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Thailand to Sweden | Ties


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Frederik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden> Connor
From: <>
Subject: Continuation of the Thai-Swedish Bilateral Relationship and Strategic Partnership
Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service

Prime Minister,

I hope you are in good health and high spirits. It is my utmost honor to be communicating with you today.

The Republic of Thailand and the Kingdom of Sweden have enjoyed a long-standing and fruitful partnership, particularly during the period of 1998 to 2001 under the leadership of Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. During this time, Thailand witnessed significant advancements in its infrastructure, technology, and military capabilities, thanks in no small part to Sweden's invaluable support and close collaboration. Our nations have a history of cooperation, exemplified by Thailand's deployment of humanitarian volunteers to Pretoria and surrounding regions during the Swedish-South African War. This experience, which enabled Thailand to assist over half a million people, has profoundly instilled in us a sense of responsibility towards global well-being. Thailand's current standing as a contributor to global progress is undoubtedly bolstered by the guidance and support, we have received from Sweden. I am confident that by building upon this strong foundation, we can further strengthen our partnership for the mutual benefit of our nations and the international community. In this spirit, I extend a personal invitation to meet with you at your earliest convenience, either in Stockholm or Bangkok, to discuss avenues for deepening our bilateral cooperation and fostering a future of continued collaboration.

While the past two years have witnessed a decrease in the frequency of our bilateral engagements, Thailand does not believe this reflects a deliberate withdrawal from either side. We recognize that the rapidly evolving global landscape, including events like the Middle East War, has presented unique challenges and demanded our attention. However, Thailand views this not as an insurmountable obstacle, but rather as an opportunity to demonstrate the resilience and adaptability that have characterized our long-standing partnership. On behalf of the Thai people, I extend our sincere empathy to Sweden for the unforeseen events that have impacted both our nations. We understand the significant challenges both countries have faced due to external factors, including the shifting dynamics of global power. Navigating such a complex and rapidly changing world requires not only resilience but also a commitment to fostering strong international partnerships. Thailand remains firmly committed to our relationship with Sweden and stands in solidarity with you in the face of shared experiences. We believe that by re-engaging in dialogue and exploring new avenues for cooperation, we can build upon the strong foundation of our partnership and navigate the complexities of the 21st century together.

Thailand firmly believes that the shared values and interests that have long bound our nations together remain enduring, even amidst the challenges of the contemporary world. Our commitment to democracy, human rights, freedom, stability, security, and prosperity has served as a guiding light for both Thailand and Sweden, navigating us through turbulent times. These fundamental values have formed the bedrock of our strong partnership for the past decades, fostering collaboration on issues ranging from conflict resolution in Africa to mutually beneficial economic endeavors. The tangible benefits reaped from this partnership serve as a testament to its potential for even greater achievements in the future. By rekindling our dialogue and exploring new avenues for cooperation, we can leverage our shared values and interests to address the complex challenges the evolving global landscape and unlock even greater opportunities for mutual benefit.

Building upon our shared commitment to sustainability, Thailand proposes exploring collaborative endeavors in the field of renewable energy. Thailand's highly regarded Renewable Energy Training and Research Institute (RETRI) in Nakhon Pathom offers a valuable platform for our experts to exchange knowledge and collaborate on the implementation of innovative renewable energy solutions. Similarly, Thailand's extensive experience in telemedicine, exemplified by the National Telemedicine Network of Thailand (NTNT), presents potential for collaboration in bolstering Sweden's telemedicine infrastructure. Additionally, Thailand's newly established Digital and Creative Media Hub (DCMH) in Chiang Rai presents an exciting opportunity for fostering cultural exchange and collaboration in the digital and creative media domain. To further strengthen the people-to-people ties between our nations, Thailand suggests that our respective Foreign Ministries establish a joint committee to explore the feasibility of a visa-free travel arrangement, potentially benefiting both our nations' tourism industries.

Thailand firmly believes that transparency and open communication are essential cornerstones of a strong and enduring bilateral relationship. To this end, we propose establishing a regular high-level dialogue with Sweden, fostering trust and enabling us to address shared concerns in a constructive and collaborative manner. Thailand is committed to actively participating in confidence-building measures that further strengthen this trust. We believe that reciprocal state visits, such as those undertaken in the past, serve as valuable demonstrations of our commitment to this partnership. As nations experiencing rapid growth and increasing influence on the global stage, Thailand and Sweden have a unique opportunity to collaborate in addressing global challenges and shaping the future together. Bangkok views its relationship with Stockholm as a long-term strategic partnership, one that transcends current obstacles and holds immense potential for the future. We are confident that by fostering open communication, strengthening mutual trust, and collaborating on issues of shared interest, we can navigate through current challenges and build an even stronger partnership for the benefit of both our nations and the international community.

In closing, Thailand remains firmly optimistic about the future of our bilateral relationship with Sweden. We are confident that through continued dialogue, collaboration, and a shared commitment to overcoming current challenges, our nations can emerge stronger and more united than ever before. I once again extend my personal invitation to you for a state visit, either in Bangkok or Stockholm, at your earliest convenience. This high-level meeting would provide a valuable opportunity to discuss the future trajectory of our partnership, reaffirm our shared commitment, and explore new avenues for collaboration on issues of mutual interest.

Best Regards,

Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Reinfeldt Administration

Dear Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra,

Firstly, please allow me to extend my deepest and heartfelt appreciation for the correspondence to my office and its content. Hearing from you is without doubt a pleasure on my end.

Sweden has for many years led from the front on the political spectrum as not just a regional or continental leader but an international workhorse. We have dedicated our domestic work exclusively into the promotion of fundamental human rights and freedoms worldwide so the members of the public we are in office to serve, can live their lives without fear of suppression. Our world is truly a sculpture of our own devising and I am monumentally proud to preach the phenomenal artistry that has gone into the creation of Sweden - albeit there is always room to improve.

On that strand our government, over the past few years of my tenure, have focussed exclusively on our domestic affairs. We have taken a step back from being a global super power and moulding the course of the international stage through our various multinational organisations including the Global Assembly and more regionally the Nordic Council and Transatlantic Security Agreement. In our step into the shadows we have allowed the dynamics of global power to take their course and effect the values we have entrenched in such a position to grow further, with fresh leadership at the helm. That said, we have not become blind to the corruption, ill-intent and injustice which continues to stray. We have not become blind to two-faced political tactics and importantly, we have not become blind to our commitments to our friends, allies and partners internationally.

Thailand has been and remains a strong partner to Stockholm. This is a relationship that started as nothing and flourished through our mutual cooperation into a long-distance friendship unlike anything our nations have seen through our history together.

Your support in our operations in South Africa showed clearly your commitment to the fundamental human rights I mentioned previously and your ongoing support in our vision to stomp out the hatred we see in the world. Hatred which could not take an anymore obvious form than the former apartheid government in power in South Africa prior to our Swedish governance. Your humanitarian efforts to form in an complex and developing political environment which did not dissuade you from your clear support for our work. This extends onwards to your own domestic affairs which I hope we stood as an essential mentor in the moulding of your own core values.

It would be a great privilege to visit you in Bangkok on a date and time of your convenience. This being an opportunity to show our partnership remains fruitful, developing and stronger than ever before. I very much look forward to your response.

Frederik Reinfeldt
Prime Minister of Sweden
Executive Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden
Kingdom of Sweden


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is encrypted and subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Frederik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden> Connor
From: <>
Subject: Continuation of the Thai-Swedish Bilateral Relationship and Strategic Partnership
Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service

Prime Minister,

I was delighted to learn of your continued positive and enduring perspective on our relationship with Sweden. I am honored to accept your kind invitation to visit Bangkok on January 5, 2004, and I look forward to welcoming you at 10:00 am at Don Muang Air Base.

The primary purpose of your visit will be to strengthen the bonds of friendship and collaboration between our two nations. We can discuss various topics of mutual interest and celebrate the significant milestone of the 121st anniversary of Thai-Swedish diplomatic relations. To ensure a seamless visit, I kindly request that your esteemed delegation provide details regarding its composition at your earliest convenience. This will allow us to make the necessary arrangements for your accommodation and ensure a comfortable and productive visit.

Should your visit extend beyond one day, we would be honored to accommodate you at the Phitsanulok Mansion, the official residence of the Prime Minister of Thailand. This gesture serves as a symbolic token of our deep respect and warm hospitality. Your safety and security are of utmost importance. Comprehensive security arrangements will be undertaken by the Metropolitan Police Bureau, supplemented by the expertise of the Republic of Thailand Navy's special force unit, the Republic Shield, renowned for its expertise in VIP protection. I am confident that your visit will be a resounding success, further solidifying the longstanding friendship and cooperation between Thailand and Sweden.

We are committed to leveraging public diplomacy opportunities associated with your visit. The Government House of Thailand will develop a comprehensive media strategy to ensure positive coverage and engage the public in fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the strong ties between our two nations.

Your visit to Bangkok will be marked by utmost respect and consideration for ceremonial events. Upon arrival at Don Muang Air Base, a formal welcoming ceremony will commence, featuring military honors, the exchange of national anthems, and a public greeting through the media. I would be honored to personally exchange symbolic gifts as a gesture of goodwill and to commemorate the occasion. To underscore the mutual respect and trust between our armed forces, you will be invited to inspect our Guard of Honor. A ceremonial motorcade will then escort you to the Phitsanulok Mansion, where we will participate in a symbolic tree-planting ceremony, signifying the enduring growth and strength of our bilateral relationship. Following this, we will engage in a private bilateral meeting, while our respective delegations hold concurrent discussions. Should your visit span a single day, it will culminate in a State Banquet.

I once again express my sincere pleasure at the prospect of welcoming you to Bangkok. Thailand is confident that, through our shared commitment to good governance, human rights, and other common values, our nations can continue to strengthen our partnership and serve as positive examples for the international community.
Best Regards,

Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

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