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United States | The Special Relationship


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: The Right Honorable Andrew Evans, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( Jamie )
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Prime Minister Evans,

I regard the maintenance of the Special Relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom as the federal government's most important foreign policy objective. After we resolved the earlier 18th century complications in our national relationship, we recognized that our similarities were too much to ignore: we share a common language, faith, and cherish the same enlightenment values that have shaped western civilization and the Free World alike. The working relationship between our countries, and the necessary trust that comes with it, are tantamount not only to our own securities, but our ability to protect freedom around the world. Taking this into account, I worry that our relationship today may not be as strong as it was in years past. To help rectify that, I am formally extending an invitation to you and your wife for an Official Visit to the White House. This will be a multi-day event largely taking place at the White House where we will take part in ceremonial activities, as well as a serious meeting between the two of us to negotiate the future of the Special Relationship. I know that you and President Clinton worked well together - I can only hope to try to fill his shoes. I look forward to meeting you and Mrs. Evans in person on the [13th].

Best Regards,

Al Gore
President of the United States
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: 10 Downing Street, Office of the Prime Minister ( Jamie )
FROM: Mary Applegale, Chief of Protocol of the United States

Good Afternoon,

I have been informed that President Gore has extended a formal invitation to Prime Minister Evans and Mrs. Evans for an Official Visit to the White House. I am aware that there was some planning done before this discussion, and therefor the invitation is likely to be accepted. As Chief of Protocol, it is my duty to organize all State and Official visits to the White House, and to assist the visiting country in having a smooth trip here, as well as a pleasant and productive visit. With previous British State and Official visits to the White House serving as examples, I'm sure that you are aware that these are multi-day events that include a mix of ceremonial and diplomatic activities between the President and the Prime Minister. I will provide all the information that Downing Street will need to know about this visit below, however if you have any questions please feel free to respond.


Details on Security
The Secret Service will provide Security for the British delegation while they are in the United States, including that of the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans. Under any other circumstances, visiting dignitaries are only permitted to bring a limited number of security personnel who must be unarmed. However, due to the close relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom, you are free to bring as many protective agents as you find necessary (within reason) and a limited number of them may be armed when the Prime Minister is outside of the White House grounds. However, protective agents of any kind are not permitted in the White House which is entirely protected by the Secret Service and the United States Marine Corps. That being said, the Secret Service is more than capable of protecting the British delegation while they are in the United States, and you of course are not required to send any personnel - we simply provide those other options as a courtesy.

Details on Overnight Stay
Normally, for a State or Official visit, the Head of State or Head of Government who is visiting is offered to stay at the President's Guest House (commonly known as Blair House) which is located on White House Grounds. However, under exceptionally rare situations, a Head of State/Government may be offered to stay in the guest suite of the White House residence. This is a privilege reserved for only the closest visiting friends of the President, and allies of the United States. President Gore has decided to extend this honor the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans. Additional members of the British delegation are still welcome to use the Blair House, and of course the British Embassy, if they so choose. However, the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans will have an ample amount of room in the guest suite of the White House, which includes the Queen's Bedroom (previously used by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the Kennedys, and many other famous guests) as well as the Lincoln Bedroom and other associated sitting rooms and bathrooms, along with the East Sitting Hall.

The British delegation may arrive on the [13th] at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. All air traffic will be frozen or cleared in the immediate area as a security precaution. There will be a formal arrival ceremony at Andrews which will only take approximately five minutes. As Chief of Protocol, I will be there, along with the United States Ambassador to the Court of St. James, and the British Ambassador to the United States. There will be an honor guard and a band to play "God Save the Queen". From there, the Secret Service will take Prime Minister to the White House for an official arrival ceremony. There will be a number of public ceremonial things that are done here, which you can reference from previous visits, but the salient point here which I would like to remind this office is that the President will give remarks about the Prime Minister and then the United Kingdom, and then the Prime Minister will be welcome to give remarks as well. There will also be a private exchange of gifts in the Red Room of the White House between the President and the Prime Minister.

State Department Luncheon
Following the exchange of gifts in the Red Room, a private luncheon at Foggy Bottom with the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (who will be acting in the place of the office of the Vice President) and Secretary of State Fitzgerald will take place. The President will not be at this event. After the luncheon, the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans will be brought back to the White House so that they can settle into the Queen's Room and prepare for the State Dinner that night.

State Dinner
Official Visits to the White House include State Dinners, just as a State Dinner from a Head of State would. The dress for the evening will be black tie. There are a number of events that take place for a State Dinner, including the Reception, Presidential Entrance March, Receiving, Toast (from the President to the Prime Minister, and then the Prime Minister to the President), the dinner which is then entirely private (as in, there will be no cameras or press), the Recession, Performance, and finally dancing. The British delegation will be welcome to fill part of the seats for the dinner, while the other half will include dignitaries and other people from the United States - as of now, I am aware that at least two former Presidents will be attending, as well as actors Harrison Ford and Pierce Brosnan.


Address to Congress
The President Pro Tempore of The Senate and the Speaker of The House have, at the request of the President, call for a Joint Meeting of Congress. As is tradition, the Prime Minister will be invited to address this Joint Meeting. A speech of this nature will traditionally include discussing the importance of the relationship between the two countries, topics that the visitor finds important with regards to the United States and their country, and important goals that the visitor has to reach with the President and the United States as a whole. Prime Minister Evans is welcome to talk about whatever he wants in his speech.

Return Dinner
It is customary that the visiting country holds a dinner at their embassy in which the Vice President would attend - however because the United States does not presently have a Vice President, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate (Senator Benjamin V. Sinclair who is the only congressman to have survived the Capitol Attack, and who is the highest-ranking officer in the Senate) will attend. Afterwards, the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans will be brought back to the White House for the night.


Mount Vernon
After an informal breakfast, the President will accompany the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans to Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. They will be given a private tour by the National Parks Service. Afterwards, they will return to the White House for a private lunch.

Diplomatic Talks
After lunch, the President will host the Prime Minister in Diplomatic Talks somewhere in the White House (probably either the Oval Office or the Roosevelt Room). The Secretary of State and other American diplomatic, and possibly military, officials will be present. Prime Minister Evans may bring whomever from the British delegation he would like for these talks as well. There may be some point where the President chooses to speak privately just with the Prime Minister (only as needed). These discussions can last many hours, or not long at all, depending on what is to be discussed. The White House has informed me that discussions on the table will include: a formal military alliance between the United States and the United Kingdom, planning future military "activities", the situation in Ireland, and possibly other items that may be added. The Prime Minister will also be invited to bring up any specific topics that he wishes to discuss, be they big or small. The President will dedicate as much of his time as needed for these talks, as they are a vital feature of Official Visits, so the Prime Minister should not feel rushed.

The Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans will be given a private dinner in the White House that evening.


The President and First Lady will join the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans for a small morning breakfast.

The President and First Lady will see the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans off from the White House. They will be driven (or flown) to Andrews Air Force Base, where the Secretary of State will formally wish them farewell. They will then take their flight home to the United Kingdom.

If there are any issues with this schedule, please inform me. I have full authority to edit it in any way. If not, I look forward to meeting some of you as well as the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans.

Best Regards,

Mary Applegale
Chief of Protocol of The United States
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GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

The Special Relationship
Security Classification: SECRET

The conclusion of the COBR Meeting left Andrew Evans with an exhaustive sigh, after spending all day in a meeting with the Spanish Government from 8am that morning, the conclusion led to an urgent cabinet meeting to discuss the Irish Republican Army. Andrew opened the door to his private office in Downing Steet and sat down to take a breather before beginning his administrative work, it was only two minutes later someone had knocked at the door. "Prime Minister?" they asked for his attention. Another sigh escaped his mouth and he gently nodded "Sir, your flight is ready for America" the advisor responded. Having forgotten entirely, his day was far from over, "Right, bare with me.." Andrew firmly spoke as he proceeded to spend the next thirty minutes updating his emails and responded to his email from the American President ....

Her Majesty's Government
Security Classification: TOP SECRET

To:President Al Gore Odinson
Subject:Re: The Special Relationship

President Gore,

Thank you for your email and your kind words, I can only echo the relationship between the United Kingdom and United States in that the association our countries share have a very close bond that I would like to see continue for decades to come. Whilst communication between both have been somewhat neglected due to the changing environment in which we reside, the United Kingdom remains optimistic and dedicated to retaining and re-building such friendships and would like to see this meeting kick start those.

Albeit delayed due to other engagements, I am due to depart for the states shortly and will be accompanied by my wife and a small security detail in which, armaments will be brought but will be kept on board the Royal Air Forces Tristar Aircraft for the duration of the stay unless otherwise approved or required.

I look forward to meet you in person tomorrow.

Kind Regards,
Andrew Evans
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

.... He clicked send and stood up immediately, his eyes set on the clock, '11:23pm'. Fortunately he would have plenty of rest on the way and made for the door where his Wife had just boarded the awaiting vehicle, he jumped in beside her. The pair left Downing Street in a black window tinted SUV, straddled each side by vehicles from the Diplomatic Protection Group, a specialist unit in the Metropolitian Police whom were under instruction to escort the Prime Minister to RAF Brize Norton. An hour and a half away from London, but was the main hub for military and VIP transport across the globe. The journey seemed to pass quickly and allowed him and his wife to catch up on their day, and give the pair chance to read over the information provided by the US Office of Protocol. "Sounds like we're going to have a great time!" Samantha Evans spoke, smiling at Andrew who mirrored the response.

A short time later and the SUV came to a halt outside a terminal at Brize Norton, a secure military base. The couple worked their way out of the vehicle to the sight of the Lockheed Martin Tristar, ZK1085 namely COYOTE024. On board consisted of twelve personnel from the Special Air Service, all in business suits with concealed Sig Sauer P226 handguns. All of which would be declared to the US Government and removed unless approved. In the back of the Tristar was a black crate, locked. Inside contained equipment for counter terrorist operations which included smoke grenades, MP5s and flashbangs. All in preparation for a worst case scenario but the creates would remain on the aircraft unless required.

Andrew and Samantha both worked their way up to the seating area and took a few moments to meet the Tier One Operators who were to be their protection, engaging in small talk as the doors shut and the aircraft begun to taxi to the runway. After introductions and some friendly talk, it was the time for rest. Both the Prime Minister and his Wife settled down and almost fell to sleep instantly as the aircraft made its way over England. Destination: the United States of America.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Prime Minister's aircraft was directed to land at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. As promised, all air traffic was grounded or diverted from the area, and security at the base was significantly heightened. The Secret Service and the Air Force were out in force. The aircraft was directed on what runway it should land on and was given the correct heading along with windspeed and other minor weather conditions. One the aircraft touched down, it would be directed to taxi to a specific location where a red carpet, honor guard, and diplomatic welcoming committee were waiting. A staircase was rolled up to the Prime Minister's aircraft so that Mr. Evans and the rest of the British delegation could descend down to the Earth. When the Prime Minister would depart the aircraft, he would see the red carpet rolled out at the base of the staircase which led past a military honor guard and to a small fleet of vehicles that were waiting to take him and the most important members of his delegation to the White House. Soldiers, sailors, and airmen from the honor guards of all the branches of the armed forces were present, totaling in 19 servicemen since the Prime Minister was a de facto Head of Government and not State (which would justify 21 servicemen).


Once he made it to the bottom of the staircase the Chief of Protocol was first in line. She shook the hands of the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans and said, "Mister Prime Minister, I'm Mary Applegale, the Chief of Protocol. Welcome to the United States - I'll walk along with the two of you here," he said in reference to the PM and the Misses. A young girl from a local elementary school in Washington D.C. was waiting at the bottom of the staircase with a small bouquet of flowers for the PM and Mrs. Evans, which she handed to them. Mary then acted as a kind of guide as they made their way down the ceremonial red carpet.

Mary introduced the Prime Minister to the commanding general of Andrews Air Force Base, the American ambassador to the United Kingdom, the Governor of Maryland (the State which they were presently standing in), and a few other dignitaries from the federal government who were excited to play a small part in the first visit of a foreign leader to the United States. All the while the U.S. Air Force band played "Arrival Fanfare Number One". American and British journalists, who had been pre-selected based on having clean backgrounds, were allowed onto the tarmac so that they could take pictures and film the event. Mary escorted the British through the military honor guard, and finally to the vehicles that were waiting for them. Each of them were driven by armed members of the Secret Service.

The SAS soldiers would be permitted to keep their weapons after the serial numbers were recorded by the Secret Service. However, they were reminded that they would not be able to have their sidearms when they would be on White House grounds - even if they would be staying at the nearby Blair House - and that there would be other restrictions. Otherwise, however, the United States would make a rare security exception for the British. The motorcade made its way from Andrews to the White House and the most direct and safe way possible. Roads were closed off and an escort was provided by local police, ranging from the Maryland State Police to the D.C. police.


President Gore walked out of the Diplomatic Reception Room and onto the South Lawn of the White House. The Secret Service was also out in force at and around the White House. Only official guests and visitors were allowed anywhere near the South Lawn or the White House grounds. Once the British arrived, Marines in their formal dress would open the doors of the vehicles so that the British could exit and walk onto the South Lawn. President Gore and the First Lady welcomed the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans. "Prime Minister, welcome to the United States. We're going to have a great time together," the President said with a confident smile.

The President Pro Tempore of the Senate, who was acting in the Vice President's place, as well as the President's Cabinet and the Joint Chiefs of Staff were there to meet and greet the Prime Minister. After a few minutes of small talk, the ceremony would begin. The Prime Minister and President were brought before a podium in front of the White House. "God Save The Queen" was played by the U.S. Marine Corps band while a total of 19 shots were fired by the Presidential Salute Battery in President's Park.


Following this, the U.S. National anthem was played, and then the Prime Minister was invited to inspect the military escort that was standing at attention. This simply involved the President and Prime Minister walking along the escort who were wearing their formal dress uniforms and standing at attention - it was a military tradition that went back centuries. Next, the President and Prime Minister returned to the podium on the small stage that had been built in front of the White House. The "Old Guard" from the 3rd Regiment of the U.S. Army, who were dressed in their 18th century colonial dress, played "The British Grenadiers". Interestingly, for any other country in the world, this band would normally play, "Yankee Doodle" but this song was not played by the Old Guard when the British were present in order to avoid... opening old wounds.


Now it was time for the "Salutatory" portion of the ceremony. President Gore stepped up to the podium, which had the seal of the President, and briefly cleared his throat. "Prime Minister, I would like to welcome you and Mrs. Evans to the United States and the White House, along with the rest of your delegation," he said into the microphone.

Some guests were standing on the South Lawn, and included congressmen, some of their families, and the families of other high officials and diplomats who wanted to help welcome the British.

"It is always an honor to host our most important ally here at the White House. I believe I speak for the American people when I say that the relationship between our two countries is critical, and that it has helped preserve liberty in Europe, America, and around the world. I think that recent events have reminded us how important not only the informal relationship, but a formal alliance is between America and Britain. Our two countries have stood united against the Nazis, against communism, and against dictators and the enemies of the Free World - and we will continue to do so. While Britain and America are two different countries, we are fortunate to enjoy many similarities, as well as a shared history and friendship. I look forward to moving the Special Relationship forward... and maybe we can fit in a game or two of bowling," he said, which got a bit of laughter from the crowd. "But really, welcome, Prime Minister. I'm happy we can have you here," he said as he stepped back from the podium.

It was now the Prime Minister's turn to give a few words. After this, they would be able to finally go inside the White House.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

"I'm quite looking forward to this." Andrew stated, his eyes setting on his wife who just smiled back "It has been a while since we got out of the country properly. You've been so busy as of late" the Prime Minister couldn't help but nod his head in agreement before the pilot spoke through the Intercomm. The crew announced their approach at Andrews Air Base. The final part of the trip was in silence as the Lockheed Martin Tristar followed instructions from air traffic control to the assigned runway, and eventually, taxiing to the designated area. Andrew and Samantha both stood up and took position on the opposite side of the closed door, ready to disembark as he held her hand. The door was opened by a member of Staff and the couple stepped out to the sight of the red carpet and the whole reception for their arrival.

Content with the warm welcome, Andrew, accompanied by his wife, worked his way down the stairs to the introduction of the Chief of Protocol, each extended their hands and introduced themselves to Mary. "Our absolute pleasure to be here, it's very nice to meet you and the reception is perfect" the Prime Minister smiled. Samantha shortly turned her attention to the young girl that had got her attention, crouching down to her level to accept the flowers with a pleasant smile, thanking her and opening her arms to hug her. During that time, the Prime Minister had become engulfed in introductions as he spent a short time to meet the Commander General, Ambassador and other dignitaries from the government. This provided a great opportunity to make a bit of small talk to warm himself up for what was going to be an action packed state visit. Samantha joined back up and made her introduction where the group began to pose for the media, giving enough time for everyone to have their turn before following Mary into the vehicles. Once boarded, the Special Air Service Operators then exited the aircraft with the concealed arms that had been approved and boarded the assigned vehicles. Following the exit from the airforce base, their mission was in full swing with only the Prime Minister and his Wife's safety in mind.

The journey was time for Andrew and Samantha to compose themselves before arriving at the White House where the doors would open and the couple would exit to the sight of the US Marines, the President and First Lady. Step by step they worked their way up the South Lawn before entering proximity of the US President "It's a pleasure to be back" smiled Andrew, "This is my wife, Samantha" he introduced, who greeted the President and First Lady "I'm very much looking forward to our stay here and your invitation is greatly appreciated" he added, taking the time to meet the Presidents Cabinet and Joint Chiefs of Staff individually before the ceremony commenced. Upon conclusion the Prime Minister accepted the invitation to inspect the military escort, offering compliments and if given the chance, to meet some of the soldiers. A short time passed before the Salutatory could begin and the Prime Minister, eager to hear the speech, was left impressed. Clapping before stepping up himself to deliver his.

"The honor is all mine." he begun. "To be invited here, and to have been given such a warm reception is an amazing feeling and I couldn't have been happier to visit. Echoing what the President has said, historically the relations between the United Kingdom and United States have always been strong, working through any problem and overcoming it. In the more recent years and as a result of no ones fault, we had seen less and less cooperation between our countries and I am certain that this visit will re-ignite the flame as a great opportunity to tighten out bond, work together and plan a future that is beneficial for everyone." There was a short pause "If not, at the very least I will be able to go home and tell all my closest friends that I beat the US President at bowling." he smiled before stepping down from the podium, ready to enter the White House.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

President Gore was determined to not lose in a game of bowling to his English colleague, but one of the worst-kept secrets in the White House was that despite how much the President liked to bowl, he was rather mediocre at it. If anything, bowling was a therapeutic activity that helped him clear his mind when he had too much on it. For now, however, there were other things for the leaders to do. President Gore and the First Lady escorted the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans into the White House where they were promptly brought to the Red Room where the leaders and their wives could gather in private for the first time.


"Welcome to the White House," Al said to the Prime Minister in a more down-to-Earth manner as he offered to shake his hand again. "Please, everyone take a seat," he said, "we will have the gift exchange in here." Presumably, both sides had their gifts brought into the Red Room beforehand so that they could easily be exchanged. Because the British were the guests, President Gore offered his gift to the Prime Minister first. Meanwhile, everyone was brought their choice of either tea, coffee, or water.

"I heard that you are a fan of aviation," President Gore said as he stood up, walked the short distance to the wall behind him, and revealed what appeared to be a framed picture (or document) that was wrapped in an aesthetically pleasing red, white, and blue wrapping paper. The President walked it over to the Prime Minister, and set it next to him for open. If the Prime Minister chose to rip open the wrapping paper, he would find a beautiful, old-growth oak picture frame that appeared to have 150 years of character, but was nonetheless still aesthetically pleasing. However, there was no picture or document. Instead, there was just what appeared to be a blue background behind a pane of glass. After the Prime Minister may have looked puzzled for a minute or so, Al handed over what appeared to be a normal pair of glasses.

"Here... maybe you need my reading glasses to see it," he said as Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Gore chatted with each other. If the Prime Minister chose to put on the normal looking glasses, he would suddenly be able to see detailed blueprints of the U-2. The Prime Minister probably wouldn't notice it the first time, but at the bottom right in tiny white lettering (which could only be seen at a few certain angles even with the glasses on) was etched:

First Flown at Groom Lake
August 1, 1955

"Keep it somewhere private," Gore said as he quietly indicated that the Prime Minister could keep the special glasses as well. Mary Gore offered a gift to Mrs. Evans, which if she chose to open it, turned out to be a set of china that actually had its origins in the Orient. The President and First Lady then waited to be presented with their gifts.


After the presentation of the gifts, the two couples would have been permitted to spend some more time together so that they could get to know one another a bit better. This, however, for the most part was probably conservative small talk - they would have much more time with each other later. It was now time for the State Department Luncheon which was hosted by the Secretary of State, Jackson Fitzgerald, and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Senator Benjamin V. Sinclair of Maine. The event took place of course at the Harry S. Truman Building in Foggy Bottom, specifically in the Benjamin Franklin State Dining Room. In attendance at the exclusive event was former State Department officials including former secretaries of state, former American ambassadors to Britain, and some of America's curious political intelligentsia. Everyone in attendance was served a three course meal while various speakers came to the podium in a kind of mini-conference for the Prime Minister and the visitors to enjoy.

Secretary Fitzgerald cleared his throat as he stood in front of a massive fireplace and looked out to the dozens of attendees as well as the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans.
"Thank you all for joining us today to welcome the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans to the United States," he said. Fitzgerald introduced his British visitors and briefly spoke on the importance of the relationship between the United States. He then introduced Senator Sinclair who also spoke about the American and British relationship, but wasn't as heavy on the praise. Senator Sinclair was a tall, slim, greying brunette. His hair wasn't exactly combed, but was styled. It was longer than one would expect a senior American politician to have.


The Secretary of State and Senator Sinclair were sitting at a table with Mrs. Evans and the Prime Minister, separate from everyone else who was there for the luncheon. They had the chance to talk with relative privacy. Throughout the discussion, Senator Sinclair was polite, but relatively quiet. He appeared to be a rather stoic and reserved person, but by no means did he seem sheepish.

"Prime Minister," said Secretary Fitzgerald as they were served their first course, "the United States is looking to lead an effort in the Global Assembly to repeal the 'International Law of the Sea,' with of course some kind of replacement. Do you think that we could count on Britain's support in the GA on this matter?"

If the Prime Minister asked why the United States wanted to repeal it, Fitzgerald would go into detail, specifying how - among other things - it permits foreign warships to sail through the waters of other nations, even right off the coast! Theoretically, there would be nothing stopping a Russian or Chinese or Argentine flotilla from sailing miles off the coast of England or Scotland, so long as they steamed forward in a straight line, had their national flag on display, and some other minor conditions.




GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Andrew and Samantha entered the Red Room, often amused by American naming conventions and this was no different. It only raised questions as to whether they would need to rename the room if the next president was more picky with colors and expected something other than red, "Thank you very much" responded Andrew before shaking his hand again. The pair took to the seats that waited for them before observing the American President as he offered the blue painting, confused, he accepted the glasses and stared at the picture. Unable to contain his smile, he was rather impressed with the delivering of the gift before removing the glasses "That is amazing" he added, "Thank you very much", placing his gift to his side and Mrs Evans too, grateful for her gift, received it gracefully.

There was a pause as Andrew and Samantha made eye contact. Andrew was never a fan of aviation, but he couldn't bare to upset the President but the fact it was a U-2 Spyplane, it was most appreciated due to the recent deal between countries. With that said, there was rumors of a, perhaps not so hidden desire of the American President. It wasn't for sure, but their had been a large number of stories, even to the point of fan fictions of the Presidents interests in Light Houses. The Prime Minister withdrew a piece of paper from his brief case and handed it over to the President. Not a word was said.

For the President, opening it would reveal the paper to be addressed not to just him, but to his wife as a joint gift. Working down the paper would disclose the paper to actually be a deed to "Neist Point Lighthouse" in Scotland, placing ownership of the lighthouse with the current US President, an opportune retirement plan in the future but would remain under care of locals. The Prime Minister retained his silence, hoping the paper would unveil the gift in its entirety but even more hopeful it was considered appropriate and suffice. Naturally, giving such gifts wasn't a common occurrence.

Embarking on small talk, it gave the President and Prime Minister, and of course their respective wives an opportunity to bond for some time before moving onto the State Department Luncheon. Listening intently to the speeches that were made before taking to the private conversation instigated by the Senator Sinclair. "Whilst we are of course always here to keep ties, I unfortunately couldn't state my position without seeing the replacement. Due to been an island national, the law of the sea is of huge importance to protect our national interests. I am certainly open to hearing the replacement you have in store and offer our input. Do you have the replacement at hand? I'd love a chance to read it during my visit."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Once the President realized what the picture meant, he was flabbergasted to say the least.
"This has to be the greatest gift any President has ever received... at least in the Red Room," he said with a genuine smile on my face. He extended his hand to shake the Prime Minister's and said, "Thank you very much... We can work out the finer details later, but maybe we'll be able to restore it and keep it in its historical state, and make it a getaway for American and British leaders... or a secluded place that our diplomats can always meet in private. This is an incredible gift," he said. Al was incredible impressed, but he knew that the the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Senator Sinclair, would be even more impressed - the man owned and lived in a lighthouse in Maine.

"The State Department is still working on the proposal, but I think we can get you a copy to look over before you depart Washington. I'll get in touch with my team and see if they can get a physical copy that I can hand over to you maybe tomorrow or the day after," Secretary Fitzgerald said.

"I will make sure that we keep in mind British needs in our draft. Hopefully it'll be something that your government can buy into - I know that the current Law of the Sea is something the administration really wants to take care of," he said.

The luncheon would continue to go on, and they were served all of their courses of fine food. A few more guest speakers spoke, some who were past ambassadors to the Court of St. James, and a couple who fought in World War Two or had worked for the State Department. The luncheon was kept to a pretty tight schedule because the big event was the State Dinner that would be occurring that night. After the luncheon was concluded, Secretary Fitzgerald and Senator Sinclair walked the British out to their motorcade which took them back to the White House so that they could prepare for the State Dinner that would be occurring that evening. As previously stated, it was a black-tie event.

America's status as a young nation meant that its political institutions and citizens generally lived in the moment, rather than relying on very ancient tradition. However, in the 200 year history of the country, there were some long-standing recurring customs that the higher-ups in the government were comfortable repeating. A chief example of this was the State and Official dinners that were held for leaders of very important guests to the White House. The first State Dinner was for the King of Hawaii, and was hosted by President U.S. Grant. In modern times, the dinners were more opulent than ever.


The State Dining Room in the White House was adorned and decorated for the special event. There was a long rectangular dining table the the guests of honor and the chief representatives of the United States would sit at, but there were also round tables brought in for members of the British delegation as well as American guests who had been invited to the White House. This list included notable leaders including congressmen and senators, as well as local leaders like Governor Ann Richards of Texas, a few business tycoons, three former Presidents (who were presently also Senators, including Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush), Speaker of the House George W. Bush and his wife, and also several famous personalities.

The two most famous non-political guests at the event would be actors Pierce Brosnon and Harrison Ford. Both of the actors had new movies which they probably hoped that the dinner would garner some publicity for. Harrison Ford's new movie,
Air Force One, had just premiered and was doing very well at the box office - in the movie he played the President of the United States, which was fitting for this event. Brosnon's new movie, Tomorrow Never Dies, was part of the James Bond franchise and would be premiering in London some time in December.

The dinner was strictly invitation only, however parts of it would be televised using White House cameras that would broadcast it to American news agencies (and possibly the BBC if they wanted it). Once Mr. and Mrs. Evans were ready, they would be escorted from their bedroom to the Entrance Hall of the White House where President Gore and the First Lady were waiting in their formal dress. The White House photographer and a few American journalists were there to take pictures of the leaders as they greeted each other, but no questions were asked. The President led their small party to the Yellow Oval Room, which was now used as a reception room for events such as this. President Gore opened the door to reveal a very comfortable parlor with sofas, comfortable chairs, and yellow wallpaper. There were small treys of party snacks laid out, and also a few butlers standing in the corner of the rooms who were prepared to help with what any of the guests needed.

After the leaders entered the room, the other guests who would be sitting at the head of the table with the President and Prime Minister started filtering in. This included guests like the Governor of Texas, the Speaker of the House, three former Presidents, several congressmen, the Mayor of Washington D.C., Senator Sinclair, and actors Pierce Brosnon and Harrison Ford. As they came in, they were each individually introduced to the President and Prime Minister, who were free to shake hands with them, as well as the First Lady and Mrs. Evans. They would remain in the Yellow Oval for about forty-five minutes before it would be time to process to the State Dining Room for the dinner itself. Most of the guests, as well as the leaders, were probably sitting and perhaps enjoying a glass of scotch or whiskey.

After being in the room for about twenty minutes, they were informed by one of the butlers that the dinner would only be slightly delayed. After that, the President's Chief of Staff, Duncan Nichols walked into the Yellow Oval wearing a tuxedo. He was reading a small note that had been given to him and made eye contact with the President who was sitting next to the Prime Minister. Duncan walked over to the two men, bent down, and whispered something to the President's ear. Al sighed and then stood up. Before excusing himself again, he said.
"I'll be right back, something that needs to be handled... Prime Minister, would you like to join me?" he asked. If so, the Prime Minister was invited to follow Al.

Once they were outside of the room, Duncan led the two leaders down a hallway towards the West Wing.
"Apparently there's been some development in the Canadian situation... we're going to the Situation Room," he said.


Duncan walked in before the President. Two Marines in their formal dress uniforms were standing guard at the doors. They both stood at attention, and then opened them for the President and Prime Minister. Everyone in the secure, underground room stood up for the President. President Gore took a seat at the head of the table, while the Prime Minister was welcome to sit at the chair to his right. Admiral Noah West, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was standing at the other side of the room near a television screen. The other Joint Chiefs, as well as members of the President's National Security Team, were assembled in the room while a NSC staffer took minutes. They were all relatively surprised to see the Prime Minister there, however disclosing any and all classified information was, in the end, at the discretion of the President.

"Prime Minister Evans is going to join us today... Admiral, what have you got that couldn't wait until now?" he asked. The lights in the rooms were dimmed, and he got up from his chair on the other side of the table. The lights were lowered in the room and a projector revved up to life on one of the white walls. West started going through several pictures of rioters, burning cars, protestors, and overwhelmed police.

"There was a brief relief of unrest in Canada, but now it has returned. There have been mass demonstrations in Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver. Canadian opinion polls have faith in the government around or below 25%, and it does not look like the Prime Minister is going to call an election," he said.

President Gore poured himself a glass of water and took a sip as the admiral went through a few more slides. "The State Department and our British friends," he said, briefly looking at the Prime Minister, "are in talks right now with the Canadian opposition leader. There is some talk of the Queen possibly forcing a general election... I'm not exactly sure of the legality of that, but I'm sure the Prime Minister's folks are working hard on that. This isn't exactly anything new, Admiral. Why are we here?" he asked.

"Sir, the situation isn't getting any better. We have a strong recommendation to nationalize the National Guard of the following states," he said as he flicked to a new slide. Eleven states were highlighted, including: Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
"We also recommend deploying a Task Force in international waters off of the coast of Vancouver, as well as a larger one off of the Atlantic Coast in international waters, and repositioning Air Force assets to northern border states. We would also like to place the First Division of the Marine Corps near Niagara Falls. We've updated War Plan Red so that our present parameters would fit into the operation," the admiral said.

"We're not going to let the country and the entire world know that we're prepared to invade Canada... Go ahead and reposition Air Force assets if we can pass it off as an exercise, but we're not moving troops or activating the National Guard until we know more, this would just be too premature..." President Gore said.

He turned his head to Prime Minister Evans and asked, "Forgive me for being blunt, but I'm sure the fact that we're missing is probably a bit conspicuous upstairs... We wouldn't intervene in Canada unless things broke down into a hot civil war, or if the government asked us to oversee elections. Whether or not the Queen forced a general election, and whether or not the Canadians actually held the election does not matter. The stability of the country is what matters to me. In a worse-case scenario where Canada is fighting itself in a civil war, I think it would be better if American and British troops worked together and entered into the country to bring back law and order instead of us just going alone... I don't want that to happen by any means, but if it would happen, do you think your government would consider sending ground forces and working with us? Our objective would be to occupy the country, restore order, oversee new elections, ensure that the new government could take power, and then slowly withdraw to ensure stability," the President said. "We would have no interest in a permanent occupation or territorial acquisitions," he concluded.

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World Power
Jan 6, 2018
A subtle sigh of relieved escaped the Prime Ministers breath, the embraced response and the evident excitement from the American President was well met. He had made a mental note to thank his wife later for jogging his memory to bring a gift in the first place. Andrew extended his own hand and and shook Mr Gore's "I'm so happy you like it, and I very much look forward to spending time with yourselves when you're over in the United Kingdom, you'll have to get yourself well adjusted into it and give me a grand tour" smiled Andrew, the response from Al Gore showed great promise of a bright relationship between the two. His attention turned back to Fitzgerald who continued to speak in relation to the Law of the Sea.

"To receive the copy before leaving would be of great benefit, might work as a fantastic opportunity to go through it together, it sounds of interest but naturally, I'm unable to say our real position on it until I'm able to evaluate it to see if it lines in with our values and interests. Although I have little doubt that it wouldn't." Andrew responded to the Secretary "The Law of the Sea is probably the more sensitive of agreements we are mindful of given been an island nation so I am eager to see it." Not long passed of continued small talk with both Andrew and his Wife working their way around the room to introduce themselves and speak to as many of the guests as possible before the luncheon concluded. Sticking to the schedule, the married duo left to the waiting motorcade to take them back to the White House.

Upon arrival at their bedroom, it gave the couple an opportunity to gather their thoughts, have a small rest to process their action packed trip so far. Unfortunately there wasn't much resting to be done as both begun to prepare themselves for the State Dinner, which was no doubt one of the more prominent of events that they would attend. Mr Evans, sporting a new formal suit which was acquired specifically for the occasion. A nice fit that was complimented by the black bow tie. Samantha maintained common tradition herself with a full length black dress.

Now ready for the State Dinner, Andrew and Samantha left the bedroom with the escort waiting for them to direct the pair to the Entrance Hall, each offering a friendly smile towards the President and First Lady when they entered proximity. Accompanying the President and his wife into the Yellow Oval Room, it allowed Mr and Mrs Evans meet a few of the guests until, between the bobbing heads, Andrews eye set on Harrison Ford in the distance. "Oh my god, it's Han Solo" whispered Andrew to Samantha, who simply returned with a glare that could only ever mean 'Don't you dare make yourself look like an idiot'. His entire persona changing, he was quite a big fan of the Star Wars franchise. There had been many times where building a British Death Star had crossed his mind since entering office... part of fan fiction of course. Before he could step forward to go speak to Mr Ford, Samantha took his hand and pulled him in the opposite direction with a pleasant smile "We both know what you're like Andrew" she murmured beneath her smile "You're lucky Carrie Fisher didn't go to the press with your inappropriate remark and asking her to take her Slave Leia outfit to your bedroom."

Andrew opened his mouth, about to speak before realizing he had already lost the battle. Proceeding to work around the room with the President, he overheard about a situation before receiving the invite to join him. Accepting, Andrew followed Al Gore despite it offering an unorthodox feeling. Something big must have occurred for the President to be disturbed just before the State Dinner. Leaving Samantha to entertain the guests, Andrew, going along with Mr Gore, entered the West Wing. Although he had been briefed on the discussions with Canada, the fact the State Visit had been disrupted only prompted concern. Retaining silence throughout the walk to the Situation Room, he observed closely to get an understanding of what was transpiring.

With attention turning onto the Prime Minister, he looked between those in the room and the President, having a few moments to ponder his thoughts.

"We have not consulted with the Queen for the forcing of a General Election for a few factors, we are hoping it can be resolved through diplomacy without the need for... a harsher response. If the Queen was to force an election, it is very possible it could be seen as overstepping her mark given the election voted them into power. This then turns to two other scenarios. As to whether the Canadian Government are going to follow democracy and do a General Election when their time is up, if not sooner depending on the opposition. If not, then regardless of what the Queen says, I don't think it would make any difference. Stability is certainly important and whilst my governments stance is as I've said, it is not of the British Government to prevent that nor to advise Her Majesty of such as it remains a Personal Prerogative.

Despite my reservations, if the situation is continuing to turn sour and does require intervention, the British Armed Forces will assist where possible. I am, however, cautious of the size of the task that would become. I believe that it remains early to discuss any form of, invasion, but I would be curious to know whether Special Forces and Intelligence Services would be more vital to getting a better picture of the situation. Equally, I do know that my government has expressed interest in inviting the current Canadian Leader to a phone call to discuss these events to seek a resolution. My suggestions at present would be to have a contingency in place but focus on intelligence gathering. None the less, we would support your actions and help if you think more is required due to the bigger impact this has on your border. We could also look into deploying forces to the US as a precaution, a battle group on high readiness. If you would approve."



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Jul 12, 2018

"That's very comforting to hear," the President said to the Prime Minister, before looking back at the Joint Chiefs and members of his National Security Team. "I'm very hesitant on giving any indication that we have any plants to intervene in Canada, and I wouldn't want to have your government was a lot of money to only need to turn around in a month or so and go home... Thank you for the offer Prime Minister - I ask that the team here," he said, "assess how we could hide a possible British deployment to the United States, or perhaps make it look like a training exercise if nothing else... We should also look into the logistics of it, since really nothing is off the table at this time," he said. The meeting would go on for a bit longer as some more intimate details of the Canadian situation were explained. Finally, the President and Prime Minister were let go to get back to the Yellow Oval.

Their absence had begun to become conspicuous, but most of the guests didn't even notice when they slipped back in. It seemed that everyone was having a wonderful time. President Gore gave a subtle nod to the First Lady who was staying alongside Mrs. Evans and was about to offer his guest some scotch when Harrison Ford walked up to the two leaders.

"Thank you for inviting me tonight, Mister President," the actor said to Al, who had been waiting all day to give the following response, "I'm happy you could come, Mister President," he said in reference to Ford's new movie. They both laughed and then turned their attention to the man beside both of them.

"This is Prime Minister Andrew Evans," Al said.
"Of course, I know who you are. Nice to meet you," he said as he offered his hand to shake.

"One of my friends told me that Prince Phillip likes to fly. I'm starting to take lessons again, and I should have my pilots license in a year or two. Let him know that it'd be my honor to take us both up in the air some day... and you could join us too if you want," he said with a friendly smile.

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World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"The guise of a military training exercise would be a welcome one, an opportunity to have our forces work together whilst retaining high readiness would be of great advantage, I imagine." acknowledged Andrew Evans, having input in the meeting where he deemed fit and felt like his contribution was of worth while. The meeting was refreshing, whilst he appreciates social construct; Mr Evans was certainly more fascinated by work. Making quite the concealed entrance with the President, it was quite the surprise to turn around and have Harrison Ford approaching the pair. Andrew felt excitement building up before he, unintentionally, made eye contact with his wife. Her eyes practically glared through his soul before he composed himself and extended his hand to Harrison. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I love your work." he spoke professionally. "I am sure Prince Philip would love too, I know I would" he laughed, "Hopefully I'll get time to get my licence and get some hours but, time is quite restrictive right now."

Following his time with Harrison Ford, who he'd like nothing more then to be excited and ask for an autograph, he merely had to recall the glare Samantha gave him to keep him in check. Ready to proceed with the rest of the visit with President Gore.



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Jul 12, 2018

The time had come for the dinner to start. The President, First Lady, Prime Minister, Mrs. Evans, and VIPs in the Yellow Oval Room were escorted to the Grand Staircase where they descended down to the Entrance Hall on the State Floor of the Residence. That is where they would meet the Marine Corps Band, known as "The President's Own" would play "Hail to the Chief", "God Save the Queen", and "The Star Spangled Banner". The President and the First Lady respectfully stood in silence for both of the national anthems. A receiving line would then be formed so that the President could "introduce" the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans to each of the guests. In reality, this was done by having the First Couple and the Evans standing next to each other, with guests coming by in an orderly line to shake the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Gore, and then Mr. and Mrs. Evans. While this didn't take along and wasn't the most exciting part of the night, it would certainly give the less important guests that night something to remember. The White House photographer was there to take pictures of the guests meeting the President and the Prime Minister. Both Harrison Ford and Pierce Brosnan made sure that their pictures came out well in the hopes that the tabloids would carry them that week, and help promote their moves. Among some of the other VIPs that were introduced were the President of the Senate, Benjamin Sinclair, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, George W. Bush, and former Presidents George H. W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, and Gerald R. Ford who had all been appointed as Senators to the newly restored Senate of the United States.


After the receiving line was complete, the leaders and their spouses walked down the famous Cross Hall of the Residence - which was a large grand hallway in the White House - to the State Dining Room. The Cross Hall was lined with U.S. service members who were wearing their formal dress uniforms. All four of America's military branches were represented by the stoic soldiers, sailors, and airmen who saluted as the leaders walked by. The meal was now prepared and ready to be served, but first came the somewhat more informal toasts that were to be made by the President for the Prime Minister, and then for the Prime Minister by the President. There was a lectern with the seal of the President that had been assembled next to their table. President Gore got up first, and walked over to it with a glass of champagne.

"We are assembled here tonight to celebrate our most honored guest, Prime Minister Evans and Mrs. Evans. The United States and the United Kingdom have a complicated history, but when it came down to it and the world needed us most, we have exclusively worked together to preserve liberty, democracy, and common law around the world. The dedication of our countries to each other is, in my eyes, just as important to our dedication of protecting the Free World. We are in truly uncertain times right now, but I am comforted by the fact that the British people have chosen Prime Minister Evans - and level-headed statesman - to lead them and represent them to the world. A toast to the Prime Minister, and Mrs. Evans," he said as he raised his glass, and took sip before returning to the table. It was now the Prime Minister's turn to return a toast to President Gore from the same lectern.

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Jan 6, 2018
Eager for food, the time for dinner couldn't have come soon enough having been engaged in back to back discussions; it certainly built an apetite. Abiding their escort, the Prime Minister and his Wife both shared the same silence for the national anthems before greeting the guests. The photographs are something Andrew also tended too, ensuring his picture with Harrison Ford was pristine. On the side lines.. it was something he had also requested a copy of. Brushing off that minor detail, his focus turned back to meeting the other VIPs; some not that interesting. Powering through the introductions, Andrew hastily made his way to the State Dining Room with everyone else.

Concluding the toast set out by President Gore, Andrew rose from his seat and shuffled over to the lectern. "The time I have spent here, and in the presence of President Gore has shown the importance of cooperation and friendship. Despite any threat that dares oppose our values and way of lives, it is of great reassurance to know that the United States is in safe hands with a President who puts the safety of its people above all else and to stand for the values that we all share. A toast to the President, but also to the values we share and fight for each and every day." spoke Andrew, raising his glass to the guests, before taking a sip and returning to the table. A quiet sigh of relief escaped his mouth, knowing he would be getting food shortly.

Back at the table, Andrew and Samantha made small talk and build up more personal relationships with anyone in proximity until the food was served. This time allowed for interpersonal relations to develop and no doubt would create many contacts and experiences that would be useful for future visits.



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World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The State Dinner was considered to be a roaring success at least among the visiting leaders and dignitaries from the United States. While its function was a historical formality, the food was fantastic and the guests were rambunctious. The night ended with everyone dancing, and a few formal dances between the President and the First Lady, and the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans. After the dinner was over, the two leaders and their wives were escorted by the Secret Service to the Residence where they were brought to their rooms so to spend the night. The Evans would find their room clean, the bed made, and even a television available for them. The next day, the Prime Minister was to address a joint session of the United States Congress. The speech could be on a number of topics, but would probably revolve around the following (as previously written above):

"The President Pro Tempore of The Senate and the Speaker of The House have, at the request of the President, call for a Joint Meeting of Congress. As is tradition, the Prime Minister will be invited to address this Joint Meeting. A speech of this nature will traditionally include discussing the importance of the relationship between the two countries, topics that the visitor finds important with regards to the United States and their country, and important goals that the visitor has to reach with the President and the United States as a whole. Prime Minister Evans is welcome to talk about whatever he wants in his speech."

Following the speech, the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans would return to the White House where they could either relax for the day, or go out on a more private excursion to Washington. While there would normally be a "Return Dinner" where the visiting leader and his spouse would host a return dinner for the Vice President, this was scrubbed from the agenda because there currently was no Vice President, the Evans were staying at the White House instead of their embassy, and the President Pro Tempore was unusually busy. That evening the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans would either be treated to a private dinner for the foreign couple, or the White House would pay for them to have a meal at almost any restaurant in Washington.

The third day was the most significant of the entire visit. First, the President went on a tour of George Washington's home, Mount Vernon, with the Prime Minister and Mrs. Evans. This tour was guided by the National Parks Service and was done privately, away from prying eyes. Afterwards they returned to the White House for a less formal lunch. Then, Mrs. Evans would part ways with her husband to have afternoon tea with the First Lady, while the President and the Prime Minister met in the Oval office.


The Secret Service would escort the Prime Minister to the West Wing where the President's Chief of Staff, Duncan Nicholas, would escort him to the Oval Office. The Prime Minister was of course welcome to bring anyone from his entourage with him to the diplomatic meeting in the Oval Office - anyone ranging from foreign affairs officials to defense officials to just a private secretary and himself. It was entirely up to him. Duncan knocked on one of the doors leading into the Oval and then carefully swung it open.

"Prime Minister Evans is here, Mister President," he said. Al looked like he was just finishing up something behind his desk. He was wearing his reading glasses, which no one ever saw him wear in public. The President produced his signature on two documents and then got up from behind the desk, walked around it, and shook the Prime Minister's hand once again.

"It feels like it's been forever, even though we just had lunch," he said with a friendly smile. Al walked over to the two sofas in the room where there were only two other officials. One being the Secretary of Defense, and the other being the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Ashton Watson (the Secretary of State was in Canada, and the Deputy Secretary of State was in Hawaii meeting with the Koreans).

"Prime Minister, I'm not sure if you remember but this is John Glass, Secretary of Defense, and this is Under Secretary Ashton Watson from the Department of State. If you don't mind, they'll be joining us for sit down this afternoon. Gentlemen, this is Andrew Evans, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom," Al said. A butler, who had been patiently waiting on one side of the Oval Office, poured them all a glass of water and left the pitcher on the small coffee table between them. The butler left and closed the door behind him. That day, the West Wing was off limits to visitors and the meeting in the Oval Office was of course private.

"Prime Minister," Al said. "I know that these State Visits can be a drag, even though we try to make them as opulent as possible... Maybe the grandeur of the past has become redundant for nations such as ours, but I do hope that we've been able to make you feel welcome. There are some things that I would like you and I to directly discuss, but since we've been guiding you along and directing you what to do, I thought I might ask if there is a topic that you would like to talk about first? I am all open ears," the President said.



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World Power
Jul 12, 2018
President Gore and the other officials would quietly wait for a response from their English counterpart as the situation in Ukraine, the growing influence of the Nordic Council, and the new American alliance with Spain all quietly crossed their minds. Every American there, including the President, wondered how close of a relationship the United States and Great Britain were ready to have and if they would make good strategic and political partners to combat totalitarianism around the world. At the very least, Gore thought, they would be able to support each other in significant times of need. All eyes were on the Prime Minister as they waited for an answer to Gore's question.



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World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Time spent at the State Dinner was considered a productive time to build relations with those around them, whilst enjoying the best of both worlds with the taste of the food that was prepared for them. Although the ending of the dinner had come, it was something the pair thoroughly enjoyed; as with all of their stay. Entering their residence, it wasn't long before the couple were in bed and fast asleep. The days were much action packed and was mentally, and physically exhausting. Fortunately, they woke up with plenty of energy.

Their morning was rather peaceful, spending the time to get themselves ready and dressed formally for the day ahead. "Another long day" spoke the Prime Minister to his wife; it wasn't long before he was stood before the United States Congress to make his well-prepared speech. This went onto explaining the valuable relationship that the two share, highlighting specific points in the past where they have worked together side by side and mirroring it to today's events.

The conclusion led to the pair spending the day relaxing at the White House and having a 'cooling off' period until the private dinner on the evening. Although possible to leave and have the excursion to Washington, it might be considered rude to take that option thus they opted to stay within the White House where they had been treated like King and Queen.

The next day, ready for his private audience with the President whilst his wife was occupied with an afternoon tea, Andrew Evans followed protocol until his arrival into the Oval Office, extending his hand to the Presidents who approached him "I couldn't agree more" responded Andrew, before offering his hand to the Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary as they were sitting in on the meeting.

Happily taking a sip of the water the butler had laid our, remembering his manners "Thank you", adjusting his own posture to be more comfortable. "Whilst State Visits can usually be a drag, it's certainly the opposite here. I've been fed properly, after all." he laughed in jest, although sincere in his praise for his hosts. "Iterated in my speeches, the relationship between the UK and US is of highest importance and I am certainly interested in establishing closer ties in all aspects. Politically, I think we are close but I can see benefit of further cooperation through Economic and Military means.

With that mentioned, I would like to hear your thoughts on the following Economic Agreements that could be put in place. With the major business that is exchanged between the UK and US, I'm fascinated by the prospect of a Trade Agreement which, to explain it's value, we ceased having FTAs' with other countries and are negotiated as trade agreements on a case by case. Economic Relations between us are currently estimated to be around two-hundred billion dollars. This would highlight routes between the two countries. We would also abolish our 20% tariff charge on all products and in return, whether you would consider a reduction of 20% of your own product prices to match it as I do not believe you currently charge VAT?"



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World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I'm happy to hear that you feel you've been treated well. We try to be the best hosts we can," the President said as they sat on the comfortable sofas in the Oval Office. "At this moment, the United States does charge a tariff on countries who we do not have a Free Trade Agreement with, however I'm confident that is something we could easily agree to between the United States and Great Britain. I'm sure we could attach that to a greater treaty signed between our two countries. Today, we're prepared to agree to a formal mutual defense agreement between the United Kingdom. I hope that, at a minimum, is something we could agree to," the President noted as he set down his drink.

"In addition to that, there are other details I would like to discuss which you may or may not have interest in.

"First, we're interested in the establishment of an over-the-horizon radar facility in the United Kingdom that would be used to track the launch of ICBMs as well as satellites. The United States would assist in payment for the construction of this facility and we could even help man it, in return for our two countries sharing the data from it.

"Next, if your government were open to it, we would be interested in having Air Force garrisons at two RAF airbases in England. One would include major units from the Air Mobility Command and would include aircraft like C-17s, C-130s, the C-5 as well as units from the Air Combat Command, including fighter aircraft. The second would include... more sensitive equipment," he said, momentarily glancing at everyone in the room to make sure they had codeword clearance - luckily the butler was no longer in the room with them. "This would include the Blackbird and U-2. Just to make it clear, we aren't asking to be able to build our own facilities or to have a RAF facility, but simply to be able to share facilities with the RAF like we have in the past.

"Finally, we would also be open to sharing some kind of facility with the Royal Navy as well.

"With that being said, we would be open to helping Britain in similar ways. Our mission with these facilities will be two-fold: the first would be to be able to have a rapid-reaction force to defend Britain in accordance with our treaty while assets in the homeland were mobilized, while the second part would be to have a foothold in the Eastern Hemisphere to act as a forward operating base in the event of major conflict. What do you think, Prime Minister?" he asked.

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Jan 6, 2018
"I must admit, there is quite a lot to consider based on the agendas raised. If we could potentially compile the additional requests into a singular defence agreement. To address your three points:

At the moment the United Kingdom has radars configured across multiple facilities and territories that we feel is of sufficient advantage; unfortunately this does mean we don't currently have any mandates for the expansion and new facilities for joint radar operations. Although, in the event of planned expansion we will of course look to be inclusive to the US as a form of partnership if you may be able to that concept in the near future?" asked Andrew, before addressing the next point. "We are certainly open to the prospect of having a USAF garrison stationed in the UK although we would only be able to offer one base which would be stationed at RAF Mildenhall. This would either be accomplished via a lease in which an annual payment would be submitted by yourselves for the stay; or, in return, we would like access to a USAF Station to host our own garrison in the United States if this is applicable.

I would need to know more about your interests in a shared facility with the navy - can I just confirm if this is in relation to having US Navy Vessels in the United Kingdom stationed permanently? Of course all of this could be in the agreement if you may have a draft that we can work on?" smiled Andrew.



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Jul 12, 2018
"John, you have the document?" President Gore asked. The Secretary of Defense opened his briefcase on the coffee table between them and pulled out two copies of the draft, one which was given to President Gore and the other which was given to the Prime Minister.

"This is what we have so far, Prime Minister," Al said as he put his reading glasses back on and gave a look himself. "I have not included anything about the bases, as I feel that should be a different treaty entirely. And yes, we certainly would be interested in having a joint radar facility in the future. Please let me know what you think of this," he said:


Treaty of Washington


The Treaty of Washington 1998 is a formal agreement of alliance between the sovereign nations of the United States of America (also referred to as the United States or the American Government) and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (also referred to as the United Kingdom, Great Britain, or the British Government). This treaty is meant to formalize a covenant of mutual defense and cooperation between the American and British governments. Contained within this treaty are agreements of mutual defense, shared intelligence, as well as other measures of cooperation between the United States and Great Britain.


1. The United States and the United Kingdom agree to support and defend each other politically.
a. While neither government is required to vote either way on any Global Assembly Resolution due to this treaty, both governments are encouraged to support resolutions by the other party.
b. Both governments are called to protect the dignity of each other when malicious actors attempt to defame the good name of either party; this should be done by condemning false statements or correcting the record when necessary.
c. Both governments are called to stand by each other even during difficult or sensitive times internally and internationally.
d. Both governments will protect the citizens of the other. In the case of an emergency, the citizens of either country can find refuge in the embassy of either country in foreign lands.


2. The American and British governments will support each other economically.
a. Neither nation will engage in a physical embargo of the other. If either nation falls under a physical embargo, the other will work to undermine it when possible.
b. Neither nation will charge the other tariffs when trading international goods from their respective nation.
c. In the event that either nation finds itself in a debt crisis or war, both governments pledge to support the other with 0-interest, private loans if possible.
d. Both governments agree to suspend all commerce with any nation at war with a signatory of this treaty.


3. The American and British governments will support and defend each other with the use of military force and other physical assets.
a. Both governments agree to a pact of mutual defense and that an attack on one is an attack on both the United States and the United Kingdom. In such a scenario, the other nation will assist the defender by all means necessary politically, economically, and otherwise with the dedicated use of military force. Both governments agree to defend the sovereignty of the other and pledge to do so with the best coordination possible.
b. Neither government will engage in espionage against the other, or support another nation in conducting such espionage.
c. Neither government will use its armed forces or intelligence services to undermine the sovereignty or integrity of the other, nor will either nation knowingly permit another nation to use its armed forces or intelligence services to undermine the sovereignty or integrity of the other.


4. The United States of America or the United Kingdom may terminate this treaty after a [6] month notice has been issued. To terminate this agreement, a secure message that clearly states that this agreement is being terminated must be sent through the proper channels from the head of state of either party to the head of state of the other party. If both governments wish to terminate this agreement, no [6] month notice is needed.

Signed for the United States,

(Signature here)
President of the United States of America

Signed for the United Kingdom,

(Signature here)
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Secretary of Defense would also hand out a separate draft-treaty which detailed the use of Air Force facilities as well as the possibility of naval assets.


The Anglo-American Strategic Agreement


The Anglo-American Strategic Agreement of 1998 is a formal agreement between the sovereign nations of the United States of America (also referred to as the United States or the American Government) and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (also referred to as the United Kingdom, Great Britain, or the British Government). This treaty is meant to formalize a strategic agreement between the American and British governments. Contained within this treaty are agreements on the strategic leasing of bases for the American and British armed forces.


1. The United Kingdom will permit the United States Air Force (USAF) to garrison American personnel and aircraft at Royal Air Force (RAF) Mildenhall which is located in Suffolk, England.
a. The declared mission of American units stationed at RAF Mildenhall is to defend the United Kingdom in accordance with the Treaty of Washington (1998), as well as to act as a forward operating base for American military operations in Europe.
b. USAF command at RAF Mildenhall will provide the Royal Air Force with notice before deploying assets from RAF Mildenhall.
c. USAF units will abide by RAF rules and regulations when flying in British airspace.
d. In the event of an attack on the United Kingdom, USAF units at RAF Mildenhall will coordinate with the Royal Air Force in order to guarantee the defense of Great Britain.

2. The United States will permit the RAF to garrison RAF personnel and aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base which is located in California.

a. The declared mission of British units stationed at Edwards Air Force Base is to defend the United Stats in accordance with the Treaty of Washington (1998), as well as to act as a forward operating base for British military operations in the Pacific.
b. British RAF command at Edwards Air Force Base will provide the USAF with notice before deploying assets from Edwards Air Force Base. RAF units stationed at Edwards Air Force Base will not conduct flights east of Edwards Air Force Base without permission from the U.S. Air Force except in the case of an emergency.
c. RAF units will abide by USAF and Federal Aviation Administration rules and regulations when flying in American airspace.
d. In the event of an attack on the United States, British RAF units at Edwards Air Force Base will coordinate with the USAF in order to guarantee the defense of the United States.




1. The United States of America or the United Kingdom may terminate this treaty after a [1] month notice has been issued. To terminate this agreement, a secure message that clearly states that this agreement is being terminated must be sent through the proper channels from the head of state of either party to the head of state of the other party. If both governments wish to terminate this agreement, no [1] month notice is needed.

Signed for the United States,

(Signature here)
President of the United States of America

Signed for the United Kingdom,

(Signature here)
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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