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[Spain] Peace-Talks with Romania and Moldova


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

After the statement was sent, via the official statement page of the Republic of Spain. Preparations would be made in the Palace of Moncloa, security and other measures were in place to protect both the President of Spain and the dignitaries of both nations. Knowing that Romania sent their Ambassador to the wrong building, a VIP convoy would pick the Ambassador and drive them in a VIP convoy to the Palace, the Civil Guard, which was tasked with the protection of the President, his cabinet and other dignitaries would protect the Ambassador until he had reached the Palace. She could see various Spanish civilians outside in protest against Romania. However the police would keep the peace. She would meet the President, Rafael Cortés at the entrance of the Palace, where he would greet her. Another VIP convoy would be sent to pick up the Moldova Ambassador in the embassy, whether he accepted the talks would be entirely up to him. The meeting would be private, only those inside would know what happen in the room.

She would be let into a conference room, with a single large table, two glasses of water, a few papers, and three chairs, the President would sit at the edge of the table, and he would gesture to her to sit next to him, so she could face the Moldovan, when he arrove.

"Its good to have you here, shows that romania wants to talk about peace. As the cease fire been established?"

Alex Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
She would sit down, having left her coffee behind she now took a drink of the water. She would sigh listening to the president. Turning to him she would say "It has been very difficult to arrange diplomatic contact in the chaotic situation back home. I have been told we have not made official contact with Moldova as of yet. No ceasefire has been established." She would take another sip. She was an attractive woman, with a slim body type, dark brown eyes, and light brown hair down to her upper arms. Her skin was a slightly tanned tone. Her uniform fit well.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Moldovan Ambassador to Spain, Rodion Ivanova, would make his way via an armored vehicle convoy from the Moldovan embassy in Madrid to the location in which the peace-talks were going to be held. Ambassador Ivanova would be escorted inside the Palace of Moncloa and then to wherever the conference room was located. Inside, he would find the Romanian Ambassdor and the Spanish President. "Good day." The Moldovan would say, his voice hoarse and unenthusiastic. "I am not here to waste time while my people back home are defending themselves against a warlord. So I will make this clear and speak it only once: Moldova demands the unconventional surrender of Romania, compensation for all destruction to Moldova committed by the Romanians, and the arrest of Dictator Petre Mocanu and Chief Vlad Dracula and their delivery to the International Court of Justice for punishment, and lastly; a democratic election in Romania to be overseen by the peacekeepers of the Global Assembly." The Ambassador would refuse to sit down. "These are our demands for peace."

Bruno Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Gabriela would quietly laugh, politely holding her hand to her mouth.

"Excuse me, but what destruction have the Romanians done to Moldova? We haven't crossed the border. We haven't fired a single shot. The Moldovans instigated this conflict by shooting down an unarmed jet and they have killed 400 men while severely damaging a beautiful city with indiscriminate artillery fire. May I remind you, while Moldova is firing all guns at Romania, we have yet to return fire. Does that sound like a warmonger to you? A warmonger wouldn't have the decency to declare war. As for the Commander and Chief of Defense, they have committed no crimes, and do not deserve to be arrested. May I also remind you that Romania is a Democracy? All positions of state are elected positions. Petre Mocanu has been elected for life. The people made the choice. You do not want peace, you want to feel powerful."

She would take another sip of the water, all the while staring daggers at the Moldovan.

Alex Bruno


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"For the past months, your dictator has stated to various nations - including Spain, and also publicly that Romania was going to invade Moldova. He has stated that Moldova is not a true nation, that Moldovans are not a people, and that Moldova belonged to Romania. This little 'unarmed' jet of yours was sent by your nation to prepare for the invasion and when asked to leave it attempted to flee - you caused this war so do not pretend to be the victim, Ambassador. Because now that you have realized that Moldova is a stronger nation than Romania by all means; you have ran and are attempting to shift the blame. I ask you, dear Ambassador: where is your dictator and his chief of defence now? Where is he after my President has asked him twice now to parlay? Where is he when we have offered you peace twin now? Where is he at this very moment where he has to send an Ambassador to discuss this joke of a peace talks?" The Ambassador would shake his head. "This is nothing more than the Romanians attempting to buy themselves time."

Kelly the Mad Bruno


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Please gentlemen, let us not throw fault around. We are here to talk, talking makes us understand each other. A war is a war, let us not throw blame around. Let us try and reach a deal which can be accepted between both parties." He would gesture for the Moldovan to sit. "Please, if you truly wish peace, sit down and talk with us."

"While your demands are very harsh, I believe that both nations can agree to a cease fire? To stop further blood being spilled on the street? Innocent lives being lost? Let us agree that a soldier can, again see his mother, his wife... his daughter or son. Please, let us end this. Both of you can stop this right now, a single word, an an artillery shell may not fall on a family having dinner together, or a child being told a story to sleep by her father."

He would look to both of them. "Do the right thing, and speak on even terms"

Alex Kelly the Mad


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I have stated Moldova's offer." The Ambassador would state. "And let it be known that not a single civilian has been killed in this war - nor will Moldova ever change that. There is no even terms to be made here when Romania and its dictator and his chief of defense are still at large. Justice must prevail and the only way that will happen is once both of them are behind bars." He would to the Romanian Ambassador. "I ask you again, Ambassador - where is your 'leader' that he must leave these talks to us? Hiding in his palace? Hoping this will blow over?"

Bruno Alex

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"May I remind you that you did not call for peace talks at the parley? You said to go to the bridge for unconditional surrender. You didn't want to be civil, you wanted to make demands. We came here to negotiate peace. And just because no civilian has been killed in the war, doesn't mean civilians couldn't have been killed. You fired artillery - rockets and howitzers - into a city full of civilians. It is a miracle no civilian died. You also fired many rockets into a wildlife preserve and the main source of drinking water for the city of Iasi. They are still trying to recover the toxic shells from the lake. The Commander is currently debating the next move against our reckless foe, with no decent respect for civilians. May I also note that your planes destroyed a civilian airport? You had no reason to believe armed planes were stationed there- and none were."

Bruno Alex


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
(Order of posting to keep this clear and easy to read: ALEX-BRUNO-KELLY-BRUNO after me its ALEX)

"I've asked for ambassadors, and not leaders, which is why I've asked for both of you to come here. To discuss. While no war of aggression is allowed." He would look towards the Romanian.
"I do not believe that the Romanians did any crime against humanity up until now to justify their imprisonment." He would look towards the Moldovan.

"Let me suggest these terms. First - A Cease fire between Moldova and Romania. Second - The removal of all personnel and equipment of war from each others nations. Three - Payment of 1.3 Billion Dollars to Moldova for Reparations on the Declaration of War. Can the Moldovans agree to at least these three terms?"


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Your city had been evacuated, no shells hit the lake, and you had both planes and helicopters in the air near the Eiffel Bridge; the closest location for them to refuel and rearm was the International Airport of Iasi and we did not destroy the airport we destroyed its runway. No one was armed in the bombing of the runway. Do not attempt to lie to benefit your cause. If you wanted peace you would have taken the option to surrender at the Eiffel Bridge. Now, you're attempting to run behind another nation and hope that they offer enough sympathy to be stupid enough to believe you're not the aggressors. It is truly disgusting to believe that your dictator is discussing moves to continue the war instead of at the very least discussing this ceasefire with the President of Moldova through diplomatic messages." The Ambassador would then listen to the Spanish President. "We will agree to nothing until peace is secured. Peace in the region will only be done if this dictator and his chief of defence are both removed from power - permanently. Otherwise instability and war is inevitable. If the ICJ and an arrest is not possible - then an election, overseen by Global Assembly peace keepers."

Bruno Kelly the Mad


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Let me be clear, I'm here as a mediator between both of you, all of us three wish to finish this conflict. Would Romania accept the terms I've proposed? Perhaps it could be arranged that your leadership could be removed, but could still be allowed to participate in the elections? However I'm sure that the GA would maintain stability in the region, even without their removal of power. Perhaps a demilitarised zone in the border, akin to the Korea one? Could be enough to prevent another war."

"But let us hear what the Romanian Ambassador as to say."

Alex Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
She would clear her throat before standing up, her hand placed on the table.

"I apologize. I recognize I am not here to restate facts and certainly not to bicker- If reparations could be lowered to simply 1 billion, as Romania has not dealt any damage to Moldova, Romania would be willing to agree. A demilitarized zone is not preferable, but we are not opposed to it. As for elections, we are not afraid to hold an emergency vote. We believe in the will of the people, and always have."

Alex Bruno


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That seems a reasonable amount to ask, which I believe is enough, as far as I am aware, almost no damage was made in Moldova, as most of the damage is in Romania. Perhaps the demilitarized zone could also be limited to just 2[IC] Years, to avoid the same event as in the Korean Peninsula, after that it could be dismantled., it would be of course manned by GA peacekeepers to maintain the status quo between both nations. Furthermore as the Moldovan can see, Romania does accept a emergency vote, which by I think, they mean elections. Now, would Romania accept that their leader should not run in the elections? I believe it would be much preferable to reestablish a better international image of Romania."

"But let us hear what the Moldovan Ambassador as to say, about your comments and my own."

Kelly the Mad


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Why is a demilitarization zone not preferable to you? I thought you wished for peace? Have you changed your mind all of a sudden?" The Ambassador would shake his head. "One point two-five billion dollars. A proper democratic election overseen by the Global Assembly and their peace keepers to assure that democracy is being held and that no meddling is being done by the Romanian government. A demilitarized zone of four kilometres wide and stretching across the entire Moldova-Romanian border. And a formal apology by your Dictator to me or my President via video call for the war and a promise that he is not to run in the elections." He would look to the Spanish President. "These are our demands to begin working towards peace."

Kelly the Mad Bruno


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"They, clearly said, it was not preferable, but they would accept nonetheless, which is already a great way for us to find peace. Can Romania try and reach these terms? For Peace? An apology is not as hard as one would think, it was a war of aggression after all. But I'll be honest, there's a resolution in the GA.. if we cannot find peace in this meeting, with these simple requests might be turned into harsher ones in the Global Assembly, and there's been a united international answer against Romanian actions. If Romania could just accept the following requests, because you do still have a choice here, because I do not believe the Global Assembly will be so lenient as our Friends in Moldova are being right now.

  1. 1,25 Billion Dollars for reparations
  2. Democratic Elections overseen by the GA, with or without their current leadership, but in my opinion he should remain out to better Romanians International Relations,
  3. A Temporary Demilitarized Zone of 4 KM's in the Romanian-Moldova Border overseen by GA Peacekeeping forces.
  4. And a Public Apology to the President and the Moldovan people.

I do believe these are honest, simple and agreeable requests. Can Romania accept and put this war to a rest?"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"I would settle for 1.15 billion dollars. Democratic elections will be held, and Mr. Mocanu will be excluded- though he will be permitted to run for other positions. As for the demilitarized zone, what is to be done with the river? Romania has a sizeable river fleet, and letting it sit for years would not be ideal. As for the apology, a speech to their people could be arranged."

Bruno Alex


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
  1. 1,15 Billion Dollars for reparations
  2. Democratic Elections overseen by the GA, with Mr. Mocanu able to run to other less public positions,
  3. A Temporary Demilitarized Zone of 4 KM's in the Romanian-Moldova Border overseen by GA Peacekeeping forces.
    1. The River fleet could be turned into a Litoral Fleet for the time being, serving only as patrol for the coast, which I believe they are also suited, for the River, I believe 1km from the river to each side to render the River demilitarized.
  4. And a Public Apology to the President and the Moldovan people.

"Can the Moldovan Ambassador agree to these terms or those he wish to try and alter some? I believe we are on a good path for peace, as both parties are being reasonable in their requests and I believe both sides are trying to reach to the other side."

Kelly the Mad


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Moldovan would pull out a piece of paper from his files, alongside a pen. He would write on it for a moment before giving it to the Spanish President, assuring that the Romanian could not see it until the Spanish spoke them out loud.

It would read:

1. 1,150,000,000.00 USD (Billion USD) for reparations.
2. Democratic elections overseen by the Global Assembly where-in both Petre Mocanu and Vlad Dracula are unable to run for any position of the federal government.
3. A temporary (two years) DMZ of 4 KM across the Molodovan-Romanian border overseen by Global Assembly peacekeeping forces.
3a. The Romanian river monitors can serve as coastal patrol ships in the meantime.​
3b. Violations of the DMZ will result in immediate action by the Global Assembly to sanction the violating nation.​
4. A public apology to the President of Moldova and the nation of Moldova.
4a. Official recognition of Moldova as a sovereign nation.
4b. Romania is to relinquish all claims on the nation and people of Moldova.
4c. Moldova's embassy and consultants within Romania are to remain in place.​

"I believe these to be rational demands. As the Ambassador of Moldova to Spain; I will not budge from these demands. Either Romania excepts - or the nation's fate is left at the hands of the Global Assembly."

Bruno Kelly the Mad


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The President would turn to the Moldovan, read the paper. Then turn towards the Romanian.

"These are the closest that Moldova can reach to agreeable terms between both parties, Its either this, or Moldova will be unable to accept anything further. I believe these are extremely fair due to your actions these couples of weeks and the war, I am afraid but if you cannot accept these terms wit will be the GA that will decide. And, as you have seen... The majority of the GA is against Romanians actions. Can you accept to these terms and end this war once and for all?" He would look on to the Romanian, watching his expression, this was the defining moment for Romanias future. It was either this, or the GA with much more harsher terms.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Now, I see no reason as to why Mr. Dracula would be unable to run. He has done nothing to your people. As for the rest, I will agree- but Vlad Dracula should be allowed to run."

Alex Bruno

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