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[PRC] Communication to the Russian Federation


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
People's Republic of China

Recipient: Andrey Kozyrev, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Cc: Yazhu Lee, Ambassador to the Russian Federation
Subject: Establishment of Bilateral Relations
Attachment: Letter of Credence

Minister Kozyrev,

It is with great honour that I write this communique, the People's Republic of China has recently undergone a transition of power as we pave the way for a new and brighter future. With the election of President Zhou Tan, and the appointment of his government led by Premier Kai Kwan, China rises from the depths and rejoins the international community.

The People's Republic seeks to establish strong bilateral ties with the Russian Federation. In the past we have relied greatly upon the Russian defence industries to provide the People's Liberation Army with the necessary equipment to maintain our national defence, this is a relationship my government seeks to continue. We are furthermore interested in your government's foreign policy and perhaps it would be beneficial for a meeting to be held between the Chinese Ambassador in Moscow and a representative of your government.

I hope such a meeting can be arranged at your earliest convenience.

Yours Sincerely,

Jian Yin
Minister of Foreign Affairs


Jul 1, 2018




Encrypted and Classified

To: Jian Yin Dutchy


I am very happy that you have chosen to contact me. I and my government are of the belief that strong relations between our two nations should be pursued. We would very much like to continue our defense export relationship with the PRC. At this time we sell through the entity RUSAR. You are free to use it, but for anything not listed please contact our ministry of defence directly.

Now then, I do believe a meeting is in order. How does two days from now sound?

From: Andrey Kozyrev


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
People's Republic of China

Recipient: Andrey Kozyrev, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (HeadlessSeeker)
Cc: Yazhu Lee, Ambassador to the Russian Federation
Subject: Establishment of Bilateral Relations
Attachment: -

Minister Kozyrev,

I shall keep your words in mind once we begin our procurement processes. I shall furthermore inform the Ambassador of the scheduled meeting, I wish you both a pleasant and productive conversation, and I hope that it will spark the beginning of a great friendship between our nations.

Yours Sincerely,

Jian Yin
Minister of Foreign Affairs


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Ambassador, after being informed of the scheduled meeting, spent the last two days preparing documents and talking points. On the day of the meeting, he stepped into the waiting diplomatic vehicle which made the short drive to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Upon arriving at the building, the Ambassador made his way through the main entrance and approached the reception, where he informed them of his appointment with the Foreign Minister.



Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN 1995

Upon arriving at the building he would be waved through by security after seeing their identification. At the front desk he would of been informed of the room where the meeting was. This was the office of Andrey Kozyrev who was at the minute in the middle of a phone call. He would lower the phone for a moment."My apologies. I got a... surprise call from Sweden." he would pull out a bottle of vodka, a glass, and a magazine called Soviet Soldier 1991

"If you will just give me a moment. Please, help yourself."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Ambassador followed all the instructions by the staff of the Ministry, upon entering the Minister's office the Ambassador stepped forward to greet the Foreign Minister, only to realise he was currently preoccupied.

The Ambassador took a seat across from the Foreign Minister, leaving the vodka and magazine untouched while he waited.



Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN 1995

The call would end.
"Sorry about that. It was most unexpected for them to call. Your visit here is very important to me and Russia as a whole. So, what shall we discuss first? I believe we should establish trade should we not? We can use the rail links between us to accomplish that.

Oh right! What we discussed in the messages prior..."

He began to pull out some forms.



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Not to worry Minister, I appreciate you having the time to meet with me."

"I agree that the establishment of an expansive trade network between our nations would be mutually beneficial. While the rail links would be the most suitable mode of transportation, the People's Republic does not currently maintain a fleet of cargo trains. May I inquire into the state of Russia's ability to transport goods by rail, perhaps your government would be able to transport our exports as well."



Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN 1995

"We are in possession of a number of M62 locomotives and plan on building a suitable number of more locomotives for such jobs. Besides that we have access to a number of cargo vessels. Trade to Vladivostok should be simple enough due to the proximity. What is the state of China's current trade fleet? We should also discuss what goods will be traded.

This reminds me. What are China's current foreign policies or goals? As I recall, in times past China was the center of the world economically. Trade goods would flow out of China and flow into it."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The People's republic has recently purchased a fleet of twelve merchant vessels from the Federal Republic of Germany. While I believe that a trade network which relies on our rail networks would be more cost-effective, it is possible for a trade route to be established between Shanghai and Vladivostok. Our exports currently consists of Electrical Machinery & Equipment; Machinery & Computers; Plastics & Plastic Articles; Optical, Technical, Medical Apparatus; Clothing & Accessories."

"My government's current focus is the establishment of a solid network of diplomatic contacts and the establishment of positive bilateral relations with regional powers. We furthermore seek to increase our influence in the East Asia region and prevent exploitation of the nations in our region. In regards to economics, the People's Republic also seeks to strengthen its trade network with Europe and Africa."

"May I inquire into Russia's foreign policy goals?"



Jul 1, 2018
Protected by SIN 1995

"Yes I believe that trade between those two locations should suffice. Our top exports are Mineral Fuels including Oils, Iron, Steel, Gems, Precious Metals, Machinery including Computers, and Wood. We would be interested in Plastics & Plastic Articles; Optical, Technical, Medical Apparatus; Clothing & Accessories. Though before formalization of any such trade deal it might be a good idea to have it be a key discussion point in the upcoming international meeting we are hosting. But, this is a good starting point. What would you like to import from us?"

"Very good to know. I am sure that we can work together on such goals. Now, our foreign policy goal is to strengthen our own sphere of influence through trade, investment, and cultivating diplomatic ties. Mainly with a focus on Post Soviet states in our neighborhood. Beyond the post soviet nations we wish to do many of these things throughout the rest of Europe and America. We have already had some success in South America. We have also bee pursuing a flexable policy of limited interventionism. Only used in the most extreme of cases."


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