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[Ukraine] Establishing contact with Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski @ManBear


Subject: Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: email encrypted and secure

Greetings to President Aleksander Kwaśniewski,

I would like to extend congratulations on your presidential win, although I fear I’m embarrassingly late in doing so.

The main reason I’m contacting you is to open talks for trade and a possible strategic partnership. Our geographical juxtaposition would make such relations pragmatic. What’s more, Ukraine and Poland have historically faced similar challenges. Any relationship between Poland and Ukraine would therefore be one of understanding equals. We would like to know Poland’s goals so that we may work towards them together. First, of course, if Poland has any grievances against Ukraine we would like to hear those so they may be immediately addressed.

You can feel free to contact me by phone or Ambassador Dmytro Pavlychko would be able to meet with you in person.

Viktor Yushchenko
President of the Republic of Ukraine


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Viktor Yushchenko @GingeOrCringe

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties

CC: Dariusz Rosati; Minister of Foreign Policy

Good Evening President Victor Yushchenko,

I appreciate the congratulations whether received late or not. I now understand the pressures involved in running a nation so I understand fully how some trivial matters may slip through the cracks of delegations and meetings.

As for the main reason of your contact, Poland would be more than happy to begin discussing Interregional cooperation between Poland and Ukraine. While Poland and Ukraine have historically faced similar challenges, we have also found ourselves at odds with one another. We must not let history lead us down the same path. Rather we should learn from it and accept our friends with open arms.

It is my goal, and Poland's, to increase relations with our closest neighbors to increase the stability of our region and help insure Eastern Europe becomes a paragon of scientific and economic freedom.

I would like to inquire as to what your future goals are? In relation to our region as well as personal goals for your nation.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski @ManBear


Subject: Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: email encrypted and secure

Ukraine’s ultimate goals are to preserve our sovereignty, our democracy, and our free market economy. We believe these institutions are most easily defended when Ukraine and Eastern Europe as a whole are at peace. Therefore, regional stability is an aim we share. Ukraine has additional objectives we would like to discuss, but for now let us focus on this.

In order to achieve the desired lasting peace, Ukraine must first acknowledge your statement on our shared history. Blood and acrimony constitute a large part of our past relations. Regrettably, Ukraine is to blame for much of the violence. Today’s Republic of Ukraine is not the Ukrainian People’s Republic, it is not Reichskommissariat Ukraine, and it is not the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Still, we are the successor of these states and must take responsibility for the crimes committed under them. That includes crimes against Poland and the Polish people.

The genocide perpetrated by Stepan Bandera and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army against the Poles is particularly important to remember. It will be necessary for Ukraine to issue a formal national apology for these atrocities. Additionally, I understand there have been legal issues forbidding the exhumation of Polish victims in Ukraine. If Poland would like to pursue a more accurate accounting of the victims and re-intern them in more respectable burials then this is a law I’m sure we can see changed. Of course, there is nothing Ukraine can do to make up for these murders and horrific crimes, but we would like to pursue some form of justice. Monetary reparations are one possible option, if that is not insulting to offer. Does this plan sound appropriate to you so far, and is there anything you feel we have failed to address? What additional measures can we take to demonstrate our sincerity?

You equated congratulating you on your presidential election to “trivial matters,” but I very much disagree with this sentiment. Poland plays a key role in the stability of Eastern Europe, its leadership and elections are significant. Ukraine would therefore like to invest in a friendship with Poland. We hope that by fulfilling our moral obligation to address past wrongs we will smooth the foundation for future relations with your country.

Viktor Yushchenko
President of the Republic of Ukraine


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Viktor Yushchenko @GingeOrCringe

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Relations

CC: Dariusz Rosati; Minister of Foreign Policy

While the UPA, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, is an important issue, we cannot forget about Poland's own actions during those tumultuous years. The Polish-Ukrainian War and Operation Vistula are the first ones I bring up in my mind. While some of my people may feel differently, I do not believe reparations are needed as both sides would need to be paid. Though, I do like the idea of getting more accurate numbers of those Polish peoples killed in Ukraine, I do believe it is best to rest those unfortunate souls rest. What about a joint venture between our nations to establish a memorial site at Volhynia condemning the actions of both the UPA and Polish retribution. Paid for by both of our governments for both of our populations, past and present.

I again appreciate your words towards my inauguration and I would like to broach the same subject of friendship between our two great nations. When would be a good time for us to meet to discuss this new friendship?

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski @ManBear


Subject: Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: email encrypted and secure

Your email has given me great relief. With only a few decades passed, we worried these wounds might still feel fresh. I agree, a joint memorial would be an ideal way to honor the dead. It would also demonstrate to the world our friendship and progression past tribalistic nationalism. I will inform our Minister of Arts and Culture, Ihor Kalynets. He’ll have authorization to collaborate with Polish officials on this and any additional projects.

Although I’m enthusiasm towards an in-person meeting, it will take some time to arrange. This is quite a busy time in Kyiv. We are currently preparing for a visit from President Yeltsin, and the Belgians have been patiently waiting several months for us to host them. We will always welcome you warmly to Ukraine, but we would like to do so with undivided attention. Of course, Ambassador Pavlychko is always available and my offer for a phone call still stands.

Viktor Yushchenko
President of the Republic of Ukraine


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties

CC: Dariusz Rosati, Minister of Foreign Policy

I have notified our Minister of Culture, Zdzisław Podkański, of what we discussed about the joint memorial and he seemed happy to get in contact with Minister Kalynets. He will be contacting the Minister at some point in the near future.

I understand that current time is quite hectic with state visits and such. I suppose while we wait for a more appropriate time to have a state visit, we should discuss a possible trade agreement between our nations. Is this in accordance with your plans?

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski @ManBear


Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: email encrypted and secure

Wonderful, I’m glad to hear it! I believe minister Kalynets had a few additional ideas unrelated to the memorial, but I’ll allow him to discuss those.

Ukraine thanks you for your patience. In the mean time, yes, I think trade would be an excellent place for us to start. What does Poland have to offer in terms of exports? Ukraine is best known for our foodstuffs and we’re aiming to become the breadbasket of Europe, but we also produce timber, non-ferrous metals (Magnesium, Mercury, Titanium), and petroleum products. Do any of these interest you? Since our countries share a border I suggest shipments by train. Also, would Poland be interested in implementing a no tariffs and no non-tariffs policy between our two countries?

Viktor Yushchenko
President of the Republic of Ukraine


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Viktor Yushchenko @GingeOrCringe

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties


I am sure the two ministers will enjoy themselves discussing such things together.

In regards to what we offer in terms of exports, we can offer Crude Petroleum, Refined Petroleum, Natural Gas, Coal, and Semi-Finished Iron. We would be more than willing to import your food stuffs as well as timber and non-ferrous metals. I consent to arrange transportation by train. I would also like to temporarily limit imports to a Bi-Monthly schedule so as to not flood our markets with goods until we can stabilize any potential problems from the market. We would reduce this to a monthly basis in the close future but the safety of our people and economy takes a priority. As for the no tariffs and no non-tariffs policy, we agree. This would help build both of our economies and prevent flooding or dumping.

My Minister of Education, Jerzy Wiatr, would like to offer a 2 year trail for Ukrainian Students to study within Poland at the same cost of Polish students, Free. He has suggested a limit of five hundred students a year with mandatory classes in the Polish Language. This would allow students to experience an excited new place and new opportunities while it is socially acceptable for them to do so. Please pass this along to your own Ministry of Education and see how they feel about it.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski @ManBear


Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: email encrypted and secure

I would like to once again thank you for your patience. This most recent emergency with Belgium and France required some attention… We would like to know what Poland’s response is to these events, if anything. Do you plan on placing sanctions against either party? The silver-lining is that, with the Belgians' visit canceled, we will be able to schedule your own visit to Ukraine much sooner.

We would be most interested in Poland’s crude petroleum, coal, and semi-finished iron. We understand your concerns regarding destabilization of the market. Your government’s dedication to the economic welfare of its citizens is commendable, and we agree that bimonthly shipments would be the wisest place to start. What date shall we begin? Although we have no doubt Poland will honorably uphold it's end of the deal, it would be best practice to put this in legal writing. If you agree, I’ll draft something for us to have a look over.

As for Minister Wiatr’s proposal, this is an excellent idea. In exchange, Ukraine would offer Polish students a similar opportunity. We see this as a wonderful chance to increase international-understanding and regional stability. Would your government like to draft the agreement, or shall Ukraine?

Viktor Yushchenko
President of the Republic of Ukraine


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Relations


As of yet we have not issued a public condemnation of the actions of Belgium and France but do not take our silence on the matter to be acceptance of the actions taken. Poland does not accept that civilian casualties to be an acceptable casualty of war. Besides that we do look forward to the Ukrainian State visit whenever convenient.

We propose shipments to occur at the end of September with the next shipment beginning at the beginning of November. And we agree that it would be in everyone's best interest to put our trade agreement in legal writing.

As for Minister Wiatr's proposal. As Ukraine is writing the trade agreement, Poland will take responsibility and write the International Understanding of Higher Education for Ukraine and Poland.

What is Ukraine's position regarding the Belgium-France conflict?

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: email encrypted and secure
President Aleksander Kwaśniewski,

This is Ihor Kharchenko, First Deputy Minister of Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. President Yushchenko is currently unavailable, so for now I will be addressing your emails.

Attached is a copy of our proposal for the trade pact. Please let us know if there are any changes you would like to see. Otherwise we’ll just need your signature and the signature of a witness.

Polish Ukrainian Trade Pact​
Article I: Purpose
  1. To strengthen the existing and close cultural, political, and economic ties between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Ukraine
  2. To strengthen and protect the economic prosperity of both the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Ukraine
  3. To demonstrate the trust and friendship between our two states
Article II: Implementation
  1. The aforementioned parties agree to the shipment of Ukrainian foodstuffs, timber, and non-ferrous metals to Poland.
  2. In return, Polish coal, crude petroleum, and semi-finished iron will be shipped to markets in Ukraine.
  3. Shipments will occur twice a month starting in December 1996.
  4. Additionally, each party shall respect the intellectual property of companies headquartered and registered under the other party’s laws.
Article III: Duration and Amendments
  1. The Republic of Poland and the Republic of Ukraine may choose together to amend this contract in order to increase or decrease the frequency of shipments as both parties agree is fit.
  2. This contract may not be amended with intent to harm one or both of the parties.
  3. This document shall be in force for two (2) years after its signing.
  4. The parties agree to convene and discuss any perceived violations of this document before taking any other action.
Article IV: Signatories
  1. Each party willfully agrees to comply to the terms of this contract.
  2. Each signatory confirms they have the power under the laws of their state to sign and commit to this document.

Regarding the conflict between Belgium and France, President Yushchenko has already put forth a public statement (attached). This is the position we continue to hold. It seems delegates from both parties will be attending a summit hosted by the Dutch. Unfortunately, we remain skeptical as to what the outcome might be. We would like to see Europe stabilize.

Ihor Kharchenko
First Deputy Minister
Secretary of Ukrainian Affairs in Eastern Europe


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Ihor Kharchenko

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties


Greetings First Deputy Minister Kharchenko. I see you are up to date as to what I and President Yushchenko were discussing. The trade proposal looks adequate in my eyes and we would be willing to sign this agreement as soon as convenient. Attached is the draft of the International Understanding of Higher Education between Ukraine and Poland.

Higher Education Agreement​
Article I: Purpose
  1. Strengthen Bonds between citizens of Ukraine and Poland through educating the people through an exchange of higher education students
  2. To Increase the Standing of Poland and Ukraine in the international community by allowing students to expand their knowledge in a new environment.
  3. To increase the trust and friendship between the nations of Poland and Ukraine
Article 2: Implementation
  1. Ukraine agrees to select several groups of students from different educational departments and allow them to study abroad in Poland.
  2. Poland agrees to select several groups of students from different educational departments and allow them to study abroad in Ukraine.
  3. Students will receive free tuition and room and board where applicable in either participating parties.
  4. Polish Students will be required to take classes in the Ukrainian Language and Ukrainian will be required to do the same for Polish.
  5. A maximum of 500 students will be permitting for the study for a term limit of 2 years.
Article 3: Duration and Amendments
  1. The Republic of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland may choose to amend this agreement in order to increase or decrease the student body or term length as both parties see fit.
  2. The Agreement cannot be amended in an attempt to harm the students of either nation.
  3. The Parties agree to convene and discuss any perceived violations to this agreement before taking any other action.
Article 4: Signatories
  1. Each Party willfully agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.
  2. Each Signatory confirms they have the power under the laws of their state to sign and commit to this document.
As to the recent conflict between France and Belgium, we agree. We hope to see Europe stabilized. To further this goal, Russia has asked us to assist in securing the support of Ukraine in stabilizing our region of the world. It seems there is a situation brewing between Russia, Belarus, and Lithuania. As you know, Belarus has had strong communist ties in the past and communism is, in our belief, is one of the chief causes of the issues within Europe. As of right now we are merely seeking support of those we consider friends in the area.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: encrypted and secure

We are more than pleased with this document and, like you, will be signing as soon as possible. It will no doubt strengthen the friendship between our two countries.

What you've informed us of between Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia is unsettling--especially since we have not noted any indication of impending conflict ourselves. Can you offer any more details on the situation? What role does Lithuania play in this? When you say "seeking support," how do you define that support--what is expected of Ukraine?

We consider Lukashenko's dictatorship tyrannical, we agree communism and authoritarianism are foolish, lethal ideologies, and we pity the people of Belarus for all they have been forced to endure at the hands of their present government and those before. They are a reflection of what Ukraine may have turned into had we taken a different path. Perhaps that is why we are suspicious of this... situation.

We disapprove of the state of Belarusian politics, but we recognize present day Belarus is the product of years of abuses by the Soviet Union and Russian influence. We condemn the Belarusian government, we agree that Europe would be more stable if their rulers were to change, but we hesitate to join any movement concocted by Moscow against them.

As President Yushchenko mentioned in prior emails, Ukraine and Poland have faced similar challenges. We trust Poland's assessment of events and that you will provide us with all the information necessary to make the best decision for Ukraine and the broader region.

With sincere gratitude,

Ihor Kharchenko
First Deputy Minister


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Ihor Kharchenko

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties


We are pleased you are in agreement with the document and cannot wait until we are able to meet in person and officially establish our friendship for both the people of Ukraine and Poland to witness.

In full disclosure, in regards to the Russian-Belarussian question, Russia wishes to enter into a Union State with Belarus. With this Union State, Russia will dismantle the Authoritarian government of Lukashenko and establish a truly democratic one. One, that will fall under the sphere of influence of Russia, would be protected from the threat of communism and authoritarianism. We have a Military Attache heading to Russia to help coordinate with them and be included in the planning stages. Russia is aware of Poland's of them acting as if they are the chiding mother of former Soviet Nations but we believe short of full blown war, there is little chance that the citizens of Belarus will see a change of government.

As for Lithuania, they have often been seen to mistreat the Polish Minority within its borders. We just wish to protect our people from oppressive governments and would like Ukraine's support. We merely do not wish our people to be oppressed.

As statedin prior emails, Poland wishes for Eastern Europe to be model the rest of Europe holds itself to. With the recent fascist troubles in Canada and the Communist problem within Belarus, we fear we are retreating to a time where every citizen in the world needs to fear for their government lest they are placed in work camps.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: encrypted and secure
It would seem Russo-Polish relations are quite well.

Acting as a proxy for President Yushchenko, I signed the student-visa treaty before receiving your latest email, and I suppose you must have already signed the copy of the trade treaty we faxed with our president's signature. This prevents any sanctions we might have placed on Poland for inappropriate military action.

We appreciate our friend Poland honesty, but we're still troubled by the circumstances you have described. We have several ideas as to why the Russian Federation would not have contacted us regarding this. Without them present in the conversation these cannot be addressed to Ukraine's full satisfaction.

We will consider Ukraine's course of action. Regardless of which direction we lean, we are quite aware of the trouble leaking information would cause for our own nation.

Ihor Kharchenko
First Deputy Minister, Ukraine


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Ihor Kharchenko

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties


Apologies for the late reply, Deputy First Minister. It appears as if my last communication with you was lost in the abyss. It does worry us about why Russia asked us to contact Ukraine in her stead for assistance and we will raise these concerns with them directly. What ideas does your government feel would cause Russia to ask for a proxy in communicating with you?

It also worries us that you mentioned possible sanctions on Poland. As you have stated, we have also signed the Trade Treaty beforehand. I would not consider the ending of a tyrant's stranglehold on his country where citizens fear for the life and property, but we understand Ukraine's position in this argument and will not try to change your mind.

We do hope that any course of action taken by either of our nations does not damage the friendship we have tried so hard to establish.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland
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Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: encrypted and secure
Regardless of the elapsed time we are always happy to hear from Poland. But it seems you do not understand my last email. I will attempt to emphasize our stance:

I can attest I received and signed the student visa agreement before receiving all information on your plans in Belarus, which we would voice condemnation for. I can attest Poland would have been able to sign the trade agreement we faxed with President Yushchenko’s signature before we received information on your plans in Belarus, which again, we would voice condemnation for. Ukraine cannot amend these documents without Poland’s consent, and we may not amend them with the intent to harm citizens of Poland or Ukraine.

Regardless of the opinion Ukraine would publicly hold on this conflict, or even the opinions of the Global Assembly and International Court, we may never sanction Poland.

Having drafted the trade agreement right after we placed sanctions on our Belgian friends, it is just so very embarrassing that President Yushchenko would unintentionally word the document in such a way that does not allow for us to reprimand other nations for actions the international community would disapprove of. I have absolutely no idea how a cynic like him could’ve failed to realize the incredibly obvious issues that could arise... It is something for you and me both to ponder.

I hope this reiteration has provided clarification on Ukraine’s planned course of action in regards to Poland.

I would also like to apologize for any knee-jerk responses I had to Poland’s alliance with the Russians.

I ask you to consider this from Ukraine’s point of view; We were startled our closest friend has been planning military actions to be carried out just north of our border with a country that has been unkindly towards Ukraine for the past 300 years. Would you have been enthusiastic if Ukraine had been in talks with Germany to violently annex Slovakia and the Czech Republic, or would that cause you distress?

It is no state secret we distrust the Russians. The Russian Government, more than anyone, is aware of this. I suspect that is why they employed you as an intermediary; Ukraine and Poland are friends. We trust that Poland is well intentioned, however, we cannot judge Russia’s intentions—bad or good—when they are filtered through a proxy.

Ihor Kharchenko
First Deputy Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine


GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Ihor Kharchenko

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties


I believe I understand your meaning now. When President Yushchenko visits us in the future, I will be sure to address this lack of foresightedness and hopefully fix the issue. So as to ease any discomfort either of us may have in the future. As for the Belarus-Russia scenario, we are not sure we are prepared to continue with this act of aggression. Especially seeing as we will be committing a Peacekeeping Force to Rhodesia. We have the feeling this Belarussian fiasco may get out of hand, ultimately leading to some sort of conflict with Russia. Which Poland is not prepared to fight.

With that, I also feel the need to apologize for any perceived aggression in my previous correspondence, whether passive or not. It was also not our intent to cause offense. We appreciate Ukraine being such a good friend to Poland.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland


Apr 5, 2020

To: Aleksander Kwaśniewski ManBear

From: Ihor Kharchenko

CC: Viktor Yushchenko

Subject: re:Establishing Diplomatic Ties

Security: encrypted and secure
I believe an in person conversation or phone conversation would be best to ensure we are on the same page, yes. Email unfortunately leaves so much room for misinterpretation.

Ukraine would be willing to moderate if an issue between Russia and Poland does arise--but, as suspicious as we are of Moscow, we do not think they will go back on their word to you in this case. We assume you have email or some form of record showing they are the ones who suggested this action. This would show them to be the primary instigators. We suspect Poland would have some support from the international community if trouble arose... But, again, if Ukraine can provide moderation we would suggest that rather than accepting foreign military support.

Ukraine has developed an opinion on Western Countries since the fall of the Iron Curtain. While we have no desire to ever return to communism and authoritarianism, we will concede that the Soviets were correct in their assessment of these states as mercurial imperialists. There have been so many examples in just the past year alone: the Belgian invasion of France, Swedes kidnapping Australian scientists, Argentine cruelty towards shipwrecked sailors in the arctic, the rise of Nazism in Canada... It would be dangerous to all of us Eastern European states to allow them to become entangled in our affairs. Whatever our opinion on this business with Belarus and Russia, it is--figuratively speaking--family business. It should only be handled by us. Better the devil we know than the one we don't.

Ukraine trusts the Polish government, which is why we would like to broach another sensitive topic with you. You may have heard some rumors about our military, which were originally published in an online tabloid... While we have ordered the information to be removed from the paper's website since it is a national security risk, it seems to still be floating out there on the internet and is causing us increased anxiety. Our minister of defense will be making a public announcement to try to suppress any concerns the public might have and ward off any Ill intentioned foreign governments, but I'm afraid our country is in a rather precarious position. If Poland can afford to offer consolation in the rebuilding of our defenses, we would be forever grateful. In fact, we would even be willing to negotiate some form of monetary payment in return for your expertise. I would also reiterate that a strong and stable Ukraine means a strong and stable ally to Poland.

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GA Member
May 22, 2020

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To: Ihor Kharchenko

From: Aleksander Kwaśniewski

Subject: Re: Establishing Diplomatic Ties


We should set a time and date for a meeting between our governments, whether within Kyiv or Warsaw.

We are pleased that Ukraine would offer to mediate between ourselves and Russia should an issue arise. As to Ukraine's stance on the Western Nations of the world, Poland is agreement. The Eastern European states threw off the yolk of communism and authoritarianism of the USSR only to be set upon by those western nations that wanted to exert their own influence to counter the Russians. We are in agreement as well, with your statement, that Eastern European affairs should be handled by Eastern Europeans. Even though we are both members of the Global Assembly, it is certainly dominated by our mercurial western neighbors.

We have indeed heard the rumors regarding your military. We make it a habit of not listening to the tabloids to get facts regarding our neighbors. But we are humbled that you would come to Poland to assist you in this endeavor. We, of course, would be more than glad to offer whatever kind of assistance we can. As for monetary payment, we will discuss this at a later date. And I would amend your final statement slightly. A strong Ukraine means a strong Poland. Ukraine and Poland are siblings on the world stage. While we may bicker in the future, we must look to each other to defend ourselves from any bullying we may encounter on the world stage.

Aleksander Kwaśniewski,
President of the Republic of Poland

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