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Sanctions Against Australia


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Mind your language Poland. We’re politicans not children on a street corner. You’re getting aggressive because you dislike being told what to do, exactly like your reaction in Australia.

Just like the majority of nations globally have agreed, your actions in Australia are senseless and dangerous, you should cease immediately to allow the release of deceased Polish nationals.

You are trying to manipulate this situation to make Australia look like the bad guys.”


Roleplaying as Poland
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Evidently you are. You're right, I won't be told what to do. I don't have to listen to you. Russia supports me, after all.

I'm going to continue to have these sanctions in place, and if you keep up with your mindless behavior, you will see what Polish sanctions will do for you."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“You are trying oh so very hard to intimidate Poland, what’re you trying to hide? All you have done is avoid the evidence surrounding tour attempt to criminalise the Australian government. You absolutely do have to abide by the rules and regulations laid down by a foreign government when your diplomatic mission resides in that state.

I’m not sure why you’re throwing a foreign states name around like they’re your human shield. Let Russia speak for themselves.

Stand down before more people are harmed.”

Sweden openly condemns any state that supports the Polish activity in Australia, an ongoing armed standoff is preventing the deportation of foreign deceased, NOT the Australian government.


Roleplaying as Poland
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Pole would utter a hearty laugh.

"Intimidate! Haaaaaah! What a jest. No, I merely state that we will not be listening to you.

Also, is that a threat? Should I notify the Ministry of National Defence? Threats, even from Sweden, aren't taken lightly, I assure you. You'd better find your seat, just FYI.

Thirdly, this law was just enacted. How are we to know? We will protect what's ours. Our firearms, built by our hard working citizens.

Never did I give any notion for those at the Embassy to attack. They acted in self-defence."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“A threat? What on earth are you smoking? Are you new to the political ring because you appear to struggle with not only the comprehension of mutual respect but also manners and the cost of an armed standoff.

If you continue to hold a gunfight with the Australians more people will die. That is a fact.”


Roleplaying as Poland
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I will quote you. 'Stand down before more people are harmed'... sound familiar? A threat against Poland is a horrible idea, much as it is against any other nation in the world.

Perhaps I misheard you. My English is not so great as yours. That gives you no reason to insult me. I will not tolerate personal attacks on my language. I find it very rude of you to do so. You have hit a new low, it seems."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
“Your attempts to manipulate are duly noted sir, gun fights end in death, Sweden has no intention of implying any harm whatsoever. We’re attempting to promote peaceful talks to stop the continued global disruption.”

Sweden released a transcript of the conversation to local media outlets, noting the continued attempts from Poland to manipulate and twist actions and words from both Australia and Sweden. The undignified and unprofessional tone from a Polish representatives has been labelled as disgraceful and embarrassing.


Roleplaying as Poland
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"So, you're going to insult my English limitations? Talk about immature and disgraceful. What a shock. Of all nations, Sweden is the one to insult me. Rude."

The Swedish insult would be released. Polish citizens would be outraged.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Sweden struggles to see any form of insult regarding the English speaking capabilities of Poland, only ever commenting on their poor manners and maturity.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"The Portuguese Government would condemn the actions partaken by the Brazilian government towards Australia, and would repudiate the way that Brazil as been conducting it self recently in world affairs."

"I would ask what actions have we taken against Argentina? The answer, none. Conducted ourselves in world affairs? We shut down embassies in countries we felt threatened by or that were hostile to us, we did not shoot or harm anyone. If Australia is justified in shooting diplomats who are attempting to flee the country albeit armed, should Brazil not be justified in protecting its interests around the world?

And of those embassies that were shut down briefly, several have already reopened after negotiations. You just are using the forum to attack Brazil. If you supported the Australian action in the first place you should have come out and done so yourself, without waiting to use a forum we created to diffuse the situation."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Minister for Foreign Affairs would release another statement.

"Again, Brazil still is completely telling lies about the situation that occurred and is twisting obvious facts. We have stated the facts over and over again but for some reason it is falling on deaf ears with the Brazilians, so maybe they should just be quiet and worry about themselves."


Jul 2, 2018
Rhodesia while sympathetic to the victims of Australian security measures shall implement no sanctions against Australia a fellow member of the commonwealth.


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
The Russian ambassador to Australia would release a statement regarding the happening:

“I can totally agree with why the Polish are outraged and I’m quite outraged too. The Australian federal police governed and overseen by the Australian Government, acted in a poorly matter and not that of a police force should. As stated in numerous discussions with other nations, I know for a fact that Armed Police Officers do NOT shoot to kill. They shoot to disarm. Yes to disarm, the Australian Government furthermore attacked a Russian convoy even if they didn’t mean too still attacked a Russian Conviy and a Polish diplomat trying to enter a RUSSIAN vehicle.

Australia needs to stand down their forces and if the Australian stands down their forces, I can gaurentee that the Polish will stand down! Australia has broken numerous laws against the General Assembly. They’ve even denied myself, my family and my staff to leave their nation holding us hostage so to speak. I know for a fact President Putin is outraged by this behaviour. Although Australia has their own law they need to respect and abide by International Law too!

I call for all arguments to cease and for the Australian Government to cease any action that they are beholding to the nations embassies to allow embassy to leave at their own free will. The Australian Government should also pay compensation for their actions as they could’ve handled the situation better! I also pray and hope the Polish Ambassador makes a swift recovery out of his critical condition. No more lives need to be lost!”


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Minister of Home Affairs, Anne Aly, would release a statement.

"Police will not be standing down while the Polish are still held up inside and firing at police officers, that simply does not happen. Police do not simply stand down when people are a threat to public safety in the hope that those people will cease their activity, it is the responsibility of those who aren't law enforcement to stand down and surrender themselves peacefully. The Australian Federal Police is not governed by the Australian Government and is not overseen on day-to-day operations. They do not take orders from us. They receive their funding from us and they receive holistic administrative directives and that is all. They are accountable to Parliamentary Committees but that isn't during day-to-day operations but I can guarantee you there will be a Parliamentary Committee hearing on this matter.

Your family and yourself are free to leave Australia. The Russian aircraft is still waiting at Canberra Airport. You will be required to go through security though at the terminal and immigration. No weapons are allowed on Federal Government property, such as Airports. If you comply with the law, you will be able to leave."


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
The Russian Ambassador responded “If I am able to convince the Polish to stand down will your forces back off and allow us to leave the nation quietly and effectively?”


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Yes if they stood down they will be expelled from Australia as persona non grata. Not necessarily quietly, you still have to go through Border Force and regular security checks at the airport, but besides from that, you will be able to leave the country "quietly"."


Russian Federation
Jul 2, 2018
The Russian Ambassador has agreed to go to speak to the Polish Agents in the Polish Embassy, leaving the side of the Polish Ambassador he set off


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Sweden applauds the mature, decisive and fair action taken by both Russia and Australia.

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