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[Portugal] Message to Angola


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Portuguese Republic

This message is private & encrypted
To Prime Minister Osvaldo Manuel

I hope this email find you well.
I welcome you to the international community, it brings me joy to see that Angola as shed its civil war, and reunited under a figure head, and is making steps towards a greater society. Due to our history together, the Portuguese Republic seeks to sow cooperation with your country. We are conscious that the Portuguese Ultramarine War still left strong marks on both our nations, and that we hope to reconcile. The war was fruit of imperialism and a dictatorship. I assure you Portugal is long past that phase of its history, with the carnation revolution.

As such we would like to invite you to a state visit to Portugal, and meet with me, so that we can speak and plan our future relationship together.

Kind regards,

Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic
The Honorable Mr. Antonio Guterres


Mar 3, 2022

Imperial Office of Angola

From: Prime Minister Manuel, Angolan Imperial Republic

To: Prime Minister Guterres, Portuguese Republic Bruno

Subject: RE:

Dear Prime Minister Guterres,

It is a great pleasure to receive your message and I thank you for the warm introduction. Indeed, as you've pointed out, our mutual history has not been the most friendly nor peaceful, but I would like to think that we've both moved forward and turned a new page. I can safely say that after finally concluding 25 years of civil war, we have no interest in revisiting past grievances.
Your invitation is very generous and I of course accept. I am happy to visit at your earliest convenience and will depart Luanda when you notify of a suitable meeting date. In the meantime, I shall assemble a delegation to accompany me.


Prime Minister Manuel of the Angolan Imperial Republic

This message is classified and has been encrypted


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


Portuguese Republic

This message is private & encrypted
To Prime Minister Osvaldo Manuel

Would it be possible for you to arrive any day this week? I will accommodate my schedule according to the date you choose. On this meeting we will review our relationship, future cooperation in the Atlantic Region, and possible future Portuguese Foreign Economic Investments in Angola.

Kind regards,

Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic
The Honorable Mr. Antonio Guterres



Mar 3, 2022

Imperial Office of Angola

From: Prime Minister Manuel, Angolan Imperial Republic

To: Prime Minister Guterres, Portuguese Republic Bruno

Subject: RE:

Dear Prime Minister Guterres,

First off, I should apologise for the delayed response. I, along with my government, have been rather preoccupied with domestic matters.

Assuming your invitation is still open, I shall make travel arrangements to arrive in Lisbon as soon as possible. I understand that given the lateness of my response, you may now be engaged with other duties, thus I am perfectly happy to meet with any other of your representatives to avoid putting you in a difficult situation.


Prime Minister Manuel of the Angolan Imperial Republic

This message is classified and has been encrypted

Straight after the email was sent, the PM would call his team to make flight arrangements to depart Luanda ASAP. Along with his delegation consisting of relevant advisors, translators and diplomats, the PM would board their flight at Aeroporto de Luanda and make their way to Lisbon. On approach to Portuguese airspace, the pilots would inform the authorities of their presence. As they closer approached the airport, they would inform air traffic control and await to be given permission to land.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The the International Airport of Lisbon, landing would be granted to the Angolan Plane, after every checkup was made with the pilots. A VIP convoy would be waiting to receive the Angolan Prime Minister, which, after boarding the convoy, would take him to the official residence of the Prime Minister of Portugal, the Palacete of São Bento.

He would be waiting outside, alongside a reception corp of diplomats and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Alongside them would be ceremonial guards, which one would open the door to the main car where the Angolan PM would be traveling on.

After greetings were exchanged between everyone, they would guide the Angolan Prime Minster to the main office which was prepared to receive them. They would be accompanied by the MOFA, and a few diplomats for the meeting to start. A few pictures would be taken of them, but before the meeting started all reporters would leave the area for the meeting to be private.

"I sincerely hope your travel to Portugal ran smooth Mr. Prime Minister, how is everything in Angola?" Guterres asked calmly, while sipping a glass of water.



Mar 3, 2022
Upon the arrival of the envoy's motorcade, led by the PM, the delegation would exchange greetings with their Portuguese counterparts.

The PM would follow the lead of the Portuguese hosts, making light conversation on the way. In the meeting room, the Angolan diplomatic team would take their seats and take out notes on their key talking points, contemplating on their objectives.

"Yes, our travels went as well as they could. Thank you again for your invitation to host us in this meeting. How is Angola you say." Manuel would take a moment to reflect on this question. "Over the past 8 months of our administration, the domestic situation has significantly improved. Though, the difficulties we face currently can be summarised in the fact that we're playing catch-up to make up for lost 25 years of the war, whilst also simultaneously attempting to modernise our nation. But if the last few months is anything to go by, I am very confident of the future, hence my commitment to forge links internationally." Manuel would pause briefly, "So what is on your agenda for today?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Perhaps Portugal could aid you in that? In the modernization of your country, we have various industrial and construction companies that could provide investment in the name of the Portuguese Government in Angola. For example in roads, industrial complexes, hospitals, schools, universities, etc" He would pause. "Prehaps right now the best course of action would be a trade deal between both our nations, what do you think?"



Mar 3, 2022
"That sort of assistance will be greatly appreciated and I'm sure that we'll take you up on such offer. With assistance in the industrial sector particularly, I was hoping that we could come to an agreement that would allow Angolan citizens to train in specific industries in Portugal for a short period in order for them to develop the relevant skillset to bring back to Angola. It would be an international training program if you like. But we can talk about this in further detail a little later since the topic is more similar to later topics I wish to discuss."

"Trade, yes, lets discuss. Now our most plentiful and popular exported resources include mineral fuels (petroleum, gases & crude oil), gems and precious metals, fish, sulphur and copper. I believe that you may find at least a couple of these products desirable for import. Preferably we do wish to encourage our exports of oil and gas as we are undergoing rapid expansion in production capabilities...and what country doesn't like energy security, eh?" He joked. "What resources and products are available for trade from Portugal?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"What sort of industries would then require to train in? We have a very strong industrial sector, which could provide that training for exemple. Along size the terciary sector like tourism. Or emergency services too"

"I'll pass that information to the trade department of the kindomg they will study which resources they would be interested and and then give you the information of our own."


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