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Thailand to Ethiopia | Outreach


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Demeke Mekonnen, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Ethiopia> Naio90

From: <>

Subject: Bilateral Relationship between Thailand and Ethiopia

Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax

Dear Minister Mekonnen,

The Republic of Thailand's government officially conducts its second outreach to Ethiopia concerning their bilateral relationship. The Ethiopian government's initiative to develop a national infrastructure project is impressive because it shows how advanced African countries have become. Ethiopia, which we classify as an emerging powerhouse in Africa, has been the subject of close observation by the Bureau of African Affairs of the Thai Foreign Ministry. For the mentioned reason, the Republic Government sees a chance for Ethiopia, a rapidly developing country in one of the world's poorest regions, to pursue cooperation with Thailand to further invest in its infrastructure and foster friendly relations.

Our country has been involved in two major African conflicts to maintain world peace in the last two years. During the Swedish post-war occupation of South Africa in 1999, we spent 700 million USD to support over 4,000 humanitarian personnel on a mission. With the help of our Citizen Focus Program, we assisted more than 239,000 South Africans in just 13 weeks. In early 2000, Congo meddled with our internal affairs, with the most violent action attacking our former International Airport, Don Muang, with missiles from their nuclear submarine. But, with the diplomatic competence of our ambassador to Congo, Sopa Pimolkittikool, a proud human rights activist of her university, has successfully negotiated an end to such conflict. She signed a treaty with Congo, restricting any military action between the two countries and implying an allied status inside the agreement.

For all mentioned above, I wish to meet with you to discuss the relationship and cooperation between Thailand and Ethiopia at your most preferred time.

Konthorn Tongproh
Thai Ambassador to Ethiopia
Republic of Thailand



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ

Message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Status: Private
To: Konthorn Tongproh, Thai Ambassador to Ethiopia, Republic of Thailand Bossza007
Re: Bilateral Relationship between Thailand and Ethiopia

Dear Ambassador Tongproh,
We apologize for the delayed response. Since the start of its mandate, both Prime Minister Ahmed and myself have been following a very tight agenda of meetings and audiences, including the Emperor of the Congo's visit and several bilateral meetings with other nations. We can offer you an immediate audience with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Taye Abate or arrange one with myself for next week.

Please let us know as to make the corresponding preparations.


Demeke Mekonnen

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Demeke Mekonnen, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Ethiopia>

From: <>

Subject: RE: Naio90

Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax

Dear Minister Mekonnen,

Thank you for your reply. I wish to meet with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. If it is preferable, we will schedule it at the Ethiopian ministry at 2 pm tomorrow.

Konthorn Tongproh
Thai Ambassador to Ethiopia
Republic of Thailand

The next day, ambassador Konthorn will go into his office on the same routine to prepare himself for the meeting in the afternoon. After everything is in place, he will put on his brown coat with the Foreign Ministry emblem and his name. He will leave the embassy thirty minutes before the appointed time and get in his car, driving to the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry. He will arrive around ten minutes early, walking to the receptionist and registering his attendance. He will then meet with the Deputy Foreign Minister.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Ambassador Taye Abate would have been briefed on the relationship with Thailand and the recent events involving said nation in South East Asia, as well as the prospects for the future strenghtening of the bilateral link between both emerging powers.

A private meeting room would be prepared and the Deputy Minister would be accompanied by 2 other diplomats from the Asian Affairs Department.

As soon as tht thai Representative arrived, he would be accompanied to said room where he would warmly be welcomed by the ethiopian diplomats.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Konthorn would arrive at the private meeting room, welcomed by the Ethiopian diplomats. He shook hands from one to one inside the room and introduced himself to everyone modestly. "Ambassador Abate. Mister Deputy Minister. It's a great pleasure to meet such a high-ranking and honourable official to strengthen our bilateral relationship." After finishing the introduction phase, he sits down on a chair or a sofa, as with other diplomats in the room. He starts discussing first. "I appreciate accepting the meeting initiation from our Foreign Ministry in Thailand. This session has marked the first-ever conference to include this much effort in our bilateral relationship. Over the previous century, Thailand had been slipping into the authoritarians' hands. It made it more difficult for our country to get out of the middle-income rut. We believe this situation is what Ethiopia might have had in the past. We have been growing in development terms and influence since the formation of our republic and the new constitution of 1998, making us the most influential emerging power. We have faced many challenges in such rapid growth, and many are still ahead of us today.

It is uncommon to see a country with such a passion for national development, especially one as young as Ethiopia on the global stage. At the moment, Ethiopia is the nation with the most infrastructure program initiatives. It's something that impressed us with your country. We see it as an opportunity for our countries to discuss their differences and find common ground. Regarding our first subject, I'd like to know Ethiopia's foreign policy regarding World Power. We are not yet much of great power and are still a regional leader in our home. It's suitable to get started with whatever attitude we share with them. I want to know what Ethiopia think about Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The doors of the meeting room would be closed for this private audience. After some words of welcoming, the Deputy Minister would commence.​
"Mr. Ambassador, thank you for your visti and thank you for your kind words. It is good to see that our Governments effort's to bring development and prosperity to our people are being noted abroad. It is a herculean task and requires not only a lot of long-term planning but also huge amounts of public investment, only to see the first results in times to come. But we are commited to it and we have seen a strong support form the people, so we plan to continue moving forward.
To answer your frist inquiry, our current foreign policy is also fully commited to achieving this economic and social progress. This means our need to establish a vast and active diplomatic network abroad, maintaining communication and cooperation with as many countries as we can, focusing on major powers and emerging global actors such as Thailand. The expansion of international trade from and to Ethiopia is something we are very interested in, as well as obtaining investments from abroad to expand our industries. We are also working on expanding our services offered, including banking, financial and logistic ones, to the international community, but that will only happen after we manage to pass the first stage of our program.
At the moment we are establishing contacts with nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the People's Republic of China and the Empire of the Congo, among others, with cooperation in mind.
Regarding the specific ones you are interested in, we are having positive talks with the US and UK, but it is still premature to say we have a solid relationship with them, although it's something we aspire to. As for Sweden, we yet have to make formal diplomatic contact with them. Their current involvement in South Africa is something that puts a halt on it. Their presence there is controversial at least and we are following a foreign policy of integration and broad cooperation. We feel that fostering a more intensive bilateral relation between Sweden and Ethiopia might pull us to have to take a more active position on the matter, and that does not fall within our current foreign policy guidelines, inclined to non-involvement."​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I can assure you that our government and foreign ministry prioritize enhancing and upholding a broad and active diplomatic network abroad. We also have three allies who have been with us for a long time. Sweden, Mexico, and Vietnam are on this list. We recently established a friendly relationship with Congo, promising to support others in military and political ways. Together, Thailand and Britain have been pursuing a close relationship. Globalization has brought almost any negotiation table to international trade. It's a fantastic way for nations to foster economic cooperation and interdependence. Thailand wants to establish trade routes with Ethiopia, but we lack trading vessels. When the time comes, I hope you'll be sympathetic to this situation. Thailand is also a key player in Southeast Asia, investing in infrastructure projects in our country and the region. Thailand is a significant player in Southeast Asia, investing in both regional and domestic infrastructure projects. We passed a comprehensive bill and started the development of the transportation infrastructure in early 2000, which will continue until 2004. As a result, we are the global leaders in this field. Thailand has become a commercial hub in Southeast Asia as a result.

Thailand concurs with Ethiopia's leadership in East Africa, and we also support Congo's leadership in Central Africa. Regarding the UK and the US, we think that if Ethiopia can establish strong ties with them, this cause will increase your nation's diplomatic influence. I can already see a good relationship between Ethiopia and the United States because President Gore is eager to work with your country. Thailand is in favour of Ethiopia's neutrality. Sweden had a debate about South Africa at the Global Assembly. I can only advise you to rally backing from other African nations when you are ready to take an active stance." Ambassador gives pauses before speaking about the next subject. He turns to a more profound manner.

"As much as Thailand respects inviolability in Ethiopian affairs, I want to discuss something. It's great to see Ethiopia is developing a relationship with the People's Republic of China, but I doubt its goal. I can't make you go into further detail. That's not my prerogative, and Ethiopia is free to choose its course. I must, nonetheless, represent Thailand. You might have heard about the conflict in Southeast Asia, especially between Thailand and Cambodia. Although there is almost no information regarding this topic, I must warn your government to take a cautious step with China. They have been attempting to solve the issue in our region by bringing it outside the area, which will make it worse. Even though Australia does not support us in this dispute, we all agree that neither of us wants it to go outside Southeast Asia. Cambodia has a stable authoritarian government, they couped and assassinated over half a hundred political enemies in two years. While the Cambodian government chose to ignore the genocide of Thai nationals in their country, we are supporting Cambodian individuals in our nation as they return home. The diplomatic solution for which we have long been attempting to approach Cambodia has the strong support of our Prime Minister. I want you to realize that Thailand is simply using military force in retaliation for Cambodia's attack on our nation, citizens, and soldiers. We support the cause of peace." He finishes his statement and returns to the previous manner.

"I wish to learn more about the Ethiopia-Eritrea dispute. I have heard that this matter is important to your nation's status as a landlocked country."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is eager to, when the times comes, establish an active and prosper commercial relationship with Thailand. We understand that our economies are complementary and do not directly compete for the same markets, meaning that we have much to gain from mutual exchange. At the moment our own merchant fleet is still in complete planning phase, but mostly due to a key issue in our foreign affairs agenda, that you just mentioned. The Ethiopia-Eritrea Dispute.

Following years of colonial occupation and interference, after the independence, Ethiopia had to endure years of civil unrest and armed internal conflict due to the divergence created among our people because of said foreign actions. Ultimately the alienation forced on part of our territory and population resulted in the acceptance of Addis Ababa of the secesion of part of our territory, nowadays known as Eritrea. But, although we recognized that nation's independence, there was never a formal definition and demarkation of the borders. This means that the current de-facto border deprives my country from any access to international maritime trade, making us in practice the biggest landlocked market in the world.

Our Government's priority at the moment is to set the ground for formal diplomatic bilateral talks with Eritrea to define a de-jure border that will ultimately benefit both nations equally and guarantee economic growth for both, giving Eritrea more economic means and Ethiopia access to the sea.

We are very careful in remarking the fact that we want to pursue a diplomatic solution and that it will benefit Eritrea with tangible assets.

As soon as this is solved, and the proper infrastructure works are done, we plan on developing an expansive trade network, including our own merchant fleet. Amond other things, we plan to also offer maritime commerce services, which is something that might interest your country eventually.

But back to the current international scenario, we are happy to hear that you where able to establish such a complete diplomatic network, including many importantn players.

Regarding the current developments in South-East Asia, although we follow the events with care and in detail, our current foreign policy dictates our neutrality. We will always stand by international law and the peaceful and diplomatic resolution of trans-national conflicts, but please understand that we cannot interfere in any way in foreign conflicts, including any active or passive participation in them. We do hope that the conflict does not escalate and can be solved quickly without unnecesary bloodshed.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
He sips his tea and says, "I can assure you that the Republic of Thailand will support Ethiopia in the diplomatic negotiation with Eritrea. Thank you for sharing the information. I believe we have finished most of the work on international issues, and it is now time to talk about how we can work together to advance the economies of Ethiopia and Thailand. I want to negotiate an agreement regarding Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments. I will refer to Thailand and Ethiopia as the Contracting Parties to be relevant to the document I have prepared." He will pick up his brown suitcase, taking papers and a pen from it. "I will use fluency as much as possible to avoid the complexity of legal documentation. If you agree with everything I will say afterwards, we can look at the agreement with a finished legal language compilation.

I want to set a framework which we should have in common. It will be our goal in this agreement. First, we want to increase economic cooperation for the mutual benefit of both nations. Second, the intention is to create favourable conditions for better investment by either Contracting Party's investors in the territory of the other Contracting Party. Third, we recognize that the current agreement's reciprocal promotion and protection of investments will encourage individual business initiatives and increase prosperity in both states.

That should be what we have in common to pursue a successful negotiation. Thailand has experienced the higest economic growth in the last year, and Ethiopia is expensively expanding its infrastructure. It will be a grand opportunity for our countries to cooperate econmically."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"On behalf of Ethiopia, I thank the Kingdom of Thailand for its support to our proposed diplomatic solution to the ethiopian-eritrean dispute.

Regarding the framework agreement proposal, although the final decision needs to be taken in Addis Ababa, I can assure you that your proposal is completely within our foreign policy and of great interest to us. Establishing a better context for financial, commercial and economic exchange between Ethiopia and Thailand is something that will greatly benefit both of our nations and specially, our peoples.

Once we settle on the legal details of this proposal, and we can push it forward, I also actually have some ideas of our own, including the establishment of new aerial connections between Addis Ababa and Bangkok, visa facilitation programs and a joint ethiopian-thai chamber of commerce, with the goal to identify and promote commercial opportunities on both sides.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Thank you for your mutual understanding. I have prepared the document regarding the Agreement. I see it is more appropriate if you inspect it directly. Please give me a moment." Ambassador Konthorn will open his briefcase to bring out the Agreement, handing it to the Deputy Minister. "I want to inquire if you have the power to sign this document if you agree, or do we have to send it to the higher official? For Thailand, I can sign the paper and bring it to ratifying process in my homeland. I am also eager to hear about your proposal regarding our cooperation." Naio90

Agreement on Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investments
The Republic of Thailand and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

The Government of the Republic of Thailand and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (hereinafter: the "Contracting Parties"),

DESIRlNG to intensify economic cooperation to the mutual benefit of both countries,

INTENDING to create favourable conditions for greater investments by investors of either Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party, and,

RECOGNIZING that the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments based on the present Agreement will be conducive to the stimulation of individual business initiatives and will increase prosperity in both states,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

For the present Agreement:

1. The term "investments" shall comprise any kind of assets, implemented by the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in whose territory the investment is made, including, but not limited to:

(a) movable and immovable property and any other property rights such as mortgages, liens or pledges,

(b) shares, stock and debentures of companies or other interests in such companies,

(c) claims to money or any performance under the contract having financial value, or goodwill,

(d) intellectual property rights, technical processes and know-how,

(e) business concessions conferred by law or under contract, including concessions to search for, cultivate, extract or exploit natural resources.​

2, A change in the form in which assets are invested or reinvested, per the laws, regulations and other relevant requirements of the Contracting Party in whose territory the investment is made, does not affect their character as investments within the meaning of this Agreement

3. The term "investor" shall comprise:

(a) natural persons who are nationals or permanent residents of the Contracting Party concerned who are not also nationals of the other Contracting Party; or

(b) companies including corporations, firms or associations incorporated or constituted per the law of the Contracting Party concerned.​

4. The term "returns" shall comprise the amounts yielded by investment including, but not limited to: dividends, profits, sums received from the total or partial liquidation of investment, interest, capital gains, royalties or fees.

5. The term "territory" shall mean for each Contracting Party, the territory of that Contracting Party including the territorial sea, as well as the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone over which that Contracting Party exercises sovereign rights or jurisdiction in conformity with international law.

Article 2
Promotion and Protection of Investments

1 Each Contracting Party shall promote and establish favourable conditions on its territory for investments made by investors of the other Contracting Party, subject to its right to exercise the authority granted by its law to admit such investments.

2. In the territory of the other Contracting Party, investments made by investors of each Contracting Party shall be treated fairly and equally and shall enjoy full protection and security. Both Contracting Parties agree that they will not take any actions that will adversely affect how investors from the other Contracting Party manage, maintain, use, enjoy, or dispose of their investments in their respective territories.

Article 3
Most Favored Nation and National Treatment

1. Neither Contracting Party may regard the investments or returns of the other Contracting Party's investors less favourably on its territory than it does the investments or returns of its investors, the investments of any other third State, or the investments of its investors.

2. Neither Contracting Party shall, in its territory, treat the investors of the other Contracting Party less favourably than it treats its investors or investors of any third State concerning the management, maintenance, use, enjoyment, or disposition of their interests.

Article 4
Compensation for Losses

1. The latter Contracting Party shall provide treatment to investors of one Contracting Party whose investments in the territory of the other Contracting Party suffer losses due to war or other armed conflicts, revolution, a state of national emergency, revolt, insurrection, riot or other such similar activity, no less favourable than that which is provided to investors of the first Contracting Party. The resulting payments shall be made in a currency that can be used freely.

2. Without limiting paragraph (1) of this Article, any investors of one Contracting Party who experience losses on the territory of the other Contracting Party due to any of the following circumstances:

(a) its forces or authority seizing their property, or

(b) the damage of their property by its forces or authority, which was not brought about by fighting or necessitated by the circumstances,​

shall receive restitution or prompt, appropriate, and compensatory relief. Payments that result from this agreement must be readily transferred in a freely useable currency.

Article 5

Investments of investors of either Contracting Party shall not be nationalized, expropriated or subjected to measures having the effect equivalent to nationalization or expropriation (hereinafter: "expropriation") in the territory of the other Contracting Party, except for a public purpose related to the internal needs of that Contracting Party on a non-discriminatory basis and against prompt, adequate and effective compensation. Such compensation shall amount to the market value of the investment expropriated immediately before the expropriation or before the impending expropriation became public knowledge, whichever is the earlier, shall include interest at the applicable rate provided by law by that Contracting Party until the date of payment. shall be made without delay, be effectively realizable and be freely transferable. The investors affected shall have a right, under the law of the Contracting Party making the expropriation, to prompt review, by a judicial or other independent authority affiliates Contracting Party, of his or its case and the valuation of his or its investment, per the principles, set out in this paragraph.

Article 6
Repatriation of Investments and Returns

In regards to investments, each Contracting Party shall guarantee to the investor of the other Contracting Party all rights and benefits regarding the unrestricted transfer of their investments and returns in line with the following conditions:

1. Transfers must be made right away in the freely usable currency used to make the initial investment or in any other freely usable currency that the investor specifies, so long as the investor has complied with all of his tax obligations and the repatriation complies with the exchange rules established by the Contracting Party whose territory the investment was made. These transfers could involve money from:

(a) Capital and additional capital amounts used. to maintain and increase investments;

(b) Net operating profits including dividends and interest in proportion to the shareholdings of the investor;

(c) Repayments of any loan, including interest thereon relating to the investment;

(d) Payment of royalties and service fees relating to the investment;

(e) Proceeds from the sales of the investors' shares in the investment;

(f) Proceeds received by investors in case of sale, partial sale or liquidation of the investment;

(g) The earnings of nationals of one Contracting Party who work in connection with an investment in the territory of the other Contracting Party, subject to the laws and regulations of that Contracting Party.​

2. Should one Contracting Party's exchange regulations change, that Contracting Party assures that such changes won't harm the rights to repatriate investments and returns that were in place at the time the investment was made.

3. Transfers must be made at the currency rate in effect on the day of the transfer unless the investor agrees to anything else.

Article 7

The provisions of this Agreement relating to the grant of treatment not less favourable than that accorded to the investors of either Contracting Party or of any third State shall not be construed to oblige one Contracting Party to extend to the investors of the other Contracting Party the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege by:

(a) any existing or future agreement establishing, strengthening or expanding a free trade are common external tariff area or a monetary or regional association for economic cooperation;

(b) any agreement with a third country or countries in the same geographic region designed to promote regional cooperation in the economic, social, industrial or monetary fields within the framework of specific projects; or

(c) any international agreement relating wholly or mainly to taxation or any domestic legislation relating wholly or mainly to taxation.

Article 8
Settlement of Investment Dispute
between a Contracting Party and an Investor

1. Any dispute involving an investment made in the territory of the other Contracting Party and an investor from the other Contracting Party shall be resolved through negotiations between the disputing parties.

2. If a dispute arises between an investor from one Contracting Party and an investor from another Contracting Party and cannot be resolved in this way within six months, the investor may, at their discretion, submit the dispute to one of the following bodies:

(a) a court of competent jurisdiction of the Contracting Party in
whose territory the investment was made; or

(b) the dispute may be settled through the use of nonbinding, third-party procedures upon which such investor and the Contracting Party mutually agree. If the dispute cannot be resolved through the foregoing procedures, the investor concerned may choose to submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice.​

Article 9
Disputes between the Contracting Parties

1. If at all possible, disputes between the Contracting Parties regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement should be resolved diplomatically. If both Contracting Parties desire it, a dispute may be referred to a Bilateral Commission made up of representatives from both Contracting Parties.

2. Upon request of either Contracting Party, a dispute between the Contracting Parties shall, if not resolved within six (6) months of notification of the dispute, be submitted to an arbitral tribunal.

3. For each unique case, such an arbitral tribunal shall be established as follows: within two months of the request for arbitration's receipt. Each Contracting Party shall designate one tribunal member. Then, with the consent of the two Contracting Parties, these two members shall choose a national of a third State to serve as the tribunal's chairman. Within two months of the other two members' appointments, the Chairman must be chosen.

Article 10

1. If one Contracting Party or its designated Agency (hereinafter: the "First Contracting Party") makes a payment under an indemnity covering non-commercial risks, given in respect of an investment in the territory of the other Contracting Party (hereinafter: the "Second Contracting Party"), the Second Contracting Party shall recognize:

(a) the assignment to the First Contracting Party by law or by the legal transaction of all the rights and claims of the party indemnified; and

(b) that the First Contracting Party is entitled to exercise such rights and enforce such claims by subrogation, to the same extent as the party indemnified, and shall assume the obligations related to the investment​

2. The First Contracting Party shall be entitled in all circumstances to:

(a) the same treatment in respect of the rights, claims and obligations acquired by it, by the assignment; and

(b) any payments received in pursuance of those rights and claims, as the party indemnified was entitled to receive by this Agreement, in respect of the investment concerned and its related returns

Article 11
Application of other Rules

If any Contracting Party's legal provisions or obligations under international law that are currently in effect or that are later established between the Contracting Parties contain rules, whether general or specific, those grant investments made by investors of one Contracting Party a more favourable treatment than is provided for by the present Agreement, those rules shall, to the extent that they are more favourable, take precedence over the present Agreement.

Article 12
Scope of the Agreement

The benefit of this Agreement shall apply to a investments made by investors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party, which have been admitted per the laws and regulations, and specifically approved in writing if so required by the competent. authorities concerned of the other Contracting Party, whether fore or after the entry into force of this Agreement.

Article 13
Entry into Force

Each Contracting Party shall notify the other Contracting Party in writing through the diplomatic channel of the completion of its internal legal procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the latter notification.

Article 14
Duration and Termination

This Agreement shall remain in force for ten (10) years. Thereafter it shall continue in force until the expiration of twelve (12) months from the date on which either Contracting Party shall have given written notice of termination to the other. In respect of investments made while this Agreement is in force, its provisions shall continue in effect for such investments for ten (10) years after the date of termination and without prejudice to the application thereafter of the rules of general international law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned representatives duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Agreement.

DONE in duplicate at Addis Ababa on the 1st of March, in the Thai, Amharic, and English languages, and all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.

For the Government of
the Republic of Thailand
For the Government of
The Republic of Ethiopia,
Last edited:


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The document seems acceptable and something that would encourage and promote bilateral trade and investment. If you agree on it, I will take a copy and submit it to my superiors in Addis Ababa for review and confirmation.

This will certainly facilitate the next proposals we have, which are closely tied: the establishment of a daily flight route between Addis Ababa and Bangkok, together with a reciprocal tourism visa waiver.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I will await your government review and confirmation regarding the Agreement." Ambassador Konthorn will hand over an Amharic copy of the document to the Deputy Minister.

We could work together to establish a daily flight route between Addis Ababa and Bangkok. I must inform you that the only state-owned airline is Thai Airways International and that for a direct flight to Addis Ababa, passengers have always had to rely on other foreign carriers. It implies that we might have to reorganize our fleet. Although the recently built Suvarnabhumi Airport is one of Southeast Asia's top airports, the Ministry of Finance and the Company have to discuss establishing the daily flight. I want to know how this daily flight will work."


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