Radar, 1x ERADS Battery, 100 Personnel
  • HRMS St George (FREMM-Class Frigate) 131 Personnel
  • HRMS Etna (Etna-class Replen. Ship) 160 Personnel

By the time the Sky Horse ICBM would be detected on the Selex RAT-31DLs stationed at Venice, it would be entering the last quarter of it's "Midcourse" phase. Immediately the ERADS Battery at Venice would begin preparations to engage while establishing a datalink with the ERADS battery in Rome. The Battery at Venice would launch 2 Interceptor Missiles, which would be programmed to engage, discern the warhead, and get within 3 meters (but no closer than 1 meter) of the warhead while it was still in its exoatmospheric "Midcourse" Phase, after which they would carry out a controlled deorbit into the Tyrrhenian Sea. The ERADs battery at Rome would engage within similar parameters as far as how close it was to get to the warhead, but instead of targetting it during the exoatmospheric phase, it would attempt to engage while the warhead was entering its endoatmospheric "Terminal" phase, testing ERADS' Capability in taking out an easily identifiable target when given an extremely short period of time to react. These Interceptors were also programmed to jettison into the Tyrrhenian Sea for recovery and analysis (and possibly even reuse of some components).

Given the large amount of funding that had been put into this project from the very beginning, it was expected that ERADS would perform extremely well under these conditions. The FREMM-class frigate HRMS St George would be deployed (fully armed, fueled, crewed, and stocked) to track the 5 warheads as they entered the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the HRMS Etna, a replenishment ship (also fully fueled, armed, crewed, and stocked), would be tasked with their recovery.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Even before the Italians could track it.

Since there was no mention of trying to mask the ICBM launch, Civilian Radars all across China would immediately pick on the signature once it was high enough to be traced. It would then, as quick as possible send word to the Ministry of Defence detailing the occurrence. Immediately, in the capital, 14 MIM-104 Patriot (PAC 3) Upgrade would be activated by the personnel, which were already pre-loaded. Using their own radars to track the ICBM sent by Taiwan, they would try and triangulate its trajectory, but being extremely fast, they could get its landing location, thus a decision was to be made, it was flying over Chinese Territory, without any prior warning by the Taiwanese, violating some of the terms on the Treaty signed just weeks ago.

The Patriot would have to do their work, as it was not possible to know if it was heading to China or not. After triangulating its path, and since it was not stated what altitude was the ICBM flying, so it will be assumed it was high enough for the Patriots to be able to track it and kill it. Upon entering Chinese Air Space, all patriots would fire one of their missiles in sequence, with 4 seconds in-between each launch, meaning 14 Missiles total, after being clearly prepared and set their trajectory to intercept the incoming ICBM. Upon reaching the ICBM, all of them would slam into, the ICBM, if one missed , another would possibly hit its mark, being 14 it would be almost impossible for a single ICBM to come out alive. The missiles that would miss or if the ICBM was already destroyied would fall into the ocean safely and within Chinese or International Waters.

Since the Chinese Government wouldn't know if this was intended or not, it wouldn't take it as a declaration of war, however it would be contacting Taiwan in a few moments.

Deleted member 5

Before Chinese Government even launched the 14 MIM-104 Patriot (PAC 3) missiles, the Sky Horse Intercontinental Ballistic Missile would already been in Midcourse and there is no way that Chinese PAC 3 would not evade Sky Horse ICBM. It is because ICBM being too fast in its boost phase, the Patriot PAC-3 being build to engage ICBMs in their terminal phase ( Sky Horse ICBM already evaded Chinese PAC 3 Missiles. As a result, Sky Horse ICBM already reached to Tyrrhenian Sea so that Italian Military can now engage it. So, Chinese would unable to take down the Sky Horse ICBM and PAC 3 missiles would be unsucessful.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Unfortunately for Taiwan, its missile wouldn't travel at light speed, nor did Taiwan make any effort to state the altitude it was flying at, even if the Patriot could only intercept a normal flying ICBM in it terminal phase, it could still intercept this anyway since it was in low enough altitude to be intercepted by the Patriot missiles given it was state by me, that it was in a altitude which was possible to be intercepted. Intercepted meaning it wouldn't fly towards it, it would meet the ICBM in a encounter point and destroy it, and with the sheer amount of missiles being launched at it in various intervals its probability of succeeding would grow quite rapidly, meaning in the end the Taiwanese ICBM was destroyed.

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Jul 1, 2018
Being as Boost Phase lasts, at most, 5-6 minutes, and as the MIM-104F Patriot PAC-3 Missile is not built to be capable of exoatmospheric interception, the Missile would not be destroyed and would continue on its firing Arc towards the Tyrrhenian Sea. While the first Interceptor from Venice would suffer a telemetry error, and self-destruct itself early in its flight, the second would intercept without a hitch, fitting its "intercept" window at 1.67m away from the warhead. Meanwhile, both interceptors from Rome would be on target, one of which would slightly miss the intercept window (3.4 meters away from the warhead) and the other of which would almost split the window down the middle at 2.2 meters away from the Warhead. All in all, the test of the Extended Range Air Defense System would be declared an excellent success on the part of the Air Force.

As the three remaining interceptors began their ditching Arcs, the Etna and St George would begin tracking their splashdowns and would begin to recover what remains they could.

Deleted member 5

By the PAC 3 Missile would destroy the ICBM, Sky Horse would already been destroyed by Italian Military grade ERADS. As this already been over 30 minutes (OOC 30 minutes), there is no way Chinese could even destroyed the missile. This is not an attack to Chinese military and it is a simulated test. Chinese Military would not know about this test beforehand, as a result Chinese PAC 3 Missile would be unsuccessful and this is a shame for Chinese Military. Sky Horse Intercontinental Ballistic Missile would already been destroyed by ERADS before it was fallen to west coast of Italy, Tyrrhenian sea.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The ICBM would fly over China without begin intercepted, however the Chinese did try to stop it,but where unsuccessful in their objective, but since it was not defended against the Chinese knowing it did pass, it would be concluded that Taiwan did not care about the treaty that was signed weeks ago with China, showing the Chinese government that Taiwan could not be trusted any more. The Patriots would still be on alert from now on.

Meanwhile the Ministry of Defense would treat this as Taiwan testing the Military Capabilities of China regarding Anti-Balistic Missile defense, which would infuriate Beijing since it knew nothing of the Exercise between Taiwan and Italy. Privately relations would sour with Taiwan.
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Jul 1, 2018
By now, the two naval ships would've been able to track and retrieve the remains of the interceptors after they ditched into the ocean. They would primarily be interested in grabbing the guidance systems and the Kill vehicles. They would also search for the remains of the Taiwanese missile, also looking for the Guidance System of it.

Returning to base, these remains would be given into the custody of the Marconi R&D Center, with all data shared with the Air Force and with the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense over encrypted and secure lines, for analysis both of the remains and of any data they could glean from the guidance systems.

Operation Leviathan was considered, at least on the Italian side, a magnificent achievement for their newest Anti-Ballistic Missile systems.

Deleted member 5

The second Taiwanese ICBM would've started to become ready for the second launch. It wouldn't be fired for a few days, although the Taiwanese Air Forces figured it would be worthwhile to get the missile setup prior to its launch.
Still, nobody in Taiwan, bar the pilots, knew about the missile's explosion near Tyrrhenian Sea. It was business as usual in Taiwan. President Tsai Ing-wen visited the missile sites, and applauded those who fitted the missiles and launched them. Pictures were taken, memories were made. The citizens of Taiwan felt safe, felt protected. They were happy their country was so powerful, so strong. The Operation Leviathan has been successfully completed. Let's Make Taiwan Great Again.


Jul 1, 2018
As the Ships approached the Warhead's location on the Tyrrhenian Sea, they would've seen the explosion as it sent out a shockwave powerful enough to mist them with water nearly a kilometer out. Luckily, the ships would be far enough out that the only damage they would receive would be some cracked or blasted-in windows, and the only casualties would be damaged or busted eardrums and some cuts or lacerations. They would relay this information to the Italian Royal Military immediately, who would not be happy about this whatsoever.


Jul 1, 2018
By now the ships would've returned to base to have their windows replaced and the sailors would have their health and hearing checked out.

The Operation, at this point, would be over.

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