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[State of Israel] Checking Up on the Neighbors


Oct 8, 2023
While independent Egypt and Israel had started out their respective existences as arch-rivals, only a few decades later an interesting partnership had developed between the two states. While these relations had been allowed to cool again in recent years, there was nevertheless still a strong hope in Jerusalem that a resurrection of these ties would be possible. As such a message would be sent to the Sultan of Egypt and the Sudan.

נשיא מדינת ישראל

Official Message

Recipient: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II < Kelly the Mad >
Sender: Chloe Weiss, President <>
Date: 01-02-2003 12:50 UTC +2
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Israeli-Egyptian Relations


Your Majesty,

Please allow me to congratulate you on your assent to the throne of Egypt and the Sudan, on behalf of the State of Israel I wish you and the people of Egypt and the Sudan a prosperous reign.

In addition to contacting you with the well wishes of my people, I would also like to ascertain if there is interest from you in reviving the historical ties that have existed between our two states in recent decades. While there are many differences between the Israeli, and the Egyptian and Sudanese peoples, there are also many things that both our states share. As both neighbors and historic trading partners, as well as the heirs of truly ancient histories, I believe there is much to discuss and a lot of common ground to find.

If you also share this interest I would like to extend a formal invitation for Your Majesty to visit the State of Israel, or if it would work out better for you I am also able to visit Egypt and the Sudan. I look forward to your response as I believe there is much we can offer each other.

Chloe Weiss,


Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

Screenshot 2023-10-19 201403.png

To: President Chloe Weiss < Judea >
From: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan
Subject: RE:Israeli-Egyptian Relations

-- High Security Clearance --

President Weiss,

I thank you for your kind words. I recognize the importance that Israel has in the Middle East today and, even more so, the importance the relationship between our nations holds. Historically, both of our nations have defined life in our corner of the world, and mutual cooperation may very well bring a golden age to the region.

For these reasons, I would like to accept your invitation. I will gladly visit you, presumably in Jerusalem, whenever you are available. It is understandable, of course, that I will have to bring a contingent of guards and aids with me, however, I assure you these men would be on their best behaviors and follow any restrictions you decide to impose on them, alongside our own stringent protocols for foreign travel and appearances.

I hope this arrangement works for you.

Sultan Moneim II

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



Oct 8, 2023

נשיא מדינת ישראל

Official Message

Recipient: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II < Kelly the Mad >
Sender: Chloe Weiss, President <>
Date: 02-02-2003 13:40 UTC +2
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Israeli-Egyptian Relations


Your Majesty,

You honor me with your swift and positive response. As you have said Egypt and Israel in many ways have made the very world we live in possible and I look forward to working with you in depth to bring about a new era of prosperity for all our peoples.

I propose that we arrange the official visit for this week, I have made sure to clear my agenda so I can personally welcome you to Israel. You may take along whoever you wish for your security and other staff. All we ask is to receive a list in advance so that we can arrange the proper visa and their diplomatic immunity.

I look forward to meeting with you.

Chloe Weiss,

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020

To: President Chloe Weiss < Judea >
From: Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Egypt and the Sudan
Subject: RE:Israeli-Egyptian Relations

-- High Security Clearance --

President Weiss,

That works well for me. I will depart soon; we will be traveling by road. I will bring with me 26 civilian aids, including some of my Department Heads, as well as 42 armed guards. All will be armed with military-grade small arms. We will not bring any explosives across the border. I will meet you in Jerusalem.

Sultan Moneim II

Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan



Oct 8, 2023
With the notice from the Egyptians the IDF would be instructed to coordinate with Egyptian authorities and provide safe passage. To that effect soldiers and tanks would be positioned at critical locations to make sure the Egyptian convoy would pass safely. Where needed roads would be temporarily blocked off.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
The land convoy would set out from Cairo early in the morning, mostly consisting of blacked-out Sedans and SUVs. The Sultan admired his lands as they went by out the window, slowly growing drier before they hit the Suez Canal, crossing over the only bridge, shade thrown over them by the towering, ancient-inspired architecture. Crossing the Sinai, they finally reach the Israeli border. The lead cars deal with any potential complications before pulling off to allow the delegation through. Two dozen cars would roll into the foreign country, picking up a breakneck pace as they crossed the desert.

As they approached Jerusalem, the convoy would slow to a more reasonable speed, and the guards took up a higher level of alertness. As they entered Jerusalem, the head of the caravan would contact the relevant Israeli authority, information presumably gathered ahead of the trip. He would be looking for their exact destination to meet the President.



Oct 8, 2023

As the Convoy entered Jerusalem they would be guided to the Blue House, an impressive palace that had been recently completed to serve as the residence of the President of Israel. Once arrived the Sultan would be greeted by an impressive honour guard consisting of 1,000 soldiers from the IGF in ceremonial dress uniforms. The President would be waiting at the end of the honour guard and approach the Sultan once he stepped out of his car. "Your Majesty, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Blue House"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Daoud Moneim II stepped out of his sedan, wearing a leather-brown suit that fit his frame well. He was of a slim build, with short, dark hair and a well-trimmed beard. His eyes were dark and gazing, jumping from the honor guard to the president, a woman with objectively good looks, to the towering palace above him, and finally to the Israeli flag flying spotless at the top of one of the towers. With a clean motion, he smoothed his suit, checking the Beholla pistol - a family heirloom from his grandfather - he had secured under his arm. He would walk forward and shake the president's hand firmly as his guards and aids filed out of their vehicles behind him. As he came in close for the handshake, the President was sure to catch the smell of his cologne, a smoky piece that gave off a feeling of utility. But maybe the President was deceiving herself.

"I feel very welcomed, Mrs. President. Shall you see us in?"



Oct 8, 2023
Chloe nodded with a warm smile. The man looked as stunning as his portrait implied and as the smell of the cologne hit her nose she could certainly acknowledge it being a pleasant smell. Being close enough to smell his cologne, the Sultan would in turn be able to smell her perfume. Always appreciating the classics she wore Chanel No. 5. The scent was unique yet subtle, a quality she had always appreciated. As he spoke, Chloe took notice of the weapon he carried and how the Egyptians seemed to have perfected the art of making weapons look completely in place with more common formal wear.

"I am beyond glad to hear that, Your Majesty. And yes of course, please join me" She said as she motioned for the Sultan of Egypt and the Sudan to walk next to her, in appreciation of his rank. Once inside they would walk through emaculate marble hallways with luxurious carpets on the floors and an impressive art collection on the walls. After a few minutes they would arrive at a conference room attached directly to the Presidential Office. Usually used for Cabinet meetings, it was also intended to serve as a secure and comfortable forum for any high level talks involving the Office of the President and foreign powers. With metal embedded deep into the walls the Egyptians would soon notice that mobile devices would no longer receive a signal while all systems inside the room were hard-wired, network ports to a seperate guest network were however made available for their guests to connect externally. The metal had turned the entire room into a Farraday cage which meant that no wireless surveillance equipment would work inside. Additionally Mossad had swept the room for any other surveillance equipment in advance and the windows were covered with special shades to make it impossible to see lip movements. Beyond the security precautions an impressive array of beverages had been prepared on a table adjacent to the oval conference table and there was plenty of space for both delegations to be fully seated.

Chloe would take her seat at the Israeli side. Once the Sultan was seated and everyone was ready Chloe would begin. "Your Majesty, once again thank you so much for accepting our invitation and travelling to Israel. As we discussed in our earlier communications, Egypt and the Sudan, and Israel have known both extremely deep lows and highs in our relationship. It is my hope that we can for the future keep these at a constant high. We live in one of the most volatile regions in the world, and one that always has had foreign powers impose their will during times of weakness. I believe that only by the sensible nations of this region cooperating we will be able to truly create a strong and capable independent Middle East. While there are many topics we would like to discuss, including the nature of our relationship, the Palestinian Matter, and perhaps more dangerously the matter of Thailand and its imperialistic ambitions in the Middle East, I imagine you also have topics you wish to bring up"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Settling into his seat, Daoud would shoot a warm smile across the table. Despite not being a man of exceptional charisma, he gave off an undeniably charming aura. "I believe the most important topics for us to discuss today are our political and military cooperation in the region, shared security concerns, and forming a unitary policy on foreign influence in our adjacent homelands. The world seems to be squeezing down around us at an alarming rate; Frankly, I believe that our best interest lies in cooperation. I believe we have reached a terminal point in the politics of the Middle East. I believe it is high time that our region puts its differences aside and usher in a new era of unity."



Oct 8, 2023
Chloe was taken a bit aback by the proposal, and she only barely managed to contain her surprise. Israel had hoped for some form of formal agreement with Egypt and the Sudan but this was not on any prediction, even the most hopeful ones. Quickly shifting to the new reality she nodded in agreement. "I couldn't have said it better myself, Your Majesty. For better our worse the people of the Middle East have been fighting since even before the times of David, establishing lasting peace and unity in our region would allow all of our peoples to prosper. The State of Israel is more than willing to join the Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan at any level of cooperation. If I may be so bold, perhaps this cooperation should cover mutualy military commitments to cooperate on security threats, the reduction if not elimination of trade barriers to encourage commerce, cultural and educational exchanges so that our peoples may get to know each other better and find there is more that unites them than divides them, and intelligence cooperation so that any threat to the region can be identified long before it can grow powerful"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"I understand that our history has been... more than turbulent. Many Egyptian and Israeli lives have been lost, both innocent civilians and honorable soldiers. However, I believe it is necessary to cooperate in this modern world. With military powerhouses forming on every side, the only way for newer nations like ours to survive is through regional blocs. Besides the strategic element, we have been fighting over minutia, over social differences, over naming conventions for too long.

"First and foremost, I believe the most substantial move to align Israel and Egypt, as well as to secure regional security, would be the adoption of the Egyptian Interdiction Zone Policy by Israel. If Israel would publicly commit to upholding the interdiction zone, it would practically double the legitimacy of the policy, as well as the physical application.

"A cooperative effort in the intelligence spheres would also be necessary, with an initial focus on mutual information defense, however potentially expanding into intelligence cooperation abroad."



Oct 8, 2023
Chloe considered her counterpart's words for a moment. "Israel would be willing to join an interdiction zone policy. Right now however we still have two specific issues with the policy in its current form. First, the way we read the current policy it restricts the ability of our allies outside the Interdiction Zone to fully act on their tresty with Israel. In particular the Empire of France would find it very difficult to act on the mutual defense portion of our agreement if Israel were to openly acknowledge the policy. Secondly, while I appreciate Egypt and the Sudan's initiative on this matter I cannot deny that the extent and contents of this policy did not come around by taking Israeli and other security concerns in mind. As such if Israel were to publicly acknowledge the policy we would need guarantees that our allies would be able to defend us without any formal or informal barriers, and we would like to be able to provide input on the exact contents of the policy. If you were to agree to these conditions we would be willing to not only acknowledge the policy but commit the IDF, in particular the powerful Israeli Air Force and Israeli Navy to its enforcement"

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
After a moment of thought, Daoud would reply.

"The situation with an external power being called into an internal war is indeed quite tricky. As of right now, I have to admit there are no provisions in place to permit this kind of activity within the EIZ. However, in a situation as important as this- securing your nation's support for the EIZ- I find it may be appropriate to make a brash proposal: considering the French Empire's apparent lack of active armed forces in its current iteration, I would suggest that instead of permitting French intervention on behalf of Israel, Egypt could instead, perhaps, enter into a mutual defense treaty with your own nation. The Egyptian military is a rapidly developing, large-scale force designed primarily for regional defense and would be more than adequate to aid Israel in any local defense issues. France would still remain your partner, specifically if a power outside of the EIZ were to threaten your sovereignty. However, any issue Israel could run into within the EIZ would be covered by Egypt.

"If you are willing to make this compromise, then it could be put into consideration the Israeli perspective on the EIZ. Our international policy-making in relation to the zone would take into account the stances of your government, and several liaisons could be assigned to our own government apparatus so that you would have more direct input for EIZ policy-making."


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