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[Netherlands] Message to France


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The Ministry of Defence has authorised and begun the deployment of combat medics to France in a humanitarian role. These men and women will be wearing military fatigues and equipment but will remain unarmed. We hope French police can provide any security required to keep them safe."

"I'll put a phone call through to the European Treaty Organisation, would it be possible for the French government to put out feelers to attempt to convince the opposing parties to come to the table?"


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018
"The French police will assure that the Dutch volunteers are not injured in any way.

We'll send out a message to the leaders of the Unionists, Patriots, the Reds, the Nationalists, the Pro-Bretons, and Jean-Christophe. We'll inform you of their answer."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Madam Minister, I have just been informed that the French authorities have arrested both Brazilian and Argentinian diplomatic personnel. This could severely inflame tensions which are already so high, the last thing the Netherlands wants to see is armed conflict on the European continent. Could you possibly reason your actions, it would assure my government you are acting rationally in these turbulent times."


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018
"I understand the concern that you have, but fear not, we are in our legal rights to do so. I cannot give you any more information on the matter, for our own protection, but I assure you that whatever the situation escalates to the French have no interest in armed conflict."