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[PRC] Operation: Guardian


Aug 15, 2018

People's Liberation Army

Serve the People

Encrypted and Classified


North Sea Fleet:
Type 055 Destroyer:
-Mao Zedong

Type 095 Submarine:
-Changzheng 002

Type 039B Submarine:
-Yuanzheng 001
-Yuanzheng 005

East Sea Fleet:
Type 055 Destroyer:

Type 095 Submarine:
-Changzheng 001

Type 039B Submarine:
-Yuanzheng 003
-Yuanzheng 009
-Yuanzheng 010

South Sea Fleet:
Type 055 Destroyer:

Type 095 Submarine:
-Changzheng 003
-Changzheng 004
-Changzheng 005

Type 039B Submarine:
-Yuangzheng 004
-Yuangzheng 006
-Yuangzheng 007
-Yuangzheng 008
-Yuangzheng 002

20 Chengdu J-20 Fighters​

100 Shenyang J-11D Fighters​

4 KJ-2000 AEW&C​

5 KJ-500 AEW&C​


To protect the borders and territory of China against terrorist activity and foreign threats​

To establish a secure anti-air capability around Chinese territory​

With the terorrist attack in Beijing and explicit orders from the Vice President to take all necessary measures to protect Chinese territory, the People's Liberation Army has launched Operation Guardian, as part of the operation Destroyers are placed to the South, East and North-East of China to establish a secure area where anti-air, ani-naval and anti-submarine capability can be guaranteed. These destroyers are supported by AEW&C to anticipate any incursions and J-20 and J-11D fighters to rapidly intervene. Regular shipping will not experience issues, all foreign military assets within the Chinese EEZ are closely monitored.
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Aug 15, 2018
Encrypted and Classified
With the completion of the new ship the PLAN once again had the capability to properly form Fleets. As such the traditional North, Sea and South Sea Fleets were restored.

While the objectives remained the same the North Sea Fleet was deployed to cover the area between the Korean Peninsula, Japan and China. The East Sea Fleet was deployed to cover the area to the north and east of Taiwan as well as covering any incursion from Taiwan. The South Sea Fleet was deployed to cover the area south of Taiwan and China as well as the South China Sea at large. All ships and aircraft were fully fueled, stocked, equipped and armed with more than enough supplies in all bases. All ships would leave their ports as often as possible on randomized patrol routes making identification difficult. All aicraft likewise rotated patrol routes to be unpredictable. Around the clock full coverage was guaranteed. The presence of Taiwanese vessels, easily detected by the PLAN on the surface and at periscope death were additional cause for concern and as such very closely monitored.

The People's Liberation Army was ready for any incursion into its territory by any party.

Modification to Naval Units Involved
North Sea Fleet:
Type 055 Destroyer:
-Mao Zedong


Type 095 Submarine:
-Changzheng 002

Type 039B Submarine:
-Yuanzheng 001
-Yuanzheng 005

East Sea Fleet:
Type 055 Destroyer:

Type 095 Submarine:
-Changzheng 001

Type 039B Submarine:
-Yuanzheng 003
-Yuanzheng 009
-Yuanzheng 010

South Sea Fleet:
Type 055 Destroyer:

Type 095 Submarine:
-Changzheng 003
-Changzheng 004
-Changzheng 005

Type 039B Submarine:
-Yuangzheng 004
-Yuangzheng 006
-Yuangzheng 007
-Yuangzheng 008
-Yuangzheng 002

There would be no changes to the aircraft involved for now.


RP'ing The Philippines, RL'ing The Philippines
Jul 1, 2018
It’s been forty (40) straight days since Operation Guardian started (from OOC Sept 15, 2018 to Oct. 5, 2018, equivalent to 40 in-game days). Operation Guard was launched in the following premise (as per Post #2 of Sept. 15, 2018):

1. All ships and aircraft were fully fueled, stocked, equipped and armed with more than enough supplies in all bases.

2. All ships would leave their ports as often as possible on randomized patrol routes making identification difficult.

3. All aircraft likewise rotated patrol routes to be unpredictable.

4. Around the clock full coverage was guaranteed.

Given that:

a.) There was no mention of ships returning back to their home ports/bases; which means all ships and submarines were continuously deployed for 40 days straight;

b.) There was no mention of any replenishment-at-sea (VERTREP or UNREP) nor any stopover to any ports controlled by a Non-NPC country during the course of the 40 days continuous deployment;

c.) The Type-055 Destroyer has a maximum range of 5,000 nautical miles ( ) and no initial mention of what speed all those Type-055 Destroyers will travel on a continuous basis; it is considerably assumed that all Type-055 will conservatively travel at the lowest possible speed for a ship with maximum speed of 30-knots to be travelling only 9 knots (very considerate and conservative assumption already) as they are doing patrol operations. Now having said that; the endurance of the Type 055 destroyers can be derived as follows:

Type 055 Destroyer’s Endurance (in days) = [Maximum Range (in kms) / speed (in kph)] /24

5,000 nautical miles = 9,260 kms. ; 9 knots = 16.67 kph

Type 055 Destroyer’s Endurance (in days) = [9,260 / 16.67] / 24

Type 055 Destroyer’s Endurance (in days) = 23 days

(OOC note: I halved the standard speed from 18 knots to 9 knots to give a you alot of leeway; otherwise the endurance will be even lesser if we consider 18 knots; and even lesser if we consider 30 knots.)

d.) The Type-039B Submarine has a maximum range of 8,000 nautical miles at 16 knots or only 800 nautical miles if travelling at the lowest speed of 4 knots ( Likewise, there is no initial mention of what speed all those Type-039B submarines will travel on a continuous basis; hence it will considerable assumed that the Type-039B submarines shall also be travelling at a continuous speed of 9 knots. In this case and using “ratio and proportion”; if 16 knots is to 8,000 nm max. range and 4 knots is to 800 nm max. range; then 9 knots is approx 5,000 nm max. range. Hence:

Type 039B Submarine Endurance (in days) = [Maximum Range (in kms) / speed (in kph)] /24

Type 039B Submarine Endurance (in days) = [9,260 / 16.67] / 24

Type 039B Submarine’s Endurance (in days) = 23 days

[OOC note: The Type 039B is different from the S20 export variant stated in Wikipedia. S20 export variant is smaller, with less complex system as it is a downgraded Type 039, and notably lesser crew – only 38 compared to 58 of Type 039B. This means the lower spec’d S20 variant has more endurance than the more complex, more manned, and more spec’d Type 039B)

(OOC note: This is also considerate because if we will use the standard 8,000 nm @ 16 knots; then the endurance will be 21 days, lesser than above.)

e.) Although the Type 095 nuclear-powered submarine has virtually unlimited range and endurance; crew supplies are not. Referring to the internal view of the Type 095 ( more than ¾ of the internal space are the nuclear reactors and other propulsion system, ballast tanks, weapon system which includes torpedoes and missiles launch systems, storage for missiles and torpedoes, electronic and communication system, electrical systems, and HVAC systems (heat, ventilation, and air conditioning). Not enough storage for food, drinking water, sanitation, and medical supplies to sustain at 130 crew submarine for more than 1 –month continuous operation, without resupplying from Non-NPC controlled ports or resupplying from friendly replenishment ship / submarine tenders.

f.) While the two (2) Type 055 Destroyers (Tianjin and Xian) have left the contested areas as per Oplan Kabutihan ( the two (2) destroyers are still at sea and has not return backed to Yulin.

g.) Despite it is not explicitly mentioned that “All aircrafts has left their bases.” as it is only mentioned in Point # 3 above that “all aircraft likewise rotated patrol routes”; it is certain that four (4) KJW-2000 AEWACS, five (5) KJW-500 AEWACS, forty (40) J-11D’s, and ten (10) J-20’s have took off the skies and has not returned back to their respective bases since OOC date Sept. 29, 2018; meaning all KJW-2000’s, KJW-500’s, 40x J-11D’s, and 10x J-20’s we’re flying non-stop for 12 in-game days. (see post # 11 of Operation Huan Long环龙-huán-lóng.1358/#post-10136).

h.) Further to abovementioned Point G; there was no mention of any aerial refueling during those 12 in-game days;

All sixteen (16) Type 055 Destroyers (Mao Zedong, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Harbin, Jinan, Nanjing, Shenyang, Tianjin, and Xi'an) have run out of fuel and supplies. At Day 23 of their mission, the all Type 055 Destroyers we’re just floating like logs at sea. Without fuel, all critical life-sustaining system onboard the destroyers such as reverse-osmosis system have ceased to function. And without fuel, back-up batteries have drained up within a day [OOC: Typical emergency back-up power supply of naval ships last for only 30 mins to 1 hour . For good consideration and leeway for you, we’ll assume your ships and submarines will have emergency backup power supply of 24 hours]. With no drinking water and food; the all Chinese sailor have steadily weakened, got debilitated, and lost proper bodily function. All the crew of the sixteen (16) Type 055 destroyers; 300x sailors each, would die from dehydration and starvation. As a result, all Type 055 Destroyers would capsize and sink as there’s no one left to manually steer the ships (assuming if there’s even a remote possibility to steer a modern 13,000 ton ship using manual means i.e. oars, paddles, etc.)

All the crew of the ten (10) Type 039B submarines (Yuanzheng 001 to Yuanzheng 010); 58 crew each Type 039B, would also die mostly from suffocation as the oxygen generating systems of the Type 039B submarines would stop functioning as both diesel supply and battery backup supply has run out. If some of the Chinese submarines inside those Type 039B happened to have Celestial powers and have survived the lack of oxygen inside the submarine, Yama (Chinese God of Death) would still take them as they would not survive both dehydration and hunger. The ten (10) Type 039B would also collapse violently underneath the ocean floor, severely damaging the submarine hull to non-repairable condition.

All the crew of the five (5) Type 095 Nuclear Submarines (Changzheng 001 to 005); 130 crew each Type 095, would also all lose proper bodily functions especially brain functions. Due to prolonged hunger for several days; crews of the five Type 095 would start cannibalizing each other for their desperate survival. Unfortunately, all five (5) Type 095 submarines lost all their captains and technical officers as they got eaten first by the majority of lower rank personnel. As a result; all Type 095 submarines would fail to steer properly since the submarines are not fully complemented/fully crewed anymore; and worst, they lost all the most important people inside their submarines. All five (5) Type 095 submarines would also collapse violently underneath the ocean floor, severely damaging the submarine hull to non-repairable condition. With seawater gushing inside the Type 095 submarines; the remaining crews would eat their last meal – the intestines of their youngest petty officer, before drowning inside their submarines.

All the Chinese ships and submarines will eventually assimilate back to nature just like the profound message of Enigma’s song: Return to Innocence.

Meanwhile, all four (4) KJW-2000 AEWACS, KJW-500 AEWACS, 40x J-11D’s, and 10x J-20’s involved in Operation Huan Long would crash inside various mainland China which is obviously under PLA-controlled airspace as fuel ran out. (Given there is no further post stating where these aircraft would continue after Post #11 of Operation HuanLong; it is assumed that all these aircrafts went back inside Chinese airspace but just continued loitering around like Chinese Egrets and did not completed their respective sorties by going back to their respective air bases).

All Four (4) KJW-2000 AEWACS crashed in Putian city of Fujian Province; resulting to massive property damage and the death of 337 civilians.

All Five (5) KJW-500 AEWACS crashed in Xiamen city, also in Fujian Province; resulting to massive property damage and the death of 425 civilians.

All ten (10) J-20’s crashed in Quanzhou city, also in Fujian Province; resulting to extremely massive property damage and the death of 666 civilians.

All Forty (40) J-11D’s crashed in Fuzhou city, also in Fujian Province; resulting to extremely massive property damage and the death of 2,714 civilians.

The disaster that happened Fujian Province has definitely “woken up the sleeping dog”.

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OOC: similar case of Operation Kingslayer ( see post # 24 onwards

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