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[Portugal] Message to Japan


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Palácio de Belém , Calçada da Ajuda
1349-022 Lisboa (Portugal)

Subject: First Interaction

His Excellency Shinzo Abe Prime Minister of Japan

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the international community, and congratulate you on your electoral success, Portugal and Japan have a relationship dating as far back as the 15th century, of friendship, mutual respect and the same ideal. It is why I would like to come into contact with you via a phone call first to discuss a possible state visit of the Prime Minister of Japan to Lisbon,Portugal; Discuss certain matters that involve both our nations; Discuss certain aspects of your future relationship and discuss a possible trade negotiation.

My Secretary of Foreign Affairs will also be joining us in this call to discuss a possible investment in the Japanese infrastructure, which will bolster our relationship further and grow the regional development of the Japanese Territory.

Yours faithfully
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
Office of the President of the Portuguese Federal Republic


State of Japan
Jul 20, 2018
The Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, would telephone the Portuguese President on a secure and encrypted line. The Foreign Minister, Junichiro Koizumi, would also be present in the call.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
President Marcelo would receive the phone call in a private and encrypted line.

"Good Afternoon Mr.Abe, I hope that everything is going well in Japan? It is quite important that Japan enters the international community once more, as a beacon of democracy and freedom. How are things after the election?" He would pause, sipping a bit of his water, preparing his notes to talk with the Japanese Prime Minister, on these notes would be a trade agreement and a few economic and political proposals.


State of Japan
Jul 20, 2018
"Hello President Marcelo, all is good in Japan, running like clockwork" Abe would joke."We trust its the same in Portugal? We were very pleased to receive your message earlier, we wish to develop greater ties, both political and economic, to the European nations; especially given the increasing tensions within Asia at the moment. Talking about an economic relationship, you referred in your message to economic opportunities, we would be most pleased to explore these."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"It is also going great here! I would like to kick off again our relations with exactly that point, as you know Portugal and Japan relations date as far back as the 15th century, when Portugal became the first European Nation to reach and find Japan, since then our nation have grown together and have trade together far longer that most. We would like to use the examples of the past to consider Japan our Trade Partner, so we would like to start this off with a Trade Agreement between our nations, and then a Free Trade Agreement between us to trade our resources between eachother. Do you agree?"


State of Japan
Jul 20, 2018
"Of course, trade has occurred between our nations for centuries; that shouldn't change now. We are very open to signing a Free Trade Agreement with your country, though before we agree to a Trade Agreement, we would wish to see what Portugal has to offer. As for Japan, our top exports consist of vehicles, machinery, medical apparatus, Iron/steel and mineral fuels. Are these products something you have interest in?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Actually, we are very interested in Medical Products and Mineral Fuels especially natural gas , which we would love to trade for any of our own exports, which are of the highest quality available. Which are Footwear,Clothing,Furniture,Paper and Plastics. We would very much trade two for two.

On another point, I believe that by lowering tariffs between both of our nations would really help both our people, so they wouldn't need to pay more for a product of high quality."


State of Japan
Jul 20, 2018
"Well we can certainly export medical product and mineral fuels to Portugal. With a growing popularity and demand in the Japanese fashion industry, we are encouraged to import footwear and clothing products in exchange. As for the trade route, we can export mineral fuels via Yokohama and medical products via Tokyo, both destined to Lisbon, whilst we can import footwear and clothing via Tokyo.

And yes, lower tariffs can prove potentially beneficial,and as I've expressed, we would be happy to sign a Free Trade Agreement"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"This is delightful! Before we continue I would need the prot of arrival of our products, the Portuguese Port of Sines would serve as the hub for the Japanese Products." He would also hand him a FTA, detailing a normal reduction to Tariffs for both nations.

"Hopefully you agree with both."


State of Japan
Jul 20, 2018
The drafted FTA would be sent through. "We have just received it now". He would quickly read over the agreement. "Yes, this appears satisfactory. So just to clarify, Medical equipment is to be exported from Tokyo and imported via Sines; mineral fuels is to be exported from Yokohama to Sines; and footwear and clothing is to be exported from Sines and imported via Tokyo. Is that okay?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe it is!" He would give um a draft for the trade to sign, so it could start to flow.

Medical equipment is to be exported from Tokyo to Sines
Mineral Fuels is to be exported from Yokohama to Sines
Footwear and Clothing is to be exported from Sines to Tokyo
Exports will be monthly.

"Is this alright for you?"


State of Japan
Jul 20, 2018
Once the document had been received, he would quickly scan through it to ensure that everything was to order.

"Yes this is very good", he said as he signed the document. "We will send you a copy of the signed document now. It has been good doing business with you, is there anything else you wish to discuss?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Marvellous, cargo ships will be ready to leave at any moment now. Yes we would like to ask about a possible business opportunity regrading Nagasaki if possible. We would like to purchase the Nagasaki Port, for 2 Billion Dollars, in order to expand it and improve it, this would bring development to the region and a increase in jobs, it would also serve as a staging point for the creation of a commercial train line connecting all of Japan, in which commercial goods both national and international could flow rapidly, along side materials for your industry. This would also be an investment of around 400 to 500 Million Dollars in your nation, payed entirely by us. This would no doubt bring prosperity to Japan at no cost. Also with a bit of history, Nagasaki as a Portuguese Trading Post in the 16th and 17th centuries build by Portuguese which also brought prosperity at that time for both nations, so this could be a sign of strenght between both our people."


State of Japan
Jul 20, 2018
"I am fully aware of Nagasaki history, and to say it was built and prospered under Portugal is a massive exaggeration, especially when the city was under Portuguese administration for only 7 years.

But nevertheless, I'm just trying to get my head around this; you wish to purchase the Port of Nagasaki and construct a national railway line?Before I even consider such proposition, there is numerous details I need to know, such as:
How much of the Port to you wish to purchase?
Would Portugal intend to make the area Portuguese territory?
Would the Port be used for commercial or military purposes, or both?
What are your exact desired plans for the Port?
And most importantly, what benefit does Portugal gain from this and what are your motives behind this?

Don't get me wrong, we greatly appreciate such offer, though we are very concerned over the idea of a western, non-allied country wanting to purchase such a vital Japanese asset, especially at this time with the current situation."

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