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Thailand to Australia | Notice of Withdrawal


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand respectfully extends its greetings to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia. With grave deliberation, we convey our decision to withdraw the Thai Ambassador to Australia, a measure prompted by recent events.

In light of repeated breaches of diplomatic decorum, including a disregard for Thailand's sovereignty and the welfare of its people, as well as a concerted misinformation campaign against our nation, Thailand has found it necessary to reassess its relationship with Australia. Regrettably, the Australian Government has demonstrated a persistent refusal to engage in meaningful dialogue based on facts and evidence. Instead, it has chosen a path marked by defensive posturing, ego-driven maneuvers, and a condescending attitude that belies the principles of equality among nations.

Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand has determined that the withdrawal of our ambassador is a necessary step to underscore the consequences of such misguided diplomatic conduct on the part of Australia. We trust that this action will serve as a reminder of the importance of mutual respect and constructive engagement in international relations.


Surakiart Sathirathai
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
22 April 2004
Dear Mr. Sathirathai,

I regret to hear that you have made the decision to close your embassy in Australia. The embassy and its ground will be held as a secured Commonwealth property upon your departure by the Commonwealth Land Holdings, which falls under the Department of Finance, in order to allow for any future re-opening as the embassy by the Thai Government. Should there be a matter which pertains to the property itself, please feel free to contact the Minister for Finance. The Department of Finance will endeavour to maintain the property, including necessary garden and building maintenance, upkeeping of fire regulations and security.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will continue to maintain its embassy in Bangkok and Consulate-General in Phuket. Honorary Consuls in Ko Samui and Chiang Mai will continue to be employed by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its gratitude to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia for their acknowledgment. We value the mutual respect demonstrated and acknowledge your understanding of our recent decision concerning the evaluation of diplomatic relations between our nations.

It is important, however, to clarify that Thailand has not proposed the closure of its Republic Embassy in Australia, a detail not explicitly mentioned in our initial communication. Rather, Thailand will be recalling its Ambassador from Australia, signaling a reevaluation of the priority assigned to our bilateral relations while affirming our commitment to maintaining open channels of communication. Thailand remains steadfast in its dedication to fostering a relationship with Australia grounded in evidence-based dialogue, mutual respect, understanding, and equality.

Nonetheless, Thailand maintains its reservations concerning the diplomatic conduct of the Commonwealth of Australia. We hold the view that the recall of our Ambassador could have been averted had your government opted for transparent and substantive dialogue, rather than resorting to rhetoric unsuitable for constructive engagement, which regrettably undermined the trust between our nations. Until such time as the Australian Government addresses the valid concerns raised by our country, including the diplomatic missteps observed, Thailand will uphold a measured stance in its relations with Australia.


Surakiart Sathirathai,
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
22 April 2004
Dear Mr. Sathirathai,

The Australian Government has always upheld transparency and substantive dialogue. What you describe as "valid concerns" are matters pertaining to the Australian economy, an internal affairs matter. It is none of Thailand or any other nation's business or concern how this government chooses to budget its finances and whether the fiscal policy of the government is causing undue economic stress or not. Foreign affairs should pertain to matters to which a nation interacts with other nations on. Responsibility to protect doctrine does not apply to an internal economy, the only economic matters which are the business of foreign affairs are in regards to trade and tariffs.

Our Treasury maintains rigorous data and gives substantive policy advice on the economy to which the Thai Government is not privy to and I can reassure you that there is no indication that Australia is becoming a failed state, regardless of how you interpret the small amount of data which you can access through international institutions. The state of the Australian economy is best known by our Treasury, that is it's sole purpose afterall. We asked on three seperate occassions for the Thai Government to refrain from concerning itself with the Australian economy or how Ministers of the Crown wish to "spin" stories within the local Australian media (something which is done by politicians on a regular basis and to which I'm not willing to dictate should change here or abroad) and you continued to defy that warning and this is why we now have a frosty relationship. The National Intelligence Agency of Thailand could have simply not tweeted what they tweeted and this whole situation could have been avoided, so to somehow put it back on the Australian Government is disingenous.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.

Last edited:


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its greetings to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia. We regret to express our profound disappointment in the recent developments.

Initially, we held Australia in high regard, envisioning it as a bastion of transparency and civility. Regrettably, recent events have shattered this perception. The invitation extended by Australia to engage in discussions concerning its internal economic policy was received in good faith. However, the subsequent display of disregard for diplomatic norms and, more critically, the Constitution of the Republic of Thailand, is deeply troubling.

Thailand unequivocally condemns Australia's attempts to interfere in the operation of our independent investigative body, the NIA, which operates within the constitutional framework of our nation. The audacious disregard for our sovereignty and the sanctity of our constitutional provisions is unacceptable.

It is with a heavy heart that we conclude that Australia's leadership, particularly its Minister of Foreign Affairs, has consistently demonstrated a lack of respect for the principles of globalization and mutual respect that underpin civil international relations. Despite our hopes for constructive engagement, it is abundantly clear from the evidence presented in your correspondence that Australia does not uphold the fundamental values of civil liberties, freedom of expression, and non-interference.

Furthermore, recent events have shed light on the concerning trajectory of the Commonwealth of Australia, positioning it among the nations lagging in development globally. Thailand has consistently strived to foster mutually beneficial relations between our nations, guided by the principles of equality and respect for sovereignty.

It is regrettable, however, that the diplomatic representatives of Australia appear to overlook the fundamental truth that no nation holds superiority over another, and each possesses unique characteristics worthy of recognition. The transformation of Australia, once prosperous, into a realm marked by unwarranted hubris and hegemonic aspirations, is a disappointing regression.

Thailand, rooted in the belief in the inherent capacity of humanity for reasoned discourse and moral consideration, is disheartened by the recent exchanges with the Commonwealth of Australia. The unnecessary contention, particularly regarding our independent investigative body, calls into question the universal propensity for rationality and empathy among the inhabitants of our shared planet.

In light of these developments, Thailand is compelled to reevaluate the nature of our diplomatic engagement. The actions of the Commonwealth of Australia have underscored the imperative for humility, mutual respect, and adherence to international norms in our interactions.

In response to the disrespectful conduct exhibited by the Commonwealth of Australia, Thailand regrettably announces the termination of all diplomatic channels with Australia and the withdrawal of recognition of Australia's sovereignty. We express deep dissatisfaction with Australia's actions, which betray a concerning disregard for the principles of diplomacy and human decency.

Furthermore, Thailand hereby rescinds all privileges previously extended to Australia by the Republic Thai Armed Forces, including but not limited to fleet berthing rights and passage through our territorial waters. It is imperative for Thailand to take decisive action in the face of destabilizing behavior, particularly when it jeopardizes the safety and well-being of our citizens and undermines regional stability.

Australia's willingness to prioritize its own interests at the expense of ethical considerations and regional harmony is deeply troubling. Thailand cannot condone such actions, which not only threaten the security of our nation but also have far-reaching implications for the economic stability of Southeast Asia and Oceania.

Therefore, with a heavy heart, Thailand must sever ties with Australia until such time as genuine efforts are made to rectify these grievous transgressions and uphold the principles of mutual respect and cooperation among nations.

Ultimately, Thailand holds hope that Australia possesses the capacity to acknowledge the gravity of its actions, specifically its blatant disregard for Thailand's Constitution and sovereignty. Despite our earnest warnings, it is evident that Australia has made a grave error in its approach. Additionally, we respect Australia sense of humor in claiming it has been transparent when its actions say otherwise.


Surakiart Sathirathai,
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
22 April 2004
Dear Mr. Sathirathai,

I am completely unaware of where the Thai Constitution has been disregarded and now this fresh ascertion to us is just adding another layer of absurdity to Thailand's response. We have never at any point extended an invitation to discuss Australia's economic situation with the Thai Government, we have been actively trying to get you to refrain from discussing it.

We have never at any point interfered with the operations of the National Intelligence Agency. We have never forced through any threatening means the operations of the National Intelligence Agency. What we have taken issue with is publicly making information available. It shouldn't be routine for an intelligence agency to make information public, particularly about another nation without even first consulting that nation you are planning to do so. Our intelligence agencies do not do this, they are the secret service for secrets. To us the move was done in bad faith by the NIA and broke down the mutual respect our governments hold for each other. What we did, and this is shown in writing, is that we urged your government to do whatever it had in its power to revoke the media release because it served no purpose and would've only led to a break down in our relationship. Had you been unable to, because under Thai law you seemingly have retained little control over your intelligence agencies (and I will admit, I am not expert on Thai law), then that would have been perfectly acceptable to us. We still maintain numerous legislation controls over our intelligence agencies, they are all established by acts of parliament and therefore are reportable to the Parliament of Australia and the Ministers responsible. The Ministers would have final say on any media releases done by these agencies. This prevents a deep state from developing and allows for full transparency of the agencies actions. It does not allow for Members of Parliament or the Cabinet to be exhumed from any investigations. Transparency of the actions of these agencies is handled by an independent body called the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security. I am willing to help Thailand develop an intelligence community framework similar to Australia's to prevent lack of transparency issues like this arising again.

The breakdown of the relationship occurred in follow up responses when you insisted on continuing to comment on the Australian economy and the public responses of Ministers of the Crown as being "misinformation" instead of simply informing us that you were unable to influence the actions of the NIA under law and leaving the matter there. Regardless of all of this, you keep talking about open dialogue and transparency but I am still unable to ascertain why you want to discuss Australia's economy, what your aims of the discussion are and what you hope for our government to say or do in regards to the matter. It simply feels like Thailand is trying to make a point to which I say: it is noted.

I also wish that you would refrain from accusations such as Australia does not uphold civil liberties, freedom of expression, has hegemonic aspirations, destabilising behaviour, etc. without any solid evidence. We have never at any point, accused Thailand of anything to the equivalent. We are focused on one particular matter and you have blown this out into enormous proportions.

To take one diplomatic message from us urging your government to contact your intelligence agency chiefs for them to remove a media release to saying we are violating Thailand's Constitution and sovereignty, particularly when we are unaware of the nature of the relationship between your Cabinet and that agency and then rather than simply informing me of that, is absurd. The withdrawal of recognising Australia's sovereignty just reaches a new level of absurdity.

Frankly, we thought the matter was left at our previous diplomatic communique, but you decided to close your embassy a couple of days later. This is a constant theme that we see with Thailand's diplomatic approach, the inability to just leave matters when there is nothing left to say, instead just constantly opting to make them even worse. There was no need to close your embassy, there was no need to have any further communication with the Australian Government. There's just something not right, it almost feels like you are deliberately trying to degrade the relationship to its lowest point when we are not aiming to do that. It is almost like you crave the attention when we are just trying our best to mind our own business and to continue governing our country without focusing on these matters. It is frankly, getting annoying and I would ask if this communique comes to another standstill that you simply leave us alone.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.

Last edited:


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its greetings to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia. We regret to express our profound disappointment in the recent developments.

The Republic of Thailand cannot condone the propagation of misleading narratives and unfounded accusations by the Australian Government. Despite assertions to the contrary, it has become apparent that Australia has not only interfered in Thai internal affairs but has also suggested intentions to continue such interference. Compounding this issue is Australia's failure to recognize the severity of its actions, coupled with an inappropriate shift of blame towards Thailand for responding to provocations that were initially invited by Australia itself. It is regrettable that Australia has chosen to portray itself as a victim in a scenario of its own making, especially when the initial engagement on economic matters was prompted by Australia's request, not Thailand's interest. The Republic of Thailand remains focused on the well-being of its people and maintaining its sovereignty, rather than being drawn into unnecessary disputes over another nation's internal economic challenges.

It is increasingly clear that the current Australian administration harbors not only a profound misunderstanding of international diplomacy but also a marked propensity towards a revisionist narrative that suits its domestic agenda but distorts the reality of international engagements. Such behavior is not only unbecoming of a nation that claims to value fairness and transparency but is also indicative of a deeper imperialistic inclination that seeks to dictate the terms of engagement according to its whims and fancies.

Moreover, Australia’s allegations regarding Thai interference through the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) are not only unfounded but are indicative of a broader Australian strategy to deflect from its internal issues by casting aspersions on others. This tactic is not only transparent but also detrimental to the fabric of trust that once underpinned our bilateral relations. Thailand won’t stand by this blatant interference in the free press foundation of Thailand.

The decision to withdraw our ambassador and sever diplomatic ties was not made lightly. It was a necessary response to Australia’s continued disrespect and violation of diplomatic norms and sovereignty. The Republic of Thailand stands firm in its commitment to uphold its dignity and the principles of international law, which seem to be regarded by Australia as mere suggestions rather than binding norms.

In your recent communications, you mentioned a desire to leave matters to rest, yet followed by a series of provocations wrapped in diplomatic rhetoric. This contradiction not only confuses the essence of your intentions but also casts a shadow on the sincerity of your diplomatic gestures.

Australia has displayed a lamentable combination of ignorance and arrogance, suggesting a profound detachment from the principles of international diplomacy. Your accusations against Thailand, fueled by baseless assumptions and a flagrant disregard for diplomatic decorum, are not only unfounded but also deeply insulting. It is evident that your administration is more interested in preserving its fragile ego than engaging in genuine dialogue or respecting the sovereignty of other nations. Your inability to comprehend basic diplomatic norms and your relentless pursuit of a narrative that absolves Australia of any wrongdoing only serve to further tarnish your reputation on the global stage. Until Australia learns to conduct itself with humility and respect, it will continue to find itself isolated and scorned by nations that refuse to tolerate such reckless behavior.

Australia's refusal to acknowledge its missteps and its persistent attempts to gaslight Thailand through baseless accusations and distortions of reality only serve to further erode trust and respect in the international community. It is abundantly clear that Australia's ego and self-pride have clouded its judgment, leading to a diplomatic impasse that could have been avoided through genuine dialogue and mutual respect.

We urge Australia to reflect deeply on its approach to international relations and consider the long-term impacts of its current trajectory on global perceptions and its own national interests. The Republic of Thailand remains committed to peaceful and respectful international relations and expects the same maturity and decorum from Australia.

Should there come a time when Australia is prepared to engage with sincerity and respect, recognizing the sovereign equality of nations and ceasing its patronizing tone, Thailand would be open to reconsidering the current pause in our diplomatic relations. Until such time, Thailand will maintain its stance, prioritizing the integrity and well-being of its nation and its people over appeasing unfounded demands and disrespectful dialogues.


Surakiart Sathirathai,
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
22 April 2004
Dear Mr. Sathirathai,

"Moreover, Australia’s allegations regarding Thai interference through the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) are not only unfounded."

I really would like you to point out where I suggested that the Thai Government was interfering with its intelligence agencies.

I'll wait.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its greetings to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia. We regret to express our profound disappointment in the recent developments.

It is imperative to address the issue of gaslighting perpetrated by the Commonwealth of Australia against the Republic of Thailand. Rather than engaging in constructive dialogue and providing substantiated responses, Australia's actions have regrettably confirmed our assertions. This pattern of behavior not only undermines the principles of diplomatic engagement but also reflects a concerning lack of capacity within Australia's diplomatic apparatus to address our concerns in a meaningful manner.

It is abundantly clear that Australian officials have operated under a grossly flawed assumption regarding the role and autonomy of the NIA within Thailand's governance framework. This misguided belief not only demonstrates a profound misunderstanding but also exhibits a flagrant disregard for the constitutional principles upon which Thailand's governance is built.

The NIA stands as an independent institution, enshrined within our Constitution to safeguard national security interests free from external influence or manipulation. Its autonomy is sacrosanct, with operations insulated from political interference as a cornerstone of our democratic foundation.

For the Commonwealth of Australia to persist in this erroneous belief, insinuating that Thailand's government can arbitrarily dictate the actions of the NIA, is not only deeply concerning but also constitutes a direct challenge to our nation's sovereignty and legal integrity. Such assertions are firmly rejected and must be retracted without delay.

The Republic of Thailand will not countenance any foreign power seeking to impose its own biases or casting baseless accusations that undermine the independence of our constitutionally established institutions. Any such attempt represents a brazen affront to our democratic principles and will be met with resolute opposition.

The necessity for the Commonwealth of Australia to grasp the gravity of its misconceptions and the consequential impact cannot be overstated. Diplomatic relations thrive on mutual comprehension and reverence for the internal affairs and legal frameworks of sovereign states. Persistent neglect of these fundamental tenets will inevitably erode the longstanding rapport between our nations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs firmly insists on an unambiguous acknowledgment and rectification of these missteps by Australian authorities. Any failure to do so will be construed as a deliberate affront and blatant disregard for the Republic of Thailand, prompting significant ramifications for our bilateral relations.

We anticipate a swift and decisive resolution to this untenable situation.


Surakiart Sathirathai,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
22 April 2004
Dear Mr. Sathirathai,

And I accept that the National Intelligence Agency is completely independent of your government and you are not allowed to have any influence over their actions or decisions, I wasn't aware of this at the start of our communiques. I am not an expert on Thai law as I'm sure you'd believe. Had you informed me of this at the VERY BEGINNING of our communiques, you may have avoided blowing this matter out of proportions that we have never seen before in the world of diplomatic engagement. As I said, I would have accepted there was nothing you could do about the media release and left it at that. This again goes back to the point about Thai diplomacy I made in a previous communique: "just constantly opting to make them (diplomatic issues) even worse". We also believe that a language barrier may be playing a role in this, there is just simply no other explanation for the proportions to which you blown this matter out of hand. Closing your embassy was one thing, removing your recognition of Australian sovereignty is a whole new level.

I have never at any point stated that the Thai Government has an ability to or does influence the decisions of the NIA. I urged you to do so in our original communique, a simple reply stating that you couldn't would have been more than acceptable. The breakdown in the relationship did not occur because the NIA decided to make accusations of a misinformation campaign, frankly its not that big of a deal to us, it is one tweet. The breakdown occurred because in follow up communiques you decided to, against our wishes, wanted to discuss and lecture us about the Australian economy and the budgetary decisions of our government and make baseless accusations about becoming a failed state which we saw as a breach of the highest degree of professionalism expected in diplomatic communiques. You mention mutual respect a lot, respecting our wishes not to discuss a matter would be considered the bare minimum of mutual respect. I reiterate the point I made in a previous communique... "I am still unable to ascertain why you want to discuss Australia's economy, what your aims of the discussion are and what you hope for our government to say or do in regards to the matter.".

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its greetings to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Republic of Thailand acknowledges Australia's recognition of our independent investigative body, the NIA. However, it is imperative to underscore that Thailand has no interest in engaging in discussions regarding the Australian economy, regardless of its internal challenges. Respect is a cornerstone of diplomatic relations, reciprocated based on actions, a principle that appears elusive to Australia. While Australia purports professionalism, its demonstrated understanding of the concept falls short.

Regrettably, the failure of the Australian Government to portray its nation as a prosperous, free, and economically diverse first-world country is disheartening, especially since the term “first world’ is inherently recognized by the scientific community as culturally biased for the western nations to assert its supremacy. Thailand has consistently refrained from lecturing Australia, merely presenting factual information. Nonetheless, if given the opportunity, Thailand would emphasize to Australia the essence of professionalism in global affairs, including a thorough understanding of partner country’s legal and constitutional framework before engaging in confrontational actions.

In light of the repeated infringements upon Thailand's sovereignty and our inherent rights to self-determination, it is our sincere hope that Australia will recognize the gravity of its transgressions, particularly amidst its recent acknowledgment of the independence of our investigative body. Nevertheless, Thailand stands resolute in our decision to withdraw all diplomatic channels and revoke recognition of the Australian state. Despite our efforts to convey warnings in a constructive manner, they have regrettably been met with disregard by Australia, necessitating a systematic escalation of diplomatic pressure from our side. It is imperative for Australia to reflect on its actions and engage in meaningful dialogue to rectify the strained relations between our nations.

Thailand has consistently upheld the principles of mutual respect and non-interference in its international relations. However, Australia's repeated transgressions and disregard for these fundamental tenets have left us with no choice but to take decisive action. We refuse to be subjugated by a nation that exhibits a concerning lack of humility and a propensity for imperialistic overreach.

The world is witnessing a seismic shift in the global order, where once-dominant powers are being challenged by the resurgence of nations that have long been overlooked or underestimated. Thailand stands as a beacon of this new era, a nation unwavering in its commitment to upholding sovereignty, self-determination, and the inviolability of its constitutional principles.

Let this serve as a stark reminder to Australia and any other nation that harbors hegemonic aspirations: the era of unchecked dominance and disregard for international norms is rapidly coming to an end. The future belongs to those who embrace the principles of equality, mutual respect, and a genuine commitment to the rule of international law.

Thailand will not be cowed by the arrogance of nations that seek to impose their will through coercion or intimidation. We are a proud people, with a rich history and a profound reverence for our cultural heritage. Our resilience and unwavering spirit have withstood the test of time, and we will not falter in the face of those who seek to undermine our sovereignty.

The path forward lies in genuine dialogue, rooted in respect and a recognition of the sovereign equality of nations. Until Australia demonstrates a willingness to engage on these terms, the diplomatic impasse will persist, serving as a testament to the consequences of disregarding the fundamental principles that underpin a just and equitable global order.

In conclusion, Thailand remains steadfast in its commitment to principles of mutual respect and understanding. Should Australia demonstrate a willingness to address the issue directly and engage in constructive dialogue, Thailand stands ready to reconsider its decision. While we acknowledge the unprecedented nature of the escalation in international diplomacy, we maintain that it is justified given Australia's failure to respond to our diplomatic overtures with openness and receptivity.

If the Australian Government perceives any offense in our statement, Thailand extends its sincerest apologies, emphasizing our intention to remind Australia of the consequences of its actions.

Nevertheless, despite our belief that we are not solely at fault, Thailand hopes that Australia will demonstrate a similar level of humility, acknowledging the extent of its transgressions and considering it as a gesture of goodwill. It is important to note that all punitive measures applied by Thailand, from the withdrawal of our ambassador to the revocation of recognition, have not been officially implemented and remain subject to diplomatic resolution. With respect for Australia and confidence in its ability to reflect, Thailand is prepared to immediately cease all such measures, given that they have not yet been initiated.

All Thailand wants in return from Australia is the show of humility and recognition of mistake on part of itself, something that Australia has started to show by the recognition of our investigative body, the NIA. Thailand sees potential in our bilateral relationship with the Commonwealth of Australia. We appreciated that Australia has built our Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge in the 1994, a year before the collapse of the United Nations. However, since the Australian administration has mentioned this in the social platform called Twitter in a rather condensing manner, we have decided to not acknowledge the existent of its so far to ensure the continued dignity of Australia.

Thailand expresses the hope that, as a demonstration of genuine diplomatic goodwill, Australia will consider issuing a public apology for any governmental actions that may have caused offense. Additionally, we commend the Australian government for its ability to garner support from its citizens, as evidenced by the widespread domestic backing evident in viral social media posts. This highlights the strength of freedom of expression in Australia, a nation we regard as upholding some of the most robust democratic institutions globally.

Yours in Diplomacy,

Surakiart Sathirathai,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
22 April 2004
Dear Mr. Sathirathai,

I am willing to leave the matter there and not take it any further. The restoration of normalised relations is now the aim here. Australia recognises Thailand, Australia continues to operate its embassy in Thailand. This is the bare minimum of normalised relations, so the ball is now firmly in your court and I await to hear that you have reversed your decisions on both the embassy closure and the revoking of recognition. The damage to the relationship is done, it'll take a lot to rebuild what we once had, much more than what it took to build it up in the first place. The acts of closing the embassy and the revoking of recognition demonstrated to us that the Thai Government cannot operate with a sound mind and make rational decisions to not destroy bilateral relationships any further than they need to be. On that basis, we have no desire to build a relationship with Thailand that we may enjoy with other nations in the region and abroad. That is based on the decisions and choices you made. The simple normalisation of relations is now the aim, it is what the international community and Global Assembly expects of both of us, rather than trying to build something more flourishing which would now take years.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand respectfully addresses this correspondence to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is with regret that we note the ongoing challenges in our bilateral relations, stemming from certain actions that are perceived as neglecting shared responsibilities.

We wish to reiterate, as previously communicated, that a pathway to reconciliation between our two nations hinges upon a mutual display of humility and respect. Thailand has consistently strived to engage constructively, even in circumstances where we do not perceive ourselves as the provocateur. It is important for the Commonwealth of Australia to move away from a posture that might be perceived as sanctimonious or devoid of accountability. Such a stance not only compounds the difficulties but also diminishes the trust that has historically underpinned our relationship.

Moreover, we understand that Australia is navigating significant shifts in the geopolitical environment. We encourage your government to return to the adaptability and cooperative spirit that it has demonstrated in the past, qualities essential for addressing current global dynamics effectively. Thailand remains committed to holding all parties accountable for actions that jeopardize diplomatic engagement. We urge Australia to forsake any rhetoric of threats and to instead focus on substantive dialogue. This approach, far from being an escalation, seeks to fortify our ties through constructive and honest communication. It is our hope that Australia will reflect on these matters and join us in restoring the strength of our bilateral relationship.
Yours in Diplomacy,

Surakiart Sathirathai,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
22 April 2004
Dear Mr. Sathirathai,

There will be no restoring "the strength" of the bilateral relationship. There will be no more "cooperative spirit" with Thailand anymore. There will be no "substantive dialogue" at this point in time. This is based on the decisions your government took to essentially implode the bilateral relationship. We have zero trust anymore in the Thai Government and unfortunately, once trust is lost it's very hard to get it back.

The goal is now a simple normalisation of relations, consistent with international norms and expectations. In order to restore a normalisation of relations the ball is firmly in your court I'm afraid.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:
UNOFFICIALNo Business ImpactNo damage. This information does not form part of official duty.
OFFICIALLow Business ImpactNo or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.
OFFICIAL: SensitiveLow to Medium Business ImpactLimited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.
PROTECTEDHigh Business ImpactDamage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
SECRETExtreme Business ImpactSerious damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.
TOP SECRETCatastrophic Business ImpactExceptionally grave damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia; CC: Kevin Rudd, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen
From: <>
Subject: Notice of Withdrawal of the Thai Ambassador to Australia
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand acknowledges the recipient of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Foreign Affairs.

Thailand finds itself perplexed by the approach taken by your government. Despite our consistent efforts to engage in goodwill gestures, Australia maintains a narrative of victimhood while disregarding our legislative and constitutional frameworks. We have provided numerous opportunities for Australia to demonstrate humility, yet this opportunity appears to have been unheeded. Until such time as Australia recognizes the importance of humility in diplomatic relations, Thailand believes it necessary to reassess our bilateral ties.

Yours in Diplomacy,

Surakiart Sathirathai,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Thailand

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