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[VT]: Message to People's Republic of China


Jul 1, 2018



Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Encrypted - Classified - Vietnamese Government Only - No Media - Protected by SIN

Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs


I would like to set up a meeting between our two nations to discuss important regional issues that I believe can be resolved through the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People's Republic of China sitting down and discussing them. The previous administration in China had claimed the mandate of heaven and made it very clear that they had no interest in sitting down and discussing the situation in a mature civil manner. Unlike the previous administration i am sure that you believe that matters can be dealt with in a peaceful manner. The issue at hand being the South China Sea which has been has been at the front of international affairs as of late. The issue of it being a disputed area under GA law having brought the case to the courts when military vessels entered the disputed area. In particular I want to discuss the issue of ownership over the Spratly Islands and Paracel Islands. When available please write me back.

Best wishes

Phạm Bình Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

People's Republic of China


To His Excellency
Phạm Bình Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam

What the previous Government did was stated as treason, we no longer follow a religious doctrine which as long been surpassed by modern times. I do believe the issue of the disputed area is of importance, however it would be best to grow our relations further before we take such approach on this issue.

I do believe that Inviting you to meet with me in Beijing would be a great way of setting up our future relation. However rest assured that we do wish to speak about this area in more detail, as it is important for China. However we also understand your point of views on the matter. And I honestly believe that talking about this issue is a must.

Yours faithfully
Wang Yi
Minister of Foreign Affairs


Jul 1, 2018




Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Encrypted - Classified - Vietnamese Government Only - No Media - Protected by SIN

Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs


Unfortunately due to the previous tensions and the build up around them the upcoming elections will make setting aside the extremely important issue of the disputed areas difficult. If we are to grow our relations these disputed areas must be discussed. The Paracel Islands are a very hot topic despite not being discussed in the GA. A territory that was taken by the PRC during our American war in January 1974. So you can understand the pressing nature of this matter with how it was forced into the spotlight due to the Celestial Empire as they wrongfully called themselves. However regardless of a willingness to talk about the matters at hand there must be a discussion with or without it. At what date would you like me to visit your office in Beijing?

Best wishes

Phạm Bình Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

People's Republic of China


To His Excellency
Phạm Bình Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam

I do understand your point of view, however China does view the Paracel Islands as a key strategic location for our interests, however we can discuss the spratly islands as we do not view them as important to our policy.

You can meet have your ambassador meet me in Beijing, where we could discuss this issue promptly if you wish. Prehaps we can finally reach an agreement in which both parties will be satisfied.

Yours faithfully
Wang Yi
Minister of Foreign Affairs


Jul 1, 2018




Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Encrypted - Classified - Vietnamese Government Only - No Media - Protected by SIN

Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs


I am glad to see clarification on your position of China's stance on the Paracel Islands, however being a strategic location does not mean that China needs to keep territory that was taken from us during a period of struggle. Thus it is a strategic location does not suffice given the circumstances. What it would justify however is my country allowing China basing rights at the facilities China has built there since they were taken from us.

So if we are to discuss the Spratly Islands we must then also discuss Paracel Islands, as doing so would not actually threaten you strategically. But, even with all of that said there is one requirement to make all of this work. I will have our ambassador sent to discuss all of this in greater detail but rest assured I believe a very amicable solution to your worries is possible on both fronts.

I believe that through friendship and cooperation we can solve this matter. In the past, my nation under different names has been alliances and pacts of convenience and apparent greed. Our old alliance with Russia and their client states and our membership in the Hainan Concordant common to mind with that. Each one of those so-called “ friendships“ ended because there was no true common goal other than destroying a vague idea of what the old order is and replacing it with an equally vague idea of a new order. But we have seen a more realist approach since the Trotskyists were booted from office. We have found that working together with other nations on disputes like this one brings us closer together. We ourselves have made plenty of concessions in the midst of this. I tell you this because I believe China and Vietnam no doubt have many common interests. You speak of strategic interests, and that tells me you worry about security in the region just as we do.

So, when we send our ambassador there are many things that will be discussed that build upon what I just said, and will o even further. As we wish to build a friendship with China, but doing so is a give and take situation.

Best wishes

Phạm Bình Minh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Due to recent email sent by Vietnam, Mr.Yi would have to contact him via phone personnaly as to discuss it better. So a call would go through, in a private and encrypted form. He would wait to be answered.


Jul 1, 2018
The Minister of Foreign Affairs from his office would pick up his phone as it rang. The phone was of course encrypted with SIN and thus secured."This is the Minister of Foreign Affairs Minh speaking. May I ask who I have the pleasure of speaking to at this moment?" the Minister would ask as he would pull up the emails on his computer to give them a quick once over.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"This is Yi , minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC. I was quite taken back from your, for lack of another word. Push towards this dispute. Why do you feel this is the prime time to discuss this very complicated issue? We wish to look at Vietnam as a friend, and I hope this doesn't drive a wedge between our relationship. For the meantime, we view the Paracel Islands as Chinese Territory. However.. we do view the Spratly Islands differently. We could come to an agreement between both our nations regarding these disputes. And respectfully help eachother obtain or goals, without trampling the other. We could easily give up our claim to the Spratly Islands, and consider them as Vietnamese, however this would have to come at the cost of Vietnam viewing the Paracel Islands as Chinese. And we would both agree on not displaying,grouping or stationing, military in these islands. Unless aggressive moves by other nations would deem it necessary....This could be a done deal if you could consider it."


Jul 1, 2018
"Hello Yi, and that is a good question. The reason for it is that the previous administration in China made it a primary issue for us. Deploying vessels into our EEZ and claiming the entire region while violating a GA resolution, or at the very least trying to circumvent the meaning behind the ruling. We also wish for this not to drive a wedge between us, but the matter must be resolved as it was already on the stage when your administration took control. I am glad to see that you are willing to take steps towards a resolution to this situation with the offering of your deal. However before moving forward I would like to make an altercation to the deal given what was mentioned in previous emails. China maintains full right to military access to both the Paracel Islands and Spratly Island, and will be able to freely move military assets through them once the GA rules that military vessels are allowed to enter again. As you said before your main worries have to do with strategic value, which I believe can be maintained. Militarily we can work together within both. We can drop the issue of the Paracel Islands as requested due to your willingness to part with the Spratly Islands. With that we will follow the wishes of the late Prime Minister Phạm Văn Đồng."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes but we are no longer the previous China. Those traitors have been long arrested and imprisoned for treason to the state. Hmm we still can't drop the issue of the military. What if China drops its claims to the Spratly Islands, Vietnam drops its claims on the Paracel Islands. Both nations refrain from deploying Military Units in the area for one year, and refrain from deploying Long Ranged Artillery or Missiles in these islands, and both our nations sign a non-aggression treaty, along side a cooperation pact? It is still worrying what other nations that claim the area will do, seeing both our nation solve our issue. So it would be better that we stand in cooperation against these nations if they try and assert their claims?"



Jul 1, 2018
"I am very happy that they have been dealt with internally, but it seems there has perhaps been a miscommunication. When we started you mentioned that they are of strategic importance yes? Why would you wish to temporarily lose your ability to use them strategically when we offer that you may continue to do so? However, what ever the reason for the change of heart I very much like the idea of both a non-aggression treaty and cooperation pact. Would the cooperation pact only extend to the contested areas? or would it go beyond that?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I do believe its best, it would be a show of trust and mutual agreement between our nations, and other nations might see it as an agressive move don't you believe? Especially with our this matter as been dealt with previously. I do believe that it would be best to refrain to use military in a temporary batter, especially for locals, don't want them to think its a military take over now would we?" He would chuckle

"Ah, the pact would extend beyond that, we view Vietnam as a partner and a friend, we wish to cement that slowly but surely, it would also show the international community that we can use dialogue, also it would show that Asia stands strong and united."


Jul 1, 2018
"Hmm, a fair point. Without a doubt other nations with claims in the area may take mutual military use the incorrect way and act defensively in a misunderstanding. As you said, we would want to portray asia as strong and united, not as fighting within our ranks as a community. We will need to hammer out the details of the pact, especially since we wish for it to build over time. I suggest that on that matter we hold a meeting or summit so that we can cover it in depth. I believe that would work out best for the both of us."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I do believe that would be a great idea! Would you want to meet in Nanning? It is close to the border, and a beautiful city, it would serve as a great spot to host our summit. What do you think?"


Jul 1, 2018
"I believe Nanning will work perfectly for the reasons you mentioned. We can arrive via a short drive and convoy, which I believe we can make a show of. The convoy with our delegates will be guarded by military escort and arrive at the border post in Móng Cái. The military escort will stay on our side of China-Vietnam Friendship International Paradise Bridge in a ceremonial hand off while the Móng Cái Garrison stands watch. Your escort then takes over and escorts the convoy to the city. We would of course have our news stations record the event. What do you think?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That sounds wonderful! And of course the news stations would be covered fully by it, as you know, it is not very difficult to change their programming especially the government owned ones. You do understand that to have peace, sometimes security and protection is better than total freedom, so these channel take care of that. Some call it propaganda, I call it Security and Prosperity. When would such event take place?"


Jul 1, 2018
"Agreed, fully so. Would the ninth or tenth work for you? A little short notice, but I believe it can be pulled off. As I do not want other countries having questions up in the air about the status of relations between out two countries. A very clear message needs to be sent, one of cooperation and a willingness to talk."


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