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[TURKEY] The Ottoman Uprising


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
Before the ACV-SW was struck by the LAW, it was able to fire a shot directly at the front door of the embassy. Very little remained of the door or the reception area behind it, however very little remained of the ACV-SW once the LAW struck it, and its ammunition, causing the vehicle, and its occupants, to explode in a catastrophic manner. The 3 Ejder APCs rolled into position and loaded up their respective weapons. Along with their basic armament of a heavy machine gun, two of the APCs possessed a 25mm autocannon, while the third had a 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

Mercilessly, the three vehicles began blasting away at the windows. The 25mm shells rip through the walls of the embassy as the people firing them attempt to mow down the defenders. Meanwhile, the 40mm grenade launcher chucked multiple high explosive grenades through the now shattered windows, causing the building to shake with explosions.

"Papa! I'm scared!" A young woman cradling her one year old son sobbed to The Sultan. "We're going to die!"

With tears rolling down his cheeks, Süleyman pulled his daughter and grandson into a comforting embrace.

"Have no fear, my child!" He begged. "If surrendering myself to them will stop them from attacking these charitable Bosniaks, I am prepared to make that sacrifice."

After gently kissing the foreheads of his children and grandchildren, he gave his wife a soft kiss on the lips, before saying his farewell.

"Stay strong," He said. "As long as you have faith in God, you will be safe."

With a heavy heart, he ascended the stairs leading to the basement. Noticing that the room had been trashed by explosions and gunfire, he dropped to his knees and began to crawl through the ruined embassy in search of the ambassador to relay his decision to surrender. He would rather surrender himself and die, than live and let the embassy security detail perish in the act of protecting him.


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
As the grenades shock the walls of embassy four of the defenders perished dying with honour and the proud name of Bosnia on their lips. The rest of the security team fled to the basement while the machine gun crew opened up yet another burst of deadly fire as bullets spewed in lightning succession. This was soon followed up by one guard firing a LAW attempting to disable another armoured vehicle especially the 40 automatic grenade launcher. after a few minutes the machine gun crew fell back to the basement in order to reorganize and plan their next movement. The flag of Bosnia continued to fly in defiance. One of the guards saw the Sultan. "What the hell are you doing? Theres a firefight going on....get back to the basement." He trained his Zastava on him looking unamused


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
With the sight of a gun pointed at him, The Sultan submitted immediately. He was a pacifist, and he had nothing to defend himself with. After raising his hands to show he understood and was obeying his order, he retreated back into the basement.

"I was looking for the ambassador," He explained. "I can stop the slaughter. They want me, not you. If surrendering my life means I can save everyone in this building, I'd take it."

Meanwhile, the final bout of resistance provided by the firing of the second LAW struck true. The projectile slammed straight into the top of the 40mm grenade launcher's vehicle, sending a shower of hot metal into the interior. The crew screamed in agony as their bodies were pierced by jets of molten copper and fragments of the armour plating, before falling silent due to death taking them. The two wrecked vehicles were accompanied by over a dozen Turkish Jandarm's and soldiers, who were laying in pools of their own blood in the throes of death.

"We're coming in!" The commander bellowed over the loud hailer. "If you do not surrender, we will blow you out with grenades, if need be."

With the announcement finished, he wordlessly gestured for his remaining troops to enter the wrecked embassy. Cautiously, the Republicans approached the numerous holes that had been blown through the ground floor walls of the embassy and began to search through the rooms on the ground floor, before heading upstairs to check the upper floors.


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Machine Gun crew heard the announcement with the observer grabbing his Zastava chambering a round as he prepared to use his final magazine if it meant taking a Turk down with him. The observer and the machine gun crew took up positions near the staircase before opening up on a few Jendarmas only for their MG 53 to jam midway into firing another shot. Meanwhile the ambassador and one other security guard proceeded to open up on another section of Turks. Desperation became reckless opposition as the resistance of Bosnia was heard up to the sky.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
From the Lisbon HQ of the SIS, a encrypted & private order came through, it was to use the public and private news, media, photos and any information possible to find the missing Sultan in Turkey, as his life was at risk from the Erdogans Regime.

25 Cyber-Intelligence Officers trained in Cyber-Intelligence would search the web and the Turkish Media, scouring it trying to find any evidence or any connections to the sultans whereabouts. Also knowing the Siege happening, they would focus more on this area to try and find any source that if the Sultan was indeed in the Bosnia Embassy. Being highly trained they would be able to do this in a matter of minutes, using the highly advanced technology provided.
After reviewing and reviewing tapes, videos, images they would conclude that for such a big operation to be done in the Bosnia Embassy it would be certain that the Sultan would be there, further confirmed by the previous methods used. The information would be sent again to the Prime Minister, via a secret and encrypted method. It was now in the hands of the Prime Minister on what should be done. This information would be kept secret and highly classified until further notice.

Meanwhile in the Prime Minister Situational Room, deep inside the Official Residence, would father the thoughts of his council, alongside generals, he would look at the clock, he would only utter the words. "Go ahead now..Do your stuff"


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The sudden resistance sparked by the defiant Bosnian's forces the Turks to pull back. They had been certain that the numerous grenades and shells thrown at the building had left them all dead and mutilated. Instead, they were facing metaphorical cornered lions, but the ferocity they fought back was as fierce as the genuine article. With the Turkish injured and dead continuing to increase, it was necessary for further support to be dispatched to the scene. The local police and Jandarma are contacted and ordered to mobilise their firearms response teams. If The Bosnian's were going to force urban warfare on them, then they'd throw the best they had back.


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Defiant Bosnians would fire on the retreating Turks without mercy with many hurling insults at the Jendarma as well. The Ambassador was relieved at least temporarily. A few of the security guards were sent to the basement to receive medical care for their wounds while the rest of the force rearmed, reorganized, and planned the next phase of operations. Izetbegovic would commend the security guards releasing the following statement - "you have bought us time for that all security forces attached to Bosnian Embassies will be christened 'Lions of Bosnia' and will receive the golden lily in a special ceremony once all is settled." Throughout Bosnia there would be celebrations with flags everywhere. But the worse was soon to come.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
The Sultan, while not a medic, provided as much comfort as he can to those who were wounded in the basement, and assistance to those attempting to help. His family follow his example and busy themselves with tending to wounds or chatting with the battered and bruised Bosniaks to help them relax.

"I know that this will probably mean little to you all," The Sultan said to the Bosniaks in the room. "But I will say a prayer for you all every time it is time for me to pray, as requested by my faith. You have put your lives at risk for a stranger, a powerless old man. If I am ever able to provide true recognition to you, and those who have given their lives, I will not hesitate to do so. The acts you've done today deserve nothing less than the utmost reverence and respect."

Outside the embassy, among the corpses and wrecked vehicles of the Jandarma and Army, the Republican commander pored over a copy of the blueprints for the shattered embassy.

"Okay," He said as he began his briefing to the squad leaders of the various para-military, military and law enforcement forces that were on the scene. "We'll first clear the ground floor, followed by the upper floors, by hand. As for the basement, we'll leave that till last."

"What do you have planned for the lower levels?"

"You'll see."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

From the Lisbon Naval HQ the NRP Tejo, a Vasco da Gama-Class Frigate, the one of the new frigates bought a few weeks ago, would be fitted with its systems and weapons alongside the crew, and loaded up in his flight deck with two NH90 NFH, which would be fitted with 2x door guns with ammo, along side its systems and avionics. The Special Operations Force would also be called into action, around 15 Troops, fitted with Heckler & Koch G36's, Heckler & Koch USP9, the Kevlar vests and helmets and other types of protection, if needed, they would also bring night vision googles, alongside Frag Grenades,Flash Grenades and Smoke Grenades, and ammo.​
They would go into the Ship alongside the crew and wait until they were ready to act, making small drills and small scale exercises. Meanwhile the ship would set sail on the open seas, using the route IM-JM-KM, always in international waters, its destination would be 24 hours away, give or take, meaning the ship would go at full speed only stopping in the international waters north of Crete. Everything was to be pre-checked before sailing, making sure it was safe and according to all operational demands. This mission would also be secret and classified.​
Meanwhile the Admiral while sailing would only mutter to his officers. "I only hope we get there in time".. The ship would sail, bearing high the Portuguese Flag.​


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
The Security guards left alive would be distributed bayonets, flak jackets, and cyanide capsules as they split into teams of 6 for all floors and given orders to fire at will. A few anti personal mines were placed at the buttom of the stairs leading to the four rooms down in the basement by three of the last guards. Those security guards who got to the top floor would set up two machine guns chambering a round each before aiming down sight and opening up on the enemy below them while those on the second floor armed with Zastava rifles and a few grenade launchers joined in a few minutes later. The lions rained death upon the enemy stop periodically to reload. Ammo was fairly low being enough only for a few hours. So machine gun crews were to limit their fire to ten shot bursts. All hell had broken lose as the defenders went on the offense.


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
The Singaporean ministry of foreign affairs would attempt to reach out to the Provisional Ottoman Government, specifically to Mustafa Zeki Ugurlu, in an effort to open up communication regarding the Ottoman sultan and the embassy siege. They would also reach out to the Bosnian government as well, making sure all communication between all parties were encrypted. They would inform he Bosnians that the Singaporean government were appalled by Erdogan, and were open to cooperation in order to assist the Ottoman sultan in his dire time of need.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018

The sudden exclamation caused the commander to look up from his map. He found that his troops were being shredded by machine gun fire originating from the besieged building. With a solitary eyebrow raising, he gazed at the open windows of the embassy, which were glinting with the spatter of gun fire from the Bosniak machine guns. After that he felt nothing, his forehead being pierced by a stray bullet. Who scored this shot, no one could tell, but what was apparent was that he was no more. The officer fell backwards onto the ground, the ground around him decorated with hints of brain and skull.

The rest of the troops took cover and began returning fire against the Bosniak embassy staff. With two ACV's left, along with a number of armoured cars, they'd pour as many rounds as they had into the building in an attempt to deter and eliminate the inhabitants.

Mustafa carefully adjusted the webcam's angle. After much experimentation, the more tech-savvy supporters that were engaging in a more hands-on manner had been able to set up a secure video link, via the usage of some questionable methods used by individuals engaged in piracy. However, the aim here was not piracy, but security, which was justification enough to use such under-handed methods. With confirmation that the uplink was secure from attempts to listen in or trace it, the temporary Prime Minister attempted to get in touch with The Singaporean contacts he had been made aware of.

"Hello, hello?" He began. "Testing, one, two, three, testing. Do you read and see me?"


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
The Singaporean line had been heavily encrypted in anticipation of the Ottoman response. "Greetings, Prime Minister." The video feed would cut in to reveal a Chinese man on the screen. "My name is Jacob Wei, and I have been assigned as your contact to reach both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and if necessary, the Royal Government directly. " Jacob would pause for a moment to allow the translator to convert his English into fluid arabic. "To be brief, we would like to know how we can assist your government in securing the safety of your Sultan? We believe President Erdogan has overstepped his boundaries, and for that matter it our King would like to aid a fellow Monarch in their time of need. We are open to hearing out proposals and suggestions, and my authority is granted to me directly, and discreetly, by the King himself."



-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"There is no need for a translator." Mustafa assured them, his language changing from Turkish to English. "I was a part of the NATO-UN force dispatched to former Yugoslavia back in the 1990's."

The admiral then rubbed his chin in thought.

"As for how you can help," He mused. "I do not know. His Majesty is, as far as we know, trapped in the Bosnian embassy here in Istanbul, which is currently under siege by the army, and others. The Ottoman Movement is barely a month old, we have nothing to use against the armoured vehicles and weapons of The Republican Army. In fact, The Sultan hadn't even considered the possibility of armed rebellion. He seemed to be convinced that the power of the people would be enough to invoke a velvet revolution similar to the Czechoslovakian collapse when The Soviet Union fell. However, as you and I can see, 'President' Erdogan is not a Czechoslovakian communist, he is a tyrant."


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"Very well, Prime Minister." Jacob would speak up, the translator being led off screen elsewhere. Jacob remained silent as Mustafa spoke and better informed his counterpart in Singapore on what was going on. "Hmm...I see. The Sultan is a good man for having such strong beliefs in regards to a non-violent change of government. In a perfect scenario, Erdogan stepping down would be preferable, considering his crimes." Jacob's grin softened up a bit. "But as of the current moment, the Sultan is stuck in a fight for his life and Erdogan seems pleased to continue forwards with his rampage. With that in mind, Prime Minister, I'll ask again. What is it that we can do to assist not only the Sultan, but you as well. You are a military man, and I believe you and I are both aware that non-violent protests will not preserve the Sultan's life. Our King would rather not see the Sultan and his line extinguished by a tyrant."



32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
Within minutes of receiving enemy fire one of the mounted MG 53s was disabled and out of action with the gunner having been struck in the chest by an enemy bullet. The second machine gun crew poured more shots down at the troops providing covering fire while a rifleman below took careful aim with a LAW proceeding to open fire at the vehicle the troops were taking cover behind. He was soon joined by yet another comrade who using the same weapon aimed at fired at the last vehicle only to miss the target. Three riflemen proceeded to lob grenades in a futile attempt to contribute. The loss of the first MG 53 was beginning to take its toll as the second began to run low on ammo. The tide was gradual turning.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Weapons," Mustafa replied. "If I was to be magically given a crate of ammunition and guns right now, I'd lead a group against the Republicans right now. Sadly, we have nothing even remotely military to our name."

The battle had become a literal blood bath. In exchange for the dozen, or less, Bosniak lives claimed, The Republicans had experienced dozens of casualties, dead and wounded, along with millions of dollars in damage due to the destruction of three armoured vehicles. Every police officer, Jandarm or soldier that was shot was replaced with another as reinforcements continued to pile onto the beleaguered embassy.

"You cannot, and will not, win!" The new republican commander stated to the Bosniaks with the aid of the loud hailer his predecessor had used, now stained with blood and brain matter. "Give up now, and we will be merciful! If you continue to resist, we WILL be forced to kill you all for failing to comply! What value does that old man have that makes you throw your lives away so needlessly? Do you truly believe that protecting him will help you? Will protecting him allow you to walk out of this mess alive!?"

The speech was cut short when a new armoured car arrived, and a high ranking officer stepped out of it. The general took the loud hailer and ordered the Turks to cease fire and take cover.

"Personnel of The Bosnian Embassy," He began gravely. "I am here to offer and oversee the institution of a temporary ceasefire so that the bodies of those who are dead, and those who are wounded, are removed from the field of battle. You have my personal assurance that we will not use this temporary lull in combat to take you out. Only medical personnel will enter the embassy grounds to treat the wounded and remove the dead, including those of any Bosniaks. If you do not wish to accept the help of Turkish medics, then I am perfectly fine with allowing them to provide you with medical supplies, food and water. If you agree to these terms, please wave a white cloth to indicate your acceptance."


His Royal Majesty, King Vincent Wei I.
Aug 27, 2018
"That can potentially be arranged, Prime Minister. Before we proceed further, our King would like you to understand that assistance to the Sultan is coming directly from him, using his resources. We would be grateful for your discretion in our involvement, outside of our public support and outcry, of course." Jacob's attention focused on a set of files handed to him off camera by an assistant. "Prime Minister-- a question. Would you be able to acquire access to an airfield within the next twelve hours? Assuming your answer is yes, I have the approval to provide an initial support package of weapons, both small arms and anti-vehicle weapons." Jacob smirked. "A group of highly-trained 'volunteers' would also be arriving on the same flight as well."



32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018
A security guard armed with a sniper rifle took aim looking into the scope of his Zastava bolt action rifle before firing at the high ranking officers head before running for cover. A burst of machine gun and rifle fire descended upon the hapless Turks as a Bosniak yelled "to hell with you, bastard....No Surrender!" Before firing his LAW at the armed vehicle using the last shell. Riflemen soon dispersed spiliting in two to harass the enemy making them think a whole army was out to get them. Spirits were high but the battle was far from over.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"Tricky," Mustafa commented. "But possible. I could take a group of volunteers and attempt to capture Ataturk airport. However, I doubt we could hold it for long, even if we were to secure the weapons of the security staff there, remember; security was increased by Erdogan to allow the safe exit of disgusted diplomatic missions. What about your embassy? The Bosniaks clear have armed guards, if you have armed guards too, we could borrow their weapons for the attack."

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