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[Spain]: Message for Great Britain


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


"Plus ultra"


Recipient: Christopher Norris MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

I would like to host you here in Madrid to begin relations between our two nations. We want to work with the government of your country on the signature of commercial and political agreements, as well as discussion of cultural and educational programs together. I believe that we should maintain a strong and prosperous relationship for the benefit of both of our countries. I would also like to discuss the situation regarding Gibraltar as this could play a factor with the application of Spain into ISAF. I would be happy to host you here in Madrid whenever an opportunity arises.

Alfonso Dastis
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Alfonso Dastis
Santa Cruz Palace, Plaza de la Provincia, 28012 Madrid, Spain


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To:Alfonso Dastis
SubjectRE: Relations
Security Level:Private / Encrypted

Dear Alfonso Dastis,

Thank you for your email and your invitation to hosting a State Visit between the United Kingdom and Spain. Whilst my current schedule has me in back to back meetings, I will be happy to send Elise Leach, the British Secretary of State for the Home Department to Madrid to engage in these talks with the agendas of Gibraltar, ISAF and overall, relations between our countries. She will be happy to set off immediately to visit if you could please confirm tomorrow is a good time for the meeting?

Please let me know if you have any problems. The Secretary would be accompanied by five armed guards from the Royal Military Police.

Kind Regards,
Christopher Norris
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
☎️03700 00 22 44​
✉️Ministry of Foreign Affairs, King Charles Street, London, SW1​



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


"Plus ultra"


Recipient: Christopher Norris MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

It's a shame that we cannot meet, maybe we can meet another time when both of our diaries do not clash. It would be a great honor to host the The Right Honourable Elise Leach, Secretary of State for the Home Department here in Madrid, I will make the appropriate arrangements. Your pilots would be expected to land at Getafe Air Force Base, military controllers will be on hand to guide you around civilian traffic.

Alfonso Dastis
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Alfonso Dastis
Santa Cruz Palace, Plaza de la Provincia, 28012 Madrid, Spain

Police units in Madrid immediately got word of the impending arrival of a diplomatic visit from the British Government and deployed around three hundred officers across the route from Getafe Air Force Base to the Santa Cruz Palace which was a mere seventeen minute drive. A motorcade was also prepared and consisted of police bikes, police cars, the diplomats armoured vehicle and a handful of support vehicles for any British security. Every single officer across the city had access to a loaded Glock 17 on their person and a handful of officers even carried a loaded MP5 in case things went off, they scanned through the crowds who lined up to wait to make sure nothing at all happened and the entire process was to go as smooth as possible.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
From the United Kingdom, a British Army Air Corp Britten-Norman Defender AL.2 was designated to fly the Right Honourable Elise Leach, Secretary of State for the Home Department to Madrid for the state visit to discuss Spanish and British Relations. She was to be accompanied by 5 Armed Guards from 1 Regiment, Royal Military Police. Setting off immediately, they'd be expected to be there in approximately 2 and a half hours. Following routine traffic control until safely landing in Spain.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The pilots of the Royal Air Force aircraft would be guided around civilian traffic across Madrid where they would be directed to land at Getafe Air Base, waiting for the British diplomat was an armoured Jaguar XF which she would be guided into and her security detail would be guided into one of the support vehicles. The motorcade would leave the confines of Getafe Air Base and would head into Madrid with ease as the police motorcycles provided a quick escort as they locked down roads for the motorcade to continue the quick journey. The motorcade soon after pulled up outside the Santa Cruz Palace where the Minister of Foreign Affairs was standing outside, he opened the door of the car which allowed the British diplomat to step out.

"Secretary Leach, welcome to Madrid. How was your journey from London?"

He smiled as he guided her into the building and towards his office, he pulled out a chair and gestured for her to take a seat, laid across the table was a handful of snacks and water for the two politicians to snack at if they chose to.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The British Army Defender, receiving instruction from Air Traffic Control safely landed at Getafe Air Base with the delegate exiting the aircraft once it had taxied to the designated holding spot. The British Army Air Corp Crew remained nearby for once the meeting had taken place. Secretary Leach exited the craft and boarded the motorcade. A short trip and she had arrived to meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs, approaching him. "Thank you" she optimistically replied, wandering into the building with him. "A smooth journey, in an unusually small aircraft. We normally get Airbus A330 transporting us but any flights in Europe and we've been left with the smaller.. more uncomfortable Defenders." she chuckled lightly, taking a seat. "Thank you for your invitation too, it's good to finally be here." @Zak


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Minister of Foreign Affairs listened to the British diplomat as she discussed the means of travelling, he lightly chuckled at the end of the line she made regarding the aircraft.

"We travel on commercial aircraft, usually with Iberia but sometimes it can be with Air Europa. It's just a simple means of getting about I guess but the Prime Minister usually has his own aircraft for his needs."

Alfonso pours water from a jug into two glasses and slides one over towards the British secretary, he was eager to get things underway and sat back in the chair.

"It's a pleasure to have you here. How are things going in London?"

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Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Spanish Foreign Minister took a sip of water from his glass as he watched the British diplomat stare at the ceiling.

"Is everything okay?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"It's a new policy for the UK to use Defenders for European flights.. think it's mostly to save money and give our Air Corp more tasking." she laughed. "Anywhere further and the Royal Air Force takes over." she takes a sip of the glass of water. "And it's a pleasure to be here.. London is.. London. Getting through and tackling what problems we can. What about everything at your side?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"It's an expensive world we live in these days!" The Minister let out a small laugh before answering the question set out by the British diplomat. "Everything is good here, the government is preparing for the upcoming election due to be held in three weeks where we hope Prime Minister Sánchez will be reelected to serve the Spanish people until 2017, shall we begin? I was wondering if your country would be willing to sign a free trade agreement? And also discuss the possibility of trade routes as this is an important policy of mine." He smiled, sliding over a free trade agreement for the British diplomat to look over.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
She laughed "Just gets more expensive by the day.. hopefully it'll begin to decrease soon." there was a small pause whilst her Spanish Counterpart spoke. "We'd be happy to look into signing a Free Trade Agreement, please could you provide the draft for me to review? Then perhaps we can move over to discussing the trade aspects in more depth."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The draft agreement would be handed to the British diplomat outlining an agreement for free trade between the two countries.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The Free Trade Agreement was signed, and a copy taken.
"Perfect. Perhaps we ought to discuss trade more closely? What are you looking to import and export to Spain?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Foreign Minister stood up and departed the room as the Foreign Minister's aide walked into the room and sat down in front of the British diplomat.

"I apologise for Minister Dastis' departure. He needed to rush to see the Prime Minister due to the election happening soon so has asked me to take his place, he was mixed up between regional and national elections, the national elections are happening today. If Great Britain is willing, we would like to import mechanical machinery and electrical machinery from the United Kingdom into Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport as these would benefit many companies across the country. Would Great Britain be interested in importing any Spanish products to your country? We offer machinery, foodstuffs, chemical products, mineral products and cars."


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"It's not a problem. I hope your election goes well."
There was a short pause...
"We could definitely arrange for such trade routes to open, we would be keen in importing machinery and foodstuffs from Spain.
Potentially two routes? Machinery by sea to Portsmouth, once a week. Foodstuffs daily by air travel to Stanstead? Then we would send Mechanical and Electrical Machinery via British Airways Cargo to your selected airport."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We can of course agree to this. I'm currently receiving word that Ireland and Great Britain have moved troops to the border in Northern Ireland, what is the current situation there?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Britain hasn't re positioned any forces but Ireland has released a new policy regarding the situation with Northern Ireland. After their statement, they mentioned a lot to do with military, and Brazil even vowed military support. We released our own policy for having troops on Crowd control stand-by in the event of a return to 'The Troubles', but standby is all they were set too. Shortly after, Ireland begun moving troops to the border. We've yet to respond directly but ideally, we'd like to avoid moving our own forces to prepare for a defence but it seems Ireland has done a u-turn on their policy and intend to cause tension."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I see, this is quite concerning as I believe you, as well as the entire world does not want to see this spill out into another war because we saw whats happened in the last war in Europe. We will continue monitoring the situation because after we threw our support behind you, they booted out our ambassador."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"We will be aiming to end the tension sooner rather than later, even if it means a cold-approach to politics with Ireland ... essentially none existent. Nonetheless, we don't welcome their military movement on the border and we'll be monitoring to ensure it doesn't turn into a build up. The British Government will act accordingly. What is your policy on the move by Serbia in taking Kosovo?"


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