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Phone call to Brazil


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Private and Encrypted phone call to the Brazilian Foreign Affairs would be placed from the Ministry of External Affairs, India.



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
Brazilian Chief of International Relations Pedro Santana Galego would answer the call once it was properly Encrypted and Secure.

Good Day, This is Chief Galego, how are you doing Mr Gujral?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Good day indeed. I wanted to establish diplomatic ties with Brazil. India sees Brazil as a growing world power, and we would like to have an Ally in the Atlantic. We would like to send an Ambassador to Brazil along with staff for an embassy. We invite an Ambassador and embassy staff to come from Brazil to New Delhi. I feel once our Ambassador, if approved, arrives then we can have them discuss future plans on behalf of India."



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
"We are happy to hear India's opinion of Brazil, We see India as an upcoming power and are interested in establishing close relations between our two great nations.

Your embassy staff will be received with open arms, we shall send an ambassador and staff to the Embassy in New Delhi.

If you're interested, I believe our Prime Minister would be interested in visiting India in an official visit, would that be possible?



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Absolutely! We have a very high opinion of Brazil and all of it's many accomplishments, India views Brazil as a beacon to follow.

We very much appreciate the hospitality of Brazil we shall send Suresh Reddy as the Ambassador to Brazil.

As for an official meeting, one can be arranged. Would your Prime Minister like to visit with the President of India or the Prime Minister of India?"



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
"That is good to hear, On the topic of the Official meeting, I believe a meeting with the President of India would be the best to discuss in detail the relations between our countries.

Once a proper date has been settled upon, I shall contact the Prime Minister and schedule a flight to India as soon as possible.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"This will work, you can meet with the president at your earliest convenience. I will set up a meeting with the Prime Minister during your Prime Ministers visit. Once you have an Itinerary we will send the schedule for the visit."



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
"Marvelous, Once our visit is scheduled, we shall notify you as soon as possible.''

With the scheduled date's arrival, Prime Minister Cardoso would depart with a small delegation to the Indian Capital of New Delhi, the Aircraft would depart Brasilia International Airport fully fueled and ready for the trip ahead.

The aircraft's destination was Indira Gandhi International Airport, once given permission to land, the Boeing 707 would taxi down to the assigned location, The Prime Minister would step out after some of the members of his small delegation, awaiting for the arrival of the Indian counterpart.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Permission would be granted.

"BRS1, Brazilian Air Force 01, you are clear to land runway 11/29, wind is calm. Welcome to India!" The ATC would say over the comms.
Once the aircraft lands it would be given further instructions.

"BRS1, Brazilian Air Force 01, taxi via M>N1>P>Terminal 3. Gate 5." The ATC would chime in once more.

Once parked the ramp would make it's way to the aircraft doors. Inside the lobby would be 8 men dressed in black 3 piece suits, with sunglasses on, they would each have an earpiece. One man was dressed differently however. He was dressed in a tan suit and appeared to be custom tailored.



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
The Prime Minister would approach the men, accompanied by the delegation, he'd nod a hello to the men dressed in black, before turning his attention to the man in the tanned suit.

Thank you for receiving us, This meeting will be more than beneficial to both of our nations, I believe"

He'd raise his hand for the man in the tanned suit to shake.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
The man in the tan suit would reach out to shake the Prime Ministers hand.

"Hello Prime Minister, my name is Richard Nuyt, I am chief advisor to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. We are very honored to have you here in New Delhi, I hope your flight wasn't to bad. Please follow us, we have a vehicle waiting in the private lobby. Prime Minister Vajpayee is eager to meet you."

The gentlemen would head to the private lobby where a black limo was waiting with a police vehicle in the front and back of the limo. The drive was nearly an hour long due to high traffic. When they arrived, the limo would break off from the police vehicles and head into a parking garage. The driver would get out and open the back door. Inside the garage was an elevator and 2 guards dressed in ceremonial uniforms. They would go to attention as the men got onto the elevator and brought them to the top floor. When the elevator door opened, 2 more guards in the same attire would snap to attention as the men exited the elevator. Richard would approach the secretary sitting at a mahogany wood desk.

"Prime Minister Cardoso to see Prime Minister Vajpayee" he would whisper.

"Please enter, Honorable Vajpayee has been expecting you." she would say in a soft voice.

The man in the tan suit would open the door for Prime Minister Cardoso and bow.
"Please enter sir."



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
Prime Minister Cardoso wore a dark blue double-breasted suit with a white shirt, a black tie and a golden imperial pin on the left side of his chest. with a smile and a would give a nod of his head he'd thank the Man in the tan suit.

"Thank you" he whispered, before turning to the door and entering it, his eyes slightly looking at the surroundings of the room before quickly moving back to look at the figure ahead of him, giving them a small smile and a raise of a hand for them to shake.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Prime Minister Vajpayee would smile and shake the Prime Minister Cardoso's hand.

"Welcome to India Prime Minister, I am so very happy to have you here. We have much to discuss. Please have a seat, can I get you anything?"

There was 2 chairs and a small table set up by a fire place, with a fire burning, the office would smell like a camp fire. Prime Minister Vajpayee would walk over to his desk and pull out 5 different color folders, and then walk over to the small table. He would set the folders on the table and take a seat, motioning for Prime Minister Cardoso to take a seat. The top folder could be seen with a tag that read Finance and Trade.



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
Cardoso would smile and nod to his Indian counterpart.

Thank you for Welcoming me Prime Minister Vajpayee."

Cardoso would take a seat in the 2nd chair, taking in the warmth of the fireplace. "
No, but thank you for the offer, So, with which topic would you like to start these talks with, Mr Vajpayee?" He'd sit back on his chair, looking down at the top folder and then back to the Indian Prime Minister.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Where to begin, all 5 of these folders are part of a larger idea that the Indian government has been working on. We want to build a coalition of nations, something on the level of the Nordic Counsel, but improved. We have already approached Tanzania and Russia with this idea. However I wanted to speak to you in person about these matters. Perhaps I should start with the first folder." PM Vajpayee would say as he opened blue folder labeled Finance and Trade.

PM Vajpayee would start going through the papers and hand a copy to PM Cardoso.
"That is a copy you can keep. This document has a list of both Brazil's and India's export resources."
1. Meat
2. Agricultural Coffee and Sugar
3. Iron Ores
4. Vehicles
5. Machinery
1. Rare Earth Elements
2. Petroleum & Petroleum Products
3. Diamonds
4. Pharmaceutical Products
5. Coal
"Now under the coalition we would have free trade between each nation, similar to the World Trade Forum, but without having to pay for a membership." PM Vajpayee would say as he flipped through the documents.
"I also propose a coalition private bank account, accessible to all member countries. It would be overseen by an elected official by the council. Each year members of the coalition would have to put $2 billion into the account. Although this number could always be changed and negotiated. The way that this differs from the World Trade Forum, is that this money is accessible to all Countries in the coalition, well in times of need. Which again will be approved by an elected official of the coalition council." PM Vajpayee would set the papers on the table.

"I feel as if I am doing all the talking I do apologies. What do you think of what I have spoken of so far?"



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
Cardoso listened closely to Prime Minister Vajpayee's words, thinking about the proposal put forward, he'd then sit back on the chair and speak.

There is no need to apologize. This Coalition is an interesting proposal Mr Vajpayee, Free trade could be beneficial to all of our emerging economies. The value of $2 billion seems acceptable to me.

I assume this Coalition Organization would be one for strictly economic and trading purposes? or would it also involve other matters such as international diplomacy and mutual defence?



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
He would spread out all the folders, each color coded and labled:
"The coalition would consist of each of these aspects labeled here. These however are not biding documents, but that of a summary of what the coalition will consist of." He would say.

Military and Military Ops

Classification: TOP SECRET

Each nation of the coalition will be required to submit an advisor, either Military Officer or Civilian equivalent to each respective country to better coordinate defence between member states.
These representatives are strictly under the command of their host nation.

While in a foreign country of the coalition, the representatives will be held accountable for the laws in which the country they are currently residing in.
Representative will not be imprisoned in any country of the coalition with the exception of their host country.
No Soldiers with the exception of the representatives may occupy another coalition members country, without the consent from that nations government.
Coalition Countries may not declare war on one another.
Coalition Countries may not declare war on any foreign entity, without the consent of the coalition council and the Global Assembly.
An attack on one Coalition Country is an attack on all Coalition Countries.
Violation could result in lost of membership and sanctions.

Business and Zoning

Classification: TOP SECRET

Each nation of the coalition will be able to produce businesses within other coalition nations territory.
Land must be bought from the government of the nation in which the business is to be established.
This land, although purchased, still belongs to the respective host nation.
Zoning permits will be authorized with the consent of the government from the host nation.
Businesses operating outside their host nation are subject to taxes of the nation they are residing in.
All profits from business will go to the nation in which the business is currently residing in. I.E. India has a business in Brazil, all profits of that business would go to Brazil.
Production rights on all commercial vehicles will not be purchased, all commercial Production Rights are to be shared between coalition nations.

Shipping and Trade

Classification: TOP SECRET

There will be free trade for all coalition nations. NO TARIFFS.
Each nation of the coalition must provide their own shipping vessels, until the coalition shipping fleet can be established.
Each nation of the coalition will have access to any exported goods from each respective nation.
Members of the coalition may still trade with outside sources but may not use the coalition shipping fleet for this purpose.


Classification: TOP SECRET

Each nation of the coalition will provide no less than $2,000,000,000.00 to a unified coalition banking account.
Each nation will have access to this account but will need permission from the counsel to withdraw funds.
Examples of reasons to withdraw funds (but not limited to): Coalition nation is in debt, Purchase of large project, Military Operations, Purchases for the coalition and not for personal gain of a single nation.
Once the account has reached $10,000,000,000.00, the account will not be able to be accessed, this money will be used for emergencies only.

Bilateral Relations and Coalitions

Classification: TOP SECRET

Each section of the coalition: Military, Business, Trade, and Economics will have a representative, voted on by the council.
The counsel will be represented by one member from each nation in the coalition.
The Representatives for each section will be an individual presented from each nation and voted on by the counsel to represent that section.
Free transit will be available to each nation of the coalition. I.E. No passports required to travel to each nation of the coalition between member nations.
There will be a headquarters for the coalition in each of the members capitols.

"Again this is a rough summary of the coalition, and anything can be amended at any point. Any thoughts?"

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The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
Cardoso would think as he read through all of the folders...before speaking.

As I said before, it is a tempting proposal, however, one subject I'd like to talk about is the Military/Military Ops Red folder.

Do not get me wrong Mr Vajpayee, your proposal is attractive, both economically and diplomatically, however, Brazil wishes to remain neutral in Global Affairs, at least for the foreseeable future, which is why the proposal regarding the Coalition Militaries would have to be declined, I hope you understand.

But that doesn't mean that Brazil is not interested in the other proposals, instead of full membership, would an Observer status be a possibility?

We are willing to donate the funds necessary for the establishment of the Coalition's bank and abide by the proposals of Free trade and Business Zoning.

Your thoughts?



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Yes I understand, although India seeks to remain neutral as well. The military portion would only be needed should any of us get attacked. If a member is an aggressor we would have no obligation to join in the fighting. Observer members would be aloud to join, and would have a seat at the council, however they would not receive a vote, in deciding amendments or actions. I am happy to hear that you are interested in the rest of the proposal however. If this is something we can agree to, I will begin the paperwork and have it sent to you back home."



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
"Perfect, I'll look through it once more once I return back to Brazil, Once the rest of the Government has looked over the proposals, I'll make sure to return a message to you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, I'd also like to ask, would you want to speak of Bilateral relations between our two nations? topics such as trade for example, I believe Brazil can benefit from India's goods and vice versa.


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