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People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Turkish MIT Operatives would be constantly monitoring local media coming in and out of Washington D.C. from Etimesgut, Ankara National Headquarters and looking for any signs of possible foreign arrivals. A command center would be activated within the headquarters to monitor all activities and the air traffic of Washington D.C., in fact plane spotting websites and other public domains would be monitored for any sightings of aircraft linked to Israel, The United Kingdom, Russia, The United States, Australia, Canada, and Sweden since these nations have all made public comments against Turkish Actions. This is to determine the exact Nations that may take action against Turkey in the Near Future So that adequate defensive measures can be Taken.

Meanwhile 10 MIT Agents from Ankara would get on an private Government ERJ145(Sourced from Brazil) and fly to Istanbul(KM). From Here the agents would get on a private Turkish Airways Flight to Rome, Italy. Once this flight has landed the agents would board a connecting flight using fake identities to Washington D.C. via Alitalia Airlines. They would only have carry-on briefcases with special instructions hidden inside the frame of the Briefcase which would be opened once the agents arrive in D.C. Special precautions were made so that passports looked of Italian Origin, and months of work had gone in to making sure the passports were authentic as possible. The agents would carry no weapons with them as this was only an intelligence mission, but they were ready to perhaps buy firearms off the streets discreetly since in the United States you could practically find a firearm on the ground during a jog. Finally the Agents all spoke rough English/Italian and were either former military officers or Turkish Citizens of Italian Origin. This is all Top Secret and encrypted, as well as handled exclusively by the MIT with no Political approval.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Howdy Axis12

1) You will notice that I moved your post from my thread to here. This is because, per the rules, you are required to conduct all Military and Intelligence operations in the "Military and Intelligence" subforum. It is common courtesy to not make non sequitur posts in someone else's thread. I assume that this post you have created will require several posts that have nothing to do with the diplomacy between the United States and 5 or so other countries, so this really deserves its own thread.
2) You are required by the rules to tag all players that are being attacked or involved in a post. You did not tag Joe who RPs Italy (for the sake of RP I am tagging him here instead of deleting your post).
3) I find it highly suspect that your government would suspect that a coalition is being physically organized in Washington D.C. and that they know to watch some airport in D.C.... But again for the sake of RP, I am willing to let this go, assuming that Jamie does not have an issue with this.
Happy RPing!

Best regards,

Moderation Team


Aug 4, 2018
"Next." Inspector Lombardi called out, signaling over what he believed was to be the next Italian citizen but was actually the first Turkish agent in a group of ten. The Turkish Airways flight had deposited around 300 passengers that inundated the already swelling queue at customs. He couldn't quite possibly believe that for all his day-dreaming growing up about the beautiful women, the fast cars, the gunfights, the medal by the King, his career at the Royal State Police had begun rather ingloriously as a customs officer at Italy's biggest airport. It was hard to believe that he had endured those sleepless nights at university studying his rear end off, explaining to his dormmates of his desire to work on his career rather than party, just so he could sit at a desk making small talk with tourists who were probably living a much more exciting life than his.

Inspector Lombardi glanced up at the man in front of him.

"Grazie." Lombardi said, plucking the Kingdom of Italy passport and rifling through it.

Looked real enough, he thought. He flipped the passport over and placed it over the scanner, where it'd be scanned among the records of the Italian State Department to register against every passport that was ever issued by the Kingdom of Italy.

It didn't scan.

Lombardi did a subtle double take, looking at the scanner. It had softly pulsed a red light, indicating to only Inspector Lombardi that the passport had been matched to any kind of record. He peeled it off the scanner and softly rubbed on the cover page, making sure that dust had not blocked any of the barcodes that were used to scan. He pressed it against the scanner again.

Another soft red light.

Lombardi's heart began to softly pound.

Illegal immigrant perhaps? Couldn't be... the passport looked too real.

Lombardi silently pressed the "ALERT" button underneath the desk. In a room just outside of the customs area, two other Royal State Police Officers armed with pistols would begin to head towards his station. It would be about half a minute before they got there, but either way, the Turkish citizen's escape was blocked. He couldn't run backwards into the queue and he couldn't run forwards. He was trapped.

Still, there was a way out of this for him if he could at least explain this well enough.

"What's your final destination, sir?" Lombardi asked, still holding onto his passport.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Surprised that the passport wasn’t working he would become suspicious of the Italian Officer’s Motives but comply with the question. The fake name of the agent was Angelo Russo, known in Turkey as Berat Aydın/ MIT-005

”I’m heading to the United States for a business trip officer, I am actually very late to a connecting flight and must leave now if you don‘t mind. What seems to be this issue here? I don‘t have time to go through customs and I’m on a connecting flight so I’m pretty sure that there aren’t any requirements since I’m not leaving the terminal.“

Meanwhile the Agent would signal discreetly with his hand further down the line to his fellow compatriots that the Italians may be on to them. Three of the Agents, hereby designated as MIT-001, MIT-002, and MIT-003 would excuse themselves from the line, telling other passengers that they forgot some luggage towards the back. MIT-005 was currently being questioned by the Italian and began take quick glances at the briefcase which contained Top Secret instructions in the sideline panels. It would be made to look like a briefcase instruction Manuel but in Turkish so that foreigners would ignore it. It actually had details of accommodations, Targets, and aircraft to monitor for within Washington D.C. . It is important to note that the Turks did not know of any international coalition and were simply there as a listening post.

At the back of the line MIT-007 would step away from the crowd for a moment and make a secure and encrypted call to MIT Headquarters. This would appear as a normal call and be spoken in code. He would observe the incident at the front of the line and judge his next words very carefully based on what ends up happening.



Aug 4, 2018
Lombardi grew even more suspicious, glancing down at the fake passport. The name was Italian for sure, he knew plenty of Angelo's and he knew plenty of Russo's. The one thing he didn't know were Italian citizens named Angelo Russo who spoke as slipshod Italian as the Mr. Russo before him. Of course, there were plenty of Italians who had left Italy in their youth to depart to greener pastures in the world. At best, they retained perfect Italian just as any other person from Roma. At worst, they had horrible accents.

This was neither. It was incredibly rough Italian.

Officer Lombardi smiled politely at Aydin. "Unfortunately, Mr. Russo, we do mind. I'm afraid for now, we just want to have a bit of a chat with you. You're not in any trouble. Why don't you step off to the side here and answer a few more questions about your final destination and purpose in the United States. We'll pull your luggage from the flight. If you end up missing it, we'll re-book it for you free of charge and put you in a hotel, courtesy of the Royal Family."

With that, Officer Lombardi signaled over the two officers with holstered pistols, who approached and flanked Aydin on either side.

Yet, this couldn't possibly spell the end of the Turkish mission. For one, the Italian Officer was just suspicious. If Aydin could lie his way out of it, he'd be scot free, but then he'd have to answer for the next 9 agents who still had to go through security. There could be another route, which was just honesty and a little grease on the wheels. After all, the United States had done nothing to aid the Kingdom throughout it's existence. No foreign financial aid, no military aid. In fact, the Kingdom's request for aid in response for allowing a military base on Sicily went unanswered. The Kingdom of Italy had no real ties with the country and had no stake in preventing any kind of intelligence operation. Perhaps honesty would be the best route to go for everyone involved.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Irritated the Agent would reply to the Italian In Italian.

”I have to attend this meeting officer and detaining me is a grave mistake, furthermore you are incredibly racist because I know that you are suspicious of me just because I’m a Turkish Italian. My parents immigrated here years ago and I was given an Italian name, you have zero right to tell me that I can‘t be on my way because of my nationality and language. Italian is my second language and I’m sure you know zero Turkish so move aside so I can get on my fight because if you don’t release me then you will be incurring the wrath of the Turkish Government. In fact I’m on official government business and my government is not afraid to sanction your government for the slightest interference in our duties.”

With that the agents behind them would take our their Italian passports and discreetly throw them away or drop them into nearby trash cans and take out hidden Turkish Passports with fake names, this way they could pass the security measures with ease.

MIT-007 meanwhile would radio in to command privately that MIT-005 was being qestioned and could perhaps be detained. The encryoted statlite phone would then be put back in the agent‘s luggage and he would rejoin the line.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
(24+ Hours without response) The Agents would presumably continue on their way through the security line with their Turkish Passports and then proceed to board a flight to New York City via a private airline. The Last agent would be left behind presuming he was still detained but the other agents would get off scot free and begin their assignment. The Aircraft carrying the Agents would arrive in NYC JFK and the agents would take out fake Italian Passports stashed away in their luggage once again. These passports were practically the real thing and were taken from dead Italians but the American Registry would not know this as they did not have access to the Italian Records. All nine of the Agents would arrive on separate flights and begin to make their way through U.S. Customs with their Perfect Italian Passports.

Joe Odinson


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

A secure anonymous tip was made to the FBI that there were a number of unusual individuals who boarded an aircraft in Italy and were coming to the United States. The tip detailed that there were ten Turkish citizens, possibly government-associated agents, who were travelling to the United States under the guise of Italian citizens. The names of the individuals was unknown, however a significant detail was that none of the supposed Italians had applied for a VISA to enter the United States. While the United States had different VISA requirements for some countries, the State Department had a standard three-month delay for a VISA for most countries, including Italy. Once they had this information, the FBI would securely contact the TSA and need-to-know individuals in the NYPD and Port Authority Police. An FBI task force of 50 armed plain-clothes special agents were sent to JFK International Airport along with support from 30 Port Authority Police officers and the cooperation of the TSA. All were armed with a SIG Sauer P228 handgun with a loaded 13-round magazine in the gun and three spare loaded magazines each.

As the Turkish individuals got off of their plane from a gate, they would enter a waiting area that was sectioned off and had a security checkpoint since it was an international flight. In the waiting area were twenty-five of the plain-clothes FBI special agents, but they were sitting down reading with luggage, reading newspapers or magazines, or talking on the phone. Some of them were men, some were women, some were sitting together and some were alone, some were older and some were young, and they were from a variety of different racial and ethnic backgrounds - it looked like a group of normal Americans. Meanwhile, the other twenty-five special agents were waiting beyond the checkpoint or nearby in other parts of the airport. A dozen of the Port Authority Police officers were manned near behind the security checkpoint. They too were acting as if they knew nothing. Some were eating doughnuts and drinking coffee, a couple were patrolling back and forth down the long corridor, and five were in a nearby breakroom. Meanwhile, there were also civilians walking around outside of the security checkpoint.

As the passengers came off of the plane with their carry-on bags each of them would have to go through the security checkpoint. Americans were welcomed back in, while each foreign citizen had to produce their passport and a valid VISA. When it came to the ten individuals who were working for the Turkish MIT, they would be asked for their passports and VISAs, one at a time. When they were unable to produce VISAs, the TSA agent would gently nod and discreetly press a silent security button under his table. The TSA agent would hand back the passport individual and say, "You'll need to go through advanced security before you can go to baggage, thank you for your cooperation. Welcome to the United States." The agent would then point to one of the two exits from the security checkpoint. Each time one of the Turkish, supposedly Italian, MIT agents went to the "advanced security" exit, two Port Authority Police officers would escort an individual to an interrogation room. The police officers made sure that they kept a safe distance from the individuals so that they couldn't try to reach for their weapons. Additional Port Authority Police officers would be nearby in the background as would the FBI special agents. Each one of the Turkish MIT agents would be brought to a different interrogation room which contained two chairs, a bolted-down table, and two-way glass, and a locked door. The carry-on bags of the MIT agents would have to be kept outside. The FBI agents would watch over the entire operation and be ready to jump in at any moment if anything happened.

If all of the MIT agents willingly went into the separate interrogation rooms, they would be asked to take a seat by two of the FBI special agents (two for each room). The Turkish agents would separately be asked, "Why are you visiting the United States?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Nine agents, since one was still detained in Italy would reluctantly enter these security stations and tell the agents various in depth stories on their arrival, 5 of the 9 would inform the Americans that they were working together and that they were on a business trip working for ABM Industries in downtown NYC. They would request their carry on bags that would have forged forms and travel visas for the Americans to look over, in fact the MIT had been able to hack into the ABM industries network and schedule a meeting for these men in case the Americans decided to contact ABM for further information. Only one would be female and all but two would look to be of Italian decent though their Italian would be poor for which they would explain that they were originally from Italy then moved to Cyprus for company business before moving back to Italy.

The Other four would state that they were on a separate but connected trip to present a report at the Lehman Brothers Anual Financial Convention in NYC. They too would have forged documents to back up this claim.

Secretly these agents all possessed Cyanide Pills in discreet Locations on their person though this was an absolute last resort if the Americans found out that they were MIT operatives.


Jun 20, 2018

Hello Axis12 and Odinson ,

  • The Turkish agents arriving into the United States will not have VISA's, as the roleplay did not confirm they were carrying this documentation in Post #7. You cannot roleplay retrospectively, after an issue has been raised in-character.
  • Claims on hacking into the ABM Industries Network are void, as you require an intelligence agency to do so. This must be supported by a roleplay post, confirming your observation in these systems.
  • Turkish agents will not be in possession of Cyanide Pills, as these were not confirmed in Post #7 during initial departure and/or arrival in the United States.

The Modern Nations Staff Team


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

It would not take long for the FBI to verify that the Turks's claims were untrue. The name and identity of each individual, as well as the more specific information about them from their passports, would be securely transmitted to the Italian Foreign Ministry to confirm whether or not these people were actually Italian citizens or, as suspected, foreign agents of Turkey. Each of the individuals would be informed by the assigned FBI agents to their separate rooms that they were being detained until their identities could be confirmed. The FBI, or the Port Authority Police, would always have at least two agents/officers in each room and never leave the individuals alone. A camera was set up on the other side of the two-way glass of each room. Everything inside was visually recorded, while the agents would record the audio from within the room with recording devices or speakers on their persons. The Americans would wait for confirmation from the Italians before they proceeded. None of the Turks were released.

Joe Axis12


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Turks would sit in silence through all of this and say absolutely nothing whatsoever No matter what. Any attempts by the American Government to interrogate, question, or otherwise would be met with silence. As far as the MIT was concerned these men simply did not exist anymore and were dead already, wiping any evidence of their existence from Turkish Achieves civilian and Intelligence. The Agent in Italy would do the same though ask the Italians if he would be permitted entry back into Turkey as there must of been some sort of ‘mistake’, he assumed this would be denied. All of this would be Top Secret.
Odinson Joe
  • Sad
Reactions: Zak


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

After reviewing the situation, New York FBI Assistant Director Walton ordered that the nine individuals that were expected to be Turkish spies be arrested immediately. The FBI agents in each of the rooms would read them their rights and inform them that they were under arrest for a number of charges, including illegally entering the United States, falsifying government documents, lying to the FBI, and espionage against the United States. Each of the prisoners were handcuffed. The FBI, with help from U.S. Deputy Marshals, would escort the prisoners out of a side entrance of the airport and load them onto separate FBI SUVs. Each of the prisoners were loaded into the back seats of the SUVs where the doors were locked and the windows were up. Two agents, or Deputy Marshals, would be seated beside them while the FBI would be driving. All of the prisoners would be taken to the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. They would be booked in, have their handcuffs removed, have all of their personal items taken from them, be given prison uniforms, and put into isolation where they would be allowed one hour of solitary exercise outside and twenty minutes to shower alone each day. They would be offered soft-cover books on topics of their choice and could receive mail, which was first read by the FBI or officers at the Bureau of Prisons. They would also of course be given three meals a day. Special care would be taken to make sure that the prisoners had no items which they could hurt themselves with or any items in their rooms that could be used. They would also be "processed" meaning that they had their fingerprints taken, had their pictures taken from several different angels, and were asked for their full names which would be recorded. Because the FBI believed that the passports were not of Italian in origin, the prisoners would be informed that they would need to give their actual names so that they could be arraigned.

Axis12 Joe

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