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Thailand to China | Potential in military cooperation.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Ministry of Defence

To: Minister of China's National Defense Ministry, Wan Nianzu DHouseAlwyswyns

From: Minister of Defence of Thailand, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh

Subject: Procurement of Naresuan-class Frigate

Security Type: Maximum Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Dear Wan Nianzu,

It has come to my great concern that the Republic of Thailand is indeed at threat of potential invasion by seas. Due to ongoing international tensions in Thailand, more than 26 Thai-Chinese people have died. This casualty demonstrates the enemy's ability to enter Thai waters. The safety of the 10 million Thai-Chinese individuals who live in our country is a priority for our government and ministries. We want to purchase another 20 Naresuan-class Frigate from China. This procurement will ensure the safety of all Chinese in Thailand. And if China can approve the unique production of warships for Thailand again. I will assure you that our country will never have any military conflict as long as I am in control. We are willing to pay up to $2.6 Billion that will benefit your government over $461,362,401 for 20 frigates this time. I also have a plan for our ambassador to meet with you soon. We want to bring back the discussion of military cooperation between our country.

I hope you will agree with the procurement. The ambassador will meet you in several days.

Best Regard
Chavalit Yongchaiyudh
Minister of Defence of Thailand
Republic of Thailand
Sep 28, 2021
To: Minister of Defence of Thailand, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh
From: Minister of China's National Defense Ministry, Wan Nianzu
Subject: Procurement of Naresuan-class Frigate

Despite your generous offer we would like to know first what is currently happening there, official reports say that the Thai government is currently in exile and what becomes of Thailand now?, who is currently in control? we are eager to hear your response as we understand the situation is dire.

Wan Nianzu
Chinese Defense Minister


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Thailand Ministry of Defence

To: <Minister of China's National Defense Ministry, Wan Nianzu> DHouseAlwyswyns

From: <Minister of Defence of Thailand, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh>

Subject: <Procurement of Naresuan-class Frigate>

Security Type: Maximum Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Dear Wan Nianzu,

I thank you for your speedy reply. I am willing to explain to you what is currently happening in Thailand. I must first confirm that our government is still in place as ever. I have to tell you that Congo attacked Thailand with unconfirmed news through their official news media. In early December, the monarchist supporter in our country had raided the 46th military district headquarters. They razed down the entire town, which caused more than 500 casualties. When we investigated the case, we found that foreign monarchies supported them. So far, Congo has officially announced their intervention in the country. They launch a few missiles into the International Airport. We have estimated that over 2000 people had died from the intervention. I want you to consider danger from the Congo monarchy as your top priority. I hope that this summary could make you accept our offer. The Royal Thai Armed Forces have one of the best recruitment training programs. It is what I want the ambassador to discuss with you. It would surely benefit your personnel combat skill.

Chavalit Yongchaiyudh
Minister of Defence of Thailand
Republic of Thailand
Sep 28, 2021
To: Minister of Defence of Thailand, Chavalit Yongchaiyudh Bossza007
From: Minister of China's National Defense Ministry, Wan Nianzu
Subject: Procurement of Naresuan-class Frigate

Dear Chavalit Yongchaiyudh,

We sympathize with your situation, our current relations with your government is at least slightly favorable and our two nations do share mutual respect for each other, unfortunately Congo is a potential ally of China and are openly talking to them as an acquaintance, with this information at hand, my government has ordered for me to propose a plan, that can potentially help. With your permission, instead of just procuring Chinese weaponry, China and Thailand can enter a defensive military alliance in order to bring the Empire of Congo to the table, if the stars align we also suggest that Thailand is to also enter a defensive military alliance with the Congo and voluntarily propose that Congo gets to build limited military installations in the country, such as ports or airfields etc. how many is up to your government, this hopefully satisfies a small part Congo's colonial ambitions, it might be a win for your government in exchange for immediate peace between Thailand and The Empire of Congo and lastly, a win For us, because you should owe us a favor, after this is all said and done.

We will be contacting the Foreign Minister of the Empire of Congo regarding this situation and should they agree we can implement this plan to avoid further crisis and bloodshed within the region. If they would not agree then the least my government can do is to carefully consider if we should order those ships for you. best of luck.

Wan Nianzu
Chinese Defense Minister
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Thai ambassador to China (Mr.) Attayuth Srisamut would arrive at the Chinese Defence Ministry Building. He is wearing a black suit with a white neck. He gets off of the office's car and picks up his brown briefcase. He walks into the building with a Confident stance. He has prepared his information to discuss with the Chinese Defence Minister for a whole week. He talks to the receptionist to find a way to the office. When he arrives at the office, he knocks on the door. He greets the Minister with Chinese and offers him a firm handshake.

Sep 28, 2021
"Oh Minister, well this is a surprising visit, I did not expect you will be here so fast, please come in, I will instruct my secretary to order some coffee for you."

The Chinese Defense Minister then commented,"

Wow, what a firm handshake you got there, I'm assuming this is your sign that we are about to discuss very serious matters that require immediate attention from China, I will ensure your situation will get to the top of the list of CCP affairs. Despite our previous message to you, clearly you are not taking no for an answer and to be honest, personally I admire that. So, I know you are a busy man and lets get down to business shall we. what can we do for you Ambassador."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Thai ambassador would reply before he sat down somewhere in the room. "You are right, minister. If we agree, the foreign power won't even dare to intervene here. I bring a few documents, but I prefer to sit first." He would chuckle a bit before sitting down on a sofa or a chair opposite the Chinese Defence Minister. "Let's start, minister Wan. I believe you know how much we put funds into military recruitment to make the best quality. The information about our training is usually public. The free press in our country made everyone acknowledge our actions. We consider the quality of course even more than two and a half billion dollars just for 50,000 personnel training, that's ten times more than the standard training cost of every country on our earth. We are confident that we have the most professional soldier in the world. And our soldiers can easily withstand any nation's special force. I will explain to you how skilled our personnel has from training. We will look back to May when we still intervene in South Africa. The combat engineer build a field hospital that can support over a thousand people at a time! The combat medic has treated over two hundred thousand people already. The reconnaissance unit mapped the whole of Pretoria and Johannesburg and guessed the correct population." He would take a sip of a coffee. He would take an image out of his briefcase.


"I would assume that you are familiar with these symbols on the image. I want to ask the Chinese army for the Joint Field Exercise. I will tell you what will make you interested in this cooperation. We are currently the second-largest armed forces in Asia. At the end of 2000, we will be the strongest in this region. We expect that our armed force will be the most powerful in the world in the next few years. The whole exercise area is 100 square kilometers. It can fit over 13 million people inside. We are willing to deploy a division of 10,000 personnel, hundred of the tank, APC, and IFV. We will install human-like targets at the action point. We will build a combat outpost to simulate the assault of the battlefield. Have I told you that we will include ten aircraft too? Our soldiers can call for a strike or bombing missions. It will be the first step for our military operation that strengthens our relationship. So how do you think?" An ambassador would sip a coffee.

Sep 28, 2021
"So in summary, ambassador if we should support your government in exile, China will be able to access this recruitment and training programs you mentioned that you claim to be one of the best, if not, the best in the world, Joint Field military exercises, while also offering 2.6 billion US dollars in exchange for 20 Naresuan-class frigates, which we interpret all of these as a military cooperation between Thailand and China as long as the current government of Thailand is in control. Is this correct?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Everything is the correct minister. I want to add that the recruitment and training programs will be in the Joint Field Exercises. We will cover the fund and prepare the Joint Field Exercise for your army. Military cooperation will stay the same as the current government is in power or keep the same spirit. Would you agree to this offer? I will be happy to answer any questions because my family is still with me in China. When you agree, we will discuss more into the Joint Exercise Program."

Sep 28, 2021
"There's only one thing I would like to propose, Since we both have our own interest and ambitions, my government would like to sign a Neutrality Pact for (2) years with your government in order to avoid any foreign influence that can affect Chinese and Thai foreign policies in the region. This ensures peace between our two nations while we both strive to prosper in our own ways. If you agree then we are wholeheartedly accept all your proposals thus far. and start doing business with Thailand with open arms, Are we in agreement?"

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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"It's a deal. My government would completely agree on the Neutrality Pact for maintaining national identity. Have you prepared any documents yet? The Foreign Affairs has many experiences in making documents. I could help you draft it if you don't have it yet. It would be best if we include what the Neutrality Pact means. What does it need to stay neutral to each other? We could use the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact as a template for our agreement. I recall when I am still learning to be an ambassador."

Sep 28, 2021
"That's good the hear Ambassador, unfortunately we have not prepared any documents yet since my superiors told me to offer this in short notice, we would like for you make the document itself since you claim to have more experience with all these paperwork. So far, what we want to happen, regarding the Neutrality pact is China will not interfere with the happenings in Thailands foreign and national policies, interests, etc. as long as it does not go against anything between us, if there are conflict of interests, hopefully not, then perhaps we should be able to discuss such things on a diplomatic level to come to a compromise. And yes we could use the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality pact as a basis for us, to make things easier."

"Don't worry about such things Ambassador, so far your doing a good job handling all these affairs in your country, especially now."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Do you have a typewriter?" Ambassador Attayuth would look around the room. If there is any typewriter, he will use it. If there isn't any, he will wait for the Chinese minister to bring it to him.


Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand and Minister of National Defense of the People's Republic of China, guided by a desire to strengthen peaceful and friendly relations between the two countries, have decided to conclude a pact on neutrality, for which purpose they have appointed as their Representatives:

Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand
Attayuth Srisamu, Thai Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the People's Republic of China

Minister of National Defense of the People's Republic of China
Wan Nianzu, Minister of National Defense of the People's Republic of China

They have agreed on the following after exchanging credentials that were found to be in proper form:
Article1: Both Contracting Parties agree to preserve peaceful and amicable relations and to mutually respect the other Contracting Party's territorial integrity and inviolability.
Article 2: Both Contracting Parties agree not to interfere with other Contracting Party's internal and external affairs.
Article 3: Both Contracting Parties are convinced that any settlement of differences or disputes between the Contracting Party should be discussed at the diplomacy level, regulated by rational, effective, and suitably flexible procedures, avoiding unfavorable attitudes that could put both Contracting Parties in danger
Article 4: The present Pact enters into force on the day that both Contracting Parties ratify it, and it is valid for two years.
Article 5: The present Pact is subject to ratification as soon as possible. The instruments of ratification shall be exchanged in Bangkok, also as soon as possible.

In confirmation whereof, the above-named Representatives have signed the present Pact in two copies, drawn up in the Thai and Chinese languages, and affixed thereto their seals.

Done in Beijing on December 31, 1999

Attayuth Srisamu
Wan Nianzu


By the spirit of the neutrality pact signed between Thailand and China on December 31, 1999, the Governments of Thailand and China solemnly declare that Thailand pledges to respect China's territorial integrity and inviolability, and China pledges to respect Thailand's territorial integrity and inviolability.

Beijing, December 31, 1999

On behalf of the Government of Thailand
Attayuth Srisamu

On behalf of the Government of China
Wan Nianzu

Ambassador Attayuth would give documents to the Chinese Defence Minister. "It is finished! I also made a Declaration text. What do you think?"

Sep 28, 2021
"yes of course, I currently have one. feel free to use it, it is sitting right there in the table near the window."

As the Thai ambassador gave the finished documents to the Chinese defense minister, he eagerly reviewed all of them and find it very detailed and informative, based from his facial expressions he was pleased with it, he then looked up to the Thai ambassador after reading the documents and nodded in approval. he then said,

"my bosses would really increase my bonus when they hear of this, I can officially confirm that these documents are to our liking and would thank you for helping me complete this task. as Chinas Minister of Defense I officially approve signing these documents."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The ambassador would giggle in joy after hearing the Chinese minister's comment. "I am glad that I can help you with it. I think you should also inform them that we will be exchanging documents of our language as a sign of ratification in Bangkok. The Chinese ambassador in Bangkok should know this. My prime minister will be happy for sure. So let's discuss the Joint Field Exercise. We will rehearsal the full-scale invasion in that area, which we planned to deploy the 6th Infantry Division to simulate real warfare. Please give me a moment. I will take out the information of this division." Ambassador Attayuth would pick up his briefcase and take out the document.

The 6th Infantry Division brief structure

6th Infantry Regiment
  • 2,000 personnel | 5 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and 15 BTR-90 Armored Personnel Carrier
16th Infantry Regiment
  • 2,000 personnel | 5 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and 15 BTR-90 Armored Personnel Carrier
23rd Infantry Regiment
  • 2,000 personnel | 5 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and 15 BTR-90 Armored Personnel Carrier
26th Infantry Regiment
  • 2,000 personnel | 5 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and 15 BTR-90 Armored Personnel Carrier
36th Infantry Regiment
  • 2,000 personnel | 5 BMP-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and 15 BTR-90 Armored Personnel Carrier
6th Field Artillery Regiment
  • 288 personnel | 36 M109A2 Howitzer
10th Tank Battalion
  • 300 personnel | 50 T-90S Main Battle Tank
6th Reconnaissance Cavalry Company
  • 300 Personnel
6th Combat Engineer Battalion
  • 300 Personnel
6th Signal Corp Battalion
  • 300 Personnel
6th Combat Medical Battalion
  • 150 Personnel
6th Patrols Company
  • 300 Personnel

Note 1: 150 personnel from the 6th Combat Medical Battalion is unavailable due to the ongoing operation.
Note 2: The list of deployed forces and equipment can be changed at any time.

"This document is the summarize structure of our 6th Infantry Division. I believe it is best to show you now. I see there is no total personnel number in this document. It is 11,628. We will deploy our 1st and 2nd Flying Training Squadron at the airbase near the exercise area, a total of 10 aircraft. Have you considered yet what force you want to send? We can supply up to 25,000 soldiers."

Sep 28, 2021
"Of course we will inform him of it, and will also do the same, as a sign of mutual respect, by the way which area are you talking about again regarding this joint field exercise, and where would it happen?. Regarding our deployment of troops we are still in the process of organizing our forces so we are yet unsure about the details, but we will eventually inform your government of it soon, we will also record this document of yours so I can give it to my superiors and inform them of our plans and agreements."

"Oh, and I almost forgot, we will also begin ordering those ships for you soon and expect continues deliveries. We are also planning to release a public announcement via our state media outlets to inform concerned parties of our Neutrality Pact, we also wish for your government to do the same to further increase its legitimacy."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
I forgot to tell you the specific location of the Joint Field Exercise. At Dong Khrang Noi, Kaset Wisai District, Roi Et Province. We should let the commanding officer make a plan for themselves. I believe the government has transferred the fund to your government. We will announce the Neutrality Pact after your government. I am sure that will balance the stability in our region. Since your troop is still organizing, I believe we have talked a lot today. I have proposed everything, which results in benefit for both of us. Anything you still doubt? We both should get home fast today to celebrate the new year with our family. I will email you with more information about the Joint Field Exercise tomorrow.

Sep 28, 2021
"noted ambassador, we will surely take that into account, I have received your funds and will be ordering those ships for you momentarily, We will also be announcing soon and will lead the way to break the news. I agree, you have a busy schedule and I want to no longer hinder you from your other responsibilities. Happy new year to you and your family ambassador, hope to see you again. farewell."

As the talks have finished and all objectives have been met the Chinese defense minister firmly shakes the ambassadors hand like he shook his when he first introduced himself. Then, he called for his assistant to escort the ambassador and attend to his needs as the building is quite a maze from the inside.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To: <Minister of National Defence of China, Wan Nianzu DHouseAlwyswyns >

From: <>

Subject: Additional Information of Joint Field Exercise

Security Type: Maximum Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Dear Wan Nianzu,

I am the Thai ambassador that talked to you the previous day. I am writing to provide you with additional information regarding the Joint Field Exercise between our country. I first wish you a fantastic new year to you and your family. I have requested more information from the Ministry of Defence, which they agree to share more detail. The exact location of our Joint Field Exercise is at 15°32'33.3"N 103°37'28.3"E. Since we will provide the Chinese army with our equipment, I gathered information about the equipment. Please consider open to the attachment below.

Mass: 18.7 tonnes (18.4 long tons; 20.6 short tons)
Length: 7.14 m (23 ft 5 in)
Width: 3.2 m (10 ft 6 in)
Height: 2.4 m (7 ft 10 in)
Crew: 3 (commander, gunner, driver)
7 troopers (+ 2 additional seats)

Armor: Aluminium alloy + steel, 35mm+ frontally, all-around small arms fire protection up to 12.7mm
Main armament: 100 mm gun/launcher 2A70 (able to fire shells or the 9M117 Bastion ATGM), 30 mm autocannon 2A72, AT-4/AT-5 ATGW launcher
Secondary armament: 2×7.62 mm PKT machine guns, 1x5.45mm machine gun, 1x40mm grenade launcher
Engine: UTD-29M diesel 500 hp (375 kW)
Power/weight: 27 hp/tonne
Suspension: torsion bar
Operational range: 600 km (370 mi)
Maximum speed: 72 km/h (45 mph) (road), 45 km/h (28 mph) (off-road), 10 km/h (6.2 mph) (water)
Mass: 20.9 tonnes (23.0 short tons; 20.6 long tons)
Length: 7.64 m (25 ft 1 in)
Width: 3.20 m (10 ft 6 in)
Height: 2.98 m (9 ft 9 in)
Crew: 3 (+7 infantry)

Armor: Welded steel with optional ERA modules
Main armament: 30 mm Shipunov 2A42 cannon (500 rounds)
Secondary armament: 7.62 mm PKT machine gun (2000 rounds), 9M113 Konkurs ATGM, one AGS-17D 30 mm automatic grenade launcher (400 rounds).
Engine: turbocharged diesel
510 hp (380 kW)
Power/weight: 24 hp/tonne (18 kW/tonne)
Suspension: wheeled 8×8
Operational range: 800 km (500 mi)
Maximum speed 100 km/h (62 mph), 9 km/h (5.6 mph) swimming
Mass: 27.5 tons
Length: 30 ft (9.1 m)
Width: 10 ft 4 in (3.15 m)
Height: 10 ft 8 in (3.25 m)
Crew: 4 (Ammunition Handler/Loader, Gunner, Commander, Driver)
Shell: separate loading, bagged charge
Caliber: 155 mm L/39 caliber
Breech: interrupted screw
Traverse: 360°
Rate of fire: Maximum: 4 rpm/3 min.
Sustained: 1 rpm
Effective firing range: Conventional: 21 km (13 mi), RAP: 30 km (19 mi)

Main armament: M126 155 mm Howitzer
Secondary armament: .50 caliber (12.7 mm) M2 machine gun
Engine: Detroit Diesel 8V71T 450 hp (335.56 kW)
Power/weight: 18.7 hp/t
Suspension: torsion-bar
Operational range: 216 mi (350 km)
Maximum speed: 35 mph (56 km/h)
Mass: 46 tonnes (45 long tons; 51 short tons)
Length: 9.63 m (31 ft 7 in), 6.86 m (22 ft 6 in) (hull)
Width: 3.78 m (12 ft 5 in)
Height: 2.22 m (7 ft 3 in)
Crew: 3

Armor: Steel-composite-reactive blend APFSDS: 550 mm + 250–280 mm with Kontakt-5 = 800–830 mm HEAT: 650–850 mm + 500–700 mm with Kontakt-5 = 1,150–1,550 mm
Main armament: 2A46M 125 mm smoothbore gun with 43 rounds
Secondary armament: 12.7mm Kord Heavy machine gun, 7.62mm PKMT
Engine: V-84MS 12-cyl. diesel
Power/weight: 18.2 hp/tonne (13.3 kW/tonne)
Operational range: 550 km (340 mi) (without fuel drums)
Maximum speed: 70 km/h (43 mph)
General characteristics
Crew: 2
Length: 13.144 m (43 ft 1 in)
Wingspan: 9.45 m (31 ft 0 in) with wingtip missiles
Height: 4.94 m (16 ft 2 in)
Wing area: 23.69 m2 (255.0 sq ft)
Empty weight: 6,470 kg (14,264 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 12,300 kg (27,117 lb)
Fuel capacity: 5,920 pounds (2,690 kg)
Powerplant: 1 × General Electric F404 afterburning turbofan engine (built under license by Samsung Techwin), 53.07 kN (11,930 lbs) thrust dry, 78.7 kN (17,700 lbs) with afterburner

Maximum speed: 1,837.5 k
Range: 1,851 km (1,150 mi, 999 nmi)
Service ceiling: 14,630 m (48,000 ft)
g limits: +8 −3
Rate of climb: 198 m/s (39,000 ft/min)
Thrust/weight: 0.96
Avionics: EL/M-2032

Available Armament for Joint Field Exercise
Gun: 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) General Dynamics A-50 3-barrel rotary cannon, 205 rounds
Strike mission
  • 1*Hydra 70 with LOGIR Guidance system (Under fuselage)
  • 6*AGM-65 Maverick (Four underwing and two wingtip)
Strike mission
  • 1*AIM-9 Sidewinder (One under fuselage)
  • 2*Mk 83 (Two underwings)
  • 2*CBU-97/105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon (Two underwings)
  • 2*AGM-65 Maverick (Two wingtip)
Note: The Armament for T-50 Variant is specially made by Korea for the Royal Thai Air Force to serve both Trainer and Light Fighter roles.

Thai Ambassador to China
Attayuth Srisamut
Republic of Thailand

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